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Jesus and the Spring Feasts

As we enter together into this holy week and season of Passover, sure wish everyone could see how the final events of Jesus life coincide with an ancient, annual cycle of Jewish holidays.

In addition to fulfilling the mysterious predictions of prophets, Jesus showed how deeply his life was rooted in the annual celebrations of Israel.

It is well known that Jesus was crucified during the Jewish feast of Passover. But it is just as important to see how his Passover sacrifice gave richness of meaning to the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Firstfruits, and the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). Together his dramatic fulfillment of these holidays showed how he was using the ancient history and hope of a “chosen people” to call men and women of all nations to himself.

Following the instructions of Moses given in Leviticus 23:

1. Passover was celebrated on the 14th of Nisan, followed immediately by

2. the Feast of Unleavened Bread beginning on the 15th of Nisan and lasting for seven days.

The 3rd Feast of First Fruits, according to Moses, was then to occur on “the day after the Sabbath” (23:11). Because the first and last days of Unleavened bread were “Sabbaths” in addition to the weekly 7th day rest, there has been a difference of opinion about when the third feast was to be celebrated.

But according to authors Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal in”The Feasts of the Lord”, “The majority opinion, held by the Pharisees” was supported by the first century Jewish historian Josephus who wrote, “On the second day of unleavened bread, which is the sixteenth day of the month, they first partake of the fruits of the earth” (Antiquities of the Jews 3.10.5).

This would mean that,

3. Firstfruits was celebrated on the 16th of Nisan…to be

Followed exactly 50 days later by the

4. Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)


As our Passover sacrifice who put away our sin for us, Jesus died on the 14th, and was in the grave on the 15th (burying forever the sins of those who trust him)– the first day of Unleavened Bread (1Cor 5:7-8).

His resurrection coincided with the Feast on the 16th that made him the first fruits (an agricultural picture) of all who will be resurrected to everlasting life. (1Cor 15:20-24).

Exactly 50 days later, as determined by the Jewish “counting of the omer” (Lev 23:15-16), he sent the promise of his Spirit during the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost, Acts 2:1).

At this point several months pass separating the four Spring Feasts from the three Fall feasts at the other end of the calendar during the seventh month of Tishri (September-October):

5. Trumpets (Rosh HaShanah) on the 1st of Tishri
6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) on the 10th of Tishri
7. Tabernacles (Sukkot) on the 15th of Tishri

These 3 remaining feasts seem to be related to a season of fulfillment at some time in the future. If the remaining three feasts follow the pattern of the first four, they anticipate the Messiah’s return to call a repentant nation of Israel to himself, to forgive their personal and national sins, and to fulfill God’s promise to live among his people.

Seems to me that the fulfillment of patterns like this combine with the mysterious prophecies that predicted Messiah’s death (i.e Isa 53; Dan 9:26) to give us a compelling and convincing statement that the Passover Lamb was all that Jesus claimed to be– and far more.

How does it hit you? Do you find it as significant as I do that these feasts are so closely and specifically connected to one another… and to the inexpressible sacrifice of Jesus?

Note: Am going to use Twitter (see in column on the right) to add short BTA updates and other short related info…

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47 Responses to “Jesus and the Spring Feasts”

  1. laney says:

    I know that we have been discussing passover and the feasts so I am off the subject matter. I was just wondering if anyone has seen the article on fox news .com. Scientits discover giant hand reaching across space.Jesus said one of the signs of his return was signs in the heavens. Check out the picture.It is just breath taking.

  2. laney says:

    I went back to look at the picture of the hand reaching out for the eternal red light.Even the heavens declare Of Jesus shed blood for man.Its so awesome and right on time for easter sunday.

  3. laney says:

    Sorry everyone my mind just dosen’t work to good anymore. When I wrote that I was off the subject matter thats incorrect.This sign in the heavens is right on time for the passover and easter sunday

  4. SFDBWV says:

    I’ve been out plowing snow this morning…4″ and still snowing. It actually snowed 2 ” in one hour this morning. Here we are talking about Easter.

