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Doctors, Insurance, and Pornography

To move ahead– without forgetting what we were saying to one another in the discussion about what God uses to open our hearts— I’m going to pick up our conversation here…

In response to an expressed concern that I’ve been putting to much value on sources outside of the Word of God (i.e books, doctors, counselors, pastors, education, relationships etc), I acknowledge the danger and expect– until the day I die– to struggle with the danger of unintentionally idolizing the loves or distractions of my life. So I’m not above correction.

But at the same time… maybe we are talking past one another. I agree that there is no substitute for the Word of God, and that it is in knowing what God has said (both in good times and in the dark nights of our souls) that faith is born, and rests.

But again, I’m convinced that (1) the God of the Bible does not counsel us to look only at his Word– but to look at everything else through its (his) wisdom, and that (2) the God of the Bible does not limit his provisions for our bodies, minds, and hearts only to the pages of the Bible– but to the whole of the world over which he is the ultimate Lord.

Those who see the Bible or the Lordship of Christ as being “all we need” sometimes go on to think that it is therefore wrong for a follower of Christ to use doctors, medicine, counselors (specialists), or even life insurance.

While we need to respect the conscience and personal faith of those who decline medical treatment, specialist counsel, or insurance, let’s also lovingly test that kind of thinking. Let’s also raise honest questions about what provisions can be rightly attributed to the Lordship of Christ. And let’s acknowledge what we all know– that it is possible to use self-deceived “spiritual talk” to hide our sins behind God, church, and Bible-only talk.

As an aside, we are in the process of developing material, video programs, and a website to address the out-of-control issue of pornography. I’m deeply concerned (as I am about other addictive or enslaving conditions) that we can minimize the problem by thinking that the issue is simply “don’t do it”, and if you do– “confess it to God” and get into the Bible so that you can get on with your life. I’ve seen too often that those who don’t want a perceptive person poking around in their life can use the most spiritual sounding talk to try to elude capture.

Specialists in the field know that, like so many sins, pornography can have tangled roots of self-deception that need more than forgiveness (i.e. self-reflection, appropriate disclosure, and accountability)– to avoid masking over the problem.

So, getting back on subject, if such a person gets help from “others who have been there”, or if those with other problems get helpful treatment from a doctor, good counsel from a specialist, or insurance payments to help pay the bills– don’t we have every reason to see such provisions as being ultimately from the hand of the Father who wants us to know that we “do not live by bread alone, but by every word (i.e. of provision) that comes from the mouth of God” (Deut 8:3).

I don’t want anyone to lose confidence in the Word of God–as the most crucial and important foundation of our lives. That’s why I think it is so important to see all of the Scriptures as being the window through which to see the breadth and depth of God’s good provisions– rather than seeing the Bible as the whole and only provision of God.

Seeing the breadth and depth of God’s provisions does not need to detract from our confidence in the Word of God– as long as our confidence remains in what God has said– and as long as we see other resources (that fall within moral boundaries) as possible ways by which God is faithful to what he has said.

The next post (Subs are Subs Forever) was meant to say that anything other than God is a god-substitute, an idol, and a source of ultimate despair- if we put our trust in it.

Don’t want to get too long so will stop here and let the conversation catch up :-). Thanks for your interest and patience.

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20 Responses to “Doctors, Insurance, and Pornography”

  1. poohpity says:

    God through His Word has revealed Himself, I believe it also gives us a window to have daily time with Him to prompt conversation. It also gives me as you stated the very foundation to plant my feet. I have witnessed in my life also how it has caused terrible pain to some because of it’s misuse.

    God has given gifts to us like a brain and with that organ many learn different trades to use to benefit mankind. If we never used our brains we would still be back in the middle ages although that may not be bad, it was easier then in some areas. He has given the ability and desire for some to become doctors, counselors, pastors and teachers just to name a very few but you get the point. I believe where many mess up is that all things were given to BENEFIT mankind and bring Glory to God. The major problems that arise are when those brains choose to benefit self but even in that God can and does make good come of it.

    I really believe with all my heart that we have such a limited understanding of our God and how He works or even what He can and will not do in any given circumstance. I do know however that He is God and it is He that is in control even though many of us think we are and one day there will be no more tears, pain or suffering and that is what I hold on to.

