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What Does the Cross Mean to Us?

Most civilized people would consider it morbid to wear jewelry or clothing that displays the likeness of a hangman’s noose, an electric chair, or a guillotine.

Yet millions display the most cruel form of Roman execution around their necks  or on the tops of their houses of worship. And within the next 24 hours even more will remember the day, and the way Jesus was mocked by his countrymen, tortured, and nailed to a tree by a Roman death squad.

Yet even as we try to reflect on the significance of that event, I struggle to let it sink in. As awful as it sounds, I’m guessing that I might be  more emotionally moved if, during the same time period, I had the misfortune of seeing someone’s pet  hit by a car and suffering by the side of the road.

Am not wishing to be gruesome or melodramatic. Just want to be able to sense that nothing means more to our personal safety and future than our acceptance of– and reliance upon–the  inexpressibly terrible/wonderful event of the cross.

Wish we could take the next day or so to compare notes on what the death of the King of kings means to us personally…

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49 Responses to “What Does the Cross Mean to Us?”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Jesus’s passion shows me that God is willing to go through any measures to restore the relationship between He and all of us.

    I may never fully understand the full impact of God leaving His Heavenly place and sinless nature, and go through the doorway of desth, so that I could be saved from sins grip and return to Him.

    Love in it’s purest form, is what I see when I see the cross of Jesus.

    The cross, gives me HOPE.

    Hope in any situation of life I find myself. For I have placed all my eggs in one basket. My Hope is in Jesus the Christ.

  2. pegramsdell says:

    Jesus loved me so much that He laid down His life for me. So that I would have everlasting life (with Him). Wow. No greater love than he would lay his life down for his friend. I am so grateful that He did. I love God and I try to lay my life down for Him everyday. To forget about myself and concentrate on Him and His will. He is everything to me and I owe Him big time. I know that I will never be able to repay Him for His sacrifice and love.
    I asked Jesus in my heart in 1987. I am born again. He is my Lord and Savior. My King. And it was truly at the cross where I first saw the light. And I am so happy that Jesus loved me that much.

  3. laney says:

    The best words that I can describe what the cross means to me come from the song Blessed Assurance. Blessed assurance that Jesus is mine. Oh what a for taste of glory divine. Im an heir of salvation yes I’am. Ive been purchased by God. Born of his spirit,Oh Lord, Im just washed in his blood. This is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long.Because of the cross I have assurance that I don’t have to spend eternity in hell.When I think of all he has suffered, and endured for me I can’t help but thank him and praise him all day long.I deserved the cross but in stead I get his righteous, I get a mansion streets of gold But the best part is I will get to spend forever and ever thanking and praising him for his love for me.

    I will also get to see him face to face and one day get to kiss those beauitful nail scar hands.

  4. BruceC says:

    Most of the time I can’t get through a movie like “Jesus of Nazareth” or “The Passion” without tears running down my face. The same happens when I read Scripture at times. How does one put that into words? How does one describe a love that can’t be completely understood by us? We are so limited by our humanity to truly understand. Love as only God can love became flesh; and although I can’t really do honor by describing it; let it suffice to say that without it I am nothing.

  5. Laurielee says:

    What does the sacrifice of Jesus mean to me? Everything.

  6. pegramsdell says:

    I love that song “Listen to our hearts”, I sometimes don’t know the words to tell Him how much I love Him, I hope he can hear it in my heart.

    how do you explain,
    how do you describe,
    a love that runs as deep as it is wide?

    You know all our hopes,
    Lord, You know all our fears,
    and words cannot express the love we feel
    but we long for you to hear.

    so listen to our hearts…
    hear our spirits sing
    a song of praise that flows
    from those You have redeemed,
    we will use the words we know
    to tell You what an awesome God You are,
    but words are not enough
    to tell You of our love,
    so listen to our hearts…..

    Thank You Jesus from a grateful heart.

  7. poohpity says:

    While reading Job this morning I was touched by a verse that stated I am responsible to God for my own sin and it is not anyone elses business. To me that is so important because that puts my eyes on me, my sin and the person who wanted to call me, friend. Of all people, “me”. There is no greater love than to lay ones life down for a friend. I wish words could express the knot in my stomach when I realize the God of all creation wants to call me friend.

    Some of the things that go on in my mind I may never let anyone know cause they are shameful but God knows. He knows!!!He knows!!!Yet in HIS infinite mercy and grace has granted me a friendship! Me? I have never done anything to deserve that nor will I ever!

  8. Rick123 says:

    To me the Cross means God our Father’s Mercy which is all his Goodness, like Moses asked God Almighty, show me your Glory(Exd 33:19 And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.)

