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As indispensable as truth, good words, and faith are, what is more important…

To know all there is to know…
To say all that can be said…
To have faith that with God all things are possible… or to love?

An inspired Paul writes that knowing all that is true, and saying all that is right, and believing God for what others think is impossible… all together… equals nothing, without love (1Cor 13). (The “nothing” Paul has in mind must refer to what we bring to relationships, because faith has saving value and knowledge is essential to faith).

Love is patient… but patience is not love
Love is kind… but kindness is not love
Love always hopes… but hope is not love

God is love…but love is not God.

Paul does not say, “To love: Be patient. Be kind. Don’t seek your own way.” He says, “Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not seek it’s own way.”

So if to love is to care for others as we care for ourselves, how do we love those who have turned against us? How do we do it with the kind of heart that mothers and fathers have for a newborn baby, or with the kind of self-sacrifice that a 23 year old shows for fellow soldiers as he throws his body over a grenade to sacrifice his life for theirs?

Seems to me that the answer is not in a “how” as much as in the “who.” At any given moment, who among us are allowing ourselves to be so loved by the one who gave us life…before giving his life for ours… that the kind of love he showed for his friends and enemies can sometimes be seen flowing through us?

Could that be why, in 1Corinthians 13 the Apostle Paul doesn’t express love as a moral duty, but rather seems to describe it in the present tense of “what is…” or “who is” letting the Spirit of Christ… show his love through us?

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34 Responses to “Love”

  1. poohpity says:

    Being open to the inner workings of God since God is love and He lives in us. Love is the manifestation of the Spirit within us.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Very deep topic today.
    1 Corinthians 13:1-13 is to me a challange. I f I am to love then here is the definition of love. I say challange because all of the examples and instruction from God, wether it be from either God’s laws Jesus’s teachings or from the inspirational writtings of the Holy Spirit. Are just that to me. A challange for me to try and live up to. Knowing I never will be able to.

    Without Christ in me I cannot even say Jesus is Lord. He is the only one who can accomplish any of the challenges set before me. In the true sense of love, or in life. I will strive but never be up to the point of success until He perfects all my imperfections. Matthew 5:48 ” Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.” How in this world, could I ever be able to be perfect, to the point of this comand from Jesus?

    Most any of us love someone enough to sacrifice all the remainder of their lives for. I always see love as a spirit of giving. If we have any compassion (love) for the hungry, we feed them. If someone is cold and has no coat, we clothe them. But the list not only goes on but becomes more detailed. Christ has compassion for people and wants to give to them what they need… Need!

    A combination of patience in me and prayer, is the technique I use in dealing with people who upset me. If this fails after repeated attempts from me to fix the problem. I usually try and avoid contact with such people. Or try and ignore them. Sometimes though it is impossible to do either. So God has to help me and strenghten me to overcome.

    Self preservation will kick in at some point, when needed.

    How manny times are you polite to the same persistant telephone caller trying to make you feel guilty for not buying their product or send them money? 70 times 70?

    If you love your children, do you not also correct them?

    God has done a lot of correcting me. Hopefuly he will continue to do so.

    Many interuptions this morning for me. I will return as led to do.

  3. mtman says:

    To love one another is right up at the top of the order for a Christian. Right after Love God with all our hearts… I think if we pay close attention to our pets that we can learn valuable things from them. When their owners turn against them they put it behind them and unconditionally love them again. As to sacrifice, dogs will willingly sacrifice themselves for the pack/family. I think both illustrations can teach us something. Our simple life with our dogs teach us lessons every day. Some of the greatest thinkers – past and present – have after considering how much God loves us come back to the childhood song, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so.” The knowledge that counts for us is to know things that will draw us closer to God. Those we see from our dogs and their behavior. They don’t intellectualize themselves into a box. They live in the moment. Love one another….and thanks for this blog site.

