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Ruth and the Economy

Economic crisis is the setting of the story of Ruth in the Old Testament.  A famine in Israel, during the difficult, dark days of the Judges, prompted a Jewish family to leave their home in Bethlehem and move to the land of Moab.

Ironically, Bethlehem means “house of bread”.

These were  extreme times. To make matters worse, the three men of the family died. Even when the famine in Israel came to an end, and when the widowed mother, Naomi, and her widowed daughter-in-law, Ruth, returned to Bethlehem, they were poor and in need of food.  In addition, Naomi was spiritually disillusioned, embittered, and quite sure that God had turned against her.

Only in retrospect can we see that, through times of economic and family distress:

  1. Though  “unseen”,  the Protector and Provider of Israel, was with Naomi and Ruth in their trouble.
  2. The famine  in Israel, and the deaths of three “human providers”, were what God used to bring Ruth (the outsider) into the covenant family of God, and ultimately into the royal line of Israel’s Messiah.
  3. What seemed like random circumstance, misfortune, and need, slowly transitioned into the appearance of  “good luck”… and then more accurately…  God’s grace, faithfulness, and joy.

It’s amazing isn’t it that such an ancient story (over 3000 years old) can speak to our needs today. Reminds us, as many have observed,  “A crisis is a bad thing to waste…”

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34 Responses to “Ruth and the Economy”

  1. infiniti07 says:

    Economic crisis and global recession has a huge impact in our lives financially from the material standpoint but there is good news coming out of bad. TV programs pick up on this readily and even Larry King has guests who are successful financially yet credit their faith and give their witness to God. Nations tend to rally around themselves (like a family) to tackle this all important issue. Closer to home, when I’m comfortable materially, it is easy to put off my quiet times with the Lord and become “busy” taking care of all other business. When I hit a downturn of any sort, I often turn to the Lord in despair…thanks to God for His ever faithful unfailing grace and unquestionable love.

  2. poohpity says:

    In my life presently, our pantry is bare. The stress of a hip replacement, no food, no gas, stage four cancer with my mom and at 74 still working. Her mind is slowly fading she hardly eats. I have cried out to the Lord over the last months to show her mercy. I spent some of the money I had to get her out of the hole financially. She works with everything in her little body so she can keep her paying her mortgage payment so she doesn’t lose her home. I am in a state of depression everyday it seems to get worse. Help me to understand all this. My faith is so weak right now. How can I apply all this to my situation. I am crying out to the Lord with no answers.

  3. agapelife says:

    poohpity Dear my heart reaches out to you. Thanks for being so open. I have been having a pitty party, and you have shown me that I don’t have it bad at all.

    I wish I could give you some words of encouragements, But my spirit tells me that you have heard all the quick fix answers. So I promise to pray for you daily. And that He will keep your strength up, and bless you not only in need but in His peace.

    To the blog, don’t write much on here any more, for my writing no where matches others who write here. But this touched a deep nerve, grew up in foster homes, we had nothing, remember I had just one set of clothes, my grandmother( Foster) would wash them early every Monday so I start to school in clean clothing for the week. She had a faith I try to mirror every day and fall short. She ( we) had no money and relied on outside help many times, mostly from churches like the The Salvation Army. My grandmother also belong to what many today would call a Holier Roller church and she would drag me there three times a week, they would help out as well. Now that I look back, I look back with very fond memories. We didn’t have much, not even in door plumbing( this was the 60’s) but I had her love, and she made sure I understood the Love of God. Yes times are hard, today, but my prayer is though I would lose everything like Job, I would still praise Him Like Job, though times were tough like when the Israelites wonder in wilderness, I would have the faith of Joshua and remember that He can do anything. When people turn their backs on me I could be like Joseph and honor God by doing my best and paying evil with good. The problem I have not lived like I just described. I try now. For I know the only happiness is with Him.