    To me the Cross has Great meaning, for when I was a lost and wretched man and sick in my head, in which time I was unprofitable and without a job, the Lord Jesus visited me in a dream, he appeared to me standing with his arms wide open, at the place of my feet were I lay in my bed, the first thing I saw was his arms, and his chest, than I scanned his arms downward toward his hands, I saw his nail prints, his hands and his fingers were thick, as were his arms up to were I saw them, to his elbows only, which were exposed, his raiment was clean white, a color I have never seen in our world, though I did not see his face.(Exd 33:20 And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.)

    He then went around my bed walking as though he was floating, he touched the top of my head with his right hand, and I fell as though I was dead.

    When I woke up in the morning I felt different, I did not feel sick in my head nor defeated, what happened to me really changed me…Worthy is the Lamb!

    To me the Cross is full of the Goodness of our Father, and Jesus is full of the Goodness of his Father, for Jesus has the mind of his Father, for he came willingly to die for our sins, he left the Glory he had besides his Father to come to our world and glorify his Father by overcoming sin, the devil, to destroy his works.

    And for this reason hath God his Father lifted him up so high and glorified him besides himself.(Isa 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty One(God the Father) that inhabiteth eternity, whose name [is] Holy; I dwell in the high and holy [place]……..Jhn 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was….Act 5:31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand [to be] a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins….Hbr 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God….1Pe 3:22 Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him….Mat 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

    It is interesting to note in Jhn 17:5, what Jesus said, he was asking his Father, to give him the position he had with him before the foundation(Creation) of our world.

    And according to scripture he was sited at his Father’s right hand, so we can see that Jesus has always been at his Father’s right hand even before the creation of our world, which denotes that he has always been in subjection to the “will” of his Father and will be forever according to scripture(1Cr 15:27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under [him, it is] manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him..15:28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.)

  9. sitsathisfeet says:

    My Pastor once said to me when we were discussing eternal life that Jesus gave us – even if I didn’t have the hope of heaven and eternal life I have the satisfying and fullfilling life living my life for and with Jesus. For Jesus came to give us life and give it more abundantly. So, the whole point is that it didn’t end on the cross, (His sacrifice and debt payment for sin was finished on the cross) But the Lord did not leave us abandoned there, at the foot of the cross, with our hope to one day see Him in heaven. He is here every day : Rev 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me. So I thank him for His terrible death on the cross, but also for His love he shows me everyday in fellowship and communion. Two songs I think of are At The Cross, and Jesus My All and All.

  10. Mo says:

    God bless you all for your wonderful, moving insights. I keep trying to envision what the world would be like had the precious Savior not died for us. I can’t do it….I just can’t feel it, really feel what a remarkable sacrifice it was…I know it in my head and even in my heart…yet I can’t FEEL the real significance. Every once in a while, it will hit me and I will know it, feel it. But then – most of the time – it just is something I’m aware of and grateful for – like the loved ones in my life, family, friends. So, again, I try to imagine what it would be like without Him – and I can’t. I just can’t.

  11. GeeTee says:

    Greetings brothers and sisters. Not being one that’s real handy with this contraption in front of me I posted a comment this morning that somehow got sorted into the yesterday’s model. I can honestly say that I’m like neanderthal man at Cape Canaveral when it comes to todays technology. But that’s okay. I’m not going to copy the other and re-post, at present, so I’ll just reiterate and condense what the Cross of Christ means to me. “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” II Corinthians 1:20-22. That pretty much says it all about what the cross means to this ol’ boy. And a oh yeah…it’s a pleasure and a privilege to be part of the fellowship. Thanx!! GT

  12. daisymarygoldr says:

    Although I have never displayed, owned or wore a cross, it always held a great significance for me. In the earlier years of my life, I was taught that Jesus died on the cross for my sins…and so I believed that in response to His nail pierced hands and feet, I do not sin with my hands and feet, in response to His bleeding side and head, I do not entertain wicked thoughts in my heart and mind.

    As I grew up and failed to live a crucified life not once but several times… the cruel cross, the crown of thorns, the nail-pierced hands, the mocking crowds, and the wicked soldiers used to smite me with a volley of mixed emotions— of shame, guilt, fear and sadness of having failed my Lord. It made me feel like a traitor… made me wonder why He had to suffer so much for such a sinful me.

    My human mind will never be able to grasp fully… about what it meant for divinity to put on humanity, for righteousness to put on sin, for immortality to put on mortality. Only He knows… the humiliation to be counted as a sinner without actually knowing any sin. Only He knows… the heavy burden of the sins of the whole world He had to carry. Only He knows the agony of being wrongly punished for not His but for others’ sins. Only He knows… the shame of becoming completely helpless and empty on the cross…for our sake.

