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What Can We Learn From our Dog?

Surveys show that 43 million households own a dog.  Some of those pets are service dogs. Others are used for security or hunting.  More than a few have been inherited by parents of college age children who left them behind. But most are kept for companionship.

Because of the love many of us have for the four legged members of our families, would we continue to feel the same way if someone could prove that a dog has only two interests: avoid the smack of a rolled up newspaper, and do whatever it takes to get a treat?

Why does it matter whether dogs really care about us? Part of the answer seems to involve the way dogs work their way into our hearts. They are sad when we leave, greet us with enthusiasm when we come home, and act as if they enjoy being close to us even when we don’t have a treat in our hand. Yet they love our rewards, and can be satisfied with our “good dog” words of approval.

By contrast, if our dogs acted like they distrusted us, used us for food and shelter, and cowered when in our presence to avoid being disciplined, we might not be as inclined to call them “man’s best friend.”

The Bible sometimes uses animals to give us insight into important relationships. The prophet Isaiah for instance says, “The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master’s crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider” (Isaiah 1:3).

As a change of pace, was wondering if together we could combine some of what we know about our dogs– and the Bible– to see if “man’s best friend” can help us better appreciate what it might take to be “God’s best friend”… or at least… a man or woman after his own heart.

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35 Responses to “What Can We Learn From our Dog?”

  1. sjd says:

    We own a little Jack Russell Terrier, named Navy. After three years with her, I still smile at her same little antics. Before sitting down here, I just got done taking a plastic fork away from her that she somehow got. She wouldn’t give it back to me despite the possible harm it could do in her stomach. A lesson there for us in how we need to listen to God’s commands. He knows best.

    But one of the things that I can not figure out with her is at night time. Our bed is a little high, and when it is dark in the room, she seems to be fearful, or somehow doubts her ability to jump that high. She wants to be close to me on the bed, and will start to cry and do half jumps. She will come to the head of the bed and I will try to pick her up, but she quickly will go to the foot of the bed, and do the same thing. This will go on over and over until sometimes I will get up and pick her up and put her on the bed.

    Now, this is the part I do not always understand. She will growl at me as I pick her up to place her on the bed where she wants to be. Once she is done growling she will quickly take her position snuggling, realizing she is where she wants to be. And at that point she is again, “man’s best friend”.

    Reminds me of how we always do not like the ways God tries to bring us close to Him. We try to do it in our own ways. And even when we are in His loving hands, we get angry with how He is moving us.

    Oh, if only we could lesrn to continually trust in our Master, realizing His Divine love for us is perfect, eternal, never changing. Hopefully we will quickly realize that in all circumstances(Romans 8:28) we can trust Him, and even when we “growl” we will quickly realize where we are.

    I believe He is like I am with that little dog, but so much more!

    When days are dark, and I am doubtful, His words encourage me. His hands are always there to lift me up. Even when I “growl”, He still pursues me.

    “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.” 1 John 3:1

    Will I “growl” today?

  2. dependent says:

    Several words come to mind as I think about the relationship between my dog and me:

    Loyalty: once he submitted to me as his master, he responds to me in a way that no one else in the household enjoys. He more quickly responds to my authority, sometimes anticipating a command by keying on my most subtle gestures or tone of voice.

    While he responds lovingly to the rest of the family, when a choice has to be made, he will chose to sit with me, bring his ball to me or receive my attention.

    Mat 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

    I don’t have to worry that I’ll be replaced by a better master that comes along, no matter what goodies or attention that person may bestow. At the end of the day, he is my dog–content in my willingness to provide for him and eager for my approval.

    If he feels threatened, he looks for me. If he senses I might be threatened, he is quick to defend.

    In short, I think he’s pretty cool and am proud of him. He knows it and delights in that–and never tires of soaking up my approval while lavishly returning the favor with his behavior.

    Would that I show like loyalty, faithfulfulness and submission to my Master.

