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A Team of Rivals

By showing their regard for Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, President-elect Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton have reminded us that, in the face of shared need, former enemies can come together around a cause far greater than themselves.

Nowhere, however, do I find a nobler expression of this idea that in a prayer Jesus prayed on the night of his betrayal. In the presence of disciples who, only moments before had been arguing over who would be greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Luke 22:24), Jesus prayed for them, saying,

“Now I am departing the world; I am leaving them behind and coming to you. Holy Father, keep them and care for them– all those you have given me– so that they will be united just as we are…

As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. And I give myself entirely to you so they also might be entirely yours. I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony. My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father– that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me. I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are– I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one. Then the world will know that you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me” (John 17:11, 18-21 NLT).

National emergencies call for noble alliances. But no shared need rises higher than the shared mission of those of us who know that, with these words, our Lord was praying for us.

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11 Responses to “A Team of Rivals”

  1. macsisson22 says:

    I believe Lincoln actually crossed party lines, which is the essence of what Christ did for us when the Holy of Holies became sin on the cross, With His CROSS of party line He brought a new creation (not just the lip-service of change) and the righteous requirment of God to those who will receive Him.

  2. desert rose says:

    The scripture really spoke to me. I understand the union between a married couple, that they are one. I just never thought about being one in Christ/God. Perhaps that is why the Holy Spirit, who lives within each believer does make interession for us. What a marvelous, wonderful Savior/Heavenly Father we have. I agree that if we applied Jesus’ words to our own lives not only would it revolutionize the church but it also would bring many into His kingdom. It does remind me of the scripture in Ephesians;
    Eph 4:5 We have only one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.
    Eph 4:6 There is one God who is the Father of all people. Not only is God above all others, but he works by using all of us, and he lives in all of us. Thanks for sharing what God laid upon your heart.

  3. drkennyg says:

    It remains up to us to remind the world by reaching out one to one with the good news of the Gospel. The Great Commission. Christ took on our sins and the sins of all who have accepted Him and conquered death by dying on the Cross and then the Resurrection. We can never live up to this wonderful gift of salvation. God’s grace is the only Way and so we preach the Gospel to all we can. Being totally unworthy it is wonderful to be saved by grace.

  4. rokdude5 says:

    Ever talk to some folks that at first you are thinking that they are a brother or sister in the Lord only to find out that they belong to a Bible-teaching denomination that you say to yourself, “oh, youre one of ‘those’?”

    Not too long ago, Israeli forces had to break up a fight between Christians over who had “squatter’s rights” over what they think is birth place of Jesus.

    To me, whether it be “sprinkled or dunked” or “pre-, mid-, or post-” tribulation interpretations, or what ever else divides us, Jesus calls us to humble ourselves to one another just as He humble Himself to His Father. Until we become “one”, the world finds it hard to believe in Jesus.

  5. daisymarygoldr says:

    Yes! It is by our ‘love’ for one another that the world will see us as His people. God is love and when Jesus tells us to love our enemies, He is a making a very important point that we will never be able to understand in our carnal minds.

    With the Holy Sprit enlightening our eyes of understanding, we will realize that our “rival” is not any of “those” fellow believers who: emphasize on keeping rules, are only about grace, are self righteous and confined to the pews, rank themselves as worst or best sinners, boast about their many sins or their many good deeds, consider themselves as knowledgeable or ignorant, quantify their ‘own’ love as more/less…We will also realize that our “rivals” are not “those” unbelievers who frequent strip clubs, bars or play pool or drink, smoke, watch porn, commit adultery or have AIDS

    We will perceive with our spiritual eyes that our enemy is none other than the old serpent, satan who goes about deceiving everyone including those that belong to the household of faith. Only then we’ll quit making silly statements like “I don’t like people who don’t eat, think or speak like me” or “I only love the company of people who are sinners like me”. Only then, we will hate evil… and learn to ‘love’ and accept each other as sinners, saved by His grace, sanctified by His blood and justified by His righteousness to be called as saints!

    So, with this fresh and renewed understanding we run the race faithfully to its finish not by competing against each other but by competing against our spiritual foe. And if we say we ‘love’ Him, we obey His commission to feed His sheep. Only then we remain as one with One God, one Lord, one faith and one mission for all!