  13. daisymarygoldr says:

    Now, at this point of my life the cross has taken on a whole new meaning for me. To me now, the cross is no longer a symbol of Christ’s physical pain— of being beaten, of bleeding, scourging and mocking. The meaning of the cross deeply affects me… not in a sentimental way in which one is moved to see human suffering or even as you mentioned… the suffering of a pet. It goes much, much deeper than that… of feeling the intense pain of His sufferings… in my spirit.

    Today, I am no longer a mere spectator to His sufferings on the cross… but I find myself suffering right along with Him on the cross. Don’t know how to express my thoughts on this… even if I tried to…I’m not sure if any one will even understand… Yes, the consequence of sin on a lost and dying world hurt the heart of Jesus. The love of Jesus was consumed in pain… as seen His compassionate healing of the sick and the suffering…and in His grace and mercy to sinners…

    However, I don’t know if any one understands the deep agonizing sorrow… of the man of sorrows. I don’t know if any one feels the groaning of His spirit when His very own doubt Him and do not trust in His power. Jesus weeps at the unbelieving world that refuses to believe his Love.

    His sorrow is also my sorrow… The sorrow of Jesus selflessly hanging on the cross is that of a lover who proved His love by giving His life… a lover who already knows His love will be spurned and… that His ultimate sacrifice of love will be rejected… these are my thoughts about the His death on the cross…

  14. laney says:

    DaisyMaryGold, I have at one time experienced the sufferings of Christ just the same way you were telling us about. The only thing I can say is the feelings were pretty intense. I do understand what you are feeling and saying.

  15. diamonds says:

    Hi guys,
    I haven’t written in a while, but I’ve been reading… and enjoying. It’s so wonderful to read all the different comments and to know that we are all connected by His blood. However, while you guys were discussing “how do we love our enemies,” I was working through what it means to love my brothers. I have come to realize that it very well may be easier to love my enemies–those nebulous people out there who may want to do harm to innocents—than to love the brother that’s right in front of me. But I am beginning to understand what it means. And for each small victory,I can only say, “Thank you, Jesus.” I use to think that the fellowship of His sufferings meant enduring some great thing, like physical suffering, you know. And I am sure that can be a part of it. But really, now, I see it can also be just bearing with one another in love. Dying to self. Keeping no record of wrongs. Seeing my brother and my enemy through the eyes of Jesus. I guess that’s what the cross symbolizes to me…God’s amazing love for me, and of course, for you too. It’s really wonderful that He takes such special care of each and everyone of us, as if we were the only one. What a God we serve!
    Mart, thank you for all you do and especially for the insert on emerging/traditional churches in May’s Daily Bread. It really expressed a lot of what I’ve been feeling/thinking.

  16. Jessica Lodder says:

    Jesus is the same yesterday, today & tomorow and his love endures forevermore. Amen

    I enjoyed all your comments above and thought we have to accept the reality, the truth that Jesus is the only salvation for the world. For it is written in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.

    None of us is without sin—but the Father laid on Jesus “the iniquity of us all” (Isa. 53:6). God sees followers of His Son as blameless—because Jesus took all the blame we deserve.

  17. Rick123 says:

    Suffering of Jesus in Gethsemane.(The Power of the Cross)

    (“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”)

    For what is our Lord praying? What is He asking from the Father? Is Jesus, at the last moment, trying to escape from His commitment to go the cross? Is He seeking to change the Father’s mind? Does the fate of all mankind hang in the balance here? Was there a very real danger that Jesus might change His mind

    Our Lord’s submission to the Father’s will is never a matter that is in question.

    We should note from our Lord’s prayer in the garden that He greatly dreaded “the cup” and that it was this “cup” that Jesus was asking be removed, if possible. Why is “the cup” such a dreaded thing? What is “the cup” to which Jesus the Lord Jesus is referring? The answer is crystal clear in the Bible. Let us consider just a few of the passages that speak of this “cup” which our Lord dreaded so greatly, and we shall see that His dread was fully justified.

    The “Cup” of God’s Wrath.

    Psa 75:8 For in the hand of the LORD [there is] a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring [them] out, [and] drink [them]….10 All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; [but] the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.

    Isa 51:17 Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the LORD the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, [and] wrung [them] out.

