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A Christmas Story (4 of 5)

Sometimes the best thing about Christmas is the anticipation. When the day actually comes, it passes all too quickly … often leaving warm memories mingled with unrealized hopes and let down.

The real Christmas story follows a similar pattern…

Continued from Children Waiting

Finally Here!

After 400 long years, the silence was broken by unkind rumors and the cry of a baby. Local shepherds and wise men from the East took turns worshiping the child whose birthplace was predicted by a prophet, announced by angels, and marked by a mysterious star in the sky.

But the day passed quickly, followed by a threat on the the child’s life, a quick trip out of the country, and then a return to obscurity.

Thirty years later, the son of promise turned water to wine at a wedding party and then traveled from town to town doing good and giving hope to the poorest and most troubled of people.  Crowds of excited people followed him until religious leaders became envious of His influence.  Instead of using His power to overthrow His enemies, the teacher said He had come to die.

In a stunning turn of events, family leaders spread false rumors about the teacher. They accused him of trying to overthrow the government and called for his death. On a holiday that celebrated their national freedom, an angry mob unknowingly subjected the king they had been waiting for to a public execution.

No words could express what was happening in the heart of the king’s mother as she collapsed in the arms of another son. But as she gasped and groaned, she heard once again the voice of an old prophet who had said at her child’s temple dedication,   ”This child will be rejected by many in Israel, and it will be their undoing. But he will be the greatest joy to many others. Thus, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.”

For Conversation: Would you agree that the emotions that often change so dramatically between Christmas morning… and evening… are a picture of our own journey of faith?

The joy of the received gift of God is followed by emotional let down and trouble…

Trouble comes with the promise that the best is yet to come…

A passing day has been replaced with the anticipation of unending joy…

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27 Responses to “A Christmas Story (4 of 5)”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    In the beginning Adam knew God and I have always imagined for a while Adam and Eve were is perfect fellowship with God. That there were no mysteries hidden from them. Yet God had put the stars in the sky to tell of the seasons. Some I have read say they originaly told of the story of man and the coming of a savior.

    The Magi were astrologers and understood this, they were also aware of Jewish prophesy. Isn’t it odd they understood what the religious leaders did not.

    God, wrapped in a mystery because of the fall of man, Christ hidden in prophesy. With the birth of this child comes an opening of awareness of who both are.

    Quite a big package.

    For all who understood the importance of this birth, the long awaited Savior. He would fulfill all of what they had come to believe he would do for them.

    But only a few knew. All should have known had they been faithfull to read and understand what was right in front of them in the Torah. But they didn’t.

    When King Herod heard of a possible King being born, his jelousy imediately put a death sentence on this little baby and all he may become.

    And like our host here has outlined, once the package was opened, and all the excitement waned.

    Each person it would seem had their own expectation of what the Christ would bring into Israel. Many disapointed because they wanted a different savior. Not this one.

    The darkest of days had to have been thoes between Jesus’s arrest,death and the resurection. Yet some understood, only a few.

    Now I wait with anticipation, and expectation for his return. If I stay faithfull to the Book, maybe I will be one of the few who will understand, this time.

    If you can find it there is a very good book titled, “Intense Moments With The Savior” by Ken Gire. From Zondervan Publishing House. It is a beautiful discription of Christ from birth thru the Emmaus road. From the human point of view and from the scripture. Well worth having.

  2. poohpity says:

    I believe with my walk with the Lord that is what happens sometimes. At first was this great miracle of being freed from my past and accomplishing more than what I ever expected to achieve then trial after trial to where I feel like my head is being just barely held above the water before drowning. I seem to never drown though.

    I pray that no matter what life brings about I will always believe that Jesus is God and that He died on the cross for my sins and is now preparing a place for me in heaven. That is what I hang on with both hands. I have learned that it is not about what I feel but what I know to be true. I love the truth and that is the truth of God’s word.

    This is what I know, I never get so down that I can not cry out to God with raised hands for help and He is there and grabs my hands and lifts me to Him. I find comfort in the midst of the storms and the strength to go on. He promises us that He will always be there and He is through every generation and eternity. Even if I do not get what I want I always have what I need with extras.

    So the best gift this Christmas is the gift of faith which is from Him and no one can ever top that.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    rdrcomp, Of course you are quite correct. We only see now through a glass, darkly. The void of not understanding is filled with faith and trust.

