I’ve been encouraged by the interest and involvement that many of you are giving to this blog. Your comments, questions, and willingness to use the rating tool to show how worthwhile you find a post to be are especially helpful.
But here’s something I’ve been wondering. While realizing that all of us have changes of schedule and focus, I’m guessing that too many or too few posts on my part could have the effect of either wearing you down, or causing you to lose interest. So before going too far down the road and suddenly finding that I’m only talking to myself and my dog, I’m wondering what you would think would be most helpful? Posts once a day, a few times a week, once a year :-)? And while I want to try to write consistently from within the world view of the Bible, do you think you would find most interesting issues directly related to biblical texts, perspectives on relationships, an attempt to see current events through the window of the Bible– or a little bit of all of everything? If you’re not inclined to answer, I sure understand. But any comments that you could give me would be helpful to me– and I’m guessing– of interest to others.