  4. refump says:

    I have struggled with defining love my whole life. It is the proverbial “putting the cart before the horse” except I am not sure which is the cart & which is the horse. Is the horse the love that produces the actions of love or is it the actions which I choose to do that display love. Even as I write that last sentence I am not sure that is what I mean. I once read a book called “Love Is a Feeling to be Learned”. We become so bombarded in our society with love born out of intense “feelings” that we lose touch with the really meaning of love. I am not suggesting there are no feelings involved in love but it seems that to love is a decision we make with all our being – heart, soul & mind. And if there is no fear in love why does God want us to fear Him. Does God give us the ability to love & if so does it give it in varying proportions. If we drill down to our motives for loving God or another human don’t we find selfishness somewhat involved. If selfishness is at all involved then can it really be God’s love. That’s why when David prayed to God “create in me a clean heart” I believe he was praying for God’s perfect love to envelope his being so he could love not only God unconditionally but others around him in a way that pleased God. As you can see, I have so many more questions than answers & I humbly come before all of you to help me shed light on some of these question.

  5. Laurielee says:

    I think that what Paul was inspired to write in Cor 13 is not Love itself, but a description of Love. We cannot possibly carry out this description of love fully in our own power. Much of what passes for love with man is flawed. Our description of love is not fully the same as that of the Father, Son & Spirit. We cannot love as God loves because we are not God. It is only God IN us that can fully love. If we try to live out every good thing as written in the Bible, we WILL fail. The perfect life was only lived once…through our Saviour. The only way we can even hope to be a shadow of that Perfect Life is to invite the Saviour into our lives and die daily to self. Even then, we have to rely on Grace.
    The first question asked in the blog, though rhetorical I think, leads us to think that ‘Love’ is the most important thing…but doesn’t ‘Faith’ come first? “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” Is it possible for us to even have a vague notion of what ‘real’ love is without the faith that believes that there IS such a thing? God is love, but love is not God. How can we understand love such as God has if we do not have faith that God exists? I’m not trying to be contrary…just wondering…

  6. rokdude5 says:

    One year back in the early 90’s, a bunch of “13”s came around.. Thirteen bucks to fill my tank, parked my car in #13 parking stall, and I think I bought $13 even worth of groceries….Im not superstitious so why all these 13s came up? Next morning, I had my Bible on my lap and as I reached to get something off the coffee table, the Bible flipped open to 1 Co 13…wow!

    Anyway, I know one thing….agape love is not a feeling but a choice and a lot of times for me, a difficult choice. Praise God that He isnt a “moody” God for if He was moody, then why would He send Jesus to save us? Couldnt He say, “I dont FEEL like doing that?”

    Though I can understand the sentiment behind the thought of “RANDOM acts of kindness”, we, as Christians, should act with kindness ALL THE TIME even when we dont feel like doing so.

    What an ultimate act of Love by saving us through His loving grace! Praise God! John 3:16

  7. sitsathisfeet says:

    I also find that love is not only a feeling, or emotion but a choice to action. I believe God initiates our desire to love, and then enables us to do it. I pray often that he will give me the desire to love, and then enable me to do it. 1 John 4:21 And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.

  8. daisymarygoldr says:

    Love— as expressed by God in Jesus Christ! Personally, loving others as Christ has loved me is easier said than done. My natural love falls short in so many ways, it has faults and sometimes it fails. Love flows easily towards those who love me….but to love someone who has no love for me is quite a challenge. Also, in my life, it was much easier for me to love unbelievers and non Christians. Much to my surprise, God has brought people into my life that I was unable to love…people who always seem to display a special hatred towards me. For all the good words I say to them, they never say anything good to me. Despite my several efforts to reach out in love, they either ignore or spurn my love. Must admit, that in such situations I had wrestled with God…in protest… that it is impossible for me to love such individuals, let alone think of loving them.

    However, when I yielded to the Holy Spirit and allowed myself to being a channel of God’s love, the sheer power of its nature flowing through me was so-o-o overwhelming. In spite of myself I am able to love them. In response to their caustic barbs I only have a deep sense of love and compassion for them. During those times I recognize that this is certainly not from me or my doing. It is Him, and His love flowing in and through me to others…those whom I could not love by my natural self. I don’t know if anyone can relate to this– but this experience helped me understand in a small way, the selfless and unconditional love of God expressed in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ!
    rokdude, you rock…with 13!

    God is love and I sense it in each one of you. Happy Valentines Day!

