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Government and Kingdom Ministries

In many regions of the world “ministers” are public servants. Their civil “ministry” is to act in behalf of a government department that operates from a building that in turn is referred to as “the Ministry”.

Kurdistan has a Ministry of Justice. India has a Ministry of Environment and Forests. Thailand has a Ministry of Finance. Korea has Ministry of Labor, and Great Britain a Ministry of Defense.

Then there’s the kingdom of God with its “Ministry of Reconciliation.” This government also has its “ministers.”

So, one question is whether, from God’s point of view, being a member of the Christian clergy is more of a ministry than serving Christ and others in any other honest job or profession– including those of us who are temporarily or permanently unemployed, disabled, or retired.

Am impressed with the fact that this question has deep roots that go back to the first days of the church. When followers of Christ were faced with the spiritual and material needs of a growing church, they decided that it was not good for those who were involved in the “ministry of the Word” to “leave the Word” in order to “serve tables”? (Acts 6:1-4). Maybe this is why many have assumed that “ministry” is limited to those who are “ordained” (appointed and set apart) for “full time Christian work.”

But I’ve been thinking again about what was really happening here. A closer look at Acts 6 shows that the apostles were not creating a division of labor that reserves “ministry” for “spiritual service.” The word translated “serve” tables is the same word used for “ministry” of the Word. The apostles were just describing two kinds of ministry. Some would minister (lit. serve) the Word. Others would minister (lit. serve) tables (that is, distribute food to the needy).

The apostle Peter also helped us to see that from our Lord’s point of view “ministry” is much broader than preaching messages and performing pastoral services. According to Peter, every member of the body of Christ is a “minister” and “priest” (1 Peter 2:9). In the 4th chapter he added, “As each one has received a gift, minister (serve) it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 4:10-11).

Seems to me that it would be hard to overemphasize the importance of realizing that whether we are in full-time “ministry” is not limited our profession or even whether we are currently “employed.” The defining issue is who we are making it our purpose to help.

We have every reason to believe that a housekeeper who serves Christ from the heart while changing the bed sheets, cleaning the bathroom, and polishing the mirrors is as much of a minister in God’s eyes as those “ordained” professionals who also have been entrusted with the responsibility of serving the family of God by their example, words, and love.

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8 Responses to “Government and Kingdom Ministries”

  1. BruceC says:

    Wherever we go and whatever situation we find ourselves in we are “ministers” of His Kingdom; priests of the Most High God. Sometimes these ministries change as our circumstances in life change. For the time being I’m financially restricted in so far as where I can go and what I can do. So I use that restriction and that time to pray more for others and to phone those who are hurting and in need and encourage them and lift them up in the Lord. When we get back on our feet this will change a little as we will be able to do it face-to-face. Ministry doesn’t have to be part of some organized group; it is the work God has given each of us to do on His behalf.
    Keep me in prayer as I am giving the sermon this Sunday at church. Some of us are filling in until we get a new pastor as ours just recently went home with the Lord. The sermon title will be “The Love of God”. I’m what they call “stage fright” but I know He is with me and He drives out fear with His love.
    God bless you all!

  2. Valkiria says:

    I think of Minister as a 24/7 job, and I want to be found serving the Lord all the time.
    When I was young, I remember when my Pastor would show up in our home, in Brazil, just to check how we were. We had no telephone and he had no car. Some time ago, here in the USA, I asked my Pastor to come to our home, and he told me to “make an appointment with his secretary!”
    Please, pray for me, I need to understand such things better!

  3. poohpity says:

    Hey BruceC got your back on the prayer for peace. I think some times if you focus above their heads or find someone that is really an encourager for you to direct your focus it will be better. But you seem to know about your subject matter. :)

    I also believe it is a 24/7 job and it sounds like your Pastor needs to be ministered to in love. Those type of behaviors really confuse me too but I am ok with not trying to understand. God understands and He will deal with it.

  4. BruceC says:

    The church in America has much to learn from the church in other countries, especially the poorer nations.

  5. daisymarygoldr says:

    Cannot draw a parallel between the Kingdom of God and Government “of the people” which is not about serving the people but is made of self-serving thuggish ministers who are focused on lining their personal wallets…

    “The defining issue is who we are making it our purpose to help.”- MDH

    The initial church group that started out in Acts 2:42 is what I can relate to while growing up…with no ordained ministers or pastors. We were just a bunch of families of born-again professional parents who held secular jobs. The dads took turn in preaching and the moms taught Sunday schools classes for kids. As the Lord kept adding, the group started swelling in number and the need for a “governing structure” in accordance with Acts 6:1-4 was felt. So they did some counting of gray hairs and the men with the most of it got to be the ‘Elders’ who took to ‘serving the word’ and the younger ones qualified as ‘deacons’ to ‘serve the tables’- that was my initial understanding…which was not all wrong because the white haired ones read the Bible more and therefore, knew more than the others. Along the way there were some who felt burdened by the Holy Spirit to resign their jobs to devote to full-time ministry. Most of our parents continued serving in the church while doing their 9-5 jobs. The serving included visiting the sick, giving to the poor, helping needy families, widows, orphans, preaching the word in the streets and marketplaces (where they distributed gospel tracts, ODB booklets was also one of them) and getting together in the evenings on 3 more days other than Sundays to read the word and pray….it was one happy family of people from diverse cultures speaking different languages and clothed in different attires who came from different faiths from different parts of the world. That was the good side.

    The bad side to all of this was ( i.e. the lack of ordained ministers and pastors), at times there was misinterpretation of the word that led to misunderstandings that led to all kinds of silly fights with a lot of pouting and some people leaving, there was bickering, backbiting, jealousy and all other things that is typical of human beings…but no matter what the struggle (spouse conflicts, issues of errant children, adultery, fornication…) they managed to resolve it in the light of the word…and Oh yes, it also meant that we never accepted anything at face value…we always went back to our Bibles to search the scriptures to confirm, evaluate and assess the absoluteness of the TRUTH!

    Hence, I whole heartedly agree with “As each one has received a gift, minister (serve) it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 4:10-11).

    BruceC, its comforting to know that Police officers also have stage fright! Anyway, its all part of your routine job of dealing with ‘bad guys’ (ie the Church before being saved)…so why fear? Praying for you…

  6. paul bishop says:

    Wisdom: Just ask God to give it to you! Refrain
    from seeing yourself as being wise. Paraphrased,
    but consistent with Truth. Thy Word is Truth.
    ( living and written ).

  7. Valkiria says:

    Thank you all for your prayers! I was blessed when I was able to come to the USA, and really happy to go to a Church, as it was an American Missionary who ministered to my mother, when she was young and led her to Christ! I’ll always be greatful for those who employ their lives as Ministers of God!
    How could I call Jesus “Lord”, if I don’t serve Him?

  8. forteag says:

    Whether you are a Minister of God or a Minister in the Government you are called to serve the people.

    Unfortunately, pride and power often lead to corruption and invariably a fall.

    We should not lose focus but see service as service to God whether it is in the spiritual realm or in a civil capacity.

    In modern day societies governments have taken over and instituionalised many of the roles that families in primative societies provided for themselves. I believe in most cases there is a benefit in pooling resources to reduce duplication and reduce costs.

    Sometimes the world seems to be wiser than the church when it comes to organisational structure even though the Bible has given us the blueprint for effective church ministry.


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