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From Jeter to Jesus

Although I’m interested in baseball only enough to have watched a couple innings of World Series Game One, I read an article yesterday in the New York Times about Yankee short stop, Derek Jeter, that caught my attention.

Sports writer, Jack Curry, described some of the mental characteristics that have made Jeter (team captain since ’03), a force in the Yankee line up and locker room.

“Jeter,” according to Curry, “is adept at reducing the clutter… He is a master at keeping things simple in his world. He is strong-willed enough to disregard things that do not concern him or to wait to address them until they do concern him.”

As incidental as sport might seem to those of us who are struggling with more important things, even the games we play—or use as a diversion—can remind us of what it takes to win at life.

With consideration for what matters, Jesus said to a follower who had lost perspective on details and fairness issues, “There is really only one thing worth being concerned about” (Luke 10:42).

Best I can tell is that what the Teacher was saying is that, ultimately, the only thing that matters is learning from him how to approach everyone and everything in life, with his grace and coaching…

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63 Responses to “From Jeter to Jesus”

  1. xrgarza says:


    I’m not a huge baseball fan, or sports fan for that matter, but when it comes to living and applying valuable principles to our personal lives I’m with you 100%.

    Very well said


  2. Hisgirl4life says:

    Perhaps we can all learn a lesson from this baseball player. Good to think about this…cleaning out the clutter in our lives…much of which comes from trying to change others views or our circumstance. There will be no greater words than those spoken by Jesus when we meet him. “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matt 25:21). Lord, fill us up with you and empty us of self, by you grace, for your glory and not ours. Thanks for the good story, Mart!

  3. wretch-like-me says:

    I confess I have ‘prided’ myself in having an interest and experience in many divergent ‘preoccupations’. I enjoy a wide range of music, have studied art in various forms(even tried my hand at painting,sculpture, ceramics, photography, jewelry and printing). While in college, I cooked professionally but still love simple food, worked my way up from stage hand to set designer, won best actor awards.

    After college went into the military, began as a grunt and worked my way up to Public Affairs as a Journalist serving stateside and abroad in Print/Photo/Broadcast offices on military bases. After the military, I earned my teaching degree and taught ‘special needs’ kids in rural settings. I have had success persuading folks to invest their money in various ventures.

    However, realizing that Truth did not come without the pain of mistakes. With my successes came PRIDE. I was ‘puffed up’ with a false sense of SELF. I confess that I had bought into the LIE that I somehow deserved to live above the law. I blurred the lines of honesty, decency, morality, and fidelity.

    Thanks be to God that HE loves us enough to discipline. When I ignored HIS whispers, He raised His voice until at last I felt the ‘WHACK’ of His spiritual 2 by 4!!!

    As I achieved each goal, One by one, I realized the emptiness of being my version of a Renaissance Man. ..that my most valuable ‘gifts’ were my LORD, my wife, my children, my christian friends, my family and friends. …that I am nothing outside of Christ.

    It is Christ within me that makes me the best I can be. Gives me the power to achieve my greatest goal which is to deny what I want and become what HE wants me to be.

    Go Figure!?

    Dear friends, when I lost myself in Christ, I found myself.

    PS. My friend Jim has lost kidney function. It is not a good sign. I covet your prayers for his recovery. He has a wife, two daughters and two granddaughters.

    Steve and Peg: being of Sicilian ancestry, I have a special bond with ‘Princess Bride’. “INCONCEIVABLE??”

  4. mslamb says:

    From Jeter to Jesus:

    I was unable to hear the comment on Jeter because the TV was on another channel and I unable to watch it. BUT Jeter has built a house in Tampa. FL which has SEVEN Bedrooms and NINE Bathrooms!!! at the present time. he is not legally married! NO wonder he doesnt have to worry about CLUTTER!! At my age, I have been married, have 2 grown sons and widowed! I have things from my deceased mother,father and brother, furniture,pictures, momentos. I would surely love to a nice house to put them in with more space than a small apartment! I would NOT think he is that great on just that statement, he has said others not so nice. we hear more in Tampa.

  5. marma says:

    The thing about those without Christ, is, they can generally be good at concentrating on career, but often fall down when it comes to family. That is due to lack of balance, which is one of the things we learn as Christians; that is, that there is an appropriate time and measure for what we do and how we live our lives. We have the Holy Spirit as our guide.

    When illustrating a principle, the story or anecdote can only go so far. However, truth is truth, no matter who says it. Matthew 6:33 still holds and we must always start there, in order for anything in our lives to be effective. Pretty simple.

    That’s my take, anyway.

  6. bubbles says:

    What a great comment, “He is strong-willed enough to disregard things that do not concern him, or wait to address them until they do concern him.” wow.

    That reminds me of the old saying, “Keep your mouth shut and let people guess you are a fool, or open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

    It seems to me it’s best to not get mixed up/wrapped up in every little petty thing that is said. Think about the energy expended in picking apart every little thing that someone else comments about. Is it worth all of that emotional energy?? Is it worth upsetting many people?? Is it truly worth upsetting yourself?? Should peopole pride themselves on constatnly upsetting the egg basket?

    Mart,your gracious thoughts remind me of an earlier entry by you. Is it more important to be right or kind?
    And again, this makes our thoughts flow back to being an instrument of peace. Yes, Jesus did speak sternly to pharisees, but was gracious to others.

    I think when an individual always NEEDS to be right and HEARD, carnal pride is kicking in. It’s important to just let ‘stuff’ go. . . When we’re in the grave, will all of that ‘stuff’ be that important anyway? Do we want to be remembered for being RIGHT or for being gracious? (Of course we want to be remembered for living a life that honored our Father.)

    Frank, I’ll pray for your sick friend. Please let us know how he is doing. I’m so sorry.

  7. dependent says:

    Copy that.
    “10-4” Mart and friends.
    I need your coaching.
    Guilty of cluttering this space;
    “been thinking” aloud,
    more than I should have allowed.

    Your careful thoughts there
    stir much thinking here.
    Must type less so I can hear
    through you, God’s whispers in my ear.

    Being silly now…sorry.
    Will follow fewer rabbit trails.
    Maybe ‘think, write and file’
    avoiding ‘think and post’ for a while.

