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Passover Inventory

443346453_a9c1905076_m3My computer went down yesterday. Tried to fix it myself. Made things worse. Now can’t even boot it up. Am hoping I didn’t lose a bunch of photos and articles I haven’t backed up. Using my wife’s now just to stay in touch.

Real smart. Wasn’t doing back-ups. Then too impatient to wait a couple of days for the help of our IS people on Monday. Now I really have to wait…

Meanwhile, we are heading into the Jewish holy/holiday of Passover (beginning at sundown on Wednesday April 8), and a week long “Feast of Unleavened Bread” (Leviticus 23:5-6). In Jewish houses all over the world what looks like Spring cleaning is really an attempt to make sure that there are no loaves or even crumbs of leavened bread left in the house. For a readable description of how complex the “unleavening of a house” can be, there’s a good explanation at this “My Jewish Learning” site.

In preparation for Passover, many Jewish people boil their pots to get rid of any residue of leaven, bring out their “Passover plates” and do a “burning of the bread” event in a neighborhood empty lot, or on an outdoor grill.

Have found that New Testament people tend to think of leaven as symbolic of personal evil because of the way the Apostle Paul writes about leaven in 1Corinthians 5:6-7 and Galatians 5:9. But most Jewish people that I’ve talked to just see leaven as a reminder that their ancestors were told by God to leave Egypt so quickly on the night of their rescue that they didn’t have time to let the bread rise– that they were making for their escape to freedom. Have found some Jewish people, however, who do see removal of leaven as symbolic of removing “evil influence.”

So as I take my own bit of Passover Inventory today, even though I won’t be boiling any pots, or burning bread in the driveway, does seem like a good time to take some inventory. For openers, am thinking that the “maybe I can do this myself attitude” that I used to “burn” my computer over the weekend, may be worth thinking about. Wonder how often I try to replicate the attitudes of Jesus, and what Paul calls the “fruit of the Spirit” by my own effort. Wonder how many “broken computers” litter my life in the form of “I can do this myself, don’t need to pray, can’t wait” hametz/leaven?

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47 Responses to “Passover Inventory”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    It is a curse I have carried all my life. To think I can fix everything. It has given me a life filled with some victories and too much frustration.

    It has also given me a spiritual life of thinking things that happen bad are as a result of my sin and that somehow I can atone for it and everthing will be ok. An action of my doing. This too is frustrating.

    I’ve never tried to follow Jewish traditions, I am way lost where that pot of confusion comes in. It makes for interesting reading and comentaries about how Jesus fits into all of the Festivities and tradition. But that seems to be my only real intrest in them. Seeing how Jesus is found in all of them.

    The Passover and the Passover meal is so clearly fullfilled by Jesus that I have just been amazed at how in the world can’t everyone see it….more frustration.

    Good luck getting your computer fixed. Unless you speak several languages you will have a lot of “fun” explaning your problems. Now that we are all hooked on computers, it’s like the automobile industry. Higher prices, more complication and no dependable service.

    No wonder you and I try to fix things ourselves.

  2. violet D says:

    Mart & Steve – you are not alone! I, too am one of those very ‘independant’ people. One day a pastor told me that I should not deny others the privilege of helping Me – for a change – I try to remember this but find it still a struggle to do so. I’m with you, Steve on the Jewish feasts!

  3. laney says:

    A couple of years ago a friend invited me to go with her to a Messianic congreation for a passover sedar. I enjoyed it so much I started going to their services every friday night. Sundays I would to my regular church.I really enjoyed their praise and worship,learing to sing songs and some psalms in hebrew to the Lord.I even went out and bought some messianic praise and worship music.You could just feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit as you were singing and praising the Lord.The following year I went to the passover again.I did not go so far as removing all the leaven out of my house.I have not been back to the messianic congreation because fo health reasons. The friend that started me going church there also stopped going. She told me to read the book of Hebrews.She beleives they are not even saved because they are living under the law. The Rabbi use to always say we dont have to do all this we get to. So needless to say it has left me confused.I know the Lord did every thing needed for us on the cross.But where does that leave all the jewish people that now beleive in Yeshua and are still living under the law.The Rabbi would also bring up some scriptures like for instance the passover,where it says that every generation is to do this. Well if someone can help me understand this.It really bothers me to think they are saved because they are clinging to the law.

