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Applying for Heaven

We endure application forms for credit cards, employment, life insurance, and driver’s licenses. We fill them out when applying for tax credits, college entrance, and passports. Sometimes they are required when applying for church membership.

So let’s push the idea of applications to another level. Think about what it might mean to fill out papers for heaven. Imagine having the technology to fax such forms directly to the front gate.

Picture the form. After name, gender, social security number, present address, phone number, and references, comes the big question. Please list qualifications:

My guess is that applications would soon pile up saying things like, “Have tried to live a Christian life… Not perfect, but have done my best to be a good person… Raised in church, and don’t ever remember a time when I didn’t believe in God…Have tried to live by the Bible… Not as good as some. Better than others…Don’t think I’m a bad person…Have tried to make amends for mistakes I regret.”

Now, with such likely qualifications in mind, listen to what the Apostle Paul wrote in his New Testament letter to the Romans about a group of friends and relatives that he dearly loved. In the 10th chapter he wrote, “Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is that the Jewish people might be saved. I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. Instead, they are clinging to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law. They won’t go along with God’s way. ” (Romans 10:1-3 NLT).

Seems to me that Paul is alluding to how important it is to know that there is nothing we can do to merit entrance into the family and eternal home of God. That’s why he writes in the same letter, “When people work, their wages are not a gift. Workers earn what they receive. But people are declared righteous because of their faith, not because of their work.” (Romans 4:4-5 NLT).

The salvation described in the Bible is a result of accepting the Messiah whose name, Jesus, means “Savior.” He can only be received as a gift– by trusting, not by trying– by believing, not by doing (John 1:12; Galatians 3:1-3).

God doesn’t grade on a curve. He is holding no competition for a limited number of openings.

Heaven is a free offer withheld from anyone who tries to get in on their own accomplishments. Acceptance, therefore, is found only by relying on the suffering and death of Christ in our behalf.

If we understand this grace, we can list as our qualifications for heaven: 1-No personal accomplishments deserving of heaven. 2-All we can say is that we believe Christ died for our sins. 3-We have accepted Him as our Savior, and depend entirely on what He has done for us rather than on anything we have done for God. 4-We have believed Him when He promised to save all who would trust Him (John 1:12; 3:16; 5:24; Eph 2:8-9; Titus 3:5; Acts 4:12; 13:38-39).

If such comments raise questions in your mind, please post your thoughts or questions here. Or if you can say it clearer, please take a stab at it. This is one of the most important subjects we could ever consider together.

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19 Responses to “Applying for Heaven”

  1. desert rose says:

    I wouldn’t change a thing you wrote – very well done.

  2. BruceC says:

    Your posting today relates very much to a recent, tragic event in our little church. Our pastor of many years died suddenly of a massive heart attack this past Monday. He was only 54 and a very big(not obese) man that looked like a football player. He used to tell us how some folks would call him a “good man” and his response would be “No I’m not. I’m just a sinner saved by the grace of God. Whatever good you see is Christ in me, not me. There are no good men.” That was “Rick” and he taught us many truths from God’s Word and from the life he lived. Not perfect, but likely reflected the love of Jesus more than any person I’ve met. Please pray for his wife and family and for our little country church congregation as we go foward in the Lord. He is home with the Lord now so our sorrow shall rise into praise of the Lord Jesus Christ!

  3. drkennyg says:

    Wow that was both heavy and helpful. When I am tempted to think of myself as a good man it never feels right because it isn’t right. I’m just a sinner who has been saved through Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection; i’ve got zippo qualifications and rely on His Word, the Cross (His blood), and His promises. And BruceC don’t accept anything less than Pastor Rick – sounds like he preached the Gospel. Stick together in the Lord and all will be well soon.

  4. pegramsdell says:

    There really are no good men. Or women. All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. That much is true, but, there is One who is perfect, and I humbly bow down and ask to come in.
    I actually have no skills and no degrees that will get me to heaven. But, I do know some “One”. And I believe in Him (Jesus) and that He is the Son of God. And I love Him.
    I do agree with the Pastor’s response, that if they see good in me it is Jesus. That’s awesome.