    Will make Hemingway proud.
    Trim fat, cut to chase.
    Brevity is best.
    Time is short.
    Off to Asia.
    Be back.

    [Frank my prayer is that God will increasingly give you an abundance of wisdom and strength to minister to Jim and his family the faith, hope and love of Jesus.]

  8. daisymarygoldr says:

    mslamb, I do feel your pain and you are in my prayers.

    xrgarza, just wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your comment in “The pain of being misunderstood”. It helped my uneasy feelings that I am not the only weird one here to see things in 2 realms:)

    Frank, we are ceaselessly praying for Jim, his wife, daughters and granddaughters…

    dependent, that’s a great poem…Cool!

    Mart, this is a good post and as always my mind is churning out so many thoughts that it is bursting at the seams. Cannot relate to Jeter, I can certainly relate to Jesus and His teaching that emphasized on “only one thing that matters”.

    I don’t know what you meant by clutter but for some reason Martha and Mary in Luke 10:42, remind me of the 2 pics you had posted in “How not to be Holy” to say that “followers of Christ would be far more “holy”…if we were preoccupied with being known for doing good– than known for being right”

    Martha- the Bumble Bee is busy with her works to serve the Lord, represents those of us who believe it is all about doing good works. Mary-the weed is considered useless from human perspective but is useful in God’s perspective represents those of us who believe that it is important first to be right through a living personal relationship with the Lord.

    Trying to do good works without being right with the lord is like turning on a lamp without it being plugged in the right electrical socket! Martha with a lot of clutter was doing just that and was plugged into the wrong socket. She was trying to serve the Lord in her own strength. As a result—she felt no joy or blessing in her hard work and soon ended up in bitter complaint against her sister Mary… to the point of envy and jealousy.

    You see, clutter disconnects us from the power of the Holy Spirit. Without being right we are not plugged in Christ and there’s no power of God in us. Then we do the works in our human strength and wisdom. In this case, with a self-centered, false-faith we are doing our own works that will be proved as “dead” or “useless” when tested by fire. Just my thoughts…

  9. daisymarygoldr says:

    Grace only is just half the truth. As a sinner, when I first looked at Jesus, I saw in Him Grace and Truth Jn 1: 14. “Neither do I condemn you” is Grace. “Go and sin no more” is Truth. Truth without grace produces self-righteousness that pushes people away from Christ. Grace without truth results in tolerance of sin and hypocrisy which pushes people away from Christ.

    Peter is another example who was told the truth that he will deny his Lord thrice. When he did deny Peter was not condemned but found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Three times Peter denied Jesus and three times the Lord asked him, “Do you love me, Peter?” and then told him to “Feed my Lambs”. Peter had learned first hand from His Teacher how to approach others with grace and truth and this is how Peter fed and took care of the sheep of Jesus.

    In his first epistle Ch 1, Peter reminds us of the gift of salvation which we obtained by grace alone and he also teaches us the truth; “So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. He’s a good Father…But don’t forget, He’s also a responsible Father, and won’t let you get by with sloppy living.” 1 Peter 1:13-17 The Msg

    This should serve as a good example to everyone out there who has been given the responsibility to feed and care for God’s flock. Those who teach only the truth love God at the expense of hating others… to misunderstand it as righteousness. Those who teach grace only, love others while hating God’s moral standards… to misunderstand it as legalism. Those leaders that frown on keeping God’s rules, prevent people from realizing their need for Christ and are setting them up for spiritual death due to sins… such shepherds will be surely held accountable by the Chief Shepherd.

    The teacher is teaching us that it is so important for us to abide in Him and produce not our grace but His grace in order to approach everyone and everything in life. Through her personal relationship with Christ, Mary learned about both “grace and truth”… truth that her Messiah has come to die for her sins and grace that she a dead sinner will be resurrected to eternal life. Therefore, in Jn 12, we find her pouring out her heart-felt worship to prepare the Holy person of Jesus for His death, burial and resurrection!

  10. Loretta Beavis says:

    I train sport horses and ride competitively.
    In the sport and other “worlds” there is a condition commonly called “THE IDEAL PERFORMANCE STATE” and there is a focus training process of getting there-mental, physical, emotional. It results in two things: “I can do this” and “no problem.”

    There is much God created/given in humans to reach the ideal performance state in our earth-consciousness lives. In our spiritual lives, God wants me to focus on Him first, He gives guidance through His Holy Spirit and makes things simple for me … when I listen!

    Yeah, a lot of us are strong-willed … for a season.

    I love my Jesus

  11. Hisgirl4life says:

    Bubbles…a good reminder about placing our emotional energies on things that don’t really matter. AMEN!

    Daisy…loved you analogy about grace and truth in your first paragraph…so true!

    Reminds me of the serenity prayer…”Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change [grace], courage to change the things I can [truth], and the wisdom to know the difference.”

  12. MaryKristine says:

    Dependent…that was some creative writing!

    Have been teaching Bible to 2nd through Highschool for some time. Lately, have been asked by the children about the 2012 prophecy (especially since the movie is coming out soon). Have been given the priviledge of pointing towards the letters in red! While helping the children gain an eternal perspective…it has been echoing in my head too! Amazing how the daily issues can get us so caught up in life, that we miss out on the really important! Thanks for the reminder, Mart!

    Also, Frank, have already lifted Jim, wife, daughters and grandaughters up in prayer!

  13. Alison says:

    Mart your post today reminded me of a ‘Daily Bread Reading’ from a couple years ago that stressed living for an ‘audience of One’…. living with our eyes fixed on Christ. Thanks for the reminder!

    Take care,

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Batter up…

    Baseball, wow, when I was boy baseball was indeed the “Great American Pastime”. Every empty lot or flat place had a buch of kids playing.

    When we lived in Washington DC, I used to go down to the old Griffith Stadum and watch the Senators play. I could only afford the bleacher seats (.75 cents) but I got to see Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford, Ted Williams, and many others play the game. I have spent a lifetime trying to recreate hot dogs that taste as good as the ones there at the old ballpark.

    When I played little league, pony league and for a time hot stove league, we always had a prayer before each game and said the pledge of allegiance to the flag before playing, or listened to a recording of our national anthem.

