I’ve been watching the way some of us use the phrase politically correct to characterize the other side in an issue of public debate. As I understand it, many of us use the term PC to refer to the social pressure we feel to accept and respect groups that we think should be opposed or at least limited.
In an age of increased globalization and social mixing, a politically correct position would be one that tries to minimize offense to those whose beliefs or values we ourselves do not hold.
Where I find myself off balance is when I realize I am part of a community that often takes pride in being politically incorrect. On one hand I’m OK with this. I understand the need for non-conformity and social dissent. I recognize the prophetic role of the prophets of Israel who often gave their lives to deliver a message their countrymen didn’t want to hear. I honor the courage and wisdom of the Apostle Paul who wrote, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Gal 1:10).
But there’s another side to this too. Sometimes, I have noticed that those we would accuse of being politically correct seem to care more than we do about minority groups that I know God also loves and cares about far more than we do.
Sometimes, not always, but sometimes the other side is quicker to advocate for humanitarian considerations for people that we think are suffering as a result of their own moral choices, religious affiliation, or social characteristics.
Before I go on, let’s stop here.
What are you thinking? Do you suspect that I’m caving in to social pressure to tolerate groups that need to be limited? Or do you also find yourself at times wondering whether Jesus would object to political correctness as quickly as we sometimes do? I’m being a bit vague because I’d like to hear us express both sides of this issue?