    Mart, you’ve done a great job here laying out the story of Messiah in the feasts. As you stated Jesus fits into every feast. Which makes me always think about the final 3 feasts in the fall. It would seem that the rapture will occur without any prophetic timing, but Jesus’s return can be defined right to the moment from the prophetic writings found in Daniel and Revelation. Also it would seem they all tie together with the Fall feasts.

    It is exciting for me to think that the rapture could occur at anytime but especialy exciting that it would appear to occur between the spring feasts and the Fall feasts.

    My computer screen may not allow me to see the twitter info, you mentioned. I am not sure I understand what that is anyway.

    Laney, I like to see the pictures of the cosmos also, but I think the wonders Jesus mentioned will be frightening to mankind as the “Heavens melt away”. I will look it up, thanks.


  5. poohpity says:

    laney, just like Mart was saying everything in creation will point us to the fulfillment of prophecy and the knowledge of God. The Discovery Channel in it’s futile attempt at trying to disprove the Jesus of the bible will also one day know what we already know. It is also true when our faith is weak His presence will be stronger in our life and will restore our hope in God if we are just still and have patience to wait. Running this way and that way will only cause confusion and we need to trust.

  6. wretch-like-me says:

    can empathize with your unexpected snowfall… consider it just one more sign of HIS return being imminent.

    laney: at first I thought you had received one of those urban legend/myth emails that have been recycling for years… but, I checked the website to find with joy that it is yet another sign of HIS return.

    pooh: I’m with you on everything in creation pointing to Our Creator… I think it always has as the Master often said,”Let them that have eyes SEE; let them that have ears HEAR!” Those who are chosen, called and have accepted HIM can see and hear it all clearly.

    Marti: I wonder if HIS RETURN isnt going to follow the same Fall Feasts schedule on the Jewish calendar. Wouldnt it hold true for HIS character to foreshadow these events just as we have observed the same in the past??

  7. sitsathisfeet says:

    I’ll try again to post my comment, lost the first time. I never had a lesson on the Jewish calendar before. It just reminds me that God is the author of all time and history, and creator of the universe. I went to a very secularized Christian college for a time and was taking anthropology, astronomy, geology etc. and it was all about man, his discoveries, theories etc. very different from my christian roots. But when I became a born again believer I could put a lot of that to rest in my faith, my doubts, my fears, confusion and contradictions. Thank God He had a better plan. And even though I still have questions, or doubts sometimes I think of the scripture (paraphrase) though a righteous man fall many timess… he is able to get up, go on, prevail. Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, God the creator of the universe, and man, author of all time and history! Praise God.

  8. Deanl says:

    I have read and often referred to Kevin Howard’s and Marvin Rosenthal’s ”The Feasts of the Lord”. I believe the feast days are God’s prophetic milestones for the redemption of his people. What a beautiful picture. Like Diane, I too have had trouble fitting three days and three nights into this picture. I’ve also tried to match Lamb Selection Day, Nissan 10 into the last days of Jesus. I could see his Triumphful Entry into Jerusalem and being hailed as the Messiah being on Nissan 10. Now if I could just make it all fit. Not that any of this affects my faith or enjoyment of His resurection and our salvation.

  9. laney says:

    SFDBWV,The scriptures I was thinking of were Luke 21:10-11. Then he said to them nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.There will be great earth guakes,famines and pestilences in various places and fearfull events and great signs from heaven.Then Luke 21:25-28 There will be signs in the sun moon and stars.On the earth nations will be in anguish and peplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.Men will faint from terror,apprehensive of what is coming on the world,for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.AT that time they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads,because your redemption is drawing near.Since we are starting to see the birth pains of his return could the signs in the heavens be for now and also for the great tribulation?

  10. laney says:

    SFDBWV, Did Jesus mean it would just be frightening signs in the heavens.Or could it be beauitful signs to let his children know he is coming soon?

  11. Mart De Haan says:

    diane and Deanl, thanks for your comments, I’ve read the different arguments for a Friday or Wednesday burial. Have heard that Jewish people count any part of a day as one. Don’t know the answer. But the way these festivals relate to one another suggests that they are all telling different parts of the same story.

