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Why do you think so many followers of Christ start strong and then become disillusioned over time? Or maybe I shouldn’t assume that’s what you’ve seen. Maybe I should ask you a more balanced question. Is it your hunch that most people who begin strong end up being as hopeful, as warm hearted, and as Christ-like in attitudes as you would have expected?

We joke about the fact that some of us grow old without ever growing up. But how often does that happen when it comes to spiritual maturity?

I’ve found myself becoming increasingly convinced that disillusionment is a big problem for those of us who have been in the faith for a long time. I’m not suggesting that we are inclined to stop believing in Christ. Rather it seems as though, at some point, too many of us stop growing and enjoying our life in Christ. We become a spiritual version of “The Lockhorns”, who have long since lost our first love, and instead are increasingly irritable, and complaining about one another or someone else.

Sure would be interesting to hear what some of you have observed and how you size up our own chances for overcoming the odds. Or, if you think I’m just being way too pessimistic on this “Resurrection Weekend”, don’t be afraid to tell me .

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15 Responses to “Disillusioned?”

  1. misterb says:

    It has been a pure joy to Yes, find others who have known Christ over the years and still seem to enjoy just as much happiness and success as before. I think these wonderful Christians are a true blessings to other Christians who start to follow Christ and fall away after some time. They may fall away due to experiencing a disconnect to fellow Christians or being yoked to unbelievers and not having a Christlike example to emulate. New Christians have to be mentored and should be exposed to the word of God daily through reading, listening, or discussion with fellow Christians. We seem to grow accustomed to following whatever makes us feel good, even ungodly matters that eventually persuades us away from our Christian beliefs and faithfulness to God if we are not walking in the light of his grace.

  2. charlie64 says:

    I to have wondered how come some christians walk strong in their faith years after they have come to kn ow Christ as their Saviour,while others are not walking with the Lord very often.They still profess to be Christians b ut their lives bear n o fruit.In order to grow we need nourishment and the same applies to our spiritual bodies and lets face it some christians find it very difficult to discilplint themselves into having a daily ‘talk’ with our Lord or reading His word.I personally think people get caught up in what I call the “rule” syndrome.which is praying at night verses praying in the morning,a Quiet place is a must ect! God sees us and accepts us through the shed blood of His son no matter who we are or where we are.We don’t need to put on our easter bonnet to talk to HIM,when the shower will do nicely! All we n eed to do is get in the habit of thanking Him when our feet hit the floor in the morning and we will be surprised how many opportunities open up during the day when He will b ring Himself to our minds!

  3. Gale L. Jarvis says:

    I am 74 years young in the Lord, the Lord began giving me the desire to seek Him in 1960, but in 1980 through the guidance of the Holy Spirit i began turning more of my life over to the Lord, and i believe what has helped me as a normal human being has been the desire to except the proding of the Holy Spirit to give the first tenth of my life every day to Him, i believe this is where tithing starts, God desire my life to share His with others, doing something for someone every day, has helped my desire to stay close to the Lord.

  4. Mart De Haan says:

    Hey, your comments are really good. I wish we could also hear from those who have “dropped out” because of their disillusionment with other Christians, God, or even themselves…Would also be good to hear from those who have seen it happen. Talking about it, I think, is healthier than acting like “fall out” doesn’t happen.

  5. poohpity says:

    At this present time in my life I feel like “dropping out” of the church. I am disillusioned by the fact that very few Christians read God’s word daily. It is not just that but to me it seems that even very few teachers or preachers try and get our focus on God and not how we feel about ourselves. I am confused how many read every other book but neglect the Word of God. I am confused how so many make so much money off of Christianity, it is the new money making venture. I am confused how so many sit in the pews every Sunday when there is so much in the world that the church could do to help. It seems that we boycott, judge, condemn, alienate and make money when our children are taking the back seat to keeping up with the Jones’. I understand that we are not perfect and trust me I am but a worm saved by grace. I really am scared especially in the United States how we have become so apathetic and numb to reaching out and touching someone. The only thing I rest in is that God is in control and His will will be done whether or not we are used. I choose to be used by God to do what I can and to be the change I would like to see. When I get up in the morning I fill my mind, heart and soul with the word of God and try to give that love to just one person maybe with a kind word, or a hug, or just to listen. God has given me so much Grace because of who I was that my dream is for every person to experience the love of God and give some of that love to others. Life is to short and there are so many hurting people let people experience the love of Christ through us. They may never know or want to know Him unless we change how we treat each other and others.