    Jer 25:15 For thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it….16 And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them….17 Then took I the cup at the LORD’S hand, and made all the nations to drink, unto whom the LORD had sent me….18 [To wit], Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse; as [it is] this day….19 Pharaoh king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his people…20 And all the mingled people…

    Rev 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand….14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb….14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

    What, then, is the “cup” which our Lord dreaded? It is the cup of God’s wrath, poured out on sinners. It is the cup which will be poured out in those who are unrighteous, whether they be Jews or Gentiles. It is the “cup” which was foretold in the Old Testament, and which is still prophesied in the Book of Revelation. It is the cup of the wrath of God, beginning with the Great Tribulation, and enduring throughout all eternity. The cup which our Lord dreaded drinking was the wrath of God, manifested in eternal torment.

    No wonder our Lord was “sorrowful and troubled” (Matthew 26:37), and His soul was “overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” (Matthew 26:38). Jesus’ agony was due to the cross which loomed before Him. He was not in agony because He would be forsaken by men, but that He would be forsaken and smitten by God. Jesus was dreading, suffering in the anticipation of His bearing of the sins of the world and the wrath of God which they deserved.

    “Even his veins suffered micro-ruptures..And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

    Jesus bore the wrath of God (the “cup,” as it were) in the sinner’s place, it is not necessary for men to drink this cup as well. Salvation comes when a person comes to faith in Christ as the One who was innocent, and yet died in their place, bearing the wrath of God which their sins deserved. Those who reject Christ and His atoning sacrifice must bear the wrath of God, which will be poured out on unbelievers in the future. It is this wrath to which the Book of Revelation refers.

    Jhn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

  18. wretch-like-me says:

    Dear Friends:
    I am encouraged by your expressed co-suffering with Christ…
    However, I find it hard to believe that any ONE of us can imagine or experience what Christ experienced when HE took the TOTAL WEIGHT of all sins ever committed by all humankind and suffered the penalty for us.

    Let me be clear: I applaud those of us who try to bear the guilt or suffering that Christ bore for them; but, imagine that suffering multiplied by all humanity.

    It is beyond imagining.(at least for me anyway)

    Final thought: I have for years mused about the difference in Catholic and Protestant depictions of the cross… or Crucifix. Does having Christ’s body displayed magnify or somehow drive home the point that it is more than a symbol… It is Reality!

    Or as one friend put it… My Savior Rose Again leaving behind an EMPTY cross!!!

  19. sjd says:

    Words can not express what the cross means to me!

    I continue to be amazed that Jesus showed the full extent of His love in the face of brazen rebellion. Judas was betraying Him, while Jesus was “loving them to the end.” Yet we are all so guilty of that ugly rebellion. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! As I see us be so easily offended by others in this world, and turn away, I see Christ loving completely. Time and time and time again, “we” have rebelled against Him, but praise God we hear Jesus say on the cross, “It is finished!” I deserved the wrath of God to be given to me, not to be absorbed by the Son of God! What a gift to receive! As someone else said, He is my everything, and nothing, no one can separate me from Him!

    Thank you Lord!

  20. BobbiLee says:

    I have loved reading your responses. I have always loved the names of God and Christ, as well as the character traits given in Scripture. Recently I have lost part of my vision due to a damaged eye nerve. Reading is very difficult, especially my Bible. Reading this site is much easier by far. :-) Just today God showed me another of His caracteristics that are mine because of the Cross of Christ – He can be and is, my Vision. I looked up the hymn and these are the words:

    Be Thou My Vision

    Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
    Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
    Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
    Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

    Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
    I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
    Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
    Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

    Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
    Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
    Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
    Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

    Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
    Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
    Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
    High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

    High King of heaven, my victory won,
    May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s Sun!
    Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
    Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

  21. Rick123 says:

    When the appointed time came for the Son of God to leave the right hand of the throne of God to die for man’s sin, the Most High produced a deep sleep of death to his Son, therefore removing his life-force to transfer him into the womb of Mary.

    And the Holy Spirit which proceeds from the Highest came upon the womb of Mary, and his power overshadowed her with his Holy Seed, therefore he was called Son of the Highest.

    The Word devested itself and took on flesh, mortality did not see corruption, for his flesh and blood entered into the holy place and the holiest.

    “For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now TO APPEAR IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD FOR US” (Hebrews 9:24). Jesus had to appear before God the Father with the shed blood. This is why He told Mary not to touch Him when He arose from the dead. “Jesus saith unto her, TOUCH ME NOT; FOR I AM NOT YET ASCENDED TO MY FATHER: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God” (John 20:17). If Mary had touched Jesus, the blood sacrifice would have been tainted with corruption. Jesus was heading towards heaven with the blood which needed to be applied to the mercy seat in Heaven. “Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an HIGH PRIEST, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens” (Hebrews 8:1). Jesus is our High Priest! “Seeing then that we have a great HIGH PRIEST, that is passed into the heavens, JESUS THE SON OF GOD…” (Hebrews 4:14). Jesus’ tabernacle is in Heaven, not on earth, “A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man” (Hebrews 8:2).