  4. laney says:

    I meant to say it bothers me to think they are not saved because they are clinging to the law.These people really loved the Lord.I guess it all comes down to satan being the great deceiver?

  5. mtman says:

    Actually I don’t see anything wrong with being independent as long as you can retain your humility in doing so. Lets face it (on a lighter side) our stubborn pride of being independent in a time when jobs are hard to find will give someone something to do. It seems to me that our Lord himself was independent to a degree. In His temptation in the desert He refused to compromise even a little. So independence is not altogether a bad thing even though some would present it that way. Its just how far you carry it.
    Mart: Been there and done that. Certainly adds a new level to the word back up. Fortunately for me much of my photos and information was also in my wifes computer so I recovered most of it. I wonder if they had comupters back when Jesus was on earth if he wouldn’t have tried to fix his too. Of course he would have laid hands on it and it would have been healed but then ???????
    ROBERT and POOH: I submitted a post to the last blog subject for the both of you….

  6. mtman says:

    POOH: Your question on the last post was excellent. This in not fully related to todays post except it has to do with computers. One way to reach out is on the internet. We watch an online church. They have people from all over the world sign on. I even saw one from Grand Rapids, Mich which is Mart’s back yard this morning.
    I remember people saying radio was the devil’s work and then the same with TV (actually they may have a point there). But Christians never really availed themselves of such media’s except for exploitation. I’m not saying all Christian programs on TV are there to exploit but clearly several are and they distract from those who are good because when they fall they get front page coverage. I have heard the same said of the internet but this particular church is reaching out to people all over the world on the internet. If you stop and think about it – this is a really good thing especially if it brings people to the Lord. I don’t care for the music (lively and spirited) but I think if Jesus was physically here today he would be out dancing in the isle to it. It is a different way to reach the un-saved, lost and strayed and from those who sign on week after week it seems to be working. I just thought I would toss this out for consideration for those who do not have a church. A pretty new concept and from those who sign in weekly it is touching lives.

  7. mtman says:

    POOH: your question yesterday was an excellent one. I posted a reply and it did not appear and I figured out it was because I included another web site. So here is what I said best I can recall:
    When radio first came about people said it was the devil’s work. Then the same with TV, (may be right there) and now I hear similar comments about the internet. This has relevance to todays topic only in that respect as how it relates to computers.
    We attend a service each Sunday that is an on-line church. As I watch people sign onto the site they are from all over the world.
    Christians have always been slow embracing any media source. This on line church is reaching people all over the glove and reaches out to the disinfranchised, lost, strayed and abandoned. It is one method of reaching people and I would hope other churches would do likewise. If you are infirmed, traveling or unable to attend it is a way to be with other worshippers. I don’t particularly like the music, up beat quick tempo, but I believe if Jesus were here on earth with us today he would be in the isles dancing to it because it praises God.
    So to attempt to answer you question, there are individual ways, corporate ways and many I don’t even know about that reach out to people. This particular blog is another way. The on-line church is touching people all across the country and foreign countries. The message is good. Sometimes it cuts off unexpectedly and you need to sign right back on but if you have no church it is better than none at all. I toss this out because it tells how the gospel is being spoken in a most unlikly but effectively.

  8. mtman says:

    Darn, I meant globe not glove. Mart, couldn’t we have a spell check?? Kidding…

  9. Laurielee says:

    I do think that it’s interesting that in reading of the Jewish laws and celebrations we are able to understand the context of Jesus’ actions. It is helpful to understand that what Jesus did for us FULFILLED the law. At the Passover meal they have the unleavened bread, the wine, the bitter herbs, the Passover lamb, the empty seat for the unexpected/expected guest. One thing I’ve found very interesting is that in the New Testament recounting of the Last Supper, the bread and wine are mentioned but not the lamb. The Lamb WAS there…the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.

