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How Do We Avoid a Fleamarket Approach to Faith?

Jesus said that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can move trees and even mountains (Luke 17:5; Mark 11:22-23).

His implication seems to be that the quantity of our faith is not as important as its quality.

So how then can we be sure that we are putting our trust in what God wants rather than in something that catches our eye in a fleamarket approach to faith?

In our conversation yesterday some pointed out that the faith that pleases God needs to be in response to what he has said. The Apostle Paul indicates as much when he writes, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom 10:17).

But how does this work when the Word of God speaks to us in general principles that assure us of God’s love and desire to meet our needs, while we are looking and asking for specifics?

I would like to hear your thoughts on how you try to make sure that your faith is a response to what God has said, and a confidence in what he wants to do– rather than an attempt to try to get him to do what we want him to do.

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16 Responses to “How Do We Avoid a Fleamarket Approach to Faith?”

  1. hal.fshr says:

    I thought your question is a very central one to the Christian life : “… how you try to make sure that your faith is a response to what God has said, and a confidence in what he wants to do– rather than an attempt to try to get him to do what we want him to do.”

    I am part of a devotional group that is studying Philip Yancey’s book, Prayer – Does It Make Any Difference?

    Although I don’t have the book right in front of me to get an exact quote, I do remember one striking insight that can be paraphrased as follows: “Much of my life I have been frustrated by the idea that God doesn’t behave the way I think he ought to. And another frustration I have is asking myself why do I so often not do what God wants me to?”

    Yancey’s point is an excellent one. A short response to Mart’s question is related to it. In general I need to respond to God’s character as revealed in Scripture. However, He is not compelled to answer my specific prayer requests as I see fit at all times. There is a tension between God’s will and my will at any given point. So I need to recognize part of the time I may be disappointed and parted of the time I may be surprised by an unexpected blessing.

  2. desert rose says:

    God answers prayers three ways, 1)yes 2)no and 3) wait.  God gives us the Lord’s prayer as an example in which to pray. A good measuring tool (so to speak) would also beJames 4:3  “Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”The more we aquaint ourselves with God, through the scriptures, the more we understand “That his ways are not our ways, neither are our ways His ways.”Isn’t it a wonderful promise that we need only the faith of a tiny mustard seed.  I await God’s answer for family member’s to be saved and yesterday I realized that I may not live to see it, but I am claiming it by faith.I relax in God’s hands and rest in His care.  He knows what is best.  I do wonder if it is alright to ask God to hold back the tide of wickedness until the last possible moment so more people can be reached for Him.When I go to a fleamarket, I only look for specific items, not any extra junk – so maybe I don’t get what you are getting at.  I do believe a lot of people are caught up in easy believism, and do not understand what it truly means to be a follower of Christ.

  3. paul bishop says:

    All faith has to have an object. For the Church, our
    object is the limitless, one and only true God. He has
    been revealed in the person of Christ. Let’s encourage
    and build one another up.

  4. GodsBride says:

    I’ve discovered that too often we tend to JUST believe IN God (and what He’s about) rather than BELIEVE GOD. I’ve come to realize that God will ALWAYS do what’s best for us. We ask, we believe, God answers! But ALWAYS, ALWAYS in the way that’s best for us, whether we understand that at the time or not. I’m a worshipper; I LOVE to worship. It honors God, but it also makes me feel so connected with Him–I feel intimate with Him (at one) with Him. Where am I going with this? In that “intimate place”, I’ve learned that even though I’m determined to try and make it all about Him, He WILL NOT leave me “unatttended to”. I can TRUST Him! In other words. If I simply TRUST that He’ll always do the absolute best thing for me, no matter what, I’ll NEVER be disappointed. It begins with striving to become ONE with Him. I trust my earthly husband; I trust that though he’s not perfect, he’ll do his VERY BEST to try and make me happy and provide for his family. God deserves WAY more trust than that.Our ways aren’t His, and we can’t see what the future holds, but God knows, and He knows just what to do for us EVEN BEFORE we TRY to ask. We just need to trust that as our Father, even as the Lover of our souls, He’ll ALWAYS have OUR best interest at heart.