  2. rokdude5 says:

    I, too, that the Word of God is the fundamental basis of life decisions. To me its intriguing that David wrote in Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want…” yet David is the same person who wanted a fine looking babe so much that he had her husband killed. David also had advisers as part of his staff but he refused to listen to them.

    David is correct in what he said in Psalm 23:1. Pornography is a very strong “want” and had David listened to his heart then none of that would have happen. Again, I still feel that outside advice that is within the scope of God’s Word is a valuable resource for those of us who are weak.

  3. kaliko88 says:

    I once attended at college a panel discussion on religion. Invited were three speakers, each from a different faith – Islam, Judaism, and Christian. Each was given an opportunity to describe what their faith espoused and how they practiced it, and then the audience would be able to ask questions. I was struck by how elaborate the presentations of Islamic and Jewish faith were. They each spoke for about ten minutes apart on how their belief systems were supposed to work. Yet the Christian, I’m not sure which denomination, when it was his turn said simply in a few sentences, We believe there is one God, and the bible is His holy Word. Here it is. Anyone can read it and decide for themselves.

    The bible, I believe, should be the ultimate foundation of our relationship with God. But other sources, such as books, seminars, discussions, websites, and the like, can serve as tools to extend our learning. They promote discussion, an exchange of ideas and views, and most importantly, a chance to be disciples of His Word.

    I read a lot, and watch movies and television shows. I love stories. I glean what good I can find in them and try to analyze them with God’s Word. It’s not putting faith in those tools. It’s putting faith in God and his Word to help me understand the things around me that affect my life, and that help me practice the lessons from His Word to show others.

  4. Valkiria says:

    John 17:15-17 “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
    I may read many books, listen to the most convincing and famous evangelists and counselors, but I’ll always put everything I read and listen to, in perspective to the Bible. I know for a fact how the Holy Spirit ‘translates’ and interprets each passage to my own needs. I believe in a such personal relationship with God, that allows me to be in the world, live in the world, but not belong to the world.
    I remember what a pastor said in one Spiritual Retreat, almost 20 years ago, “Either the Bible makes me avoid sin, or sin will make me avoid the Bible.”

  5. Abate says:

    Thanks Mart again for the positive and helpful thought-provoking (not vain agrgumentative) topic.

    Yes, I believe the Word of God (the Scriptures) is our ultimate source of who God is and what He wants us to know and how we should behave ourselves for His glory, honor and also our joy.

    So, what does the Scriptures tell us about the topic at hand. It might not tell us as in many other areas directly – then volumes and volumes would be necessary (John 21:25 We get the principles to work on). Paul was a reader of history and other writings of his time and before (Titus 1:12). So let us read books and also refer them when necessary. Paul mentions the profession of Luke (a doctor) – not in a negative way. So, it is acceptable and good. Luke is said to have used his knowledge of medicine to describe accurately the sickness/disease that were cured miraculously. Go to the doctor. Well, the tabernacle was built by architects with gifts from God. Read Proverbs it says if you have skills that is very commendable and good. So, whatever is good, right, whatever is true, etc. (Philipians 4:8) pursue it. Knowledge (medicine, true psycology, counseling, science, math, etc.) are noble. When we see their advances it is promoted by believers. It is our joy to search what is hidden and enjoy the task that God gave us – read Proverbs. Love knowledge and wisdom. It starts with the fear of God. Build upon it! With best wishes.

  6. daisymarygoldr says:

    “So I’m not above correction”- Hope this was not the message perceived in the expression of the concern. If some consider it “wrong for a follower of Christ to use doctors, medicine, counselors (specialists), or even life insurance” then it is their problem…as according to the measure of faith that each one of us has received, we ought to be diligently occupied with our individual calling till the day of His return! However-

    Being a specialist, I do use my earthly knowledge for the perishing temporal body but do not take pride in it to preach it as the gospel.

    Being a sinner, I do “hide my sins” under the blood of Christ to escape the wrath of God and I am not at all ashamed of “spiritual talk” to preach the gospel of the cross of Christ, which is found ‘only’ in His Word for the salvation of precious eternal souls!

    For, the knowledge of God that He reveals to the lowly and foolish will one day destroy the earthly knowledge of the learned and the wise!!

  7. Hongming says:

    happened to chance upon your site. I’m a insurance salesman by trade and I really do agree on what you’ve written in regards to this article.