  3. jody says:

    We had a black lab/border collie cross that spent most of our married life with us. She passed away in January. In short, she made me a better person. In her, I saw God exemplified. When people would walk into the house upset or hurt she would just gently sit by them…with no expectation…just to show her support and if she got a pet in return, it was a bonus. But always she was there, and always she knew what we needed. I can’t say I always accepted what she gave, just like my relationship with Christ. But she sat persistently by waiting until I was ready to let go, let God and when I was ready to accept her in, she gave me forgiveness, love and acceptance. There were days when I had a hard time believing in myself…but she never questioned my abilities to go forth in this life, just like Christ.

    I am greatful that God gave her to us to complete our lives for the time that she had. We learned so much from her about forgiveness, kindness, acceptance, faithfulness and loyalty. I will forever be blessed and I thank God for putting it in all in such a wonderful package.

  4. ttl7praz says:

    Good morning everyone! I love this topic and the analogy is par excellent! The comments left by sjd and dependent are nothing less than stellar! I, too, own dogs (2); one I bought and one I got from the vet after someone abandonded him as a pup. They are both great but the way the abandoned one looks at me daily is nothing short of a heart grabber. He has this look in his eyes that seems to say “I am so greatful that you decided to bring me home and give me unconditional love. And I love you much for it.” This the kind of relationship that I work on and nurture daily with the One who decided to bring me to His home and give me unconditional love. And I am forever greatful and love Him much for it! Praises to the Lord our God and ruler of all things, both man and beast!

  5. SFDBWV says:

    I love this subject, with all do respect to cat owners, I do believe that the dog have earned the title of mans best friend.

    The dog asks for nothing but love and when treated properly gives nothing but love in return.

    In many cases even when the owners are not good to the dog or dogs they own, the dogs still remains faithful and cries out for attention and companionship from it’s owners.

    Some time ago I saw a piece of video on the internet, that showed a small dog dragging another dog off a crowded freeway that had been struck and hurt. Placing itself in harms way to help out it’s friend.

    Well documented is the theraputic signifigance of dogs and old, injured or disabled people.

    New revelation has shown that dogs can be alerted to a coming seizure for their owners who suffer from epilepsy. And that dogs have been documented to smell cancer.

    How can we relate the loyalty of a dog to our own loyality to God……we fail.

    I hope we hear from Bruce our Mt Man friend on this one.

  6. dependent says:

    Two more parallels, then I’ll be quiet:

    When our mini Dachshound has misbehaved, he is scarce to be found! Calling out to him doesn’t work well. I have to go looking for him! His mournful little brown eyes anticipating my displeasure. And I have been displeased–but somehow, after he has been rebuked, all is forgiven, his tail is wagging and he’s snuggling up next to me.

    And best for last. I chose him, before he chose me. I reached into that litter and said, “This is the pup I want.” It was only later, that he chose to submit to me as his Master (and friend).

    “You are My friends if you do what I command you.
    “No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.
    “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.”
    John 15:14-16

  7. S. J. Knower says:

    I prepared a devotion for my church’s Ladies Night Out concerning joy and laughter. I used my dog, Boots, for an illustration of Luke 6:23. My dog jumps for joy, and regardless of the challenges we face, our Lord sustains us so we too can jump for joy.

  8. poohpity says:

    I have a Lab/surprise and a cat. My dog’s name is Pooh and my cat is Meme. Pooh is a therapy dog, when I had really bad depression she was the treatment and still to this day when I am consumed with grief or sadness she is right beside me. Both my son’s had ADD/ADHD when she became a member of our household it was so wonderful to see the change in them from her love. That is the same thing from God the difference it makes in our lives to have the love of the creator of the universe it changes lives and hearts.

    I know with the dogs in some families they rule the home and not to many owners take charge back from them. If you think about it a dog ruling the house the problems it causes. We have to be the pack leader to prevent any harm from happening. I think that is the same with God being the pack leader. God knows what is best and asks us to follow Him so we can go to higher ground but in our desire to be in control we really mess things up.

    The cat, I guess her name says it all but they can also be trained. We all have to have some training, correction and discipline or we would have havoc ruling our lives.