    It seemed that patriotisim and Christian faith went hand and hand along with sports in thoes days.

    Team captains were chosen for their special ability to not only have the respect of the other players, but be able to influence them in a positive way.

    Taking this to the structure of our Christian faith, is simple. Christ is the head and so manager of the team. He also directs the rest of the team in whatever talents they are best at. Each player is placed where they can do the best for the team.

    We can take a good lesson from the sports angle as stated by Paul concerning the body, as in the head is not the hand,the eye is not the tongue etc. It goes as well with any sport. A pitcher is usually not a good hitter. So his talents are best used for the team as pitching not batting clean up in the batting order.

    A good team captain is not the manager but aids the manager in keeping the rest of the team encouraged and focused on being a team and reaching the goal of winning.

    I pray that today brings better news of Jim and Dave. As well as you Frank and comfort to all that are dear to them.


  15. jjhis says:

    Mart, this is a potentially controversial topic—highlighting the Yankees and their captain, who btw hits from the right side of the plate unlike the above picture. Oh I can hear you and others saying, O Martha, you are so concerned about details that you are missing the main point. I guess the main point is not which team will win the World Series, huh? Just kidding. Thinking in another dimension out in left field somewhere. I have enjoyed reading the postings especially dependent and DMG. And the winner is—the one who focuses on Jesus and receives His grace, truth,love, and coaching. Praise the Lord!

    Frank, just prayed for Jim. Please pray for my father-in-law, whose name is Frank, to come to receive Jesus.

  16. wretch-like-me says:

    Dear Friends:
    I have few words today. Jim fights for his life in ICU. His lungs continue to fill with fluid blocking oxygen. He undergoes dialysis today and awaits the experimental drug from the CDC. His wife has a gentle peace that can only be from her trust in the Lord and your prayers.

    How fragile we are! How little we understand the power God holds over life and death. The Lord giveth and the Lord Taketh Away (as He pleases). Blessed Be The Lord!

    PS I have not given up nor have I stopped praying. I have known from the beginning it is in the Lord’s hands.

  17. daisymarygoldr says:

    Jjhis, your father-in-law frank is in my prayers…

    Frank, my heart is saddened for Jim and his loved ones… yes, let God’s will be done…with prayers…

    Loretta Beavis, thanks for sharing your insight about training sport horses for competitive riding. It reminded me of 1Cor. 9:24-27

    Been thinking about “Jeter,” according to Curry, “is adept at reducing the clutter”…and Mart, since you did not clarify the meaning of clutter, I am letting my thoughts run wild and free. We all face general clutter in life that may affect our personal dreams and desires, or ambitions which also include good works that we desire to do for God. This is normal clutter and is common to all…and yes, we deal with it the “Jetter way”!

    It must be noted that the works that I want to do for God and the work that God wants to do through me are two entirely different works. So, now I am thinking about the clutter we deal for the sake of the Gospel, the Cross, for Christ and for God.

    This kind of clutter is inevitable and each one of us will face this at some point of our Christian lives. In fact, if our Christian faith witnessed in both words and deed experiences no clutter, then we are probably not Christians.

    I can’t do anything to reduce this clutter but as you said, it is so important to fix my eyes on Jesus and look away from clutter that distracts me from pressing on to the finish line. My encouragement lies in the epistle addressed to early believers who were getting weary and wanting to quit before they finished the race.

    “Just think of Him who endured such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself…” Heb 12:3. He was called a Samaritan, a drunkard, and even Beelzebub. He came to His own and His own received him not. One of them betrayed him and all the others forsook him. Yet, He despised the clutter—and ran the race and finished it because of the joy that was set before him… not for His sake but for my sake and so, I must also endure all clutter for His sake.

  18. daisymarygoldr says:

    Personally, I can relate to dealing with clutter right here in our conversations. To harbor negative feelings only made things worse. It trapped me in a rut when I dwelt on it to look at myself with self-pity or with anger at others. Even for a fraction of a brief second, when I turned to pay attention to self or others, it steered me off the track to do and complete the will of God.

    Must admit that I learned this the hard way and achieved this milestone of my spiritual growth, right here at this blog site… somewhere just before “Hope for a dying Dead Sea”. And “How not to be Holy” was the test for this lesson learned and by the grace of God, I was able to pass it with flying colors! It does not mean that I am already there. It means that I know for sure that clutter or no clutter

    “I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.” ~ Robert Frost

    “But thanks be to God who leads us in Christ from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, He brings knowledge of Christ… those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse.

    This is a terrific responsibility. Is anyone competent to take it on? No— but at least we don’t take God’s Word, water it down, and then take it to the streets to sell it cheap. We stand in Christ’s presence when we speak; God looks us in the face. We get what we say straight from God and say it as honestly as we can.” (2 Cor 2:14-17)!

  19. Loretta Beavis says:

    Yes! daisymarygoldr on 1Cor 29:24-27 … like discipline for the perishable crown but more important for the imperishable crown!

    I also think Proverbs 21:3 (NKJ) is way-cool: “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But deliverance is of the Lord.”

    In the NKJ Luke passage, Martha was so “distracted with much serving” she missed out on hearing Jesus word. What translation uses the blog quote “There is really only one thing …” ?

    Cultural roles were pretty strong at that time. My mom would never have sat down to a special dinner before everything was done, everyone served. I tend to wonder if Mary was more spiritually tuned in or less culturally inclined or what. When the Holy Spirit is nudging me to do something-it’s clear. WOW! WHAT WOULD IT FEEL LIKE to have the God of All Creation, IN PERSON in the house with you? I would be distracted trying to get stuff done so we ALL could sit down. I sure would and do need the “stop doing what you’re doing lesson and experience Me.”

  20. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    My prayers are with you today and your family.
    I wish I was spiritual enough to offer you some great pearl of wisdom from solomon or a “from the heart” psalm from David. All I have to give you is a hand of friendship and a hugg.
    In London, many years ago, there was a sign that advertised bear, and everywhere you went it was in your face. It said
    you take courage today my friend.


  21. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    sorry I ment Beer,


  22. SFDBWV says:

    Life….Frank has brought to our attention once again what it is that matters.