  12. angelrowe says:

    I am truly impressed with your article on JESUS and the Spring Feast. It highlights the fact that JESUS was Jewish and that he kept all the Feast and Sabbaths as stated in the Holy Bible. He was a keen and observant Jew. His last meal with His Disciples was actually called “Passover” and not the “Last Supper”.

    Your information also clarifies the fact that JESUS was not crucified on the Friday as claimed. As your article showed that the first day of Passover is called a Sabbath, irrespective if it falls on a usual non-Sabbath day like Wednesday or Thursday. This clearly supports what the Bible says. It said JESUS was in the earth three (3) days and three (3) nights. Friday night to Saturday sundown or Sunday morning does not give us three days and three nights. Therefore the answer lies in the Jewish knowledge of Passover. In Judaism the beginning of a new day begins at sundown. Therefore Jesus probably rose at the end of Sabbath (Saturday). He was very likely crucified at Sundown at the beginning of Passover. You may be saying, how could this be? If Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples, how could he have been crucified on Passover? However, Jewish scholars have found out that during the times of Our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST there was actually two separate groups who celebrated Passover on two separate days. For example one group would say Passover begins at sundown on Wednesday and the other group would say Passover begins at sundown on Thursday. This confusion in dates is said to have arose because of the Babylonian captivity. It now apppears that Jesus had Passover with His disciples on that first day called Passover and was crucified on the other day also called the beginning of Passover.JESUS CHRIST is indeed the unblemished, sinless Passover Lamb.

    The body of CHRIST needs to remove the pagan term ‘easter’ and instead say “Passover” or “Ressurrection Week”.

    Thanks for the article. ADONAI (G-D) is obviously using RBC to draw the Body of Christ to their Jewish Roots.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    laney, Sorry I didn’t mean to rob your joy of seeing signs and wonders.
    I too am one of thoes people who see God in just about everything I see.
    Matthew 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation of thoes days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

    Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he opened the sixth seal,and, lo there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as a sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
    :13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
    :14 And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.

    Never- the- less I like to see the natural beauty, especialy, in the beautiful pictures the Hubble telescope has taken. I have several web sites I go to, to look at the wonderous power of the greatest artist and painter of all… Our Lord

  14. angels says:

    I am so blessed to be apart of RBC Ministries. This material is fantastic, we are studying about the many Feast in Sunday School, and this is an on time email.
    I pray that God will continually bless the minds of the staff at RBC Ministry to reach the masses with the rich information that’s fulling to my soul, Continue to glorify God in His magnificent ways. I don’t know about anyone else but this is soooooo good for me.
    Again I say thank you

  15. laney says:

    Anglerowe, sorry You are right Easter is a pagan holiday.I was brought up going to the catholic church until I got saved.It is just a habit with me tosay Easter instead of Ressurrection day.Thank you for the reminder SFDBWV, You did not rob me of my joy. Can you give me the web site to check out the wonderous power and greatest artist and painter of all.There is a website that I go to sometimes it has beauitfull pictures of Israel.I travel there often.I get to see Israel in the comforts of my home.I always wanted to go there.I never had the time or the money.Now I have all the time in the world but I don’t have the health to travel that far.So I wait in anticapation of going there when the Lord comes.

  16. torahgirl says:

    I’ve just tuned in for the first time. We have been studying the Hebrew Roots of our faith about 12 years. We celebrate the Feasts & Shabbat regularly. Reading through the many comments, I would add that Yeshua was crucified on a Friday, as they had to have him the tomb before sunset (beginning of Shabbat). The 3rd day, would be 3 sunsets following His death (the Hebrew day begins at sunset…Gen. 1:5), would make the Resurrection Monday morning. “Easter Sunday” was an invention of Constantine, making the Jews be Christians lest they too, die. So much to learn, and this is a great beginning. Passover is precious!