    Thank you for your kind words and concern for us. Just like everyone else, we are happy sometimes and sad others. I want to be able to share both.

    I want to also say that the book I mentioned in my first post is no longer available from the publisher. Too bad it is a very rich blessing to have. I am told from the publisher it may be found on Amazon.com
    The Library of Congress information is “Gire,Ken. Intense moments with the Savior:Learning to feel/Ken Gire p.cm. ISBN 0-913367-99-0
    1. Jesus Christ-Biography-Devotional Literature. I. title. BT306.5.G57 1994

  4. macsisson22 says:

    Emotions do come and go as the gifts of Christmas ans all are learning/teaching experiences. In disappointment we often ask. ‘Why Lord?’ and sometimes, ‘Why Me?’ or ‘Why so and so?’ and like Job we don’t alway receive the answer we are looking for. But we receive assurance that He is still working every day as we read His word, this blog, listen to praises and prayer requests at church, gaze at the heavensm ….

    When you need lifting consider this verse from David:

    “For who is God besides the Lord, and who is a Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of the deer, He enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle, my arms can bend a bow of bronze. He stoops down to make me great, He brodens the path beneath my feet so that my ankles don’t turn.” (Ps 18:31 ff,)

    I agree that many did not fully understand at the time and we still struggle today to comprehend some of what is written, and we cannot know everything.

    Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those those who love Him (1 Cor 2:9).

    This scripture is oft misquoted, for what follows says, “But God has revealed them to us through his Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God….

    We do have God’s complete written revelation! They did not.

    I have read the ending!

  5. SFDBWV says:

    macsisson22, you are a wise and Spirit filled person, I appreciate you very much.

    There was a fellow who lived here in our small town named Jim Sisson. He was a wonderful man, full of God and lived it daily. He passed on a few years ago and is still missed by all who knew him.

    I would guess there is no connection to you just wanted to say how your blog name reminded me of him.

    Thanks for the scripture. It’s that simple isn’t it? We have the ending to the story.

  6. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    In the beginning my faith was like the highs of the morning of Christmas and the lows of Christmas evening. When I had a good day and felt I hadn’t let God down I was high. When I had a bad day and felt I had let God down I was low.Some of my lows were because I didn’t understand that I wouldn’t be perfect after salvation. I had always thought Christians were Gods perfect people. Over time as God has revealed Himself to me in so many different ways and given me more understanding I realize I will never be perfect, but I have the end of the story. There is great peace in that understanding. I do so enjoy all of your comments as I have been following Been Thinking About a long time. I am not very educated so don’t write very well, but sincerely hope my caring comes across in a way that shows Gods love and work in my life.

  7. daisymarygoldr says:

    Excellent post and excellent responses! … I am so-o-o happy today…this is indeed my anticipated day of unending joy:) …hope and pray that the posts will always be as reassuring like this…ending with a reminder of His promise to “…and they lived happily ever after”….which BTW, will be the ending line for all our individual life stories!

    Cannot personally relate to Christmas morning and evening…and emotions associated with gifts… but do agree about His gift of faith.

    Starting from Genesis, all those who waited expectantly for that 1st Christmas ever, were never disappointed with God’s precious gift of Jesus. Although, Moses, David, Isaiah, Micah and all the Heb 11 heroes never lived to see it, they saw Him with eyes of ‘Faith’. Angels, shepherds, wise men, Joseph, Mary, Elizabeth, Zacharias, and the widowed Anna actually got to see “the good news of great joy for all the people”.

    I agree, with macsisson22, that God has revealed it all in the person of Jesus Christ. We are all fetuses developing through a growing process to be eventually born into His presence…and then when we shall see Him as He is. Meanwhile, we’ll just have to be content with our partial understanding and exercise our God-given faith to wait patiently inside the womb as He nourishes us with His love, peace and joy!

    gr8grannyjacobs, There is no need for an education to express the love of Christ and according to me… you write about it the best!

    poohpity, this one is for you- “Do not be afraid … When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown…” Isa 43:1-2

  8. sitsathisfeet says:

