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What I Can’t Do (3rd of 3)

In my last post, I talked about some specific examples of things I can’t do regardless of how much faith I have in God, myself, or anyone else. Let me give you a couple more examples and see if we can come to terms with what we can’t do:

In addition to all of the things I’ve already mentioned, I can guess, but I cannot see how this day is going to end. I cannot take a breath without God’s permission, lift a finger without His enablement, or think a thought apart from His grace. I can’t even sin unless He chooses to give me the time, strength, and circumstances that make it possible for me to disobey and dishonor Him.

I cannot understand how God could always have existed, how He could make something out of nothing. Neither can I understand why He has chosen to give me the inexpressible, inestimable gift of life.

I cannot do anything of lasting significance in my own strength, just as I cannot avoid doing anything of lasting significance, because of the inevitable judgment of the Lord (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

What we can do, by God’s grace-is believe in our Lord’s ability to give us a spirit of trust, a spirit of prayer, and a spirit of obedience. We can by His grace choose to rely on Him to give us a spirit of the healthiest kind of opportunism, to be growing more and more into all that He wants to be-in us, around us, for us, and through us.

Now, what are you thinking?

Don’t feel limited by the following. But here are some questions I’d like to hear some comments on:

How do you work through an issue of not knowing whether a “vision for the future” is something that God has put in your heart?

Have you seen your faith grow as a result of seeing what you cannot do?

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9 Responses to “What I Can’t Do (3rd of 3)”

  1. Niivam says:

    Well, to walk through an issue of not knowing whether a vision for the future is something that God has put in your heart is what I believe walking in faith is all about.Becuase I believe our small mind may not be able to grasp all that God may want to do in our lives and so he may allow us to know just a glimpse of what he is doing or may not(based on our spiritual maturity)and that require trust on part and sometimes risk.

  2. Derrick Lau says:

    Looking back at my life, I wouldn’t be sitting here sharing my thoughts if not for the things I could not do. Surely it was painful when some things didn’t go the way we had wanted. But I know from experience that we really just have to trust in our God and move on. With a little patience and faith, you will be bathing in His Grace in no time.

  3. jennyline says:

    God’s Word, the Bible, is my the critical reference point. I believe in His Word, we will know His will as we grow in knowledge of Him. If the vision is in line with the doctrine, I choose to believe that it is something that God has put in my heart.

    The Lord does not only speak to us through His Word. He also communicates with us in prayer. Prayer helps me to see things from His divine perspective and receive grace in time of need.

    My family has been going through tough times and at times I do feel helpless. Yet, it is through His Word and prayer that I am strengthened. He is My Hope.

    I have grown in faith and it is a step forward closer to God. I’m learning to trust Him more and more. Haddon Robinson’s insights on “The Lord is My Shepherd” has been a great help in my life. His exposition on the psalm taught me truly what it means to trust and have faith in My Shepherd, especially during trials and when danger lurks.

    The going gets tough but it is worth it, and this is because so that I “may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4)

  4. missj2873 says:

    I am at a crossroad right now while I’m looking for a job and watching the bills pile up. I am determined to start my own business, however am not sure if this is the direction God wants me to go in. In my quest for this understanding I am constantly questioning if God has the same plan for me. It’s hard to see now but I beleive that he does!!! So my answer is YES! My faith is growing because I cannot see what is in store for me but I my faith is growing each day that He closes the wrong doors to open the right ones.
    In the meantime, my plan: I need to be faithful. I am trying to get my spiritual life back on track, I do not pray as much or acknowledge Him enough but I am trying. I will be praying for patience though (as suggested by a friend) because I believe that the answer is near! I also continue to pray for the “ability” to pray (suggested by another friend of mine after some sharing). I am asking for help to, without delay, “take everything to God in prayer.”

  5. martdehaan says:

    missj2873, I like the idea of praying even for the “ability to pray”. That means trusting God, himself, for the desire and strength to do what he asks of us. Sounds like your friends are listening, and giving you good advice!

  6. shekaina says:

    Yes I’ve seen how great is our God for the things that it’s impossible and I can’t even understand. As you all say that it’s faith that we go along with what God has store for us eventhough we don’t see and understand.

    And it’s all true the bible and prayer are all the tools for you to have something of God planted in your heart. If we read the bible and pray we will be conform to what the Holy Spirit desire and all.

    I like all this comments and it really bless my life, many times we see it but we don’t believe it, sometimes it just lay out there for us but we don’t construct it into ways things and movement for us to understand.

    I’m bless through this site. Thank you.

  7. Dawn Navarro says:

    How do I work through the issue of not knowing whether a “vision for the future” is something God put in my heart?Does the vision conform to what I already know as Gods will? Will doing it stay within Gods laws, decree’s,and commands. Will it glorify God and bring people to Christ? Will it enable me to show Christs love, and give help to His chhilderen in need? Further the kingdom? A path with closed doors is impossible to follow, A path with opened doors is easily tread.

  8. Dawn Navarro says:

    Has my faith grown by seeing what I cannot do? Yes, definately. The less I can control something by seeing what I cannot do I then have two options. 1.) I can drive myself and everyone around me crazy by trying to do something I cannot do, and, change something I can-
    not change. or 2.) Accept what I cannot do or change. Pray and wait on God with faith that God has the entire situation in control. The bigger the situation, the more faith it takes to allow Gods control. Each time it works out the more my faith grows, it works out every time. EVERY time. Jeremiah 26:11-14, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.” We must exercise faith for it to grow and stay strong!

  9. firstthingsfirst says:

    But here is something that might help, ok?

    The Serenity Prayer

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

    and always DO! be aware of what our Lord Jesus have said, ok? Matt. 6:1-34.

    But I do include the above prayer within all! of my supplications, ok?

    and that Faith without works is DEAD BEING ALONE! , but then how many are willing to DO! EXPLOITS? , Dan. 11:32, James 1:22.

    Love you all Fr. firstthingsfirst/Walter and Debbie

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