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Pendulum Riders

One of the characteristics of our human nature is that we spend a lot of time reacting to, and trying to distance ourselves from, the sins of our fathers.

As we react, it is as though we were jumping up and grabbing a great pendulum as it swings away in the opposite direction.

In the exhilarating rush of the ride, we take comfort in the fact that we are not like those who preceded us. If we are spiritual we are not religious. If we are Protestant, we are not Catholic. If we are Emergent, we are not Traditional. If we are Reformed, we are not Dispensational.

Seems to me that, as important as it is to identify, correct, and move away from the errors and excesses of the past, it is just as important to see what is worth keeping, and building upon.

Maybe this is one of the great challenges of life– to sort thoughtfully through the stuff inherited from a passing generation…before we ourselves lose our grip on the great pendulum… and leave our own excesses and extremes to those who follow.

“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven… a time to keep, and a time to throw away… Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6

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7 Responses to “Pendulum Riders”

  1. paul bishop says:

    Always good to hear scripture ( read and meditate upon ).
    Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
    I believe that means we can produce faith by reading
    the Word of God ( Bible ). Certainly we cannot forget
    the Living Word either, who is the author of the Written
    Because He loves us………..

  2. brownsfan1642 says:

    Good thoughts Mart. I think a part of what you are discussing has to do with the fact that we tend to identify ourselves more by what we are against than by what we are for. We react and reject so that we don’t have to be (or be seen as) one of “them.” Still, not only did Jesus say “the one who is not for us is against us,” He also said “the one who is not against us is for us.” Maybe that is where the pendulum can find some balance.

  3. onesimus says:

    the words we choose to involve ourselves with can be gifts that edify. Only if they are shared with thanksgiving in GOD’S LOVE> Let us not limit ourselves to time past and future without fully recognizing reality of the eternal now. The Pendulum come to rest as testimony to the truth of the laws of the creators presence. That we are heirs in this love is truly inspiring while in the human condition. Praise GOD from whom all blessing come. See and live with ever continuing awakening to his WORD.

  4. poohpity says:

    This fits right in with what I have been dealing with this past week. Their are things, that at my age, I choose to react to about the way I was parented. I said, “When I grow up I do not want to be like that”, only to be like that but to a lessor degree. I tend to react to the negative rather than enjoy the positive things I have inherited.

    I am giving much effort to looking at the good in all and focusing on that. My day sure does go much better. Rather than reacting to the negative I act on the positives. This takes a lot of work but at least I am striving for things that are pure, lovely, admirable and noteworthy in others and in the world, and it really changes my attitude. Boy goes to show you how much work to throw away what doesn’t work and keep what does, we have no time to judge others. What a concept!!!

  5. chfranke says:

    When we gripe about the way things are we lose our grip on the way things should be.

  6. desert rose says:

    Looking at several generations, I see:
    My greatgrandmother who prayed for us and loved the Lord
    My grandfather who was a minister.
    My mother who did not follow her father’s life.
    A daughter (me) who embrased the faith of the Bible
    My daughter – one who embrasses some truth of the Bible
    My grandaughter – one who doesn’t want anything to do with anything spiritual

    The pendellum does swing, and we must remain true to the faith.

  7. daisymarygoldr says:

    “…a time to throw away…”
    Protestant, Catholic, Emergent, Traditional, Reformed, Dispensational are words not found in the Bible. If we profess to be followers of Christ and successfully pass on the Biblical truths in its entirety to successive generations, what should we keep and what must we throw away from the Bible?

    Sorry, as much as I love to swing:) I’m unable to relate to pendulum rides:( when considering the eternal, unchanging truths of God recorded in the Bible. If He does not change what should cause us to change regardless of the time periods of Human History? Bottom line: He changes not but we change to suit our arrogant ways and whimsical fancies!

    “This is what the LORD says: Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, Godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, No, that’s not the road we want.”(Jer. 6:16)!

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