  17. lilmae77 says:

    Jesus died @ 3:00 PM on Friday (the day of Passover). In Jewish reckoning of time anything that touches a day would count for the entire day (24 hrs) This can be seen in the book of Esther. So if he died on Friday afternoon that counts for one (1) full day. He was in the grave 24 hours on Sat (another full day). And arose earlier on the 1st day of the week (Sunday) which would count for the entire 24 hours. This is how the 3 days & 3 nights are satisfied. Other statements says he arose on the 3rd day, & others after the 3rd day. But using the above method satisfies all the statements.

  18. Rick123 says:

    Scripture says that Jesus hung on the cross from the sixth to the ninth hour, Roman time, or from noon until 3 PM . Notice what happens next:

    Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be given to him. And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the door of the tomb, and departed. And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb. (Matthew 27:57-61)

    By the time Joseph lays Jesus’ body in the tomb, it is very close to sunset. Luke writes, “That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near” (Luke 23:54). John 19:42 adds, “So there they laid Jesus, because of the Jews’ Preparation Day, for the tomb was nearby.” Each of the gospels notes how rushed Joseph is to bury Jesus before sunset.

    Traditional Christianity claims Jesus died on Friday primarily because of their misreading of John 12:1 combined with their insistence that only Friday can be a preparation day for the Sabbath. Because Jesus kept God’s commands, He and His disciples celebrated the Passover on the correct day, Abib/Nisan 14. That year it fell on a Wednesday. Remember, the Passover is always the preparation day for the first day of Unleavened Bread, except when Passover itself falls on a Sabbath.

    What happens after Joseph lays Jesus in the tomb?

    u On the next day, Abib/Nisan 15, Thursday, the first day of Unleavened Bread, Pilate allows the Jews to secure the tomb and set a guard (Matthew 27:62-66).
    u On Friday, after the holy day is over, “the women who had come with Him from Galilee . . . returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath [Saturday] according to the commandment” (Luke 23:55-56). This proves beyond doubt that two preparation days occurred that week: one for the holy day and one for the weekly Sabbath!
    u “Now on the first day of the week [Sunday], very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb” (Luke 24:1-2; see Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1-2; John 20:1).
    u “But the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is [has] risen, as He said'” (Matthew 28:5-6). What He had said was that He would arise after three days and three nights in the tomb!

    Mary Magdalene arrives at the grave early on the first day of the week while it was still dark (John 20:1)—and Jesus has already been resurrected! So much for Easter sunrise services! Even if one thought Christ rose at dawn on Sunday, counting back 72 hours brings one to dawn on Thursday, and God’s Word explicitly says that Christ was buried at sunset!

    Yes, Jesus rose from the grave, but not on Sunday, the day traditional Christians call “the Lord’s day.” If He did, He could not be our Savior because He would have failed to fulfill the one sign of His Messiahship: three days and three nights in the tomb. Jesus rose on the day of which He says He is Lord: the true seventh-day Sabbath (Mark 2:28).

  19. lilmae77 says:

    rick123 According to Luke 23:33-43 several things happen before Luke 23:44 the ninth hour (noon)when the 3 hours of darkness start & end @ 3:00PM. There were 3 sayings, parting of garments, the superscription, crucifixion of rebels, the mockery by passer-bys, mockery of Jewish Leaders,mockery of Roman soldiers, mockery of two rebels, the conversion of one of the rebels, Messiah charge to the apostle John, then the ninth hour. So it would appear he was on the cross for more than 3 hours.

  20. Laurielee says:

    This blog and posts are all incredibly interesting, but you know, I’m just so happy He came!!! Look around, at the state of the world…INDEED, who are we that He is mindful of us? We certainly are not deserving, as our feet run altogether into sin! Birth pains are very painful, and more so, as the time approaches…but, oh, the fruition of that labor! Does it strike anyone else that “Resurrection Week” and Passover so closely align this year? Oh, how I await the Harvest season! (whether this year or another) Oh, come, Lord Jesus (Y’shua)!
    (ps, are we aware of the urgency to reach others?)

