We recently talked about the fact that there is a logic to faith even as there is also a mystery. According to the disciple who not only walked on water for a few seconds, but later denied that he ever even knew Jesus, faith expresses itself first in a desire and choice for virtue…rather than for something that will leave us full of regret and disgrace (2Peter 2:5-7).
Since it is the beginning of a new day, I’m looking out the window into the darkness of an early morning that has not seen the light. And with Peter’s urging in mind I wonder if we could share together something like…
Father, thank you for letting us breathe the air of a new day. It’s only by your mercy that we’re here. Only by your undeserved kindness have we opened our eyes, to new thoughts, to fresh choices, and to sense in the darkness around us the wonder of your presence.
We are sobered by the thought that, in your wisdom, you might let us waste this day on ourselves, on unworthy motives, on unhealthy thoughts, or on choices that could hurt and discourage those around us. we realize that by the decisions you allow us to make on our own, you have given us the ability to bring disgrace to you and your name.
But we also find hope in the thought that you may give us the chance to use this day for your honor, and for purposes far greater and better than our own.
So, Father, we don’t want to enter the next moment with unworthy thoughts. Please don’t let us live this day as if we made it, or deserve it. Nor do we want to see ourselves as victims of circumstance, or with a sense of what is owed to us by you or anyone else.
Because of all you have done for us, please help us to use this day to look for opportunities to return kindness for insult, and good for evil– not to try and show ourselves better than others, but to do for anyone you bring into our life as you have so kindly done for us.
Please don’t let us miss a chance to help those who might be in need of an unexpected smile, a helping hand, or anything else that would quietly draw their attention not to us, but to you.
Above all, Father, because you have made the ultimate sacrifice for us, we want, at the very least, to bring a smile to your heart, and to those you love so much– today.