  4. cherielyn says:

    poohpity: My heart goes out to you and please know that you have been and are still in my prayers. As in the case of Joseph, what his brothers did to him, they meant for evil, but God meant it for good. It’s hard, sometimes, to understand the why’s of the struggles we go through, but God means it for good, and we only know, through hindsight, what good came out of it. Wish I were able to help.

    agapelife: I shed tears when you shared that you don’t write much on the blog because you feel that what you write nowhere matches what others write. Please, don’t feel that way. Sometimes the simplest thing a person writes may have more impact on another person than some of the more detailed, in depth ones do. We all have gifts and your contribution is just as important as anyone else’s. I will pray for you to have more confidence in yourself.

    As for myself, I have to have my gallbladder removed on Wednesday. I have no health insurance & would greatly appreciate everyone’s prayers, both for the outcome of the surgery as well as the financial end. I have also been dealing with another health issue since last August that I have not sought treatment for because of the lack of health insurance. Don’t have a choice, though, with the gallbladder after going to ER on Feb 3rd.


  5. newius says:

    Been a while since I posted something on “Super Faith vs Super Doubt” about how life has not been that rosy to me. Well its been 3 weeks since I finished my 6 months commitment with the local christian organization that I was with after I finished my studies at uni.

    Decided that part of what I want to look for in my job would be having stable working hours as the top requirement so I can continue to help out as a volunteer. Well I am still looking for a job.

    And its been quite a painful 3 weeks I guess. Hearing how classmates are doing well becos they found a job when the economy was doing well. Having to hear people say God will honor me becos I chose to honor him with my time and even now as I continue to help out, I wonder if I am being realistic expecting to find a job that pays enough to get me going and yet have stable working hours to let me continue my commitment to the work.

    In some sense I can understand abit of what some of the posters here are going through. Sometimes I break down at night crying why. My heart still hurts becos of the crazy year I been through ( 2 heart breaks in a year and that is a start) and now this. Not that I am asking for a high paying job or anything. And all I get is silence. Some days I do better and some days I fight a war inside of me. But most of the time it looks as if I lost out to my classmates.

    Of course I do also wonder if its God’s way in teaching total dependence on Him. To learn to accept things and remember that He still sovereign in everything. Not easy I must admit though. This thought came to my mind as I was thinking of the evangelistic event held today at the org I was with and am volunteering with.

    It talked about how 5 young men in their prime of life gave up everything to reach out to a group of people who would end up taking their lives. But the tragedy ended in triumph when the people they gave their lives up for were reached by their wives later on.

    Of course not everyone of us can be like Jim and Elisabeth Elliot and the rest. But I guess the lesson for me at least before I go sleep tonight is to keep praying and hoping and trusting that God is still in charge and has a purpose for everything.

    Who knows, maybe next week I might get a job and of course it does look like I might not. Life is so unpredictable with the economy in such a bad shape and the job market isn’t any better for fresh grads like me.

    A bit here and there cos its after midnight where I am and its been a long day but I guess what I want to say is that its really not easy sometimes(or most of the time for some)but I am sure God has a purpose in everything. Something I am still learning.

  6. Laurielee says:

    You are all so precious! Pooh, my first thought is for you all just to come to my house and I’ll take care of you. Then I realize that financially I’m probably not much better off. I have love, but it sounds as if many have love for you–all HERE, for sure! What I CAN do is pray. I will.

    As much as I’d like to take care of every man, woman, and child who is hurting, I must remember that there is ONE God, and I’m not Him!

    agapelife, Your post here is every bit as good as any I’ve ever read. Indeed, more memorable to me than many!
    You are no better and no worse than any one of us…only different! Is it because you didn’t write a chapter and verse? There are those that could quote scripture all day, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s written on the heart…only the mind.

    cherielyn, God bless you and heal you quickly after your surgery! I sooo understand the waiting to go to the doctor because of financial concerns. I have insurance, but it’s not very good. All I can afford. So I waited to go to the doctor with a bad sinus infection. My doctor said I waited too long. Now it will be more expensive, and I have to take antibiotics for 4 weeks instead of 2. Still, not a big concern compared to what you and pooh are going through.

