In my last post, I talked about some specific examples of things I can’t do regardless of how much faith I have in God, myself, or anyone else. Let me give you a couple more examples and see if we can come to terms with what we can’t do:
In addition to all of the things I’ve already mentioned, I can guess, but I cannot see how this day is going to end. I cannot take a breath without God’s permission, lift a finger without His enablement, or think a thought apart from His grace. I can’t even sin unless He chooses to give me the time, strength, and circumstances that make it possible for me to disobey and dishonor Him.
I cannot understand how God could always have existed, how He could make something out of nothing. Neither can I understand why He has chosen to give me the inexpressible, inestimable gift of life.
I cannot do anything of lasting significance in my own strength, just as I cannot avoid doing anything of lasting significance, because of the inevitable judgment of the Lord (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).
What we can do, by God’s grace-is believe in our Lord’s ability to give us a spirit of trust, a spirit of prayer, and a spirit of obedience. We can by His grace choose to rely on Him to give us a spirit of the healthiest kind of opportunism, to be growing more and more into all that He wants to be-in us, around us, for us, and through us.
Now, what are you thinking?
Don’t feel limited by the following. But here are some questions I’d like to hear some comments on:
How do you work through an issue of not knowing whether a “vision for the future” is something that God has put in your heart?
Have you seen your faith grow as a result of seeing what you cannot do?