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To Eat or be Eaten

Seems to me that there is a relationship between what we are feeding on and what is eating us.

Would like to hear what part of the Scriptures you are feeding on so as to not be eaten up by the consuming issues and concerns of life.

Don’t want to minimize our problems. I just know that so many of us share a confidence in the words that reflect the heart of our God.

Am reminded again of what Paul wrote to the Romans: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Rom 15:4).

If you are inclined, wish you would share with fellow bloggers some specific perspectives of the Word of God that have been giving you patience , comfort, courage, hope, joy… or even meaningful sadness…

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59 Responses to “To Eat or be Eaten”

  1. refump says:

    Watching Everyone Loves Raymond last night & Raymond’s wife Deborah attempting to comfort Ray said to him “well at least you don’t have to worry about it for a whole year” to which the worry wart Ray replied, “no, now I have a whole year to worry about it”!
    I have been increasingly worry laden & I always turn to Phil.4:6-9 (The Message)
    Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
    Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.

  2. Two_Tux_J says:

    I think about the opportunities that God gives us when we are persecuted. Think about Paul and Silas in Jail. They were not discouraged, they didn’t complain, but they praised God and all the prisoners heard them(Acts 16:25). Then they all saw the power of that prayer as God caused an earthquake that opened all the prison doors (Acts 16:26). Then, the prison guard and his family were saved (Acts 16:30-33). When all this was accomplished, then they were set free. It’s amazing how God uses tough times to give us the chance to share the gospel.

  3. foreverblessed says:

    This post may go from one topic to another, but so be it, her is mine:
    Lately I have been supported by a scripture:
    James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
    How come that this verse is comforting?
    After I was truly a believing chrstian, knowing that I am redeemed from my old life by Christ, the child of God, I can say Abba Father,
    And still these nagging thoughts came: “Yo have not done enough today, ” Like someone was saying on the topic in Dark Light, while she did soo much.

    Many of these thoughts which come in my mind and make me feel like I am not good enough.
    Now I resist them, I stop them when they enter my head, and send them away, and I would read the scriptures which say:
    Collosians 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.
    V13When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature,[b] God made you[c] alive with Christ.
    And many other of these positive scriptures.
    And then the nagging thoughts leave, and that is such a relief.

  4. afranz says:

    Wow, refump, your comment is so close to our SS lessons. We’re studying how close our brain is to a computer. When we worry we are spending too much time studying bad data, when we should dump it and replace it with good data. Aka, renewing your mind (romans 12:2)
    Not just positive thinking, which does work to some extent for non-believers.
    There’s a real good article by Joe Stowell, Daily Strength July 9, 2009. I found it from a link on this site.
    Ya’ll read it, it’s really good.
    For me, I like to meditate on certain Christian hymns that are of grace, salvation, heaven, and all that Jesus promises. “Standing on the Promises” is one of them. I can take those with me everywhere. And the Psalms are my “comfort food”! Grits and Gravy!

  5. rokdude5 says:

    For me, I tend to recite in my mind over and over Psalm 23:1 – The Lord is my Shephard. I shall not want.

    I recently found out after the passing of my mother in law, that a former boyfriend wanted her back even though she was still married to a man that wasnt the most loving husband around. Her former boyfriend took her via helicopter to Catalina Island.

    I could imagine that he made things very attractive to her to win her back but she took the higher road. She made a vow that she was going to keep even though she probably wanted a better situation for her and her kids. I was most humbled by this story since there are things in my life that I realized are only “wants”.

    I have to let God lead and provide me where He wants me to go for there is a purpose which is greater than my wants that I dont understand but I must submit to. Rom 8:28

  6. HEY REV says:

    Mart and others. I remember a program some time ago where 5 or 6 young mothers shared about raising their children. Many times when someone brought up on what they were doing, others said “oh that didn’t work with my child”
    In my years walking and talking with other Saints I saw the same concept. You shared that once befor Mart about those counselors who bring their material, suggestions, advice, and whatever to help solve your issue(s)
    So here I am with mine, and I hold on to one heavy Word from God “TRUTH”
    I have a respect for many people saved and un-saved and trust them to mean what they say. I have that with you Mart, but might you fail me. GOD NEVER EVER CAN FAIL any of us. So when He says anything in the Holy Scripture’s it’s ALL TRUTH. He means what He says, and says what He means.
    Let me finish with the verse we know that speaks the answers from cover to cover.
    JOHN 3:16 and please let me only use two words from it. SO LOVED
    If anyone would say to me “I SO LOVE YOU” and REALLY MEAN IT (like God does) that would wrap around my whole heart.
    Let me stop to keep from Preaching, but I’ve learned some things in reading His word, that when Jesus speaks, I LISTEN.
    Not only listen, but hopefully take it into my heart. Jesus said He speaks what He hears His Father ( and ours) saying.
    Hey thats the best for me, and I’ll take that to the bank (in Heaven) everytime and anytime. What God says I have and how He wants me to follow Him, I do. (maybe not to the best)
    I know we all agree, that I answer for me, and not for anyone else. Thank God, because no one else would want too, right?
    I’m looking forward to the others blog, because I’ve learned to LISTEN (in reading) what they have to say.
    An old very wise man many, many years taught me this line:
    He was not calling anyone a fool (me too) just meant the foolish things they do.
    quote: If things go wrong, don’t go with them.
    God bless you

  7. wretch-like-me says:

    Dear Friends:
    am back from a most wonderful vacation with my wife, kids and gkids… absolutely fantastic!
    Marti wants us to share a verse or two that inspires us with the understanding that ‘we are what we eat…LOL’
    or as one of us put it…’GIGO…computer lingo for Garbage In Garbage Out’.

