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A Maze n Grace

Life can seem like a maze. Within its walls we have limited vision, and choices that sometimes seem to go nowhere.

In narrow passages that make us long for wide open places, we often have more than we need and less than we desire.

Sometimes our choices take us in a circle, or to one dead end after another– while God’s presence seems no different than his absence…

Listen to how one of his best friends once expressed it:

“I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I cannot find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I turn to the south, but I cannot find him.

But he knows where I am going. And when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent. For I have stayed in God’s paths; I have followed his ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from his commands but have treasured his word in my heart” Job 23:8-17.

In this maze, as Job discovered, God gives and takes away. He urges us to love– and then allows our hearts to be broken.

But what would we do if He didn’t? Would we miss seeing that– being with him in a maze called life… is far better than being in a wide open spaces– without him.

If God didn’t wall us in to a maze of our own frustration and failure, would we have any desire to find his amazing grace?

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18 Responses to “A Maze n Grace”

  1. chfranke says:

    Our purpose in this maze called Earth is to give God glory; to be a sign to others that He is the way, the true road out of the maze and the one to be with you to enjoy the interesting twists and turns of life. At the end of this maze is a mansion without the walls of space and time, lit by His presence. It seems to me that if we were created in a place where all our needs and wants were filled, everything would be about us and we would be lost right from the start; lost in a field of plenty. We would have no purpose. But wait! Would not we eventually see that our life was empty? Would we not eventually want a purpose and maybe go off in search of one, even if it meant tearing our self away from a life of comfort? And would not God provide a way to find our purpose? And would not that purpose be the same: to bring glory to God? In either case God is there. He is the beginning of life and the end of life. Praise the Lord!!

  2. agapelife says:

    I believe God walls me in sometimes, because if He didn’t I would not stay focus on Him and be distracted to much by the world. Just a thought.

  3. wgalanis says:

    When Jesus was hanging on the cross,He said”Why hast thou forsaken me?” Even Jesus in the flesh had a moment of weakness. The answer? ” My Grace will be sufficient for thee,because MY strength is made PERFECT in weakness.

  4. sitsathisfeet says:

    I happen to be thinking about this due to the circumstances in my life right now and this scripture helped me. By faith Abraham when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. (Hebrews 11:8-10 NIV) So even though I don’t know where I am going here on this earth, and I may have to wander, or live in a tent. I know God is directing each step and I by faith anticipate where he will lead me next on the Earth and ultimately in the heavenly city. Thank you Lord for all your promises!

  5. pegramsdell says:

    Exactly, agapelife, if everything was smooth sailing all the time, would we call out to God for help? I would much rather be walled in with my failures and frustrations, than to be anywhere without The Lord. He is everything to me and I live for Him. I will follow Him wherever He leads me, because ultimately, He will lead me where He wants me to be. For His sake, not mine. He knows the plans He has for me, plans that will prosper me. I’ll stick with Him.

  6. poohpity says:

    I believe Job had a very good life and yet he still trusted God although he did not understand why all of a sudden the rug was pulled out from under him. He wanted God to explain why the suffering and when He ultimately did, Job understood that oops He is God and it was not up to Job to question anything. I think that today most of the mazes are of our own doing because God gives us a path with light to lead the way yet we choose to stumble in darkness.

    I wonder if we truly depend on God and trust His promises if we will be caught of guard when troubles come. Do we need to have suffering before we believe or is it recognizing the voice of the almighty when called? Recognizing our sinfulness is the only way we truly understand grace.

    Realizing that stuff happens prepares us for the times it does. I think being walled in prevents us from flying on the wings of the eagle. So is it our walls or is it Gods loving arms protecting us from all that could happen?

  7. sofakingdabest says:

    As we get older, we come to understand and appreciate the grace of God. A world without sin and evil. If you can imagine it, it can happen. I don’t want to live the rest of my life like Job.

  8. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, this is a very good thought provoking subject. I have come to learn that our life here on this Earth is a growing field. As we grow and mature in life we also grow “wiser” in the knowledge of who God is and how he interacts with us thoughout our lives.
    I have a little personal saying I like to use sometimes. People are like grapes, when put in the wine press, sometimes you get fine wine, other times you just get grape juice.
    The real person always comes out when put under pressure.
    We must first make the decission that we want to be “made new”, fashioned by the hand of God. When we make that commitment. Hold on to your hat because God will indeed make you a different being. He will do so by placing you in the press, in the maze, and yes definatley in the fire.
    If your roots are deep, imbedded in the word of God you will grow closer to God and wiser in spiritual matters as the process continues. However there may not be an end to the process. In this life. Because we are grown here for a work both here and in the coming Kingdom.
    If you find yourself going in a circle, there has to be a change in what decissions you are making. The answer lies in prayer and listening to that still small voice. If we are going in the wrong direction God will place obsticles in our way to “direct” us in the right direction. If we continue to kick against the “pricks” we will just keep going in that circle you mentioned.
    The book of Job clearly shows us that God will do what ever he wants in order to obtain his purpose. That includes calamity in the life of believers. As a matter of fact, believers are subjected to more than the rest of the world because God’s hand is upon us and he will do as we have ask of him and change us into the people he wants us to be.

