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Jewish Roots

Am preparing to leave for Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem to work with our Day of Discovery team on some new video projects  that describe the Jewish roots of our faith.

Hope to capture conversations with several Messianic followers of Jesus whose Jewish heritage helps them understand the way Jesus fulfilled the history, law, and mission of Israel.

Our efforts reflect our conviction that, in so many ways,  Jesus fulfilled the personal and national rescues of Israel’s past, just as he also gave  ultimate meaning and fulfillment to the heart of their national law, their annual cycle of festivals, tabernacle/temple, priesthood, sacrifice, sufferings, and calling to be a blessing to all nations.

While focusing on Jewish roots, our purpose will be to help explain why someone like the Apostle Paul spent  so much of his life studying the foundational and fine points of Jewish law, only to conclude that it was all pointing to the overwhelming goodness and power of the crucified and resurrected Messiah (Philip. 3:1-10).

Once I’m on the road, am  not sure how often I’ll be able to stay in touch with you. I’ll try. (Have camera and if I can get a wireless connection and some time, will try to post some pics and a bit of journal).

In the meantime, please keep in mind what you can find on our DOD.org website. Currently we are featuring a series of programs we did with a group of scholars who over a period of 10 years gave their attention to the historical reliability of the Gospels. These programs, and much of our Day of Discovery archive can be streamed on-line, without cost, at: www.dod.org. It’s a visually rich site where you can find the kind of videos we’ve been working on.

Also, thanks to those of you who have been weighing in and following the last post on “Why Didn’t Paul Quote Jesus?”. This morning, I’ve added a few comments to your own and plan to say more down the road.

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46 Responses to “Jewish Roots”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    God speed to you Mart De Haan.

    I have heard others challange me, if I were to attempt to witness to a Jew about Jesus. Would I be able to do so from OT scripture.

    The challange has led me to seek out all of the references both actual and hidden that clearly point to Jesus as the promised Messiah. It is quite a journey and unfinnished.

    I watch and get the DVD’s from DOD and am hooked.Thanks for all you RBC and all the staff do to enlighten me and encourage me.


  2. Anita says:

    Shalom Mart!
    I am excited to see how you will present Our Jewish Roots. It is a facinating subject and an awesome revelation. Every Christian should know the ROOTS of Our Faith. I have been studing our Jewish Roots for years – I like Perry Stone’s Herbraiac teaching’s on Our Jewish Roots. I Love DOD and All that you bring to the Body of Christ. Now such an important piece – I cannot wait! I have been to Israel 9 times and led 6 groups thru Israel, I wish I could be with you as you do this next teaching. Looking forward to your blogs!
    Blessings and Shalom,

  3. Laurielee says:

    Via con Dios, Mart! Oh, how I wish we were all going with you! One of the main feelings I brought back with me from Israel was that I wanted to go again. I remember talking to a Christian counselor and telling her that I felt as though I’d left my heart there. She countered with, “Maybe you found it.”

    My friends and I had gone right before the Lebanon conflict in 2006. We talked together about how many of our friends and family were concerned for our safety and asked if we were afraid. Though we understood where their concern was coming from, the thought was very alien to us. None of us had the least amount of fear. It felt as if God were leading us the whole time; above, below, before, and behind us. If God were with us, what was there to fear?

    The roots of our Jewish faith are very important, as we are Jews by adoption. In His time on Earth, I think there are many who fail to realise just how much of a “good Jew” Jesus really was. Since it’s all we know, we tend to look at the roots of our faith through a “western filter.” The significance of the Passover is just such a situation. The fact that the Gospels talk only of the bread and the wine served at the Last Supper, causes us Westerners to forget that The Lamb was also present; the lamb being an important part of the celebration. The sacrifice on our behalf. Ahhh, I got carried away again! Sorry!

    Anita, I would SO love to sit down and talk to you! I’m certain that I could learn much!