    There are so many wonderful ‘meals’ in God’s Word to Feast upon. “For man does not live by bread alone…”

    I have great difficulty narrowing it down to one or two simply because the Holy Spirit brings to mind scripture for every situation I encounter thru my day…everyday!!

    The older I get the more I realize that ‘Life Is Pain’; however, ‘Pain Is Good’ because it means I am still alive. What helps most with Pain is this reminder.

    Christ endured the cross “For the Joy set before Him”.

    I would much rather be home with Our Lord in heaven; however, I gladly endure the pain of this world that others might be saved… not by me… by Christ Who Strengthens and Lives in me.

    God Bless You, All.
    Missed You!
    P.S. Looks like I missed some WOW’s while I was gone.

  8. poohpity says:

    I posted on the wrong subject.

    I know that everyday I go through something and reading daily with the living word there is always something that is written that God speaks to me through. However there is my life verse which was also in today’s reading; Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

    This verse quiets my soul when I run around trying to make everything better and realize I can not fix anything but I can however put everything into the hands of our all knowing and very, very wise God. In this verse I rest trusting and believing that God is in control and has taken care of it all. We can say, till the cows come home, that we trust in God but until we can be still and watch how the circumstances change with the touch of the Master we never really learn how wonderful His ways are. God does things in a way that benefits the majority and brings everyone to their knees humbly in recognition of His love and care for us, to His glory not ours. This is where the fruit of patience is taught and developed.

  9. pegramsdell says:

    With Frank on this one….there are so many scriptures to choose from….hard to pinpoint just one, however, this one comes to mind, because I’m so happy to be chosen, born again, cleansed and made righteous by Our Wonderful Lord and Saviour:

    Psalm 32:11…….”So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey Him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure.”

    Whenever I need comfort, all I have to do is remind myself that I am saved because Jesus loves me. I’m that special to Him that He layed down His life for me. Then I am comforted. Voila! Love you all, Peg

  10. Loretta Beavis says:

    My verse, for the past few years, has been James 4:8 (NKJ) “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” This verse starts me crying.

    The same old things are eating me up, I don’t want to pray because I don’t believe they would come from my heart, but what I ought to say. This verse wows me cause I can cleanse my hands (look good, talk good on the outside-done that all my life) but purify my heart? Not without God’s Holy Spirit unfettered within my heart-nope, I can’t purify myself but the bloody, painful sacrifice of Jesus did.

    And double-minded? That’s the me I have to put off all the time. I accept the eternal salvation; but, my upset from God not protecting me or stopping bad things that happen and continue to happen … I want to be separated from fear and worldly loneliness; I waste my time trying to do it myself. I weaken and think double-mindedly–acting in emotionally self-protecting ways. I read the Discovery booklets over and over again to school myself to draw near to God (Olson-When We Love Too Much; …Don’t Measure Up).

    Just writing this gets me crying…’cause I know James 4:8 is for me. A lot I sing a song from Jeremy Camp’s “Beyond Measure Album” GIVE ME JESUS. It seems to be the emotional and spiritual “band-aid” or “cure” for the tears of fear. Some kids want a candy or a toy…give me Jesus.

  11. kgonyer says:

    I have ups and downs like everyone else. Sometimes I wonder why God ever wanted me. However he did and I have been praising him ever since. When I find myself brooding to much over things or some thing, these two psalms give me back my perspective.

    Psalm 121: This psalm reminds me that God is sovereign and has dominion over everything and everyone.

    Another verse that really gives me peace is Psalm 103:19 ‘The Lord has established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules over all’.

  12. Rick123 says:

    I feed on Jesus and God’s word made flesh, he is the only solution to any problem that might eat us up. I take comfort in God’s mercy and always hope in it. Without God’s mercy I would not be alive, through it I stand firm and strong.

    Jesus is our great comforter and lover of our soul, people may fail us but Jesus won’t fail us. God so loved us through his Son Jesus, that he gave us his blood, the blood of his Son Jesus. Jesus is our life, which life is in his living blood, always interceding for us at his Father’s side.

  13. diamonds says:

    One of my favorite verses to eat, especially of late, is Galations 5:6. It says (amplified version), “For if we are in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love.” Simply put, if my faith does not have love as its motor/engine, all is for naught. Love truly is “the most excellent way.”

  14. Rick123 says:

    Yes love is the greatest, that is why God our Father is the greatest, for he is love. Jesus loved God his Father above all things, before going to the Cross to shed his precious blood for us, he was exceeding sorrowful and very heavy. He fell on his face and prayed to his Father that his wrath would pass from him. He was being tempted to the point that even he was in agony, so he prayed more earnestly, and his veins suffered micro-tears. His blood were great drops of blood that came from the pores of his skin that fell to the ground. He offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared. He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

    Jesus knew what he was going to go through to redeem us, for he said: “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39). These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled. (Luke 24:44)

  15. lilu1314h says:

    Recently, God review to me some incidents that happened in my childhood.