  5. daisymarygoldr says:

    paul bishop, you hit the nail right on the head! “… it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that ‘GOD exists’ and that he rewards those who sincerely ‘seek HIM’ (Heb 11:6).
    Faith is to know God by recognizing that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world (Matthew 16:17). Once we know Christ everything else becomes worthless as garbage. Our prayers then will not be about our ‘physical needs’ because God already knows and gives them even before we ask (Matt 6:8), unless someone specifically asks God every morning for a whole day’s oxygen supply!

    Jesus never taught His disciples to pray for their physical needs. The centurion commended for ‘great faith’ recognized Christ as God and his status of an unworthy sinner. The blind man called out to the ‘Son of David’ though people around him knew Jesus as the son of the carpenter. Jesus took pity on the rich young man who had more faith on his riches than the ONE who was calling him to follow HIM. The disciples failed to recognize the presence of God in the boat that was caught in the storm and were chided by Him for their ‘little faith’.

    Indeed, the issue is not the ‘quantity’ but the ‘quality’ of faith and we do need that God-given seed like faith to look beyond our needs, sickness and tribulations of this present world. God will surely nourish that seed to grow into a tall plant that will finally help us to quit thinking about ‘ME” and realize that it is all about ‘HIM’. If we still keep running to Him with ‘our needs’ and sickness and suffering we will be like the faithless generation (Mark 9:19) that kept following him with one sole motive- miracles and more miracles to only be fed and healed.
    desert rose, it is a step of faith to accept God’s answer for your prayers regardless of the way and time He works it out. Praying for family member ….

    When we ‘hear the WORD’ and ‘believe’ and ‘DO’ accordingly (i.e. exercise faith), we will be like the wise man who built his house on the rock. The rains, the storms and the floods will not cause it to fall because it was founded on the ROCK of CHRIST (Matt7:24)!
    Is it still ‘general principles’ or do we see the very specific ‘specifics’ being clearly addressed in the word of God? This is a little too early for me in the morning and I hope it is not mere sleep talking… is this making any sense or am I totally off the mark???
    Didn’t get the flea market point:(

  6. drkennyg says:

    I have faith that Jesus Christ died on the cross and took the wrath of God for all our sins. When He rose again He defeated death and Satan. He has promised to return again to judge the world and gather the faithful up into heaven for eternity. I’m never sure what God wants from me but I pray that He continue to provide all that is needed and that I remain faithful to Him. God is always faithful to us and fulfills His promises.

  7. FishingSI says:

    Hey Mart! The way I ensure my faith is in response to what God has instructed is to live in such as way as to “filter” everything I do through His Word. I was in my devotional the other day, and thought to myself, “Self, when Jesus was teaching/instructing his disciples and the crowds during his ministry, He knew I would be reading this passage today. He knew His words would be written down and used for the coming generations.” We can read His messages/parables in confidence as He is speaking to us directly.

    I just finished reading the Philip Yancey book Prayer last week, and one of the main points I took from the book is how we are to live, and view, this life from God’s vantage point and not from our level. It is not about us! It is about accomplishing His purpose.

    For example, I spent the last three months trying to find a good school to attend, for my MBA. I narrowed it down to five places, but was still confused as to which one in particular I should pursue. I took my situation to God through prayer, and in a short time I had my answer. No, I didn’t receive some revelation. No, there wasn’t a beaming light coming down from above. Yes, the obedience of bringing my struggle to God allowed for me to see why I was confused, and gave me the answers to my concerns on the contrary. And no, it is not a Christian school but a state university that gives me more time (Online program) to be the kind of husband and dad that I have been entrused to be; a priority that is more important than academics.

  8. Mart De Haan says:

    daisymarygoldr, whoops, guess I tried to be too cute with the “fleamarket” idea. I was trying to draw a contrast between the young man focused on his Bible and someone browsing through old books and a lot of other stuff. Was thinking that if we don’t know where to find words that inspire the right kind of faith, we could spend our whole life browsing… without a clear idea of what to attach our faith to.

  9. daisymarygoldr says:

    Aww…that is so cute! Is it any wonder that a picture is worth a thousand words?!

  10. dejean33 says:

    The question is:

    How can we be sure that we are putting our trust in what God wants rather than in something that catches our eye in a fleamarket approach to faith?

