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Countdown to the Experiment Looking for Big Bang Results

Today is the day that science news services have been anticipating. For months they’ve been describing the excitement and fear surrounding the firing up of the world’s largest atom smasher– in yet another effort to unlock the secrets of the universe.

10,000 scientists are involved in the 10 billion dollar, 17 mile underground particle generator that some say rivals the pyramids in size and complexity. Some think it also brings with it some of the mystery.  One scientist says, “Let me let you in on a secret: We physicists are not driven to do this because of better color television…That’s a spin-off. We do this because we want to understand our role and our place in the universe.” Others talk about the heady idea of finding a crack into other dimensions of the universe.

This time a few voices in the wilderness have warned about the dangers of human efforts to find “the God particle” hiding behind the smallest known bits of matter (and responsible–as the theory goes– for the creation of mass).

According to a September 9, 2008 post on  CNN.com’s SciTechBlog, “There’s been a mild media frenzy…focused not on the potential for discovery, but on concerns that there’s a theoretical chance that smashing these two proton streams together at nearly the speed of light will create tiny black holes that will unite, swallow up the Large Hadron Collider, then swallow up Switzerland, France, Earth, and the rest of the solar system.”

Peter Dykstra Executive Producer CNN Science, Tech, and Weather ended his post with a smile saying, “I’m pretty sure the world will still be here tomorrow, when testing begins, or through the next month as the tests complete and they try out the Real Thing. If I’m wrong, I’ll buy every one of you a nice lunch. But I’m pretty sure we’ll go back to destroying the world the slow, methodical, hard way, and not in a flash while you’re sleeping tonight.”

So, here’s what some of the world’s most intelligent minds are doing– trying to replicate conditions that existed immediately after the Big Bang birth of the universe, to look for a mindless subatomic shadow that is theoretically responsible for creating matter– and the creative process that resulted in mosquitoes, elephants, humming birds, and orchids.

So do I think it makes more sense to believe in the eternal tri-unity of a personal God who created the galaxies, earthworms, dandelions, lampreys, and us? Can’t go there. My mind locks up at the thought.

But what does make sense to me is what the Apostle Paul wrote when he said, “For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see (i.e. the evidence of) his invisible qualities– his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused” (Rom 1:19-21NLT).

Seems to me that there are some real and present darkness issues that are far more significant than the theoretical “black hole” dangers of Europe’s new Super Collider. I’m thinking that any effort to look past Christ for clues to our existence and role in the universe is like a mosquito-sized “black hole” sucking blood out of our hearts, and truth and reason out of our minds.

PS, Subsequent news reports indicated that the Collider was shut down for costly repairs soon after start up. See article at this link.

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17 Responses to “Countdown to the Experiment Looking for Big Bang Results”

  1. hal.fshr says:

    Earlier this morning, I had read on line the news about the “atom smasher.” A few minutes ago I spoke with a colleague who is a believer about the secular arrogance that drives scientist to take creation itself and try to toy with it the laboratory.

    Then I read your article. This is an intelligent interaction with a vital scientific news event. Thanks for dealing with it and passing it through the filter of Scripture.

  2. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Just another episode in “We’ve Lost Our Way”- Romans 1.

    And how the answer really lies in Christ (Colossians 1), though the cosmos does point us to him.

    Good words! And thanks for the heads up. I didn’t even know this was going on.

  3. cherielyn says:

    I didn’t know this was happening either. When I read the post I told hubby about it. He mentioned seeing it on the news earlier this morning.

    Was in South Dakota several weeks ago. When viewing the Badlands overheard another member of our tour group mention about the earth being millions or billions of years old and how the Badlands used to be under a shallow sea, etc. Since I was within hearing range and knew she would overhear my comments as well, I stated to another member that, “Yes, there would have been a sea………during the flood of Noah’s day.” I went on to say that, other than erosion, who’s to say that what we are seeing isn’t exactly the way God created it to begin with. I don’t buy the notion of the earth being billions of years old. She agreed with me.

    In the end, God will have the last word!

  4. Valkiria says:

    Just for laughs…Mr.De Haan, how could you read the CNN blog that will be post in September 09, 2009? :)


  5. Mart De Haan says:

    Whoops! :-). Thanks, Valkiria, I just changed it.

  6. daisymarygoldr says:

    Love orchids, like humming birds, amused by elephants but hate mosquitoes!

    We can do all we can to peer into the trees, gaze at the stars, breathe in and out the fresh mountain air, postulate all possible theories, smash atoms, make protons to collide, discover quarks and gluons without ever finding the truth. Men audaciously try to build their own towers of Babel only to be confounded by their Creator who will never allow anyone to bypass Jesus Christ- the absolute truth and wisdom of God! Jesus is the “stone that makes people stumble” and is the only way to reach God- particle or person!

    BTW, if it means spending millions of dollars and a whole lot of time + energy to explain the appearing and disappearing acts of Jesus and others in the Bible then so be it…as for a simpleton like me I have easily understood and accepted the same truth by faith.