    It doesn’t sound well for Jim, by last report from Frank.

    Many of us, I dare say nearly all of us here have sat and watched the struggle of life over death with someone we love.

    Well meaning people say or quote scripture to us, but the truth is it really doesn’t help ease the pain.

    Watching the suffering of someone we love and then to realize they may be seperated from us, breakes our hearts in a way only death can do.

    Jesus wept….I too weep for thoes whos hearts are broken.

    What an amazing event it must have been when all the people round about stood in awe as Jesus called Lazarus to “Come Forth”, and bound in his burial cloth he did as Christ had commanded, four days after death. Wow.

    Jesus conqured death, so that even though we have all burried people we love, a day is approaching when we will see them again. What a reunion that will be.

    Still as I write this, I hope Jim is able to recover, that peace is restored to his body and his family.


  23. SFDBWV says:

    Been thinking about how clutter and clogging are similar.
    We can try and simplify our lives by getting rid of the items that clutter it up,less things.

    I once knew a fellow called “Fig”. He was called that because he only ate dried fruit and figs. At least that is all he ate in front of the rest of us. He sold all his possessions except a bicycle, some clothes,a pair of sneakers and took off to “find himself”. He wanted to go to some commune in New Mexico and experiance the wonder of pyote mushrooms.

    He got rid of all the clutter in his life but was clogged up with the world to where it was difficult for him to digest anything else.

    It was amazing how many of these hippie types, were close to understanding the importance of simple living,but missed the message of Christ.

    If it were possible for me to live here in this world and totally be able to only work for God 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. What would that work be? Paul said it was better for a man not to marry so he could devote 100% of his attention to doing the work of Christ. From that we have the Catholic Priesthood. As well as Nuns.

    But what of the rest of us?

    No one is going to convince me that they are giving Christ 100% of their life. If they have a job, a family, live in their own house or appartment, drive a car, go to school, eat sleep, watch TV or use the computer to get news or shop. All of these things could be considered clutter. But they are also life.

    Christ came so that we may have life, and live it abundantly.

    We are not God, we are not Christ, we are the salt of the earth.

    Live life and enjoy it, be happy and thankful. God gave us life let us honor Him by being appreciative for it all. The smiles the tears the friends we’ve made the experiance of a life lived for Him.


  24. 1000mike says:

    I find it easy to live life “as an average kida guy” BUT hard to always live a life like the apostle Paul did,always praying, preaching or teaching. This quote sheds some light on our/my dilemma.
    OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES in his book The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table wrote “I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it,—but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”

  25. xrgarza says:


    I don’t think that you are weird; I think that we are all weird to a degree that’s what makes us all unique.

    But thanks for the compliment often times we’re going to feel like the lone ranger, and those may be the times that the Lord allows simply for our own personal and spiritual growth with Him.

    The Bible say’s that He went to His own and His own received Him not, also a prophet in his own home has no honor well, if Jesus was not received by His own and a prophet has no honor in his own home, who am I? Who are we? Are we greater than our master? It’s going to happen and when it does Praise God!

    God bless you daisymarygoldr and have a great day!


  26. saled says:

    “Strong willed enough to disreguard things that do not concern him, or to wait to address them until they do concern him.” When driving, I need this kind of focus. I live in a rural area where traffic is not competitive, and when I need to drive in more urban settings, I’m overwhelmed. There is so much going on around me that distracts my attention. My husband gave me this piece of advice: Drive in your own space. Sounds simple, but it has helped me alot.

    Yes, Christ came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. And he called all of those who labor and are heavy burdened to come to him for rest. In the middle of all the clutter of my daily activities, I become overwhelmed and so long for a more simple life.
    In this I also find peace by ‘driving in my own space.’
    I remind myself that God doesn’t expect me do and control everything, he expects me to choose to love in the middle of disapointment or frustration. I feel like I win at life when I choose love over anger.

  27. wretch-like-me says:

    Thanks, Bob,Steve,Mike and all:
    No real change in Jim’s condition. He has been given the experimental I-V antibiotic from the CDC but, no change except for a rise in temperature.(which is not good) Hope to hear more later today.

    I researched the treatment online and found some folks take weeks to regain consciousness and months of rehab afterwards.

    Some,of course,do not make it.

    I am reminded by remarks from Steve and Mike of a statement a former pastor/friend of mine made.

    “God NEVER wastes our time.” It brings hope to my searching mind for reasons to make sense of this trial. I may never know until the day I meet HIM face to face. And then again, at that time it may not be important to ask.

    Bob in Cornwall: Thanks, Dear Friend. I have found that times like these call for ‘shared silence with hands joined’. I treasure your comment and sentiment.

    As far as the beer ad, another ‘worldly’ attempt to substitute for the ‘real thing’ in Christ; however, if I were with you there with you in Cornwall I would greatly enjoy ‘oisting a pint'(too Cockney?)at your favorite pub to celebrate our ‘common’ victories in Christ(and perhaps share a few memories I have of Jim)

    Please continue to pray for Jim and his family… that they ‘cling to Christ’ rather than find a deceptive substitute.

    Lets also remember the kids and ‘lost souls’ out tonight looking for fun and exposed to unseen dangers this ‘All Hallows Eve’.

    I feel I am rambling, now, so will close with a briefly longer…

  28. foreverblessed says:

    When I was in a legalistic church, this example of sportsmen, or other highly talented men like music conducturs, were used to motivate us to try harder. But the problem was, that when the grace we have through Christ is not set first place, we are only working harder and harder and not getting anywhere.
    (a legalistic church focussus on keeping Gods commandments more then on the grace we have through Christ.)
    Mart is stating this example of a well trained and focused sportsmen, but links it to us and the grace of Christ. Try harder in finding His grace in our lives, every minute. Especially when doing menial tasks, like vacume cleaning or doing the laundry. Even they can be done graciously.
    It is through His grace that we can be at peace, even in difficult times, as Jim, (praying for him and his family too).
    I found out that when your health is not what it should be you are more apt to call on the grace of God. It is for His grace that we live. Did have migraine again yesterday, and was praying for His grace, and His time to deliver me from this ordeal. He kept me in peace, even though feeling miserable. It is then that I thought: while in trial I am realy focussed on my God and Deliverer.
    It is His grace that leads us through these trials so our faith is increased, and edurance is practiced. God knows how He wants us, tried and tested. Jewels.
    (Please note that I am not saying that we should not keep His commandments, we should not lie, not cheat, be sexually pure, honor our parents, be obedient to authorities in the Lord)
    But God’s grace wants to lead us to a much higher path, of faith, hope and love.