  22. daisymarygoldr says:

    laney, its comforting to know that you also experienced and do understand the sufferings of Christ and I’m sure all of us— God’s people feel His deep sorrow about people who do not recognize Jesus…because “Those who reject Christ and His atoning sacrifice must bear the wrath of God, which will be poured out on unbelievers in the future” as Rick123 mentioned in his post, April 9, 2009 at 10:59 pm

    That is exactly why Jesus wept over Jerusalem because the people “did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you'” (Luke 19:41-44.) However, His greater sorrow is when his own friends and disciples failed to recognize Him as God… and did not completely trust in Him.

    In John 11:11, Jesus had explained to His disciples that Lazarus had died, and that He would resurrect him… but they never got it and were not convinced about His life giving power. His heart really grieved as He wept at the grave of Lazarus… not because of His friend’s death… not because of the unbelief of the Jews who did not know Him… but because of the unbelief of those whom He considered as His closest friends— Mary & Martha.

    Today, even after knowing Him as God and despite being His closest friends, our doubts and unbelief still makes Jesus weep with deep sorrow. The cross reminds me of His great love that He expressed by giving us His Life… if we would only believe and trust Him for everything…

  23. desert rose says:

    The cross means to me that Jesus, God’s son, paid the ultimate price to give me eternal life. As far as jewelry, I own crosses and I wear them as a testament/witness to show that I am a Believer. Te cross means to me that my sins have been forgiven. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and He reigns with God the Father and God the Holy Sirit. I am a daughter, an heir to the royl throne. I am a sinner saved by grace. The cross is a reminder of the great price that was paid for my freedom and eternal life.

  24. bretnb says:

    When in it comes down to the raw facts me “BRET” hung Christ on the cross. Christ hung there for my sins. I am so grateful that I do not have to work or earn my salvation. I could not ever measure up to the task.

  25. OGramps says:

    Dear Brothers and sisters,

    I want to express how wonderful it is to come here and ready all of your comments, I think we all feel the same way. And that is what strikes me this morning. How we all can be so different and yet still be the same. Many of the things that you have written are the same feelings, thoughts and emotions that I feel when reflecting on the cross. there is truely unity in the Body.

    Yet this morning I am struck by how the world can ignore so great a testamony as this multitude of people all over the world through out over 2000 years can have the same experience with Christ. For sure it is the cross of Jesus Christ that units us.

    God Bless,

  26. Mart De Haan says:

    Met with our small accountability group last night. One member told of showing “The Passion of the Christ” video in a nursing home to a group of elderly 90 year old women. Said was concerned that the graphic violence might be too much for these aged residents to handle.

    But went on to say that when the film came to an end the women were very quiet, and then turned to embrace and cling to one another sobbing with evident and deep emotion.

  27. SFDBWV says:

    The morning newspaper has headlines about national news and regional news about local items. But not one mention of it’s being “Good Friday.”

    Newsweek is running a story about the end of Christian America.

    What does this say about this generation?

    Mel Gibson took a lot of hits from the press and from Holywood about “The Passion of Christ”. We watched it here in the comfort of our home in absolute silence.

    It is Good Friday, yet I feel sad today.

  28. laney says:

    On wednesday april 8 passover there was another photograph in space that they found.Crown of Thorns galaxy.The photograph looks just like a crown of thorns.

  29. mtman says:

    I have read all the comments with interest because many express my thoughts exactly. Where I differ is that Jesus did not hang on that cross for our sins only a single time. We may confess (or not) our sins at the foot of that cross but then we go out and sin again. Each time we confess our sins we put him right back on that cross. It was not a one time/one sin matter. He hung on the cross one time for all mankind but when i sin and confess those sins I can look up and see Christ back up there on that cross. Knowing what you did and what he is doing for you every time you kneel before that cross is key to having a right heart. If you don’t feel total gratitude and thankfullness something is wrong.
    You also would desire to not want and go and ‘sin any more’ because you don’t want to keep putting him back up there. If it doesn’t tear at your heart to do that again and again it lacks meaning. And the beauty is that he wants us to confess those sins so we can be right with God the Father. He commands us to. He will willingly go back up there as many times as we confess our sins. Thats what the cross means to me. If you still don’t love him with all your heart maybe you need to visit that cross again in silence and humility and listen to that still small voice speak to your heart. I know because I have put him back up there so very many times and he loves me more each time I do that. That is really what the cross means to me.
    Do we wear that cross as a decoration or is is a demonstrated declaration?

