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Peace of Mind

Some of us say we believe in God because life could not have just happened. Could never believe that this dragon fly… let alone the challenges and quiet reflection of human existence… could have happened apart from a greater personality, thought, or love…even in boundless eons of time.

But thinking about the alternative—that God, in a tri-unity of persons, or in any form at all—would exist eternally… without beginning… feels at time like even more of a crazy-maker.

Doesn’t make sense. Makes me feel like my mind is going to blow up… lock up…or shut down like an overheated engine.

For those moments, I have, so far, only been able to find peace of mind either by not thinking about it… or by thinking about the one who said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.”

Actually, sometimes I’m more inclined to say, “Lord, the only way I can find peace of mind is to think, because I believe in you, I believe in God.”

Just as importantly, I rest in something else that I cannot explain… Jesus went on to say, “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him (John 14:7). To think that God, in his otherwise inexpressible nature, is just like Jesus… in heart, purpose, and love… has to be… if true… one of the most reassuring thoughts we could ever have.

For me, Jesus resonates with more credibility than anyone else I have ever known or heard about. Even though his mind goes places I can’t even begin to contemplate, I find peace today in the assurance that what drives me senseless… he knows about… infinitely better than I do… and can handle.

I could only wish the same peace of mind for others whose minds and hearts are ruined by the trauma of war, abuse, abandonment… or even just the awareness of personal guilt for terrible wrongs done.

Addiction to mind killing alcohol, street or prescription drugs, pornography, or any other kind of sexual adrenaline, food, sport, or religious fantasy is only a momentary fix… that only delays a more hellish unraveling…

Jesus alone, for so many reasons deserves to be trusted when he says, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled… Believe… in me…”

Irish, Oxford Scholar, and former atheist, CS Lewis, seems to me to make so much sense when he said in that well worn quote… “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg – or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us” (Mere Christianity).

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38 Responses to “Peace of Mind”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Belief in God, belief in Jesus, belief in the Holy Spirit. Believing what they all have said.

    See, for me, this part is easy. Also nessesary for my own mental well being.

    In these matters I can not only find rest but a place to run to and hide.

    It is the world, from which I am tired of and need rest from.

    All the aggrivations of this world would have broken me years ago, had I not been able to believe that God is in control and though I may not understand I must simply accept and believe.

    I believe in the creation explanation of all of time and the physical universe. This places me at odds with the accepted understanding of all things science.

    Then I am then faced with believing the most unbelievable event ever recorded. The death and resurection of a man from Galilee. I am told of His story and can read it for myself in a collection of ancient books.

    But there is more. A great and relaxing miracle happens. Inside of my being, inside my mind, my heart, my understanding, all that I am mentaly, an awareness awakens in me that allows me to “know” that this whole story about this man Jesus is true.

    Then the journey begins.

    A journey to know and understand Him and what it is He expects of me, or doesn’t. A journey of learning and growing up in my faith.

    While going through this journey though, there are many pit falls and stumbling blocks. Only through keeping my mind and eyes on this man from Galilee can I make the journey at all. Yes the trek has tired me.

    A distant and fearful creator is not what our God has shown Himself to be. He is like us, or better said we are like Him. We can be be happy we can be sad, we can laugh we can weep, we can have hopes and we can have disapointments.

    Yet I can rest in knowing that there is a time coming when all creation will be healed and there will be no more tears. I can rest but God cannot. This is a burden He carries alone. All I can do is tell His story, and remain faithful to Him.

  2. taomeano says:

    I totally agree with you Mart, that one can be at peace if they can somehow come to the understanding that Jesus is a direct reflection of God in all attributes.

    The way Jesus went about life and dealt with humans is how God would have done it also. Looking at Jesus and believing everything he has said truly brings peace of mind.

    C.S Lewis’ statement you cited, has always been a powerful argument for looking at Jesus as more than a moral teacher. This is the way I see it, if a person, any person for that matter, has walked on water, fed 5000 with five loaves and two fishes, raised the dead, healed blind eyes and resurrected after death, it will be absolutely foolish bordering on madness to not listen and believe what this person has to say. No one in the history of mankind has been able to duplicate the feats that Jesus did.

    So when Jesus says “you believe in God, believe also in me” I can take that to the bank because he knows what he is talking about and I can certainly rest my hope for the present and the future in his hands. That is what gives me the peace of mind that passes all understanding.

  3. DarleneJoy says:

    If a person believes that the Bible is the Word of God, then we have all the support we need to be able to confidently believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is, actually God. As John says at the end of his gospel – “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.”

    This is one of those concepts that is impossible for our finite minds to comprehend, but is absolutely true and must be believed if we want to have a proper understanding of God.

    As Hebrews 1 says:
    “In the past, God spoke through the prophets at many times and in various ways. But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things and through whom He made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Father in heaven.”

    If Jesus wasn’t who He said He was (but He was and is), then the gospel would mean nothing. We would have no more reason for living and no hope and peace.

    Believing that Jesus is God and that everything God’s Word says about Him is true not only gives us hope for the future and eternity, but everything we need to live God-centered lives here in the midst of this crazy, sinful world.

