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The Wonder of the Magi

The wonder of the magi may be worth thinking about.  The mystery surrounding them seems to be by design.

For openers, why is Matthew the only one of 4 Gospel accounts that mentions them?

If they came “from the east” and saw a star “in the east” why would they travel west to Bethlehem? Who were these “wise men?” Were they pagan “star gazers,” “magicians,” or “priests?

Was the star they followed a real star, an alignment of planets, an angelic star, or some other miraculous sign?

Could “the star” have appeared to them 2 years prior to Jesus birth so that they could have arrived while Jesus was still “in the manger.”

What had they heard about the promised “king of Israel?” Could they have been familiar with the prophet Daniel whose prophecy of the 70 weeks calculated the time of Messiah’s birth? Did they read the “story” of a coming king in the stars? Or did God give them the kind of “vision” that, once again in our day, is being reported by many who are coming to Christ in that part of the world?

Maybe they are there to remind us that all nations have an interest in Jesus’ birth. Maybe their gifts are meant to help us bring gifts appropriate to a prophet, priest, and king… and more. Maybe they are meant as a well placed contrast to the smell of shepherds whose story of wonder doesn’t leave quite as much to our imagination… until we begin thinking about the lambs they may have been raising for sacrifice…

Maybe “the wise men” are there to remind us once again that there is still so much to be thought about, wondered, and worshiped— in the One whose birth we are celebrating… with good cheer, charge cards, and sighs…

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85 Responses to “The Wonder of the Magi”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    The Magi, were the ruling class religious leaders of Persia. It was these same type of men that Nebuchanezar called upon for mystic advice.

    The ones who showed up at the birth of Christ, were special because God gave them insight as to where and when the Christ would be born. As per as last topic. These three did what the religious leaders of Israel did not do.

    First of all they studied the heavens, remember that God placed the stars in the heavens so that we would know the seasons Gen 1:14.
    Secondly they studied the ancient Hebrew writtings that was at their disposal as a result of the 70 years of captivity, and the Hebrew people who stayed and were citizens of their country.
    Third, they had the writtings of another countryman, Daniel, who very accurately predicted the birth and the “cutting off” of the messiah.

    These three men sought after the promised saviour of the world. They studied it, they believed it, they followed the signs that brought them straight to Jesus the Christ.

    They were actually the first to show us the way.

    Simple isn’t it! Study the Word, believe the Word, follow after the Word.


    PS, 24.5 inches of snow.

  2. afranz says:

    Just wondering if the wise men saw the star in the East, as in when they were in the East. Not that the star was that direction from where they were. That may sound muddled, but it’s the best I can do. Mt 2:9 says that the star they saw, in the east (and again I think it could mean when they were in the East), went before them until it stood over where the young child (not baby) was.
    They were starting from Jerusalem then, per Herod’s orders.
    Thanks for calling my attention to the magi again. I am so used to reading the Christmas story for the kids out of Luke. Oh my! Just reread it to check on the shepherds and was shocked out of my mind! Where is the star in the shepherd story? Most of our church nativities have it over the stable, leading the shepherds too. IT’S NOT THERE! At least not in my KJV. The angels had to specifically google the shepherds to the stable with point by point instructions. And again in verse nine of this chapter (Luke 2-9, hmm…sounds familiar) it remarks on the glory of the Lord shining around them, but not a star. Just shows you how traditions can get you mixed up, I’ve always associated the star with the shepherds even though I’ve read this over and over.
    Who says you can’t teach an old dog….God can and does. Thank you LORD! If I’ve missed the star and this is all wrong, somebody help!
    I’m reading the last line of Steve’s post as I type this: “Study the Word, believe the Word, follow after the Word”. So true.
    P.S. Wouldn’t mind 3 or 4 inches of that 24.5 snowfall. The grandsons would love it, their snowman has melted down to a chunk of dirty ice. Lisa in KS.

