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What About The Promise?

Only hours before his death, Jesus told his followers that he was leaving them. Then he said, “Let not your heart be troubled . . . . I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1-3).

Years later, a follower of Christ by the name of Paul wrote in a letter to the church in Thessalonica, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words (1Thess 4:16).

In our own lifetime, many of us have seen this promised return emphasized, over-emphasized, debated, ignored and laughed at.

Interestingly a prediction and promise that was meant to unite followers of Christ in faith, hope, love, patience, and courage has become embarrassingly de-motivating, divisive, speculative, and at times almost cultish.

Before I say more about my own thoughts, I’d be interested to know what you’ve heard or seen over the years that has caused you to think more or less about a promise that, from the New Testament’s point of view, is as foundational to faith in Christ as his death and resurrection.

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36 Responses to “What About The Promise?”

  1. BruceC says:

    There are many in this day and age that scoff at the idea of a “returning Messiah” in glory. Sadly, many of those voices come from within a very liberalized “church” that views almost everything prophetic as symbolic in meaning only. When one considers all the events and circumstances that we see in our times it becomes difficult for any born-again believer to ignore them. Taken together I believe they paint a picture of the events that will lead to His return. After reading many different views on the matter I have taken the position that the Promise you speak of is God’s guarantee to the believer and I believe that His return will be soon. By that I am not saying months, or a few short years. It may or may not be that soon; but God makes good on all His promises and this promise will just as surely happen as did His crucifixion. To God alone be the glory! There are just far too many events that have taken place to say they are just “coincidence”. I believe since Israel literally became a nation in one day in 1948 these events have occurred at a faster pace.

  2. pegramsdell says:

    21 years ago, I asked Jesus into my heart. That day in church I realized that He was alive. I felt such comfort and I had real hope after that. I know He is coming back for me and I wait for it everyday.

    I’ll fly away, o glory
    I’ll fly away, (in the morning)
    When I die, hallelujah by and by,
    I’ll fly away.

  3. dep7547 says:

    I suppose that many of the cultish ideas that arise in the church, really do come from honest revelations of the Holy Spirit unto God-fearing believers, who in turn begin to think immediately that they must begin to act on impulse–not realizing how long God sometimes waits to fulfill prohecies. It becomes difficult to separate liberal interpretations of scripture from literal. I remember that as a new member of a “Full Gospel” denomination, I once questioned my faith–agonizing over the fact that I could not speak in tongues!

    I kept on believing that God had fulfilled his promise to save me and some five years later, shortly after I was married, I was led to a bible church, whose minister opened my eyes to the many other gifts that are promised as evidence of our salvation. Many times I had read this passage that Paul had written, but it took this meeting with the pastor explaining the passage more clearly for me to rid my conscience of any doubt that I was saved!

    This is the type of problem that can arise when we do not wait for Jesus to fulfill his word. Since that time, I have come to realize that he is able to meet me in the air regardless of who scoffs at the idea! Just because man did not meet him on the moon does not mean he cannot meet us in the clouds–it will happen! Unfortunately, other good-hearted people have raised cultish ideas as to whether this will occur during pre, mid or post tribulation–another promise that he, alone, knows the answer to!

  4. Your Love Inspires says:

    Mark 13:32, “only The Father knows” spoken by Jesus Himself. Many speculate on Jesus returning shortly with all of the dire circumstance going on in the world today. A few years ago, some followers in the Calvary movement were justifying running up their credit cards believing His return was near, as many are now again preaching end times with the events going on in the world today. The Muslims are talking about “mahdi” coming soon. To me, this is all a very self centered, misguided belief that is coming at a cost to the world at large. The power of belief can be a double edge sword depending on who is at the “business end” of the sword and many things can be justified by such beliefs that have nothing to do with, if not outright contradicting His message of love and sacrifice for a fallen world.

    Let us focus on His message and stop trying to predict the end of times, bringing it on in the process. If what we believe about Jesus is true, we should be focused on saving the lost and not trying to bring around the end of days where there will be no chance for those who do not know Jesus. From the way I see it… many of us have been very hypocritical at best, turning many away with our self serving actions and hollow faith, a salt that has lost it’s flavor. We are a witness by our actions…

  5. Mart De Haan says:

    Am so glad the conversation has begun with such honesty. I hope many more will join in! The subject is too important and too often misrepresented to not think through together.

  6. desert rose says:

    He said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me.