    I love the words of a little chorus that I learned quite a long while ago – it goes like this:
    “God said it, I believe it and that settles it for me!”

  4. rokdude5 says:

    As far as those poor folks who have been traumatized, of course, time itself, has it healing qualities but what comes to my mind is Philippians 4:6-7 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    Im also thinking has you made references, Mart in how at times we are not “one” as you did in your Good Conversation blog. On the other hand, when us believers are all resting in the Peace of God, I find that we are “one”. How cool is that?

    RJ PS – I like your kayak shot. “I wanna go with!”

  5. Jim B. says:

    Good comments from C.S. Lewis. But what or how do we respond to Professor Ehrman (in his book “Jesus, Interruped) – this is what he says -on page 142, mentioning Lewis’ statement – “I suggested that in fact there were not three options but four: liar, lunatic, Lord, or legend. Of course I chose the fourth word to maintain the alliteration. What I meant was not that Jesus himself was a legend. Of course not! I certainly believe that he existed and that we can say some things about him. What I meant was that the idea that he clled himself God was a legend, which I believe it is. This means that he doesn’t have to be either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. He could be a first-century Palestinian Jew who had a messsage to proclaim other than his own divinity.” I don’t agree with this writer – but how do we answer his accusation – that is what I would call it?
    Jim B.

  6. poohpity says:

    I wish I could say I believed and that was that. When I first accepted Christ that was how it was but then I began to wonder. I wondered myself into a fuller understanding. In that fuller understanding I had times of doubt. I wrestled with that belief when times of tragedy, loss, criticism, self reliance, abuse and feelings of loneliness. It always had the same result back to the Cross. God was always faithful even when I was not that is when I learned once your His you are always His and He never lets you go.

    It is not dependent on circumstances or my feelings. It is dependent on God and His ultimate mercy, grace and forgiveness. In that I can trust and believe. God is the only one that never changes and as hard as I have tried to push Him away He remains faithful. I can not say that I may not ever doubt again but I think He has given me permission to question and to find the answers in Him. God is bigger than anything I can throw out there and does not resent the testing.

  7. poohpity says:

    I think that that was the message he proclaimed. His identity is the foundation of His authority. Then Ehrman is calling Jesus a liar. Even though He laid down His deity to roam with us the message still remains, “God with us” that is the foundation of our belief. We are to worship no other God’s. His proclamation was the basis for what He did.

  8. wretch-like-me says:

    Steve: I agree with what you said…
    “Yet I can rest in knowing that there is a time coming when all creation will be healed and there will be no more tears. I can rest but God cannot. This is a burden He carries alone. All I can do is tell His story, and remain faithful to Him.”

    I dont think you intended this in the way it sounds. God doesnt need rest but chose to rest after the sixth day of creation and what may appear to be a ‘burden’ to us is obviously not a factor for God, who is Almighty. I still have a hard time grasping that Jesus went to the cross ‘…for the JOY set before Him.’

    love yah, Bro

    Jim B.
    “He could be a first-century Palestinian Jew who had a messsage to proclaim other than his own divinity.” I don’t agree with this writer – but how do we answer his accusation – that is what I would call it.”

    We answer the accusation with non-religious records of what took place. For example, the civil records kept by the Roman govt. of the day include the discourse between Jesus and Pilate & the writings of Josephus.

    We answer with the testimony of Christ’s apostles and disciples who witnessed first hand and paid with their lives rather than deny Christ as Savior, Lord and God, Almighty.

    We answer with the same question Pilate posed of Jesus. “What is Truth?” (which is an interesting bible study in and of itself…citing N.T. references to Jesus and His use of the word)

    As I have posted earlier, I highly recommend a small group study called “The Truth Project”.


  9. SFDBWV says:

    Frank, have you ever seen the painting from Dali, I believe titled, The Crucifiction?
    It is one of thoes haunting images that speaks volumes. It shows a three dimentional Christ on the cross suspended over all creation.

    Christ took upon Himself a burden none of us are able to shoulder, when he spoke to “us” He always refered to our burden as our cross ( Mt 10:28 and 16:24,Mk 8:34, lk 9:23 and 14:27 He only once ask someone if he was able to take up “the” cross, and follow Him, to do so. The man was of course unable, Mt 10:21. He was unable because it was “the” cross not the rich mans cross(burden)

    God did indeed rest on the 7th day from creation, God is of course God and almost nothing is denied His will. I say almost because it is not Gods will that any should parish nor end up seperated from Him, but there will be.

    To get into what Mart is saying a little, It is God that holds everything together, all of existance is bound together by God’s ability. In order to keep everything existing God must keep it going on for ever. from this, there is no rest.

    We understand God to be a loving caring Father, yet He will condem many of His children to eternity in the lake of fire, I cannot believe a loving father could ever rest from this knowledge or act of judgement. No matter how right it is.

    We are not in disagreement, Frank I am just clarifying my statement a little.

    love,hugs, and Semper Fidelis

  10. saled says:

    I used to be a real homebody-I hated being away from home. While on vacation with my family many years ago, I was sleepless, wishing I were home and unable to really enjoy the vacation. A Christian radio program was on, and the speaker began to talk about abiding in Christ. He said that the word ‘abide’ that Jesus used meant ‘to feel at home in.’ This was a real epiphany for me– that I could feel at home in Jesus. This has been a source of peace of mind for me. It’s something that I practice, this feeling at home in Jesus. He is my hope.