  3. refump says:

    As I read Matthew last week I too was struck by the role of the Magi so I went on line to see if I could learn something about them, who they were, where they came from & why did they come. I found some very interesting information such as the ties to Daniel that Steve has pointed out. Another interesting thing I read was: “The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were also prophetic, speaking of our Lord’s offices of king, priest, and savior. Gold speaks of His kingship; frankincense was a spice used in the priestly duties; and myrrh was an embalming ointment anticipating His death.
    In the Millennium, He will also receive the gifts of gold and frankincense;” but no myrrh: His death was once and for all.”
    I also got to thinking that the gold must have funded there trip to Egypt were God told them to go when Herod decreed that all boys 2 years & younger were to be killed. A good reminder that when God tells us to do something & we can’t figure out how we are going to be able to do it of our own power & means that He will always provide a way. Also, wishing all of you a Merry Christmas & a New Year that draws you to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior. Jon

  4. xrgarza says:

    Steve, Yes simple very simple LOL, but so much easier said than done.

    Steve & Jon: thank you for the history lesson I really enjoyed it.

    Wow! 24.5″ of snow where in the world are you located?

    I’m not sure when I will return to comment on this site because of the busy holidays but I will be reading daily. It’s not that easy trying to comment using my Blackberry. So if you don’t hear from me may you all have a very very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year

    God Bless you all

  5. Mart De Haan says:

    Sure hope you and your neighbors are doing OK. Don’t ever remember a 24 inch snowfall.

  6. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you Mart for your concern.
    We Appalachian mountain people are a hardy bunch and come from good stock. We have had a lot worse. The town I live in held the State record for a 24 hr snow fall, for about 70 years, with 38 inches. untill a spring time storm dumped about 44 inches on a little town in southern West Virginia.

    Though in March of 93 from Friday thru Sunday we got some where in the 60 inch range, That was a tough one.

    The thing is, that every one does their part to help out and we all keep an eye out for each other, especialy the old folks.

    The people who live in the Rocky Mountains I am sure get worse.

    The tourists will love it, they will all be happy this week at the State Parks. We are located in the middle of three.


  7. SFDBWV says:

    Xavier, Yes it sounds simple enough. But there are a few bumps to get around.

    The Magi were wise, because they had a thirst for knowledge. Because they studied known history, they knew about the creation, as well as about the flood. The knew very well about the Tower of Babel, and so knew that there was a creator, God. In their thirst to know more about God, they read about Him in the Talmud or Torah.

    They knew of the coming of Messiah, knew when and where he would be born. They also recognised the *signs* of His comming.

    What is more amazing is that they were Gentiles.

    Here at the beginning of the birth of Christ God showed the world that He (God) is the God of all people, and that the Messiah is a Messiah for all people.

    Kinda neat, ain’t it.


  8. poohpity says:

    The wise men came looking for The King of the Jews. The wise men saw His star rise when they were in the East. Herod then asked the teachers of the law where the Messiah was to be born and they quoted Micah 5:2. From the OT myrrh was used to make the anointing oil to consecrate the priests which Jesus was our High Priest. The incense was used in worshiping God. The Gold was a gift fit for King but was just in time to be traveling money for the family. Had it not been for the Magi, Herod may have never known and then went on to kill those two and younger.

    The myrrh and frankincense were brought from Egypt during the Exodus. When Moses was born the Pharaoh also killed those who two years and younger. Then Jesus, His mother and Joseph went to Egypt to escape Herod.

    Joseph and Mary were living in a house according to Matthew so possibly the age of Jesus was between 1 and 2. It is funny how the Magi are in the Nativities since it does not say in scripture that they were there at the birth of Christ.

    It is also neat that only Matthew mentions them. Could it be because of his position as tax collector that he had access to those records. Matthew also seemed to quote more OT prophesies.

  9. butterfly says:

    why do the people in churches think that it is okay to add to or miss bits out of the story of Jesus birth? I confronted the church i go to as to why they don’t read it straight from the Bible. as all we need is in matthew and luke. the sad thing is this doesn’t just happen with the nativity. Gods people need to get back to Gods word.
    trying to shine my little light in such a dark world
    God bless
    eve form England

  10. foreverblessed says:

    This reminds me of the paintings of Michelangleo on the Sistine Chapel in the Vaticane. He painted along the sides the prophets of the Old Testament side by side with the Sibylles, the no-Isreali wise men and women, to stress the fact that the Gospel is not just for Israel but for all mankind.

