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Woke Up in Singapore

After a flight of almost 12 hours from Chicago to Tokyo, and then another 6 and a half from Tokyo to a highly developed tiny, island city nation off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula– and 85 north of the equator–woke up this morning in Singapore.

Am here to meet with international co-workers who share the mission of making the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.

The picture on the right was taken by our Singapore-based RBC photographer Alex Soh. Will try over the next couple of weeks to pass along some pictures of the people and sights that I’m seeing here. One problem (actually a good thing :-) is that I saw our schedule, and it looks like we’ll be spending most of our time in workshops and meetings so might not have much time to be on the hunt for pics, but maybe I’ll be surprised.

The most important thing is that we are here together because, as co-workers, we share a vision for the difference that Christ can make through those who let Him live His life through them. We believe that men and women who find their life in him can grow in hope rather than losing heart. Young people can find purpose. Husbands can find strength in praying for and loving their wives rather than controlling and dominating them. Mothers can discover that God loves their children even more than they do. Singles can discover they are not alone. And employers and employees can learn to treat one another the way they, themselves, want to be treated.

Anyway that’s where I am– and why. Since I have a wireless connection– I’ll try to give you some updates as we move along.

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14 Responses to “Woke Up in Singapore”

  1. poohpity says:

    That is so neat that all around the world we can be united with one voice lifted to the Lord. The bible and its truths are what hold us together as one. With the wisdom and discernment of the Spirit you can not miss.

  2. chfranke says:

    Mart. Thank you for taking us on this trip with you. You know, you and your co-workers are trying to do the impossible, unless you let God do it through you. I am so inspired by your willingness to tackle the impossible. We will hold you all in our prayers as agents of change in this world where so much change is needed. Chuck

  3. BruceC says:

    May the Lord bless the work before you. In my prayers.

  4. pegramsdell says:

    I will pray for a successful trip. God knows the plans He has for you…….

  5. desert rose says:

    I am sure all of us who visit your blog is amazed how you include us in your work. You could just say “Oh, I’m too busy.” It means a lot to me that you think enough about us to continue to blog even when you are busy with work and traveling. Thank you so very much.

  6. drkennyg says:

    Christ can indeed change people’s lives only if people will know about Him and believe on His strength to carry us on in a fallen world. I’m glad you are taking us with you and look forward to more.

  7. daisymarygoldr says:

    Great vision and mission! The rate at which you are flitting across the lats and longs makes one wonder about how you are able to adapt and keep up with the varying time zones? It is a clean, beautiful country but the tropics can get you boiling… been there for a couple of hours and it was fun except for the weird law against chewing gum. Not going out for pic hunt is a sure protection from getting bit- by mosquitoes! Hope the meeting goes well…enjoy the people, food and culture. Will be praying for you all…

  8. Niivam says:

    Hi Mart,

    I get so excited when we as believers strive in these difficult times in our world to embrace each other no matter which part of our continent we find our selves and prove to those ourside that it is all about God’s love and his oneness.The prayer of our Lord Jesus “that they may all be one as we are” is fulfilling. Keep the good work!

  9. Mart De Haan says:

    Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. Am meeting so many men and women from all over the world. Wish you could all meet them. They have so many good stories of what they are seeing the Lord do in lives and in places we ourselves will never see.

    With our people all in now– and our minds slowly clearing from the jet lag– our main meetings begin this a.m.

    Am getting some pics of the city and people. What I find so amazing is that this tiny (23×16 mile), modern, high tech island/city/State is not only like a garden city– with all of it’s natural tropical foilage, and not only highly regulated– as you indicated– laws against gum chewing– but there are also no mosquitoes. People leave the windows in their homes wide open for fresh air– and no bugs (Government sprays area regularly to stop Dengue fever.

    Temps every day are from 76 f. low to 87-89 high (all year around) :-). Humidity very high. But looking forward to time spent with our international co-workers.

  10. Becky M says:

    Wow! sounds so exciting! And of course so loving. Prayers for you and your international co-workers while on this mission. Also, thank you for keeping up the blog and sharing all this with us.

  11. DeanRL says:

    It is a blessing to be made aware of the work you are doing internationally which should inspire and encourage us all to continue that work here at home as well.

  12. kytan says:

    Welcome to Singapore !

    As a Singaporean, I would like to let you know that my family and I (including my 2 kids, aged 9 and 11) have been reading Our Daily Bread for many years now and we have been indeed blessed richly through the writers of ODB (including yourself !) So keep up the good work and may the Lord continue to use your ministry to bless many more people in the years to come !

  13. bj2008 says:

    Glad everyone made it finally. It’s really quiet around the office here on the home front. I’m praying for a great conference for you all. Tell my friend from the NZ office I said HI.

    I remember 3 years ago the blessing we here had when the conference was here. I know the Singapore office family is getting the same this time.

    May God be with you all and bless and teach each of you.


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