If you’ve been a follower of Christ for some time, would you say that your spiritual journey has been about what you expected it to be?
Or have you been somewhat disillusioned to discover that followers of Christ seem to have about a many physical, emotional, and family issues as the general population?
Seems to me that it is so important to have satisfying answers for the fact that, even though personal faith, hope, and love tend to promote emotional, physical, and social health, they don’t make us immune to the problems that people who don’t believe in Christ have to deal with.
One of my younger brothers was a runner who participated each year in our city’s annual 25K River Bank Run. He was dearly loved by friends and family for his sense of humor and deep commitment to Christ. Yet he died at a fairly young age during one of his daily workouts.
The opposite can also happen. People who show little regard for their physical and spiritual health, and who don’t follow conventional wisdom for what it takes to live a long and productive life, can be physically active and mentally sharp well into their later years.
One response could be, “So what’s the point? What’s the use of a faith in God that leaves us with as many physical or spiritual struggles as those who trust only in themselves?”
So let’s think about it together. If you were talking to someone who was considering faith in Christ, or if you were merely reflecting on your own experience, are there any of the following statements that most clearly express your own thinking?
a. Followers of Christ have about as many health, work, and family issues as anyone. (Psalm 73:1-16)
b. Even if it turns out that our faith is not true we would not regret it because of the ways our life has been enriched by Christ (Gal 5:22-23).
c. “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (1Cor 15:19).
d. Regardless of what happens in this life, well being in the life to come will soon be what counts. (Psalm 73:3-5, 13-14 nlt).
e. Even if we aren’t better than others (by choice or personal failure), we are better off, because we have entrusted ourselves to One who suffered, died, and rose again for our rescue? (Romans 7:14-8:1)
f. If I had a chance to start over, I would not invest so much of my life in chasing spiritual answers (Ecc 7:15-16).
g.There are times when I am so embarrassed by my faith that I’m inclined to deny that I ever knew Christ (Luke 22:55-62).