    Mr. Mart, I am looking forward with excitement to reading your blogs!

  4. mtman says:

    Mart: Have a great and rewarding trip.
    I believe that for me this is a good place to bow out of this blog. I have really enjoyed so many of you but I don’t believe any future contributions are really needed by me. So you will know why I have come to this decision it goes back to my posts on “Pastoral or Elder Rule”. The final two posts on that topic totally mis represented what myself and others were expressing. The silence on the topic was also not something new to me. With the notable exception of SJD and SFDBWV the topic was left alone. I understand that self examination can take a person out of their comfort zone. But it can also help a person re-direct themselves in a more productive and rewarding way.
    I have read so much personal injury from so many who are hurting on this site. It can only lead me to the conclusion that the “church” has failed all of us in pursuit of more programs, better facilities, etc.
    I was certainly not advocating a universal church. The church is not idivualistic but a collection of believers, however, I am past defending anything I have previously said.
    What I attempted to say is that modern day church is not meeting peoples spiritual needs. If the church is that healthy then why are memberships declining? The final two blogs put the concept that the church is now meeting those gospel requirements as set by example in the early church (read acts) in total contradiction with the known facts.
    My suggestion was that we all need to do a careful honest self examination. A good way to start is to read the red print in Matthew (or Luke, Mark or John if you choose) and the red print in chapters 2-3 or Revelations. See what our Lord actually said. Then ask yourself if you are on the right path. Whether you are growing in Jesus or just treading water. Whether you are a living example or doing lip service. It should be done by our church leaders as well as every Christian periodically. When you have people within the church that are hurting and not being ministered too there is a major disconnect in my estimation. I have never at any time endorsed a universal church. People do not like to do self examining and I have found that especially true of church leaders. Without it however you can remain stuck in neutral.
    When comparing todays church to the early church it should be pretty evident where we went astray. Didn’t our Lord himself to command us to “love one another”. I don’t see that happening very much – otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people hurting by themselves within the church family.
    I was really disappointed that everything that was said in the last two posts totally denegrated those earlier posts and were allowed to stand. The final post to me put an exclamation point on the previous post. Those earlier posts were not off subject at all, but if those who do not want to examine themselves are content with modern day church, then, those who posted earlier spent a lot of thought, time and energy for nothing.
    I am very disappointed in our church today and I believe that many others are as well. No Christian within a church family should fail to be ministered to especially when much of the focus of todays church is outward. I simply fail to see how any non Christian can look at the church and see the level of love that would draw them in. That was my point. Not drawn to a social club with a cross on top, but drawn in by love. I hope my point is now clear.

  5. rokdude5 says:

    Mart, Have a blessed and rewarding trip. I, too, long to go the place of where our Judeo-Christian faith all started.

    As I stated before, I once went to a synagogue to celebrate a boyhood friend’s bar mitsvah. What came to my mind was, perhaps this celebration is a small glimmer of what Jesus Himself did to worship and praise His Father plus all those who came before Him. To me, that makes my understanding of who Jesus was in the days of being in human flesh become all the more alive and blessed.

    Regarding of Paul not quoting Jesus, that post was an eye opener for me. The post doesnt lessen what Paul wrote but illustrate that God will use some folks to move other folks. This is especially true for me when it comes to music and lyrics. So much so that the tears in my eyes will literally well up.

  6. poohpity says:


    What on earth are you thinking? You and your love are so needed here and every where for the kingdom. Please don’t go!! We need to have love level the playing field. In respect and love Deborah.

    Can not wait for more wisdom from our Jewish roots!!Have fun and leave no ROCK unturned. lol!!

  7. wretch-like-me says:

    Sounds to me like you are hurting… perhaps in that ‘desert’ place that we all go from time to time? know that you will be missed… I dont always post even though I read and agree with most you write.