    I’m thinking that many times the easiest way for the enemy to get through to us is through our finances. How can we expect this world to work for us in the short term when we don’t belong to this world? However, when I’ve relied totally on God, He has turned every bad thing that’s happened to me for His good somehow. It makes me rely on Him even more! It’s a good witness for my extended family; brothers, sisters, mother, father, who are not believers. They say, “God watches out for you, because you’re ‘that way’.” They still won’t turn to Him, though, that’s what I don’t understand. If they see that my life is better because of my faith, why won’t they believe? They say that it’s great if that works for me, but for some reason, don’t think it’ll work for them. I think there are those that are not followers because they’re afraid they’ll have to quit doing what they’re doing, and don’t want to.

  7. wretch-like-me says:

    Dear Friends,
    It’s times like these that a local fellowship of believers can make a difference. My own local church is blessed to have been active for more than 100 years in reaching out to the community with just the kind of help you have described.

    When God seems to be distant and the ‘cupboard is bare’ it takes the local ‘hands of God’ to reach out and comfort, encourage and extend financial help and hugs. None of us can go it alone. We need each other to walk the walk.

    My advice to you is to plug in to a fellowship locally. God will lead you to that place and you will know it when you arrive. They will greet you with open arms and open hearts. When they offer you the chance, share your needs with them and thru God your needs will be met.

    One last thing, stay plugged in to this local fellowhip and remember that God brought you here for a purpose. That purpose was two-fold. Your needs will be met; however, there are others whose needs you will be able to meet from the start.

    We are the arms and hands of God. We love and comfort each other in the Name of Jesus. We do as He leads. Each of us has a purpose according to His plan for our lives.

    Fear not for Our God is NOT a God of Fear but of Love, Kindness, Mercy and Great Blessing. Already He is working out your future. He has brought you this far and will bring you the rest of the way home.

    God Bless You, All.

  8. sitsathisfeet says:

    Poohpity, My heart goers out to you. I am so sorry for your circumstances, it’s so hard to understand the hardship we go through. Sometimes I just put on praise songs and cry and sing Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Mighty to Save, How Deep The Father’s Love for Us, It Is Well With My Soul, Be Thou My Vision… or I read the Psalms, or sing them. I can go on my computor and get the songs on a Christian Music website. Many times in hardship I have been in worship crying my eyes out to the Lord – eventually through the fog and pain His comfort comes. The Father knows your pain dear one and I pray he sends some help to you, whatever is needed. He will not abandon or forsake you. Please Lord Help Deborah today! Amen

  9. mtman says:

    Pooh and Cheryl my heart too goes out to you both. In fact my heart goes out to all who have expressed hurt or concern here. This downturn in the economy has hurt just about everyone I know including us. I was born on the heels of the great depression and grew up with little other than hand me downs. I have outlived all my relatives and I’m not that old myself. We live on Social Security but manage to send some money each month to two children in Honduras. They have less materially than even the poorest here in our country. We support various ministeries and German Shepherd Rescue organizations. When I see all the hurt in the world it overwhelms me. I want to do more but there is only so much to pass around. In our case the nearest church is 25 miles one way and it is what most would refer to as a social club with a cross on top. When I was growning up I had no idea we were poor until I went into the USAF and got a pair of boots no one had worn before. Same with clothes. I look around now and see all the hurt and I seem so powerless to change anything but I do pray every morning and during the day. I will pray for you next Wed. Cheryl and your difficulties too Pooh. I just wish I could do more. My grandparents, parents, siblings have all gone. I have one son who is in the Army and I hear from him a couple times a year. Another whom I have not heard from in 15 years or more and a third son is in an Arizona prision. I have a step daughter who is in regular contact and a blessing. I understand hurt and wish I could do more to soften others hurts. It just seems that there is so much hurt and so few to help. That is why I go to the other end of our lot to have a quiet place to pray and tell God how very much I love him and to pray for those in need. No distractions. God Bless you all and I wish I could do more. Bruce