    If any are reading here today that were part of yesterday’s dicussion in “After Thoughts” that were talking of concern for unsaved loved ones, I posted something in an effort to help…

  10. laney says:

    Mtman, I to belong to an on line church.It also cuts out on me. I’am curious though what church you belong to on the internet.I watch Family Worship center with Jimmy Swaggart ministries.

  11. mtman says:

    I noted after I wrote the post which included the web site that it showed up that my comment is awaiting moderation. I take that to mean it is probably only posted on my computer waiting for clearance. We attend (you know what prefix) northlandchurch and it is at a net site and located in Orlando, Fla.. Maybe this will answer your question. I fully understand why web sites are not allowed and completely agree. I should have checked the rules before I put that in. Hope this helps and I can tell you their Christmas program was wonderful. When my wife was visiting our daughter they went to one of the Northland church locations in Orlando, Fla. and it was all my wife talked about for weeks and months. I hope you like it.

  12. poohpity says:

    Over the last few days in exasperation from asking for help from my youngest son and not getting it, I said “self you have done it alone for this long and you do not need anyone” I was not referring to the help of the Lord because I need Him and He has been everything to me. I am however saying it is heart breaking to need help from people and not be able to get it. So as for as need anything from another person, I stand alone and each day become more and more OK with that however it is nice to have help but I will never depend on anyone but the Lord for my needs.

  13. Robert says:


    I read your post and posted a reply. Thank you man, really appreciated.

    Please visit that post again b/c our friend Rick posted a reply that helped me so much, I just want you all to read it and welcome him to our family. He’s a quiet dude, but his soul if full of goodness.

    You’re never alone, Rick. Please visit often. You’ve really helped me and I mean that.

  14. sjd says:

    Just the other day, I forgot exactly what happened, but I caught myself wondering why I still struggle with relying on my own ability, rather than on Christ. (No computer issues) There are too many days that I continue to live in Romans 7 than Romans 8. But there is hope. “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin.”

    At times I wish that God had wiped my mind clean, and started over, kind of like when a computer crashes and the hard drive is erased. But He didn’t choose to do it that way. So my mind continues to be in need of renewal, transformation. Praise God that He has begun a good work in me and will complete it. So, yeah, spring cleaning is year round for me.

  15. poohpity says:

    But what if it seems like the old life has so much hold that we do not feel we can ever be thought of in any different light. What if people can never see past the scarlet letter you once lived then what do you do. Like Romans 7 trumps any other thoughts and we think we will not succeed the life of Grace. I feel so different than people who have been brought up in Christ like I do not belong to the fellowship or do not fit in and sometimes I find myself doing things that will push them anyway. I even feel different because I relish the grace I have been shown. So it seems that you are darned if you do and darned if you if you don’t.

  16. Rick123 says:


    Thanks for your kind and uplifting words, prayers are always welcomed with me from the Church in Christ, thanks for your prayers Robert.

    I thank the head of the family, our heavenly Father, for ministering to others and being myself ministered from my Father’s family, it is a blessing to be ministered and to minister to others.

    I thank my Father’s Son-Jesus for being my best friend, and for friends like Robert, and all of my Father’s family are my friends, for we are all one with the Father in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

    Let us all be of the same mind, the mind of Christ, who himself has the mind of his Father, from whom comes all goodness.

    In this coming passover let us reflect on the goodness of our heavenly Father, who gave us his greatest treasure from his heart, Jesus, though he was rich, yet he became poor for our sakes, and we by his poverty became rich, in his love, for the Father has loved us with the same love he has for his Son-Jesus.

    The Father did not hold back his Son from being sent to our world, he came willingly to our world to die for our sins, that is why the Father loves him so much that he(Father) exalted him above all of his(Father) creation.

    The Lamb is worthy to be praised besides his Father forever, because of one man’s obedience he brought heaven and earth together by his blood, to whom the family in heaven and on earth must bow their knees and give him Glory for overcoming sin in his flesh.

    Rev 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.(Eph 2:6 And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus:)

    Rev 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

    Rom 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

  17. SFDBWV says:

    I liked this mornings “Our Daily Bread” “Nothing Left But God”

    I can certainly identify with this message. When I have thought at various times all was lost, I was shown that all I had left was “Everything”. When all I have left is God. He is more than enough.