    I have to say that I have never been disappointed in the Lord. Our hope in him will never fail. Though we live in a fallen world, and are a fallen race, the Lord is faithful to all his promises. I was thinking about the year my first husband passed away, (the father of my first three) shortly after the New year. We didn’t know that would be our last Christmas together. But after he died I was comforted in speaking to some by the fact that the Lord knew when he would die and I had been picked to be his wife and share his life with three children. Also that nature is not perfect, and we did not know that something was wrong with his heart and may even have been at a very young age. Various things were revealed to me prior and later that just to this day amazes me at God’s grace. Fast forward to the current year and my divorce will be finalized soon. Am I disappointed with the events of what held such promise in the beginning? I am. Do I understand why the Lord allowed this to happen? Not really. Although I can confess the parts I played in the demise of the marriage, the results it seems are unwantedly the same. But through it all I can only say the Lord has been so faithful so good and perfect. We may be disappointed in life, and not understanding except where we cling to the Lord his character, his promises and ways. So this year my young son and I will go pick up my daughter who is in the Navy on leave from combat and spend some time with her and my other two grown sons and their families. But our happiness is not dependent on our circumstances, or even who is living here or not – but our true joy is in the Lord. I was reading in Isaiah 40:11 (niv) recently which says He tends his flock like a shepherd:He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. That is a present we can carry with us always, and never be disappointed.

  9. poohpity says:

    Thank you, DMG!!:)

  10. pegramsdell says:

    It’s true that we have ups and downs. We can get emotional at times and quiet at others. When my kids were small, my husband and I were busy at Christmastime. Especially that day, making breakfast, kids opening their stockings and then together all of us opening gifts. Then, cleaning up and heading to the in-laws house for good food and more gifts. It was fun, and I do miss that. A lot. Now it’s quieter, slower, lonelier. Oh, well, one thing you can count on is change. Nothing stays the same…..except God. Good thing. Hopefully it will still be fun and later I hope there won’t be a let down.

  11. macsisson22 says:

    Thanks SFDBWV, I do believe that I may be related to Jim somewhere between the boat from Europe and the one that saved Noah, not to mention the fact that we are brothers in XP!

    BTW, sitsathisfeet, I am pretty certain that divorce is not the unpardonable sin, so don’t let anyone even try to convince you that it is.

    Don’t get me wrong, I greive with you and God. I too know the pain left from my part in a divorce that occured long before my salvation. I have a grandson that I have not seen in over 4 years and a son that I hardly know. I know he lives somewhere local to me but he wants nothing to do with me.

    My son has severe mental and emotional problem that I believe stem from the drugs that his mother kept him on as a child for his hyperactivity.

    He now is also divorced and my grandson is with his ex. I have no idea where they are.

    The consolation that I have from God is that my son had made a profession of faith.

    If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself (2 Tim 2:13).

  12. sitsathisfeet says:

    Thank you macsisson22 Yes The Lord is faithful. Praise God. I was thinking of that song there is Joy in the Lord, there is strength in his Spirit, there is Hope in our knowledge of Him All blessings and honor are His… Anyway I’ll be back in a week or so, unless I hook up wireless, which I don’t think so… Bringing my Bible to read each day as always. I hope everyone has a wonderful christmas celebrating our Lord’s birth. My young one said Mamma I know why we celebrate christmas and give presents, because we’re showing Jesus Love to the world!

  13. poohpity says:


    Have a good trip you will be missed and have fun. Tell your young one that Jesus is the gift. :)

  14. BobbiLee says:


    I love your verse from Isaiah 43. I find it interesting that God is with us THROUGH the waters. We would like to go around the tough and down times, or over them so as not to experience them. It is only when we go through, that we learn who God really is, his character and trusworthyness. Often we are on a mountain top spiritually, but after that the valley. I think that most of our spiritual growth happens then. Thank you for the reminder of the verse in Isaiah.

  15. wretch-like-me says:

    “Would you agree that the emotions that often change so dramatically between Christmas morning… and evening… are a picture of our own journey of faith?”
    …without hesitation, I agree.

    Who hasnt been let down by the childish expectation of a gift beyond their parents’ means? …or the reality of a toy that was less than the exaggerated advertising (even adults suffer from ‘buyers’ remorse.)

    “The joy of the received gift of God is followed by emotional let down and trouble…”

    I dont think any of us knew what ‘salvation’ would mean the day after we came forward to accept Jesus Christ. In naiveness and limited understanding, we expect all our worries, all our hardships, all our consequences to be miraculously removed. But, then comes tomorrow and we still have bills, a mortgage, joblessness, sickness, difficult relationships and the addictions to sin.