    My mom’s dog, I think it is a dog, she is about 8lbs and about 8 inches high. I believe she may consider herself a person but when she started living with me I am trying my best to help her realize she is in fact a dog. Although when on a lease she seems like a mule she sits her little butt down and refuses to move. She is a Yorkshire Terrier but believe me that is the farthest thing from her mind she is a little foofoo and dog things are below her she thinks. She is definitely trying to be the pack leader as she barks at my dog and my 70lb dog jumps in my lap in fear of her. Things just have to change soon. LOL :-)

  9. BobbiLee says:

    I learn so much from the dogs I have been priveleged to live with. One dog that taught me much was a Springer Spaniel named Keeper. During my summers in the high mountains when she was a pup, I had trouble with her running all over the place and getting lost. Putting her on a leash didn’t solve the problem as she continued to pull and choke herself. Soooooo . . .

    I got a very long, thin lead, probably 10 feet. I tied the one end around my waist and the other end of course, to her collar. When we went for the next walk, I connected us together, and let her go and do just what she wanted to do. First thing she did was to take off running at full speed. I didn’t look at her, didn’t call her, (she wouldn’t have listened anyway at that point), just kept walking my pace. Well, you can imagine what happened next. I braced myself as she barreled toward the end of that lead running full tilt. I watched out of the cornier of my eye and sure enough, she hit the end and it summersaulted her with a bam. She got up, turned around and looked at me as if to say, “what did you do that for?”. I did not look at her or acknowledge her in any way, just kept walking.

    Well, she tried it again… and again. It took about 4 or 5 tries until she finally realized that it wasn’t me doing anything, it was herself disobeying. Next day I took the lead off and took her for a walk. At first she didn’t want to go. Then, she followed me and even the other dogs. Never again over the years did she ever run out of my sight.

    The lesson I learned was this: God puts us on a very long lead because we WILL do what WE want. . . at first anyway. Then God teaches us, by way of suffering for our disobedience/actions, that painful results are going to happen when we go our own way. We hit the end of our rope and look back and blame God. Like my dog, Keeper, we must learn the lesson of being responsible for our choices and obedience to God’s guidelines.

    Otherwise we will continue to “hit the wall”/end of lead, suffer the consequences and have to begin again and learn the lesson all over. But, even during our out-of-control disobedience, God never lets go.

  10. laney says:

    I use to have a silky toy terrier.I went to visit with some friends and was gone for a while.The poor dog was so upset he took off one night and went running up the road trying to find me.He ended up taking off to the spots were I use to walk him.My husband said he had to get a neighbor to help him get the dog back.It remind me of the story in Matthew about the lost sheep.How do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep,and one of them is gone astray, does he not leave the ninety and nine,and go into the mountains and seek that which is gone astray?

  11. bubbles says:

    My grandma got a white cat (with little personality) when I was about 4 years old. She named it Pat after Patricia Nixon. Turned out, when it got older, we found out it was a Tom cat. Ha. So, Pat became short for Patrick. :) Silly story. I can remember holding that cat tightly on my lap because I wanted to cuddle it. The cat was private, and never really enjoyed human interaction, but it would allow me to squeeze it for a few minutes, and them squirm away.

    I have been the mommy of two Golden Retrievers-one at a time. Both of them have been blessings from heaven. They have both loved being with me. . they wiggle with happiness when we see each other at the end of a work day. Even today when we walked in the rain, my boy looked me in the eye and smiled at me. These dogs are knit to me at the soul!

    I’m sure the Lord wants us to want to talk to Him and read His word, and obey Him because we love Him, and want to please Him, just the way my dogs are, rather than the white cat Pat, who just didn’t want to fellowship at all, and would have rather been in the catnip patch. Sure, He could make us read His Word, etc., but if it doesn’t come from a heart that wants to, it’s just not the same.

  12. sjd says:

    One more story:

    When I come home each day, our little Jack Russell is there at the door to meet me. But it won’t come up to me until it finds a tennis ball to bring to me and drop at my feet. If she can not find one, she will continue to run frantically through the house till she finds one. Only then will she come up to me and drop it for us to play. It is fun to see how excited she gets when I come through the door. Some days she is ready with the ball, other days it takes time.

