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Ruth’s Story and Us

Am in the studio this week with Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Brian Hettinga recording programs for the radio series “Discover the Word.” We’re in the middle of an extended series of conversations about the Old Testament book of Ruth.

Ruth is a tragic short story with a good ending.

Here’s a summary of the first chapter:

During a famine in southern Israel, at a time when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes, a couple from the town of Bethlehem took their two sons and moved across the Jordan valley to the land of Moab. While finding food, the family also found heartache. Over the next ten years, the father died and even though the people of Moab were regarded as enemies of Israel, the family’s two sons married Moabite women… before both sons also died. The Jewish mother, whose name was Naomi, was left with two Moabite daughters-in-law.

Eventually, Naomi heard that the famine in Israel had come to an end and she decided to move back to Bethlehem. Assuming that her daughters-in-law had no future with her, she urged them to go back to the family of their birth, and marry Moabite men.

Both daughters-in-law loved Naomi and cried at the thought of leaving her. One, however, reluctantly left and returned to her Moabite family. The other, a young woman named Ruth, made this now famous commitment to her mother-in-law: “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. I will die where you die and will be buried there. May the LORD punish me severely if I allow anything but death to separate us!”

The two widows’ arrival in Bethlehem caused a commotion.  When some of the towns people said, “Is this Naomi?” she replied “don’t call me Naomi (which means “my delight”), but call me Mara (lit bitterness), “For the Almighty has made life very bitter for me. I went away full, but the LORD has brought me home empty. Why should you call me Naomi when the LORD has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy?” So Naomi returned from Moab, accompanied by her daughter-in-law Ruth, the young Moabite woman. They arrived in Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest.”

That’s the way the first of four chapters ends, and that’s where our recording also ended yesterday.

At this point, even though Ruth’s commitment to Naomi expresses some of the most inspiring words of the Bible, chapter one is a series of tragic events and emotions… without the rest of the story.

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33 Responses to “Ruth’s Story and Us”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    The Book of Ruth is a rich field of God’s nature and his plans. We, live in the here and now, and are awaiting God to answer our needs imediately. Without the Book of Ruth we would miss learning that God has a greater plan then ever we can imagine. But it takes commitment, and obedience and blind faith to allow God to work his way in our life. That our actions are sometimes controlled by God’s will. When we surrender our will to his.

    Ruth loved Naomi and trusted her with her life with her eternity ( your God will be my God). God want’s us to have that same kind of love and trust in Him and His Son. If we place ourselves in God’s hands as trusting as Ruth did so with Naomi. Our outcome will be even more amazing and happy for us as it turned out so for Ruth.

    Ruth, another “Broken Jar” that God used to help bring the Savior of all mankind into being.

  2. poohpity says:

    Gee Mart,

    If you all ever have a job opening let me know. Wow, you are truly blessed with your inheritance. Your dad most have been a wonderful person and more importantly Spirit filled and over flowing.

    Back on topic. Like Ruth and reading the first chapter most of my life is just the first chapter and I struggle to hang on to experience the final chapters. I am so blessed to have the Lord in my life because I know it is not going to stay like it is in the present that things will change and even in this life if they do not they will in the next when I will experience looking our Lord in the face and say Thank you.

    Loved the joke!!

    Thank you as always for your prayers and we still have to meet for coffee.

  3. cherielyn says:

    I posted this on yesterday’s blog, but by the time I was done and had already submitted it, I saw that a new subject had been posted. I re-submitted it on today’s, just in case everyone moved on to today’s and didn’t see it, since I really would like an answer,

    I’ll start by apologizing for being off topic, but a thought/question stuck me when reading today’s ODB “Perhaps Today”(Tues, 2/17/09). Since there isn’t a blog there, I hope no one minds my asking here.

    It seems every time I read a Bible passage, though I may have read it many times before, I get something new from it that I hadn’t previously. That’s what happened this morning.

    Which came first, the chicken or the egg? That’s not really my question, but the answer to my question is circular, just as the chicken & egg is.

    Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” – speaking of when the Lord will return.

    Since Jesus IS God and God knows everything, how could He not know when He would return? “Only the Father knows” – but He IS the Father, also!

    Don’t get me wrong. I believe with all my heart. I’ve been a Christian for 53 years, accepting Christ when I was 9 years old. Having read this passage many times, over the years, this is the first time that it has struck me this way.

    Can someone enlighten me? It’s not so much for my personal knowledge, as I (we) cannot understand God’s ways and I accept that, but it would be nice to have an answer to give if someone ever crosses my path who might present me with this question.

