Am beginning the day with this thought: Those of us who have found life in Christ, and who can speak and write gratefully about our BC/AD story have a big challenge today.
On one hand we have discovered that– by nothing more than entrusting ourselves to what Jesus did for us– he has settled forever what matters most: our eternal relationship with him and his Father. In Christ, and apart from any good thing we have done, all that belongs to him now belongs to us. In God’s eyes, his death was in the place of our death. His payment for sin was made in our name. His resurrection is the guarantee of our resurrection into the eternal presence of God– and far more, eternally more, infinitely more than we can now know or imagine.
That’s one side of the truth.
Here’s the other. When it comes to our credibility and experience today,
It’s not a matter of what we believe, but what we are believing; not what we think, but what we are thinking; not what we have done, but what we are doing; not what we love, but who we are loving; not what we’ve prayed, but what, and how we are praying, acting, and waiting…
By those decisions we will decide how open we are to what he wants to do in us, and through us– today…