  11. Mart De Haan says:

    Jim B, thanks for raising the fourth option of “legend” to CS Lewis’ 3 options of “Liar, Lunatic, or Lord.”

    Others have already begun to provide good answers.

    At http://www.dod.org you can find an 8 part series that we did with a group of scholars called “Jesus, Man, Messiah, or More?” This group spent 10 years weighing the historical credibility of the Bible in response to the “higher criticism” methods of a group called “The Jesus Seminar”.

    I have also thought often about the claim that Jesus was a good man whose life was embellished into “divinity” by over enthusiastic supporters– later.

    The whole picture, however, of Jesus fulfilling prophetic patterns, principles, and many mysterious statements in the OT that anticipated a savior who was more than man (i.e. Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2; Isa 7:14)– in ways that could not have been predicted or manipulated… is so compelling to me.

    Not only does the NT record of Jesus “fit” the OT in a way that could not have been manipulated. But the whole unfolding of Jesus’ death and resurrection also ends up being an event that Jesus apostles would not accept as Jesus predicted it… but they died for after the fact. They weren’t just dying for their “religious” belief’s. They were dying for their claim that they had together been witnesses of physical events of resurrection and more.

    The issue is not merely whether Jesus actually claimed to be God– but whether the whole of his birth, life, teaching, death, resurrection fits together with the history and story of Israel in ways that could not have been created by embellishments.

    I’ll try to post more on the “legend” option down the road…

  12. xrgarza says:

    When I was a child I remember asking my mother where did God come from? She would respond with a gentle oh son but He’s always been here. And I would reply no Mom but before that? Her response was a little sterner Mijo! He’s always been here! Again in my frustration, no Mom but before that? Only to get an almost angry response Oh Rocky! Shut up! He’s always been here!

    With my analytical mind I remember asking myself questions like if Adam and Eve were created approximately Seven Thousand years ago and God has been around forever and forever in my mind is longer than seven thousand years, is this All that He has to show for just seven thousand years worth of work?

    Then I would take the scripture in Mathew about the lost sheep and ask to whoever would listen when Jesus is sharing this parable and He is referring to the lost sheep, who is He referring to? And the response is always, me or us!

    Then I would rhetorically ask well then to whom is He referring to when He refers to the Ninety-Nine? And all I would get is dropped faces as if people never thought like I did or do.

    You see personally I believe that if God has been around forever, there could potentially be Ninety-Nine other Universes out there. No preacher that has ever gone to seminary has ever or stood behind the pulpit will ever agree with me, but It’s just the way my mind works, and I believe that I am not unique to the way I think, As a result it is very important that I’m extremely careful when teaching the Gospel and God’s truth for what it really is.

    At Intel I was and Engineering Technician and a Metrologist. As a Metrologist whenever I needed to compare a unit whether it was a Volt or an Amp or a Resistance I needed to compare it to a unit that was at least Four to Ten times more accurate than the unit itself.

    This principle along with the relationship that I have found with God through His son Jesus the Christ gives me all the peace that I need. Who cares if He’s been around forever? What’s important is that He is here with me right now! Who cares if He has created Ninety-Nine other Universes? What’s important that I know that He created me!

    I also know that He is in fact more accurate and precise than I could ever be, and that He Loves me more than I could ever imagine and that gives me peace! Praise God!

    Have a great day

  13. foreverblessed says:

    If people do not want to believe in Jesus, they do not. How can you prove that by physical evidence? They need revelation by Christ Himself.

    The supremacy of Christ is described in Colossians 1:15-20
    He is the image of the invisible God v15
    19-20 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
    And yes, maybe creatures form other worlds, who knows, God knows.

  14. foreverblessed says:

    That statement of Lewis, I always took that in a different way: in its effect to us:
    That statement of Lewis also meant to me: Christ is not just a very good example I have to follow, but that He is my Source of life. I have to eat Him, because He is the bread of heaven John 6 : 33
    For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
    And that took me many many years to figure out, because it is so easily to just follow His example, instead of letting Him live in me. It is easy said: come to rest in Christ, but we start to live on ourself again, living like what would Jesus do.

  15. SFDBWV says:

    People always want proof about nearly everything. I suppose that it does have a place in our lives. To seek out evidence that something we are told is true.

    One of the “proofs” I see about Jesus is this….This man in his 3 public years, completly chamged the world forever. Without an army he has overthrown governments, inspired artits, architecture, every part and participle of life has been influenced by this man and 2,000 years after His death continues to do so.

    He has divided all of mankind into two positions, either you accept Him or reject Him.

    There have been “great” men of history who have influenced life on planet earth. But no man has ever affected the world as this man Jesus has.

    Another “proof” is…us…you and I. We are the evidence of His being exactly whom He claimed to be. We are His witnesses.


