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The Geico Gecko

A Science article by Henry Fountain in the New York Times yesterday tells an interesting story about the little Gecko whose animated likeness has been  so cleverly used in the TV Gecko/Geico Insurance commercials.

According to the author, “Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can self-amputate its tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it the lizard can run faster.” The article goes on to say that scientists are interested in the way that the tail seems to have a life of it’s own and can lay on the ground “distractingly twitching” for up 30 minutes.

Now I’ve got a theory that when it comes to the relationship between the natural creation and it’s creator– with the help of the Bible, from any point, “you can get there from here.”

So what are the options? Am thinking of the places in the Gospels where Jesus says, theoretically, and to make a point, that if an eye or a limb is keeping us from entering the Kingdom of heaven, then it would be far better to i.e. let the tempting enemy have an eye or a limb as we run for the safey of God.

Unfortunately,  some have taken Jesus literally and actually mutilated themselves in an effort to avoid temptation. After sacrificing  a body part, they discover that the problem between them and God was not in the part– but in the heart.

So the solution is not to cut off a limb— which, theoretically, would be worth it to get into the Kingdom of God– if it would work. The solution is to commit our hearts to the grace-filled, forgiving Savior who sacrificed not just a body part– but his very life for our rescue.

May seem like a stretch, but seems like maybe the Gecko can tell a story of the ultimate kind of insurance.


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24 Responses to “The Geico Gecko”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Matthew and I are very amused at todays topic heading. We get a great deal of distance laughing at the Geico Geko.

    Though quite a stretch, still a seque into a good scripture lesson.

    Personaly I think all of creation points to the creator, and all of scripture points to Christ.

    Body mutilation involved in Christian worship is just not found anywhere in scripture. But it is found in the pagan worship of Baal. As well as other religions around the world. All false all demonic in nature.

    A lesson I adopted in understanding some of what Jesus taught is this. When He would speak of literal places or people, He would assign names to the people or events. Or would quote the prophets.

    I am sure that Jesus, when being quoted as saying it is better to pluck out your eye, rather then to be led into hell by what the eye sees, believed that to be true. Of course it is about not being tempted into sin by keeping the temptation in view. Or frontal in mind. Easy to say, a lot more difficult to accomplish (on your own).

    “God will make a way”….I know this famous quote to be true.

    When temptation comes, God provides a way out, if we chose to accept it. This takes courage and action on our part, but God will help strengthen you, and you will be blesssed for making the right choice.

    It sounds right that if you have no strength left to fend off temptaion, it would be better to run away from it, then to give into it. But wherever you run you will drag your weaknesses with you. If you leave an eye behind or a hand or your tongue or even a tail; Soon you will run out of body parts and your paticular temptation will pursue you, until you are able to overcome it and give it to Christ. To be defeated, by the cross.

  2. chfranke says:

    Love the way you think…the twists and turns you make are surprising and cleaver. It stretches my mind. You are teaching me that practically anything I come across in my daily life can be used as an example of my relationship with Christ and can be used to witness to others.
    I want that skill.

  3. samjw says:

    Nice example. I believe we can also self-amputate old and wrong parts of our hearts both to have new hearts every day and to save ourselves from the evil. LIVE BY FAITH.

  4. Loretta Beavis says:

    Although I wouldn’t cut off my tongue to “enter” God has provided the Holy Spirit to help me “cut off” the gossip (in which my “tongue” so easily partiicpates- the heart-part of my tongue.

    Can we share/send photos to RBC, to use on the site, no “rules” attached?

    I love my Jesus!

  5. samjw says:

    Read an article entitled “The Gecko’s Tail Has a Life of Its Own” and Have seen a video how the tail itself moves.

    Researchers want to study it for central pattern generator. The pattern turned out regular mostly and irregular sometimes. Tail motion depends on the terrain on which gecko used to live. When I saw a video, a tail-in-my-heart could be in motion by old patterns practiced in the world. I am afraid that I would get another tail from this world.

    Well, I wish all of us to have a new tongue, arms, legs, or head from Him, following His pattern in life.