  10. Laurielee says:

    wretch-like-me, it was a very nice letter you wrote, but I have possibly an odd situation. I live in a small town. We do have quite a few churches; I’ve been to most of them multiple times. The 2 that I was most accepted in closed their doors. One only had about 10 in the congegation. The other never got more than 25; they said that the people here are too hard to reach, and very opposed to thinking of Godly things outside of the doors. I went to the catholic church. They would not allow me to have communion, as I was not catholic. I went to the penecostal church, and was sent to a church 1500 miles away to do missionary work. The congregation was cannibalistic, opposed to bringing in people that couldn’t pay their way, and ended up breaking into two different churches. The place was so unchristian in their behavior that my son has turned away. He said, “Mom, if Christians were like you, I wouldn’t have a problem with it, but they say one thing, and act another.” We also have a church that practices the “prosperity theology”, I’m sorry, but I won’t go there. Perhaps what God would have me do is be the best ambassador for Him that I can be here, where I am. God knows where I am and what I’m doing. I’ve talked with Him about the situation. For now, I practice home worship, until I’m led to do differently. I talk with those who’ve also been hurt; assuring them that this is not God’s doing. I reach out to college students, and lost teens. Honestly, I’ve felt a bit like those in the Bible, who’ve had the religious people against them, but believed anyway. How I pray that there were congregations around here that sound as close as the ones you all have talked about here. It’s the only way that I know they exist!

  11. poohpity says:

    I am sorry to say I have to agree on many areas with the church. I have attended the same church for the last twenty years but I have served in several capacities the last was with adults with developmental disabilities. Since my mom was diagnosed with cancer I received one card that expressed sorrow from one person. No one has asked if there was any thing they could do or even offer any comfort. So before my surgery I left with the ok from the parents of those I served. Needless to say I have to ask the Lord for forgiveness everyday because I have sat in judgment of their behavior. My soul weeps in pain and hurt. I choose at this time probably because my walking isn’t so great to watch CS and DJ on TV and listen to music in my room.

    I do have to say with such a grateful heart to those who have offered comfort and prayers on this blog. They are accepted and felt even in the distance from each of you. Thank you so very, very much! In Love Deborah

  12. poohpity says:

    The first sentence I wrote did not come out right. What I meant to say was that I agree with what you have said about the church.

  13. Laurielee says:

    I wanted to add; Please don’t misunderstand…there are many congregations out there who do a wonderful work. God bless them! I wonder if it the case with many, that they start out with good intentions, but, like people in the world, when confronted with opposition, conform. It is my thinking that we tend to make our congregations “user-friendly”, rather than “God-friendly”. Do we honestly try to spread the gospel to the lost, and thereby add them to the church, or do we add more programs to draw them? I’ve studied the first-century church for a long time, and the modern church, in many instances, shows very little resemblance. It is my belief that most of our congregations have true believers. As in any group of people, if we pigeon-hole them, we’ll be wrong. Do we undertake a ministry because it’s what we truly understand we are to do, after prayerful direction for guidance, or do we undertake it because there’s no one else? Maybe if there’s no one to lead this or that class, it’s not something that’s necessary. Spreading the gospel and loving others is ALWAYS necessary, programs are not. We tend to take something so simple and make it so difficult. We add man-made rules and expectations that no one can possibly aspire to. It’s not what Jesus saved us for.

  14. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    I have had the most growth in learning how to trust God through crisis wish I hadn’t wasted so many He sent my way.

    pooh: All I can send you is a hug:) Seriously I do ask God to open your heart to see yourself in Naomi and
    know it is ok to have times of despair. She I am sure had some depression and worry and also was
    questioning our Lord. The story of Ruth and Naomi seems short but I would think there was much time involved and many times when her trust was weak. I am praying for strength for you in just knowing the
    same God who watched over her watches over you.

  15. poohpity says:

    Well I guess there was some time between the loss of the husbands and their trip back to Naomi’s home. It would be better if I could just wait because in the waiting my oldest son came over with some money for me to buy some stuff and my mom has agreed to go over to her sisters and eat a hamburger and play a game which is a miracle all in it’s self. Gosh how do people handle all this stuff without the Lord and prayer. I am so humbled and thankful for His continued presence with us in this thing called life. I for one could not even attempt it alone although sometimes it feels like it because I can not see the future only what is in front of me at the moment. God is bigger than this moment. Amen!!!

