Have you ever seen someone go into a healing meeting with a withered arm or leg, and come out whole? Have you ever seen someone go to a miracle healer with advanced Parkinsons’, a cleft palate, or a prosthesis of any kind and come out completely and totally healed?
Now, don’t get me wrong. I believe in miracles!
Not just the miracle of birth, and life, and personality. Not just the awesome complexity of DNA, and the bio-diversity of bogs and butterflies, flowers, and frogs…
I believe in a God who can enable His servants to walk on water, heal the sick, and raise the dead. I believe in a Lord who can enable paralyzed, withered legs to stand, walk, and run. I believe in a God who can use time and eternity to heal all of His people from all of their diseases, neuroses, and sins. I believe that angels and demons are our silent partners and enemies in spiritual warfare.
Yes, I believe in all of these miracles– while also being convinced that there are a lot of misnamed miracles that would be better tagged as scams, hat tricks, and just plain fraud. While some might rationalize in their own minds that they are priming the pump of faith, and that there’s nothing wrong with fooling people to increase their ability to believe, or to support “the ministry of faith”– that’s something I believe is worth thinking about together.
But before I go on, let me ask you where you are on the subject of miracles…
When you see something in nature, like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, or later dancing on the wind, would you agree that the most exhaustive scientific explanations can’t begin to explain something like a common house fly, or a humming bird, or an ostrich?
Have you seen a miracle equivalent to what Jesus did in healing withered limbs?
Have you ever been burned by a false claim of miracles?