  29. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Hi again
    Frank. Thanks for taking the time to read our comments today. You are welcome to join me for a beer anytime. When I first went to London I had no Idea those “Take Courage” signs were an advert for beer, I just thought it was a message from God to me. After that time I sat under Jean Darnells ministry in my home town of Poole in Dorset (she spent years in the UK teaching)she had exactly the same experience as me on her first visit to London and thanked God for the “Take Courage” message. As you have already said, all things are for good and have a reason in His plan. An advert becomes a message in the same way Jims illness will become a way for God to work out His plan in us. It has aready spoken to me. Funny today, after writting on here this morning, I saw a bottle of Courage beer on a shelf. Just God’s way of saying again…. Take Courage!

  30. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I was baptised at 16 and the text that was given to me then has never left me. I would like to share it with you.

    “I know whom I have believed and am Persuaded that He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him againts that day.”

    Seems simple enough, but it is taking me a lifetime to work out.
    The mere quoting of that verse thrills my spirit and brings peace to my soul.

  31. daisymarygoldr says:

    Xavier, you are absolutely correct about lone ranger and personal spiritual growth. During such times it certainly helps to be encouraged by brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, they really mean a lot to me. May God bless you and have a wonderful weekend!

    foreverblessed, I’m sorry about your migraine and pray that God will continue to give you peaceful relief through it. Caffeine gives me headaches. Back when I was in school, whenever I’d skipped meals or did not stay hydrated, I used to suffer from sever migraine-like headaches. So you may want to seek medical help to probe into the underlying cause. Sometimes the cause is just physiological or as simple as something in our daily diet. Just some practical tips :o)…

    Loretta Beavis, Proverbs 21:3 is such a good reminder…the battle indeed belongs to the Lord. “only one thing that matters” was not to quote Luke 10:42, it was to quote Mart’s main post “the only thing that matters”

    Regarding cultural roles, just like your mother, cooking at home was exclusively a woman’s job back in those days. For ex. Sarah cooked the meal for Abraham’s 3 visitors. Even today in my family, it is always the women who cook. If I just sat reading the Bible and praying all day long, I’m sure people would starve to death here at home.

    So no, I don’t think Jesus dismissed or made light of Martha’s serving or culinary skills. He simply pointed out that as a follower of Christ Martha had misplaced her priorities. Martha was anxious about food and drink and was preoccupied with “giving attention to immediate, practical concerns”:). As a result she lost her focus on the One who was right there in their midst. She did not recognize, the ‘One’ who faithfully feeds all His creation, causes the sun to rise and sends rain both on the evil and the good. Her priority was to serve the creator of all Heaven and earth and “He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything” Acts 17:25.

    The reason Martha wanted Mary to help with the kitchen work was because Mary must have also cooked. However, as a follower of Jesus, Mary’s priority was to, “seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness”. She understood that the Kingdom of God was not about food and drink. She learned from her Lord that “my meat is to do the will of the God”. As a result she submitted herself at the feet of Jesus and worshiped His Holiness.

    Mary’s heart was completely devoted to the heart of Jesus. His heart is not to show grace and attend to the immediate, practical concerns of hunger, health and wealth but to show grace to seek and save souls that are eternally lost, coach them to learn His righteousness and become eternal subjects of the kingdom of God! Just some random thoughts…

  32. Loretta Beavis says:

    Thanks daisymarygoldr! I really like your response. Especially that Jesus is our heavenly Coach too :)

  33. xrgarza says:


    Thank you and you are quite welcomed. I am having a great weekend, spent some time with my son and his family and I indulged myself on eight pieces of candy last night (don’t tell anyone). J

    You too have a great weekend daisymarygoldr

    You are so right I have attended so many churches in my short time here on this planet it is incredible how far the church has deviated in two thousand years, its as if the church was influenced by the Pharisees and not Jesus.

    I tell people that I would rather die and go to hell than say that I’m a Christian simply for the bragging rights. I won’t live my life rhetorically.

    As a mentor and a role model first and foremost to my children I would never ask or demand that they do something that I am not willing or able to do myself.

    Jesus humbled Himself when He washed the Apostles feet, He could have said “Hey! I’m the King of kings, you wash my feet!” Often times in our homes and churches we get nothing but rhetoric from our parents and spiritual parents “I’m the parent you do as I say not as I do”

    We all need accountability to prevent this from continuing in our own little worlds, when my children were young, I allowed them to discipline me, you won’t believe how many time I was on timeout, could not talk on the phone, watch TV, visit friends etc etc.
    My response demonstrated the response that I desired from my children when it came time to discipline them.

    Interesting enough, I not only taught them how to receive discipline, I taught them how to administer it as well. When it comes to my grandchildren I rarely if ever have to get involved they do it better than I did. Jesus told the Apostles “you will do greater things than these” I recited those words to my children and they both indeed have Praise God! It really works!


  34. poohpity says:

    It is such a blessing that things can be so simple and come from someone like Jeter to put things into perspective. We are so busy with our own wisdom sometimes we miss the very meaning of the bible. GOD!!!! We can fill our lives with wisdom, knowledge, homes, clothes, cars, knickknacks, toys and then the Lord gives light to those who seem to the world to be worthless. We are each going to die one day whenever that time comes and we have to look at what is really important. Well it be eternal or external. God uses the simple things in life to show Himself and many times we just plainly get in the way.

  35. SFDBWV says:

    welcome home Pooh.

  36. xrgarza says:

    Pooh you’re back! how was your trip?

  37. poohpity says:

    I went through blog withdrawals. Missed you folks a lot. Learned a lot of lessons and am so glad to be home. I have been reading A.W. Tozer’s “The Root Of The Righteous” boy is it profound.

    Thank you for your salutations.