  18. sjd says:

    If I look at myself through my eyes, or any other eyes other than our God’s, I am bound to feel hopeless. We must continually go back to the Truth. That Truth will set us free.

    I realize that much of my thinking has been characterized by the struggle depicted in Romans 7, and in Galatians 5:17, but I also now see the victory possible in Romans 8 living as a result of what has occurred depicted in Romans 6 and in Galatians 5:18, 24-25.

    16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.
    17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
    18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.

    Galatians 5:24-25
    24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
    25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

    I am learning to remind myself of who I now am in Christ as a result of the New Covenant. For me I continue to fall back into the old way of thinking, until I again am reminded of the Truth. Must continually be in the Word.

    I too relish the grace I have been shown. And if everyone around me thinks I am strange, then I must realize that my Father loves me dearly, that nothing will separate me from His love, that Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me……. As much as I love the presence of others in my life, I treasure the fact our Creator, Sustainer loves me so!

    Always going back to the Truth!! Otherwise the liar/lies will try to defeat me, but we are overcomers in Christ.

    I am praying for you and myself that we will continue to live as the new creations we are!

  19. mtman says:

    POOH: Yes our old selves pull and tug against us and that may not be entirely bad. We are who God made us to be after all. I think we all feel the same pressure of our old selves. Rick’s last paragraph, to Robert yesterday, to me says it all. Keep your eyes focused on the cross and let the Lord change you in his time frame and only as he knows how to do.
    I have in my generous years experienced many things and had my share of losses. I count all that as a blessing from our Lord. It didn’t seem so at the time but in reflection it sure does. Maybe by telling some of my experience and how I live now has all occured because it may remotely help someone else with similar struggles. With trials and difficulties also come understanding, compassion and wisdom. As I look back when things were status quo and my life was in neutral I do not see any growth, only healing. We need both conditions in our lives but if we truly love the Lord we will use those growth periods to help others.
    So POOH: you are right where God wants you to be and when he is finished touching up those little imprefections you will be a beautiful diamond for everone to behold. I know as I was as rough a diamond as they come and I still have many facets to have polished but I’m coming along and I’m growing at a rate consistent with the Lord’s plan for me.
    ROBERT: I read the subsequent posts yesterday and I think Rick spoke to all of us. Thank you Rick..

  20. carlj says:

    After reading through the blog my thoughts went to my continuous struggle with pride, i.e. feeling I need to take care of myself, not asking for assistance, etc. It makes me think of Jesus beginning to wash Peter’s feet and Peter not feeling comfortable with it. Positioning myself for others to “wash my feet” is always difficult.

  21. laney says:

    Mtman,I like what you wrote to Pooh about keeping our eyes on the cross ,and letting the Lord change us in his time frame.I needed that reminder today.I tend to come down on myself when the sin nature creeps in.I get very impatient another one of my many struggles.I want sin less perfection now.I have to keep reminding myself that will never happen in this life but only in the afterlife thanks to my Lord and saviour.

  22. mtman says:

    Thanks laney: I live in the mountains and I am a recreational prospector. Sometimes I find gold that has an off color to it or is just plain dirty. Sometimes it is totally covered in mercury. To make it clean again you soak it in vinegar and it sparkles. For the mercury you have burn it off. Seems to me new found gold has a parallel with our walk with the Lord. Sometimes we need to be washed off and then there are the more difficult ones who need to be refined by heat. The end result is you come out sparkling and bright. A very valuable piece for sure.
    It everyone were totally honest with themselves they would confess just what you wrote above. Thanks be to God we have an avocate who will do the washing and refining!!1

  23. poohpity says:

    Again I must pose a question. It seems in our Christian world we always compare ourselves to precious stones or metals being refined by fire. I have never come across a stone or metal that has a heart, mind, or soul. If God is changing us or testing us like for instance what Job had to go through then God being all knowing would have known the pain and anguish that he was going to feel. I for one have watched people that are treated with love and kindness and have found the growth to be slow but progressive to undo the harm that they had to experience. Help me understand.