  6. pegramsdell says:

    When I became born again, the old self didn’t go away right away….but now….after many years, I can hardly recognize that old man.
    I think repenting is like cutting off our tails and running. Thank You Jesus for choosing to forget my past sins and throwing them away as far as the east is from the west.
    Good topic Mart and very creative.:)

  7. poohpity says:

    This is how my mind works. When I read the topic I thought about a thing I learned that if one person says you have a tail you may glance back and see if it is true. If someone else says the same thing although you may not see it for your self but there may indeed be a tail there. Just like in scripture it tells us if we see a brother in a sin go to them and talk about it, if the person does not stop then take another and then to the church if there is still no resolution. The reason being that at some point that person can be restored.

    Well to tell you the truth it is my mind that causes me to sin and I have tried and tried to take it out but no luck.:-) We seem to be tempted to sin on every side but thank God that Jesus has overcome the world and all it’s temptations. I think the most valid thing to learn is to realize that we all sin in some form or another but because we know what sin is we now have the ability to avoid it. We are no longer held captive by it, we have freedom to choose a different way.

    If anyone of us never sinned again we might put ourselves in the place of God. So that maybe the thorn in all of our sides, sin.

  8. rokdude5 says:

    Im thinking that when we become believers AND let Jesus be our Lord, then the Great Surgeon will start cutting on our gangrenous sinful ways. Like any other operations, its something that we cant do on our own.

    We still have a choice of hanging on to that dying part or letting Him amputate it. BTW, His surgeries are free and yet, in a way, not painfree but He isnt interested in our comfort. He is more interested in our character. RJ

  9. wretch-like-me says:

    Dear Friends:

    As Mart said…”the solution is not to cut off a limb– which, theoretically, would be worth it to get into the Kingdom of God– if it would work. The solution is to commit our hearts to the grace-filled, forgiving Savior who sacrificed not just a body part– but his very life for our rescue.”

    Pooh…I find myself most in what you have shared.
    “… it is my mind that causes me to sin and I have tried and tried to take it out but no luck.:-) We seem to be tempted to sin on every side but thank God that Jesus has overcome the world and all it’s temptations.”

    Like Paul, I find myself exhausted and exasperated…
    “Oh, Wretched Man that I am…that which I know I should do I do NOT! and that which I know I should NOT do, I find myself doing.”

    My ONLY salvation is in Christ. I go to Him for grace, forgiveness, mercy, restoration, comfort and the strength to pickup up my ‘pallet’ and walk. It would be sooooo easy to give up and allow Satan to win; to cease to struggle with temptation and failure.

    I confess my greatest trial is just to continue to live each day from the ‘starting line’. Like the film, ‘Groundhog Day’, I get to begin again and try to learn from my previous days’ experiences.

    However, like our previous discussion about the ‘cup half-full or half-empty’ some days begin brightly and others with the ‘funk’ of storm clouds and forboding.

    Please pray for me, specifically, that I continue to find the courage in Christ’s love to ‘finish the race’ with the integrity of not giving up… even if it means coming in hours or days or years after the last runner.

    today, I need your HUGGS.

  10. marma says:

    Hi, I’m new to this blogging/comments thing. Here’s my take.

    The tail is like something that is so part of me, but can be used to haul me away from God. Decision time comes when I say, it’s really going to hurt, but to save my life, I need to let this go (by His Spirit, as others have said).

    For me, it is the habitually wrong use of the eye and the hand that gets me into trouble.

    The gecko is running to safety, and for me, that is to the Lord, since He is the only one that can deliver me,anyway.

    Analogies all break down somewhere; however, this one helps me picture the struggle when thinking about temptation as real danger to us and to our spiritual lives.

  11. poohpity says:

    I understand your struggle and I also know that our Lord understands as well. May His loving arms wrap around you through these times and pray you find comfort in the words of those who have gone before us who have struggled with despair like David. David struggled with depression to the point of his bones feeling like they were wax and unable to hold him up. It is so wonderful to know we are not alone in what we go through.