    I pray that I will continue to be so excited for our Lord to return,

    Titus 2:13 (NASB95)
    ………….looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,

    and that at His coming I will be so ready!

    Luke 12:37-38 (NASB95)
    “Blessed are those slaves whom the master will find on the alert when he comes; truly I say to you, that he will gird himself to serve, and have them recline at the table, and will come up and wait on them.
    “Whether he comes in the second watch, or even in the third, and finds them so, blessed are those slaves.

  13. tandgmartin says:

    Proverbs 26:17 (New American Standard Bible)

    Like one who takes a dog by the ears,
    is he who passes by and meddles with strife not belonging to him.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.”

    I appologize for the uneasyness of the above statement, but it does make the point that people return to their paticular sin, as compared to the dog’s nasty habit. It also shows the uncleanlyness of sin or foolish behavior.

    There is a lot we can learn from watching animal behavior.

    This morning I watched as the deer fought over an ample supply of feed. The bully over powering the weaker, the weaker sneaking around and agressivley going in for her chance at the corn. Even though there is plenty for them all.

    Try to take food from a hungry dog, or break up a dog fight….best to let a sleeping dog lay.

    I have a neighbor who has a Jack Russel Terrier, named Stanley. When my neighbor comes home from her work Stanley starts yelping and screaming and going balistic the moment Karen’s car enters the street some few hundred feet from home.

    This is how I feel when I feel that Jesus has entered the last street on His way back to fetch us home.

    Stanley barks and yelps jumps up and down and spins in circles. Anyone else in the room with him tells him to settle down and be quiet.

    Every time any of us get excited that Christ is coming soon, there seems to be plenty of people ready to tell us to settle down and not get excited.

    Yes I do see a comparison. Yet Stanley and I still know in our hearts our joy is about to be realized.

  15. wwsdfor2009 says:

    I don’t have a dog but I am a sister in the body of Christ who has been filled by the actions of God using other members in the body this morning. I was having a conversation about obedience and holiness when God has given you specific instructions and my reticience in letting go or responding appropriately. The specific instrustions included not accepting counterfeits (which the daily bread touched on) and then to read the comments of SJD about growling at God gave me a revelation that I so am in need of. I am grateful for each of your insights and comments because we truly need and depend on each other and God has a way of finding His word and seeing it through.

  16. paulruppert says:

    While I was reading this article, I was looking at my two dogs. I then realized how right on this article is, and then I wondered how the earth would be if God’s creation man would have just 10% devotion and love for another like a dog does what would the earth be like. If we give some thought of what a dog gives with the very little taken in, then I realized I was seeing what God is like to us. Not a dog but His devotion to very created existence of life. Everyday as awake, He’s there to welcome us to the new day to walk with us along our way and show us the bad areas to avoid if we listen, He’s there at days end to sit with us and rest with us and listen to us if we decide to talk to Him. What is very interesting is that when we talk to Him, He’s ecstatic to listen and ready to help us. Ya I think God created a dog as man’s best friend to see through a dogs eyes the real passion of God for us. God bless to all have a great day.

  17. saled says:

    We’re all a little stressed at my house right now as my daughter is planning a wedding that is 5 weeks away. She and her fiance are also trying to buy a house and are going through all the agony of trying to make the right decision. As we headed out for a walk this afternoon, she hugged her sleeping doberman and said, “animals have it so easy. no big decisions to make.” She is right about our dogs-they live in the present and trust us to provide for them. This is a lesson that I’m still learning.

    Because they are dobermans, we made an extra effort to civilize the dogs. They have a big bark, but are not one-person dogs and love everyone they meet. Anyone can take their supper dish away from them before they have finished and be met with only a questioning, pleading look. However, when they both want the same bone, they are not above either snatching it away or scheming to get it. They will alarm bark to get the other dogs attention, and then take the bone. Their behavior is animal behavior that reminds me of my own natural nature.

    They are disciplined with the ‘shaky bottle’, a gatorade bottle with an inch or so of pebbles in the bottom. When they were puppies, we used the noise of the shaken bottle as discipline. Within a few months, all we would have to do is say, “Do you want me to get the shaky bottle?’ and they would behave.