  16. poohpity says:

    Today at church we were taught the fruit of gentleness. During the service a person’s cell phone went off and kept ringing and the Pastor said you can answer that at anytime. How funny was that. At the end of the service he came back up and said the Holy Spirit convicted him about his reaction to the phone and it was not pleasant how he felt towards that person. God does not need our help to convict people of things. He does it in such a gentle restoring way. That should bring us peace of mind that we do not have to be in control of pointing fingers at others but can rest in the gentle touch of the Savior.

  17. wretch-like-me says:

    Yes, I know the painting by Dali very well and first encountered it in grammar school art class. Dali was a master of perspective and realism and from there he went from cubism (Picasso) into surrealism… the distortion of reality.

    It is my understanding that this ‘distortion’ became his obsession. He developed his own philosphy of ‘critical paranoia’ and ultimately became a recluse. While I cannot be certain, I doubt his ‘saving knowledge’ of Christ since there was little evidence.

    Thanks for clarifying your statement. As I dwell upon your idea I am seized by the pain and agony The Father, Son and Holy Spirit must experience when one us deny to acknowledge, repent and come under grace. In this regard I can appreciate their common ‘burden’.

    Jim B. and Mart:
    Ultimately it all comes down to a matter of faith. There will always be an excuse for those who demand proof because of who sits in judgement of the ‘evidence’.

    Final thought: I heard a friend say recently that when ever he encounters someone who refuses to believe there is a GOD, he simply responds,”One second after you die, YOU WILL!”


  18. marma says:

    Saled–thanks for your comment about vacations. I’m on one now but would rather be home, too. I enjoy my pets and miss my sister. However, I need rest. I’m glad Jesus took breaks and went alone to pray and commune with the Father. I’m actually enjoying my vacation in a different way because I’m not using it as an escape, but as refreshment and rest in communion with God.

    On the topic, the more I read the Old Testament, the more I see God’s plan in Christ, His great love, and it opens up the New Testament for me in ways I’ve never seen. Also, I see how God progressively revealed Himself, as creator, as Lord of all the earth, and in each of the ways in which His character and activity became known. As our creator, He understands the limits of our understanding as well as what we are capable of understanding through His Spirit. Oh the depths of His knowledge and wisdom!

    There is so much to know and to understand as we grow in Christ. How limitless that is. That learning only begins in this life on earth as we study and meditate on His Word. I’m glad I don’t have to know everything or understand everything, but that is His intention for us–to know and understand. To borrow an illustration from CS Lewis, from the Last Battle, the Bible is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

  19. daisymarygoldr says:

    Good peaceful post following a meal— a can of worms… the gritty taste of the worm’s gut is still lingering in my mouth:)!

    Thanks for reminding us of God’s eternal and triune nature! God, in a tri-unity of persons have also created man in their image (Gen 1: 26). Hence humans are also triune beings with a spirit, soul, and body and God also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy] (Ecc 3:11).

    Adam who was made a living soul sinned and was separated from God, the source of life. However, Jesus Christ the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. God is Spirit and unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God! Peace… therefore, is the fruit of the Spirit and is experienced only in an intimate union with God made possible only in the person of Christ.

    So for me, a Christian who is born-again…”To be spiritually minded is… peace” (Rom 8:6)! Now, don’t get me wrong because the word spiritual has been so contorted by both Christians and non-Christians who refer to spirituality as morality, reading the Bible, praying, going to church, tithing, speaking in tongues, to talk with departed souls of loved ones, to pay 9K for some sort of a mystical out of body experience in a weird sweat lodge… where some fly out of their bodies and discover it as so delightful that they decide to never return back to earth… what an utterly disgusting rubbish!

  20. daisymarygoldr says:

    The Bible says, peace is possible only when God who is Spirit can fill the void in a human soul and it is so sad when people… even Christians have been tricked into believing almost anything as “spiritual” today…, environmentalism, evolution, drugs, alcohol, music, art, literature, science… it is an endless list. “there is no peace, to the wicked” and stubborn unbelieving people go to any extent to get rid of their guilt and clean their sin-stained souls…

    While some unload their guilt by simply confessing their sins to a priest or a counselor or to others that are struggling with similar sins within an accountability group… other Christians like David even try to cover up their sins with charitable deeds. The idea that good deeds balance out evil deeds is a total masterpiece of the devil’s deception! In Rom 2:9, Paul says “there will be tribulation and anguish and calamity and constraint for every soul of man who [habitually] does evil”.

    …but for those who humble themselves to accept the precious treasure i.e. the divine Light of the Gospel of Christ (2 Cor 4)… “Great peace have they who love God’s law” Ps 119: 165. Jesus was telling his disciples that for them peace is not freedom from troubles and tribulations… no Jesus did not promise us any such thing. In fact, He was saying that when we truly decide to deny ourselves to follow Him, all the visible and invisible forces and powers of this dark world will kick up storms to distort our peace.

    And it is right in the midst of storms and tumultuous circumstances, followers of Christ experience an inner peace of mind because of the perfect harmony of their spirits with the Spirit of God… which is when Christ reigns within our souls. “With Christ in the vessel, we can smile at the storm as we go sailing home”:)! That is the perfect peace which Jesus had when “a furious storm of wind arose, and the waves kept beating into the boat, so that it was already becoming filled. But He [Himself] was in the stern [of the boat], asleep on the [leather] cushion” How cool is that!