    All His words & love become meaningless to me, since He could allow that to happen to me in my childhood, how can I trust Him anymore? My faith seems shatter… My future… And I don’t even know how to face myself again? How others can accept me? And how can I pray for a Godly man to be my spouse as I’m not worthy for it.

    I wonder how sure God knows the limit of pain we can really endure??

  16. laney says:

    My favorite verse that has helped me when going through difficult situations is Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not grow faint.

    My other favorite is Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.
    I have a little rock that i keep on my night stand by my bed with this verse writtn on it.

  17. laney says:

    lilu1314h Iam sorry for what you may have suffered.You can trust the Lord.He knows all the pain and suffering you have endured.Every tear you have cried He has collected in a bottle.He loves you very much.Just give him a chance to heal your brokenheart and bind up your wounds.

  18. phpatato says:

    It is sometimes very difficult to stay upbeat as I watch just how much mom and dad have failed and are failing. It is hard to keep them positive so they don’t become consumed with how much they know they are weakening. But as I think about that end in the road that each of us has to face, I am drawn to John 14:1-3.

    “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me. (2) In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you. (3) And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”.

    It is comforting to me that I KNOW that someday we will all be together once again redeemed through His grace, to bask in His love forevermore. How wonderful and glorious that will be. I am reminded of a chorus that I learned as a young teen, part of which is…. I’ve got a mansion, just over the hilltop, In that bright land where we’ll never grow old, And some day yonder, we will never more wander, but walk those streets that are pure as gold……
    And as dad so often says “This world is not my own, for I am just passing through”. Praise God.

  19. HEY REV says:

    Hello lilu314h
    Just a note to let you know you are not alone. I have gone thru many hurting things and thought I know there is a God but I must be chopped liver to Him. My help came from the word “FAITH” for me it was blind faith. I could only hope He might be there and hear me, see me, and believe me.
    God spoke and asid, just continue to call out to me no matter how long it may seem. Stop seeing me as you see other humans. You have brought Me down to their level. Because they have failed you, you believe I have. I can’t. I know the plans I have for you in My time. I know you believe, but I will help your little UN-BELIEF, become less. Listen to Me as you read the Scriptures. I will speak to you. Don’t be concerned that you don’t remember what you read five minutes later.
    lilu314h I remember when I would read didn’t understand and forget ten minutes later. Let me ask you a question. What did you have for lunch three days ago? You most likely don’t remember but so what. You ate because you were hungry. Do the same reading the Word. Soon you will remember more and more, and believing more and more.

    God bless you and I know all of these other blogger’s will do the same, (right everyone)
    lilu314h your reading about someone whose has walked in your shoes, and I think maybe a little longer than you. I’m 72 yrs young and walk many of an unpaved, dirt, muddy roads, but Praise God He walked everyone of them with me and I didn’t even know it.

  20. Rick123 says:

    lilu1314h: 1Cr 12:25 That there should be no schism in the body; but [that] the members should have the same care one for another. 26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.

    I feel bad that you are suffering and have not healed, and not only you, but all of us suffer with you. Christ Jesus suffers because his body suffers, all kinds of sufferings.

    Christ Jesus did not only suffer before and on the Cross but he still suffers a lot, he suffers with us seeing that we hurt and suffer a lot. His body suffers persecutions in other nations, our brothers/sisters are killed for their faith in Christ Jesus.

    There is no pain greater then God that he can’t heal. I have been going through a lot of attacks from satan for about 20 years, but I don’t give up nor look back, I look at Jesus, and not the things that would defeat me. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

  21. Tirzah says:

    I recently read the book of Job and I saw that my concept or idea of who God is or thought He was is like that of Job’s friends and sometimes like that of Job. I got a refreshing concept of who He was as I read towards the end of the book. Prayerfully I read the first 5 books of Revelation and what stood out to me was the verse from Revelation 1:16- He had in His right hand seven stars….

    I know that stars are HUGE but if Jesus holds seven stars in His hands then, there is nothing that I go through that will be too big for Him to handle…

  22. Ted M. Gossard says:

    John 15 about abiding/remaining in Jesus. The entire passage, around 17 verses points out all the dymanics involved in this.

    I just know that I need it. I need to practice and grow in this. A life truly in Jesus, not just for me, but for the Father, and for the world. And us as branches in this together.

  23. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Rick, just to let you know that we also care for you, because of your sufferings.
    What happened 20 years ago?

    And pray that God will show His way for you.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    I must admit when I first read the topic question I was a bit overwhelmed as to how to give a short and simple answer. As the whole of scripture is the place whereby the Holy Spirit leads instructs, comforts and directs me to.

    But on my wall I have several scripture verses as reminders.

    1 Corinthians 13 verse’s 1 thru 13, This to remind me of my attitude I need to have with my family, friends and people I have yet to meet.

    Philippians 4 verse’s 4 thru 7, This to remind me of my attitude of prayer and direction to the peace that I long for in my heart.

    Psalms 109 verse 105, This reminds me of where to find the light to direct my pathway.

    Proverbs 3 verse’s 5&6 This to remind me not to trust my own thoughts but to whom and where to place my trust.

    Joshua 25:15 My dedication to the lord.

    Galatians 5 verse’s 22 thru 23, This to remind me of what my day should reflect

    Hebrews 11:1 Here I find my days hope defined.