  9. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    Love, not easily defined. For my own personal experience it was after salvation when I became aware of a totally different concept of love. God so drenched me with His love that there are no word’s for description .I began to see everything and everyone differently. Don’t misunderstand I still make many many mistakes but always God brings me back to Himself and His love for me. He is always showing me how I could have or should have handled a situation with love instead of my own self actions.Too many times I forget to ask Him or just don’t want to and act on my own. That’s hard to admit but true. To put it simply for me God is Love and He is willing to show His Love thru me if only I will let Him. I would love to say I always do that but……………….

    sitsathisfeet : I agree love is a choice but in my humanness I can sure get sidetracked. I pray your prayer also.

    daisy: Like you I also sense the love shared here on this blog in each individual. Thank our Lord for His Holy Spirit.

  10. mtman says:

    Still being a newcomer to this blog I am seeing those who love God struggle with things like love. Some of the posts show how we as individuals struggle. We think ourselves into circles and find few answers but the same questions over and over. That is why I look for simple answers when I can. Emotional love simply does not last. Real love is a choice to love someone when you may not want to. Sitting with someone hurting and saying nothing can be a bigger act of love than anything you could say to comfort them. Do non-Christians love? Sure they do but not out of Christs Love which he demonstated when he allowed himself to be nailed to a cross for people like myself who are certainly not worthy of such a sacrifice. He did it as a terrible cost to himself and no cost to me. It was free to me. To know you are loved when you are un-lovable is terribly humbling. That is why sometimes I walk to the end of our lot and sit in the absolute quiet just to tell God how much I love him. Maybe it is not a good analogy but our dogs demonstrate to us unconditiononal love. They demonstrate by doing. They love us even when they may have reason not to. Maybe that is what we need to do more of; an act of love for someone who may not think they deserve it without anyone knowing what we did. Maybe love is less a thinking activity and more one that requires action and some self sacrifice. Maybe we confuse ourselves trying to think what love is and all we really need to do is act. Maybe or maybe not……

  11. wretch-like-me says:

    mtnan: I’m with you. If I do too much ‘intellectualizing’ I tend to miss out on the blessing of just letting God lead me to love others. I think there is a good case to be made for that behavior after the fact to see the hand of God having caused all things to happen for the good of those He loves.

    rokdude: I dont believe in RANDOM acts of kindness. Anyone who believes in God thru Jesus Christ KNOWS nothing is RANDOM.

    FINAL THOUGHT: The bible says we should aspire to be as much like God (Our Father) as we can. We desire to be ‘little Christ Ones'(christians). Nothing can separate us from the LOVE of Christ/God. What better understanding could be had than to realize that GOD IS LOVE…and so should we!!! (easier said than done!)

  12. rokdude5 says:

    Daisy, Thanks for your kind words. We all rock as long as we are in Him.

    Wretch-I couldnt say it any better.

    Laurilee-Good question. Its almost akin to which came first – the chicken or the egg though Im thinking after reflecting on 1 John4:7 IMHO that love comes first since we were born with love.

    MtMan- To me I think God’s Love is Conditional – but just ONE condition. IMHO, its Conditional on loving Him as our own God and Father though He is acting lovingly toward ALL on this earth each and every day. Eventually, God’s patience will end on Judgment Day taking with Him only those who Love and believe in Him. BTW, just wondering which Mt youre at. Maybe we’re neighbors? Im in the San Gabriel Mtns in S Cal.

  13. mtman says:

    ROKDUDE5: We live in the Sangre de Cristo’s of S. Colorado. We live remote and heat our small cabin with a wood stove fueled by fire wood we cut down, split and haul. We live with our three rescue dogs that we learn from every day from. Lots of wild life abounds at our 9,750′. We have a couple springs with creeks and that is where I like to go and just thank God for all he has done for us. Probably more than you wanted to know but being retired we have more time to reflect on our Lord and all that he has done for us. Happy Valentines Day…

  14. SFDBWV says:

    mtman, I live in the small mountains of West Virginia. At only 3500feet. But also enjoy the beauty around us. Today it is snowing, the deer and wild turkey, squirrels and all our bird friends have had their fill at the feeders. We also sometimes have black bear.

    But nothing like the wildlife you have described you live amongst. It sounds very beautiful.