  21. laney says:

    Laurielee, We need your reminder about the urgency to reach others.Time is getting short.What were Jesus words the fields are ripe for the harvest,but the laborers are few.

  22. Rick123 says:

    When the Almighty willed all things to be created according to the good pleasure of his counsel through his Son-Jesus, they(The Father and his Son-Jesus) rested(Ceased) from all that they had created, and the Almighty set apart and blessed the seventh day as holy between him and Adam.

    Therefore Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath day, for he created it by the will of his Father, for the Father gave all things to him, to be Lord over all things that he created through him.

    It will be kept by mankind for all eternity according to scripture>>>Isa 66:23 And it shall come to pass, [that] from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

    66:23 And it shall come to pass, [that] from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh(Mankind) come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

    The Sabbath day has great significance, for in it did my Father glorified his Son-Jesus for all eternity, for in it did Jesus set apart the seventh day as blessed for all eternity by resurrecting on the seventh day, for he is Lord of the Sabbath day.

    At his(Jesus) return to our world will begin a Sabbatical Millennium, 6,000 years of man’s attempts to govern himself, followed by 1,000 years of God’s perfect rule on earth, for a total of 7,000.

    Following these six one thousand year “days” of work, Jesus will return to the earth and rest one “day” with Christians who are born again as spirits at His Second Coming. This “day” of rest is the millennium.

    The Sabbath day is a great sign of the Almighty’s eternal power and rulership over his creation, in it he claims ownership and to be exalted as a great and awsome God.

  23. daisymarygoldr says:

    Great and timely post! It is good to be reminded of the feasts… helps us gain a better understanding of the continuing process of God seeking to restore the right loving relationship with mankind.

    Whether it is Christ’s death and resurrection or the future promise of His coming, the feasts are merely the shadow of Jesus Christ— who is the real substance. In Lev 23, God rightfully claims them as “my appointed feasts”. Clearly, He is the one and not us… who determines the appointed time.

    Q- “How does it hit you?”
    A- Makes me wonder if it is possible to keep and observe the feasts without actually “knowing” Jesus.

    It is interesting to note that the Jews diligently kept the feasts but failed to keep His appointed time. They religiously observed the Sabbaths but failed to honor the Lord of the Sabbath. They celebrated the feasts with all their hearts but failed to understand God’s heart. Obviously they had great love for the rituals but failed to love God… if they did then they would not have rejected their Messiah— the one who fulfilled all those feasts.

    In Amos 4 & 5, the Israelites were told to “Prepare to meet your God”…and that God actually despised their feasts. As I see the signs leading to the fulfillment of the rest of the feasts, my heart desires to be prepared to meet my God by abiding in His Word, in prayer and in the fellowship of believers.

    When the trumpets sound… I know that in Christ we will not fail to keep the divine appointment. God is really trying to reach out to each and every human being and calling out in love. I sincerely hope and pray that no one will miss His appointment… that each and everyone will respond to His love and be ready to celebrate with Him forever!

  24. SFDBWV says:

    The whole matter of feasts and how clearly “we” see Jesus in them, brings me to wonder…Did Paul present Jesus to Jews through the explanation of fullfilled scripture and by way of explaining the feasts to them?

    As I read the NT I get little concerning the feasts, yet as I read about or hear commentaries concerning them they seem like a clear explanation and example of Jesus in them.

    Could it be because the Jew sees the Messiah is all the feasts but fail to see the Messiah as Jesus? And I see Jesus as the Messiah and so therefore see the feasts as a refection of Jesus?

    Daisy is right the feasts are a shadow of the Christ, as is all of scripture.

    As I understand our Christian history, all the first believers were Jews. What was the problem why couldn’t the Jew see what the non Jewish world accepted with out all the scriptue base to underpin the explanation of the coming messiah?….Was this always God’s plan?

    It would appear that as a whole, the Jew has been kept from seeing Jesus as the Messiah on purpose. Yet some have. It took quite an experiance to change Paul’s mind. Obviously God’s will that a learned Jew present the Gospel to the Gentile world.