    I would love to be there to give you a hug but obviously that is not possible but your wife is and I bet she would hold you for a while. Know that my heart is there with you and I love you. Choose to think about those things which are good and pure. You are in the Masters care.

  12. bubbles says:

    please know that i’ll pray for you also. you have been such an wonderful encouragement to so many here–even recently. thank you for being brave to share your need.
    you are very important. you will be in my prayers tonight.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    Frank, The scripture examples of the weakness of all of the people God used, has sustained and encouraged me.

    If this wonderful book was written by man rather than God, man would has edited out all the bad examples and shown only a perfect people who are rewarded for following God.

    But praise God He knew we would be weak and fail, He knew we would grieve for our shortcomings. So He has shown us that we all fall short of the glory and have need of that bridge to complete our journey home.

    Nobody makes it on their own, nobody; only with the aid and help and forgiveness of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit can we endure this life and have any hope of making it. But Praise God, once we have made that decision for Jesus, we have already won the prize.

    Take some comfort in knowing that we are all in this together.


  14. phpatato says:


    Please know that you won’t be alone while trying to cross that finish line. I most likely will be somewhere right with you. I take comfort in hearing that it’s slow and steady that wins the race and we aren’t on our own while running it. HE is right there with us, for HIS promise to us is that HE will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. And be assured that those who get there before us will be at the finish line cheering us over! So keep on growing and dropping those tails my friend, our Protector has HIS arms wide open.

    He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry, thirsty land,
    He hideth my life in the depths of His love and covers me there with His hand, and covers me there with His hand.

    Isaiah 40:31


  15. wretch-like-me says:

    thanks all for the kindness and most of all the prayers you offer on my behalf…

    I am still deeply affected by our recent conversations with our native american brother. So much so that I am reading ‘Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee’ by Dee Brown. It is no wonder that he feels the way he does regarding the mistreatment of native americans by invading europeans.

    However, mankind’s inhumanity to others is not solely a trait of europeans. I wish I had expressed it better when I had the chance. The real question is how any of us should react to the abuse of others, regardless of race, color or creed. Perhaps the anniversary of 9/11 will refresh our memories.

    Perhaps one question that I should have asked Sakieota is how his beliefs deal with failure to live up to the ideals of behavior towards others. Is there a limit to the number of failures before there is no recovery? Is there a struggle between ‘good and evil’? Is there a ‘hope’ for restoration despite unlimited failures to live up to the standard?

    It is indeed comforting to be reminded of the old standard…”I place my hope on nothing less, than Jesus Christ and His Righteousness!”

    I am indeed a sinner with many failures to my ‘credit.’ How He can love me, I cannot fathom? Yet, I have His Word that affirms HE DIED FOR ME!!!

    I SHALL FOREVER ‘PRAISE HIM’ (with words and most importantly, in efforts to live accordingly.)


  16. poohpity says:

    So many people groups from all over have been oppressed and I believe that we have the opportunity to stand up for them. People from every tribe, nation, and gender. I believe we were called to action but sometimes we are so comfortable where we are we fail to do anything. Maybe everything that is happening in the United States now is prompting us to be quiet no longer. We are given the strength and wisdom of God to stand up for our beliefs and confront evil but we choose to be arm chair quarterbacks.

    Who will go the Lord asks?

    It would be nice to get more people who have moral character to get involved in the congress or the senate but it is much easier to sit back and say what a mess while not getting involved. A nation fails when enough good people do nothing.

  17. xrgarza says:

    Mart, I used to share that passage with my children when they were younger but would add my interpetation which goes like this in a nutshell: to change a bad habit that you have been performing for a long time will not be easy or painless as a matter of fact it may be as painful as plucking your eye out or cutting off your hand.


  18. dependent says:

    Mart, your analogy made me think of the first few verses of Hebrews 12.

    “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, we must get rid of every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and run with endurance the race set out for us,…”

    Seems the author is exhorting us to be like our little gecko. The sin and ‘baggage’ we all carry as we endure this race is best left behind as the predator of our souls attempts to chase us until we give up.