    “Trouble comes with the promise that the best is yet to come…”

    Do any of us know enough when we first accept Christ to understand that ‘standing up for Christ’ makes us a target for Satan? The decision to ‘follow’ is the first of a lifetime of decisions…living moment to moment. Vigilence brings reward… a living faith requires exercise… like muscle it’s a use or lose it rule. As any weightlifter knows building muscle requires tearing down to grow stronger… tearing down muscle creates pain and the only way to get thru it is to continue to stretch, exercise and grow.

    “A passing day has been replaced with the anticipation of unending joy…”

    Weighlifters and all athletes learn to endure the pain of training for the goal of success. Paul uses the illustration of runners and boxers. Christ Himself endured the Cross “…for the JOY set before Him.”

    We, too, must endure the ‘passing day’ with all its temptations, its struggles, its boredom, the trials and tribulations in anticipation of the ‘unending joy’ of eternity with Christ, Our Lord, Our Savior, Brother, Friend.

    A final thought: I believe the world we live in is but a shadow of the next. Throughout scripture there are hundreds of references. Randy Alcorn has written several books on the parallels between this place and the next. I highly recommend his books on Heaven. He asks the question,”If heaven is our goal, why arent we more curious about what it will be like??”

    thanks to all who have shared today.
    Hope you all are warm and well fed.

  16. blowentw says:

    In our Christmas letter my wife wrote the following:

    “Last week, a phrase in a devotional caught my eye, “to desire not the gift, but the Giver.” How often we are more focused on the gifts God gives us rather than on the Giver of gifts. We ask for more instead of asking to know Him more. At Christmas, to rejoice in the gift of Jesus Christ who came to be our Redeemer, is to rejoice in the Giver, our heavenly Father. As we enjoy the good things God has given us, let’s remember to rejoice in Jesus Christ who came to be our Savior, and seek to come to know Him better in the coming year.”

    I suspect much of our disappointment comes from the same source that it did for the Jews of Jesus’ time – we want the Savior to be what we want, not what He is. And to treat us the way we want, not what He knows is best for us.


  17. poohpity says:

    I have experienced heaven here on earth when I read God’s word and I feel the warmth of His love over come me. When I look into a babies eyes and they smile back at me. When someone hugs me and really means it. When I hear many people worshiping through music with all their hearts. When I have given a meal to the homeless man on the corner in the name of Jesus. When I have taken people I have never known into my home for months until they had enough money to get their own place. When I have held the orphans in Africa in my arms and painted their faces for fun. I have experienced heaven on earth.

    It is more than Christmas morning and evening it is a choice to live for Christ everyday of the year. One can experience the Joy of the Lord by giving of ourselves as He did whenever we see a need of any kind. It is a smile and a kind word during the Christmas rush or any other day of the year for that matter.

    When one has Jesus in their heart you can experience heaven everyday, every hour, every moment and every second. We have that choice to have a hard heart or to love then we can give others a glimpse of heaven.

  18. SFDBWV says:

    It’s been a busy day for me. I was somewhat supprised to still see yesterdays topic. I guess it’s a busy day for Mart as well. I sometimes wonder how he has time for this blog with all he has to do.

    The first year we were into Matt’s recovery, I kept a log of prayer verses the Holy Spirit led me to. It’s got a lot of Isaiah in it.

    It started with Isa 59:1 “Behold, the Lords hand is not shortened, that it can not save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” 60:1 “Arise and shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”
    This verse came Christmas morning 1999, Matt got up out of his bed and with my help walked for the first time since June the 7th 99.

    The Word of God continues to be a comfort to us. And heal us.

    Deborah, you are so right, when we see the milk of human kindness played out we see the face and heart of our Lord in every smile every tear every action of real honest love. The older I get the more it makes me tremble and cry. Our Joy is indeed in Jesus the Christ.

    I’ve got lots of books here to reference about Heaven. But I also know we have a thousand year period to experience with Our King here on Earth. I believe all we are going through now is preparing us for that time.

    Heaven sounds beautiful, and our ability to experience all the better. The New Heaven and the New Earth sounds like it may be some different than what we’ve been use to. No oceans. No darkness.


