Socrates said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” And Step Four of 12 Step Recovery talks about making “a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” Both resonate with the wisdom of Jesus.
So, if we haven’t already been doing so, how different would our lives be if, once a week, we asked our Father to help us get a read on the condition of our relationship with him?
There are a lot of different approaches we could take. This time I’ve been thinking about a way to use Paul’s New Testament letter to the Romans as a way of coming back to basics:
1. Have we taken time in the last week to remember that a failure to see the power and wisdom of God in the wonder of creation could be at the root of our problems (Rom 1:18-21).
While waiting for God to act in our behalf, have we been inspired by what he has already done in the drama of changing seasons, the thunder of a running horse, or the steady rhythm of a beating heart?
2. Can we recall thanking God for gifts we didn’t deserve? Have we remembered over the last few days that living with a sense of entitlement is one of the most common errors of life (1:21).
When we didn’t get what we expected and were hoping for, were we still able to be thankful for the Lord’s presence and help in the middle of our disappointments?
3. Have we been conscious of our need to rely on the wisdom of God? Has it occurred to us this week that relying on our own insight leaves us in the dark (1:22).
Instead of trusting our eyes, have we asked the Lord for understanding, knowing that behind the material world there are spiritual forces that are constantly trying to distract and divert us from our reason for being here?
4. Have we been treating people or possessions as if our life depended on them? Have we focused on material conditions or relationships to the point of unintentionally trading the Lord who can help us for false gods that are helpless (1:23).
While acknowledging that our Creator made the world for us have we remembered that we have not been made for the world?
5. Can we think of times over the past few days when we hurt ourselves or someone else by indulging in unexamined pleasures? Have we taken time to think about the fact that when we act and speak in degraded ways our Father is letting us see for ourselves the consequences of not living under his influence (1:24-25)?
6. Have we consciously resisted thoughts of God, preferring instead to take the risks of mindless independence? Have we been aware of how inclined we are not only to rationalize the boldest of actions, but also to make ourselves and others the victims of our own lies (1:25-28)?
Can we think of anything we have been doing this past week that has become more of a way of life rather than a momentary lapse? If so are we willing to ask God to help us to see anything that is keeping us from experiencing his forgiveness and love?
7. As we reflect on the past week can we believe that there is really only one thing that matters in life: our relationship to the one who has left his signature and fingerprints all over his creation– and his love in the cross? Can we see that when God speaks light into our darkness, it’s not just to show us the mess we’ve made (Rom 1:28-32), but to help us see why we desperately need to accept the love of his Son, and the moment by moment grace of his Spirit (Rom 1:16-17; 3:23-24; 4:4-5; 5:8-9; 6:23; 8:31-39; 12:1-2; 15:4)?
Father in heaven, we acknowledge that even having the presence of mind to reflect on the past week is a gift from you. Thank you for reassuring us that the issue is not what we have done or not done, but rather our willingness, or unwillingness to be forgiven, renewed, and comforted by you. Please show us the difference that you, your son and your spirit can make in whatever minutes and years you give us.