    Love Deborah

  38. worstofall says:

    Hi all,
    Greetings to all in the name of Jesus.I am Deep from India.I have been following this blog for quite some time but this is my 1st post.
    I thank Mr Mart and you friends for all the thought provoking posts and I have been blessed and enriched.
    Looking forward to a blessed time here.
    P.S. praying for Jim and Frank

  39. foreverblessed says:

    Worstofall, welcome to the blog! Was thinking my blog name is a bit different, your name is what we were, my name is what we are in Christ. I pray that you will be blessed here and at home.
    I am sponsoring a child in north east India, so it well get a dinner when going to school. (there they will also hear the gospel)
    I am told that the area is very hostile to christians.

  40. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Daisy, about the migraine: I am seeing a doctor, and have a diet: no coffee, no sugar, no alcohol, no chocolat, no porc, no peanuts. When I tell this to people they look at me and I see them thinking: poor woman, are you having a life?
    Yes, I have a life, and so motivated to skip these things, because if I eat or drink them, my headaches are much much worse. So it is worth it.
    And I found out that I was addicted to coffee, just the two cups a day, I had to have them. Was very humbled by the experience, for I thought I was not addicted to anything. It took me 2 years to forget about coffee.
    The wine is not too difficult, although I drink a few sips, especially with the Lord’s Supper at Church.
    Since a week,I have a medicine that works, you take it, and all is gone. But was too late taking it last friday, and then it doesn’t work.
    But the best part happened a few weeks ago, when I was really crying out to God, please help me.
    The answer I got: Pray like Elijah did, he kept on praying even if he didn’t see any results. But he didn’t waver in his faith. And Elijah was a man like us, James 5:16-18
    Prayer is such an effective tool God has given us. He disciplines us in using it. It teaches us to draw on the Grace of God. For if He wouldn’t help us, we are nowhere, we are lost. He teaches us to trust Him more and more.

  41. foreverblessed says:

    SFDetc asked: If it were possible for me to live here in this world and totally be able to only work for God 24 hrs a day 7 days a week.
    This was a topic I found here on the RBC site, on the writings of Oswald Chambers. it is on the January 6 day:
    There are not three levels of spiritual life— worship, waiting, and work. Yet some of us seem to jump like spiritual frogs from worship to waiting, and from waiting to work. God’s idea is that the three should go together as one. They were always together in the life of our Lord and in perfect harmony. It is a discipline that must be developed; it will not happen overnight.

    So probably you would do the same things you are doing now, totally serving God. It is in the attitide, in serving your family members you serve God.(all christian housewives have to learn this, and so will everybody else).
    Martha could have sat at the feet of Jesus, and afterwards all of them could have helped with the dinner, probably Jesus himself would have helped, as he was also willing to do a very dirty job of washing these feet.
    worship, waiting and work always in perfect peace, this is what I am aiming for, and I am training myself in dusting the sitting room while singing spiritual songs. Many times I forget, but keeping in kontakt with other christians, like on this blog, when Mart tells us to draw on the grace of Christ like a trained athlete, the focus is on Him again.

  42. foreverblessed says:

    Daisy, thanks for the tip, I could improve on eating regularly, just blogging this morning here, and forgetting about breakfast.

    One thing: where in the bible do you get the following idea; (quoting you)
    His heart is not to show grace and attend to the immediate, practical concerns of hunger, health and wealth …?

    I do think God does! I will not use scripture to point that out to you, but start again with the example of Rees Howell. A hundred years ago he started a ministry led by the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit led him so he obeyed. Right in the beginning of his ministry the Holy Spirit showed him he and his group should pray for the widows in India, they were not taken care of by the government.
    And you know what? The laws concerning widows were changed! The group was very much excited about this victory. And it was about the immediate needs of widows. Not even about them being saved yet.
    So, yes, I do think God does concern about the immediate needs too. We should only listen to what He tells us. Sometimes He does tell us to take care of immediate needs. (Sometimes, not all the times, is different from no times at all)
    If you can find the book about Rees Howell, just read it, and reconsider your views about this topic.
    Love you very much ;-)

  43. SFDBWV says:

    foreverblessed, Oswald Chambers is one of thoes gifted people, who when we read from his writtings, we find ourselves encouraged uplifted and in agreement with. He was a remarkable man who answered God’s call.

    He died from a ruptured appendix which he left unattended to for three days while suffering the pain. He refussed to take up a hospital bed that could be used for the Austrailian and New Zealand troops he ministered to.

    We can all learn from such a man.


  44. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry, I keep posting.
    Xrgarza, thanks for explaining: “do as I say, but not as I do.” So it was, good you didn’t train your children that way.
    But there is another side to it: I was the one who could not see what living in faith means, living in obeying the 10 commandments is much easier to follow. I did not understand the meaning of being under grace, not under law, in whatever church I would have been.
    It’s maybe like Bob’s text, it is so hard to let the meaning come deep down in your heart.
    Like the Proverbs 21:31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But deliverance is of the LORD.
    (Loretta, could not find it in v 1 ;-) but thanks for the verse, because that is what it is all about.)
    It is His grace which holds us. How long did it take me to get that message?
    And Pooh, that is quite a tough message Tozer has, found the book on internet. Much the same as what Daisy is writing.

  45. poohpity says:

    I have to disagree foreverblessed, daisy and Tozer are not the same. I do not understand how remaining in Christ daily through the Word of God, prayer and meditation is a tough message, you will have to explain that one to me. I felt such a connection with Tozer. This is off topic and starting to get cluttered. My apologies.

  46. Mart De Haan says:

    Hey, all, thanks for carrying on… between fall clean up and other projects have not been able to post for awhile. Hope to in the next couple of days…

  47. xrgarza says:


    I knew all along that I did not want to be like my mother was, but I never knew what I would be like when I needed to respond. Kind of like a fire drill, we can go through the drills all day long but when a fire really happens our natural instinct in many cases is to panic.

    When my children came to live with me, I walked into a grocery store and I saw this little girl just throwing a tantrum, I thought to myself what would I do If my children ever did this I would be so embarrassed. So my thoughts were how could I teach my children to respond positively to discipline?