    When Matthew first came home from the hospital the Holy Spirit took us through a journy of scripture for Matt’s and my strengthening.
    It began with Isaiah 59:1 “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it can not save; neither His ear heavy, that it can not hear.”
    Followed up with Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, Shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”

    I kept a journal of scripture during that first year and it is too exhaustive to rewrite here. But I can say that the richness of Gods word is with out measure.

    lilu1314h, Do not dispair, God is always with you.

  25. SFDBWV says:

    Of course then there are the Psalms,

    Psalms 138 and 139 tells me how close God is to me and fills me with strength.

    Psalms 140,141,142,143 deliverance and victory.

    Psalms 144 thru 150 blessings and praise

    How can the Psalms be mentioned witout the most famous of all the 23rd Psalm, For the Lord is indeed my shepherd.

    Then there is the Book of John and especially John 14, There is the Book of Romans, Thessalonians 1 & 2 , Hebrews, Each Book every word speaks to me from the Holy Spirit. A very personal and intimate relationship.

    A wellspring of life that sustains me.

  26. afranz says:

    As I am getting older I am looking at things a little differently. There are services I can’t do anymore, work that is beyond my physical capabilities. But prayer is an ongoing service, and an offering I am capable of giving. In devotions this morning I came across Ps. 71:17 and realized it applies to me now more than ever. “O God, You have taught me from my youth, And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.”
    lilu1314h, The devil is lying to you about your past. Don’t let him get away with it. You are here because God got you through it, and He is with you to strengthen and guide you. He has washed you clean in the blood of His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    Romans 8: 38 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”nkj
    I hope this helps, you will be on my mind and in my prayers.

  27. poohpity says:

    All humans beings were given free will which led us to sin and break fellowship with God. I wish I could take back the things I have done wrong to people but I can’t. People do horrible things to other people and it is not right but it is not God who does it and if you are mad at God right now He is big enough to handle that just tell Him how you feel and soon you will find His peace in it all. I am sorry to hear about your sorrow it would be nice if we all stopped hurting each other but for now that is not going to happen. One day when the Lord gathers us to Himself there will be no more sorrow, tears, or pain. I for one can not wait for that time to be. May God comfort you in this time of distress and bring you the peace only He can offer.

  28. dependent says:

    I’m blessed to see Christ’s love being extended through his family here. We will all meet one day!

    I most often turn to the prayer of Psalm 25…a petition for protection, guidance and forgiveness that so struck a chord with me about 15 years ago, I memorized most of it and am still amazed with how the passage speaks to me as I pray the words or variations of it.

    As I’ve ‘digested’ or internalized this scripture, I’ve developed a hunger to know God’s character and how he operates. Helps me break through my religiosity, my pride and gives me hope that he indeed grants his favor to, and confides in, those who seek to know him!

    A snippet:
    Psa 25:4-8
    Make me understand your ways, O LORD!
    Teach me your paths!
    Guide me into your truth5 and teach me.
    For you are the God who delivers me;
    on you I rely all day long.
    Remember your compassionate and faithful deeds, O LORD,
    for you have always acted in this manner.
    Do not hold against me8 the sins of my youth or my rebellious acts!
    Because you are faithful to me, extend to me your favor, O LORD!

  29. Rick123 says:

    foreverblessed: I thought that when I was going to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior about 20 years ago things were going to change for the better. But things got worse for me, I got attacked by satan in many ways. From attacks while I was sleeping, sudden blows to my body, spiritual attacks from family members. False brethren that show no mercy nor love who say I am in the way I am in for my sin. Other false brethren who come against me for what I believe in God’s word. There was one year that the attacks from demons were almost every day and night and this constant attacks lasted for about 6 months, I hardly slept between 2 and 4 hours cause the attacks were brutal. As though dying about a few times but I am alive, as though having nothing but I have it all, as though being accused as an evil doer but the LORD sets things right. Those that rose up against me, the LORD rebuked and corrected them. Almost all of my family members learned the hard way when they rose up against me.

    For these things I sought the Lord Jesus a few times, that it might go away from me. but he gave me a scripture from the bible that said: 2Cr 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    I take comfort in Jesus that what ever satan throws at me, it will not be stronger than the precious blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus is enough for me.

    We have the victory already in Christ Jesus, we should believe in him and his word: Rom 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  30. bubbles says:

    laney, I too have Psalm 18:2 written on a Greenbrier River rock that sits beside my makeup tray. I see this verse each morning.

    What a blessing it is to be able to read IThes. 4:13-18. . it’s such a comfort when a loved one has died.

    Seems like when there is a very difficult trial in my life the Lord gives me a verse or chapter that really helps. Psalm 91 and 90 are sooo good.

    We are very blessed to have the Word of God to help us.
    Sometimes I’ll write a date beside a verse in my Bible when it has really been helpful to me. It’s good to go back and remember when a verse became very real.

  31. saled says:

    Psalm 51:10 gives me hope. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” I know I can’t create a clean heart in myself, but God can do this miracle. I know I can’t create a clean heart in any of my family, but God can do this miracle. Sometimes I sense that he is doing this for me, other times I pray this verse and wait.

  32. lilu1314h says:


    Thanks for the encouragement.

    The mind seem “stuck” right now, need sometime to rekindle His love again.