    Real peace is experience in the spirit when God’s Spirit indwells the human soul… even when in the body we are grappling with hunger, poverty, joblessness, cancer and every other physical or emotional disorder.

    “And may the God of peace… sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).” (I Thess 5.23)!

  21. daisymarygoldr says:

    Regarding C.S. Lewis… his fantasy works certainly tickled my imaginations as a child, but my spirit completely disagrees with some of his theological beliefs that are more intellectual than spiritual… like… “I am assuming that Darwinian biology is correct.” “Creation in Genesis is derived from earlier Semitic stories which were Pagan and mythical”…

    I certainly mean no disrespect to that atheist-turned-Christian brainy Oxford fellow and his writings may be useful for atheists and may even satisfy the logical urges of secular Christians… Christians who have conformed to fit comfortably with world and are shy to publicly profess their faith in Christ in order to not embarrass the secular company they keep…

    …and such Christians even pressurize the Church to tune off the Gospel and profess our faith by simply showing the love of Christ to people… because friends, neighbors and enemies are afraid of our faith. Such carnal Christianity is a classic example of “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth” (II Tim 3: 7)

    …but personally for me, neither the personal life nor the biblical contributions of C.S. Lewis inspire me during times of trouble. It is only the feeding of God’s living word which produces sound spiritual health and renders me free from all discord within my soul. It is not the intellectual reasoning of flesh and blood but the Spirit of God the Father which reveals to humans… that Jesus Christ is God, the Son.

    Much study and writing many books wearies our sinful flesh. God is Holy and holiness is absolutely necessary for perfect peace… i.e. when God’s restful presence fills the human soul with His own divine stillness.

    “You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You” (Isa 26:3)!

  22. poohpity says:


    What do you say about, Isaiah 58: Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
    “If you do away with the yoke of oppression,
    with the pointing finger and malicious talk,

    10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
    and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
    then your light will rise in the darkness,
    and your night will become like the noonday.

  23. wretch-like-me says:

    Dear Sister Daisy:
    I was pleased you began with the first two lines of your post and I agree with most of what you said in the second post…

    But, gradually you slipped back into ‘the can of worms’.

    Afterall arent we all ‘atheist-turned-Christian’? Personally, I am greatly inspired by reading the works of spiritual giants who ‘blazed trail’ before for me to follow. Some were amazing prolific writers, who devoted their lives to producing volumes on their insights into understanding God and scriptures. So, I have a hard time with your statement ‘Much study and writing many books wearies our sinful flesh.’

    Daisy, Perhaps I am being too harsh and reacting too strongly to your thoughts; however, to say…

    ‘his writings MAY be useful for atheists and MAY even satisfy the logical urges of secular Christians… Christians who have conformed to fit comfortably with world and are shy to publicly profess their faith in Christ in order to not embarrass the secular company they keep…’ (I capitalized the words for emphasis.)

    This leaves you wide open. I have found CS Lewis inspiring, thought provoking and certainly material that is useful for the Glory of God. I can honestly say I am not alone because others who have interacted with me have similar opinions. His works have stood fairly well the test of time and secular and religious reviews.

    Three quotes come to mind to help me focus on positive suggestions for your to consider. One is the quote I remember from the book and later film ‘PollyAnna’.
    ‘If you look for the evil in men, you will find it!’
    Abraham Lincoln.

    I am not sure where the other originates. It says,”A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!”

    The third is said to be an adaptation of scripture. It goes like this. ‘It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and leave no doubt!”

    I admit, Dear Sister, I have sinned in all three areas myself. I wish I were alone in this misadventure. May I suggest we practice the ‘love of Christ’ together and see thru the ‘outrageous’ statements of unbelievers to the empty, miserable, lonely hearts beating in their chests. Let’s extend to them the same ‘unconditional’ love that Christ first extended to us, while we were yet sinners?


  24. SFDBWV says:

    Frank, Thank you for expressing the views you have stated in response to Daisy’s remarks. They, I would think, speak the sentiments of many of us.

    “It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Is I believe an Arabian proverb. It was one of many quotes my 10th grade history teacher had posted around his classroom.

    I have never forgotten it, nor him.


  25. wretch-like-me says:

    thanks, steve. I like it much better in your excellent remembrance.
    gotta run…I’ll check back later.


  26. daisymarygoldr says:

    “my son (Frank:), be warned. Of making many books there is no end [so do not believe everything you read], and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” Ecc 12:12

    Frank, this topic is about Peace in Jesus… let us not get distracted to make this be about C. S. Lewis.

    And to clarify my position on C.S. Lewis, I enjoy reading his works and they do satisfy my literary inclinations and delight my imaginations… but they do not satiate the spiritual needs of my soul… and if that little learning about C.S. Lewis is dangerous… it will not risk my entry into heaven! My opinion on ‘some’ not ‘all’ of his biblical beliefs is just my opinion and are not meant to be imposed on others.

    Frank, am I not entitled to my opinions just like all of you here? If you ask me to keep my mouth closed how is it possible for me to participate in this blog?