    I can get lost in all the technical understanding of such matters. I just cling to the fact that Jesus is the person who was crucified for me and defeated death and by His own power arose from the grave. It is His Spirit that dwells in me and leads me to the truths I need for understanding my faith. It is in this same Jesus of Nazareth that I place all my hopes both in this world and in eternity. For me and all thoes I love.

  25. Mart De Haan says:

    SFDBWV, good questions.

    The teachers of Israel saw messianic implications in many passages that we might not.

    But what I’m trying to find out is whether the rabbis anticipated the joy and work of their King of kings in the festivals, or whether the Messianic implications of the festivals only became apparent to followers of Jesus after his coming.

  26. carlj says:

    I would think that the rabbis (religious establishment) had spent years observing the feasts and festivals, they became habitual, and resulted in the focus being on the activity and not the meaning. Therefore, when the pieces started falling in place they missed it.

    The same thing happens to the church today. We go through the paces of Sunday service worship, singing the songs, and listening to the sermons because we always have out of tradition, and a lot of times preoccupied with something else, losing out on the meaning and focus of our worship activity.

    Satan cannot destroy but he can corrupt. It seems that one way he corrupts is by dulling our minds causing us to focus on activities instead of the meaning for the activity.

  27. jdanhuff says:

    awesome post and great comments; to all I say “Amen”.

  28. poohpity says:

    I think carlj has a point about everything just becoming a ritual. If the teachers before Christ had gotten the meaning they sure did not show it because the Jewish people were repeatedly told by the prophets to pay attention to God and repeatedly they turned away. So the festivals became empty just a time set aside to party. When Jesus appeared on the scene He called them a broad of vipers and hypocrites. So obviously they did not get it.

    People are the same then as they are now some get it and some don’t. We do read how there are always the few people after God’s own heart but we have discussed this before there are those even who refer to themselves as Christians that just do not get it. Look at how many go to church on only Easter and Christmas, which I used to do, that do not realize that God would love for us to look to Him everyday. This all is a reflection of Cain and Abel one got it and one didn’t.

    I have to do soul searching at all times because I wonder am I giving God my first fruits or the leftovers. That is not just money but my time, heart, mind and soul. Like James says you will be able to tell by our actions cause sometimes words are empty. The funny thing is nobody can fool God yet they try!!

  29. laney says:

    Carlj,You are right the Rabbis spent years observing the feasts and festivals. The reason they missed it was of there own choice.Jesus challenged there position.He was a threat to them. They chose to put him to death rather than acknowledge him as the Messiah.

  30. laney says:

    I’am not sure but isn’t there a scripture where the Rabbis said let his death be a curse on us.Since then there has been a veil over the eyes of the Jewish people where the Messiah is concerned. Because of that the Jentiles are grafted in.

  31. SFDBWV says:

    I think that many people just accept the Christ as presented to them from parents, or others they believed and trusted. Then as they grew older they grew into a comfortable fellowship. They may have all been good people who have lived a good and uncomplicated life. Solid and safe in what they believe.

    This may be ok for some, but I think it makes a person volnerable to the cultish people who come and present a different view of God. We must have knowledge of scripture to be able to fend off false doctrine.

    So even though I sometimes get lost in all the feasts, I know that without a knowledge of Jewish worship that I cannot have a full understanding of the writings found in Revelation as John describes the scene in Heaven.

    So I must be patient and allow myself to be taught and through the Holy Spirt fully understand what He wants me to. So that I am prepared if challanged.

  32. SFDBWV says:

    laney, Matthew 27:25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us,and on our children.

    Hope this helps.


  33. pegramsdell says:

    satan came to steal, kill and destroy. but He came to bring life. thank You Jesus.

  34. daisymarygoldr says:

    The rabbis did anticipate the joy and work of their King of kings in the festivals… on their terms and not on God’s terms. Honestly, don’t we have a bit of those rabbis in each one of us living today?

    When did we ever care about God, His joy, His work, His way and His loving desire to have a relationship with us …to make us sin-free… so that He can tabernacle/dwell in our midst according to His original plan?