    Thanks for any help and, again, I apologize for being off topic & being redundant by re-submitting the same post.

  4. poohpity says:

    I saw your post on the last blog and posted there, hope it helps.

  5. poohpity says:

    I would venture to say it is neither ignorance or genius but by the Spirit.

  6. plaw says:

    How should we relate to Naomi’s lament about the tragedies of her life attributing her hardship directly to God without the rest of the story? What is the right way to relate to the Naomi’s in the midst of their sufferings?

  7. poohpity says:

    There will always be hardship because God gave freewill. We do know the end of the story for Naomi and for ourselves and that is there is no end to God. To relate to people in Naomi’s position how about a hug and a listening ear and a word of encouragement and watch what God does best restoration.

  8. pegramsdell says:

    I think Ruth really loved Naomi. I’m sure Naomi appreciated the company and the devotion Ruth gave her. I know that I would at a time like that. It must have been incredibly hard on those women, all alone.

  9. sitsathisfeet says:

    I have to say Ruth is one of my favorite books in the Bible. First because I was a young widow when I first came to Christ, and then I became an older widow later. Now I am an older divorced person, but find I can apply the lessons of faithfulness, redemption, sadness, loss and yes, even at times bitterness to my life. I used to love Ruth for her faithfulness, but later identified with Naomi’s bitterness, saw God’s hand of redemption and his faithfulness to restore to Naomi a new measure of happiness, even to placing her in the biological line of Christ. It also makes me reflect on the contacts and influences I have on my daughter and daughter-in-laws. And as I ponder this I think is my son like Boaz, is my daughter-in-law like Ruth, how or if I resemble Naomi? I belong to a morning women’s study and the women there are young marrieds, yet they like me to come, and it is so beautiful to see them honoring God and their faith in their marriage, and I too am learning through faith I can be healed and restored, and that I am always a handmaid of Christ, that ultimately he is my husband, my friend, my Lord and Savior whatever my familial circumstance.

  10. wretch-like-me says:

    There is kinship in the suffering ALL have experienced. Perhaps I am more tender than most but to witness another in pain is to share that pain as it touches my past memories of pain. God also shares in that pain in that He our good and heavenly Father loves us as His children. What parent has not suffered when their child experiences pain?

    Our Lord, Jesus, suffered directly for our sins and chose the cross out of His great love for us. He knew it was the only way to redeem us. Those of us who have served in the military understand the sacrifice of a brother in arms who gives his life that we may live.

    Yes, the tragedies of Naomi’s life may not necessarily have been the result of God’s original plan… sin corrupts His plan. However, in His infinite power and grace, God can and does use all things to bring about ultimate good. It is His essence.

    Walking with God teaches me that I can trust Him to work out His plan for me despite the hardships I must endure. Even the hardships He allows are for my good. They are the struggles that build my ‘muscles’. They are the ‘refining fire’ that purges my ‘gold’ of all its impurities.

    With maturity in Christ, God permits us to see the purpose in the pain. As mature christians, we must come along side the ‘younger’ christians to encourage and share their struggle to let them know they are not alone in the battle. We are comrades… brothers and sisters in arms in this war against the evil one.

    Take courage my friend and know that you are loved…
    loved beyond our understanding by THE ONE AND ONLY GOD. He has begun a good work in us and will see it thru to completion.

    That is the story of Ruth… and for that matter the whole of scripture.

    Final comment: The book of Ruth has long been a source of comfort for my wife and I. When everything seems to be coming apart and the list of failures or tragedies keeps growing, I know in my heart… MY GOD RULES!!! and one day, with Jesus at my side, I will greet Him face to face. HUGGS to all who dare to be free!

  11. Romans838 says:

    nice inspiring post everyone… how’s the day going fine in suppose…

    Mart how is your day? May the Almighty continue to strengthen you and bless you in all you do… Because truly you have become a vessel of blessing to many.

    RBC… you have been touching the life of my family long before the internet became popular in the part of the world where I’m from. Through the regular free issue of ODB to my younger sister… Thnks

    poohpity nice to know my joke warmed your heart today :) Stay Blessed.

    I’ll be leaving my comment later in relation to the topic…

    Stay blessed everyone

  12. morenikesingerr says:

    My deepest joy would be for someone to cling to me despite all the trials and temptations of adversity as Naomi went through and say, “I want your God to be my God!”
    Just look at the chain of events that followed- Boaz being an ancestor of David and thus Christ!
    All from one woman being a good adevertisement for Jehovah in a strange and ungodly environment.