    Verse 4 is another great reminder that all believers struggle with sin until the race is finished and we are complete in Christ:
    “You have not yet resisted to the point of bloodshed in your struggle against sin.”

    So if I’m the gecko, it’s better for me to lose the “sin that clings so closely”, even if it means some major and drastic and even painful changes.

    It’s a great encouragement to know as we “run for our lives” toward the Author and Perfector of our faith in this dangerous world that scripture acknowledges how hard of a struggle it is to deal with the “old nature” that slows us down.

    So, to stretch the analogy a bit more… finishing the race well, without giving up, may require me to excise a huge part of my old identity. Even if I have to disregard the pain and the temporary shame that comes from being a tail-less gecko!

    And parallel to this metaphor is the idea in Ephesians 4 using the language of removing clothing and putting on new clothes:

    “You were taught with reference to your former way of life to lay aside the old man who is being corrupted in accordance with deceitful desires, to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and to put on the new man who has been created in God’s image — in righteousness and holiness that comes from truth.”
    “…and the following verse was a bonus reminder of how painful it is to, as other posters mentioned, ‘discover’ that it’s important for that old tail to be shed:
    “Therefore, having laid aside falsehood, each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.”

  19. SFDBWV says:

    Frank, I have a few special interests. Without saying, my love and appitite for knowing all about God is #1. But I also have other interests they are not limited to but include, science and history.

    History is a facinating journey. The most difficult is finding truth in history. As the conquering people usually wrote the history they wanted remembered.

    The science of history (archeology} is equally flawed by the status quo not wanting to be challenged. Finding truth here is also very difficult. Never the less very intriquing.

    There is a puzzle without an answer, as yet; Concerning a group of people who lived in southern Europe who made a unique type of arrow head. Found only in this region of ice age Europe. What makes these people a mystery is that the same arrowheads have been found in the Eastern United States in excavations in Kentucky and Tennessee.

    The eastern North American Indian concept of the longhouse is also found in post Roman England as well as Nordic cultures.

    The “truth” of history shows that people migrated all over the globe. As forced and directed by God from the Tower of Babel. Our Bible shows us the beginning point.

    History shows us also that the more organized people became, the larger their wars and conquering became. Some people were conquerers, while others were conquered. This is never pretty.

    Some people were killed into extiction, as a people. Their memory erased from the historical record. Others taken into slavery and absorbed into the culture of the conquerers.

    Displaced people, are a reletively new concept. Recorded in our scripture by the conquest of Israel by the Babylonians. More recient in history by the displacement of the Native Americans, and some may even say the Palastinians. What then is the right thiing to do in order to right all the wrongs done to the conquered? Where do we begin? How far back in history do we go?

    The worship of nature is not unique to the North American Indians, as I am sure you already know. The Israelites were guilty of this sin as well.

    The telling of stories as a history is also not unique to the North American Indian. I am sure you are aquainted with Kabbalah and other Jewish folklore. Every culture told stories of mythology. Are they all true? They all have a base yes. But the stories got better and more interesting each time they got told.

    God set the record straight, about His story, by producing the Book of Books. Our Bible.

    Our friend Sakoieta, stated clearly that he did not believe that the Bible was the only authorative history of God and man. In this I disagreed with him. But I failed in my attempt to not do so, without causing an arguement. My error. I also felt bad about it and so tried to make peace. I hope I was successfull.

    But my position hasn’t changed. The only way to God is through His Son. Jesus of Nazareth, born to a virgin named Mary. Her story is also found…in the Bible. The record of the Savior of all mankind, found … in the Bible, died on a cross at the same location of Abrahams unaccomplished sacrifice of Isaac, found in the …Bible. The resurection of Jesus, His ascention and the great commission, found…in the Bible.

    The Bible is the only written recorded History of God and man, written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. To aid in leading all of mankind to the Christ and ultimately back to the correct relationship with God.

    This is my position, even if someone else disagrees with it.

    I hope you are feeling better today.


  20. dependent says:

    Well done Steve. You are gifted. Thank you.