  16. poohpity says:

    I just am so thankful for you guys!!

  17. SFDBWV says:

    Looks like life has hit the blog today.

    Matt found a web site to communicate with disablesd people. restministries.org 960 people and growing. It reaches down into my heart and makes me very sad to see and read the heartbreak of so many people. But all are relying on God to see them thru. The whole thing makes me feel very fortunate and blessed.

    So many have opened up their heart to share their own paticular troubles today, I want to also reach out and help someway. God will see you through the rough places in your life. Just hold on.

    I am sometimes the most frustrated of all men. I always think that somehow I should be able to fix whatever comes my way. That I should be able to take action and make things happen. God has clearly shown me that I have to depend on Him and learn to wait on His plan to come just at the right time.

    There is great power in prayer. I have seen prayer work. Where two or more agree as to touching anything, it is done. So I join with you all in prayer for Deborah and Cheryl and all of you who face heart ache and troubles here in our little blog. That everyone’s needs are answered in Jesus Christ’s name.

    newius, God is opening a door for you. Joy will come in the morning.


  18. daisymarygoldr says:

    Mart, I don’t have anything more to add to what you have already expressed. Those are exactly my thoughts…ditto… word for word.

    agapelife, I can relate to how you feel about not being able to write…your post though, does not read like you are having any trouble with writing. English is not my mother tongue and it is certainly not my first language. It really frustrates me when I am unable to communicate my thoughts effectively on this blog. What saddens me all the more is that no one understands what I write and I do not understand what they write….which at times leads to heavy misunderstanding. At times like that I feel very “unlucky” and envy the others who effortlessly write and understand each other very well.

    So, agapelife, consider it your privilege to converse in your own native tongue…and keep writing. Thank you for sharing your story. I was touched… and it reminds me of my own Grandmother who raised both her children without a male provider. It was extremely hard for her to provide even one square meal a day and there were days when they went to bed without any food. Her material poverty did not destroy her or her children… rather it caused an increase in her spiritual wealth to grow rich towards God. She was one blessed woman of great faith who lived a fulfilled life with not a single trace of bitterness. While my grandmother is no longer alive with us today… her living witness to God’s faithfulness shines and lives through her 2 children, 14 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.

    poohpity, Remember the verse I had shared with you before? …that when the waters rise above us and threaten to drown us, God makes us to rise above the waters…that verse pretty much summed up the entire life of my Grandmother. Take heart, the God who provided for Naomi and Ruth will surely provide for you. I’m glad you are feeling comforted. Praying for you…

  19. violet D says:

    My heart goes out to you all this a.m. – today’s posts brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could give each of you a big hug.
    Laurielee your post spoke the most to me. I’ve had my own strugles this last couple of years searching for a church in my own area that would be ‘home’ where I could serve only to find that even though there is a choice of churches – I couldn’t find one that CARED. It is a lonely feeling – and pooh I’m SO sorry to know that in your deep need you’re finding the same thing!
    I, too am not rich – financially (being on the borderline of the government’s idea of ‘poverty’) but as I told my brother recently – I AM rich in that I’m the child of THE King. I add my prayers and hugs to each of you. Violet

  20. BruceC says:


    Right after reading your post I placed my hand upon the computer screen and prayed for you and your Mom. My heart was heavy with your situation. I have had to face depression at times and it is not pleasant. May the Lord lift you, comfort you, and provide for you in ways you can’t even imagine.


    Have prayed for you also sister. My wife had that surgery years ago before they did orthroscopic and it was very tough on her. She still bares that scar across her abdomen.


    You sound like you live in my area. I hope I’m not too judgemental but many churches will not help others with needs because they don’t want to start a “gravy train”. What a missed opportunity for Christ. A good screening is all that is needed to test a person’s eligibility. And you are right about how some churches look upon others. If they would just get over some of the deonominational differences and unite under the basic principals they could do wonderous works. A pastor’s wife once told me that almost all the churches in the area are no more than social clubs. We need to hold all of them up in prayer that the Holy Spirit would come upon them and direct them and wake them up. I feel like you and I have walked in the same shoes.