  5. Jeph says:

    I cannot speak for anyone else, but I personally have all the qualifications I need. My application does not have the space enough to list them. I fact, I’m “Over Qualified”!!! You see, I have JESUS! Sometimes it’s who you know not what you know.

  6. ECEIT says:

    As I read, I remembered what a friend told me before; He asked me, what if you are at the gate of heaven and God asked you, why should I let you enter. Then he told me,

    “if it happens, you are suppose to tell HIM; Because You promised, John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.”

  7. poohpity says:

    I have nothing to add or subtract. It is a very narrow gate but open to all. Amen!

  8. pogren says:

    I have tried to be “good enough” for many people in my life…..I’m tired of that….I am sooooooo thankful that Jesus loves me just as I am—but cares enough not to leave me there…..

  9. bala says:

    It’s a bit of a problem for me. I hear phrases like “faith without action is meaningless”, but now you have so much in the new testament that nothing can save us. It’s a bit of a free pass. It doesn’t matter what you do, judgement day is irrelevant. Do unto others? – only if you feel like it. Doesn’t Jesus expect us to be an example of him? If we let him down are there no consequences?

  10. paul bishop says:

    As believers we worship the finished work of the cross.
    I ask myself: Do I worship the sender or the sent?
    And I can take that one step further: Do I worship
    the ” Enabler ” and the one that convicts us? We
    know that the Father sent the Son and the Son sent the
    Spirit. This leads us to the grand mystery of the
    Trinity. Infinite can not be defined in the finite.
    God wins!

  11. rokdude5 says:

    There was a time were things were rather difficult for me and of course, I fell off the straight and narrow. My conversation with God at that time was, “Lord, I feel ashamed and not worthy to be a part of Your family so I returning my “membership card” back to You.” IMMEDIATELY, I heard in my mind’s ear, “No, keep the card! You have a lifetime membership.” I then broke down.

  12. daisymarygoldr says:

    All (my accomplishments, achievements or qualifications)
    I, the worst sinner of all, do
    Trust and take
    Him – alone, for salvation from sins.

    “God doesn’t grade on a curve”, yet once I’m saved, Grace is not my license for reckless sinning (Heb 10:26). I no longer depend on the merits of the law to work my way to heaven and I also do not defy but delight in obeying God’s laws (Rom7:22). By abiding in Christ I try to ‘sin less’ in a loving response to my God who has justified me as ‘sinless’.

  13. Becky M says:

    I can not add anything to what you wrote Mart, or anyone else. I’m so glad that we don’t have to fill out an application before we get in.

  14. KayakBill says:

    This ‘New Believer’ thanks you all, again, for taking the time to post your thoughts and comments. You are all providing me with guidance that I have difficulty finding locally in this small town in TN. All I hear at any of these local churches is ‘Hell-fire and Damnation!’. I already KNOW I’m in trouble, I don’t need it drummed into my head every Sunday! You folks are helping me find my way back after my life took a wrong turn so many years ago, and I appreciate you all more than you can possibly fathom. May God bless you ALL, and keep you safe.

  15. Sasha45 says:

    Great responses to yesterday’s blog.
    Was lead to the book of Jude 20-25, this is my prayer for you.
    “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith: praying in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God waiting anxiously for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear hating even the garment polluted by the flesh. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior; through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen

  16. Clive Belsham says:

    In response to the question “Why should I let you into my heaven” I shall say “Because I love you and I want to enjoy you forever, and there is no place in which I would rather spend eternity than with you in heaven?”

    [Apologies to John Piper and John Calvin]

  17. KDB says:

    God saves us by His grace for our faith, but just because we believe that does not qualify us for heaven. By the grace of God for our faith, we are not condemned for sin by the curse under the Law. But that does not mean we have been forgiven of all trespasses to be made alive in Christ (saved). We are being justified as we repent and confess our sins until we are made righteous/just by the Spirit of Christ being the life within us. Repentance may be work, but it is not “works”. Jesus Christ is the way to the Father, but just because we believe that does not mean we have been reconciled to God. God dwells in us but we are not reconciled to God if we choose to live in sin.
    1 John 3:7-10, Matthew 25:34-46, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

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