    Regarding love one another, yes I must obey the “commandment …that you love one another; as I have loved you… By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” That was exactly what Jesus meant when he asked us to: love one another in Christ… before we can show love to unbelievers. It is only when we love one another first; those who do not believe in God will be convinced of the love of the invisible God which He chooses to reveal in the visible body of Christ!

    Frank, Love one another also means to recognize and not misunderstand your sister in Christ… and you seem to be doing that a lot… you even misunderstood my loving concerns for you. In your comment on the previous topic you referred to me as “misguided folks” who felt that the USA ‘control’ the world. I’d never meant about you controlling the world. My use of control was to say that despite taking pride in being a democracy (which is about freedom of expression) you want the govt. to control the freedom of gay people to express their homosexuality.

    It is okay if you, Steve and poohpity or even everyone else here do not recognize and accept me. I can certainly understand your reactions… but I have no bitterness about it. All I can assure you is that I still love you all very much in the Lord and do pray for God to bless you with His peace every day.

  27. dependent says:

    One of the things I appreciate about C.S. Lewis (and others who use their brilliant intellectual gifts to edify the Body and point people to Christ) is his uncanny ability to demonstrate that faith and logic aren’t mutually exclusive endeavors. Belief in a transcendent (T)ruth and its Author doesn’t require one to avoid the hard questions about life. (although it certainly allows it!)

    And I do find it reassuring and edifying that the mystery of the gospel has been probed and further expounded by learned, gifted and Spirit-led intellectuals over the centuries– whether it was the transformed Saul of Tarsus, Augustine or C.S. Lewis.

    And I don’t have to understand or agree with everything they wrote to be edified. I am inspired by their keen ability for intellectual honesty and logical consistency. In that, I see glimpses of Jesus–as the bright boy who challenged the minds of learned adults or the man who confounded the lawyers who tried to trap him.

    Yet, the obviously literate ‘Master’ could move with magnanimous ease while ministering to society’s most educated and underprivileged alike.

    He modeled for His disciples what it is to “be about the Father’s business”. I love Peter’s terse summation of the life of Jesus as he shared the good news with Cornelius (Acts 10):

    “…God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with him.”

    So much in that summation that speaks to the need to address evil right alongside revealing the Father by ministering to others.

    Mart, I am very glad you contemplate and spur thoughtful discussion on these confounding topics. It’s obvious from reading everyone’s contributions that we can learn from each other more about our Prince of Peace, even though the topics make us painfully aware of how much we have yet to comprehend of the richness of His glory.

  28. dependent says:

    DMG, a rhetorical question for you to consider:

    Is it possible that you misunderstood the intent of recent comments? That perhaps there was no call for you stop sharing opinions?

    If not, why not?

    If so, by your own measuring stick, does that imply anything about love on your end?

    You would have a point about the ‘recognize and accept’ claim if your posts were ignored. I observe quite the opposite. Perhaps it would be helpful to consider the difference between acceptance of one’s self and acceptance/rejection of one’s ideas (or opinions, or theological stance, etc.)

    For me, what you share has the amazing capacity to enlighten, edify and provoke thought. And…at the same time, sometimes within a paragraph, your posts make me wonder if someone hijacked your account! I’m tracking, agreeing, learning and boom! I’m thinking where did *that* come from? Sometimes it becomes obvious that I misunderstood. Sometimes I am confounded and amused at your perspective–often because of what seem like contradictions or leaps of logic I can’t follow, lest your very point be undermined.

    The wisdom I see in the aforementioned proverb has nothing to do with love or acceptance. It simply acknowledges a painful reminder that the more we speak/write, the more we unwittingly reveal about ourselves and the veracity of our particular stance.

  29. fluer says:

    This site, and these blogs are blowing my mind! I feel so blessed,humbled,and truly invigorated the more I read here!

    Although people’s thoughts,feelings,understandings,and convictions “seem” to differ,and at times bump up against anothers,I am profoundly delighted that at the core of all these topics is an earnest love of Christ and who he really is. It is clear that all here appear to DEEPLY care about figuring out,and living out, what it means to be a true follower of Christ!

    So thank you to ALL of you for your hearts,and minds,and feelings that you are willing to speak and share with all of us(with me).

  30. elderchild says:


    “In the world you will have tribulation” even as you engage in “Spiritual warfare” for it is the forces of evil that rule over this wicked world…….

    And as those forces of evil “hated The Messiah” so it is as The Messiah testified, “those who followed Him would also be hated”…….

    Sadly, the multitudes have taken the bait! And The LIES have been swallowed, hook, line and sinker ;-(

    Someone had written: “When I talk about people buying or being sold ‘absolute junk’ I’m not only talking about the material but also about the ideological. We are ‘sold’ on consumerism, the wars (Iraq), elections (the presidency), all manner of things. Unfortunately, so few people see that just because these ideas are on sale, that they don’t actually have to buy them!”