  24. daisymarygoldr says:

    Jesus Christ is the unleavened bread that came down from heaven….the bread of life that was without any leaven/sin…the bread of affliction that was broken for me…to deliver me from the bondage of Egypt— the sinful world and my sinful flesh. Christ, the Passover lamb washed all my sins to make me perfect and holy but I also have an active role… for this sanctifying process to continue in my life.

    To celebrate the feast of the unleavened bread, the Jews literally search and burn to make their homes leaven-free and clean. Today, I celebrate the feast of the unleavened bread not once a year but every time I remember the death, burial and resurrection of my savior Jesus Christ and spiritually, it is the purging fire of God’s Word that burns… to make my life sin-free and pure.

    Personally, taking a Passover inventory is very tricky for me because my Christian self is very deceptive. Sometimes, it is difficult to even understand the wickedness of my heart and recognize the evil thoughts of my mind. Hence, I’m always reminded of the Psalmist’s prayer asking God to “search me and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. Reveal any wickedness in me, and keep me in your presence always” and God’s response to such a prayer is certainly not very desirable or palatable …

    …because just like your computer, there are times, when God allows something that causes my life to “break down” and fall apart… to bring me face-to-face with my evil pride and selfish desires. When God’s word reveals and burns my hidden sins, it is an extremely painful process…

    However, I am always thankful for the grace and mercy of my faithful High Priest (you should also be thankful for your wife’s generosity) who helps me remove all the malicious sin of pride and hypocrisy from within me… so that I may always worship Him in sincerity and truth. Loss by pruning the works of my flesh (your photos and articles) actually causes the gain of bearing the fruits of the Spirit… so that I may satisfy my God/husbandman, all the days of my life!

  25. sitsathisfeet says:

    Pooh God’s chastening or refining is referred to in scripture many times. The growth and protection we receive from the Lord is painful at times, think of it as spiritual therapy, something like physical therapy after an injury, it’s a necessary, but painful process. A lot if the hurts we get are a result of sin, then God must come in and then do a supernatural work. Remember that even nature, and creation is under the curse of sin – and that even “growth” is sometimes a painful process. But the hope is that God has provided us a way through His salvation and the regenerative spiritual person to overcome this pain. Not that we’ll be “pain free” now but that we can stand and endure all through Him. Yesterday I was able to talk with my son and daughter-in-law briefly. And one thing that came up was ” do not easily take offense”. We were discussing how we as Christians should not take offense easily, that our love for others should be so evident. The other thing was my son asked me what I was going to do about working, and my response was I didn’t know. Now I have applied numerous places, gone on interviews etc. thought I might have a job at one point, it fell through etc. Now I’m just kind of in a holding or waiting pattern. I will continue to do what I can, but in the Lord’s timing… Our Daily Bread and the topic today of self-sufficiency resonated with me. We need to prepare, and be ready – but sometimes we just have to wait… About self-sufficiency – Rev 3:17-18 You say I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing. But you do not realize you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear , so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes so you can see.

  26. Robert says:

    Seems like we’re all having computer problems about now. I tried posting something this morning, hit the wrong button and poof…gone; I lost it.

    Rick, I like what you said this morning. Amen to that. A more fitting blessing I could not offer.

    I read sjd’s entry this AM and was struck by you last sentence “…So, yeah, spring cleaning is year round for me.”

    Should it not be that way as a matter of course. A new friend of mine said something to me yesterday that enriches this. He said “…do not look to the past, the right, or the left, but look unto him who died for our sins.”

    Well it occurred to me that accepting that as, let’s say an axiom, is a full-time job, yes? It’s a committment that must be renewed on a daily basis in much the same way as sjd (and probably most of us) go through spritual spring cleaning.

    I came across a poem last year that I’d love to share with you all. It was written around 50 AD by everyones favorite author – “Anonymous” =:)

    Look well to this day,
    For it and it alone is life.
    In its brief course
    Lie all the essence of your existence:

    The Glory of Growth
    The Satisfaction of Achievement
    The Splendor of Beauty

    For yesterday is but a dream,
    And tomorrow is but a vision.
    But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
    And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

    It’s not entirely religious in that it never mentions Christ or God but it just seems like something He would smile at if he were here and chatting amongst us. I guess I just relate it back to what my friend said about not looking left or right on the path to Christ.