    I do however, have a question about the forgiveness that was written a few days back. If someone abused you horribly and you tried years later to go back with your pastor and spouse to speak to them but they did not allow you in, how can you get closure if the abuser is now dead? The verse that came to my mind, was “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” However, this abuser knew what he was doing.

  7. poohpity says:

    There are a lot of things in the bible that cause division in churches and between believers. I think that is what Paul is talking about many times when he tells of things causing division (duh). The sinful nature within and evil forces without. Anything to argue about keeps us from doing the work to be done for the kingdom.

    The knowing if you are really saved then what happens after whether post or pre we know He is coming for us. The bible speaks about keeping oil in our lamps as being prepared, so I think the question would be are you prepared for His coming? What does that preparation look like to you and what does it mean from God?

  8. SFDBWV says:

    I started earlier this morning to respond to this topic from the second coming and rapture point of view. But as I was writting it occured to me that the question ask is,What I’ve seen or heard over the years that has caused me to think more or less about a promise that,from the New Testement point of view, is as foundational to faith in Christ as his death and resurection?”
    My first instinct is to say without his death and resurection there is no basis for my faith.
    However once I accepted this truth that he did die and did raise himself up on the third day. I was forever changed. My outlook on history, science,scociety past and current events all has been observed through the eyes of a follower of Jesus Christ. Every thing is now seen through different eyes.
    I could spend all day writting about current events and how I see them relate to my faith. But nothing is as foundational as his death and resurection.
    His resurection then proves that all he said and promised is true. Then to take that belief into the text of the New Testement, the Holy Spirit came into the world in a different manner than before. I as a believer now have that same Holy Spirit in me to lead me into all truths.
    Test every spirit we are told to do. As we look at current events without any power of our own we instictivily can see God’s hand at work. We know because we know. The Holy Spirit testifies of himself. That same knowledge becomes a part of what we understand. It’s not through any power of our own but through the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within us.
    We know intellectually that the return of the State of Israel as a nation had to happen in order for the future events foretold in the Bible to be possible to occur. We has seen this with our own eyes. It cannot be denied.
    In June of 1967 we seen tiny little Israel defeat the Arab world in 6 days.
    We have seen the emergence of China as a great military force in the world.
    We have seen Russa try to pull out of the roll of world power only to re emerge as a threat to world peace.
    We have seen Islam rise as the face of hatered against both Israel and Christianity.
    I can go on ,these events can be placed in line with both old and new Testement prophesy. That can strengthen my faith and resolve. But not replace my acceptence of Jesus’s death and resurection as foundational to my faith.
    No one can predict when the rapture will occur. The church is removed from the earth during the tribulation. Christ will return at the end of the “Great Tribulation.”
    I know this because the Word of God tells me so and the Holy Spirit confirms it.

  9. sitsathisfeet says:

    SFDBWV AMEN! AMEN! Rev 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

  10. drkennyg says:

    The Lord makes good on all His promises. So we wait patiently for His return in His time not ours.

  11. Mart De Haan says:

    desert rose, that’s a good question. Let’s pick it up on the “Why We Disagree About Forgiveness” comment section.

  12. Abate says:

    My Lord’s soon coming is part and usually the conclusion of my daily prayers. It is a promise which will surely be kept. We do not know the time though – He chose not to tell us that. May be the joy is also in the anticipation. (Just remembered “Eustacia” from THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE!).


  13. chfranke says:

    The interpretation of this scripture (1 Thess 4:16) has always been intriguing to me. I think this “meeting in the air” is going to be so surprising that we will look back on it and say “Of course! Why didn’t I think of it before?” God has a sense of humor that is far beyond anything we can imagine and when the mystery is revealed, we will laugh with him forever.

  14. Glory says:

    Years ago, I read a book about the death of some famous people, and it made me realize that every single person on earth cared a lot about his/her death. In the gate of death, they cannot fool themselves by saying, “There is no afterlife.” Dying people, as we commonly hear, don’t lie about the truth in front of their eyes.

    Many religions teach people to be as good as possible, so that they MAY obtain the guarantee of life after death. I live in a country where people usually say, “Hopefully… I will go to heaven after death, because I have done many good things.”

    But in Christianity, we have the guarantee. Even if there were no proof to His word, Jesus would be the utmost hope, because He alone said that He was the way, truth, and life. Thank God, there is a proof. The Holy Spirit that changes us inside-out daily is the guarantee that His promises are true.

