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Dark Light

Every once in a while I think about a quote I heard from an unknown source:

“We see things not only as they are– but as we are.”

The thought reminds me of what the Apostle Paul wrote to Titus when he said, “To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled” (Titus 1:15).

Have occasionally wondered what Paul had in mind. While his statement could be read like an unqualified general truth, his subject probably offers some helpful limitation on “the insight.” Because the previous verse (v14) mentions “Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth,” many believe he was probably responding to the danger of Jewish and possibly Gnostic ideas that included self-depriving rules about what to eat or drink to purify oneself. (i.e. Col 2:20-23; 1 Tim. 4:1-5).

If the context shows that Paul was thinking about religious rules of diet and self-denial, then he was probably emphasizing, as Jesus did, that, for example,  it is not what we put into our stomachs that defiles our spirit, but rather what comes out of our mouths (i.e. words that reflect the attention of our hearts as he explained in Matt 15:17-18).

In the 11th chapter of Luke, Jesus talked about “the danger of dark light.“  Speaking to people who tended to focus on the outward keeping of religious laws, he said, “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness” (Luke 11:34-35).

The light or lamp/eye  of the soul that Jesus was referring to seems to be “the attention of heart”.

A few statements later, while confronting religious leaders preoccupied with outward purity, the Lord said, “But rather give alms of such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you” (v 41). Here he seems to put together “being concerned about others” and “purity of heart” which he also linked in his Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:7-8).

So what help do we find here for ourselves today? Here’s what I’m asking myself. Where is my attention? Who or what has my heart right now? Is everything about feeding, indulging, protecting, and defending myself, or am I concerned about others?

Depending on what you are going through today, those may not be the questions that would help you. But, for me,  they seem to have something to do with what I might see or miss today…

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23 Responses to “Dark Light”

  1. poohpity says:

    I have lately been in a self protection mode but as the Lord has pointed out to me that the time spent in self defense could be used to care for others. This lesson is another of the many that I have not learned yet. If I keep busy doing what Jesus wanted by being His hands and feet then I may not even pay attention to the attacks around me by focusing on Him. I am going to look today at how much time is spent on me, myself and I. This is going to be interesting.

  2. refump says:

    Great reminder Mart. Like pooh, & I am sure many others, I have been in that self protection mode & most of my thoughts & prayers are aimed at “how can you help ME Lord. One of the reasons I enjoy the show Extreme Makeover Home Edition is you get to see people who are in difficult situations personally but still spend a large amount of their time helping others in a variety of ways. They have such a heart for others & they do not let their own problems weighed them down & paralyze them. Again, this is a HEART issue… Lord change MY heart to seek what you want & not what I want.

  3. foreverblessed says:

    I just put my post on the post: marital sumission and the Bible.
    But I could just as easily have put it here.
    Blessed are the meek, the humble, the ones who help others.
    So, am I going to do that today? Allthough my day is already half through, it is half past 5 in the afternoon.
    Am I happily going to cook a nice dinner for my family, instead of thinking, who is going to cook for me today?
    Allthough I must admitt, a few years ago I was so tired of always serving, as you do when you are a housewife.
    It was as isfChrist was saying to me: How can I serve you today? With what can I help you?
    Our Lord is so loving and so forgiving.
    Lets all feel the love of Christ and happily serve our fellow men and women around us.

  4. BobbiLee says:

    “We see things not only as they are– but as we are.” Ah, Mart, now that is what I call a spiritual ouchie. I think self-deception comes into play here too. We are so self-focused that this condition becomes our filter for our circumstances. The big “I” gets in the way, (which Scripture calls the flesh), and our lives become unbalanced. Again, like the proverbial tea party: I had a little tea party, One afternoon at three; Twas very small, three guests in all, Just I, myself, and me. Myself ate up the sandwiches, While I drank up the tea, Twas also I who ate the pie And passed the cake to me. (Forgive me if I’ve put this up before).

    The issue we have to watch carefully is that when we are in pain, either emotionally, physically, or spiritually – our focus is naturally on ourselves. Pain is all-consuming. As Pooh so aptly points out, refocusing is what it’s all about. Involve yourself in the lives of others. Get in and stay in the Word. Even if the pain is so great that you can only read one sentence at a time. Do it. You will be surprised how God can speak to you and ease your pain.