  6. daisymarygoldr says:

    Mart and friends, in response to today’s ‘love’ topic, wanted to share some love here and say sorry to everyone for all my hurtful words. It is just that my overtly anxious maternal mind panics lest any one of us falls and gets hurt… hence my rude emphasis on rules- at home and at work. There is no hatred or anger in my heart for any one here and my brusque behavior is simply about my love and concern for the family of God. SFDBWV, please ignore my comment to your post yesterday…I know that you love God and we all do love hearing from you. Sending a very big sorry:( your way…

  7. SFDBWV says:

    Most of us are familiar with the “Lords Prayer”, But I have ofter thought of this prayer Mart has quoted as the real “Lords Prayer”. because it was HIS prayer HIS petition HE placed before the FATHER. For you and I.

    Because I believe in the HOLY TRINITY, I am always very mindful when Jesus speaks to the FATHER. It is always a private moment we are allowed to listen in on, to teach us, to strengthen us, to allow us to be a part of the matter. Like we are all in on the plan.

    I also read the story rokdude mentioned. One of the Eastern Orthodox churches didn’t like it when another didn’t follow tradition and was invading their paticular way of doing things.

    The reason the press put the story on of course is to embarrass Christianity. Which of course it was, to us, a silly thing. But to the paticular orders of thoes churches it was a very serious matter.
    I am reminded of the arguement Paul and Barnabas. Arguing so sharply that they departed company.Acts 15:37 thru 39.

    It has snowed here since the 15th. 18 inches to date. I have an old pickup truck with a plow on it. This time of year I do some snow plowing here for myself and my neighbors. When I go out in the dark cold morning with snow falling all around I expect my truck to start, and when I get up in the truck and flip the switches to raise,lower, or swing the plow from side to side, I expect everything to work together in order to accomplish my goal.

    If for any reason any component fails, first I try to repair it. If it cannot be repaired then I have to replace it.

    I am so glad God is slow to anger and waits so patiently for me. I would rather be repaired than replaced.

    1 Corinthians 12:1 thru 31.
    In this chapter we are explained the various gifts God gives to believers. Each gift is for the work of GOD and each person has to rely on each other person gift in order to achieve the “goal” GOD has set before us…Alone we can do very little… but together we can do all things according to GOD. Through HIS,SON JESUS.

    Without a head we are a mob of indivdualists trying to be the head. Why? Self…self importance, self motives,pride. Jesus can see the begining from the end. He knew there in the garden that his followers would need all the help GOD can provide in order to achieve the goal. Together, as one.

    Every day Matthew asks me, “Dad what is my purpose?” “Why am I here?”

    I wonder how many of us ask GOD that.

    Mart, I have that little booklet “Why Am I Here?” RBC sent and Matthew reads it often. Thanks!

  8. SFDBWV says:

    daisymarygoldr, I did ignore your comments directed toward me yesterday. Thank you for your kind words. Do not worry you will not find condemnation from me. You are forgiven.


  9. BruceC says:

    You display a trait that is sorely lacking in a great deal of the Lord’s family and I commend you for it!


    I have personally seen and experienced the type of situation you speak and it is hurtful to the Church and God’s plan. As you said; the whole world has us under the glass and is watching. I’ve been in churches that wouldn’t have anything to do with another church because of this or that; or have run other churches down. I am appalled by that behaviour. At the same time we need to pray for those parts of the body who have fallen into deception and are following the wrong path; but it needs to be done in love and truth.
    I personally know of only one, dear Christian lady that says that it doesn’t matter what church you attend as long as your heart is right with God and you are serving the Lord and believing His Word.
    Jesus reached out over the “line” (the line of His blood) to those on the other side of the aisle; and we in unity must do the same if we expect others to come across and be washed. All the while our side of the aisle needs to come together to perform the work at hand and put aside our differences.

  10. Jing says:

    Mart-I don’t think we could look at the coming together of Obama-Clinton as the enemies coming together in the church for unity in working for Christ. This would be like Rosie Odonell and Ellen DeGeneres coming together to promote homosexuality. Both push for a liberal social agenda that most of us sensitive to the rights of the unborn find hard to live with. The gay commnunity joined forces with both of them to promote their cause, but I’m afraid I cannot agree that two sinful causes do not equal “bringing the country together”. Had he reached out to Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee, both proven to have the values that we as Christian cherish, I could look at it differently. The best example of enemies coming together I have seen thru the long election year, Mike Huckabee said about Obama after being grilled by the liberal media, “God forbid that he should be elected, but if he is I will pray for him every day.”

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