  21. daisymarygoldr says:

    Good Gecko-Geico analogy to explain the need to dismember body parts that cause us to sin. Also, loved samjw’s spiritual application of central pattern generator… I agree that the solution is not to cut off a limb because as you said Jesus sacrificed not just a body part but His whole body to be put to death on the cross.

    And so in order to commit my heart to the grace-filled, forgiving Savior, I “Do not offer the parts of my body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather ….offer the parts of my body to Him as instruments of righteousness. Rom 6:13

    The above interpretation is applicable if cutting off of sinning body parts is understood within the context of Matt 5. In the previous post, it was emphasized that we should sort out meanings and implications of the Bible “by reading and interpreting the Bible in context”.

    Therefore, when the same is considered in the light of Mark 9, it is interesting for me to note that this principle of maiming is also extended to the body of Christ. In this passage Jesus is teaching His disciples who were squabbling among themselves about who among them was superior.

    So, does it mean that sinning members will be cut off from the body of Christ? No. since the sacrifice of His physical body on the cross was offered for our sins, once for all… it is impossible for the spiritual body Christ cannot be dismembered or divided again… even if “some of us cannot relate to body parts that have hurt us”.

    Jesus meant to say that if any part of the body is causing other believers to sin then it must be addressed and removed before it causes the whole body to divide. In other words, the Church should not tolerate sin in its members, anymore than individual believers should tolerate sin in our lives.

    Jesus goes on to tell in Mark 9: 49 that everyone will be salted with fire. Once we have been saved and added to the body of Christ, because of “the ultimate kind of insurance”, we are no longer under the judgment of hell fire. But each one of us will be purified by the fire of the Holy Spirit so that all offences that seek to divide will be purged from within us.

    If such sins are not removed then the church will lose its saltiness. And as the salt of the earth our good deeds will no longer be effective. When sins that hinder our harmony are purged out, followers of Christ unite once again and peace is restored to the body of Christ.

    This is not to freely dispense my “puffy” human counsel over here but just to humbly share some of my trivial thoughts…

  22. Loretta Beavis says:

    Where I grew up it was the Western Swift and “alligator” lizards that shed their tails when you grabbed them! Starfish can loose an “arm” and I collected all sorts of other creatures that could loose and regenerate body parts as their natural survival system.

    It was possible to tell when a creature had this experience because the new part looked, well, new. Shiny or brighter colored, something else detectable because it didn’t “match” anymore. Actually it was better because it was newer infrastructure (bone, skin, etc.) and newer cells, no battle damage.

    In the plant world, there is the same process. Many plants that burn in fires regenerate from the crown-the part where the roots stop and the stem begins. In John, Chapter 15 (NKJ) Jesus says he is the true vine and His Father the vine dresser. Every branch (us) that doesn’t bear fruit He (vine dresser) takes away and every branch that bears fruit He prunes that it may bear more fruit.

    So in nature, and for practical reasons, I see animals and plants can get a pruning to save their life. The new part is better than the old. Christ says in verse 4 there is no fruit production if we do not abide in Him. Verses 2 and 6 describes what happens to what I would describe as the useless and withered branches.

    For people, there is a spiritual pruning-cutting back or off of some aspect that produces new, more productive growth. Unsaved, I had to be born again and became a new creation (a new branch), all of me regenerated from death because Jesus conquered the grave and is resurrection and The Living God. Now saved, I get spiritual prunings, with the new growth producing more fruit, as I abide in Christ. People notice the new fruit.

    Verse 8: ” By this My Father is glorified that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” The vine and branch parable was part of the response to 14:22 ‘Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us and not to the world?’ The world would know Jesus by those who receive His gift of salvation and live in it.

    God is good all the time.
    I am grateful to be able to join in praying for the needs of others when posted here.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    dependent, Thank you for your kind words, and you are welcome.

  24. davecain says:

    Let’s see insurance companies tv commercials…

    There is the Geico Gecko,
    the Progressive Lady,
    the Allstate guy,
    State Farm,
    The General,
    and Safe Auto.

    I’ve counted, at times 1 in 5 tv commericals are for insurance.

    I wonder how much cheaper insurance would be if they did not advertise.

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