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Labor Day and Gustav

On this long Labor Day weekend, many of us have mixed feelings not only because another summer vacation season is slipping away from us, and not only because it will now be back to school, and business as usual– but because of a churning monster named Gustav.

Seems like cruel irony that while the rest of the nation gets ready for a day off, Gulf Coast residents are being stalked with memories of Katrina, and the immediate work of preparing for the worst– while hoping for something better.

So who or what is Gustav, and his sister Hanna?

In legal terms they will be regarded as an “act of God,” along with other natural disasters that are outside of human control, and for which, no one can be held responsible (except, possibly, insurance companies).

But beyond the legal terms, how are we to regard a Gustav? Is he an incarnation of the Devil, the finger of God, or the mindless convergence of atmospheric odds?

Does the Bible give us any answers?

Am reminded of the great wind that was one of the disasters that broke the heart of a man once regarded as a model citizen and friend of God (Job 1:18,19). The story of Job– isn’t it ironic that his name sounds like work– shows us what Job couldn’t see. Satan was in the storm, allowed by God– to teach Job to rest in God when nothing made sense.

While the devil was in the first storm that took the lives of Job’s children, at the end of Job’s story, it is God who shows up in a second storm that brings Job back to his senses (Job 37:14-38:1).

My take is that, in the face of natural disasters, we can begin by accepting responsibility for our own thoughts– while acknowledging that, like Job, we cannot see behind the curtain of the natural world. We can also accept the possibility that in any disaster, a demon may be in the storm– even as God can also be working in the storm for good– without, necessarily, causing it.

In summary, see if this makes sense:

If we are tempted by Gustav or Hanna to conclude that the wind and the water are evidence that God doesn’t love us, that we have been abandoned by him, to fend for ourselves– even though we’ve tried to trust him– then the storm may very well be a temptation from our enemy designed to destroy us.

On the other hand, if even by the threat of such storms, we are reminded of our wrongs, our need of God, and of good intentions left undone– then maybe this is one more evidence of a God who can bring good out of the best and worst days of our lives.

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18 Responses to “Labor Day and Gustav”

  1. LisaG says:

    God is in everything, like the word says…where can I go that you are not there with me. Satan is the author of death and destruction, so we find both in this situation. God for the healing and Satan for the destruction. I am praying for all those in the path of these storms.


  2. kaliko88 says:

    It is one of the hardest tests of faith when anything goes wrong, especially with something as harsh as a hurricane. But the answer to our doubts is to trust that God will work good out of it, and to do our best to act with goodness. To do otherwise is to let Satan win.

  3. daisymarygoldr says:

    Sadly, for me the Labor Day is the 11th hr of prepping that always turns out to be the most laborious weekend of all:( But Thank You for orienting our thoughts to Job 38 and a name that sounds like work! Job means persecuted, hence it is not my favorite baby name- sound wise and meaning wise, though the man himself is an inspirational character for all of us!

    One can draw all kinds of conclusions… about God trying to punish us for our sinful ways or the devil trying to destroy us by causing storms in our lives. Yes, satan tries to deceive us by making us to focus on the destruction of the storm but we should also remember that God is also with us in the midst of every storm silently redirecting our attention to focus on Him. We do not see God, as we should until we go through a storm. Once the storm is over, we realize that everything else other than God that we were clinging to as dear life is of no real value.

    Praying for the Gulf Coast residents…

  4. 4everwealth says:

    Hi Mart,
    I live in a country where we hardly experience natural disasters and I can’t begin to imagine what people go through when there’s a hurricane or a mudslide.
    I would like to encourage our brothers and sisters in the Lord and everyone else going through a hard time because of Gustav: God is with you, even more so now! He said He is always with us.
    Heavenly Father I pray that the Holy Spirit comforts you all and help you truly come to know the living God, not inspite of the pain or loss you might face but because of it, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
    God bless you Mart.

  5. cwestbrook says:

    I pray that God will grant Mercy and Grace to the people of the gulf coast, that he will send a gentle wind of peace before the storm. I pray that God will diminish the physical winds and waves and turn this churning monster into a blessing by sending it towards the Southeast and quench the drought with steady gentle rain. In Christ Jesus name, Amen.

  6. wpleasant says:

    Job 37:11-13 gave me a measure of comfort when Katrina came through. Essentially it says God is in control. A level of humility, respect, and reduced arrogance in the dependency by some on man made technology in protecting the lives of people, seems to be evident this time with Gustav. I was blessed with a healthy respect for the power of hurricanes when I was privy to what the level of destruction just a spiral generated tornado from a relatively mild hurricane could do even though the eye was over a hundred miles away off the coast. I saw tree trunks several feet in diameter snapped like breaking a pencil. Since then when hurricanes even appear to come close to our area, I and my wife pack up and leave.

  7. Annier says:

    You do have to wonder why God allowed another disaster to hit. I was fearfully saddened after they rebuilt areas. They gave glory and honor to their gods.
    May our awesome God’s grace bring a rebuilding of their lives through Jesus this time around! If this happens, I can personally testify that they will thank God for capturing their attention through disaster.
    I didn’t have any government or church support when I lost everything I had. To make matters worse, I was in extreme pain with three breaks and no pain killers. I was so alone; so I thought. This disaster turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.
    From that point on I’ve had so much more happen to me. I don’t like going through the trials. However, when I measure what I’ve gained Spiritually, I wouldn’t trade the trials for better times with no growth. (Could always use your prayers…we’re going through rough waters again!) God is an awesome God!

