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A Prayer for the End of the Day

“Our Father,

At the end of another day, we come to you not just by ourselves– but together.

Many of us will readily admit that you have given us again today far more than we deserve. But some of us find ourselves reeling with news that we have not yet been able to understand or even to accept.

So, we come to you together, not only  because we know that you alone are to be thanked for our good times, but because you alone are to be trusted in the moments of our loss.

We also admit, Father, that in spite of what we boldly declare in the light,  when the sun goes down, we are inclined to worry about things we cannot change or control. So we need your help again tonight to remember with David the King and songwriter of Israel that,

“He who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps. The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not hurt you by day, nor the moon at night. The LORD keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever” (Psalm 121:4-8 NLT).

So as we get ready to lay our head on our pillow, please let our hearts also find their rest in you.

In the name of your Son Jesus, “Good night, Father.”

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11 Responses to “A Prayer for the End of the Day”

  1. daisymarygoldr says:

    It is true …when calamity strikes in the form of news which may not be acceptable, the nights may turn out to be very unbearable. After saying that prayer and trusting God with our fears, rather than worrying and fretting about what’s going to happen, we will simply sleep peacefully ‘knowing’ that we are not alone. When we think of Him in the night watches (Psalm 63:6) God (our) Maker, gives songs in the night (Job 35:10)!

  2. desert rose says:

    When I cannot sleep or am upset about something that has happened, I have Christian nature videos. The old familiar hymns are sung and it quiets my soul right down. I also have Bible DVD to play at night as well. The hymns and the Word of God do smooth us as we give our cares to God. It is easier to say ‘not to worry’ than for us not to worry. By focusing on His promises gives us a balance at a time in our life when we need it.

    Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. (I forgot where the verse is located).

  3. poohpity says:

    Wow! What a blessing this has been from both of you for the reminder that God is always and in all ways looking and caring for us. Thank you!!:)

  4. forteag says:

    God is truly amazing. For someone who never sleeps it is great that he created day and night so that we humans can sleep. What’s more important we can lay down our heads at night i peace knowing that He is the Prince of Peace and furthermore His angels keep watch over us.

    While we all worry at some point in time, we can find comfort in His Word.

  5. jephthah says:

    Desert Rose, you are right on. I have CDs of the entire NIV Bible. When I need to soothe my mind, I listen to the book of Psalms or maybe Proverbs. I focus on the Word and drift right off to sleep.

  6. Mart De Haan says:

    Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him Psalm 37:7

  7. cherielyn says:

    How appropriate at this time! Prayer certainly makes a difference. My mom had yet another stroke this week. Thought we were losing her & were preparing ourselves for the possibility of a funeral. Uncertain what steps to take. I prayed and felt that if she made it through the night we should have the nursing home send her to the hospital to see if there were other issues causing her unresponsiveness because we’ve been down this road many times with her. She did go to the hospital & was found to have an infection, which is clearing up and she is once again “with us,” somewhat weak, but communicating, eating, etc. She wants to go home, but we don’t want to play God. Her homegoing should be in His time, not man’s.

    Was on vacation for a week. Upon returning home, wanted to catch up & read all the posts to see what I had missed. Re: “What Michael Phelps Needed” – Aug 17th and the follow-up to it, I read the responses by Trying to Trust God. My heart goes out to him. While I might not have ALL the trials he has, I have experienced some of them, among them having a mentally handicapped 41 yr old son, numerous rapes when I was young to name just a couple of the parallels.

    I have been searching the archives for an article that appeared in “Our Daily Bread” perhaps in the past couple of years or so. I can’t remember the title, but the subject matter had to do with when we question, “Why me?” when things happen in our lives. The author of the daily devotional article went on to say, “Why NOT me?” That article had a tremendous immpact on how I view hardships in life, no matter how extreme they might be. It helped me to realize that no matter how hard life may be for me, Jesus’ sacrifice for us far outweighs any hardships we might go through – the Perfect God-Man taking on such horrible, undeserved punishment makes our problems pale in comparison. Wish I could find that article. I recommend it highly.

  8. Mart De Haan says:

    Hi cherielyn, am glad for the good though difficult word about your mom. I think the Our Daily Devotional you referred to was from June 1, 1994. I’ll copy below:

    June 1, 1994
    Why Me?

    READ: Job 1:13-22
    Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity? —Job 2:10

    Colonel Bill Kehler’s son Tim was a strong Christian and had a bright future. He was attending the Air Force Academy in Colorado when he was killed in bombing practice.

    “Why Tim?” asked a young man, himself disabled in a car accident. Kehler replied, “Why not Tim?”

    Many of us struggle a long time before coming to this kind of acceptance. Tragedies and accidents deceive us with their subtle logic. We ask, “Why me? If God controls everything and we’re trying to please Him, why hasn’t He kept us from trouble?”

    Satan, I believe, thought Job would trip over that same question. He tried to make the case that people who trust God’s goodness have only a fair-weather faith. But Job showed the strength of God’s hold on his heart. When Mrs. Job urged him to curse God and die, he said in effect, “Why should I be exempt from suffering? Why not me?”

    Although Job did struggle for answers, he came to a sense of acceptance as he recognized God’s greatness and wisdom. He reaffirmed his confidence in God to do what was best.

    When we stop saying, “Why me,” and start saying, “Why not me,” we take the first step to glorifying God in our trials.

    — Dennis J. De Haan

    Be this the purpose of my soul,
    My solemn, my determined choice:
    To yield to God’s supreme control
    And in my every trial rejoice. —Anon.

    Afflictions bless when blended with submission.

  9. cherielyn says:

    Hi Mart,

    Thanks for sharing “Why Me? – June 1, 1994, Our Daily Bread. It was equally as good as the one I had in mind and also very helpful. However, it was too far back as I knew I had read the one I had in mind only in the past 2-3 years. So, I continued my search and found it – very similar subject matter. It is: “Undeserved Blessings” from the January 6, 2005 Daily Bread.

    My opinion is, you can’t get too much of a good thing, so I really appreciated your sharing the 6/1/94 article.

    To: Trying to Trust God

    In response to a couple of your questions:
    How can God so lavishly bless one person while making the life of a believer a living hell?

    God does not make the life of a believer a living hell! Hardships in life are because of sin in the world. God may allow hard things to happen in the life of a believer, but He is not responsible for making it that way.

    How can I look at God’s love and favor for this man or someone like King David and not feel He is not loving me as much?

    God loves all of us equally. We need to keep our eyes on Him, not on our circumstances.

    Please know that you are in my prayers. I’ve added you and your family to my daily prayer list and pray that God will help renew your mind and help you get through the struggles and trials. Some years down the road, in hindsight He will help you realize what His purpose was for the hard things He has allowed in your life. You might find it helpful to read and meditate on Romans 5:1-5

    P.S. Mart, I probably should have posted my response on today’s Blog, but it didn’t really fit the current subject matter.

  10. mwemel says:

    The simple things, rain falling on my widow pane, moonlight streaming through my blinds, the smell of wet ground, the birds song,the laugh of a baby, the pitch black night sky the blanket of stars and distant luminous bodies in outer space, surely this is the declaration of a marvelous God. I will forever stand in awe of who he is. Its amazing how when the night is still we can think clearly. Let us be still and know he is God. “Resting” what a wonderful gift.Thank you God

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