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Knowing the Will of God

Is knowing “the will of God” something to worry about? Do we see it as a place we are trying to find, or as a bulls-eye on a target that we are trying to hit?

While recording Discover the Word radio conversations (on the subject of work, employment and unemployment) with Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews this week, both said that, over the years, they have found that one of most common questions followers of Christ wrestle with is how to know the will of God.

In the discussion that followed both said that many people seem to have the idea that finding “the will of God” (also “being in the will of God”) means somehow discovering the right job/profession, spouse, home, or making the right decision about almost anything.  It’s often confused and complicated by the thought that we have somehow made mistakes in the past and gotten ourselves “out of the will of God”– as if we cannot find it wherever we are.

Our conversation moved to the conclusion that, according to the Bible, “the will of God” that we should be concerned about is not about being in the right place, but having the right attitude. From the Apostle Paul’s words to first century slaves and masters (Ephesians 6:5-9), we concluded that when the Bible urges us to do “the will of God” it is something we can do wherever we are if, from our hearts, it is our desire is to serve “our Lord Christ.”

That means that no matter how badly we have messed up our lives, our God can redeem the moment and enable us to “do his will” (i.e. please Him), if we are willing to trust him for his forgiveness and rely on his ability to enable us to seek his honor, and the good of whoever we happen to be with.

Although making wise decisions also involves getting the right information and counsel when necessary, and although it certainly means using a good knowledge of the Bible to know what God’s will is (in principle), knowing and doing the will of God is something we can begin doing now, wherever we are, and no matter how many mistakes and wrongs have brought us to this moment.

Am wondering today whether that lines up with your own understanding of knowing and doing “the will of God”?

PS. You can stream or download “Discover the Word” conversations at this link.

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47 Responses to “Knowing the Will of God”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Mart if it is your hope to use this subject throughout the weekend, I can see where it could. This is deep and not easily answered.

    1Corinthians 1:27 “For God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of this world to confound the things which are mighty”.

    1Cor 2:7 “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory”.

    1 Cor 2:9 “But it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him”.

    1 Cor 2:10 “But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God”.

    Gods will is hidden, we must search for it. It can be found. Through the instruction of the Spirit. But we must listen and accept the answers. Our will, will clash with His will and we must be careful to be able to distinguish between them.

    This is a life long quest and not meant to be easily understood. In all matters we should be prayerful and meditate when necessary. Follow instruction from the scripture and find agreement from the Spirit.

    Read 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 , all of it is summed up in verse 18, ,”for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

    Yes I believe we can fall out of the will of God, and I think it has its consequences but that will not change His will for us, only delay or needlessly cause us to go down a more difficult pathway to the same conclusion.

    Yes we can be forgiven always…Titus 3:5 “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost”.

  2. poohpity says:

    I am trying to determine God’s will right now with the decision about another bout of chemo for my mom or to let it go. I am looking for all the information about everything and it is so important to know the principles of scripture. It really comes down to wisdom, knowledge and heart issues. God gave us a brain and knowing His heart and mind really helps. Although the motive behind this is I would love to make the right decision for her to have the most quality time she has left. I am so scared to make the wrong decision. I have asked God for wisdom and today I will talk with the doc to get as much information as I can to use what the Lord has given me (brain) to do the best. Please pray for wisdom for me. God’s will is to seek His wisdom.

  3. Rick123 says:

    1Th 4:3 For this is the will of God, [even] your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: 4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;

    2Ti 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. 21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, [and] prepared unto every good work.

    Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

    Phl 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

    1Jo 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

  4. ttl7praz says:

    I can empathise with you poohpity. A couple of years ago my mom had surgery for colon cancer and had positive nodes so the recommended follow-up therapy was chemo to assure the cancer was gone. Well after a couple of rounds of treatment I saw my mom go from being what I was used to to someone who looked like she was going to keel over at any moment. After a scary bout of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) she decided enough was enough! She was taking no more and I respected her decision. Needless to say, she is still here and I just enjoy each day that God has allowed her to remain cancer-free and among the living. I dont know if your mom can partake in the decision to get more chemo or leave well enough alone but if she can I strongly recommend you honor her wishes. If she cant make that decision, me being a doctor, the quality of life really becomes the main focus and trusting that God will bring her home when He is ready regardless if chemo is given or not. It is not an easy decision and I will certainly pray for your strength that whatever decision you arrive at, God will give you peace with it.