  19. DarleneJoy says:

    I’ve appreciated reading everyone’s thoughtful comments. I’m so thankful for the rock-solid teaching and discipling from my Christian parents and other Christians in my life that has taught me to see God and His character and plans differently than I see this world and the circumstances and people around me.

    At Christmas, my parents didn’t emphasize the gift-giving more than the real meaning, so there wasn’t really disappointment in that area.

    I have to admit that for the longest time I was disappointed that God had not seen fit to provide me with a husband and fulfill my desires for that special love and the opportunity to have a family…especially when so many of my friends are experiencing it. BUT thankfully, in the last few months, God has been growing me far beyond what I was even aware of and I am now completely satisfied in my relationship with Him.

    The best is yet to come…just when we think this life is so good, we should rejoice but also remind our hearts that this is not the completion!

  20. daisymarygoldr says:

    DarleneJoy, waiting on the Lord for a husband can be very tough, especially when you see your friends getting married… been there…and it was the most perplexing period of my life so far. Just like you, I am also thankful for my grandmother, father, mother and church family, who diligently taught me the scriptures and who also had a strict control over my life. Hence, I grew up with no dating, no boyfriends and no life other than school and books and books and school. Attended a girls-only Catholic school for 18 years, and believed with the core of my being that “Boys are Bad and grow up into Mean Men (yet to be proved wrong on that one), Girls are Good and grow up into Wonderful Women (which is a proven fact)”…always avoided men like plague and admired the nuns… wanted to grow up and be like Mother Teresa. Marriage was the last thing on my mind…up until all my friends started getting married…that was when I felt the need for a soul mate. It is one big dramatic story which I cannot narrate here but just wanted to let you know that God never disappoints… and always loves to grant the desires of His children’s hearts… but in His own time and in His own way. So, I’m glad you find satisfaction in Him…enjoy the gift of your singlehood days while its here because the husband “present” also comes wrapped up in a mixed package… moments of joy followed by emotional let down… praying that the Lord will help you find the one, He has ordained for you!

  21. poohpity says:

    Wow! DMG, thank you for sharing because that is a desire of my heart too! That has touched my heart with hope again thank you! :) Someone told me once that the Lord is preparing or grooming both people for the relationship He has chosen and we both will be ready at the same time. It will be the Lord’s timing not mine. “Ordained”, that sounds so wonderful.

  22. poohpity says:

    I know it is late but I was thinking about your blog DMG. It seems that men have been very harmful to you and I want to let you know that not all are unkind. I have had bad experiences with them too! The men that I choose were not there for me emotionally and I suffered abuse both mentally and physically. I have meant many women who are also unkind because of the harm imposed on them. Whether it is male or female both cause so much undo pain to each other as is the case with people in general but for some reason the Lord died for both genders.

    I have found the words of many, especially Solomon who was given such wisdom, that he stated that a gentle answer turns away wrath. When I tried that on someone who talks to me very harshly, it works. Both men and women NEED to know true compassion and love, it may gentle someones heart. It seems that we are frightened to let people know we need to be loved because we are afraid of rejection but we who are in Christ will never be rejected from the love of the Lord so we can chance it from others.

    I can not express how your words have touched me and I want you to know how much I care about you. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself.

  23. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Yes. Quite like our journey of faith. The Lord helps us catch a glimpse of the wonder of him and his glory and working. Then we go down into the valleys for much needed correction and growth- unlearning the old and learning the new in Jesus. A process of ups and downs all our life, but hopefully, or I would think- an upward trajectory as we more and more together become more like the one we are seeking to follow.

  24. Ted M. Gossard says:

    By the way, thanks Mart, for these wonderful thoughts on Advent and Christmas!

  25. daisymarygoldr says:

    Hey poohpity, sorry, if my words created that impression…I am touched by your concern though. No, it is not like that at all… As I was not allowed to date, the only man I have ever known in my entire life is my husband… and I must admit that he is certainly the better half…However, despite my lack of experience, I am convinced in my carnal mind that they are all the same! You are right, both cause pain to each other, but being a woman I tend to be somewhat less judgmental in blaming my own species:) In fact be it a man or a woman, none of us are perfect… and the only perfect one who can perfectly satisfy all our needs is Him! Praying that the one who created us not with the intent to be alone, will lead you to your other half… soon! Been praying for your mother too…Good night!

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