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What I Can’t Do (1st of 3)

Over the years, I’ve reminded myself that, with God’s help, I can do anything God wants me to do, say anything he wants me to say, and go any place he wants me to go.

In spite of some setbacks along the way, those convictions have not changed. I still believe a thousand demons with ropes cannot tie down, or trip up, a foot that God has made sure. Nor could the devil, with missiles and machine guns, close a mouth, or a door, that the Lord has opened. Against all odds, the Lord’s servants can be anything he wants them to be. That’s the story of Esther, Samson, Noah, David, Ruth, Joseph, and a lot of other men and women of the Bible.

With such confidence, however, I’ve also had a few wake-up calls along the way. One of those eye-openers has been to discover that just because I have a dream in my heart doesn’t mean God put it there. Maybe even more importantly, a growing awareness of what I can’t do (and what God won’t do with me) seems to be just as important as believing that, with God, all things are possible.

So before we go on, what are you thinking?

Do you also struggle with the tensions between the possibilities of “believing” and the realistic limitations that God seems to have built into our lives?

Does being a follower of Christ make any difference in how we respond to what we can’t do?

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3 Responses to “What I Can’t Do (1st of 3)”

  1. Paul Ajayi Ojo says:

    If we can pray God will help us not to do what we should not do. If we are sincerely prayerful, God will make all things work together for our good. The lines will just be falling unto us in pleasant places. Paul.

  2. Niivam says:

    I believe as christians we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us and the things we can not do are those things which we dont want to do through him because it’s not according to His will.

    And as a follower of Christ even during the “can not do” times when we are focusing on the thing than on Christ, if we will just make the switch and turn our focus on Him instead surely that “can not do” will become a can do.

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