    God is the One who never wastes a crisis in the path of humanity. I think the phrase you used was spoken by one of our “leaders” and in their context it makes me troubled. I think they will use it as a lever of fear to get their policies through. Policies that I and many others do not agree with. Beware of those who use fear to garner support. This last spending bill was passed without one member of Congress even reading the entire bill from front to back and the usual process was tossed in the garbage. If dependence upon God and the wisdom He gives to those who ask is not used first; then human attempts will fail.
    I wish that something could be set up here that allowed for private messages to be sent to each other so we could help on another. I beleive you have my e-mail address Mart; so could you contact me about that. I am on other forums that have that feature.

    God be with you and bless all of you during these difficult times.

  21. Laurielee says:

    BruceC, Thank you for your words. Sometimes it is a great encouragement just to know that others also understand the situation. I agree about the addresses, as long as it would be acceptable to each person in question. I would really like to help pooh what little I could during this difficult time for her. Cherielyn, too. I think that even sharing our difficulties here helps. What is that saying? A burden shared is halved? VioletD, thank you also for your understanding. I think that, too often, we’re afraid to agitate the waters with our churches and fellow Christians, because it will make us look to each other and those looking on as if we are being negative or lack faith in some way. I don’t think it’s negative to speak what is. If we step in a mud puddle, we don’t ignore it, hoping it won’t show, or go away if we don’t think about it. All that is done in secret will be brought to light.

    mtman, God bless you for turning your pain and sorrow into joy for others!

    Father, please look upon all hurting, show them that they are loved and not alone. Please help their needs to be met, and draw them closer to you. Please help us all to put our total love and faith in You, the Great Light of the World. Help us to remember that if we look to man and institutions to fulfill all our needs, we will be downhearted, as none but You are infallible. Help us to work together and not to be afraid to speak up for what is right, just to keep the peace. Please live in us, so that it is You, and not us, so that we can show the love You have for each one of us to others. I love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

  22. mtman says:

    Thank you Laurielee!!! I agree with what Bruce C says and even if we didn’t live in the area, we may know someone who does that could help. We have Christian friends all over the country. I wouldn’t have a problem posting my e-mail address and if anyone does object then they wouldn’t have to post it. While we can’t find a church in our area that fits us we do get one on line every Sunday from Orlando, Fla. that our daughter told us about. It has been a blessing to us. It is so very sad that churches have evolved to what they are now with some exceptions.

    As to growing up on hard times, that just made me appreciate all that God has blessed me with now. I grew up in Lansing and my dad had to travel to Grand Rapids to work. Those were hard times but I think it made us stronger and gives us an appreciation for what we have now. I wouldn’t trade any of it.

  23. rokdude5 says:

    Agapelife, Please keep in mind that there maybe pastors, priests and scholarly theologians posting on here. That doesnt mean that we still cant learn from and care for one another.

    Poohpity, My mother-in-law is grappling with her cancer which is spreading. She chose not to do any chemo though she decided to undergo radiation for the tumor in her brain. My wife and her sister spent a ‘girls night out’ with her two nights ago. My wife told me that when they left yesterday morning, my mother in law was at the verge of breaking down. Youre not alone. You and your mom are on my prayer list and Cheryl, you are as well.

    Mtman, I ll pray for your estranged son AND for the one in prison. Perhaps there will be an opportunity for you to go visit all of them soon.

    When my time has come, I hope that if its possible, I have a stone with my name. I dont want anything fancy like some eternal flame but it would be cool to have a perpetual bubble blowing machine and on my stone, an added phrase, “Im having a blast being in Heaven!”