    If we really cared about Him, then why do we still insist on God to work on our human terms… which is always all about me— my wrongs to be justified, my sickness to be healed, my suffering to cease, my desires to be fulfilled, my needs to be met, my plans to succeed according to my way for my joy to be fulfilled…right here and right now in my time!
    How then can we tell for sure if the Messianic implications of the festivals are apparent to us… the followers of Jesus…?

    “What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. As it is written:

    “…there is no one who understands,
    no one who seeks God.

    All have turned away…
    there is no one who does good,
    not even one.
    … the way of peace they do not know.
    There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Rom 3: 9-17.

  35. laney says:

    SFDBWV, Thankyou that was the verse I was thinking of. May his blood be upon us and our children.I guess When ever I read that verse I thought of it being like they put a curse on themselves so that is what stuck in my mind. DaisyMaryGold, your words are so true. No we are not any better.WE have all sinned.Like you have pointed out all have turned away.There is no one who does good.But thank God my Lord and Savior did while here on earth. I do have a question if any one can answer for me.I heard that in the Millennium We are going to celebrate the feasts and festivals again. Something having to do with the people that come out of the tribulation not having there glorified bodies yet?

  36. daisymarygoldr says:

    laney, you have posed some very relevant questions and I’m sure someone will address them. Just wanted to clarify, that those are not my words… I simply quoted Rom 3:9-17.

    Steve and gr8grannyjacobs, just wanted to say sorry, if my post sounds bitter… despite my unloving words I do love you all:)

  37. wretch-like-me says:

    You guys are AWESOME! What a blessing to be expanded by all your combined knowledge.

    Laney & Steve:
    Isnt that quote from scripture a wonderful example of how God takes evil and turns it into blessing?
    …let HIS blood be on us and our children!

    Praise God for our covering of Christ’s Blood!
    (without it we would all be lost forever!)
    Easter or Resurrection, its all a heart condition.

    Huggs to all…(DMG, too, luv ya, Sis)

  38. daisymarygoldr says:

    wretch-like-me, you are very special for me…not exactly like a brother…but more like a son… because my little daughter’s name is Frankincense and sometimes we lovingly call her Frank…which also happens to be your name! However, it is yet another matter that her feminine nature does not appreciate to be called as “Frank”…so, we had to abbreviate it more…and now she goes by Fran. Thanks so much for including me in you hugs:)

  39. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    daisy Your words are truth all that have a relationship with God knows who they are and who He is have full understanding of the scriptures you quoted. However for an unbeliever we are trying to share the gospel with we might want to explain how that scripture is covered by God’s love and grace. I didn’t interrupt you as bitter but you know me I always think teach “God loves you” and the rest will follow. Having said that I do realize God gives each of us a different ministry and as I listen to you more I know you are full of Gods love you just share that love differently. As always you are loved:) You are special.

  40. GeeTee says:

    Been reading the comments on BTA for about 5 or so months now and find that it’s been interesting. Can’t really say that everything has been agreeable, but that’s not the purpose. When the dispute as to which day the Lord Jesus was crucified/laid in the tomb/resurrected arises I have to trust in the words of Jesus Himself; Matthew 12:40. It’s neither profitable nor edifying to the Body of Christ to wrangle over this day or that day according to the teachings or traditions of men or instituions. We have been blessed with the ultimate authority(Holy Scripture)that settles all human interpretations of this verse or that chapter or even a word. So with the wisdom He’s given us and the knowledge of the Holy One that leads to understanding(Prov.9:10) let us exercise discernment, for He has blessed us with that gift, as well. Let’s not get caught up in the way of the world in trying to prove our point. The Holy Spirit of the Living God has united us into the Body of Christ and I do believe that dissention is earthly, sensual, demonic, and serves no purpose. Other than, and apart from, all that, I see a loving and caring fellowship of lovers of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I would imagine that although we may not share every doctrinal statement and belief as one another, that gives no real reason for division. No? That’s what I thought. I leave you with Second Corinthians Thirteen Fourteen: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. GT

  41. SFDBWV says:

    Daisy, I didn’t get bitter out of anything you said. I think it is quite alright to be emotional about Jesus and our relationship with Him.