  8. BruceC says:

    I will pray for those in the path of Gustav and that the storm would weaken. An act of warning or punishment by God? “Just” a natural occurence? Satan’s act of wanton destruction? We can think ourselves into a state of confusion by trying to answer those questions. On the natural side we have to do what it takes to preserve life and property. On the spiritual we have to pray and trust God.
    But there are many other storms in life that effect people collectively and as individuals. Storms of national sin such as abortion, pornography, drug addiction, etc. There are the personal storms of broken relationships, finances, work, poor health, and the list goes on. All can be traced back to the arrival of sin in the world and will remain until His blessed return. We all tend to ask why? Why? Why? And many reach some strange conclusions on their own; thinking they figured out God and His purpose in it, only to look foolish. Maybe instead of asking why we should thank Him for never leaving our side and ask Him to teach us something from it. And to trust Him for the outcome; that in the end it will glorify Him. He has only our personal and collective welfare in mind and in His heart. We just need to trust and obey Him and do what He commands us to do with all the talents and abilities He has given us; through storms like this and those of a more personal nature. He is and always shall be in control. The end of the storm should be our time of thanks and reflection upon how we responded.

  9. Valkiria says:

    Once again God reminds us that He is in control! I hear people calling it “mother nature power”, others giving all scientific explanation to it, and I say, we still don’t get it! Far beyond our knowledge and understanding, God is working!
    My heart aches for those leaving their houses, going to sleep in shelters. There’s a sense of desperation and fear, we don’t know what’s ahead of us, the only thing we know, and I pray that those going through this situation right now may also know, is that God is in control! If the Devil asks God permission to touch my life, God will only allow it to a point where He knows I can endure it!

  10. desert rose says:

    I feel so sorry for people who live in the paths of devastation because for many they are unable to relocate to other areas of the country. When I saw them boarding busses and leaving town and they interviewed some of them, it melted your heart. We really do have so much in America. We, as believers, need to give to the poor and those in need.

  11. daisymarygoldr says:

    Wanted to share these Billboard messages that point to God, which I found “outside the Bible” at snopes…
    •“We need to talk”- God (This one caught the media’s attention after a storm)
    •”Let’s Meet At My House Sunday Before the Game” — God
    •”C’mon Over And Bring The Kids” — God
    •”What Part of ‘Thou Shalt Not . . .’ Didn’t You Understand?” — God
    •”Keep Using My Name in Vain And I’ll Make Rush Hour Longer” — God
    •”Loved The Wedding, Invite Me To The Marriage” — God
    •”That ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ Thing, I Meant It.” — God
    •”I Love You…I Love You…I Love You…” — God
    •”Will The Road You’re On Get You To My Place?” — God
    •”Follow Me.” — God
    •”Big Bang Theory, You’ve Got To Be Kidding.” — God
    •”My Way Is The Highway.” — God
    •”Need Directions?” — God
    •”You Think It’s Hot Here?” — God
    •”Tell The Kids I Love Them.” — God
    •”Need a Marriage Counselor? I’m Available.” — God
    •”Have You Read My #1 Best Seller? There Will Be A Test.” — God
    “The Spirit of God has unlimited resources …” See-e-e-e, though slow, I am learning and will catch up someday!

  12. ynnej says:

    Often, we do not know what God is doing. However, we do know that He is in control of all things. And sometimes I wonder why many times when I know My God is Sovereign in all circumstances, I still doubt and worry. One conclusion that I can make thus far is: I lack faith. I don’t trust Him enough. I wonder what My God will say when I finally meet him? This may be quoted out of context (correct me if I’m wrong) but I yearn to hear Him say “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Personally, the test of faith comes when I fall into various trials. I need and want to keep exercising my faith so that it will not turn rusty. With fear and trembling, press on! Keep my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of out faith! Amen.

  13. hal.fshr says:


    Thanks for your thoughts. Your correlation between Satan and wind storms got me thinking about Ephesians 2:2 were the Devil is referred to as “the prince of the power of the air.” Here is was the InterVarsity Commentary has to say: “Most Jewish people believed that Satan … “Ruler with authority over the realm of the air” was a natural title for his dominion; it was commonly believed that evil spirits dominated the lowest realm of the heavens (i.e., the atmospheric realm), far below the realm of God’s highest angels and his throne. “Air” was the usual term for the atmospheric heaven.” It may well be that at times the Devil may be allowed to use atmospheric phenomenon to trouble the human race. None the less, he is only allowed to do those acts by God’s permissive will.

  14. Abate says:


    I agree in what you wrote – in summary in everything, come closer to God whether in thanksgiving or repentance.

  15. erngutak says:

    In our messages from God I remember reading that our lives and what happens around us were planned way before we were born. God knows how many hairs we have on our head, thousands of years is like a day.
    When we question why, we are challenging Gods’ plan for us; what is happening was planned, and our responsibility is to pray to God to help us how what is happening can be used to Glorify His Name and how each one of us can be used as a channel by God to help others and to be thankful for what is happening.
    I pray for all of those affected by the storm and I pray that through our united prayers we will work together to help those in need and to pray that our actions will Glorify His Name and where we don’t need to visibily prove to others of our actions but pray that we will be an example of the Works that our God does in our everyday lives. God Bless.

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