    Sadly, the multitudes have bought The LIES ;-(

    The multitudes have taken the bait which is “ease of life”, so-called, and The LIES were swallowed(believed),

    and sinker(technology/”progress”) ;-(

    This place they call the u.s. of a. is the “bait”master and they catch their “fish” in every nation of this world ;-( Yet in england, france, germany, japan, etc, in all nations of this wicked world there are those who have become disciples of the “bait”master and they also have found other “waters” in which to catch their “fish” ;-(

    And so it is that today there are multitudes in every nation under the sun that have taken the bait(ease of life), and swallowed(believed) the hook(money), the line(education/religion) and the sinker(technology/”progress”) ;-(

    Tempted, hooked, reeled in, and held captive as they but serve “time” in the prison that is this wicked world ;-(

    Simply, they could not withstand the media blitz(krieg), or their own desires, and their “imag”ination got the best of them ;-(

    Some two thousand years past The Truth bore witness to the fact that, “the WHOLE(not just a portion) world is under the control of the evil one”! (1John5:19) Yet, the “fish” continue to seek out that “good” place in the world, when in Truth the world today is but the product of mankind’s “imag”ination, a dry and thirsty land of mirages, nothing but shadows, vapors and smoke ;-(

    And in this wicked world, “image”s abound and are worshipped ;-(

    So why receive that which is of mankind’s “imag”ination?

    Even when such is supposedly “free” there will always be a price to pay, for mankind’s “imag”ination is destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Grace, Faith, etc.);-(

    Consider the time when there were no radio’s, no tv’s, no movies, no newspapers, a time when there was no way yet “imag”ined and then manufactured, that would allow someone to publish or display the vain “imag”inations of mankind to the “masses”. Sadly those who rule in this wicked world, and who control the “media”, consider the “masses” to be but the M in E=MC(squared);-(

    And yet today, here i am publishing(sharing) that which i believe to be from the heart, The Spirit within, not the vain “imag”inations of my fleshly mind, for i believe that which i share is of The ONE whose Voice i have heard and whose Power i have experienced in The Miracle that is receiving “the love of The Truth”, and The Miracle that is New Life, Real Life, and The Miracle of healing more than once, and The Miracle of deliverance that sets me free, free from the “I” in me!

    i believe that which i share is of The ONE who revealed the lies that are of this world, it’s ‘god’, and it’s systems of religion, as i received evermore “a love of The Truth”. HE is The ONE WHOM i know and believe is the Giver of Life, The ONE and Only True Living G-D and Father(Creator) of ALL!

    Father Help! and HE does…….

    In times past, when i would wonder why things were as they were, i questioned?

    Do you feel as i feel?
    Do you wonder just what’s real?

    D you see the little child?
    Do you see them running wild?

    i see their doubts and i see their fears,
    i see their hurts and i see their tears.

    Now could be that’s what i look to see,
    Yet what i see is real to me.

    Now am i alone to care and cry?
    Or must i close these eyes and surely die?

    Sadly, the children, or those who once were called children, today are referred to as “kids” ;-(

    Sadder yet, the reference is true ;-(

    Baby goats abound because their ‘parents’ feed them all sorts of “trash”, and so it is that as they grow, they “eat” any and all things, no matter the dis-eases(no-peace) that causes them to be pill pushers, peer pleasers, or worse yet enslaved by the media ;-(

    “Where have all the children gone? long time pa-as-sing” ;-(

    Progress? As promised things are getting progressively worse and worse!

    For “evil men and seducers are waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived”…….

    Yet Hope IS Alive!

    For Miracles do happen!

    Hope is there would be those who would take heed unto The Call of Our Father(Creator) to “Come Out of her, MY people” for they will “Come Out” of this wicked world(babylon) and it’s systems of religion, and they will no longer have their portion with those who are destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light,Truth, Life, Love, Peace, Hope, Grace, Faith, Mercy, etc.) ;-(

    And for those who have embraced “mother earth” and the oneness that is the natural Creation?

    Hope is they would also experience and embrace that Spiritual ONEness that is a common union with their Brother, The Messiah, and Their Father, The ONE and Only True Living G-D(Great Spirit), HE WHO is Creator(Father) of ALL!

    Family! indeed and Truth…….

    A Simple and Spiritual Life…….


    Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this wicked world and it’s systems of religion, for “the WHOLE world(not just a portion) is under the control of the evil one”(1John5:19) indeed and Truth…….

    Truth is never ending…….

  31. kingsdaughter says:

    The topic of this board is what has drawn me to participate in this discourse. My peace, my world, my beliefs, my faith, were all shattered on March 6, 2009 when my husband and I received the worst news that can ever be delivered to parents. Our wonderful, Christian, respectful son died by his own hand…or so it seems…and we will never be “peaceful” as known to this world..again. I have prayed for each of my children while they were fearfully and wonderfully made, knitted inside my womb…gifts from our Lord. I prayed for their salvation as young children and for their safety and well-being and all the other problems that were present as they aged. Imagine my dismay…my pain, my anguish, the feeling of betrayal…the peace that has been destroyed in one dark impulse.