    If His promises have been proven true so far, so will be in the future. Nobody promises like He does; nobody fulfills their promises as He does. There is no reason for not believing Him. He sure is coming again.

  15. nitha says:

    Recently I watched a program in TV and it was about solar storm. Solar storm is something that is going to happen in the future and it already happened in Canada. Things on the sky will falling down dan there will be chaos. Our Lord Jesus said 2000 years ago in Matt 24:29 .Immediately after the distress of those days
    ” ‘the sun will be darkened,
    and the moon will not give its light;
    the stars will fall from the sky,
    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. I believe it will be the end of time and Our Lord Jesus is coming. Halleluyah

  16. alexdizon says:

    What have I heard or seen that made me think that the promise of Christ’s Second Coming is as foundational to faith as in Christ’s Death and Resurrection?
    I don’t have to look far and hard. I look at my children. I look at my husband. I look at the news and the papers. I look in the mirror and see myself, and that without Christ I am nothing. We are nothing without Him in us. Whenever God’s Spirit reminds me of this truth, there’s is nothing that gives hope in my heart and for my loved ones, than the promise of Christ coming again and all the evil that has corrupted our hearts and this beautiful world will soon come to an end. A day away… A thousand more years… It doesn’t matter. Here and now… All days are present on this very day. We cannot delay. If we haven’t believed yet that we have been freed through Christ’s death and resurrection, then we must make a choice now. And when we do choose Him, then awaiting the completion of His promised Second Coming will sustain us even if we live in pain and among the dead.

  17. poohpity says:

    I would like to do a few what ifs. What if there is not an after life? What if everything written in the bible was meant for us to have a better life now, to have hope in something to overcome the grief that happens in the tribulations of just everyday life. What if this is all there is? What if we want to be loved so much we believe in a story of someone who gave up life for us? What if?

  18. kaliko88 says:

    What I saw in the past to make me think less of God’s promises were churches more concerned about membership and following rules. What I saw were people more concerned about following rituals to maintain their own sense of goodness than about doing good just to reach out or out of true concern for others. What I saw in the past were people more concerned with making changes to make their beliefs more acceptable to the world.

    But what I see now to help me trust God are people willing to believe no matter what others say. What I see now are honest seekers who are not afraid of questions and who don’t stop looking for answers. What I have seen, and decided to follow, are those who draw other believers to them by example and a true interest in sharing a faith full of joy and hope, as well as enduring kindness, to anyone, just because they care for others. And so I trust, not blindly, and not without some doubt as to the details of the promise, but with assurance.

    When the focus is on the self or the group and how to sustain it, I tend to be very sceptical now. But when they demonstrate by their words and actions that they truly care for others, that’s who I listen to more and follow. Because that’s how Jesus did it.

  19. dep7547 says:

    Poohpity, I like your late night thinking! I remember when I attended a Full Gospel church and the very charismatic minister at the time addressed this subject. He first asked “what if when I die I find out that everything I hoped for was just an illusion?” 22 years ago, his emphatic response of “so what! what have I lost?” inspired me to want to think the same way. The chill that went straight from my spirit to the marrow of my bones testified that the truth of his words was further testimony to the truth of God’s promises!

    It was that same, soothing chill that I had received every time I discovered a new truth in his word. To me, everytime I feel like that, I am in awe of the fact that I am in constant contact with him. I get that same feeling when I have genuinely done good deeds, prayed earnestly for others or even heard inspirational messages from less than inspiring sources. Every time I feel like that, I feel as though I have gained something–even if I cannot see it.

    Maybe it has added a few moments to my life–maybe it has added to the beauty of the mansion that Jesus is building for my family and me! Whatever it is, it means something and it is a good feeling that has evolved through a genuinely good source! In other words, it has not come from something of the flesh. If any one has doubts, I pray that these words might assist them. Thank you and God bless!

  20. Jangoo2 says:

    Over the years I have noticed a trend of moving away from God and his teachings and more towards secular values. Most of us (human beings) are extremely impatient. Jesus made a promise that he would return. But that was over 2,000 years ago. Many see that as a sign that it was just words. Since He hasn’t returned in 2,000 years, he won’t return for at least another 2,000 years . . . so goes their thinking.