  33. systemX says:

    I do not have any particular verses to share, but i have some sentences that i remind myself daily to keep me from feeling sad, worried and all the negative things that may hamper me from doing the right thing and causing me to stumble and fumble.

    I ask myself this question: “Do I trust God enough to handle it and control the outcome for me?” – I ask this when i start worrying unnecessarily and cause myself to feel sad.

    Another one is: “God wont let you down, trust him because he is God, and we belong to him, how could he let us down if he loves us so much?” – I tell myself this also when i feel sad and forget that nothing is too big for God to handle/control.

    Ive always had problems with relationships and it has bogged me down since January. But i realize that God loves me, and i just want to encourage those who feel sad, dont be.. as some of the posters here have said, think happy thoughts and remind yourself to trust God and keep clinging on to Him no matter what happens.

  34. cherielyn says:

    I have been struggling with several issues, both health & personal, off & on for the past several years. Recently I came across something which struck a chord in me & I have begun using it as my automatic signature on my emails.

    Reading all the posts, I can feel the pain that many of you are experiencing. Without naming each one, individually, just know that I have read each of the above posts and you are all on my prayer list.

    Here is my automatic signature:

    “Find a way to be thankful for your troubles – they might become your blessings!”

  35. daisymarygoldr says:

    Food i.e. a well-balanced diet is what I eat on a regular basis to sustain growth and good health of my physical body. Personally for me, I cannot eat when I am sick or sad… because consuming health issues do not whet rather suppress my appetite and make me repulsive towards food.

    Likewise, feeding on God’s Word both day and night nourishes and sustains my overall spiritual growth and health. Up to a certain point in my life it was a process of committing scripture to memory. Merely eating is also not healthy… the food has to be digested, assimilated and used as fuel for all growth purposes.

    Merely reading God’s word without obeying His instructions leads to stunted growth and causes leanness of the soul. Hence, I read and depend on His grace to do accordingly… As I grew up and learned and developed a personal relationship with the Word, it created a desire in me to know Him more….so that my inner person might grow and be transformed into the full stature of Jesus Christ

    Thus it is a delight to meditate on the Word “when I sit down, when I walk, when I lie down and when I rise up”. And now, the Word of God is my life as I feed on Him voraciously, I hear, see, walk, talk and breathe the Word. Now, “I treasure the words of His mouth more than my necessary food”, it saturates my very being and permeates all aspects and caters to all issues, concerns, problems and circumstances of my life.

    There were times when the Bible was not handy but hiding God’s Word in my heart has helped me sense His comforting presence through the fiercest storms and the fieriest furnace. The secret to remaining unperturbed is not me but Christ- the Word made alive within me.

  36. SFDBWV says:

    Life is a struggle from birth thru death. The few who escape life without it’s pains, disapointments and losses have missed out on ….. life.

    Life is unfair, unjust and sometimes merciless. It can be cruel, hard and insufferable.

    For thoes who are caught in the grip of misery, there is little any can say that makes life seem any better. when your heart is filled with heartache and your mind filled with the bleakness of no hope, why, seems to be an unanswerable question.

    It is here that sometimes the only friend we have is our suffering.

    It is here that sometimes the only thing that can be done is for another to pray for you, for you feel prayed out….Here is where you need the love of Christ shown through the love and comfort and support of others.
    Here is where we have the opprotunity to help carry the spiritual load of another, by “simply” praying for the needs of another, above your own.

    I pray for all thoes who hurt and can’t find relief…

    For even in the midst of the darkness of this world, there is light, warmth, love and someone who cares.

    Christ is that light and we His agents…love someone today, and pray for all.

  37. daisymarygoldr says:

    This practise of feeding on particular parts and pieces of the Word while facing specific issues is interesting. Never heard of this before… to me it sounds dangerous… gulping in half-truths…which does not help in any way but makes the problems remain maximized.

    My approach is the other way around. I read all of God’s Word and it addresses and minimizes all my problems as and when they arise… to the point where even if problems persist the pain becomes non existent. Aside: I’m guessing this difference in our persepectives about feeding on God’s word might be the reason why you see gray areas and I don’t… just my hunch.

    Feeding on His Word is an everyday affair. I simply read the Bible through every book, chapter, verse, line and precept and it is so remarkable to hear God’s comforting words even through such passages that describe genealogies and as I had shared before, He does inspires different thoughts at different times through that one and same verse.

    For instance, after spending a swell of a time with my parents, it was heart breaking to bid them adieu…as I wondered if or when we’ll see each other again… i.e. here on earth. It was extremely difficult to rip myself apart from the wonderful moments spent at my father’s house and think of flying back to a place far away from their love and moral support… to a different land and people. However, my emotional roller coaster ride was brought to a halt with “Listen, O daughter… Forget your people and your father’s house”.

    So, for me all of His Word in its entirety equips me perfectly for every issue… it is sufficient to satiate and sustain me throughout my lifetime. Therefore, I do not have to look to feed from elsewhere … not at the faithful snoopy dog or the selfish pussy cat, not at concocted extensions of human imaginations filled movies, TV soaps or even books like “The Shack”… they are all junk food which is so detrimental to one’s health…which when eaten will certainly cause issues to eat me up.

    There are no particular portions… Boring historical records or interesting romantic songs, pure and wholesome Word of God whether they express God’s wrath-filled judgments or His unfailing love and mercy, strengthens me when I am weak, comforts me when I am sad and helps me endure and overcome every hurdle in life…. to fill me with a blessed hope for everlasting life!