    I’ve spoken with a couple of my church friends or ex church friends but many do not buy the idea of life insurance. They give all sorts of reasons and to put it bluntly, they expect God’s provision to fall from the skies.

    I believe that when we pray to God, most of the time He doesn’t just answer our prayers directly, instead He puts us into situations to develop and learn about it or gives us opportunities to achieve it.

    Coming from an Asian country, the teachings of the church might have been mixed with Asian social beliefs. Asians believe that finance is not important or rather to be “evil” and do not wish to mix it with religion.

    People will say things like “there’s no need to accumulate wealth cause God will provide”. Its funny that when it come to finance, people have such a view of the way God operates but they view it differently when relating to other situations. A good example is why do we carry umbrellas? If we can believe in God’s provision when it’s regarding finances, then why can’t we believe Him in the same way that He’ll stop the rain whenever we need?

    Accumulating wealth isn’t an ungodly issue at all. its the usage behind it. If a person accumulates wealth and it corrupts his heart then i’m sure it isn’t Godly at all but when someones have wealth and gives to God for His Glory and to expand His kingdom, I’m sure his storing treasures in Heaven too.

    Best Rgds,

  8. jgs says:

    at about 1:30am this morning (i can’t sleep at night so i just get up and work). i was going about my normal routine: reading our daily bread, 5 psalms, praying, drinking coffee, listening to the tv with 1/2 an ear (since my daughter is gone, i can’t stand the silence) when the power went out !!! it was instantly pitch black in here. i had been reading about the great cathedrals of europe and ironically had just watched a special on pbs yesterday on the same. couldn’t help glancing across the page at the king’s colors. my attention immediately shifted into a different mode and i inched my way to where i knew i had a candle. i went back to my reading but with a different focus. i began to think about electricity/power/energy and how very dependant i am on it. now i can’t work on my quilt, i can’t heat up something to eat, the silence is deafening; well, actually, i listened to the crickets and it reminded me of growing up and sleeping on the floor next to the screen door to catch a breeze.

    ok, what’s my point??? i am very grateful for electric/power/ energy but can manage for a little while without it if need be. should i not use it because it’s man-made??? how insane. i live in the most dangerous neighborhood in my city. should i leave my door unlocked and invite in anyone passing by??? that would be ludicris…

    i had another thought in the darkness. what if i get to heaven and finally meet the master and he’s physically really ugly. that’s what i see when i look in the mirror. i thought a lot about being blind as i waited out the hours for the power to come back on. you should see the phenomonal artwork the blind artists produce at the gallery where i show my work. leaves me speechless.

  9. cwilson0209 says:

    I’m new to posting on this site, but have been reading your blog posts for some time, Mart, and I have never once read anything you wrote that would make me think that you put anything above the Word of God. So no correction needed in my opinion.

    On insurance: Proverbs 22:3 “A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.” It seems to me that carrying insurance is a prudent thing to do. Also, I see it as a form of sharing. Disasters do strike good people as well as wicked. With insurance we pool our funds so that if your house is destroyed in a flood, the money I put into the pool helps rebuild it and vice versa.

    On doctors: Jesus said in Matthew 9:12 “It is not those who are well who need a physican but those who are sick.” To me, this is Jesus’ endorsement of physicians and other specialists.

    There are a lot of verses in Scripture that speak about people who are highly skilled, gifted, and/or called to one trade or another. I believe these are all gifts of God to His children. Let’s be grateful to Him for them.

    Our God is practical as well as holy as the Bible clearly shows. And like Galileo, “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use.” -Galileo Galilei

  10. click says:


    I’ve been reading Our Daily Bread online for several years and am on my third time reading through the Bible in a year with your recommended passages. I finally clicked the link off to the side and discovered this blog. Thank you so much for spending your time with your readers. It looks like I’m joining in the middle of a lively debate.

    I will add my two cents. I agree that the Word of God has no substitute. But I for one find it very helpful to consult with others for help in determining the best path for my life that is in keeping with God’s Word. Each of us is created with unique gifts and talents, and my mind is inclined towards computers and numbers. When I encounter a situation in my life and am struggling to know what way is best, it seems to me to be good to consult God’s Word _and_ the saints that He has put in my life. Installing a new printer or making a wireless router work comes natural to me, but coming up with the best words to talk with two teens that cannot see eye to eye on anything is not so easy for me. So, I applaud and am very grateful for those Christian counsellors in my life. They provide valuable guidance when I am struggling.

