Something has gone wrong with forgiveness. As wrong and as self-destructive as a bitter, vengeful spirit is, isn’t there something missing when we say, I need to forgive to get the anger out of my own stomach?
Is it really Christ-like to say that we need to unconditionally forgive others so that we can get past the harm they’ve done to us? Did Jesus really mean for his followers to publicly forgive those who do terrible things to us or others, whether the offender has admitted their wrong or not?
Is forgiving others the only way to love those who hurt us? Is it even possible that forgiving others may be one of the most unloving and self-centered things we could do?
After posting “The Trust Card”, I got to thinking that what I’d really like to think through with you is the issue of whether our approach to unconditionally forgive others reflects well on Christ.
Before I post again on this subject, I’d like to know whether you have some of these same questions, and whether you would like to think through the subject together?