  38. diamonds says:

    You seem to assume that you are the only one who reads God’s word in its entirety. Of course, you’re not. Mart asked us what parts had been nourishing us of late. I say this in all kindness, but you often sound as if you are the only one who has it right. At least that’s the way you come across to me on this blog. If we have not made it as far as you on the spiritual ladder, please forgive us. Bear with us. God is not finished with us yet.

  39. rhorshin says:

    During my morning meditation I read 5 Psalms. One recent morning, as I was pondering the state of our nation and getting anxious, I was on my way to the book of Psalms, and the Lord stopped me at Job 38 and I started reading it from there to the end of the book. What reassurance filled my soul that God is in control of all things. It is amazing how the Lord will take the troubled soul and provide deep peace regardless of circumstances. As Job said in 42:5 – “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear,But now my eye sees You”.
    We can talk ABOUT the Shepherd, but it is in the valley of darkness that we talk TO HIM.

  40. poohpity says:

    I understand that reading the bible in it’s wholeness is our spiritual food rather than any books outside of it, that is a given. People do however choose a life verse that sort of sums up the area that they need to hold on to. My mom read her bible everyday yet her life verse was Proverbs 3:5-8. No matter how bad her memory got she still could recite that verse it was amazing. She also knew the bible all the way around and through.

    dmg I am beginning to understand you a little more over these years that in your zeal of directing people to God’s word it may seem there is pride in your words but now I am learning that just may be your love of the Lord and your culture coming out. Hey I am still up for a cup of coffee or tea sometime, you know I am only a minute away from you.

  41. SFDBWV says:

    Please forgive me for paraphasing. But it works best for me to do so in this message.

    1Corinthians 13 verse 1 thru 3 says, Even if I can speak all languages even the language spoken of by angels;
    Even if I have the gift of prophecy and know everything there is to know;
    Even if I have the faith to do whatever I undertake;
    Even if I sell all I own and give it to the poor;
    If I am able to do all of these things and do not have and show love for my fellow man, I AM NOTHING….

    1 Cornithians 13 verse’s 4 thru 8 says LOVE, suffers long,is kind, does not envy, does not brag, is not proud, is not rude, is not selfish, does not get upset with others, does not hold grudges, is not pleased with evil, is pleased with the truth, bears-believes-hopes and endures all, for others. True love never fails to love in spite of all.

    This section of scripture sums up how I am to treat other people, even as Jesus treats me.

    It is a reminder that having every spiritual gift and remembering every verse of scripture means nothing to God, if I don’t have and show love for my fellow man.

    Love is an action word, you can feel it but you also must act upon it.

  42. diamonds says:

    SFDBWV’s comment makes me say “ouch.” I apologize for my quick response to your last entry. Had I thought about it a little longer, I probably would have let it lie. Please forgive me for any hurt feelings I may have caused you. Poohpity knows you better than I, so she’s probably correct in her assessment. Again, I’m sorry.

  43. instructor says:

    To eat or be eaten is an interesting subject matter. When I was 42, I found an intestinal tract full of toxins were eating on me. Old waste acids at my cell level were causing joint arthritis. I got on blood purifier program and an intestinal cleanse and it stopped eating on me after a couple of months. That was 25 years back. I have found that the scriptures deal with two basic concepts. They are the spiritual and the physical. If a person does not constantly involve themselves with the WORD of GOD, they are being eaten on by sloppy doctrine. If they are not eating organic food and keeping their intetinal tract clean, then toxins will be eating on their insides.

    Most Pastors and teachers reject the physical (proper nutrition). Many of them reject the doctrine. A book called Revolution in World Mission calls the United States Church pretty much asleep. Well, I wonder why??

  44. SFDBWV says:

    diamonds, Sorry didn’t mean for you to “ouch”.

  45. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    Our Lord gave me two verses when I began my walk with Him and they have led me into a deeper and deeper relationship with Him. Matthew 11 28-30 and Proverbs 1:7. I know those words are for everyone but those words are so so special to me as they began my journey and are the words that have taken me from where I was to where I am. I love all of God’s word but those verses were the beginning.

  46. poohpity says:

    Hey there gr8 good to have you back. How is the you know what? I love you and have missed you.

  47. poohpity says:

    Hey ape are you still out there? How about helmet? Gosh darn I love this site and all you folks. :-)

  48. diamonds says:

    I was just thinking how much I truly believe God desires us to live balanced lives. There reallly is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying an appropriate television program, reading a good fiction novel,taking a vacation, having sex with our spouse… you know. God is the giver of all good gifts. We put way too many restrictions on ourselves. I believe when we get to heaven, we will say, “What? Do you mean I could have enjoyed that?” I know that God is and should always be number one, but if He truly is, everything else will fall in line under Him. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying your life in Christ!