    Conversely, that doesn’t give me permission to turn off my brain and heart. I do need to weigh the words of others and see if I also see the application in God’s Word.

    As to creating a website and material on pornography, I think that is great. But perhaps the church could also do well with more information directed towards gossiping and creating dissensions and how to overcome these sins.

    Thank you again, and I will look forward to your future posts!

  11. Your Love Inspires says:

    After reading the responses to these topics thus far, I have to comment on pornography and devient sexual behaviour because no one has acknowedged any issues with this sin. It started early for me at the age of 5 when I was sexually molested and went hand in hand with the sins to come, namely heroin and cocaine addiction. I used anything to kill the pain of the shame and guilt that came along with my “first sexual encounter,” almost to the point of death many times over. It was not until I finally truly acknowledged that I was damaged goods that God could begin working on my tattered being. Now I am married to a wonderfull women who also suffered sexual abuse in the foster care system after her mother, father, and sister died when she was only 6. Our healing was facilitated by a couple of caring individuals who could only have been God sent but only my friend Scott is a Christian psychologist. I guess to get to the point… the Church had nothing for our restoration. Whenever I shared my experience with another “Christian,” I was feared, ridiculed, and had it used against me, even though I was a beaten down individual who never brought any harm to anyone I met in a Church. To the contrary, I learned that there are many self righteous predators in the Church.

    Mark, please go forth with your idea to address sexual sin thrugh the prism of Scripture, keeping in mind that some are definately “special needs children” because of their life’s experiences. Pornogaphy is a scourge that feeds on our very being and many suffer from it’s devestating effects, for whatever reason they came to it in the first place. I have been free from acting out on my dark sexual nature for a time now and stay vigilent to keep this demon at bay beacuse it is a path that satan uses to steal from us, if not our salvation, at least our effectiveness in the body of Christ because of the dark, shameful cloud that come with it.

  12. poohpity says:

    I have a son who was molested at the age of six and I brought charges against the perpetrator and again at 13 by a 19 year old girl. He has struggled with pornography. My other son who was never victimized also struggles with pornography yet has committed himself to a life of celibacy. I asked both what prompts them to do this, the one who was victimized stated he wants to know how to please a women and the other says because it turns him on when he is stressed he then relieves his stress.

    Before my relationship with the Lord I also struggled with this addiction along with many others. Through my relationship with Christ and reading the Word not because I have to but because I want to learn about God He has been working on change in me and some of my addictions were taken away immediately at conversion and some like smoking I still struggle with.

    As I asked for help in the church for my sons many were uncomfortable with dealing with these issues and also gossiped about them which caused some to stop me in some leadership roles. Because of this reaction the only one I could change was me so I opened up even further to discuss issues some found hard to deal with and found that many in the church beneath their Holier than thou attitudes suffered with many issues they did not want anyone else to know but this provided a door for honesty about their struggles. In the bible it says that those things that are kept in darkness do not like the light because it prompts change.

    As human beings the Bible states that ALL things are common to man but kept secret no one knows anyone else struggles with any issues and I believe it is time to admit we have issues like anyone else and let the healing begin. I believe and have experienced the healing power of God in my life but others it takes time and help but you first have to be open to acknowledge there is even a problem. The darkness hides many flaws so let’s help one another step into the light with empathy and love. If the Lord asks us to come as we are into His loving arms who are we to refuse the ones who need help so desperately (all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God).

  13. Mart De Haan says:

    Your Love Inspires and poohpity, thank you for being willing to tell some of your story. Am sure that so many of us can say that your honest observations resonate with our own brokenness!!

