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Power Down

Was our turn to get hit with a strong line of thunderstorms moving across Lake Michigan. Power went down at the house yesterday afternoon about the time a bolt of lightning ripped the bark off of a neighbor’s tree.

Got a generator running to keep the sump pump going in our downstairs. First time I’ve had to use it. The thing is so loud. Need to figure out some way to baffle the sound before next time. Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. But power came on again this morning about 6:20– after shaving by flashlight, and just about the time I was headed out the door for the day.

Keep thinking how dependent we’ve become on electricity and what has been happening to people all over the country who’ve been hammered with power outages, and far worse, this Spring and Summer.

Then something else happened. Became aware of another kind of power-down. Sensed that I was irritable, impatient, and anxious as I moved into the day.

Yeh, I could blame it on lost sleep. But the truth is bigger than that. The truth is that I get far more upset when the electricity goes down, than when the power goes out of my life.

When electric service is lost, down go the lights, the computer, and so many other conveniences. But when the power goes down spiritually, I gradually lose what the Apostle Paul called “the fruit of the Spirit” (Gal 5:22-23)– and what Jesus said happens when we don’t “abide” or “remain consciously connected with him” the way a branch connects to a grape vine (John 15:1-5).

Wish spiritual power was as easy to recognize or back-up as the electricity that runs our homes and businesses. On the other hand, if we could turn the “spiritual power” on and off at will, am guessing we’d be even more inclined to lose the wonder and mystery of what it means to want to walk with our God– for the Person he is– rather than for the power– we want to use.

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9 Responses to “Power Down”

  1. FishingSI says:

    Hello Mart, today’s blog rings true to me from both points. I’m a Central Florida native whom, let’s just say, has had his fair share of electric power outages (hurricanes). And on the other point, I also do have days where I am “out of my element” or whatever someone would like to call it. But, then again, what would happen if my spiritual life were so low I wouldn’t be able to recognize said “power outages”? I believe it is the Holy Spirit, to a certain extent, that brings to mind our current state and warns us to watch out when we are having those vulnerable days. When is it the best time for the enemy to spiritually attack us but when we have a power outage? We need to be cautious always, especially when we are having a bad day.

  2. drkennyg says:

    Hi Mart, thanks again for a thought provoking entry is this most interesting blog. The fact for me is that I do turn “off” sometimes during the day and forget about Jesus and become too attached to this world. When trouble strikes if I’m like that occasionally unusual stuff seems to happen. Like I’ll find myself cursing or critical of another person and then calling it a “slip of the tongue” before I realize that Satan has leaped on the opportunity of my temporary weakness. Fortunately this brings me back quickly and thankfully to God and Christ and I can then “power up” once again before too much time has passed.

  3. Sasha45 says:

    From the Florida west coast, I can relate. Power went out in the middle of signing up to be able to participate in your blog! I’ve never done it before but am enjoying it.
    Thank you for your most timely insights.
    Jesus said in Acts 1:8 “but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth”. NSB
    Those are the very last words of Jesus before assending into Heaven. Have we allowed the Holy Spirit to come upon us. Do we tarry and wait for Him as Jesus instructed? Are we (be) being filled on a regular basis?

  4. daisymarygoldr says:

    The “spiritual power” ON/OFF switch for me is the word of God. Reading and obeying His word greatly empowers my daily walk with God in this imperfect world full of unexpected problems.

    Sometimes, in my personal life I find time for everything else except to meditate on God’s word and those are times when difficulties overcome me instead of it being the other way around. When the power is down all I have to do is allow the already in-dwelling Holy Spirit to guide me into God’s truths (John 16:13).

    Do not know of any alternative back-up to this…. Therefore, it is vital for us to abide in Christ- the true vine by abiding in His word which is the water that sustains life and enables us to produce fruits of the spirit. “…The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life”. John 6:63

  5. rokdude5 says:

    I live in mountains where stiff winds could easily topple the power lines though lately, the power lines have been cut to be later sold due to the high cost of scrap metal. When the power does go out, a sense of peace comes over me due to our electric world being silenced. Keep in mind, people been enjoying the benefits of electricity for only a scant 100 years. We are all blessed for living in a time with so many conveniences including backup generators. I sometimes wonder God knew Im going to be “soft” and therefore have me live in these times.

    I thank Him for those quiet times and realized that His mercy and His grace is sufficient for me and I need to turn off myself and let His power come over me.

  6. solace says:

    Here in Manila, we are no stranger to power outtages due to typhoons. But I still get irritated whenever that happens. When we are down spiritually, it is so easy for the enemy to sneak up on us, that is why we need to constantly pray to our beloved Father to help fortify ourselves. “Our Father in heaven…lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Matthew 6:9-13″
    Thank you Sir for a wonderful message God bless!

  7. bookbuff1629 says:

    I often feel that way spiritually. Here in central California we seldom have power failures due to the weather. I pray that God will keep me close to Him and that I’ll not suffer spiritual failure.

  8. Brother Larry says:

    This is something to think about. For just as a natual power outage could be dangerous and have great effect on spoiling or damaging goods of all kind. An spiritual power outage could spoil and damage seeds that may have been sowed and/or prayers that may have been prayed. But I would say we do have a back up source and his name is JESUS! Even when we only see one footprint in the sand, we must know in our heart that’s when God is carrying us. So whenever you feel like the power (spiritually) is gone out, just turn on your generator (THE HOLY SPIRIT) and begin to let the loud (PRAISE unto God) of your mouth be pumped-up! And watch your lights begin to shine Brighter than before. For Faith is not how or what we feel, but confidents in what we know, the word of God. And how many know what we feel won’t always line up with the word of God.

  9. Becky M says:

    If we only can depend on God like we’re dependant on electricity. Can you imagine having to do math the old way? This generation is born with computers in their laps. I still use my fingers occasionally,lol. God will not let us down, He, in fact will bring us up. His is the power and the glory and the kingdom forever. (-:;

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