  49. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    I’ve reached out to many trying to find verses this time around. I have no one to counsel me. This is by far the hardest trial I’ve ever had and I’ve had more than anyone I’ve ever heard of. I am not handling this well at all.
    I’ve given my 14 yr old a fun life, seasoned with the Lord. Though not sexual at this point, she thinks she’s gay. I truly love the sinner, truly hate the sin. However, she wants me to accept this living sin in her as many of her friends parents do. I will not say it’s ok to be gay. This puts me in a position of choosing her or God. I have to choose God. This tormented her to the point of suicide attempts.
    This attack is very strong. We don’t look for or want paranormal issues, but it’s happening as well. It was very present at a time of extreme pressure. (Husband was hospitalized for a serious life/death incident.)
    This is too strong for her. (Please don’t say that God wouldn’t give you anything you can’t handle. That’s not scripture based. 1 Cor 13 is talking about sin temptation, not trials. God does allow things we can’t handle. We wouldn’t ever call on Him if He didn’t.)
    I’m completely devastated as she’s my only child. My pride (a bit sinful perhaps)is hurt as she’s been a well behaved, blessed child of Gods with promise of great walk with Him.
    Please pray for us!

  50. xrgarza says:

    Good morning all,
    Back in the summer of 1987 my Son & Daughter after not seeing them for almost six years (due to a bitter divorce) came to live with me. About four and a half years earlier I had denounced my relationship with God and all that He had to offer.

    Needless to say I had what I like to call my Apostle Paul experience, God showed up in my time of desperation. So I as I began to follow Him I wanted to learn all that he had for me. But I was thirty y/o and I only knew a hand full of scriptures that I had learned in Sunday school. I didn’t even know where to begin reading my Bible.

    Trying to learn values principles to live a Spiritual life at the same time that I am trying to develop values and principles to live my physical life with so that I can teach my children properly was just to overwhelming for me.

    I came to the conclusion that the Bible was nothing but values and principles that have already been written and if they were in fact true principles they would work in both dimensions. My children and I began to do family devotions daily and when ever I had encountered a parenting situation that I did not know how to resolve on my own I would hunt for it in scripture and the Lord would give me supernatural wisdom to resolve the problem.

    I began to teach third a grade Sunday school class, I figured if anything I was at about a third grade level when it came to Bible knowledge, that was when I became the teachers pet for the first time in my life, I learned so much.

    Fast forward to July 2009, I have been an empty nester since January 1999 and about a year and a half ago I became a long haul truck driver, as much as I love my job my hours are all over the map, I don’t start work at the same time every day, I have time for my devotions but to spend two or three hours a day with the Lord on a 1 on 1 reading and praying is not happening. This week I finally received my NIV Bible on CD so far I listened half way through Leviticus, Wow! The first two books alone have taught me so much more than I did not knew, putting scripture together in order is like working on a jig saw puzzle and seeing the bigger pieces come together.

    I figure I can go through the entire Bible in a month, and just become saturated in His word. Phil’s 4:13 is the one of the many verses that has kept me going, and I really believe everything that I read when it comes to scripture. I am looking forward to see what God allows me to do and experience with this newfound knowledge and wisdom.

    Please forgive me for being so long winded
    God Bless you all today!

  51. SFDBWV says:

    AmazedbyHis grace, Good morning to you. My name is Steve. I don’t know if you have followed this blog long enough to hear of others trials and tribulations. But there are many good people on this blog with devistating events challanging their lives and walk with God.

    So take comfort in knowing you do not suffer alone.

    All sin is still sin. Your daughter’s youthfull flirtation with homosexuality is certainly upsetting for you. But God is not asking you to decide between Him and your daughter. He is asking you to love your daughter in spite of her errant way. He is asking for you to tell her you disagree with her but still love her. Because He still loves her, and will be patient with her.

    God is the judge of all mankind. If your daughter has been raised up knowing Jesus as her Saviour, this will will never depart from her.

    I can’t know all the circumstances of you or your daughters life. But God does.

    Please do not dispair, keep faithful in your prayers and God is faithful to hear you. I will also pray for you as I am sure many here on this blog will as well.

    There is great power is prayer, and in faith.


  52. xrgarza says:

    PS: Please forgive my grammatical errors rushing to get to work I did not proof my writing very well this morning please be patient with me.


  53. SFDBWV says:

    Xavier, If being gramaticly correct were a prerequisite condition to writing on this blog, I and few of us would be allowed to contribute.

    I enjoyed your testimony, it is always the same for us all. When we finally get around to coming back to God we find Him already there and ready to welcome us with open arms.

    His unconditional love a goal for us to learn how to copy.


  54. pegramsdell says:

    AmazedbyHisgrace, I will be praying for you and your daughter. You are both children of God and my sisters. God bless you both and I pray that He reconcile you back together again. With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God. Love you, Peg

  55. William Tan says:

    Hi Mart
    Thank God for His Words
    Sharing Songs

    Artists / D / Don Moen / Discography / As We Worship You
    Don Moen Lyrics – As We Worship You
    Title As We Worship You
    Artist Don Moen

    Song lyrics
    As we worship You, let all the world come and see
    How the mercy we received from You can set them free
    As we worship You, let all this joy that fills our hearts
    Bring a hunger and a hope to those who strayed so far

    As we bow in adoration and stand in reverent awe
    Show Your majesty and glory, let Your anointing fall
    As we declare Your name Lord Jesus as the only name who saves
    May the power of Your salvation fill each heart we pray

    As we worship You, let all the nations hear our song
    Song of Jesus and His blood that proved His love for all
    As we worship You, may all the lost and broken come
    May they hear Your still small voice call out their names each one

    As we worship You, let all the world come and see
    How the mercy we received from You can set them free
    As we worship You, let all this joy that fills our hearts
    Bring a hunger and a hope to those who strayed so far