  5. Rick123 says:

    poohpity: My mom died last year of liver cancer, and my dad did not lack hope, he kept hoping in God’s mercy and the drugs they were giving my mom. But we all have our days marked, some of us, God has chosen to give us more days, and some less. I think and believe that is God’s will for every person that is born in this world.

  6. phpatato says:

    Thank you for this today. It is timely for me.

    RDRCOMP – Your words are a fit to what my fingers could have typed. I will most definitely access Joe Stowell’s booklet. Thank you for your post.

    POOHPITY – My thoughts and prayers are with you. This decision is overwhelming and gut-wrenching. May His peace which passes all understanding fill your heart.

    My heart is heavy with important decisions concerning my 90 year old mother and 93 year old father. There are quality of life issues at their nursing home that must be addressed. I too am praying for my Lord’s wisdom and guidance. I too am wanting to use my “smart” brain when dealing with the administration.

  7. rokdude5 says:

    Right now my mom in law is in hospice care due to brain cancer. Though she always appears soft spoken, she turning out to be a tough little cookie by refusing her pain meds. She, too, decided against chemo though she did try one round of radiation.

    So Rick123 and Poohpity, we are not alone in our journeys.

    For me, I know if God doesnt want us somewhere or doing something, He will make sure that would be the case as it was with Jonah. I always pray in at life’s crossroads for guidance and the acceptance of any paths our Lord choses to close.

    Outside of that, following the 10 Commandments, taking Phil 4:8 to the next level from thinking about to putting it in action plus following the Great Commission, I should be doing what God wants me to do. To me, God is the Great Director and Choreographer giving us directions but freedom of self expression.

  8. wretch-like-me says:

    While I agree with you that our will often clashes with God’s Will and it is a lifelong quest, I disagree that God’s Will is hidden. There are unlimited resources to pull from if we but open our eyes, ears and souls to the messages.

    Scripture speaks loudest of all but as Christ put it… “Even the rocks cry out as witness…”

    I, too, can relate with having cared for my father in his last year of end stage renal disease. The decision to stop treatment and let God take him home was difficult but Praise God I had a good doctor who was honest with me. Toward the end, Dad had a stroke during surgery to repair/remove dead tissue around his shunt. He was never the same and no longer responded to us. I asked the doctor if Dad would improve. He told me Dad would only get worse from here.

    I have found in my own life that those decisions that seem to go unanswered are the ones God gives us options and the freedom to choose. All can be a glory to Him if we behave as we should in those situations.

    Just dont ignore His directions hoping that they will change in our favor. That’s just being stubborn.

    Especially when dealing with sickness, I think of David losing his son. He devoted himself to prayer and fasting in the temple until the moment his son passed. Yet, when they told him his son had died, he went out immediately and bathed, dressed in clean clothes and ate. He accepted God’s Will and Praised Him for it.

    I grieved when my Dad passed (that’s only natural); but, I took comfort in knowing that I did everything I could for him until he passed and look forward to seeing him again in heaven.

    My final thoughts about the experience are that my Dad is in a much better place now and waits for me to join him, there. I laugh when I remember the good times and know in my heart and soul that there will be more.

    God bless you, pooh!

  9. refump says:

    I remember in my early years of being a christian that thinking that being in the will of God was like a high wire tight rope act because one wrong step would lead to doom. I was often paralyzed from taking any action for fear it would be the wrong choice & I would be doomed for life or at least a long time. This way of thinking robbed me of a lot of the joy of the Lord in my life. Over the years God has lead me to think of His will more in line with what I think Mart is getting at. His will is for me to walk & fellowship with Him no matter where I am, what I am doing or who I am with. It has freed me to seek Him & His guidance He gives me. I pray & walk with Him & then act with the brain & ability He has given me. That is not to say I always do the best thing because I still battle my old nature that wins out sometimes. Thank God for his love & mercy I am not doomed for life, I ask for His forgiveness & move on, trusting He will continue to work in my life.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Frank, I encluded 1 Cor. passages to explain that there are hidden mysteries that we have to look for. I did so to show that there are times when God’s will is elusive.