    I grieve over a similar situation where people who needed to be heard got so frustrated they chose the easy way out and left. It is never easy to be the ‘voice crying out in the wilderness’! However, if you are called to be that voice, dont shirk the calling from Our Lord and Master. (something to think about?)

    As I turn green from envy(and maybe a little Irish, too) I cant help but muse about the ‘origin of our species'(pun intended). Do we not all come from the same pair of humans? Or better yet, What heritage do we have from the REAL CREATOR of our species?

    My own Sicilian background(from my dad’s people) and my Scot/Irish/Cherokee roots(from my mom)can say nothing about how or where we connnect to the ‘jewish tree of life’; however, just recently learned that my wife’s biological father traces family back to the Tribe of Dan… In my eyes, it is all useless with Christ.

    Enjoy Israel,
    Big Huggs to All
    Bear Hugg to Mtnmn

  8. SFDBWV says:

    mtman Bruce, My brother, no need to sing the swan song. Who else will understand me when I talk to the animals out here in my back yard? Balance is needed. As is your thoughts and participation.

    This blog is very time consuming for me, and as better weather approches I will have less and less time to fit it in. But the people here have become important to me. So I will make time to “intrude” with my two cents. Wether anyone gets it or not. Sometimes it just feels good to get some things off my chest.

    So I for one will pay no attention to your saying you will no longer be participating and look for your comments.

    Frank, Help me out here a little. I thought the tribe of Dan was wiped out of all males? I knew one young lady when I was young who claimed her family line went all the way back to Moses. I am still impressed that her family kept that good of a record of their heritage.

    I know you’re a well informed fellow. I have always been a creationist. I love science as well as history. I enjoy seeing God’s hand in both. I found an interesting story on the science news yeaterday of the finding of an octopus fossil. It shocked the discoverers that this creature looked exactly like the ones found today. In every detail.

    I also have some Cherokee in my bloodline, could be we’re cousins as well as brothers.

  9. cherielyn says:


    Please, PLEASE, DON’T LEAVE! :(

    I so appreciate all of your posts and hope you will reconsider your decision. You will be greatly missed if you no longer post here. Not only myself, but so many others here have grown to love and care for each other. WE ARE A FAMILY regardless of distance and differences!

    You can be assured that you are in my prayers and I thank you for yours on my behalf.


  10. Laurielee says:

    mtman, I hadn’t posted for a few days, till this one. Been working on a reseach project for school…and a long way yet to go tonight, but I read your post above, and to back to the thread you referenced. I read most of them (didn’t quite get finished), and it was riveting. I don’t have much time, but had to tell you…Remember John the Baptist standing along the water’s edge, preaching to all who would listen; the tax collectors, the religious leaders, Prepare the way of the Lord! This Body has One Head, and One Head Only! We must judge everything according to what that Head has told us. The ones we listen to, what we hear, how we live…our heart in relation to the Father. Look around! All the signs of the times are plain for us to see. Prepare the way of the Lord! Don’t follow any who will not only not go in, but keep you out. That Church you talk of…it’s still here! Jesus never founded an institution! mtman, this world NEEDS our Sons of Thunder. Those who contend for the faith, not their position, not a building, not man-made laws and regulations. Not the Evil one who would divide and conquer! By no means am I against those who faithfully shepherd His flock….the church can reflect the world, rather than Christ. We do not belong to the world!

  11. sjd says:


    I too hope that you do not disappear from this blog. I appreciate your comments and your simplicity that you state you try to maintain. It is unclear to me if my last post was one that was upsetting to you. If it was it wasn’t meant to be at all, as I was agreeing with much of what you were saying on that day.
    After deaing with many people in the past, and looking at peoples lives, I concluded two things and shared them with quite a few people. Either people I talked with were not saved or the Church was doing a poor job discipling them. Both are probably true. There is definitely a problem within the church.
    Self examiination is vital, and called for in Scripture. Much of the Church has been affected by the world and doesn’t look much different. The facts do show that. Yet we do need each other. We need those in the body that are willing to speak out in love, as I believe you have.