  5. grahamlynn says:

    I feel that it is human to think of yourself first. We are all servants of God and we are put here on earth to serve each other as God leads us. When we are at our best, we are able to see clearing where God is leading us. Although, we are still being lead by God even in some of our darkest hours. In all that we say and do, God is always there for us.

  6. phpatato says:

    I share power of attorney with my sister for our 92 year old dad and 90 year old mom. They UNFORTUNATELY have to live in a nursing home. Man I could write a book about the things we have witnessed with disgust. Anyway, the job mom and dad entrusted to us, we both take very seriously. We “had” been visiting in the afternoons everyday (literally EVERY day) since the day they moved into the facility about a year and a half ago. Previous to that, I drove 50 kms every day to help sis when they lived with her. I said “had” because we have now taken a much-needed step back and now only visit 5 days a week. As they are both still somewhat mobile, we bundle them up each day (in the winters only when the weather permits) and take them for a drive. Dad’s biggest thrill each day is getting his French Vanilla ice cream cone; Mom’s is looking out the back seat window commenting on how wonderful God’s landscape is. This afternoon ritual is both very rewarding but very draining.

    In my situation, I feel as though I have blinders on. I am so intent on looking after mom and dad that I feel that I am not “doing” anything for anybody else. I sometimes question and doubt thinking it’s not enough and I should be doing more. My own home and family are not, I don’t believe, suffering too much ((don’t look at the weeds around the flowers please ;-)).

    So Mart:
    Here’s what I’m asking myself. Where is my attention? Who or what has my heart right now? Is everything about feeding, indulging, protecting, and defending myself, or am I concerned about others?
    How come I feel I should be doing more??????

  7. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Phpatato
    Maybe you do not know, but Jesus is right now in your house, He wants to serve you. He wants you to sit down on the couch, and He says to you: What drink can I bring you, a cup of tea? What else can I do for you?
    Then He sits down next to you and says:
    Do you know, I am so pleased what you do for your mom and dad, thanks a lot for being My hands for them.
    Now take a deep breath, breath Me in, and enjoy the afternoon.

  8. kaliko88 says:

    “How come I feel I should be doing more??????” How many times have I asked that of myself, along with “How much longer before I get more serious about my faith?” I got your prayers guys. They helped. My emotions these past few months have been swinging, sometimes wildly. Just hours after my last post, I managed to comfort someone else through email.

    I guess, once and for all, I’ve got to stop comparing myself and my walk to others. If my walk is rougher and takes longer, well, then it does. If God limits me to an audience of one or a ministry of one, then He does. There’s a reason and a purpose. I forgot what I had discovered just months ago. Has anyone read Donita K. Paul’s dragon series? When Kale is reassured that Paladin really wants her in his service, she askes what she can do. “Whatever falls before you. Nothing more. Nothing less.” I have to let Him tell me when I’m ready for more.

  9. Laraba says:

    I agree completely with kaliko that it is dangerous to compare our walk with others. We do need to think of others, yes. But our relationship with Christ is paramount. I believe there can be times when a person stays busy with ministry opportunities and other people so that he or she can bury the pain of a personal loss or broken relationship. If we focus so much on others that our own health, or emotional and spiritual well being are ignored, we will burn out.
    Vague feelings of “I should be doing more” probably don’t come from the Lord. I have workaholic tendencies and often feel I should be “doing more”. I am the homeschooling mother of six fairly young children, and I have realized that in this season of life, my job is mostly my family. At times it does seem selfish — there are so many needs out there, but God has called me to focus on our home at this time of life. In the same way, care for elderly relations may be a person’s job in life at a particular time.
    I think it comes down to heart attitude. Do we love Jesus and others? Do we pray daily for wisdom? Are we willing to do the difficult things that the Spirit impresses upon us, whether that be making cookies with an overactive preschooler or handing out food to the homeless?

  10. foreverblessed says:

    I noticed that women are giving a reaction, women who already serve a lot, and yet think they have not done enough.
    That which falls before your feet, nothing more, nothing less.
    What about the men?