    I included this poem in my Christmas Cards this past year to all my close family and friends and I offer this wish to you all now – Our lives are a string of new tomorrows, may each one of yours be brighter than the one before.

  27. laney says:

    Daisy Mary Gold,I found out last night when God was dealing with me on some issues just how deceptive and wicked my heart could be.The potter had me going around and around on his wheel chipping away layer after layer until I saw the truth of my heart.Wow,your not kidding it can be a painful process.Why is that? Why is it so hard for us to face the truth of the sin in our own life when God reveals it to us?

  28. laney says:

    Sitathisfeet,Iwish your comment about do not take offense was posted a day earlier.I could have saved myself a lot of grief,and not having to spend the night on the potters wheel.If I read it a day eairler would I have heeded your warnings,probably not.It seems I have to learn the hard way.By me taken offense I have now created a seperation between me and my sister in Christ.I have left her a phone message apologising.But she hasen’t returned my call.I not only spent the night on the potters wheel but now have to endure the pain of knowing I hurt my sister. I don’t know which pain is worse.

  29. kaliko88 says:

    I wonder how many of us go around in cycles, just like the seasons and the yearly observances, and finding that not much has changed? Seems like every time I look inside, it’s the same problems. It’s hard for me to look inside myself. I tend to use self-evaluation like a knife in a slasher movie. But then I think that’s why God designed some things to be repetitious. It takes us many times to learn the same lesson until we finally get it right. Mine is selfishness and laziness and fear.

    On the other hand, at least with pain sometimes I’m feeling something.

  30. fostercogeco says:

    I pray that you will get an answer to your computer problem soon. I have lost important files just that way. I sensed the Lord’s comfort in my computer nightmares, especially when I prayerfully left it all in His hands-amd went on with my day as you have. He always surprises us with joy at the end of these fiascos. May He bring you a place of joy through this frustration!

  31. daisymarygoldr says:

    laney, right now at work I’m also going through that painful process on the Potter’s wheel. For a Christian, the hidden issues of the heart are very subtle…especially if we grew up without committing the obvious sins. We tend to become so self-righteous that we get tricked into thinking that we are always perfect… if there is anything wrong then it must be always the other person. In our self-deception of pride, we tend to justify our own faults as right and hence it becomes very difficult to acknowledge our sins and accept our flaws. We must keep in mind that we are still living in our sinful flesh… flesh is always contrary to the Spirit. When God’s Word surgically cuts/chips away and burns the unwanted cancerous issues of the heart, mind and body, it is not fun. Sometimes, the pain becomes so unbearable, that we become angry, bitter and begin to have a pity party and might even wish it is better to die… but God has His own plans… to not kill and destroy… but to purify and make us perfect…i.e. leaven/sin-free so that some day in our glorious future we may eventually become just like Him!

    Good thoughts, kaliko88 and thanks for sharing! I missed you…how are your cats…do you really have 88 calicos? Please, don’t bother with the answer as…this is just another cumbersome case of a curious cat:)

  32. poohpity says:

    What I was alluding to was not just the Jewish traditions but ours as well it is so easy to get rid of the external yeast or sin, or to focus on what we see on the outside of others and leave what is on the inside of us. Even with the hard drive of the computer they get full and can get viruses and crash and burn.

    We can like the Pharisee’s quote scripture and hold others more accountable than we do ourselves to laws, yeast and sin. It is very difficult to look within because we do not like what we see so it is much easier to look out instead of in.

    It is much easier to talk to people on the computer and not let people in so we do not get hurt. It is easier not to need others or get rejected if we ask for help and do not get it.

    This week for me is a time to understand who I really am naked before the Lord. Not anyone else’s need for a savior but just mine. I think it is so neat that God knew we needed human touch to understand HIM. To reach out and touch those that others rejected because of outward appearances. Lepers, prostitutes, samaritans, blind, deaf, deformed and me. So my Passover Inventory makes me understand that because of the ugliness within me, the garbage on my hard drive that only the touch of the Master will give me the ability to show HIS love to others. The only way we can empathize with anyone is if we have been there and done that.