    I can’t remember the singers name but the song he sang was about it being “us” who nailed Him (Jesus) to the cross with our sins. We are all guilty of placing Jesus up there on the cross. As another song says ” we were on His mind while He was on the cross.

    Frank, I too seen the turn of the words mentioned in Matthew 27:25, The Holy Spirit is the best at writing. A curse turned into a blessing out of the enemies own mouth.

  42. plumbape says:

    Just logging in to let you all know I following the comments but I must admit to knowing nothing about these topics untill reading them here. Try to keep my mind on the things above and not the things of this world. As always I feel privileged to learn from the combination of knowledge here.
    I am at a loss for words to express my feelings toward my Lord Jesus Christ having not only fulfilled the prophecies but made it possible for even one such as I to be blessed by it. Thank You All here and a big Praise God

  43. sitsathisfeet says:

    Welcome GeeTee Bless you for your comments on not causing division among the body and our scriptual, or other interpretations. I too always try to go back to the word of God for discernment, interpretation and knowledge. If Jesus said I will die and raise again in three days, I believe it. Too many of the world religious have taken even the passion of Christ and distorted it with man made traditions, and interpretations. Quibling over it really means this or that, personally I just try to go for the simplest explanations as readily available to me – and though the word of God is deep, it’s understanding is made available to me through the Holy Spirit. I’m also with plumbape so thankful to the Lord for all He has done. His grace, mercy, creation, redemption, infilling endless. boundless Love. Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor any other thing in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ jesus our Lord.

  44. GeeTee says:

    Hoo boy, anybody got a couple years so that I might begin to give testimony to what the cross means to me? I would imagine a suitable start would be Paul’s epistles and letters, as the same Lord Jesus thad had delivered him from pride, rebellion, defiance, and all the rest of the things that kept us enemies of God are laid out. Then we’d have to have a look at Hebrews, Peter, John, and Jude to get a little bit better look. Let’s not forget the Revelation of Jesus Christ, as it describes the things that are coming upon the world(from which we’ve been delivered from) whenever The Father determines the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. That being said…the Cross of Jesus means forgiveness of not only my sins but the sin of the world. Redemption. Reconciliation. Justification. The adoption as a son. Deliverance. The seal and guarantee of the purchased price(Parakleto),the Holy Spirit. Sanctification. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, self-control, comfort, consolation, every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, faith, virtue, knowledge, perseverence, godliness, brotherly kindness, hope, glorification. Just a few of the things the cross means to me. Without the horror/beauty of the cross there would be no salvation, and without the empty tomb there would be no life, and without the ascension there would be no Helper. You could read this list backward and it comes to the cross. Always the cross. It’s hard for me to express with precision just exactly what it is that the crucifixion means to me without citing Holy Scripture, as my puny little mind has a time trying to find suitable words to give expression to the promises of God apart from His Word. I am so-o thankful for the grace of God the Father that He demonstrated to the world in the first revelation of His Son. Just what we needed would be the understatement of all time. “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. The Cross of Christ means life to me. It was on the cross that the Lord Jesus purchased my life of sin with His Blood, and it’s that cruel instrument of death that is the symbol of what it took to pay for something so vile. I Peter 1:3-5. The cross was the payment. The empty tomb is the gift. GT

  45. mighty4mom says:

    I come in and read your column every weekend and if something really hit me, I try to leave a response like now. Don’t know anything much about the Jewish people much more their calendar. In fact, until I came to N.A., didn’t know much about them except that they were the ones that rejected and crucified the Lord Jesus. I don’t mean to accuse, just stating a fact. After all, every thing that happened in God’s plan of salvation was all according to His plan. It was a long-range plan that spanned centuries to fulfill! Amen.

  46. sandrajean says:

    mighty4mom………….I grew up being taught that the Jews were Christ killers etc and how sad I was never taught about the Feasts that God called his Feasts. You owe it to yourself to learn more about the Old Testament and the Hebrew people.

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