    Job 6:10

  24. mtman says:

    ROKDUDE I want to thank you for your prayers. As to the estranged son he was taken away by my ex when she realized I was going to get custody. My older son tells he he is a major mess now in his mid thirties. She moved without any notice across the country and I only heard from him twice since then. I went to pick him up and the house was empty. She didn’t allow him to make any contact. I hope that estrangement will work out one day.
    The son in prison was a total shock to our family. His wife, daughter and son, nor any of us had any clue he was involved in illegal things. His sentence is probably longer than my life time because he in not eligble for parol. He has never made any contact with his family since he was charged. That too may change but it is unlikly. I know all things are possible with God and I wonder if somehow I failed him when he was growing up. He had what would be an ideal childhood but always sought the easy way to make a quick buck. My ex used to tell him that was okay, it was just the way he was and he couldn’t help it. I suspect he has thought about that many times in prison. It saddens me greatly but he is 40 now and made his own bad choices in life. I know that others have it far worse than I do, and I pray for us all.

  25. wretch-like-me says:

    After reading your post and others, it sounds as if you are not alone in your ‘being alone’ when it comes to finding a ‘caring’ body of believers. It is sad to think that the organization which bears His name is so unlike Him.

    Prophetic scripture in Revelation warns of churches who have lost their ‘first love’. Salt that has lost its saltiness.

    While we CAN make a difference by remaining a part of churches such as these, it is a difficult calling. What it takes is numbers. When enough people who believe as you do get involved in church leadership change can be made. But it takes loads of prayer and patience.

    I realize that I am truly blessed to have a fellowship that ‘seems’ to exemplify a healthy church. However, the reality is all churches are imperfect because they have the same problem… people(sinners) The faithful recognize that nothing they have done has made them worthy. They have no claim to ‘righteousness’ except in Christ Jesus.

    In truth, my church is in many ways no different. We still have struggles…disagreements…wounds that never seem to heal. But, we try to think as a family. Sometimes, when we ‘squabble’ people get hurt and leave or go away and pout for a while. But its up to us to reach out to them and try to ‘smooth the ruffled fur’ and welcome them back into the fellowship.

    Its all in the ‘love chapter’ of Corinthians. Leadership bears an incredible burden of responsibility not just in the immediate before the church; but, ultimately before Christ, Himself. I have shouldered positions of leadership and know first hand the consequences. Every decision made has the potential to upset the balance of a church and possible destroy it.

    But, I have faith that the ‘body’ belongs to Christ, who works by design with ‘broken vessels’. Sometimes vessels need to be broken in order for complete surrender to His Will. Painful, YES, INCREDIBLY! I wish it weren’t so; but it is.

    I know it is the prayer of every believer that HIS WILL BE DONE (that is the meaning of the final word of prayer “AMEN”).

    Have faith my brothers and sisters, take courage. You are not alone in your suffering. As Paul says, Take joy in knowing that you share in the suffering of Christ on the Cross.

    Final Thought: In many ways, this is your church/ fellowhip. We gather here together in the Name of Christ to celebrate His Working in Our Lives, to offer prayers of thanksgiving and petition, more than once I have come away with Psalms/Songs in my mind and heart praising God for your friendship, encouragement, and prayer support. GOD BLESS YOU, ALL!!!

  26. poohpity says:

    Today the Lord blessed me in the reading of the book of James. I am so blessed as each of us are that we have the Word of God and the stories of old to help us make it through every little thing we have to go through. There isn’t anyone who has not had to go through the fire to become the men and women God has called us to be. The most wondrous of all His creation is the human being who is allowed to have a personal relationship with the God of all creation. That relationship with Him alone is the most valuable thing we can possess.

  27. cherielyn says:

    Thank you, EVERYONE, for your kind thoughts and prayers. I so appreciate each one of you. Although I don’t often respond to Mart’s posts, due to a health issue that I have been dealing with for the past seven months, I do read the post and blogs nearly every day and I see a loving, caring family here. If only all of us attended the same “congregation!” It would be one fantastic “church” in my opinion, but we are all members of His church. It would be wonderful if we could all meet face to face (while still here on earth).

    I don’t have a problem sharing my email address either. It would be great if that were an option.

    Again, thank you, everyone of you.

  28. wretch-like-me says:

    your post about ‘bubble-machine’ had me ROF and reminds me of another rokdude who was partial to bubbles… Lawrence Welk..LOL..ROF

    perhaps you would consider visiting your son in prison and keeping it simple. No judgement. No condemnation. Just a calm expression of loving concern and acceptance that he is your son regardless of his life choices. There may be anger and frustration from him and he may try to push you away by ‘dumping’ on you. He may not know how to handle your presence. Just let him know you wish you could have been there before now; that is past and today is what you have, together. I hope this helps.