    As we bow in adoration and stand in reverent awe
    Show Your majesty and glory, let Your anointing fall
    As we declare Your name Lord Jesus as the only Name who saves
    May the power of Your salvation fill each heart we pray
    As we worship You, as we worship You
    As we worship You, as we worship You
    As we worship You


    Hillsong United Lyrics – You Are God Lyrics

    chorus :
    You are God
    You alive
    I will worship You forever

    He know me before i took my first breath
    and He know the day that i will breath the last
    You’re the Alfa Omega beginning and end
    forever to You i sing


    Into Your hands i commit my spirit
    You’re the only one who satisfies my soul
    You’re the Alfa Omega beginning and end
    forever to You I sing


    King Of Kings
    [” ” CD]

    (Words and music Geoff Bullock)
    King of Kings
    Lord of Lords
    Jesus the Son of God is glorified
    Prince of Peace
    Holy One
    Jesus the Son of God is glorified
    He is risen to the Father’s right hand
    Now seated on the throne
    All authority
    In Heaven and on earth
    Is given to His Name
    The Name of the Lord
    He’s exalted ‘bove the heavens and the earth
    And every knee shall bow
    Every tongue confess that
    Jesus Christ is Lord
    The Name above all names
    The Name of the Lord

    Lyrics > H > Hillsongs Australia Lyrics > King Of Kings Song

    Son Of God Lyrics

    Hold my hand and walk with me
    You’re the Light that makes me see
    On this path my soul You lead
    O my Shepherd walk with me
    I need You more then breath
    You’re my hope in You I live
    Angels worship at Your throne
    Power and Glory to You alone
    My Saviour
    Glorious one
    My Redeemer
    Living in my heart
    Now and forever
    Your Kingdom come
    Jesus Son of God
    Jesus Son of God
    Jesus,O Jesus
    Holy is The Lamb of God
    Jesus,O Jesus
    Worthy is The Lamb of God

  56. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    Dear SFDBWV and others,
    Thank you for your prayers and continued prayer support. This attack is still very strong and we’re having a time with it. It goes deeper than what I intially wrote and will write now. God did not allow us to raise abandoned children that we took and and loved very dearly. This devastation lasted 20 years until we found them. I wouldn’t trade the Spiritual growth I had during this time, but it makes me wonder why I have to have so much tragedy in my life to direct my paths. (This was just one of many things that have happened.)I don’t have the One on one guidance now that I had then. It’s also made me wonder from day one if it was God’s will to take in our daughter. I’ve loved being her full time mother, given her a life that most didn’t get a chance at and thought she was an answered gift. She’s been very easy to raise, loved the Lord, very good, well liked and then suddenly, the strong attack. It also made no sense. I’m mad that God has allowed this in comparison to what else He’s allowed. I think it’s plainly not fair. I just don’t get it. I’m not turning my back at all and I’ve written my best Spirit led childrens lessons and coordinating activities in the midst of this. I just am not handling this well at all inbetween. Please pray that God will interevene and rescue our daughter from the dominion of darkness, blessings for my husbands health, (It’s amazing that he can even get out of bed, yet he goes to work everyday), severance for his previous dedicated work, that we will prosper with this new company. I don’t know why I added the last part, but perhaps it was Spirit led. Thank you.

  57. sonchild says:

    Verse concerning worries:
    Ist and favourite Genesis 15:1
    God says to childless Abram,
    “I am your shield and very great reward.”

    Too much proof in the OT of God’s Word to deny this one. Also easy to remember for older minds. LjoyfullyOL

    Stand your ground dear, sweet Mom and pray into the storm: you truly do not want what is fair in life, you want forgiveness and blessing. I will pray with you as I feel called to remind you of things you have already known. Remember your daughters sin is more visible to you than her peers’ sins; If she was a gossip would you love her differently? Ask her how she wants to receive love from you. Then give her love the way she receives it best. I read how wonderfully loving you are naturally. Now you need the supernatural. Remember, this is not about you -God has a much bigger agenda. Tragedy is part of life. Embrace your blessings and lean into the storm in full prayer. Your anger is trapping you. Confess it and move in freedom. I love you sister as I pray and write this. You need to be free from the bondage of anger to love abundantly.

    Talk to God directly first, than the a pastor or counselor, as the Holy Spirit leads you. You had one on one counsel for years. A tree only needs to be staked for a short time to be strong and healthy. Remember to test the source of advice with scripture in full context. (including mine)

    You may be dealing with spiritual roots from the child’s family of origin. Ask God in earnest prayer first -not man. Bless you in this journey. Remember to praise God and bless Him abundantly and then bless your daughter and her friends in your prayers.

    We never really know all there is to our children but God does. Often when their issues become our issues, we are sinning in taking on their problems. Our anger is not justified in this case, in fact it chokes us. God is sovereign and it is his job to fight darkness and call his children from ignorance and darkness. We are to stand our ground in prayer and wait for his directions to action for us. Pray all the time. I read your notes, prayed, and was called to action. Give your daughter to God and your anger and all your fears, put them in your hand, and turn your hand palm down and drop them at the feet of Jesus where they belong. You cannot take them back this way. Remember your daughter was God’s daughter first.

    God is gracious and sovereign. He saves us. Bless you Father God and bless your family.

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