Is knowing “the will of God” something to worry about? Do we see it as a place we are trying to find, or as a bulls-eye on a target that we are trying to hit?
While recording Discover the Word radio conversations (on the subject of work, employment and unemployment) with Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews this week, both said that, over the years, they have found that one of most common questions followers of Christ wrestle with is how to know the will of God.
In the discussion that followed both said that many people seem to have the idea that finding “the will of God” (also “being in the will of God”) means somehow discovering the right job/profession, spouse, home, or making the right decision about almost anything. It’s often confused and complicated by the thought that we have somehow made mistakes in the past and gotten ourselves “out of the will of God”– as if we cannot find it wherever we are.
Our conversation moved to the conclusion that, according to the Bible, “the will of God” that we should be concerned about is not about being in the right place, but having the right attitude. From the Apostle Paul’s words to first century slaves and masters (Ephesians 6:5-9), we concluded that when the Bible urges us to do “the will of God” it is something we can do wherever we are if, from our hearts, it is our desire is to serve “our Lord Christ.”
That means that no matter how badly we have messed up our lives, our God can redeem the moment and enable us to “do his will” (i.e. please Him), if we are willing to trust him for his forgiveness and rely on his ability to enable us to seek his honor, and the good of whoever we happen to be with.
Although making wise decisions also involves getting the right information and counsel when necessary, and although it certainly means using a good knowledge of the Bible to know what God’s will is (in principle), knowing and doing the will of God is something we can begin doing now, wherever we are, and no matter how many mistakes and wrongs have brought us to this moment.
Am wondering today whether that lines up with your own understanding of knowing and doing “the will of God”?
PS. You can stream or download “Discover the Word” conversations at this link.