  7. drkennyg says:

    Well I’m a Christian believer and a Ph.D. scientist (retired) and I believe the Creation by God. Knowledge of how He did it is not possible – the Bible states that He spoke it into existence. The “Big Bang” is just a preposterous supposition and evolution is an unproven theory and in fact seems a bit ridiculous at best. With God all things are possible and it is not necessary to know how for everything. In fact smashing particles together with bigger and bigger energy just makes for a big mess to figure out and doesn’t prove anything even if you do buy into the theory(ies). So the world now becomes even more distracted from the teachings of Christ and the salvation from His blood. Believe, confess, repent and know that His promise is true – He will come again to gather His sheep and make a new Heaven and a new Earth.

  8. BruceC says:

    Sinful man has always been trying to “disprove” the existence of God and lately seems to be in rush to do so. That way he can justify anything he does without “guilt”. No God, no sin, no sin; no need for a Saviour. And man becomes his own god. This has all been foretold.
    Part of me snickers at this experiement. They would like to prove the big bang theory; but still have not considered where all the “material” has come from. Even physics teaches us that “something” cannot come from “nothing”. That matter just changes shape(such as water) but it is still matter. So all that matter came from somewhere. (From a “Who” that they will not admit to). The other part of me is sorrowful that man with all the evidence would still rather follow a sinful path than to come to truly know God through Christ. Just read about the end of the Millenium. After 1,000 years of Christ’s reign they still allow the Devil to decieve them and goes against the Lord of Lords.
    Man is not as intelligent as he thinks he is.

  9. poohpity says:

    How about for every action there is an opposite reaction. If they do these experiments I am frightened for the reaction of where ever they point that thing. I am sickened by all the money that is put into these things if they are so smart why can’t they figure out how to get rid of the brown clouds that cover so many countries or figure out where aids/hiv and other epidemics originate and how to cure them. If they figure this out (which they won’t) then what and who is that going to help. It would be nice if we sank that kind of money into to something that would benefit mankind rather than trying to figure it out.

    I was in Alaska last week and one of the tour guides also stated that the glaciers are 10’s of thousand years old and I never have understood what their point of reference is to determine that. The beauty of God’s creation just about says it all and I mean ALL.

    Instead of trying to figure it out we ought to protect what we have and stand in awe of it’s beauty and magnificence and put money into teaching people to read and write so they can read the bible and learn how it all came into being. Or how about teaching people how to love and care for each other. I for one get very upset over the waste of knowledge and resources to try and prove something that really makes no difference other than building the ego of some theorist.

    Excellent subject, I guess we ought to pray that money would be appropriated to more worthwhile endeavors. The bible also tells that the simple will confound what we consider the wisest and most intelligent. :)

  10. sitsathisfeet says:

    When my older children, now grown were little we went to the Dinosaur museum. a friend who knew I was a Christian asked me if I had trouble going there since I didn’t believe in the scientific explanation of evolution etc. I said not at all I just told the children God created the dinosaurs! They accepted it in faith, and still do to this day. So I believe we should be like the children accepting God creating everything, and the mystery of it makes it all the more awesome.

  11. Laura Borie says:

    I don’t understand some of my fellow believers’ comments here. I’m excited about the experiments going on with the Super Collider. God gave us intelligent, curious minds, and it seems apparent to me that He wants us to discover things in His creation. We have nothing to fear from the Christian scientists or the non-Christian scientists. Truth is truth and all truth will lead to God. In fact, at my Bible study group tonight, one of our members is a physicist, and we had a lively and enjoyable discussion about some of the scientific theories that will be tested.

    As to the comment that maybe money should be appropriated to “more worthwhile endeavors,” who’s to say this isn’t a worthwhile endeavor? We don’t know what possible beneficial discoveries could come from this. Do you know the future?

    Also, some people have mentioned the big bang theory (there’s more than one), and the age of the earth. I don’t find either the big bang theory or an old earth theory incongruous with my belief in God as creator, or my belief that the
    Bible is the word of God.

  12. poohpity says:

    2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter;
    to search out a matter is the glory of kings.
    I believe that God has given us intelligence to use to benefit humanity. I also believe that in trying to disprove creation that many scientists have found God. You are correct in assuming that there my be benefits to these new discoveries but from history I understand that more times than not they interrupt the natural order of life and the beautiful intricate detail that God has availed in His creation. I may not know the future but I am learning from history. Thank you for your post it was thought provoking.

    I believe that God will reveal some of His secrets about the creation to those that will honor Him and bring Glory to His name because that is what it is all about isn’t it??

  13. mayvillepreacher says:

    Interesting. I think I just read that super collider was shut down shortly after it was tested because it’s magnets melted. Humm. Wonder how that happened. God’s laws don’t change to fit man’s theories.

  14. rmg@shentel.net says:

    I agree with Laura that there is no conflict between true science and Biblical faith. If the science is correct, it will not disagree with the Bible. There is a confluence between the two. Bacon, the father of modern science, thought that we should never investigate anything except with the goal of doing good for mankind. I like the old definition of science as, “Thinking God’s thoughts after Him.” Our heart attitude towards Him is what counts in everything that we do. If the science is done in a rebellious mindset towards God that is one thing, but if in awe of Him, worshipfully, another.

  15. sofakingdabest says:

    We will never find the smallest particle. For every small particle, there is a smaller particle – ad infinitum. Example, you can divide a proton into equal parts forever. One becomes two, two becomes four, etc.

    The collider will give us benefits and dangers. The atom bomb is one example.

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