    God has no concept of time. He will do things when he is good and ready. After all, He is God. He can do whatever He wants. Reading the Bible, how long was it from the fall of Adam and Eve, before Jesus came to save us? Will he return? Of course He will! Will it happen in my lifetime? I don’t know. If it does, GREAT! If not, so be it. Either way, I know I’m saved and will see Him in Heaven the day I leave this earth.

  21. poohpity says:

    It’s been a long time. I had just got back from a concert and thoughts that sometimes come creeping into my mind came out. When I’m tired doubt comes but I prayed about it and this morning after reading His Word, I see that after living the Word then is when I realize that it is truth. Just like you said about the chills and your breath being taken away when you see a truth lived you know it is truth. I guess reading and living it is our witness to the truth. So, what if no one ever reads it (bible) they sure can not argue it’s truths.

  22. sawaybon says:

    I have often thought about poohpity’s “what ifs”, and then compared them to the opposite what ifs — what if everything the Bible says is true? My conclusion has always been much like dep7547’s. If I have been wrong in believing what the Bible says, what have I lost? But if I have been right in believing what the Bible says, look how much I have gained!! It sounds very crass, as if leaving everything up to chance, but that’s one gamble I’m willing to make. It’s too big a risk to view Christianity as a hoax.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    At the begining of Mart’s comments he quoted John 14. I can never reread nor hear this verse without recalling the death of my mother in the spring of 1982.
    As she lay in a coma dieing, I read that verse over and over to her.” Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and recieve you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whiter I go ye know,and the way ye know.”
    This promise was to strengthen her and strengthen me at the hour of her departure from this life. It is a promise made by the Creater of the universe, the Author of life.
    Many of the trials life has placed in my life are diminished by this and many other promises He has made. I cannot speak of promises made from God without recalling Hebrews 11:1″ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.”
    as most of you already know, the remainder of this chapter reflects on promises made to famous men of old who died never having seen the promise come to their eyes in their lifetime. Yet even unto death they had faith that those promises would be made good.
    They understood who it was that made the promises and knew that he is faithful.
    Don’t let the “excitement” of our Lords return cause you to seek signs. For Jesus said there will be no sign except his death and reurection.
    Revelation 3:3 “Remembertherefore how thou has recieved and heard and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief , and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.”
    We are to be ready at all times for his return.

  24. mruspm says:

    I believe in the spirit of the canonization process, however it was accomplished by humans, who sincerely sought God’s wisdom. My thought after 41 yrs is simple…I wish the writers of the NT, and for that matter the OT, new we’d be canonizing their writings so that they could have be explicitly clear….how does the saying go ‘in matters of Faith Unity, in other matters tolerance of opinion’.

    Anything to do with End-Time stuff has been debated since the beginning of the writings, never a consensus, so for 2000 yrs we’ve disagreed as One-Body…my regret is that some get ‘cultish’ as you say, and even rest ‘salvation’ and ‘church membership’ on specific scenarios and opinions….

    WE do look like fools to those we are trying to win, so lets just show to others what we’ve personally been shown by our Father: Unconditional Love, Tolerance, Mercy and Grace.

    Hope you have a GREAT weekend!!

    Chris Sommer, Warner Robins, GA

  25. wgalanis says:

    When I came to believe I was given The King James version and told that “This IS the WORD of GOD” So I take this HOLY BIBLE from cover to cover to be just that. All or none! I,m human and my faith is sonetimes weak and strong but deep down inside there’s no doubt that “He’s Coming”

  26. worthim says:

    I believe His return is near. The most interesting thing to me is that we really don’t know what to expect, nor how it will appear to us. “Like a thief in the night,” so be ready and watchful. Something about the east. I believe, but I don’t know.

    What I can do in the meantime is to focus all my energy on one thing: Love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength … and … Love my neighbor as myself. Best advice ever, and it came from the lips of God Himself.

    Yeah, I believe… Standing right here on my side of the Line in the Sand, looking at my neighbor with God’s Love, and without judging because that’s not my place, nor could I handle the task correctly. I’m no better than the worst of the worst, but I still believe and that gets me through.

    He is coming. He’s arriving in all His Glory, and we will be completely in awe because it will not, no, it cannot be what we’re envisioning. Our thoughts are way too small to even begin to comprehend His phenomenal return!

  27. poohpity says:

    Sometimes in our haste to look at what will happen when the Lord comes again we over look the reason for the writing. In 1 Thess 4:13 paul was addressing the sorrow that was felt by those who had lost a loved one and comforting them by letting them know that this is not all there is.