    Over here is a beautifull white world, like a fairy tale, the son is shining. We hardly have much snow anymore. 30 years ago we used to have it every winter.
    We now have about 20 cm of snow, (8 inches) which to me is quite a lot, more then enough, to get out of your house you have to scoop it.
    How ever do you manage 24,5 inches of snow (62 cm)! Normal life must come to an end then, no more driving, you can hardly get out of your house? You must have enough food stored in your house?
    We tried yesterday visiting friends yesterday (9 km=5,5 miles) which was like a wintersportsday
    My mother lives 100 km away,we could not drive over through the snow. But luckily a neighbour came to her home and started to clear the snow away. Caring for each other in the neighbourhood is very very good.

  11. foreverblessed says:

    About the nativity, I can hardly believe that the Jews would travel in wintertime for the census Luke 2:1-7.
    It was very hard for us to walk through the snow yesterday, and we only had to do 5 miles.
    But Constantine te Great wanted the christian church to be the state church and so the gentile midwinter festivals were converged to christian festivals. And Christmas is a big thing in the world. I am very glad that through Christmas Christ is preached to all the world.

  12. SFDBWV says:

    Foreverblessed, Some scholars believe Jesus was born somewhere the last week of September. This date works with prophesy.

    Constantine, is a good example of people manipulating God’s word so that it fits their life style.

    It is sad to watch as governments, and retailers, try to remove Christ from Christmas.

    My current angst is the change from BC (Before Christ) to BCE (Before common era).

    I think the *star* I see rising in the east now, is the same *sign* of His return.


  13. foreverblessed says:

    What do you mean by, a star rising in the east?

    The nativity in the fall, do you mean to say that some say that as Christ died on the Passover, He also must have been born on one of the Holy days of the Bible. Which could be the Day of Trumpets, Lev 23:24. That was the first day of the 7th month, which was in the fall, as the first month was in the spring, somewhere in march.
    But we do not have to keep these days, we are to keep Christ holy in our lives by living through faith in Him.

    But the Magi are very different then all the rest. Not very much is said about them, not very much known. But that they came to bring honour to Christ.
    So we are encouraged to bring Jesus honour everyday in our lives. All these odours have a meaning,
    myhr: we were judged, and found guilty through our sins, and we died in Christ with Him. Romans 6:8: Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we also live with Him.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Foreverblessed, By a star rising in the east I mean that I can see the signs of Christ’s return. Just as the Magi could see the signs of His birth.

    Because they studied the Word they also knew of His death. Simeon (Luke 25) a Jew also studied the scriptures and because the Holy Spirit was upon him, he could recognize the Christ, but also knew of the comming passion that would tear at His mothers heart.

    All of scripture is about the Christ, and all about Him can be found by diligent study. But studying can be exhaustive. And as our last Topic suggested, sometimes God keeps things from our minds and other times He allows us to understand. For His purposes.

    Sometimes when I listen to some Bible teachers, I hear what they have to say, but it just doesn’t stick. I have to eventualy find out what ever it is they are talking about for myself, through scripture. Then I can remember it.

    The problem is that there is so much Hebrew customs and traditions involved that one must have a good understanding of the feasts and law so as to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.


  15. xrgarza says:

    Steve, Thanks again I had no idea that the Magi were Gentiles, very cool.

    Deb, I never that connection about Joseph & Mary living in a house during the time Hmmm I’ll have to go and re-read the story.

    butterfly, I’m with you 100% recently I have been going through the Bible on CD since I’m a truck driver I have a lot of time to listen. I’ve been in church for a good 40+ years and I am just now learning things that I have never learned in church and probably should have learned in Sunday school.

    I believe James says study yourself to be approved. We can’t rely on eating out; we need to eat at home healthy and nutritious meals, physically and spiritually.