    I have thought to myself many times in the past whether e-mailing people, or blogging, that I am going to stop. It is so hard to be understood sometimes, without the ability to see facial expressions, body movements. We can not get immediate feedback with questions and clarifications. I have gotten frustrated at times with people taking me the wrong way. Yet, I see some great benfit in taking those risks.
    You are loved, and I pray that you will continue on with us here, as we each try to spur one another on to love and good deeds.
    In Christ,
    Your brother Steve

  12. BruceC says:


    May the Lord bless your trip to Israel and may He watch over you! Lookimg foward to what you have to say upon return. Israel is the only nation that I would care to visit.

  13. cherielyn says:


    Have you read the book, “Classic Christianity (Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing)” by Bob George?

    If not, I think you might like it.

    I’m in earnest prayer for you!

    Your friend in Christ,


  14. drkennyg says:

    isn’t it true that what Jesus said was to expect persecution as time goes on during our days to spread the Gospel? I think that when He returns there will be very few of us left since by then most who have heard the Good News will have rejected it in favor of the foolhardy things in the way placed by Satan to distracts the world away from The Way. Chapter 3 of 2 Timothy tells us this so come on back – we need you in the fold here.

  15. daisymarygoldr says:

    Mart, all your efforts in putting together and providing those valuable resources on DOD is greatly appreciated. Here is Ps 121 as my prayer for God to grant journey mercies to you and your team-

    “… God… Israel’s
    Guardian will never doze or sleep.

    God’s your Guardian,
    right at your side to protect you—
    Shielding you from sunstroke…

    GOD guards … your very life.
    He guards you when you leave and when you return,
    He guards you now, He guards you always.”

    Note aside: Nothing spiritual but just some practical reminders…If not careful about taking precautionary measures, even God will not be able to guard you against traveler’s diarrhea. Remember, it is always bottled water… even for brushing the teeth and avoid ice in the drinks unless the hostess assures that its made from purified water. Raw vegetables and fruits that cannot be peeled make salads unsafe for consumption while traveling. The cardinal “rule” is: Boil it, cook it, peel it or forget it. Hope you all have a safe and successful trip to discover more about Jewish roots!

  16. daisymarygoldr says:

    mtman, your point has been always clear. My heart resonates with your concern about the church in trouble and your angst is rightly justified. I’m sorry if my words in any way diluted the gravity of your posts on “Pastoral or Elder Rule”. Mtman, you are a prayer warrior and your spiritual discretion is greatly valued in this blogging community. Know this, that God feels the burden of your heart and surely His arm is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear the prayers of His saints. He will surely give wisdom to the leaders and will save the church from all its troubles. With loving kindness and tender mercies He will cause the church to return back to her first love! So, don’t be discouraged, your voice has been heard….not just by us but by everyone on the World Wide Web! mtman, don’t let this upset you in any way…be encouraged by what the others have said to you and as the Spirit leads, keep contributing. I will definitely look forward to your posts and am still counting on your prayers for my submission:)

  17. bretnb says:

    I hope your time there is fantastic, that you get to talk to some converted Jewish folks.


  18. SFDBWV says:

    Remembering our discussions about female submission ect., I was intrieged by a story I read in a yesterdays Israel newspage. It seemed while some IDF (Israeli Defence Force) soldiers were being entertained by musicians, that a female came up on stage and sang to them. Some of the IDF soldiers got up and left. In observance of some religious law preventing women from singing to men.

    It might appear that the attitude of keeping women in a controled environment definately has ” Jewish Roots”. Could also explain some of Paul’s thoughts on the subject.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    Good work Bob, I have noticed that most of us here on the blog are unchurched. Not all but many. People are looking for perfection in every church they enter. It don’t exist.

    Way back when we talked about the “emerging church” we discussed the fundamental problems that existed in the old traditional denominations and wondered if a new way of doing church was the answer.