    God knew we needed human touch from the beginning although words can heal having someone with skin on walking with us and not requiring us to be God (perfect). Like Jobs friends trying to get him to fit into what they thought was best for him when what he really needed was them to just be next to him without the words.

    Learning that love is an action word seeking the best for someone as Jesus displayed by laying HIS life down for us because of that action He has shown us what to do for others. Then I can go out and let others know He loves them just as they are period. He asks from us to love Him and to show mercy to others. That is what I have to remind myself of daily the mercy and grace that I was shown, to show to others.

  33. kaliko88 says:

    The illustration of the potter is my favorite, but ‘chipping’ is not quite an accurate part of the process. I took a pottery class in college, and quite enjoyed it. And when I got back into the bible, the illustration was even more thought provoking. Clay is worked not just on the wheel, but by hand. It has to be kneaded to get all the air pockets and bubbles out. Then it has to be wetted down to be worked on the wheel. You have to be careful that the final piece is not made too thick or too thin. Then patterns can be carefully carved in or even cut out. It can then be allowed to dry so that it can be sanded to take out any rough spots. If you mess up, you can wet it down again and mold it, then let it dry again and sand again.

    I find that interesting, that it has to be frequently wetted down and then dried, and wetted down again. And to add other bits of clay both pieces have to be wet. Sometimes we have to go back in the water, again and again, until we’re ready for the glazing, and then the test of fire. And other parts that try to join us also have to first go in the water. Otherwise, during the firing they fall apart. It is also an extremely painful thought, one that may have come too late.

    I don’t mind curious cats, daisy. I have 11, plus one that I am fostering, and only two calicos. They make life interesting. A good thing, because to be honest I am not doing well. Sanctus Real’s song “I’m Not Alright” is a perfect theme song right now.

  34. kaliko88 says:

    And Mart, I looked at that website a little, including their page describing the purpose of the site. Trans-denominational? Can I just say that creeps me out a little.

  35. laney says:

    Kaliko88,Thanks for the pottery lesson. I’am sure I will be back in that water again and again.
    But thank God he is so patient with me and allows me to get back on that wheel instead of just giving up on me.What can I say amazing love amazing grace.Praise the Lord Bless his Holy name.

  36. mtman says:

    Kaliko88: Are you freaked out by the Northland Church site? They may be listed as trans denominational because the have satelite church’s all over the globe. I have watched their services for several weeks and I have not found they do anything but proclaim the gospel.
    I would suggest you go back to the site and contact them with any doubts or questions you may have. I am very critical of churches and I can find nothing about this church that raises suspicion.

  37. sitsathisfeet says:

    Laney Thanks for your responsive comment I hoped no one would take offense and think I was referring to them, only to myself and how it applied, and in this case to my son and daughter-in-law speaking of some of their acquaintances etc. Also Laurielee I didn’t see your previous post on your “experience” til today, but was blessed by reading it. God is so awesome, he always meets us at the perfect place, some may have dramatic visions as Paul did while other’s calling is more subtle such as the disciple Jesus saw standing “over there” was amazed, and Jesus replied so you say, you will see much more amazing things than that! Like Mart says the Lord is Lord over all seen, unseen, known, and unknown. Praise Be the Lord!

  38. Rick123 says:

    poohpity says: Again I must pose a question. It seems in our Christian world we always compare ourselves to precious stones or metals being refined by fire. I have never come across a stone or metal that has a heart, mind, or soul.

    Luk 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to [our] father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

    In this verse we see that John called the multitude Approaching him, O generation of vipers, they thought of themselves as righteous, but inwardly they were vipers.(The serpent(devil) nature)

    Their righteousness did not exceed that of the gentiles, that is why John told them that God was able to raise up children unto Abraham from stones(God is able to take away our stony heart out of our flesh and give us a heart of flesh, it is a very painful process to go through the breaking down of our stony heart, God uses his hammer to break every piece in our stony heart and grind them to dust, God uses a hammer with his carver tool to carve out our stony heart into the Image of his Son-Jesus.

    John told them to Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, or be cut down like an unfruitful tree and thrown into the fire to be burned.