  13. Romans838 says:

    Let me share this experience. Yesterday evening a young girl approach me saying she was very confused about life… and that she needed someone to talk to…

    I asked her what her problem was and she opened up and started sharing. to cut a long story short… she was opting to go into Prostitution in order to take care of herself and her baby and that she had tried before but could not but this time she’s not sure… that her problems keeps mounting up and no solution appears to be coming.

    while she was speaking with tears in her eyes, the spirit of God kept telling me… I know the thought I have towards you,thought of peace and not of evil… to bring you to an expected end if you let me. I gave her those words and other instances of people who had trials in their lives and still holding on to God came out fine.

    finally she calmed down and started seeing things from a new light and she asked this question… do you think God can forgive me? I reminded her of the story of the lost sheep and read Romans 8:38.


    I’ve come to understand that the devil can only reach us from our surroundings pressing us on every side in order to affect our belief system and ultimately our faith in God.

    Just like Naomi and Ruth in the story related by mart from the bible… if only we can Cling onto God even when things seems impossible and hopeless our lives will be filled with testimonies. the other woman’s story ended when she left Naomi but till today we still talk about Ruth… and Jesus even had his human ancestry from her.

    this is for everyone that is going trough a hard time or a trial in their life… Hooooold on to God. after the weeping of the night… Joy comes in the morning… Hold on

    Stay blessed

  14. daisymarygoldr says:

    Ruth is one of my favorite characters and as others have said above, the Book of Ruth begins with tragedy and ends with victory. Enjoyed all the comments and here are my thoughts on Ruth Ch 1. As with every passage of the Bible, this also has a spiritual application for me:

    The beginning verses talk about the Land struck with famine. Famine speaks of dearth. Amos 8:11-13 refers to famine of spiritual food which is the Word of God. Elimelech the husband of Naomi, in his desire to survive unfavorable conditions had decided to leave Bethlehem. Bethlehem means house of Bread and was also the place for the birth of Jesus the bread that came down from Heaven.

    Elimelech took his family to live in Moab. Moab was the son born to Lot and his older daughter. It represents the world, the flesh and everything else that stands against God’s righteousness. The survival and success marked by the marriages of his 2 sons were short-lived. By the end of v 5, the family was reduced to 3 widows. Naomi’s bitterness is typical of a life spent outside the nourishing, enriching and satisfying love of Jesus Christ- the Living Bread! On the other hand, the flourishing and success stories of the unrighteous world never last for long.

    When Naomi heard in Moab that the Lord had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them, she decided to return home. God always holds the door wide open for every errant believer to repent and come back to Him. No matter what the depravity, God always provides for His people. The young lions may go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will never lack anything.

  15. daisymarygoldr says:

    Orpah stayed back. Ruth accepted Naomi… her Land, her people, her God, and decided to follow her M-I-L back to Bethlehem. The 2 daughter-in laws represent 2 groups of unbelievers. Both may know Jesus but only one decide to leave the world to accept and follow Jesus- the Bread of Life. For Ruth, other than defeat and bitterness, there was nothing promising about Naomi in terms of hope for a better life. However, the bitterness of Naomi did not deter Ruth. By faith she saw the fruitful life that was laid in store for her.

    Similarly, there might not be anything attractive or promising about Christian living. Although the way of the Cross is strewn with defeat, bitterness and suffering, yet by faith we already know the victory that lies ahead at our journeys’ end! There are plenty of verses in the Bible that speak about the 2 ways: One that leads to Life and the other to death. God wants all people everywhere to choose Him and choose life! Just my thoughts…

  16. he4gaveme says:

    I would agree, Brian adds so much to the program!

  17. daisymarygoldr says:

    poohpity, thank you so much for the keeping the invitation wide open. I am touched by your love! After all the commotion that I have caused here, am not sure if I am brave enough to have coffee with you:)So, for now…I’d prefer obscurity. We will surely meet in heaven where… with a good hiding place behind our Father’s throne, I’d feel more secure to meet with you and others! Hope you are healing well, take care…

  18. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    daisy Very good sermon in your post and I gleaned an insight into how you think. :) I would go one step further and say both daughter in laws knew about Jesus only one believed. If the other had known Jesus she too would have stayed. Just my thoughts

  19. rokdude5 says:

    Ruth is one of the few women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. Not only that, she wasnt a Jew, not even a Samaritan.

    Naomi and her husband’s daily walk with God plus the way they treated Ruth made Ruth choose Adonai as her God.