    If we look at most of our discussions there is rarely a concensious of opinion. But a broad brushed view from all walks of life.

    lots of people let other people force them out of church. I am also guilty of leaving one congregation for another. Seeking the best place for me and family to have a positive fellowship with other believers. This blog is one of the places that adds to that. A good fellowship. Real not pretentious. All are welcome from all over the world.

    I say to all readers of the blog….Please come and fellowship with me, as we grow together and learn about how Christ has effected our lives.

  20. carlj says:

    I always enjoy your programs from Israel. I have missed seeing Jimmy DeYoung. I trust he is doing okay.

  21. sitsathisfeet says:

    Mart We’ll be looking forward to hearing from you in Israel. May God grant you blessings, and traveling mercies on your trip! I went to church yesterday and the pastor asked me how things were going and I said no change, still going along… and he said oh, your just living under His grace! And it made me think deeply on the subject of Grace, and when Paul said the Lord said my Grace is sufficient for you. As we live under grace, and we get more grace, it flows as living water. We also find ourselves able to give more grace, it is an inexhaustable supply if we avail ourselves of it through Christ Jesus. It may seem off topic but I was just thinking if God is able to give us grace, and we in turn are able to give grace through Him, we shouldn’t despair and give up in our churches or even this blog, for the Lord’s grace is sufficient for all things. Amen?!

  22. SFDBWV says:

    Janice, I love you sister, Jesus is never off topic.


  23. nakoa says:

    Greetings fellow believers. This is my first ever post. I am unchurched at the moment. My problem is our former pastor was an extremely good teaching pastor. He MADE me think, MADE me examine myself my actions and I made changes. This brings me to why I think God gave me a shove to submit this comment. Think about what Mart’s blog is called “Been Thinking About”. To the individual who is a thinker and a person who loves learning about Jesus, His teachings and what His teachings truly meant within the context of the time in which He lived, what the Greek word would have meant, the Hebrew word, Jewish customs etc, it’s hard to find a church that satisfies that longing. There are wonderful bible study groups and Sunday school but these often fall short also to the intense thinker/studier of God’s word. That is why I think so many post to Mart’s blog. We think, we learn, we think about what each has said, we digest. I think that is what Jesus meant us to do, “live” on His words, help each other grow in Him. I prayerfully hope this helps the individual who wants to give up posting.

  24. kaliko88 says:

    Mart, I hope you have a great trip. It would be great if you do get to post from time to time, though I know you will be busy. I am still struggling to learn about Israel, past and present. I do hope I get to go there someday.

    God’s timing still seems to be at work for me. I did email my pastor thanking him for his messages in the past several weeks on the fruit of the spirit. Every week for at least six weeks they have been exactly what I needed to hear. Yesterday was especially convicting, though, on the need for peace and making peace with others. Considering the last few subjects here, and the part included on how important it is for us to be peacemakers in all relationships, it was one of those well-timed messages that had me near tears through the whole service.

    Pastor made one point that especially got my attention on the relationships in the church and among churches. “In essentials we have unity. In nonessentials we have liberty.” Our pastor is very forthright when he says that he doesn’t like to see people leave the church, but there are some things in our church’s foundation that are just not debatable. God is the only God, Jesus is his only begotten son and our sovereign lord, and the bible is God’s inspired word of truth. If anyone cannot believe that then our church is probably not the right church for them. Other things like style of worship, music, and activities are open to discussion, change, and various ideas from contributing members. And as for other churches, pastor says as long as Jesus is exalted from those pulpits, they are brothers and sisters in faith.

    I have to remember that always, but sometimes I get annoyed and defensive. It is one of many things on a very long list of bad habits I am trying to change. It was also a painful subject because of how much I am trying to bring loving peace back to my own marriage. Pastor made some great points on how to be peacemakers, but I could not stop all the tears while knowing that they only work when the other person also wants peace. Hubby and I are at a standstill, and my overtures seem unwanted. I am so grateful for my church though, as those who are praying for me and talking with me keep checking to see how I’m doing. I admit, though, I don’t always seek their help. There are so many others they are administering to who have worse troubles than me.