  14. Loretta Beavis says:

    God is omnipotent, isn’t that all-powerful?
    God is omniscient, isn’t that all knowing and all-wise?
    His plans and purposes are THE plan and purpose from our salvation to His promise to meet our needs during our earthly life.
    And we learn that by developing a personal relationship with God
    through the Bible.
    But If the sin (violence, addiction, you fill in the blank) is not confronted and stopped by “Reading the Bible” get out and get help! Satan wants you to feel shame, guilt, and isolate you from God.
    Ask God for discernment, let the Holy Spirit (some say the still small voice inside you) guide you to help.
    Satan imitates God’s word (just ask Eve) and confuses many people. Jesus fulfilled The Law. He set us free from religious legalism.
    Some of the confusion is our own fault for not reading the whole passage of scripture; rather, looking for the answer that pleases us.
    For example, Ephesians 5:22 and Colossians 3:18 – the wives submit to your husbands “clause” – the only verse he memorized in the Bible.
    And if I don’t “submit”, well, then its right for him to pursue pornography, adultery…etc. We went to too many pastors who told me I needed to let go of what ever anger I had towards my spouse. Not one told him to stop doing what he is doing. Finally we got to a counselor at the domestic violence shelter, and a man (outside of “the Bible”) said STOP (or go to jail) THERE is a good Samaritan (Luke 10). I believe God uses HIS PEOPLE to help us and answer our prayers. We are the body of Christ. Too often “the body” is limp, falls asleep or is afraid to act. God then uses some other “body.” Let the Holy Spirit guide you, ask for God discernment.
    And finally, many Christians ARE in those career fields that help people…insurance, counseling, doctors, authors…and some failure comes, but God will pick you up!

    I love my Christian family, I love you, RBC staff.
    Forgive me if I’m responding roughly, but I know it’s foolish to put limits on our great big God!

  15. Valkiria says:

    I believe we all can relate to those problems, one way or another, even though we didn’t specific said so in our comments. I’m for one, prefer to leave those baggage behind, and focus on the light. I was molested when I was a child, but I won’t use it as an excuse for my sin. I ask God to help me forgive those who abused me and then I can learn my lessons and move on. When I sin today, I know is because of my human nature, and not because of something that happened years ago. As soon as we start to deal with the present we can start healing whatever scars the past left on us!
    As I say that, I ask my fellow Christians to pray for all of us, as we all, one way or another, have scars hard to heal.

  16. satscout says:

    @Loretta Beavis: The next time somebody throws the “submit” verses at you, remind them that the next paragraphs (usually multiple) tell the husbands to love their wives, arguably the harder and less enforced task.

    @Mart: There is a verse whose reference escapes me at the moment – and admittedly at 1:46 am I am too lazy to look it up – that goes something like if a man tries to stand alone, he will fall… if two stand together, they can hold each other up, and a three fold cord is not easily broken. Something like that. Seems to me that God is clearly saying that folks who try to fly on their own strength, thinking the Bible is enough all by itself, aren’t going to make it. We need each other – we need our collective gifts, experience, strength and hope – and all parts of the “body” are equally important and needed. Even the specialty ones that develop in response to a need (for example, the pornography resources you are developing). Keep up the good work. I always enjoy reading your articles though I rarely comment.

  17. Mart De Haan says:

    satscout, thanks for your encouragement. Just ran down the text you referred to. It’s a good one. At Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 the voice of wisdom says, “Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble. And on a cold night, two under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken” (NLT).

  18. micki-b says:

    Mart, Your Love and poohpity,

    i was molested by a neighbor for about a year and a half when i was 10-11. Then again by a coach when i was in high school. i have done the counseling road and i have been a christian for almost the same amount of time (i got saved when i was 11 going on 12) and i am still not where i want to be in regards to the damage suffered from those times. the porn issue with me is almost a non-starter, but only almost. which is to say that sometimes i struggle with wanting to go online and find it, and once in a great while i do. also there is a struggle with another matter that goes along with all that, which is really where my struggle is. Also i struggle with just wanted to be cherished by someone (i know, Jesus does but i need jesus with a body…i’m just not spiritual enough to deal with it otherwise…still have a hard time with love and grace even when i see it in action…)

    it does not help that i am separated/soon to be divorced now for 10 years and have been celibate for 7. Still, the desires are there. i have begged GOD to take them away. He doesn’t answer that prayer with the affirmative. So, i try to fight it with Bible reading and prayer and verse memorization. i don’t know how to beat it. i don’t know where to find good help. the last counselor i had actually said i was to blame in the last instance of molestation because i was old enough to “know better”. well, i was 14 and he was 46. so what do you do with that?

    right now, i have been going thru a patch where i don’t know what to do with GOD. it’s hard to see the grace. i can see it sometimes but most of the time i am just trying to survive in a very dark world, with not a lot of resources for helping anyone else. i want to but i think “how can i help anyone else if i haven’t figured a way out myself?” i can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. the last time i did, i got hit by the oncoming train.

    anyway, thanks for listening. thanks for writing these blogs.

    just trying to keep my head above water

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