    We all go through difficult times. In fact, lamenting prayers are found throughout the Book of Psalms written most likely by one who God said, “…was after My Own Heart.”

  20. SFDBWV says:

    cherielyn, Your question asked earlier is a cornerstone in the Jehova’s Witness cult. They simply cannot understand the Trinity ans so deny it.

    I cannot understand how God created everthing that exists from nothing. Yet I cannot deny everything exists.

    God has mysteries we are not going to able to understand. But we will, when the shadow of sin is lifted from us forever.

    Jesus the Messiah is found on every page of the Bible, as is God. And so the Holy Spirit. In Genesis a conversation between the three fold Spirit of God is shared with us. In Hebrew the word used there for God is a multiple definition of God. There are also times when a dual word for God is used as well as the single.

    When we are able to understand, we may be very supprised to learn what sacrifice God made by seperating Himself to die for us. As God could not die in the Spiritual being He had the to become a man to do that.

    Anyway enough of my thoughts, if anyone questions you concerning the matter, refer them to John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” To me this settles it.

  21. SFDBWV says:

    There are times when I feel that we are in the first chapter of Ruth, midway through the Book of Job, in the lions den of Daniel, and many times under the Juniper tree where Elijah caved in.

    But unlike thoes folks I have gifts from God to help me along. The Holy Spirit who leads me unto all truth, teaches me, comforts me and enables me. The living Word of God whereby we can see the beginning from the end. And therefore have knowledge that God has an eternal answer to our grief. Even if we die in the lions den. And not least at all the gift of His Son Jesus. Who has made all of the above possible.

    It would have been a lot easier for Naomi if she had had a guide book to lead her and encourage her.

    Do we appreciate our guide book? Do we believe it?

  22. daisymarygoldr says:

    gr8grannyjacobs, gr8thoughts! And I agree…sorry, though about the sermon:)

    Steve, Your last post was so refreshing and your concluding questions are thought-provoking…exactly my thoughts…but you said it better- with gentleness and love:)

  23. Mart De Haan says:

    Good conversation again today! Thanks to all of you. Had a good time in the Studio exploring the subject of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz. Thanks for your encouraging words. You’re right about “the chair.” We pulled Brian in for the picture and he took what he always says is “your spot” at the table :-)…

  24. poohpity says:

    It does not take bravery to meet me, I am just a person saved by the grace of God just like you. I truthfully think it would be amazing to see you in person as well as our fellow bloggers. Hope you change your mind, I will even come over to your side of town.

  25. mjday11 says:

    Thanks Mart for your posts and the wonderful replies. What I am getting out of this story is the steadfast faith shown by Ruth, in spite of all the obstacles.

    My wife is divorcing me and it is a particularly tough time. This Valentine’s day weekend was a bummer. All the news stories and advertisements with smiling couples holding hands, snuggling, hearts, flowers and candy. I turned the channel. Sunday at church pastor had all the people married over forty years stand up. I felt like I had a big red “D” for divorce tattooed on my forehead.

    Then Sunday, in my nightly Bible reading, came the third chapter of Lamentations. “1 I am a man who has seen affliction by the rod of his wrath…4 He has made my skin and flesh grow old, and has broken my bones…7 He has walled me in so I cannot escape; He has weighed me down with chains.” Misery loves company I was soooo identifying with this writer. . As I am reading, suddenly comes this great passage – “21 Yet this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

    When I was really down He came and gave me hope. “26 It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord…28 Let him sit alone in silence, for the Lord has laid it on him.”

    The Lord was once again there when I needed him. He brought me up out of a pit. Thank you Jesus!

  26. sjd says:

    mjday11 I am encouraged by your finding the sufficiency of Christ in the midst of your most difficult times. I will be praying for you. Looking forward to the morning. Great is His faithfulness!

  27. pegramsdell says:

    mjday11, I feel your pain. I am also divorced. It’s been 5 years. I didn’t want this either. I agree it is very hard on Valentine’s Day to celebrate with everyone else. At church the pastor said “hope you all have a valentine”, not thinking that not all of us do. It hurt. But, you know you are right, Jesus is right here with me and wants to be my valentine. Thanks for posting. :)

  28. poohpity says:

    I understand how you feel. I have had to do the last 20 years without a sweetie but God in His love always shows me somehow how He is my valentine. This year it was cloudy and you guessed it, the cloud right above me formed a heart. Gosh we have such a loving God! I know you do not know me mjday11 but “I love you”. Have a blessed day.

  29. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks for caring for one another. Sometimes it seems that almost every joy has the potential of adding to someone else’s pain…

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