  29. Laurielee says:

    wretch-like-me, Thank you for your wonderful insight. Your local congregation is blessed to count you among them. Though I spend much time ‘alone’, oddly enough, I do not feel alone. I spend much time in the Word, praying, and listening to uplifting music…and also my school studies which will enable me to be a high school history teacher someday. My current ‘ministry’, I guess you could say, is fellowshipping in a positive way with high-school and college students. In a world where our future adults feel such confusion and apathy, I believe it is important for them to see that there are adults who sincerely care about them, and break out of the mindset that many have about Christians that don’t walk the walk. I had a living room full of 14 teenagers last night. Several are from broken homes and left to their own devices. It is good that they feel they can be comfortable here. One stopped by this afternoon for 2 hours to talk. He even went out and got the book “The Shack”, and read it after I told him about my reading and understanding of it. We had a good discussion about it once he finished it. It might not sound like much, but this was a great leap for this young man! So, I think that I also have my place in the Father’s grand scheme of things.

  30. agapelife says:

    First let me say thanks to all who gave words of encouragement to share what God has put on my heart even if haven’t mastered the king’s English so to say LOL

    Reading all the blogs, Could cause one to wonder, where is God? then I think of the poem Foot Prints in the Sand. Can’t speak for others but I know over the years He has always been there even through the darkest times. Corrie Ten Boom said it best “ there is know pit where He is not deeper still.

    For those who can’t find a church, may I suggest something, it’s what I have done. Ask God were does He want you to serve. The church I go to, has it’s clicks, the chruch do programs to bring people in instead of disciplining ( not sure this word I want) . Yet I love them all, some are harder to love then others. Some don’t even like me, the political climate can be hot. But I am there to number one- to worship the Lord,number 2 to serve Him buy reaching out. Wailing prophets were just that, they went against the norm, against the church of the time, even Paul was on the out with some.


    I been reading “I Been thinking “ for years, before you turned into to a Blog. Could not wait to the next up date, now it’s almost daily. God has given you wonderful insight, May He continue to do so, and may you continue to listen to His voice and not the worlds.

    Now that your site is a blog, I can see that you have reach others just as deep as you had me over the years. I pray for you the most, for times are harder for you. It will not be easy to a wailing prophet when the word does not want to hear or be faced with the truth. Thanks for being that voice.


    I wish I could give everyone the money they needed, the love or friendship they crave, yet I can not, but HE Can.

    Also to see so much disillusions; a close friend and mentor once told me, never put him on petal stool, he would one day fail me, hurt me, or cause me to be disillusion. No I was never to trust in him or any man or women but always keep my eyes on God. It works, when I look at the church I am disillusion, when I keep my eyes on Christ, I see were He want me to serve.

    Like old women who gave just a mite, she gave what she had, she could give no more, same true with us, we give what we have, no more no less.

  31. Mart De Haan says:

    I’ll check with the person who manages our site and see if anything like that can be done. Thanks for the suggestion.

  32. Mart De Haan says:

    Some time ago, Steve made the comment that without interacting with one another on a blog site like this, a post is just a “tract”. Thanks to all of you once again for taking the story of Ruth to such a personal and timely level.

    Also, a member of our blog tech team explained to me the other day that the new “reply” button within a comment is a “nesting” feature that allows you to attach a comment within the box of another person’s comment. I see that some of you have used it. It allows for a tighter string of interaction, so that you don’t have to search for a response to a specific comment.

  33. Mart De Haan says:

    By the way, we finished up our week of recording last Friday. Have not finished Ruth yet. But Haddon and Alice caught a flight out, and I’m on to other things. Will try to post something else soon, even though I hate to break this conversation.

  34. rokdude5 says:

    Im glad I brought a smile to your face but in a way we should all have a “bubble machine” when we are gone from this earth. We all are going to have a blast in heaven!

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