Thought I was eating an Israel breakfast until Avner brought his plate to the table. I recognized the bread and hard boiled eggs. But when he piled up a plate full of diced cucumbers, peppers, feta cheese, and tomatoes, and then mixed it with cottage cheese, yogurt, and olives, he made me feel like I was eating at MacDonalds.
In fact, the first time I ordered an Israeli bagel, I assumed I knew what a bagel looked like at least. Was wrong. This bagel stand just outside of the gate to the Western Wall Plaza sells the real thing.
Yesterday was a good day as we met with three Messianic men did three conversations about the Jewish roots of faith in Jesus. Came away realizing how wrong we can be to assume that if your Jewish, you don’t believe in Jesus.
Figured out what to do if you want someone to listen to you. Just make them your sound man. (Steve and the rest of our crew work so hard, with such a good spirit. Wish you could see all of the gear they lug around and all that they do to make video production in the field possible.)
Was surprised to see how much archeological excavation is being done at the Western Wall Plaza.
This large opening at the place which used to house the Plaza Police shows the work that is being done to uncover fourth century Jerusalem.
While I’m on the subject of archeology, our guide pointed out a maximum security prison (just down the road from the ancient ruins of Megiddo and Jezreel Valley).
Inmates doing work on the grounds recently uncovered one of the earliest churches ever found.
Archeologists estimate that the colorful mosaic floors with pictures of fish and the name of Jesus in Greek date from the early 3rd century.
Although we couldn’t get in (didn’t try) the church has some ancient mosaics, and the name of Jesus in Greek letters. Found an interesting interview with the commander of the Megiddo prison.
Another thing I’ve been reminded of while here is that March is a great time to visit Israel.
Even though the air can be cool with a threat of rain (it’s raining again now), even the wilderness is green this time of year. Had forgotten what a lush carpet of wildflowers can look like.
Finished the day, on Mount Arbel and this wonderful overlook look of the Northwest corner of Galilee.
Even though the wind was blowing hard, as it often does on Arbel in the late afternoon, was overwhelmed once again to be looking at a lakeshore that once bore the weight of the Son of God himself, teaching, doing miracles, and calling people of all nations to himself.
The fact that this region was known as Galilee of the Gentiles (non-Jewish people) reminds me that God’s purpose in choosing Israel was always for the sake of the whole world.
Then there were these guys who hiked all the way up the mountain with a load on their back, while we got dropped off a few hundred yards from the top.