    I feel like i am cheating … but the answer ( and the truth ) is found in the WORD of God …. ( Psalms 119:160, and John 17:17 ).

    God will never want something that is contrary to His Spirit — : But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. ( Galatians 5: 22 ) – if it’s not based in the Spirit of Christ it is wrong.

    And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him. For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. I John 3: 19 – 24

    God will never want something that is contrary to His Spirit — : But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. ( Galatians 5: 22 ) – if it’s not based in the Spirit of Christ it is wrong.

    Father, We give You praise, and we give You thanks for your WORD !!!!!

  11. Hephzibah610 says:

    quote:” I would like to hear your thoughts on how you try to make sure that your faith is a response to what God has said, and a confidence in what he wants to do– rather than an attempt to try to get him to do what we want him to do.” MDH

    When dealing with specifics I think it is often hard to try to know the mind of God. When I pray and I think that I am asking according to His will, and then He says “no” to my request…or “not yet”…I have to go back to His character and remember that when I can’t understand His ways, I can trust His heart.

    The best way though is to make sure that our daily walk with God is progressing…are we growing closer and closer to Him? It is like being married, after years of talking with and being with someone…you begin to know many things about them…sometimes even knowing what they might think about a problem or issue…That is the way it is with God. As we grow nearer and our relationship dearer…we know more and more how He would think about something. We are becoming one mind and heart…as we put on the mind of Christ…day by day.

    At least that is what I believe…..

  12. poohpity says:

    I believe that we are given life abundantly to live. He has given each a mind to use, a heart to love and a soul to testify with His. If one concentrates on things that can be bought(flea market) that is where our mind is and then we give God a shopping list. I believe He created us to be uniquely ourselves and we each have a part to play in this world. I do also believe we are to pray for all our needs and yes He knows what we need before we ask but in the asking we develop a dependence on Him.

    I also believe that we are given free will to do whatever job we choose but to it in a manner that reflects our beliefs. When one reads His word and gets to know Him I believe that opens up the reality of who we really are and allows us freedom to not be held down but to sore. The things we pray for then are usually in line with His will because we are part of Him. The more time you spend with anyone you grow to emulate that person and hopefully we will emulate the love and acceptance of the Lord in all that we do toward people not stuff.

  13. Elaa says:

    Okay. So here is what I think the question is.What is the point of having a trailer load (so to speak) of faith to believe a married man will leave his wife and marry you when clearly God’s Word states that they should be married forever? Whereas just believing ‘by His Stripes I am healed’, can be enough for someone to stand upon against cancer. Did I get it right?

    I’m not sure I have ever been so carried away – you know, saying ‘He has given His angels charge over me’ and then driving without my seatbelt on. I agree that faith should be upon God’s Word.

    By the way, this is the basis of my walk with God.
    1. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Meaning I need faith.
    2. So then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOd. So, I seek to hear the Word, so that I might have faith in order to please God.
    3. Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only. So, I must do/obey the word of God that I hear and I must continue to hear the word if I want faith without which I cannot please God. That pretty much locks everything in for me.

  14. Mart De Haan says:

    Wow, you all are something else. Each of you have added so much to this subject while showing your commitment, as GodsBride says, not only to believe in God, but to believe him.

  15. david and christine wade says:

    “His implication seems to be that the quantity of our faith is not as important as its quality.”

    We live with a church family where many of the members have come out of an Anabaptist background. (Amish, Mennonite, Hutterite) In their former environs they were carefully indoctrinated to believe the community was the only way to Heaven – belong, obey or be lost!! All read their Bibles for themselves, saw the truth and moved on, as difficult as that was. When difficulties arose they would say “I don’t have enough of faith” as if that was sufficient. Years of teaching have overcome that misconception.

    With the mustard seed parable Jesus points out that it is not how much faith one has – it is whom it is in ! The One with no limitations will provide all we need in His time and His way, if we but abide in Him.

    Exercising that faith by our obedience to Him and the leading of The Holy Spirit overcomes the human desire to be in control. Listen carefully after praying – seek sound Christian council and be confident in your actions. Time will prove you right in retrospect – then remember the lessons.

  16. sulli59 says:

    When God tells my heart there is no doubt. Scripture records many who ask and were given their requests while talking with God.

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