  15. mtman says:

    SFDBWV: Thank you and to all of you who write encouragement. This is a difficult world we live in and being able to witness wild life where ever it may be teaches me that if God created this world with creatures who could live simply why did he make us so darned complicated. Then I realized that we complicate ourselves mostly and God didn’t make us complicated but just all different. If we can’t compile our joint experiences and walks in life to benefit each other and learn then we are just treading water and not moving forward. I have enjoyed the various comments of those of you who contribute and hope you will continue to submit spiritual thoughts and life experiences. To those who just read and don’t contribute yet I hope you will bless us all with comments too. And I thank Mart for providing this forum.

  16. kro9000 says:

    Hi, Im new to this but I wanted to add some thoughts. Love, Love, Love. There is so much to say about Love, I dont even know the half of it. Love is something that if you have it you are spiritually rich. I just wanted to stress the importance of Love here. What a wonderful thing to love. There is no way i can love by myself, but only with Christ Jesus, His enabiling. We see that the two most important commands deal with love, love the Lord your God and also your neighbor.(see Mark 12:29-31).
    And how could we follow Christ if we did not have Love. Its Love that seperates us from the world. (see John 13:35) Love is the key! Without Love we would never lay down our lives for the sake of the gospel and be about His will, not sincerly anywase, becuase true love must be sincere (see Romans 12:9). Yes we are commanded to love, but what a privlege. Really, who are we that we get to have a relationship with the Lord, forgivness of wrongs, to be a part of His plan, even eternity with Him! Love, doesnt this sum it up. Why did Jesus do what He did, because God so loved the world. (see John 3:16) If anyone does not have love he is lost and is perishing. (see 1 John 3:14) Wow, the importance of Love! We can be assured that only those who love and have faith in Christ will be with Him. And look at this: ” So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12) That is a huge statement! when it says, “for this sums up the law and the prophets”! The importance of Love again. Surley the Lords kingdom is one of Love!

  17. rokdude5 says:

    Mtman…we are at 6500ft in a small mountain village of 4000 folks just 10 minutes from a ski resort and national forest…not as a remote nor as high as you but just as blessed to see God’s handy works around us.

    I agree that simple is better but I hope youre using a gas powered splitter as that would be a whole lot easier on the back. May God bless.

  18. Gale L. Jarvis says:

    Good Morning everyone, Mart it has been a good while since i have been able to write on the blog, i forgot my password, and had to get a new one.
    The thought of the meaning of Love that i believe the Holy Spirit gave me years ago is so easy if we really believe in heaven and hell as God places the importance on each and then how we know God loves the world, and that is everyone that comes into my life every day, i am not God and i am not capable of loving the world, but i have the capacity to know separation from God forever is going to be terrible, not maybe, or could be, but is going to be terrible, and Loving another person is talking to them about God, and then letting the Holy Spirit cause this seed to grow or be plucked up, if they except the guidance of the Holy Spirit to God, what a friend you will have for life, but if the reject it is God they are rejecting, i can and do still Love them and will continue to desire for them to change their mind, and this can happen at any time, and has many times, i believe what God is saying through Paul is that if i desire for another human being to go to Hell, i have no consept of Love no matter how Godly, or Spiritual i believe i am.
    The Holy Spirit has shown me that a person with out God does not know what they are doing, and thereby i must pray for those that seem to hate me, because they do not know what they are doing, without the Holy Spirit’s help, they cannot be helped, and i maybe the only link they have with God, so never give up on another person, God never gave up on Saul when he was killing God’s children and believing he was doing what God wanted him to do, but he did not know what he was doing.
    I really enjoy your thoughts Mart, and all the different ways everyone sees God, and His ways for our lives, i believe as everyone on the blog this morning has put it in different ways, if we are a child of God’s we must learn how to Love everyone God puts in our life, God does not make mistakes, i believe God desires for me to Love who ever i get involved with at all times.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    One of the lessons I have learned is that we who speak english only have one word for love. But that the writers of the Bible had many meanings for the term we call love.

    I truly cannot love without the emotion of feeling it. Though I can show love by charitable actions, they are different for me.

    I can love my wife and children emotionaly. As interaction with them can make or break my heart. I can love my fellow man, but the emotion is less. In life I am sorry to say there are people I find it difficult to like or even find tolerable. And to love someone who hates me or is trying to harm thoes I love. Well, I find that I fail to love as God wants me to.

    Over my life I have heard lots of people say they love. But their actions don’t show it.

