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Vote today for. . .

A friend sent me a note reminding me to “Vote for… [name omitted].”

The truth is that my friend and I are voting for different candidates in this election. So was he pulling my chain in telling me who to vote for?

Yes. But, actually he didn’t name a candidate. He said, “Vote for [someone not on the ballot]…

On this my friend and I agree. The most important vote any of us cast today will not be for the President and Vice-President of the United States. Our most important vote will in the spirit of what Jesus meant when he said, “give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Matt 21:22).

The vote we cast for “the King of our heart” is one that we will need to make over and over again today.

I realize some will think that spiritualizing in the face of national destiny is nonsense. Others could add, “Talking about voting for Christ is insulting to him. He isn’t running for office. He is the King, and doesn’t need to be elected. The last thing we need to do is think we need to stuff the ballot box for him.”

Yes, but the amazing thing is that this almighty Sovereign of the Universe has given us a privilege we don’t deserve. He is letting us choose or reject him today. Whether or not we have accepted him personally as our Savior, we still will decide repeatedly today whether to breathe a prayer like, “Please fill me with your Spirit today.” “Let your will be done in me as it is in heaven.”

As important as this national election may or may not be, nothing is more important today than whether or not we “vote for Christ” … which is what my friend actually said.

Whether we find this thought provocative or not, I’m convinced that all followers of Christ will have another opportunity to show whether we are in the process of giving Christ our heart again today– by the words  we speak, by the thoughts we think, and by the attitudes we express– as we see our candidate win or lose.

Even though we are indebted to leaders who do what they can to serve the public interest, the Bible urges–“Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When their breathing stops, they return to the earth, and in a moment all their plans come to an end. But happy are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the one who made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He is the one who keeps every promise forever… (Psalm 146:3-6).

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12 Responses to “Vote today for. . .”

  1. plumbape says:

    I’ll vote for that everyday of my life!!!! God is working his campaign every day and so is the enemy. The emerging church will be able to reach some that would other wise not be led to Christ. Unfortunately a few may do things that aren’t considered appropriate which will harm the efforts of others. It will all work the way God has planned.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Each and every morning of my life, I go out into the dark of my back yard and feed the critters. This morning it was cold 36 degrees and foggy.

    I use this alone time to bring myself before the Lord in prayer. Each morning I ask for the desires of my heart. But then like Jesus, I surrender my will to HIS will. For I know all things work to the good for them that love the LORD.

    Long ago I cast my vote to be a follower of Jesus, but before I was even born he had cast HIS vote for me.

  3. BruceC says:

    Even though our Leader has already won the war, there are still many battles to be fought and we should be campaigning for him everyday. One of the definitions of campaign refers to battle as in a war and that war my brothers and sisters is fought everyday until His return. We will battle against our flesh and dark spiritual forces until the day we are in His presence. As we mature in Christ it becomes somewhat easier to accept His will over our own and look at the bigger picture. Notice I said somewhat, as our human nature is so deeply flawed. God recently said no to one of our heart’s desires and we said “your will be done Lord”. Years ago that pill would have caught in our throat. So during this election cycle let us realize that regardless of the outcome God is; and always has been in control and that His ways are not our ways.

  4. rcbabi1 says:

    Found your blog from Tall Skinny Kiwi – love it! Great post this morning. Every day is a battle – whether we want to fight it or not. Hadn’t really thought about it like this. Vote for Christ today and everyday. Wow. Thanks.

  5. poohpity says:

    Before reading the word this morning, I gave praise to the Lord for being the King of Kings and the Lord of all. This is so neat about the followers of God no matter where we are or who we are, our spirits testify in unity to who is the leader in our lives. When I read ODB and the BT blog it is like we are all on the same page, I just love that. The Lord knows who is going to win today and guess what He will allow whomever to achieve His will and He wants us to depend on Him alone so no matter what comes to us we can stand firm on our secure foundation. Gosh don’t you just love it!!!

  6. pegramsdell says:

    I just got back from voting. I was the 216th voter at my precinct. I prayed before going in, for the Holy Spirit to fill me and lead me and guide me to make good choices. His will, not mine.
    But I know that the greatest choice I ever made was to choose Jesus as my Savior.

  7. macsisson22 says:

    It is certainly a day to pray as we put on the full armor of God. May God heal our land.

  8. sitsathisfeet says:

    My firstgrader was having a mock election today, and yesterday the teacher told us about it so I discussed it with my son. After we had a short conversation, I said no matter who wins God is in control, and he will use that person according to his purpose. We listen to the song God is in control by Twila Paris. But it brought me back to a couple of scriptures: Hear o Israel the Lord our God is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk down the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. (Deut. 6:1-6 Niv) Picture that along with all the political signs, if there are signs for Christ and his kingdom everywhere! Like Joshua as for me and my house I choose this day to serve the Lord.

  9. rokdude5 says:

    The irony for me is that God elected us. Praise God!

  10. rokdude5 says:

    I was the runt of the class too until I got older and worked on my athletic skills. If youre having a great recess now, Rdr, just wait ’til we get to the other side of the Pearly Gates! John 15:16

  11. jopinion says:

    Who is Ceasar in the USA? Since swearing alligence to the Constitution is performed by the leading members of all 3 branches of our government, it appears that our Constitution is Ceasar. How are all of us doing in rendering to Ceasar that which is his … and to God what is His?

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