  6. Mart De Haan says:

    Thank you for your honesty!!

  7. deb84dc says:

    I am one who became disillusioned–then undisillusioned (sp?). I learned that we tend to expect near perfection from of our leaders and forget that they are human and subject to temptation just as we are (I think even more so). I’ve seen many others fall away because of the sin they’ve seen in the lives of those they idolized in this way. I have learned than man always will disappoint and disillusion, but Jesus never will. Forgiveness is very necessary here. This was my disillusionment with church, but I am glad to say God and I got that one cleared up awhile ago.

    Several years ago I developed a few chronic health problems that can make daily life a little more difficult. I went through a “why me” and “where did you go God” period of disillusionment and dissapointment. It became progressively more difficult for me to go to church, work, etc. I still do, of course, but I do what I call “stress and energy banking.” If I’ve had a particularly busy/ stressful work/kids etc week, I am just not going to get myself to church. I do have a personal relationship with the Lord, which He maintains much better than I, but fellowshipping and corporate worship have diminished for me. I finally, however, also learned by our Lord’s helpful guidance that, well, stuff just happens to us that isn’t always good. Jesus gives us comfort and the power to overcome, so this disillusionment left as well (not overnight, of course).

    Recently I picked up a copy of Daily Bread and have been trying to have a daily devotional using it as a kickoff. I have been so blessed because the first two days the Lord just gave me a big kiss that let me know He is still with me, loves me, and my life matters (even if I can’t see that it does). This really helped diminish the disappointment I feel in myself.

    To summarize:
    I think disillusionment comes from:
    1. idolizing other believers who then fall from grace because they are human just like us (“but aren’t leaders supposed to be perfect?”)
    2. suffering our own troubles and life’s blows, wondering why and becoming upset with God about them (“Oh, I thought my life was supposed to be trouble free as a Christian.” Not!)
    3. focusing on the negative things in our lives rather than all of the blessings the Lord has given us. Even if everything seems really really bad, there are still blessings there. Of course, this focusing on the positive is Quite difficult, but it can be done and is worth it.

    Well, that’s my 2 cents. Deb

  8. Mart De Haan says:

    These are the kind of stories that need to be told. Thank you so much. I hope others will also let us know where they are in working through their spiritual disappointment– whether resolved yet or not. We can learn from one another.

  9. bondservant2 says:

    Glenn, RBC.org is the second site I came upon that has drawn me closer to the Lord. I was on another christian site which I had to do reserch on when I came upon blbi institute and I have not been able to leave it. I would rush home from work and begin another lesson.

    When it comes to answering the question all I can say they LORD knew me before he formed me in my mothers womb and has supplied my every need and blesses me every day. He predestained me to be HIS child. Oh, I love JESUS.

    We become dillusioned when we don’t stay in the WORD. It is good to go to church but remember we must stay in the word to know what God has to say to us, not what man tells us we must be able to disern and take GOD at HIS word. We do grow in the church but GOD has the final word and I believe every word of the BIBLE.

  10. Mart De Haan says:

    Alexandra, am so glad you are not letting your disappointment drive you away from our Lord. I just read again what Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians 11:18-26. Wow it was really bad back then. Yet, under inspiration, Paul still got to chapter 13. After this season of your disillusionment, I hope you will find enough strength to be able to look for a church family that, although also very imperfect, will build you up rather than tearing you down.

  11. mpoteet says:

    Sometimes, it is tough to tolerate our own humanity. We are selfish. We like to be entertained. We complain. We are reminiscent of the Israelites entering the Promised Land in Numbers. They would have entered Canaan, the Promised Land, in 14 days. Instead, God grew so weary of their complaints regarding the manna, the meat, and the size of enemies, that this entire generation wandered 40 days and 40 nights, dying at the rate of 82 per day. None of them entered the Promised Land. All because they forgot to trust in faith and obey.

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