    God loves all of us. Yet there are things He hates. So it is that he is able to seperate the person from the sin He hates. Love the person, hate the sin….Another statement that tests me. This ability is tied to time. When I watch TV this week and see another little girl abducted from her house. My thoughts are not of love concerning the monsters who live among us. Yet if we knew all about them and why they are the monster they have become. Maybe we could understand why they are the way they are. And feel sorry for them and how sin has made everything ugly. Maybe that too is a form of love.

    God so loved the world that he gave His only beggotten Son. God also killed every living thing in all the earth except thoes in the Ark. It was God who sent the Israelites into the promised land and told them to kill every man woman and child.

    I have to be honest, when I see all the suffering people in the world I sometimes wonder where is Gods love?

    Yet to whom else can I go for Hope? To whom else can I give my grief? To whom else?

    Without love all that is bad in the world, would be worse.

    Love makes life tolerable.

  20. sjd says:

    I love the response kro9000 has to the topic of LOVE. As we consider the topic of love, it should move each of us to joyful thanksgiving!
    But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (NASB95)
    We love, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NASB95)
    See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(exclamations mine:)) 1 John 3:1

    And God has chosen us to use these bodies to reside in, to show His love to others.

    refump Thanks for your comments. Here are some thoughts on your comments and questions.
    If I did not fear God, then I would not understand my need for a Savior. If I thought of Jesus just as the Lamb of God, and not as the Lion of Judah, I would not be moved to realize my desperate state. Someone once said that a lick of a lion would have much more meaning than a lick of a lamb. I believe the fear that is cast out in love in I John speaks of the fact we will not need to fear judgment because the love of God is in us. God, being love indwells us. Otherwise fear of God is healthy for us, a reverence and awe of Him, as well as what was mentioned above.

    Last thought for now. As Mart said earlier, we have nothing to bring to a relationship apart from what God has given us, and what He can do through us. David did pray for a clean heart. That is something I believe we as believers have now. That is one of the great realities of the New Covenant. We have been given a new heart, a heart to know Him, a heart to fear Him, and a heart to love Him. Ezekiel 36:26 Jeremiah 24:7 Jeremiah 32:40 Deuteronomy 30:6 Jeremiah 31:33 With the new heart He has given us now the desire and the inclination to love Him and others. His law is no longer burdensome. I John 4:21, 5:35 And not only does He give us the desire to love, but the power to do it, as He Himself lives in us and through us. As daisymarygoldr says, we must learn to yield to Him, and then we will see Him displayed through these “vessels”. I am amazed to see what God can do in and wants to do through this broken clay pot. And we are given the Spirit in full, all the fullness of the Godhead was in Christ, and Christ is now in us as believers. Selfishness can be seen in us, but that is no longer who I am in Christ. If you drill down to the deepest part of me you will find the new heart that God has given. You will find a new creation, Christ Himself now lives in me.

    Thanks for listening. I, too am willing to listen to you all.

  21. narrowminded says:

    As I read these insights from you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, my thoughts keep returning to Peace.
    Scripture teaches that the reason war exists is because we war within ourselves. If the conflict is in me(read Chambers this morning)than how can I possibly hope to Love?
    Luke 4:18, (Jesus said),`The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, Because He did anoint me; To proclaim good news to the poor, Sent me to heal the broken of heart, To proclaim to captives deliverance, And to blind receiving of sight, To send away the bruised with deliverance,
    We must seek the works of Jesus IN US or our attempts to love will be futile.
    We show our love for others by allowing Jesus to Love us fully, regardless of the consequences to our lives.
    Only He can end the war within our hearts so His Peace can reign and flow as Living water to those He brings into our lives.
    Make the transaction.
    Ask Him to remove the sinful nature that governs the human heart. Ask that He take away the heart of stone and give a new Heart of flesh that can accept the writing of His law and once and for all end the war that rages within.
    Carry on.