    I could justify my son’s actions if only I knew how. I love him more than life itself and would have gladly taken the bullet that ended his precious life that night. I yelled at God…I have been more than angry at a God I trusted to answer my prayers about the lives he entrusted to me, a Christian mother, albeit imperfect and sinful at times. I know my Redeemer. My son accepted Christ as a very young fellow and attended church throughout his life although he fell away for awhile when he moved away and married. It was then his life seemingly drifted. He married a young woman who had a drinking problem…a problem our son thought he could fix with love and attention…but it was not to be. It was the catalyst for all things bad and “unpeaceful” in his life. He brought his wife to me so I could witness to her how to overcome her alcoholism through Christ…a life in the church…His teachings….but she would not have it. Their lives unraveled. During this time he earned his degree in nursing and it had only been a year since then before he died. To tell you about his life would take volumes and I don’t even know if I should be posting this here…but as I said….PEACE…I would like to know about it again…I have had to discover the grace I thought I knew through this great loss. It has been hard…and continues to be difficult each day.

    I rarely leave the house anymore. I can’t read God’s word that it doesn’t smack of punishment and condemnation. I am stunned each morning that my son is gone in the most horrific manner. One that offers no answers only questions. There is very little peace unless I search and pray for it. And it has come a little at a time. God has not left me…nor do I believe He left my son that night. My son who was not himself..who had taken unprescribed amounts of Zoloft to deal with the depression and mood swings that had overtaken his life. But then there is more….the second scenario…the one where his “grieving wife” and “best” friend moved in together the week after the memorial. There is too much to tell. I know I have probably told too much already but “peace” …”peace of mind” is the draw for me here..although it has been elusive on many days and nights since this tragedy. I must regain the trust I did have and the hope that I will see my son, no matter what he may have done here, in Heaven…That is true PEACE…that is the only true peace a Christian mother can ever have is that she will see her children in Heaven.

    I always thought it would be me that greets my children in Heaven along with Jesus and the saints but now it will be my son who greets me.

  32. poohpity says:


    I wish I had the words to bring you comfort but I do not. I lost my mom the first of July this year. I have heard from people who have lost a child that say it is very difficult. Losing anyone we love is devastating. I understand your pain and sorrow. Please allow yourself time to grieve and the times when you feel like your heart is about to burst, cry as loud and hard as you can. I weep with you and I know with out a doubt that God will comfort you with His peace but He does want you not hold back your feelings of sorrow and anger. God is so big He can listen to anything we are willing to tell Him. So get out all you are feeling inside and God will listen. The holidays are a hard time but your son is still very much alive in your heart, cling to your memories and take heart that your are not alone in your pain. Love Deborah

  33. kingsdaughter says:

    thank you Deborah…for your kind words. It is an especially hard time with the holidays coming up. I cannot express this agony in words….it is a groaning..a terrible utterance. I know God will comfort me one day but I am struggling with to many questions surrounding my son’s death..and still there are the “whys” of why God allows some people to live to be very old…as if giving them chance after chance to get it right and then there is the young…my son was 29…he knew some things but hardly had enough time to become wiser…to know and experience the things that make us wiser in the Lord. I know there are no answers to this…I guess I will not really understand until I am with Jesus.

    I am sorry for the loss of your mom. My heart goes out to anyone who suffers from grief made worse by the holidays when tradition makes us all too aware of our loved ones’ absence. I hope you will be at peace during this time. Love, Dale…..Brandon’s Mom

  34. foreverblessed says:

    Kingsdaughter, what a beautifull name!
    You posted this just a moment ago, what a terrible time you are going through, it is so hard for any parent.
    So good that you do write about it!
    Like Pooh said, that you can cry out your heart, God knows!

    I pray for you that God will comfort you, because this is the hard part of life. I heard someone write (Corrie ten Boom), who had been in a nazi concentration camp who said: There is not a place so deep, Jesus can go deeper still. I wish you to experience that!

  35. jjhis says:

    I just prayed for you.
    May our Lord Jesus Christ give you His peace and grace. May the Holy Spirit shed abroad the love of Christ in your heart, and may you hear Jesus whisper how He loves you and your son and you both will be together again with Him.


  36. kingsdaughter says:

    I am encouraged by the love here…I believe God has been hearing my cries…I have not left the bed today..it is dreary here and is the backdrop for my mood..my pain. I found this site quite by “accident” last night as I looked for something to console me…I am here because God knows the genuine concern you all have for me and don’t even know me..but I am your sister in Christ. I thank you so very much for responding to my desperation. I have cried happy tears while reading these posts.

    I belong to another site for Moms who have lost their children. It is a sad place to be but we are empathetic to each other. Many have different beliefs and it is hard to comfort or be comforted by those whose beliefs are more new age and mystical than my Christian faith. Thank you for being my shoulder…my rock…my sisters and brothers. Thank you for giving me “peace of mind”…..


  37. poohpity says:

    Thank you Dale-Brandon’s Mom. Even though I hated to hear it a friend uttered the words of Job who said shall I only take the good from God and not the bad. I came into to the world with nothing and I will leave with nothing. Bless the name of the Lord. Although the feelings of loss surround us we can hold tight to the fact that one day we will be together before the Lord in His kingdom where there is no more sorrow, pain or suffering.

    The Lord will make a way for the truth to come out when we trust in His provision. Good night and I pray that you will sleep knowing that the Lord will provide for all your needs.

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