    My confusion comes when Paul says that when Jesus returns He will bring back with Him those Christians who have died. Then in verse 16 he says those dead in Christ will rise with the living. Can anyone give me understanding in this?

  28. SFDBWV says:

    Poohpity, It is my clear understanding that there are 2 seperate events being discused by Paul. Jesus will return at the end of the tribulation period. He will return with all the saints. You, me and all the saints who have already died. He will return with us because at an earlier event, that we call the rapture, the dead in Christ will rise first and then all those still living will rise right behind them at almost the same instance.
    2 seperate events. In the book of Revelation, at the end of chapter 3 the word church is never used again. Chapter 4 begins with a window in heaven opening up and with a shout John was took up to heaven. This is also the point in a future event we know as the rapture.
    The church is no longer on the earth but in heaven with our Lord. After creation endures the tribulation [3 and 1/2 years] Christ returns with all his saints to reign on earth.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    poohpity, I also want to remind you that the dead saint’s spirits are reunited with their earthly bodies and transformed into a new body like Jesus came up from the gave with. He was the first we are to follow. New bodies uncorrupted and eternal. Which is why they are reurected first and then we are changed into our heavenly bodies. Bodies not just spirits. This occurs at the rapture.

  30. Veve888 says:

    The FACT remains that the Lord will return, we don’t know the time or the hour, however, we must discern the times, and be alert vigilant and prayerful. Lk 21

    Even the fact that people will debate, ignore or laugh. It is written…2 Pet 3 and 2 Tim 3

    And yes one of the very core foundational doctrines is the Second Coming of Christ after the Church is caught up in the air and we will ever be with our Lord! 1 Thess 4

    1 Joh 3……the hope of His coming.

    {There are many references of His coming in the Bible, a word study is very helpful.}

    Rev 22: 20-21

    ……. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

    The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you all. Amen.

  31. Gena says:

    It has always been my POV that we should live each moment as if His return could happen at any moment. Sadly, I think maybe we get so bogged down with the business of living that we don’t even give it a thought. In my home state, we are experiencing a gas shortage. The lines at gas pumps (if you’re lucky to find one) are long. Yesterday while waiting in line to get gas, I saw a young man with a home made sign saying “Jesus is the Way”. I think he must have thought the gas shortage was a sign of the end times.

  32. Kattumaram says:

    I am looking for the soon return of Y’shua/Jesus just as He promised. I believe, based up current events in the Middle East, that His return is at the door!

    That blessed hope is the only thing shoring up my confidence and peace-of-mind in these very perilous times.

  33. preachermyron says:

    What about one of the most important promises that has been generally thrown out of the church as only for the early church? I’m speaking of the power and fire of the Holy Spirit baptism evidenced by the gifts of th Spirit. Why do so many Christians foolishly believe that they don’t need this today? Especially considering the greater persecution which is to come upon the church? The Holy Spirit baptism power is also needed today to cleanse, heal and give deliverance to the church. That power, healing and deliverance is needed and is evidenced by the gifts of the Spirit. It also proves the power of God is stronger than the occultic power of satan. Just as was demonstrated when Moses’ snake rod destroyed the demonic priests’ rods. Just like when Elijah defeated the false prophets of Baal when God answered his prayers and not the prayers of the false prophets of Baal. So why would a so called born again believer be so foolish to think that today’s church isn’t needful of these things in today’s world? Has anyone in today’s church been keeping track of the ever growing evil today or have they been so insulated in church that they really don’t understand the seriousness of what’s happening today? Myron Sorozak, Jr.

  34. preachermyron says:

    Also why would God be so foolish and neglectful of everybody except the 12 apostles? Why would only 12 believers be in need of Holy Spirit power and fire? Where does that leave he rest of the church? What would be the sense of becoming a believer who is open to the evils of satan with no defense? That is like sending the Army,Navy,Marines,Air Force and Coast Guard into battle without weapons and protective gear. Doesn’t it sound silly for God to do that to His beloved children? The church needs to wake up and renounce and break off from the strongholds and soul ties of all this silly religiousity. The church is weak,dirty,sinful and struggling because they have allowed themselves to be ensnared by this sillyness. That’s because they lack the fire and power of the Holy Spirit. Only the fire and power of the Holy Spirit will set the church free. Myron Sorozak, Jr.

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