    Then say they: Luk 3:10 And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then?

    And John said: Luk 3:11 He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.

    In the coming verses, people from Different walks of life asked the same as did the group of vipers, What shall we do then?

    John told them to do justice, mercy, what John told these people to do is in line with scripture> Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

    Psa 82:3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

    Psa 89:14 Justice and judgment [are] the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.

  39. peacechild says:


    I am truly sorry for your loss of valuable work product after the crash of your computer. This must have been so distressing for you.

    As you well know, our lives are filled with such distressing events, some the result of a mere inconvenience, others a minor catastrophe. In each event, we see our will thwarted and the temptation to frustration is great.

    We can respond with a rush of adrenalin or we can remember the call of Psalm 46,”Cease your striving and know that I am God.”

    In the peaceful stillness that ensues as we wait on him, we may also be reminded of these wonderful words from Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

    These last words are posted on my desk at eye level; my need to focus on this truth in never ending.

    Blessings to you, brother.

  40. sapnads says:

    Hi Mart,
    Interesting insight to the Jewish Passover. In my country (India) most Christians try to observe the season of Lent, which culminates at Good Friday and Easter celebrations. People mostly do abstainance i.e avoid eating meats/ dairy products. Some stop smoking/ drinking for the duration, others fast on certain days among other things. I suppose its another way of getting rid of the “Leaven”. This time is also used to spend more time in prayer and worship, remembering Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for all of us. As good as this practice is, people seem to miss out on the reason why they follow lent. Rather than spending more time in prayer, people are focused on the process of abtainance and fasting. What many of us don’t realise is that, Jesus paid the ultimate price for us which doesn’t require us to do any of this anymore. That is the beauty of the Old Testament and the New Testament, we now have a new covenant with God. No amount of good deeds or abstainance is going to help us get salvation or a place in heaven, it is only through the blood of Christ.
    I agree with you about “I can do this myself” attitude, I have it in me as well. I heard a sermon recently based on Jesus’ healing of Jairus’s 12yr old daughter. Towards the end of the passage, when people from Jairus house come to inform Jairus about his daughter they ask “should we bother the teacher, your daughter is dead”? Similarly most times we think, O I can handle this situation myself, I don’t need to bother the teacher (Jesus) with this. But we have such a loving and caring God, that he wants to be bothered about every aspect of our lives. So while the Jews look for the leavened lets remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us and make a resolution to bother our teacher about everything and be dependent on him continously.


  41. BruceC says:

    Reminds me of myself, and dare say I; all Christians. We burn the bread to get rid of the leaven(sin) in our life through Christ; and just as quickly bake a new loaf-only to go for forgiveness again. But we have a wonderful, mercifull Saviour Who knows that we are weak and is willing to forgive us. As we strive to bake our bread without leaven we fail miserably on our own and find we can’t do it without the Master Baker.
    God be praised for His indescriable grace and love.

  42. SFDBWV says:

    SD, Thank you for your beautiful eloquence. Your comments are very much recieved this day by me.

    BruceC, you too have spoken wisely.

    We all strive, we all fail, but our Savior never leaves us nor forsakes us.

    Robin snow this morning, 2 inches, 26 degrees. A constant reminder of who is in charge of the weather.

  43. poohpity says:


    Luke 3:8 and Luke 19:40 these verse say if humans do not do what God intended God could make stones to complete the job. We can either do what God wants us to do or God will use whatever He wishes to accomplish His purpose but it will be done.

  44. poohpity says:

    Rick you may want to read Job 6:12

  45. Rick123 says:

    poohpity says:

    Rick you may want to read Job 6:12

    Disease had so attacked him that his strength would need to be hard as a stone, and his flesh like brass, not to sink under it. But he has only flesh, like other men. It must, therefore, give way; so that the hope of restoration suggested by Eliphaz is vain (see on Job 5:11).

  46. poohpity says:

    I put that verse in Job because of the reference folks use to compare our refining process when we are indeed flesh. In the NLT Job 6:12
    12 Do I have the strength of a stone?
    Is my body made of bronze?

    If we were to treat each other like we were made of flesh one might me a little more tender.

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