    I believe that a great deal of God’s will is very obvious. All of the Laws written in scripture are Gods will. All of what Jesus said about God is Gods will.

    We also instinctively know right from wrong, another example of Gods will.

    A simple conscience is an example of Gods will.

    However when we are faced with making life decisions then is when we need to look deeper, for God’s will. As in, should I marry this person, should I take this job, should I buy this house. Making life choices should include some time to seek God’s voice on the matter.

    Any choice should have this as a question. Does this Give God the Glory? Is Christ lifted up and glorified?

    When we go looking for more difficult answers to questions about the “Whys” of life. We are looking for more than just God’s will. We are actualy looking for explanations as to why is this God’s will. This search may have no conclusion.

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh, Deborah, When my father found out he had cancer, they gave him 6 months to live, all they could give him was the possibility of maybe living another year or two with the treatments.

    He told me he didn’t want to live the rest of his life sick and suffering. He only lived two months and never even got to a point where they would have began treatments.

    When his sister found out she had cancer, she went home to live with her daughter and her husband. Through to the end.

    The decisions were made by them. As for me I honored my father’s wishes and he and I enjoyed every day up through the end. The same for my Aunt Ruth and her daughter.

    My prayers are for you and your family. The story around every funeral story found in the New Testement was the same. But then Jesus showed up, and changed grief into joy.


  12. pegramsdell says:

    I have to go to the cancer center every 4 months for exams. Even though I had surgery 1-1/2 years ago and I am cancer free. (Thank You Jesus). I still go there for exams. And I was there today….and I remember thinking that I have been so blessed.
    Then I thought…..what about all of these other people in the waiting room? Aren’t they blessed too? Just because some die of cancer doesn’t mean they weren’t blessed. My mother died of cancer…..
    I don’t know, anyway….it hit me hard today how hard and how sad it is to be in those waiting rooms, seeing so many people with cancer. So I pray for them.
    When they brought me my car, I barely made it inside before I started crying for them.
    It is hard….but maybe it was His will for me to have to go there so I can pray for them. Who knows?
    My heart goes out to all who are suffering with this and I am praying for you.
    Hang in there….We will know all about it someday.

  13. daisymarygoldr says:

    Agree with you that “knowing and doing the will of God is something we can begin doing now, wherever we are, and no matter how many mistakes and wrongs have brought us to this moment”.

    Personally, as His child, knowing God’s will was the most important thing for me… because that was to know God’s eternal purpose and it helped me know His ultimate goal for my life. Once I “knew” God’s perfect will for my life, it completely changed my life. I realized that it is not about me… this life was all about Him.

    It is not enough to simply know God’s will… the key is to understand His will. If I don’t understand God’s will, I will always find myself outside of God’s will. Anxiety reigned supreme as long I tried to take my desires and make them into God’s will for my life… but when I “understood” His divine will, I no longer worried about where to live, whom to marry or where to work… because with that understanding life is no longer a puzzle for me as I was no longer anxious about fulfilling my personal desires.

    Does it mean that I know it all? No! Presently, my family’s life has morphed into one gigantic question mark. Forget about making the right move or taking the right step in order to do God’s will…we don’t even know what the next moment holds for us. During times like this, it is much easier to let our minds be tossed with all kinds of regrets… it was a mistake… wrong decision… bad idea …not the right place… the list is endless… only causing confusion in profusion!

    However, it requires wisdom to remind myself that this life is all about pleasing Him… and to do His will means to simply believe Him… that it is His purpose and I am available… that He is leading and I am following… that He is working and I am yielding. So, amidst all this confusion my only desire is that He will enable me to keep my mind and heart set on His determinate and eternal purpose… so that not mine/ours but His will be done in our lives.

    You made the right conclusion that “the will of God” is not about being in the right place, but having the right attitude. So, in my personal life… whether I have good health or ill health, whether I have a good job or no job, whether I have a good spouse or no spouse, whether I have a good house or no house, whether I have one baby or twelve babies… His grace is always sufficient for me… for everything whether it is good or bad, I am thankful to God… in every situation and in all circumstances!