  30. Douglas F. Didyoung says:

    The cross is and will always remain amystery and yet and amazing symbol of God’s love, grace and compassion for his creation. As one who has studied and preached on this mystery, I am still always struck by the many new ways I see and hear the effects the cross has on individuals and the world. It truky is a stumbimg blocj=k for many, and for others the one true sign of hope that there is more than this life that awaits us. It is a guide post, a sign, for those who have the faith to accept it for just what it simply is. Not to be worshipped, but to be contemplated, medidated on. The mystery of God’s love is simply more than we can describe in human terms. Thanks be to Jesus who bore the sins of the world and suffered on such a terrible device, that we who believe might find eternal life.

  31. SFDBWV says:

    laney, Here is a good web site for you. hubblesite.org
    It is filled with beautiful pictures including the one you mentioned. Hope you enjoy the site


  32. Rick123 says:

    In my view, the only One who could know the great lose of mankind was the Father, for it is by his “will” that all things live and all things even our Lord Jesus, feed from the Father’s power to live, he creates life and death, he creates light and darkness, he punishes and heals, he permits all things to take place according to his “will,” for he creates them, and all things that we, the holy/unholy angels, Jesus, DO, weather they be good or bad, come from the power of the Father, and he is the Only One True Source out of whom comes all things, he is the all in all, and we are nothing, we are creatures created for his good pleasure and Glory.

    The only One who could know the Suffering of Jesus in Gethsemane, and on the Cross, with all of it’s weight was the Father, for he creates all things by his power, and permits all things according to his “will,” weather they good or bad.

    Just some thoughts that came up in my mind.

  33. Laurielee says:

    What wonderful insights and comments!

    Someone mentioned the cross and the crucifix… I think the personal interpretation of either or both is different for everyone, as what Christ did on the cross is both for all humanity, and a personal understanding we have come through with Jesus. I have worn a cross since I was a young child. In a family of unbelievers, this was a strange thing. I’ve heard that there ARE those who wear a cross as some sort of a lucky charm. Myself, I just say that it reminds me of Who I belong to. (As if I need a piece of jewelery to remind me! Not!) It reminds me that He is always with me. However, it’s odd that a crucifix upsets me… it hurts to see Someone I love hurt in that manner…AND He’s not there anymore! Hallelujah! I have a sister who likes to buy me things she sees on sale sometimes, “because you’re that way”…they are usually crucifix type things that bring me pain, though I’ve gently tried to explain she doesn’t understand. The “Passion of the Christ” movie I had to quit watching, as I’m afraid I screamed when they hammered in the nails. Oh, that Someone I love so much had to suffer such horrible things for me! The Marys standing at the foot of the cross, how they must have felt! Ah, now I’m starting to cry, so I’d better stop. Bless you all!

  34. wretch-like-me says:

    You are indeed special! You remind me of my wife and daughter who also cried when I shared your post with them. My wife has seen the ‘Passion’ with me and cried with me thru most of it. Thank God our tears were tears of joy at the close of the movie knowing HE IS RISEN!

    My daughter still refuses to watch the film. Like you, she needs no visual reminder of the Savior’s suffering to experience the heartbreak and agony just speaking or thinking of HIS gift to us.

    Excellent insight regarding the Oneness of the Trinity in knowing and sharing all things including suffering.

    God Bless You! I love the ‘meat’ in the old hymns. I often sing them as they come to me thru out my days and nights. What comfort, joy and peace in knowing as much as I can about Our Lord and Savior!!! HE IS RISEN, INDEED!

    Final thought: My wife, daughter and I have spent this week putting in 160 feet of cedar/lattice fencing. This morning the light went on for me as we ‘collectively’ groaned of scratches, bruises and sore muscles. How small it all seems compared to Christ’s Passion For Us.

  35. ajacks says:

    The cross is a result of yours, mines & “their” sins from all times, ages, and peoples. The cross is the freewill acceptance of the ALMIGHTY to take care of the punishment needed to abolish the payment required and demonstrate to us the extent of the horrific-ness of our sins from Him viewpoint. It’s the most horrifying & outrageous choice He could chose from all the ages of the most nauseating form of execution, on purpose. Why? To demonstrate how He views the sinful pleasures we seem to cherish. The punishment did not cost us anything except admittance of our wrong to Him. Yet, to Him it cost everything – His physical existence of becoming human and walking this earth for 33 years. We need to ponder the extent of our despicable sin nature (according to Him) and the result of it for all eternity that He made sure we would not have to undergo. What agape love He has for His creation!