  22. poohpity says:

    1 John 4:7-12; 7Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son[a] into the world that we might live through him. 10This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for[b] our sins. 11Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

  23. Laurielee says:

    rokdude and poohpity; Thank you for your thoughts. You caused me to think of something else…could it be that with God love comes first, and with us Faith has to come first? It seems that what I’m reading in the posts is that without a belief in God, we are incapable of knowing the redeeming power of the One who is love that lives in us causing us to reflect that love to others. Before Christ came to live in me, I knew who Jesus was, and I thought I knew what love was…but afterwards, rather than knowing love as a noun, I came to know it as a verb. I pray every day that God will help me to love and comfort others with the same love that He loves and comforts me. It’s easy to love and show love to my family, but only through faith in Him that I can come to love an abuser of children, or the smelly, dirty, ragged person that passes by me on the street. I don’t think that is within us to naturally love these people that we don’t understand. Mother Teresa loved each person as if they were Christ. Can we do that if we don’t know who Jesus or God is? Before knowing Jesus love seems to be more selfish and conditional with more taking. Knowing Jesus causes love to be more unconditional, less selfish, and more giving. (Just trying to cause us to think and not become complacent and habitual.Hope you’re healing well, pooh!))

  24. mtman says:

    I have read these postings and I am impressed with how profound some of the entries are. All are enlightning and worthy. I have a couple comments to add.
    One is that we are commanded to love one another, but it does not say we have to like each other.
    Second that my wife and I like to keep things as simple as possible. We have found that when we attempt to figure things out we just mostly confuse ourselves. So what I have to contribute is not profound or deep in thought. I couldn’t wait until I grew up and now I expend great effort to be more child like in my Christian growth. Go figure. As I make these comments I have no idea whom (other than your sign in names) I am addressing. I’m sure there are many who read and don’t contribute. If any readers are new seekers, I hope you find the Lord in your own unique way. The folks who have posted messages are clearly all lovers of the Lord and as I read them I am amazed at how thoughtful their words are and how they demonstrate in totally different and diverse ways how much they love the Lord and struggle to be better Christians. This is a great site regardless of where your walk with Christ may be and thanks for providing this site. This is a very good growth tool.

  25. ytalk says:

    I, like all men want to be loved! In that, I have God my beloved Father and His Holy Son my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They have blessed me with a few who I know truly love me.
    It’s that outside world that causes me such trouble and failure (trust no man, come unto me). I asked “how do you love us” and His answer was: “as three year old children”. Initially I was insulted. Then, I was brought to tears at the awesomeness of His mercy and grace. But, who doesn’t love the unconditional love that a three year old gives. Trusting, dependent, expectant, and ever so unpredictable, are we not the same? In this world I find it’s that unpredictability that causes me withdrawal.
    It seems every one of us have our own definition to words like “Love”. It’s those definitions that we use as rulers to judge the world (NOT EACH OTHER, GOD FORBID). Godly love, available to all of us, does not seemingly exude from me at this stage of my walk with my Lord. Our Lord’s love for the young rich man was evident in his weeping. Yet, He did not chase after him. Perception: Loved but still in hell? My heart breaks for the multitudes of unsaved!

  26. rokdude5 says:

    Laurilee…Is it possible to love others without knowing God? I would think yes but at least with God, we know why. If we dont know why, then one would go back to “only when I feel like it”. God wants us to have thick skin and soft hearts….not the other way around.

  27. Laurielee says:

    rokdude, Only my head is thick! lol! Everyone’s posts make me think that much more of our multi-faceted God! His thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts, and ways so much higher than our ways! With every thing that He teaches me, I realise that there’s a million more things I don’t know. If I start to think that I’m wise in my own eyes, He reminds me that I’m but a 3-year old. As long as He is my Father, I’m happy with that. Oh, that I could have the consistent love of a 3-year old…

  28. Laurielee says:

    Claudia, I am so sorry about Notch! Two years ago I lost my best dog friend when she was hit by a car. Nanaimo was also 12 years old, and when no other human seemed to be there for me, she was. Some of the purest love we feel sometimes seems to be with our animal friends. Perhaps this is also a way God shows His love towards us? We never seem to have to figure out the motivation with love from animals and children. I pray that you will be comforted in your loss. Five granddaughters…how blessed you are! And how blessed they are! I hope each one of them inherits your loving heart.

  29. Mel 5128 says:

    just a quick reply:

    LOVE = Loss Overcoming, Victory Eternal just popped into my head. God truly is Love and Love is the real power….the power to create from nothing…love is the true light. Love defeats evil….Love is the child without fear, without the world to corrupt his trust and faith, closest to God…wiser than any scholar.

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