  14. sjd says:

    I think that many of us would like to have a cloud like the Israelites had over the Tabernacle. God’s presence in the cloud would lead them around showing them His will where He wanted them to go and when.

    I am inclined to believe that I should face life much like in the Garden of Eden. There was the obvious “off limits”, but then there was all this freedom. Adam and Eve had the opportunity to enjoy and work in the entire garden until they sinned and were driven out.

    Joseph is a great example to me. In the midst of multiple “terrible” circumstances he continued to be faithful and trust God. He had no idea where the “will” of God was taking him as he did the “will” of God while with his family, in Potiphar’s house, and in prison, and then as second in command in Egypt.

    We can glorify God by doing His known will (found in the Bible), whether being a doctor, lawyer, garbage collector (waste management controller), waitress, you name it. I work for the Lord! As I am faithful doing the will of God in my life, then everything will work out. All things work together for good for those who love God and are……..

    If I had married another woman who was in Christ rather than my current wife, would that mean that I am out of the will of God? I go back to the garden, and I see great freedom as my attitude/heart is towards God.

    We can glorify God by choosing to eat scrambled eggs rather than pancakes, or marrying one woman or man as opposed to another in the Lord, working one job or another. As long as we are doing it all for the glory of God, living by faith, we will be in His will.

    In saying all that, if we hear clearly as Jonah or others did and go the opposite way, then that is a problem. But for now I will try to be faithful in serving God as He has expressed clearly in His Word. Who knows, maybe I will end up as vice president without even trying. :)

  15. BabyJ says:

    Hey everyone,

    I am happy to read this topic because it is something my friends and I have been discussing a lot recently. My friends and I are less than five years out of college and we work for a huge corporation. We all accepted jobs with this company under the pretense that our jobs would last a year, and we would move on afterward. The jobs we currently possess have us living and working in the heart of the midwest, in a small town with not much to do for singles. It seems like everyone who lives in this area marries early and begins having a family before the age of 21. As we approach 30 we feel like old maids in a town full of young families.

    At any rate, my point was to talk about trying to understand the will of God. The awesome thing about where we are has been the way God has used each of us to help one another grow. As I look back over the past two years I realize that the growth I have experienced was only through God working through my friends and the isolation of this place. Coming out here I really didn’t know God…. He was an entity that I talked to when I needed something….. not the spirit that walks with me everyday now. In making the arrangements to come out here, it seemed like everything fell into place. I think that when our choices line up with the will of God, the circumstances and particulars that need to happen, fall into place without much work from us. Being in the will of God, there is such a peacefulness to what’s happening around me. Things don’t phase me like the used to. I don’t think God says “Hey, take a right in 5 steps” but I do think he let’s us know his will by giving us a peace about the choices we make. If there is something we choose that is completely against him, he steps in to stop us, or helps us learn the lesson of why that choice may not have been appropriate.

    Of course as usual, just a few thoughts from my little brain. I am in no way an authority on anything… LOL I am just now understanding the feeling of having the Lord with me each and everyday.

    For those of you struggling with choices, I too will add you to my prayer list… I can’t imagine being in anyone else’s shoes, but I hope you all have the peace of God once you make the decisions you need to make.

  16. HEY REV says:

    I find myself going to this blog thinking ahead of time to just read and leave all alone. But here I’am writing.

    poohpity: this is my testimony of how I finally learned how to hold onto God’s promise about wisdom. Here is what suggest.
    Turn to James chapter 3 and verse 17. Don’t read it yet. Keep your finger there and now turn to James 1 and verse 5. Sure I know you read it many times before like many of us. Since this came ALIVE to me I now have learned to trust God even more.
    Start by reading James 1:5 DO NOT READ ANY OTHER VERSES just that one verse James 1:5.
    Next read James 3:17 and again NO OTHER VERSE. Go back and forth between those two verses untill it comes ALIVE IN YOUR HEART AND SPIRIT. Everytime you feel you need wisdom in any area (and I need it all the time) I and read/think those two verses. Can’t take the time now to share many testimony’s how much God has blessed me in this area.