  9. cctouch says:

    I agree; life is so much like a maze with “dead ends” and “turns” and “twists” but like Job if we hold on to God and remain faithful to Him through the difficult times God will bring us through every time. Yes I wouldn’t want to go through this “maze of life” without Him!

  10. scottn says:

    Hey Mart, I liked the article but wasn’t too sure about the images of the walls. The concept seems a bit confining to our way of life. I did like the path concept. Here was a path I wrote recently. I am a first time reader and hope to visit often.

    The Path

    The path we are on is heading in one direction

    Stop signs are at every cross road

    Yield signs are an occasional moment for us to slow down

    Speed is our enemy

    Patience is our mentor

    Holding hands is always a good thing

    Hills are on the horizon

    Valleys are hidden from us

    Moving in one direction is the reward

    The direction we have chosen is the right one.

    So let’s stay on the path

    Let’s never turn back

    Let’s finish together

  11. hal.fshr says:

    When I was in seminary years ago, the president of the school said, “You won’t have problems with the Christian faith because of intellectual issues. More often than not, you will struggle with your faith due to the “contradictions of life” you will encounter. Years later I have to agree with that statement. The evidence for and logical credibility for Christianity are strong. However, I have struggled when my life seems so contradictory to what I would expect in trying to follow Christ. Thanks for your analogy of the maze. It hits home.

  12. BruceC says:

    Amazing grace it is! Just picture yourself in the maze and then picture that maze in God’s hands. Now picture the same maze without being in God’s hands. That’s scary. The maze that unbelievers are in(and they are in one) doesn’t have any “cheese” at the end either.
    I find it interesting how church attendance rose so dramatically right 9/11. It wasn’t long afterward that it went back down to it’s previous levels. How quickly many forget God when the bad times have past and go through life ignoring Him …until the next time.

  13. agapelife says:

    hal.fshrr I so agree with you it’s not the world that causes me to grieve, stumble and questions my faith sometime. It is the contradictory life that I see Christians around me live, Thanks for you imput.

    That is why I always am reminded of a wonderful mentor who disciple me in God’s word. Never put him or any man on petal stool, keep your eyes focus on Him and His word only.

    Mart, Could sometimes the maze be the confusion as we as Christians try to understand His will?

    I still like the idea that had earlier that He sometimes keeps me in a maze so I will stay focus on Him, “ leaning not on my own understanding “ or that of the worlds” but His

    That is why Mart ( if I may be so informal) I can’t wait till you do I Been Thinking, So glad you turn it into to a Blog. I use to always anticipate the first of the month when you would challenge me with new thoughts, new views. Now You do it daily. “

  14. kaliko88 says:

    There is no joy that has not first tasted of pain. Would I seek God if there were no maze to get out of? I don’t know, but I don’t think so. Left to my own selfishness I probably would have kept to my own ways. Then again, I would have gotten bored with that kind of self indulgence, so I’d like to think I’d turn around and look for something better. The maze at least makes me pay more attention, though I admit, I’d prefer if the maze walls didn’t keep moving and changing.

  15. daisymarygoldr says:

    Mustering all my courage to stick out my neck and pipe in a slightly different tune

    In this world life is a maze, but in Christ life is a determined way that involves a purposeful walk which leads to a definite destination. Wide open spaces are luring because it is broad and easy, but the way of the cross is very narrow and the path with closed walls is indeed difficult…though many try to seek it only a few ever find it…

    Maze represents confusion and God is not the author of confusion…and as you said He has provided Jesus Christ- the only ‘way of grace’ out of the maze and He has also given us a clear set of directions in His word. By following the prompts of the Holy Spirit a follower of Christ listens to His word from behind saying “this is the way you should go, whether to the right or to the left… (Isa 30:21)”. We do not wander listlessly, because the path has already been tread by Jesus, the forerunner and we do not allow distractions because our eyes are constantly fixed on that heavenly place. However, if one fails to tune in and listen or deliberately chooses to ignore His instructions, it is guaranteed that life will be spent meandering mindlessly through the maze!

  16. pegramsdell says:

    daisymarygoldr, I agree with you,God is not the author of confusion. This is true. I think we probably make the maze ourselves by wrong turns and by going back when we should go forward with the straight and narrow. I also know that when we repent sincerely, He shows us once again the straight way to Him. He will not tempt us beyond what we can bear. He will always give us a way out. The light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

  17. alexdizon says:

    It’s amazing how God’s grace transcends time and technology! From hieroglyphics to internet technology. Indeed God’s love knows no boundaries. Even our own stubborn hearts cannot seperate us from God’s love! This is a very encouraging message and I would love to share this in my own blog and other networking sites. I pray that in these times of great tribulations (political, financial, religious, social, etc) many will come to know the love of God in Christ and will choose to walk and hold on to Him regardless of what life my bring. May God strengthen us all!

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