    I think my problem has always been with acknowledging God as the leader of the pack. I’ve driven myself crazy trying to be in control myself. I hope to become more like my dobermans and trust him to provide for us.

  18. Dixie says:

    We have a coonhound whom I love dearly. She is an outside dog, and has her coop on our porch. It always amazes me how many time she could be in a dead sleep, and the second she sees my husband, she gets up immediately, tail wagging, staring him in the face, with a devotion to him that is so sincere. Even if he greets her, goes in the house for 10 minutes, and comes back out, she displays that same thrust of devotion she gave him 10 minutes ago. It’s heartwarming. I would only pray that I could somehow tap into that kind of devotion to Jesus each and every moment of my day too. It is one I’ll think about, thanks for the topic.

  19. poohpity says:

    Hey Mart,

    I read “Feeling Down” a few days ago and it really helped me with the loss of my mom. Thank you for being an instrument of the Lord. Today I read “The road to realism” because I wasn’t able to make it to church this morning and have many decisions to make regarding my mom’s stuff and again it helped me to focus on the Lord rather than my own ideals.

    I am a panting dog looking for the direction of my master and am resting in the assurance of his guidance for the best for all.

  20. kaliko88 says:

    Well, as my nick suggests, I’m owned by cats. Have volunteered for years at a cat shelter and now work there, so I have lots of stories. Have had a couple of dogs in my life, but mostly cats. But, I just got back from vacation at my dad’s and just happen to have a good dog story.

    My dad and stepmom are country folk. Small plot of land, big garden, a log cabin/house still being built but coming along nicely, some pasture and cattle. He has a good farm cat and just got some kittens, but they also recently got adopted by a dog. Pet dumps occur rather often, sadly. Dad has had to shoot a few who turned completely feral and quite vicious. But Dog simply showed up on the porch starving. They fed him, then tried to find a home, but he just came right back.

    Dog seems like the laziest but most grateful dog ever. He deliberately lies right in front of the back door, eats the kittens food, and seems to live to put his head on your lap and be petted and told he’s a good dog. One day though, as it was told to me, one of my nieces, 3 years old, was following Nana in the garden when a new stray showed up. This new stray was not nice, and started coming after my niece. Nana was coming to her and to scare the stray off when suddenly Dog came running in and totally broadsided that stray and chased him off.

    Well, a week later that stray showed up with a friend, and Dog went after them. They tore him up bad, but they have not been back since. Dog protects his family. He still lies in front of the door, he still eats the kittens food, but the family agrees, he is a good dog.

    I’m sometimes frequently lazy, and I seem to take the good things in my life for granted. But I hope I too can do what’s right in spite of myself. I too want to be good because I am grateful.

  21. Mart De Haan says:

    Your stories and insights are so good, am going to leave this post for another day hoping that some of our Monday friends will join the conversation.

    Am reminded again of the words of Isaiah,”Hear, O heavens! Listen, O earth! This is what the LORD says: “The children I raised and cared for have turned against me. 3 Even the animals — the donkey and the ox — know their owner and appreciate his care, but not my people Israel. No matter what I do for them, they still do not understand.” Isa 1:2-3…

    Interesting isn’t it, that the Bible encourages adults to learn from little children and animals.

  22. poohpity says:

    I think that is whats so amazing about God, He has given us sooo much to learn from yet we still miss the point. We have history and still do the same things.

    The animals more than children have a desire to please. On the other hand children have the gift of trust and reliance on the leader they both have. Our bodies age yet we are still students but trying to teach seems to overcome our desire to learn.

  23. cherielyn says:

    We had three dogs in our lifetime, one at a time. Our last one had to be put down on December 30, 2007 at the age of 14. But, the memories! She was a good and faithful dog.

    We got her when she was 6 months old. Went to the mailbox one day and she was tied to the post. We lived on a dead-end road and someone obviously left her there hoping she would be taken care of. When we first got her we kept her in the garage for the first few days. She chewed a large extension cord into several pieces only we didn’t realize she had done it at the time, assuming that hubby had forgotten to raise the blades on the riding mower and ran it over. The following day, though, the cord was in more and smaller pieces. Then we realized what happened and disciplined her for it. She did this several more times and again was disciplined each time.