  36. drkennyg says:

    Yes I, too was deeply moved by “The Passion Of The Christ”. Even though it was only a movie it attempted to reveal the true events better than other efforts in the past. I don’t really like crucifixes because they seem like idols (just MHO), but the simple, unadorned and gruesome tree is graphic enough.

    My Redeemer Lives.

  37. GeeTee says:

    Some interesting comments on “what the cross means to us”, methinks. We all have different perspectives that have most likely been influenced or shaped by words we’ve heard from persons we trusted(pastor/teacher), persons we may have considered more knowledgeable in the Scripture(friends/relations), our own imaginations(God forbid), images portrayed on paper, celluloid, or objects(books, films, crucifixes, etc.), but just exactly how reliable are these outside sources in revealing to us the enormity and horror of even one little sin against the holiness of God? Has the despicableness of my sin been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit that I might have godly sorrow that produces repentance(2Cor7:10)? If not, the Cross of Christ is nothing more than sticks, and it means nothing, as well. But God, who is rich in mercy, has given me a glimpse of my wickedness and has shown me as well that the provision for reconciliation has been made. From the moment of my natural birth I was an enemy of God, and until my 25th year(58 now) I hadn’t a concern or care other than gratifying the flesh. A tragic episode began the process of that godly sorrow, and suddenly I knew that there was only One who could provide what I’d been without. When God called, I answered. The death, burial, and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ was for me and I received His gift. It wasn’t something that I mustered up on my own, for I had been estranged from God up until then. I called on the Lord Jesus to forgive me and it was sealed. Forgiveness. Restoration. Reconciliation. Justification. Deliverance. Sanctification. Glorification. Admittedly, it’s been a long, hard, row to hoe, and there’ve ups and downs and all-arounds, but the Lord Jesus has never left me nor forsaken me. The Cross of Christ means and is, life. Without the cross there would be no empty tomb. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” I Peter 1:3-5 It would take from now on to lay down in order everything that the Cross of Christ means to me, so I’ll just leave it at this…LIFE!!! GT

  38. poohpity says:

    When Jesus said from the Cross “It is finished”. He never has to go there again but I have to go to the foot of that Cross daily sometimes minute by minute. The problem comes for me when I choose to look at everybody else and neglect my responsibility of only looking at my sin. It is impossible to never sin again but because of the Cross my sin is covered by the blood of the Lamb.

    The horrible misery He went through was not in vain because the world is now forgiven whether someone accepts this forgiveness or not that again is each individuals responsibility. I am so grateful for the forgiveness of my daily sin and I pray that I do not ever take the Cross for granted by looking at someone else’s sin and not be aware of my own.

    If I have nothing else to be thankful for I am over come with gratitude because I have been forgiven by the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. The God who created all that is good has made a way for me to have a personal relationship with HIM. Wow!! Now that is something beyond description.

  39. daisymarygoldr says:

    Steve, agree about how you feel and that is the sadness that I was talking about…

    OGramps, you are right, that it is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that maintains unity in the body.

    Lest we forget, that is exactly why Jesus ordained that His followers should remember Him by observing the Lord’s Supper. He never told us to remember and celebrate His birth but He commanded us the Church to always remember His broken body and shed blood… not just once a year during the Holy week but as often as we get together to fellowship… till He comes again.

    This is again another sad thing for me to see the whole meaning of the Lord’s Supper getting completely lost in the empty rituals of communion. It is sad, little do we realize that every time we partake of the Lord’s Supper in our Sunday worship gatherings at church, we are proclaiming the power… of the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary to the unbelieving world…which is the very foundation to the good news of the Gospel… and of course, needless to say that by taking part in the emblems, we the body:

    – Declare Jesus Christ as the Lord of our lives
    – Are reminded of His sacrifice for our sins… to sin no more
    – Identify with His death, burial and resurrection… to lead a victorious life
    – Indicate our unity in Him… as different members of one body
    – Proclaim His redemptive work…for the salvation of all who believe in Him

    BTW, no bitterness here but with much pain and sadness… if the Lords Supper is too trivial and has no more meaning in this culture and century… just listening to you all speak so passionately about “The Passion Of The Christ” makes me wish, we would all watch it every day at home and every week at church… if that is what it takes… to remind us of our confident expectation of hope— for the return of Jesus Christ our Lord!

    This Good Friday, it is my prayerful hope that we may remember the significance of the Cross not just once a year but every breathing moment of our lives… both individually as followers of Christ and corporately as His Church.

