Another combination of statements that could look like a contradiction shows up in the Sermon on the Mount.
First Jesus encourages his followers to “let their light shine before others” so that others can see the good that they do (Matt 5:16).
But then a few statements later the Teacher begins an extended emphasis in which he urges his disciples not only to avoid doing good works before others, but repeatedly advises them to practice their faith in secret where only God can see (Matt 6:1-4, 6, 18).
Critics of the Bible make long lists of such “alleged discrepancies.” But seems to me that the wisdom of the Bible begins to unfold as we look at them more closely, in their own setting, with an eye for the author/Teacher’s stated intent.
I’ll bet that together we can find more than one important insight from this example of “truth in tension”—especially if we note that Jesus speaks these words just after giving us his “foundational list of attitudes” which– as some of you pointed out earlier– are themselves expressed in ironic ways (5:1-10).