    After those initial times she became a fast learner. Whenever she did something else wrong and was disciplined for it, she never repeated that particular behavior again.

    She was a smart dog. Sometimes, when we would return home from being away for awhile, she would look at us in a certain way and we knew, immediately, that she had done something that, after the fact, she realized she shouldn’t have. We would have to search out the reason for her ‘guilty look’ and when we found it, we would lead her to it and discipline her, but in a gentler manner because she already knew she did wrong.

    Immediately after disciplining her, she was full of forgiveness and just wanted to love us and be loved in return. She remembered no wrongs. She was all about pleasing us.

    No more dogs for us. It is too hard to say goodbye.

    If only we could be such fast learners and not continually repeat our mistakes. If only we could be as obedient. If only we could forgive as easily. And yet, God continually shows mercy and forgives us. What marvelous grace He has shown us!

  24. daisymarygoldr says:

    It is true dogs are known for their “faithfulness” and what is often misunderstood as selfish and aloof character of cats is actually a very unique personality which makes them so special…i.e. to not compromise with anything that goes against their integrity.

    Therefore, IMHO dogs are dumb (sorry dog lovers) and cats are so cuddly and cute. No wonder dogs that love and live lies will be left outside the city (Rev 22: 15) whereas the big cat—the Lion will be a part of the new creation… but will eat straw like the ox!

    Anyway, jokes aside… Jesus really did not like dogs and referred to unholy people as dogs. Although I loved my dogs I really did not learn anything spectacularly spiritual from them. For me, Abraham is the best example to know what it takes to be God’s best friend.

    Abraham was called the friend of God because he obeyed God and kept His commandments (Gen 26: 5). In all circumstances that included leaving the security of his home, land, parents and property or sacrificing his only son… Abraham never once rationalized and asked why but displayed utmost faithfulness and loyalty to God— who never hid anything from His friend.

    Although, “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend”, it was Abraham that God referred to as His friend. It is a privilege that Jesus noticed a dead dog like me (2 Sam 9:8) and loved me as a friend to give His life for me…He has hidden nothing from me but “all that He has heard of the Father, He has made known to me” (John 15:15).

    It is one thing to have a friend in Jesus but it is yet another thing when Jesus tells me “You are my friend if you do what I command you”…and so, I do not want to be considered by God as a blind watch(dog) that lacks knowledge… a mute dog that cannot bark but simply lies around and dreams and loves to sleep… or a greedy dog which can never have enough . . .” (Isa 56: 10-11)

    … my desire is to emulate father Abraham and even when things do not make sense to my human understanding, I want to remain true and faithful to God— my best friend… to trust and obey Him and His directions for my life.

  25. poohpity says:

    Yes Good ol’ Abraham that did not trust God to provide a child in his old age so he took matters into his own hands and established the people that are better known as Islamic from Ishmael (like the pure breed dogs who jump over the fence to mate with the mutt next door). Who also lied about the relationship between Sara and himself. Sounds just as imperfect as we are. Then there is David a man after God’s own heart who committed adultery and murder. In our zeal to be holy we forget that we are just human and forgiven by the Grace of our Lord. Like cats that walk around and think of themselves as above everyone else only to find out they need to be fed and petted because every living creature needs to be loved.

  26. mjday11 says:

    Even a live dog is better than a dead lion – Ecc 9:4

    I have enjoyed reading these posts the last few days. Very sweet and funny stories.

    Dogs inspire such strong emotions. We Americans seem to go to great lengths, and expense, to care for our pets. A missionary from Calcutta, speaking at our church expressed resentment that our pets eat so well while the church struggles to feed so many over there.

    Historically, and in much of Asia today, dogs represent the worst and lowest form of animal life. And in east Asia, dogs are raised for food purposes. One day I gave a ride to the head chef at the Thai restaurant where my son worked. When she got in the car, she looked at my border collie in the back seat and said, “You be nice or you’ll end up in my curry sauce.”
    (I hope she was joking)

  27. plumbape says:

    Here’s something I learned from a dog story that my future ex-wife told me. She works at a Good Will Store and one day a blind man came in with his seeing eye dog. Goes to the center of the store, picks up the dog by the tail and starts swinging him around in circles over head.