  40. Rick123 says:

    Good photograph(Crown of Thorns galaxy, and the hand in heaven)

    This reminds me of our Father’s eternal purpose for his universe which he created not in vain, but to be inhabited by mankind and ever expanding throughout the whole universe without end.

    He will bring the whole universe in subjection under Christ feet, for he hath appointed him heir of all things, and though he left nothing [that is] not put under him. he left nothing [that is] not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

    “he left nothing [that is] not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.”

    Christ’s rulership of the whole universe will begin when the holy city in heaven comes down to Jerusalem in Israel, where our Lord Jesus was crucified, so the Father has and will bring all things under the headship of his Son-Jesus.

    The Holy Father will rule through his Son-Jesus from Jerusalem, the throne room(Rev 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament….Rev 15:5 And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened.) The moral code(Ten-Commandments) is the foundation of the throne of the Most High, it is the foundation of scripture(God’s word), and by it, he will rule as supreme over all his family including his Son-Jesus forever.

  41. laney says:

    DaisyMaryGolDR, I say amen to your prayer.When I read all the comments here from my brothers and sisters in Christ it just touches my heart. But more than my heart,I think it truly blesses,and touches the heart of our Father when he sees all the love everyone has here for his Son.So I truly hope this Good Friday we are able to bless and bring some joy and love to Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

  42. pegramsdell says:

    Amen Laney! Bringing joy to Our Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit should be on all of our hearts. Everyday.
    I also agree that the comments here are uplifting and appreciated. God bless, and I pray you all have a Happy Easter weekend.

  43. poohpity says:

    In fulfillment of scripture not one bone in His body was broken, we do however break bread in remembrance of His body given for us and the cup is a sign of the new covenant of forgiveness and grace.

  44. kaliko88 says:

    I was just going to leave a four word comment, but that will have to be the last sentence. Someone asked about the difference between the cross and the crucifix and how Catholics and other believers see it.

    I was raised Catholic for over 20 years. I left sometime in college because I just didn’t fit anymore. It’s still uncomfortable at times to go with family to church because of the things I see. But go to enough Catholic churches and you will find both crucifixes and empty crosses. Every design is different. For me, and many I know, it is simply, the cross. But it has not just a meaning, but a story attached to it, that I never can forget.

    Long ago at a youth retreat, I heard a priest tell a story of some young men he knew a long time ago. It was summer vacation and they were messing around, just wandering around town looking for things to do. As they passed the church, they came up with a joke to play. They would each go in and give weird and outlandish confessions. Needless to say they couldn’t hide their snickers, but the priest waited until they left the church before coming out.

    When they saw him coming, two of them fled, but one for some reason stopped and turned to face him. The priest simply told him to come back inside the church. He walked right up to the altar and pointed at the cross. “You may think this is all a big joke, nothing to be taken seriously, but if that is how you feel, then you can stand here and point at that cross and say, “Jesus, you died on that cross for me, and I don’t give a damn!”

    Well, the young man tried, and he couldn’t finish the sentence. He realized he did care, a lot. It mattered. It mattered to him. Turns out that young man, was the priest telling the story. And I have never forgotten it. I remember it every time I look at one, of whatever shape, size, design. It matters. It matters to me.

    Love is a cross.

  45. William Tan says:

    Thank You For The Cross
    Thank you for the cross
    the mighty cross
    that God Himself should die for such as us
    And ev’ryday we’re changed
    into your image more and more
    yes, by the cross
    we’ve truly been transformed

    And we’re so amazed
    and we give You praise
    that You would save us at such a cost
    We’re so amazed and we give You praise
    for the power of the cross
    for the power of the cross
    For All You’ve Done
    Verse 1
    My Saviour, Redeemer
    lifted me from the miry clay
    Almighty, Forever
    I will never be the same
    cause You came near
    From the everlasting
    to the world we live
    the Father’s only Son
    You Lived, and You Died
    You rose again on high
    You opened the way
    for the world to live again
    Hallelujah, for all You’ve done

    for all you’ve done

  46. AmericanGirl-_- says:

    My mother has dreams that involve Jesus, saints, crosses, God, and things along with God. Some dreams she doesn’t understand, so I need your help.
    One story she does not understand is…
    *March 12, 2010
    First she saw a very deep blue sky with lots of shiny bright stars. After the stars formed into a fire, and then 3 crosses formed form the stars but the middle cross was the biggest of the crosses on the sides. (ex. t T t – how the crosses looked like in her dream) She then woke up and never finished the dream, but I need your help to know what my mother’s dream meant.
    Thank you, -_-

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