    Still, I have to be better in how I use my words. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone with my posts. Actually, some of them I’ve surprised myself at how strongly I felt about them. It’s turning out to not just be self-examination but self-discovery, too.

    Well, I’m off to check out the DOD stuff here. I haven’t explored that part of RBC yet, and it will be something to keep my learning going while I wait for your next post, Mart. Can’t wait to hear how things to there.

  25. pegramsdell says:

    Mtmn, I understand how you feel, but I do hope you will come back. I will miss your posts. We’re none of us perfect, and we sometimes hurt each other from time to time, but not on purpose. Churches aren’t perfect either. I do not have a church home right now, but I’m still looking. Blogs aren’t perfect, but this one is real good. Interesting people and thoughts and backgrounds. Sometimes I laugh or cry or agree or disagree. It’s all good.
    Welcome nakoa. :)

  26. kaliko88 says:

    Nevermind. I guess I’m the one who should go.

  27. chfranke says:

    What are you thinking?

  28. SFDBWV says:

    Kaliko88, Think about whom you serve and represent. You are Christian….Put Christ first, present Him to us all as seen through your eyes and heart. Show Him in how He has transformed you and carried you through this storm of life.

    Matthew and I watched a little movie this weekend called “As Good As it Gets”. It’s not a Christian movie but a sliver of life. Real people dealing with their own life struggles who came together. It is ver funny and entertaining.

    We came here to the blog and present ourselves warts and all, and share how Christ in us has helped us climb the mountain life has set before us.

    We all have various opinions, and they are just that opinions.

    What matters is that we have come together to fellowship with each other and share our struggles with each other.

    Anyone can run away from life, it is Christ who gives me the courage to stay. Don’t let Satan in, he would love to destroy the little community of believers found here on this blog.


  29. sjd says:

    I never read Mart’s welcome to the blog before. I copied it and pasted it below.

    “Welcome!Got just a minute? Look around! As you’ll see, there’s a lot to consider together. If you’re short on time now, please bookmark this page and come back when you have more time. I’d love to have a chance to think together about things like:

    Unanswered Prayer »
    Father issues »
    Abuse »
    Political Correctness »
    Hate Crimes »
    Bible Discovery »
    Mental Illness »
    Wisdom »
    Imponderable questions »

    And a long list of other ideas that have been on my mind and probably yours’ too. You probably won’t agree with everything you find here! But that’s not bad. What counts in a good conversation is that we be fair in our consideration of one another and the issues that too often divide us.

    If together we can grow in our understanding of ourselves, one another, and most importantly our God and his word, our time together will be more than worthwhile.”

    “Together” is a word that stuck out at me, and the word “grow”, and the fact that we are not always going to agree all the time.

    But it is important that we are together.
    That is why I am hopeful mtman and kaliko88 will stay with us and we can grow together.

    kaliko88, I am glad that you had a “Day of Discovery”:) or self-discovery as you said. I am praying for you and hope that each of us continue to discover and grow in our Lord.

    I believe my time listening to all of you has been “worthwhile”.

  30. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    I have been on a road trip so am just catching up on the posts. We took our 6 and 8 year old grandson’s to see their second cousins my 1 and 2 year old gr8grandchildren. It was a long drive from here to Florida and I think I will fly next time.


    I do understand exactly what you are saying about the condition of the church today and I believe many who know our Lord understand what you are saying. I always try to remember that only God can see a heart and only He knows why a person attends a church.

    I often remember what Jesus said about the church of His day and wonder what He would say about ours today. Like you many people disagree with me when I state some of my beliefs but I don’t depend on folks for truth I always go to God in prayer and He shows me the way.