    Needless to say the manager was concerned and quickly goes over to ask if there is a problem or something he can help with..? The blind man said, “no we are just looking around”..!

    From that I learned a valuable lesson, not to place much value on her stories. lol

    Missing Mtman….:>( I wanted to tell him while in Orlando I went looking for the church he spoke of so my daughter would have a church home. My daughter’s impatience got in the way I’m afraid.

  28. deny says:

    Hi Mart,

    You made me sad as your article reminds me of my dog. She was about eleven years when she died. She is clever. She could wake me up when it is time to wake up. She could deliver the newspaper to me. Though she is a dog. She could understand my feelings. When I was sad, she looked understand my sadness and she tried to make me play with her.

    I remember my dog again when I flied to Middle East. In the plane, I watched a Japanese film about a girl who has a dog. Once she lost the dog and found it.
    The sadness came when the girl has to leave the dog for further study. Then, the girl had a career.
    The girl’s father and the dog always wait for the girl.
    Then, the time came for the dog to die. The girl’s father called the girl and asked her to go home.

    The sadness scene made me cry in the plane. I was ashamed, but, I could not hold my feelings. The dog died on her hug. Before that, of course, she remembers all things when she was with the dog.

    Well, I am sure, there is something we could learn from our surroundings. Not only human, but also animals and plants.

    I think this world is a very big class where we have to learn and learn.

    Thanks, Mart. Jesus bless you.

    Loving regards, Deny (http://jakartaberdoa.blogspot.com)

  29. stand says:

    The theology of dogs and cats:

    A cat says to himself regarding his master: He feeds me, he cares for me, he enjoys my company, I must be God.
    A dog says to himself regarding his master: He feeds me, he cares for me, he enjoys my company, he must be God.
    It’s a matter of perspective. May we all recognize our need to be like dogs.

  30. phpatato says:

    I was given the privilege of raising 4 shelties (consecutively) during my married life. They truly have been God’s blessings to me. I can relate to each story above and have chuckled as well as cried from reading them.

    Our current sheltie, Tiny, is a quiet, endearing sweetheart. She is also spoiled, thanks to my husband who insists on sharing almost everything he eats with her (even against my exasperating pleas not to do it). As a result of this, she has become a beggar. She sits beside not only him but anyone who eats, expecting something. At the sound of the fridge door opening, she will bound to the kitchen from the farthest points in the house. She wants and nudges and begs.

    I can’t help but think that sometimes I am like that too. I see something I want so I beg and nudge for God to give me what it is that has caught my eye. Thankfully, for my own good, He doesn’t.

    And you know, even though I don’t always give the dog what she begs for, she has never gotten angry with me and shunned me because of that. She still continues to love me, to wait for me, to depend upon me. I pray that I will always do the same with my Master and Lord.

  31. bird3678 says:

    I don’t know how many of you have seen the Benji movies, but even if you have, you might not know that Frank Inn, the original Benji’s owner, is a strong Christian. In fact, he’s written some poems about his faith and his dog. In one of his poems, he submits his firm belief that Jesus never owned a dog. How could he know? Because we’re told that when Jesus was arrested in the garden, that all his friends deserted him and fled. If he had a dog, that dog would have followed him all the way to the cross and would be waiting for him at the tomb on Sunday morning. Makes me cry everytime I read it.

  32. christa says:

    I lost my best friend the other day his name was Dollar. I had him for 8 years I found him a week before my first child was born. Dollar had parvo as a puppy but after a lot of prayer and work from the vet he pulled through. I had dollar through a lot of ups and downs in my life and he was truley the best dog anyone could ever ask for.

    The other night i came home to see my best friend in the road half alive. he passed away with my right beside him. even though he was half alive he still waged his tail and looked at me. i miss him so much and have prayed often that the lord help me throught this time.


    I have never visited this site before but now im going to make it part of my daily routine. Thank you very much for writing this Mart De Haan

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