    But if you give of what you have, then all things will be clean to you. Luke 11:41
    What a statement Jesus makes here.
    It also must refer to the Holy Spirit, which must flow through us, it must not stagnate, because then the water will become trouble.
    Thats why every morning we need to attach again to the wells of water, Jesus. Put on the whole armour, every morning again.
    So giving of what we have (not of what we not have)
    keeps us clean.

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Yes Mart, If it is possible to condense all of what Jesus taught about into a few words, they would sound something like….do not concern yourself with self but with what you can do for others.

    Simple people are blessed, because they don’t analize every motive behind their actions. They just do it, because there is a need to do so.

    If people only do good pure actions for the purpose of pleasing God and being somehow rewarded for it, they have missed the message.

    Somewhere in the activities of life, we all pat others on their back and say well done. I think that we should make others feel that their efforts are appreciated and recognized.

    The danger is in, that person, liking the pat on the back better than the deeds that brought them the possitive attention.

    When I think of modern day great men or women of faith. I think what makes them special? What is it they are doing more of than others? After thinking about it. It is only becaus they are in the spotlight. Under the observation of the public eye. Too bad.

    The person who hands out enough money to a homeless person for them to buy a meal or simply is a friend to another in need, does as much or more for the cause of Christianity as has these public figures. Without the pat on the back.

    It is difficult not to feel pride about accomplishment. The trick is to stay simple and humble while accomplishing all you are given,for God.

    Remembering always that God sees the heart and intent of all we say and do.

    Psalm 141:3 ” Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.”

  12. daisymarygoldr says:

    God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Back then, the religious folks really hated Jesus for exposing the greed and wickedness inside their hearts. Even today, children of light are hated by the children of darkness when their hidden deeds of unrighteousness are exposed. In fact, they are even hated by fellow Christians that accuse them of being rule-keepers, self-righteous, superior, and legalistic…

    Luke 11:41 is the verse that always comes to mind when Christians claim that following Christ is not about seeking God and His righteousness but simply about doing Good Samaritan works and taking care of the poor and the deprived. As a result, though they are religiously concerned about taking care of others, their hearts are far away from the Lord.

    The Gospel of Jesus deals with the heart and if we want to follow Him, He calls us to leave everything…home, spouse, children, health, wealth, emotions and personal needs… to go and serve the least, the lost and the lonely. However, this is a very high and difficult calling and we can never respond to this without the enabling of His Holy Spirit.

    So, if I say that it is the poor and needy that has my attention and my heart, then I am required to go out of my way for others… i.e. to love others sacrificially. Unlike our method of caring for the poor with whatever that is left over after feeding, indulging and caring well for our own needs, Jesus’ idea about serving the poor is quite radical as He challenges…

    “If you want to be perfect, then go and sell all the things you own. Give the money to the poor people…” That is the way to let our lights shine on those who sit in darkness… that is what it means to show our genuine concern for the poor and care for the oppressed out of a pure heart. Then and only then we can live by faith and prove our deep devotion and love for the Lord by showing love and concern for others.

    Therefore, my answer to the Qs: “Where is my attention? Who or what has my heart right now?” is: Jesus is the one who has my attention and heart… right now and forever!

  13. saled says:

    The light has dawned! Now I get the meaning of Luke 11:34+ 35. When Jesus says “take heed that the light that is within you is not darkness,” he is talking about focus, what I am concerned with, or as Mart put it, “attention of the heart.”

    I too struggle with the feeling that I am not doing enough. During the 9 months that my Dad was dying, I always felt like I should be doing something else. If I was with him, I felt that I should be at home with my husband and children, if I was at work, I felt that I should be with Dad, etc. I still struggle with similar questions, but a children’s book by Leo Tolstoy has helped settle my mind a bit. It’s titled The Three Questions and is worth reading if you are 5 years old or 105.

  14. poohpity says:

    I have to report back as to what I found yesterday. I found that although I am going through trails the Lord will put us into situations where our gifts can be used. No matter what life hands us our gifts just pop out in the time needed. When we exercise our special gifts they develop into a way of life and just arise as needed even when we are overwhelmed with life, life is still going on for others. In using those gifts to encourage another then pain in our own life gets lifted. It is not a good idea to just do things for others because of the reward but to do them without thought the reward seems to be more of a comforting warmth from the Lord. The trip yesterday started out to bring comfort to one person and ended up bringing comfort and joy to many including me, myself and I.