    For me the church is anyone who has truly realized their sinful condition and asked God for forgiveness and for me this always brings about a broken and contrite heart.

    I don’t think you are against the church but rather against organized religion. A saved person is part of the church of God. That does not mean everyone that attends a church building is saved. Having said that I am still glad unsaved people go to church as faith comes by hearing and ………………

    Seems to me Jesus went to the people with His message as He knew the mind set of the church of His day. He went to the Temple but He did not try to change their rule system He wanted to change their hearts.

    Whatever you decide to do about the blog mtman please know you will always be a part of us as each one who posts here touches someone’s heart and you have touched many.

    kaliko What are you thinking?????????

    I am praying we all stay as we are a church and need each other.

    I would love to hear from natusnemo again and hope we are all praying for him.

    Love and Prayers to all of you.

    God bless you on your trip Mart.

  31. Suen says:

    Thanks so much for your hard work. I’m glad to see that you are doing another series from the Holy Land, though I am always concerned for your safety while you are all there. It is so important that as Christians we do not ignore the Old Testament. The more I learn about it, the prophecies of Christ’s coming, the end time prophecies and the importance of understanding the Jewish feasts and how they relate to present-day Christianity, the more my faith and witness is strengthened.
    Thanks you and blessings!

  32. SFDBWV says:

    Charlotte, I am glad to hear you and Sam had a safe journey. A road trip with a 6 and 8 year old…..you need a rest.

    Suen, I find it very interesting that in the muslim world they also revere and believe in the first 5 books of the Bible. As Christian evangelists we are required to show Christ to them in these 5 Biblical Books. A knowledge of the OT is essential to proclaiming the Gospel to the world.


  33. daisymarygoldr says:

    kaliko88, why do you want to leave? Did anybody say anything mean to you? Sorry, if my words hurt you in any way. I can see that you are doing great…at home, at church, at work and …here at this blog. You just shared on this page about being blessed by your Pastor’s messages on fruits of the spirit. I’m thinking that this is some kind of testing for you…not a big one….but maybe a pop quiz. So, be patient… and don’t quit walking along with us…the journey is long and we all do need each other. Besides, I’m sure you will not want to miss all the cool things that Mart will share about Israel! kaliko88, we all love you and I love your posts and will look forward to hearing more from you… especially about your crazy cats:)

  34. sitsathisfeet says:

    Thank you brother Steve. I have two biological brothers in this life, one is an agnostic, and the other goes to church, but is not as far as I know a born again believer. I think often of my responsibility to share my faith and live my faith with them – it is a hard thing. I know you shared about your brother before and it really touched me. I also think about what it will be like in the afterlife with all my brothers and sisters in Christ, what a great reunion that will be. Emiylou Harris does a song about that entitiled Orphan Girl, when we’ll all meet in heaven at God’s table. But, I wanted to say to MTMAN and Kaliko88 that’s a reason we don’t want you to leave us, because as family you are so precious to us. Also welcome back Gr8grannyjacobs glad you had a good trip. In April I’ll visit my 7yr old grandson, and then in May 500 miles to visit my daughter, but this time I hope to fly.

  35. poohpity says:

    Hey folks,

    I was wondering how come the posts were so short on “How come Paul doesn’t quote Jesus”. I am really interested in hearing your thoughts on that. It seems when there is something that gets ones blood boiling we have a lot to say but something we have to give some thought to we are quite. :)

  36. daisymarygoldr says:

    poohpity, I’m sure someone will address your question:) I’m also eager to learn more about that…

    sjd, thanks for the reminder about “growing together”. Coming here has been really worthwhile for me… as I’m learning so-o-o much from each one of you!

    mtman, I know you are hurting to see so many people hurting and that there is no love in the church. I’m praying for you and the others…so God’s love will comfort and heal all your pain. Even if the church performs as a religious organization, God will faithfully purge… to remove all man-made rules and regulations…and will heal her spiritual malaise and lukewarm condition by His grace, love and mercy … to revive (not our works but) “His work” in the midst of the years (Hab 3:2). Be assured that God is faithful and will not abandon the Church…but will safely see us through… to the other side. mtman, take your time to heal and come back whenever you are ready to share:)

    gr8grannyjacobs, you are right and I’m glad you are back from the road trip…you were greatly missed!

