Have been thinking that one way to understand the Bible is to see the way it tells the story of light and darkness.
The first quoted words of the God who brought something out of nothing and order out of chaos are, “Let there be Light.” Then God divided the light from the darkness in a way that implies, “Let there be light… and darkness.”
As the story of the Bible comes to a conclusion, it anticipates a day when, God brings an end to both mourning (no more tears) and no more night… (no need for the sun or the moon) for the Lord God will provide everlasting light (Rev 22:5; 21:4; Isa 60:19-20).
At the center of the Bible, Jesus comes and shows himself to be the light of the world, shining in the darkness—with the result that broken people come to him for help… while those who are trying to protect the illusion of their own strength and control run for the shadows…where they conspire to get rid of the light that is exposing them. (note: took picture of Jerusalem wall blocking sun. Reminds me of the Son of Light being tempted by the prince of darkness on the pinnacle of the temple. Matt 4:5)…
The Gospel of John portrays Jesus as both the Creator of Genesis 1 and the light of the world (John 1:1-3). The Apostle Paul links the creation of the world with what God does in individual hearts when he writes that the God who said “let there be light” now gives light to our hearts so that we can see God in the face of Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:6).
The Bible defines “light” as that which reveals and exposes something for what it is (Eph 5:13). The darkness, therefore is that which conceals.
The Apostle John says that God is light (1John 1:5), and that God is love (1John 4:8). He says that those who hate walk in darkness (1John 2:9-11).
So can we conclude that God says, “Let there be light” so that he can say, “Let there be love”?
Can we also say that for now God says “let there be light and darkness” not only to provide a rhythm of work and rest, but a way to see… a reason to love… and an opportunity to trust… for as Moses wrote, “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever…” (Deut 29:29)