    Wellcome “work-in-progress” good to read from you. I also have to share with you how Jesus helped me to decide which direction to go in gray areas.
    Read Rev. 3:7-8 Jesus speaking.
    I won’t write it all down now because your going to read it anyway. This came so strong one day when I needed to decide between 3 decisions. Didn’t know which on to take. Two of the three looked great (in my eyes) Read this as a personal application so not to change (which we cannot do) the context.
    I loved what it said but was still having difficulty what to do. Jesus spoke and said:

    sjd & refump You got it right Saints. Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit 24/7 That work He begone in you He will accomplish it till that day He either calls you back home or He returns for us. He guides all our steps.

    Those of you who talked about cancer I had it myself. Prostate. Needed to make the right decision and after praying and believing the promises I shared above with others, my decision was to remove it.
    Could have gone three other ways, but trusted God through the Doc I had and I’am not cancer free. (1999) I was so very excited when God used me to share & lead the uroligist (Doc) to the Lord.

    I will continue to pray for all of you for what you wrote and know that God’s love, mercy, and grace will get all of us to where He wants us.
    God Bless
    HEY REV (any errors in type: sorry)

  17. Loretta Beavis says:

    My understanding of “knowing the will of God” is from John 15: (NKJ) where Jesus says to “abide” in Him…I maintain my personal relationship with Him. And in verses 12 and 17 He gives a commandment to 1) Love one another as I have loved you. 2) These things I command you, that you love one another.

    How has God loved me? Gave His only begotten Son to die for everyone’s sins (John 3:16 NKJ) and How has Jesus loved me? Right after John 15:12, verse 13 answers “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

    I “see” that love-one-another-love, that “fruit of the Spirit” love in this blog as you all respond to the trials and joys of your lives and lay your lives down for others. That is God’s will for us.

    When I abide in Him and do the things in heart and action to love others as He loved me, I am in God’s will. :)

    (I have an ancient Webster’s dictionary that has a lengthy and interesting explanation for “will” beginning with “wish, choose, pleasure.”)

    He is with us always my friends-don’t let you or your loved ones forget or despair as they experience these trials-we can find rest in Jesus-Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJ)

  18. Mart De Haan says:

    Good perspectives!! SFDBWV, I tried to reply to you yesterday morning right after your comment to say, good idea, let’s let this subject go through the weekend. But messed up and lost what I had written and had to run.

  19. poohpity says:

    I think phillip that you have hit the nail on the head. God’s will is all through the bible repeatedly. It is very simple but many do not do what it says. I bet God says well I have revealed my will in the small things but you have not followed it so why would I reveal more.

    God says, “I want you to know me, I do not want your sacrifices, I want you to show mercy and justice. I want you to feed those that are hungry, shelter those who are homeless, and care for the widows. I want you to love one another be at peace among yourselves. Those are just a few that are written.

    I want to thank all of you for the prayers. God gave me the strength, words and wisdom to confront the doctors about the care they were giving my mom. They had made many mistakes with communication within her team which resulted in her not being able to get the procedure she was to get on thursday. She has not been able to eat because her esophagus is closed because of a tumor pushing against it. She will receive the procedure this morning and pray that all goes well. This is Mayo hospital goes to show you that we need never think of doctors more highly than anyone else. Again thank you.

  20. cherielyn says:

    Sometimes it seems hard to really know what the will of God is because we often get in His way, but reading the blog & posts has given me some perspectives I hadn’t considered before.

    My daughter is 38 & getting married for the first time in three weeks. She met her fiance while on a mission trip to Brazil a couple summers ago.

    Some years ago, when she rededicated her life to Christ, she made a list of 16 qualities that she wanted in a life partner. Some of them were very important, on the spiritual side of the issue, but some were supperficial (such as ‘not too much body hair’). Some of us thought that she was being too picky and would probably end up never being married.

    Her attitude has been, all along, “If God wants me married He will provide someone who meets the desires on my list. If He doesn’t I will be happy to be single believing that is what God’s will is for my life.”

    Her fiance meets every single quality on her list! She trusted, we didn’t! Lesson learned (once again). Oh we of little faith!

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Cherielyn, Your daughter has shown good sense and wisdom in her desire to be in God’s will. She will be blessed because of following God.