  15. refump says:

    SFDBWV are you saying that if I do something that I know will please God that I am doing it for the wrong reason? Self examination is good to a point for making sure our motivation is right. I do know that sometimes I over analyze my motive for doing something & it ends up paralyzing me. I do however agree that we can, as you said, start liking the pat on the back better than the deeds that brought us the positive attention.
    Daisy sometimes your posts seem like when someone turns on the light when you have been sleeping. It really hurts the eyes at first but after our eyeballs adjust we can see everything in the room more clearly. Thanks (I think! ;))

  16. Rick123 says:

    Jesus is the city of refuge, we are his sign post, a light that shines brightly high above the city. The true light exposes all darkness in the heart of man.

    The towrah exposes all darkness, in it, is God’s righteousness revealed. For it is written in the towrah, that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. In the towrah it is written about the light of God, the good news about the Christ. A light to the nations, the true light that Paul preached to the gentiles.

    Psa 19:7 The law(towrah) of the LORD [is] perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD [is] sure, making wise the simple. To the law(towrah) and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.(Isa 8:20)

    Isa 42:21 The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness’ sake; he will magnify the law,(towrah) and make [it] honourable. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.(Mat 6:33)

    When Jesus walked on God’s good old earth, he went about teaching and preaching his Father’s good news about his Father’s kingdom and righteousness from the OT. And healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. Jesus, like all the Jews of the first century, divided the Old Testament into three “collections” the law, the prophets, the psalms…Jesus said: These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled. (Luke 24:44)

    When our heart is good, our whole being is full of God’s lamp(light), but when our heart is bad, our being is also full of darkness. Therefore we should take heed that the light which is in us is not darkness( from the angel of light. Who puts darkness for light, and light for darkness.)

    Pro 6:23 For the commandment [is] a lamp; and the law(towrah) [is] light; and reproofs of instruction [are] the way of life: Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.(Psa 119:105)

  17. SFDBWV says:

    refump, what I am saying is that if we only do good works so as to be rewarded by God, that our motives are not in line with Christ’s teaching.

  18. SFDBWV says:

    A little child when scolded or rewarded by it’s parent, remebers that doing either the good or bad thing renders either a negative or positive responce from their mom or dad. So the child learns that by doing the right thing instead of the wrong pleases their parent.

    The child has not yet learned that doing the right thing needs to be understood as the right thing to do. Reguardless as to wether anyone knows about it or not.

    Jesus taught us that we should have the right heart of doing good, for the sake of good doing.

    To do right just to please God, is like the child who hasn’t yet grown up to understand why it pleases their parents for them to do the right thing.

    Doing good works does please God, but this should not be the ultimate goal. It would please God more for us to be natural in doing good works, instinctively.

  19. diamonds says:

    Hmmm….Mart, the Holy Spirit is definitely at work in your column. I haven’t written in a while; I thought I’d never write again, but this topic draws me in.
    If you recall, about a year ago, I wrote in regarding election issues and our church. We were all told to vote a certain way, and my husband and I did not submit to this edict. Although I was at fault in letting my disagreement be known by putting a certain candidate’s bumper sticker on my car, instead of quietly voting my conscience, the fact that we did not fall in line quickly turned into, for the leadership, an all-consuming issue. Most sermons and teachings from that point on were aimed at showing us that we had sinned by voting a certain way. Initially, we thought we might be able to endure the focus being changed from Christ to the political debate of the day, but it continued for months. In fact, I, in particular, was being shunned or ostracized by the ladies. This, I believe, they felt was in keeping with biblical teachings about shunning the brother/sister who has sinned until he/she repents. It went on from there to saying every member of the church will abstain from the sale and use of alcoholic beverage. Although this is no big issue for us, it really bothered us that this would be posted as a criteria for membership. Although we recognize God’s authority in choosing his local leadership, we felt that the things that were occurring were quite close to the same things that occur in a cult. Where does Christian authority in the church begin and end, Mart? Anyway, we ended up recently leaving the church after a sermon on abortion (no problem with that)that left no room for the grace of God to be administered. In fact, not one time was God’s grace mentioned during the whole tirade. And tirade it was. It seemed the hole point again was to show us we had sinned in our choice of candidate. Sunday after Sunday, it was what was wrong with America and how great it was fifty years ago, the person not realizing that fifty years ago, America wasn’t that great for everybody in the room. It has been a hurting thing to see people who have feigned love for us over a period of years, begin to deny that love based on our vote for a candidate. It was if we had to vote a certain way in order to be a member of that church. We have asked God to forgive us if we have sinned regarding that vote and to show us in His word (adding nothing from our own opinions nor anyone else’s) and He has not. He has shown us, however, some other sins we were guilty of in the whole hoopla. Anyway, God had been slowly moving us over the last year because we could pretty much just bear to attend on Sundays, instead of Wednesdays and Sunday nights as we used to. I had been ready to go a long time before, but God had some work he wanted my husband to finish first. After that last sermon, my husband came home and said, “That’s it. We have to go. The main thing is no longer the main thing.”
    The first church we visited, we couldn’t believe it! Christ indeed was the honored guest. And at the same time we felt like it was really His house. My teenage son even said, “Wow. This is so different.” After having beat-downs every Sunday for the past year, it was a breath of fresh air! The freedom in worship to lift our hands without someone thinking you were trying to bring attention to yourself was so liberating! Truly, all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. We continue to pray for the church that we left as I am sure they are for us. God is at work there as He is in all of His churches. However, we needed to be where He was leading us in this stage in our walk. Our time there was a growth experience, one ordained by God. To Him be all the glory and Honor. Amen.

  20. Rick123 says:

    In today’s church there is a lot of pastor worship going on. Idolizing one individual as a leader, their activities designed to reduce powers of discrimination and to deter questions. When challenging their teachings, they accuse the others as heretics and are shun. They love to control of what members wear, eat or drink and withdraw their members from general society.

    These wolfs in sheep clothing control their members by twisting God’s word. They have a seducing spirit that seduces the minds of their members. Their members are not led by God’s grace, which teaches us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. Their members that are not led by God’s saving grace have not been convicted of their sins, therefore, they don’t love people. And if they don’t love people whom they have seen, how can they love God above all things? whom they have not seen.

    Here is a challenge worth taking up. Turn to the Bible, for Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39). Which scriptures? Jesus said: These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled. (Luke 24:44)

  21. Mart De Haan says:

    Diamonds, thanks for staying in touch.

    Ohhhhhh, what you have been through!!! Those are the kind of control issues that demoralize so many… and according to Peter are unbecoming and disqualifying of spiritual leadership (i.e. lording it over the flock).

    Am so glad that your faith, discernment, and sense of personal conscience/freedom are still intact.

  22. poohpity says:

    I know that everyday I go through something and reading daily with the living word there is always something that is written that God speaks to me through. However there is my life verse which was also in today’s reading; Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

    This verse quiets my soul when I run around trying to make everything better and realize I can not fix anything but I can however put everything into the hands of our all knowing and very, very wise God. In this verse I rest trusting and believing that God is in control and has taken care of it all. We can say, till the cows come home, that we trust in God but until we can be still and watch how the circumstances change with the touch of the Master we never really learn how wonderful His ways are. God does things in a way that benefits the majority and brings everyone to their knees humbly in recognition of His love and care for us, to His glory not ours. This is where the fruit of patience is taught and developed.

  23. refump says:

    SFDBWV thanks for clarifying. Your subsequent post using the illustration of the child doing the right thing because they have been scolded or rewarded but not understanding why it is the right thing was excellent. I appreciate your gift of being able to explain things in an illustrative way like this.

    diamonds thanks for sharing. The spirit of a body of believers, good, bad or indifferent, starts from the pulpit in most churches & sometimes overwhelms the body when the pride of the pastor blows up. I agree with Rick123 that we too often get caught up in pastor worship. If a pastor leaves, the church should not miss a beat if it is a healthy body but how many times do we see attendance & giving decrease when a pastor leaves & has not done a good job of directing the body’s focus on the WORD & allowed the subtle “pastor worship” to exist.

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