    And that’s where it started. People told me that I was crazy, my children should not be telling what to do, and that it’s disrespectful for a child to remind a parent of his responsibilities.

    That along with what I heard in the 70’s that everyone that went to church was a hypocrite I knew that I did not want to be one of those.

    Not having a set of values to live by I just did what I wanted to before my children came to live with me I knew that with children it was important to have a value system in place. During this same time I began searching the scriptures and found that it was full of principles to live by. So I asked myself why do I need two sets of principles one for the weekend and one during the week it didn’t make sense to me not to mention the principles that were in the Bible were already written and proven. So that’s what I did, I just applied them to my daily life literally.

    That’s how it happened.

  48. jerseyjon says:

    There are many people in this world who are much like Mr. Joete but with out Christ in their lives it means nothing because they still go to hell. I don’t know if he has Jesus in his life but the little I do know about him or I should say his fruit it does not look good.For the ref you made (Luke 10:24) Jesus was telling Martha that Mary was right to focus on one thing and that one thing was Himself. so if I just focus on one thing and say that is my career then my forces would surely be wrong just like Martha was foucsing on the meal and just the meal. Thank you and GOD Bless your Brother John

  49. jjhis says:

    It maybe worth noting that the story of Martha and Mary as written in Luke is between the parable of the good Samaritan and Jesus’ teaching the disciples how to pray. A parable of grace for service and a “coaching” on prayer for worship and preparation to live in His power show our need to focus on Jesus and our dependence on Him. We should approach everyone to serve them in the name of and in the Spirit of Christ, and we should approach everything in life by praying in the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Now if we could just sit at the feet of Jesus and let Him reduce our “clutter” and sharpen our focus so that when He sends us out we would be ready to serve Him as He leads, we would be blessed and a blessing to others. BTW didn’t Mary have the privilege later to anoint the feet of Jesus and to wipe his feet with her hair while Martha served again(John 12:2-3)? Praise His Holy Name!

  50. daisymarygoldr says:

    Jjhis, good thoughts! I was also thinking just that after reading foreverblessed’s mention of Rees Howell… “we should approach everything in life by praying in the power of the Holy Spirit”.

    Deep, Welcome to the blog!

    Xavier, you do deserve a treat! 8 pieces of candy in just one evening is okay but just for that one evening… to much candy will make you sick!

    poohpity, it is wonderful to hear back from you…it was like sitting at the supper table without one family member… you were dearly missed!

    forverblessed, you are quite an inspiration to skip that many food items. Hope and pray for the Lord’s healing touch… you are also greatly loved:)

    I’m sure Rees Howell did not change the laws concerning widows in India in His strength, i.e. by using the power of money, politics and even the non-violent force of peaceful Christian protests. He and his group prayed and God answered to show that it is He who works out all things for our good.

    Jesus did not come to earth to ultimately remove physical poverty, sickness and suffering. If that was His actual purpose, then He could have made His nation Israel into a model of morality, good health and prosperity some 2000 years ago.

    Jesus did heal and help the physically poor, to demonstrate that He was God in flesh. His miraculous healing and feeding ministry did not serve an end in and of itself. He fed and healed to show us the way to be spiritually, healed or fed for eternity.

    For a follower of Christ, yes we do look to the Lord to fulfill all our physical needs of food, wealth and health but then He also coaches us with grace to accept the fact that regardless of joblessness, bad health, bad marriage and bad life His Grace is always sufficient for us!

  51. daisymarygoldr says:

    forverblessed, I agree with you that God does concern about the immediate needs too. It is for that purpose He has gifted each believer with a gift/talent that will build up the body of Christ. There is however, a difference between doing work by “exercising” a spiritual gift and to do the same work because I am “capable” of doing it.

    For ex. if God has called someone to serve AIDS victims, He will also equip that person with a specialization in AIDS medicine and the Holy Spirit will also lead him into unique opportunities to share Christ with those dying with AIDS. This Christian will do the work effortlessly, inconspicuously, quietly and without any complaint…because he is exercising his God-given gift by the power of the Holy Spirit and he will never experience disillusionment or get stressed out.

    On the other hand, say for instance out of compassion, my desire is to reach out to those suffering from AIDS, because I had lost one of my family members to that disease (which actually I have). To support my desire, I have enough money and the power to pull the right strings and maybe even the prayerful and material support of other Christians. If this was not God’s desire for me, be assured that I will find no joy, no peace and certainly no blessings in spending my all for the relief of AIDS. It was certainly not God’s plan or call for me and hence, I should also not expect God to bless my plans for Him.

    That was how it was with Martha who wanted to serve the Lord in her own strength. She could not do it for long and became frustrated and bitter towards Mary. That is the exact problem we face as Christians. When we try to serve the poor, sick and suffering in our strength, we will soon run out of fuel. No matter how much we serve, we’ll discover that because of the consequences of sin–the poor, the sick and suffering will always be there till this world ends… that is what Jesus meant when He said “the poor you will always have”.

    This endless fight to fulfill physical needs will soon lead us to frustration due to feelings of helplessness which will then develop into feelings of anger, resentfulness and bitterness towards other Christians in Church… and we will also end up getting hurt and disillusioned to the point of losing our faith. This is true of many Christians who start out well in their walk with Christ but soon fall away into unbelief.

    Wherever we live there are always needy people, and we must not be indifferent to them but attend to their needs. Our work for the Lord in serving others must be deeply rooted and grounded in being right with the Lord, i.e. to be primarily mindful of His will for His coming Kingdom and His righteousness such that whatever we do our main purpose is to promote the interests of God’s Kingdom.

    Those who do not know God personally through Christ are preoccupied with concerns of immediate needs. Followers of Christ should not be anxious about what will we eat? How will we pay the bills? How will we have a happy marriage? How will we have a successful career? With the example of Mary, Jesus coaches us with grace to know and realize that there is a much higher purpose to our Christian call and walk of life here on planet earth! Just my thoughts…

  52. jjhis says:

    Just a few final thoughts on “from Jeter to Jesus” from a Red Sox fan who has never liked the Yankees as a team. A friend and mentor once told me that God doesn’t care who wins a ball game, and I had to agree except that He does care about the players and their families, coaches, fans, and others who might be watching. Now I am watching with interest to see the Lord working in the lives of all especially Derek Jeter, Johnny Damon, Alex Rodriguez, and Mariano Rivera(who is a believer) as the Yanks could win the World Series tonight. And I will be praying for these guys and their salvation. From Jeter to Jesus, I pray that for him.