    After the Hebrew people were freed from their bondage, because of a lack of faith they wandred in the wilderness untill the unfaithful died. Once this happened God gave them the “promised land”. They still had to fight for it, they still had to act on faith. Moses and Joshua both put before the people a simple choice.

    Blessings or cursings……

    To follow the will of God and be blessed, or step out of the will of God and be cursed.

    Nothing has changed. We either to seek to be in God’s will or we step out of it. Our free choice.

    The Hebrew people could have had a two week walk into the promised land. But because of their lack of faith they did not the will of God and so spent 40 years in a wilderness of their own making.

    Nothing has changed, God has a plan and a goal for our lives we can either take a 2 week walk or spend a lifetime in the wilderness woundering why God is punishing you.

    Seek God’s will in all matters, great and small. He is faithful to be your God. Jesus Christ made a way for us to have that personal relationship with God. So honor Jesus Christ by using his sacrifice wisely.

    I am sorry Mart you lost your post yesterday. I am relieved though to know it doesn’t just happen to me.


  22. daisymarygoldr says:

    Q: Is knowing “the will of God” something to worry about?
    A: Knowing Gods’ will is very important. To me, it is something to worry about if I did not know God’s will… because if I do not know then how will I do His will…. How will I make the right choices that conform to His will?

    When I knew God’s will…it was like seeing the bigger picture… I was dumbfounded… the sheer knowledge silenced me… silenced my doubts and questions and arguments… it numbed my own desires. Once I knew God’s will, it was not about what I want or desire from Him… but it is what He wants and desires in my life. Hence, my only response was to silently surrender to His desire and humbly submit in obedience to His sovereign will.

    So, when God’s will for my life included living in a place called AZ, it would be a lie if I said that I readily jumped with sheer joy at this prospect. It was perplexing as my mind mused that this meant going to a faraway place to wherever this place is. …leaving the comforts of living in a familiar place… close to my parents and siblings and friends… and instead living in a strange land among strange people with strange passions like football and movies and HDTV! … but because I know God’s will my response was OK… if this is where He wanted me to live , then this is where it will be!

  23. daisymarygoldr says:

    Knowing God’s will is very important. Once I knew God’s will (in principle) the path became straight and clear… not simple and easy. So, even during the darkest moments of life my mind never wondered why? Why me? Why all of this? …and so, even during times of difficult trials of sickness, poverty and death… my heart does not cry out why? How could I ask why? I do have the freedom to ask God why but His love compelled me to give away my rights even to ask why.

    This is not to elevate myself as superior… but this is how it is for someone who ever since I can remember as a child… grew up knowing God. It comes out of a deep intimate relationship in which I experienced the touch of His hands… clothing me, feeding me, grooming me, lifting me up and comforting me. His love literally melted and softened me into malleable clay and… after being lavished by all that love can the clay ever complain and ask the potter why? Although, well meaning believers counsel that it is alright to complain to God… I know that a complaining and grumpy attitude does not please the heart of my Heavenly Father (Phil 2:14)

    So, when they wheeled my 2-yr old into surgery to correct a life-threatening condition …and I was faced with a moment of seeing my daughter alive for the last time… my mind did wonder as to how this fits in with God’s will for my life… but because I know that this life is about doing His will… not mine, my response was OK… if this is what He wants me to give up then I will certainly not hold it back!
    When things are out of my control, I simply trust and obey to remain abiding in His will… because for me, there is no other choice. I had already laid aside all my choices the moment I had decided to deny myself, pick up the cross and follow Him. This may sound harsh and as no fun to others… but to me trusting Him is so reassuring…it liberates me from the heavy burden of not having to deal with problems that are beyond my human understanding.

    Of course it is not natural for my will to conform to God’s will. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak… the limited understanding of flesh cannot fully understand His will. That’s what causes me to err from His path… and yes, it also means facing the painful consequences of my mistakes. Mistakes however, do not deter me… because it is because of my painful sufferings that I learn to be obedient… and most importantly, they prepare me for the ultimate goal of spending eternity with Him in His kingdom!