    Since we are talking about Jewish roots, I loved how Heb12: 14-24 describes the Church in The Message:

    “Work at getting along with each other and with God…Unlike your ancestors, you didn’t come to Mount Sinai… You’ve come to Mount Zion, the city where the living God resides.

    The invisible Jerusalem is populated by throngs of festive angels and Christian citizens. It is the city where God is Judge… You’ve come to Jesus, who presents us with a new covenant… The murder of Jesus, —became a proclamation of grace”!

  37. diamonds says:

    Thanks, Mart and Daisy, for your welcome. I’ve been thinking about Mart’s question, even though I haven’t written. I think the reason Paul doesn’t quote Jesus more might have to do with how we overcome. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Personally speaking, I am more interested in “what has He done for you lately” than in a bunch of quotes. This is not to say I despise in any way the Word of God. I cherish it. However, I have six or seven Bibles and plenty reference books here at home. When I read this blog, for example, I usually scroll down fast when someone quotes a ton of scriptures. This is not to say people should not do it. I think many may like the convenience of not having to look up the scriptures. I am simply saying that I am usually more interested in how God is working in your lives. That’s more real to me. Maybe Paul knew that we needed to hear more about how God was intervening in his life and how to make God’s word applicable in the lives of the people of that day versus quoting Jesus word for word. Just my thoughts. :-)

  38. poohpity says:

    Good thoughts!!!

  39. Robert Slone says:

    It was mentioned at the first of this blog to learn how to use the Old Testament to witness to Jews. When I was a kid, the church, my parents took me, had a Bible study that was referred to as the Red Thread of the Bible, refering to following Jesus from the beginning of the Old Testament through the New Testament. At the time they had a little book that outlined and helped take you through it. There is a lot of scripture to use in the Old Testament to lead someone to Christ. One of the parts that amazed me the most was a Psalm in the Book of Psalms that describes in detail what a person physically goes through dying on a cross even though death on the cross had not even been used at the time, but a few hundred years later. Also, you can use the Old Testament to witness to Muslims, they use the same Old Testament. I’m not sure they use all of it, but they do use it. They believe that Jesus was just a good prophet. I didn’t get to talk long with this Muslim, but hope to in the future, because I would like to see him saved and it is very apparent he is searching. I have been trying to remember who wrote the book, Red Thread of the Bible, maybe it was Billy Graham. Maybe some one out there knows what I’m trying to remember (been better than 40 years), but I would like to go through the study again. For me my understanding increases more, when I read the Bible from beginning to end, rather than always skipping around.

    I do appologize for the other blog where I stated, lets talk more about work to be done today and idea’s and witnessing. Sometimes I get over zealous and immature.

    Forgive me.

  40. kaliko88 says:

    I’ll still be reading, just not sure I’ll be commenting as much. For now chalk it up to a very bad, awful, terrible, no-good stormy night.

    And yes, I did enjoy my first foray into DOD. My first reaction was ‘WOW! Look at all this stuff! Where do I start?’ Kind of like how I am at a book store.

    Glad you had a safe trip Mart. Loving the pictures!

  41. kaliko88 says:

    Oh, and daisy, be careful what you wish for on the crazy cat stories. I also work at a cat shelter so I could go on for years.

  42. Laurielee says:

    Robert, The red thread story you talked about was interesting…so I did a search and found it…
    It’s called “The Red Thread” by Leonard Yonkman

    It’s at aardvarkpublishers.com/redthread.htm

    Thanks! It sounds interesting. I may have to check it out.

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