  53. foreverblessed says:

    So Sorry Pooh, did not mean it in a bad way, Tozer is a very very inspirational writer, I agree totally with you. But he is very sturn in warning against selling the Gospel as a cheap grace. And so he may. Paul and Luther were touched by grace, but also totally lost there lives in Jesus, or how can I say it: they were regenerated And reformed, as Tozer writes.

    Daisy, I have to read your comment tomorrow, is getting late now here,and thanks for your advice: when you have migraine your dayly routine must be regular, so no skipping of meals, and wake up the same time every day, (no sleepins, or sleepout as we say in our language).
    Good evening and good night, think of the many blessings we recieve from above.

  54. pastorjtc says:

    What can be the most effective bridge to gospel, I beieve, is be able to live out the simple mandate of loving God with all that we are and our neighbor as him/her self. What I liked most about this reflection it’s pointing to the ability to focus on a foundational truth amidst the hub bub or chaos that sometime seem to surround us. My life verse is Matthew 6:25-33 which I paraphrase like this “Keep yourself focused on the things of God first and formost, and all that really matters will fall into place.

  55. foreverblessed says:

    Daisy, I am with you now. Working in His strength, and what He inspired us to do.
    of topic Xavier, so can I now conclude that when your children moved in with you, you found the truth in the bible again?
    It is very good to be told what to do by your children, they are very critical, and you can learn through them. In a way I did the same, my parents trained us in a very authoritive way, (I have forgiven them, they did what they thought was best). But I knew what it was like to be pushed around, and so I wanted it done in a more compassionate way. That took a lot of patience with my son. My parents didn’t like it at all. Were criticising me for doing so. The boy should just be commanded and he had to obey. But when he was older, one time my mother did say to me: the boy has turned out all right, is was good to have been so patient with him. (boy, was that a fine remark, which healed a lot of hurt). He is now a self starter, very motivated to make something out of his life. And I know for sure, Christ will also find him, He is very near to him. Just praying for him, and my other child. They are both out of the house now, studying. That’s why there is more time to blog here.

  56. SFDBWV says:

    I didn’t want to close the book on this subject as I had some thoughts I wanted to put forth.

    Sports player get a lot of publicity not only about their best playing days, (everyone loves a winner) to the worst kind of news when they are caught up in ugly personal behavior that shows them in a very negitive light.

    They being celebrities get a lot of TV coverage and their shame is broadcast all over the world.

    How would any of you like to have your sin and shame publicly exposed for everyone to see?

    Scripture says that every secret thing will be known about each and every one of us.

    Makes us all about the same, doesn’t it.

    There was a baseball player for the Pittsburg Pirates who’s name is Roberto Clemente, he was killed in a plane crash while delivering emergency aid to his native Hondorus after a deadly hurrucane had devistated the country.

    There is a local high school coach here who’s 4 year old son was dieing of heart complications. The family had ammased a lot of medical bills. So a local fellow who happened to be playing for the Phillidelphia Phillies at the time( by the name of John Kruk) organized a sports event at the local highschool, he and some of his other baseball player friends played an exhibition baskettball game against the local young men, my son Matthew was one of them. John also made a huge donation and signed autographs for donations toward the family.

    You just don’t hear about the good things people do, in the news.

    I think that Roberto Clemente and John Kruk have shown the face of Christ very well. That they happened to be professional baseball players at the time was only a means by which they could.


  57. xrgarza says:


    “So can I now conclude that when your children moved in with you, you found the truth in the bible again?”

    I wouldn’t say that I found the truth in the Bible again, that’s almost a bit ambiguous to say. I don’t know that I lost it because I don’t know that I ever knew it, the truth that is.

    I do know that the five years prior to my children coming to live with me I had denounced all that I had learned about Christianity to be. When my Children came to live with me God showed up and I had like an Apostle Paul experience for lack of a better term to use. That’s when I began to study the scriptures and began to develop a spiritual value system that I incorporated into my daily walk.

    As a result since people don’t normally live their lives that way it did seemed odd to them, thus criticizing me.


  58. poohpity says:

    That is the odd thing there are so many that go to church yet are bible illiterate. God told me a long time ago to tell people that, “God wants you to know Him, read the bible”. I whore a sandwich sign at church that said just that. Now I have magnetic signs for my car and bibles in the trunk in English and Spanish all one has to do is honk if they want one. I know it is a little odd to the world but it is the direction I was given.

  59. BibleDon says:

    You say,”… what the Teacher was saying is that, ultimately, the only thing that matters is learning from him how to approach everyone and everything in life, with his grace and coaching…” I warmly appreciate the encouragement to focus on the Lord Jesus but I would have preferred it if you had simply said the only thing that matters is learning from Him. Period. As it is, you appear to reduce Christianity to mere gracious living and right relationships with other people. What about our relationship with God? (Or lack thereof) This fits in with the pendulum swing from transcendence to immanence, from vertical to horizontal, from contrite and repentant fear of God to putting a hug on our good buddy Jesus.
    On a related note, since you never responded to any of my comments on your “Been Thinking About-The Shack”, when are you going to reconsider your shameful promotion of a book that blasphemously belittles the person of Christ and negates His atoning work on Calvary???

  60. xrgarza says:


    Praise God! I love it what a great idea. I am learning that our churches appear to have been influenced more by the Pharisees than Christ himself as a result our churches have become nothing else than spiritual orphanages.

    When we give birth to our biological children if we were to abandon them we could go to jail and our children would be raised by the state. However this is exactly what is going on in our churches, we lead someone to the Lord and then we abandon them, the one on one discipleship is not happening. So as a result the church is filled with a lot of Christian who are starving and desiring to know how to apply what they have learned to their lives in a real and practical way.

    The Apostle said, “Imitate me” we that are mature should live our lives in such a way.

    To be an effective parent biological or spiritual one must be more than willing to be inconvenienced


  61. poohpity says:

    Amen, Rocky!

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