  24. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks for this topic. Presently I am on the threshold of becoming a member of an evangelical church in my town. I am not sure I have to become a member yet. What is Gods will in this? From many comments I get the Word, either way, you are in Gods will when you are in Him, in a church or out. I had asked God: give the desire in my heart to join a church. And that took more then 10 years, after a very bad church youth life, for the desire to come. So instead, I was part of a prayer group up till now. But the lady leading emigrated.
    I know God is my Father, He loves me, is around me.
    I should not be afraid to make a decision, if it is a wrong one, it will teach me to listen better to God the next time. So here I am, trying to listen to what He says.

  25. foreverblessed says:

    He Rev, trying the James 3:17, and James 1:5.
    Thanks. (Because we cannot agree on all points, doctrinally.)
    But another verse speaks to me right now: James 3:18 Peacemakers who sow in peace will raise a harvest of righteousness.

  26. foreverblessed says:

    Maureen, Poohpity had stresses that fact time and again, we christians talking about many things, but schouldnt we go out and help the lonely, lift up the depressed, be a light, etc, in others words:

  27. foreverblessed says:

    What Daisyetc. writes: Totally giving your will over to God. I do not know whether I have done that, but the will is there to do it.
    Oswald Chambers writes about that too, thats why I am on this RBC site, I have read his devotionals for a long time. Till one day the devotional was down, and then I found this been thinking blog.
    And thought: this is now about christians living today who write.
    But the point I want to make is this:
    When you have given your will over to God totally, then you ARE in His will.

  28. SFDBWV says:

    Daisy, you have spoken so very well. And blessed me, thank you.

    I could give a life story here and explain myself, but it would be a little long.

    As a baby Christian just as a youth of any kind I thought I knew a great deal about life and about my relationship with God.

    I stumbled through life making good and bad choices, God never left me. He aided me, he put obsticles in front of me, all to take me to where He wanted me to be.

    My journey could have been a great deal easier had I taken the time to seek His will. But too often I just went pell mell into the frey, like Peter I would always be ready for action without thinking.

    Seeking and finding God’s will is the most freeing and liberating experiance I can describe. As Daisy stated when God’s will becomes alive in your heart you know it to be so and a great unction comes over you to accomplish His will. Then there are no obsticles only open doors.

    The Holy Spirit will go before you and prepare the way.Nothing can stop the will of God.

    The difficulty is in the balence of knowing God’s will and stepping out in blind faith.

    We all too often speak of Peter walking on the water as a step of faith. Yet as we read the story, Peter can see Jesus is walking on the waves and Jesus even tells him he too can do it. As Peter believes, he can walk on the water, it is when he doubts that he sinks.

    Doubting God’s will is allowing the thief to steal your faith.

    God doesn’t leave us blind, He will provide for you His will in every situation. If you look, if you listen to Him and not yourself. You will find His will.

  29. poohpity says:

    Well everything went wrong with my mom’s procedure yesterday she is now on life support. These kind of decisions and the responsibility of making them is overwhelming me. I am so glad she had a living will made before all this started. Just like we have the bible to determine God’s will.

    He left us that living will so we could know him and what he wants us to do in line with that will. He did not leave us blind to walk this path of life, He gave us guidance and principles to follow. I am so thankful when I am so consumed that those words come flowing into my mind and heart to give me all the help I need. We have such a wonderful Lord, I feel so blessed as I am sure you all do. Have a good day and go praising on your way. :-)

  30. daisymarygoldr says:

    poohpity, so sorry to hear that…your mother is in my prayers. Just hang in there and keep trusting God… He is good and faithful and greatly loves you… and so do I.

  31. wretch-like-me says:

    Dear Pooh:
    I, too , add you to my prayers for strength and peace in this trial. Take comfort in knowing you are not alone; rather, you have legions of angels around you bringing you comfort and protection as you bear up under this weight.

    You mentioned your mother’s living will; however, you did not share it. Are you troubled by it? Or comfortable that it clearly states your mom’s wishes?

    I praise God that you are ‘hearing’ the words in your mind and heart that bring you peace.

    Double Huggs

  32. sjd says:


    Will continue to be praying for you and your mom!

    Your faith encourages me so!

  33. wretch-like-me says:

    It is so good to hear from a younger person on this site. I wondered if only us ‘cronies’ had the time to interact here. I hope you will continue to put in your ‘two cents’ and share how God is leading you and blessing you as you follow His Will for your life.

    To All:
    Somewhere along the way I guess, I made the decision to follow God at all costs. Once that decision is made it is almost immediately challenged. I wish I could say I always answered the challenge correctly.

    What I can say is that despite my choices God has ‘woven’ them into HIS tapestry for my life. He has proven time and again that He has the power to bring good out of my bad choices because I keep short accounts with Him. (I confess my failures regularly.)

    That is truly all He asks of us. Listen for His direction and take you best shot. (Sounds a bit too easy, doesnt it!… but do does His plan of Salvation!)

    I keep coming back to something Christ said to His disciples. Mk 10:15; Lk 18:17

  34. wretch-like-me says:

    (sorry, hit the send key by mistake)

    Accepting God’s plan for our lives is intimately woven into accepting Salvation. I love that illustration of the tapestry.

    While we are on this earth we only see the backside of the rug… with all its knots and tangles of multi-colored threads. Someday, we will see it as God sees.

    Trust His Perfect Will and Almighty Power to overcome all our weaknesses. Surrender to His Will and trust as a little child.


  35. poohpity says:

    I am comforted knowing my mom’s wishes not mine.

    The latest is a big praise they took out her ventilator and she is breathing on her own. She will go from ICU to hospice so we have more time with her. Her lung does have a hole in it but she looks so good. I am praising the great physician, our wonderful God. Thank you so very, very much for your prayers and support. I love you guys,whoops and gals!!

    I do not want to be an ol’cronie thank you very much! :-)

  36. monalisa says:

    Determination to know the will of God for our lives by all means makes people in this part of the world (I’m from Nigeria) go to all sorts of visioners and seers to determine what God wants them to do in their future. Many of them are led astray by false prophets and teachings because of this. I believe that God can reveal His will to us individually if we pray and wait on Him.

  37. pegramsdell says:

    Sorry about your mom poohpity. I’ll keep praying. :)

  38. daisymarygoldr says:

    Maureen says:
    June 22, 2009 at 3:08 pm
    1 Peter 2 v 15
    For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
    I’m only stating what it reads in the bible and that’s God OWN words not mine.

    foreverblessed says:
    June 20, 2009 at 5:13 pm
    Maureen, Poohpity had stresses that fact time and again, we christians talking about many things, but schouldnt we go out and help the lonely, lift up the depressed, be a light, etc, in others words:

    … and with all due due apologies to those who can’t stand KJV, Daisyetc.:) Quotes KJV just to maintain uniformity with the above statements emphasizing the words “well doing”…

    “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul…

    …For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men…

    …As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God… Fear God…

    …that ye should follow His steps…Who did no sin…

    …that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness…” (1 Peter 2: 11- 24)

  39. josiephil says:

    For so many years I was struggling to seek the will of God. All I want is to serve Him but hesitant to join & be a member of any ministry at our church. Having a bad experienced more than 15 years ago when I was active & very busy as cell leader in a community. At the same time working fulltime as an Estimator /Civil Engineer in a small company. We have activities in the community 4 nights a week plus the Sunday night at mother church. I suffered from weak lungs or mild tuberculosis due to lack of sleep & rest. Later on my husband was infected also. We took medicine for 6 months & healed as the x- ray confirmed.

    Due to this incident, my husband was upset & told me to lie low or resigned from what I was doing, but I was hesitant. God is good, He was the One who made a way. He blessed us with a new house to another city. Our family transferred to a new home & also to a new church. My heart’s desire is to serve the Lord but hesitant to join in any ministry. The Lord lead me to start a bible study in our company. After 5 years I resigned & started our own company, trading & construction. The Lord had blessed us from then on, up to present. Right now, I am serving the Lord by sharing the love & salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ to my friends & relatives via the internet & phone calls. I have joy & peace serving the Lord outside the church.

    Thank you sir Mart for this topic, “Knowing the Will of God”. It confirms that I am in the will of God in my service to Him.

    Thank you also to all the bloggers. Your life experiences give inspirations & encouragements.

    Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!

  40. cherielyn says:

    pooh: I see I was posting about the same time you were a couple days ago & just this morning found time to catch up.

    Sorry to hear about your mom. You & she are in my prayers!

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