  16. Zeph_3_17 says:

    This is really a wonderful read this morning after reading my morning devotionals. I have nothing to add. Just taking it all in. I was not aware about the Shepherds and the star either. Amazing how we can read and miss something like this. I just wanted to say “thank you all” for the insights. Made my morning. And I so agree. Read & believe. The Lord is worthy to be believed. Merry Christmas & a Joyful new year with many revelations. Sheri

  17. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Good Day Folks
    Steve, Like Mart, I hope you are all ok, we have only a few inches of snow here in Britain and all has stopped. Even the fast trains and shuttles in the Channel Tunnel have been suspended. And we know our snow will melt away in a day or so (followed by more rain!)Your snow is set for months. It has not snowed in west Cornwall but is very cold at +3C today but will get warmer by Christmas.
    Talking of which > The Magi were sent by God as a fortaste of what He had planned for the Gentiles. It had been prophecied a long time before that Jesus would be rejected by His own people and by giving the Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh they were acknowledging Jesus for who He was. The Messiah, King of Kings, The long awaited Lamb of God. It was as if God was allowing us as Gentiles to Worship our Saviour long before He commanded Paul to tell us about Him.
    I also believe Jesus will come again at a simmilar time of year as He did before, but it will be a full year of Jubilee, that happens every 50/49 years. Jubilee brings restoration and inheritance to the people.
    All debts are cancelled and Slaves set free. A Jubilee year is announced at the festival of Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement, with the sounding of trumpets made of Rams Horns.
    I do believe it falls in the month of Tishrei which is the seventh month in our calander, I think? There is some debate over when the 50/49 year cycle started, so many are not too sure when it falls. Many believe Israel became a nation again in Jubilee year 1947?
    All Good stuff isn’t it!

  18. SFDBWV says:

    Xavier,Our friend Daniel comes to our rescue once again.Daniel 12:4 Says in part “..even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

    We are close to the end of the age of man, and God is increasing knowledge from the scripture, in we His followers, so that we may understand what lay ahead.

    I think God works on the need to know basis, as well as knowing what we are able to accept as understanding.


  19. poohpity says:

    Per a description in one of my bibles it states, “The astrologers traveled thousands of miles to see the King of the Jews. When they finally found Him, they responded with joy, worship, and gifts. How different from the approach people often take today. We expect God to come looking for us, to explain Himself, prove who He is, and give us gifts. But those who are wise still seek and worship Jesus today, not for what they can get, but for who He is. I just thought this was beautiful and so fitting.

  20. pegramsdell says:

    They send out tracks in all the correspondence that goes out of our office. And I saw one the other day that caught my eye. It said: WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM. I cut it out and taped it to my wall at my desk.

    And I love how “the wise men were warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.”
    Matt 1:12

    Awesome obediance.

  21. kingsdaughter says:

    I am absorbing all that is written here. I am not participating in the dialogue for good reason…I don’t know enough on the subject. I agree with Steve about the end times…and it just irks me to no end about the political correctness of the world; the disturbing trend to have Christ removed from everything. We went to my daughter’s church last night to see her and my grandson in the play,”Christmas on Trial.” It was basically refuting the world’s view of Christ. Oh and by the way, my grandson was one of the Wise Men. AND MY DAUGHTER WAS THE PROSECUTOR!

    Speaking of the Wise men and all they represent, I now wish I had not dosed off while watching the History Channel’s representation of the facts about Christ’s birth which also brought up the question about the star in the east as well as the Magi being in the east…but, as with many things on the History channel and others..Biblical facts are always being countered by some quasi theology based on their own analysis of the science and the possibilities…I usually don’t stay interested when they present their own theory. In my heart I just don’t want to go there.

    I wish everyone a good evening or morning, depending where you are or when you read this…would love to build a snow man but it would probably melt here in Florida.

    In Christ,

  22. Becky M says:

    Very interesting,Mart and everyone who contributed. Some info I already knew and some I’ve learned. But, I got to say that the one comment that made my day was Lisa’s aka afranz who wrote: The angels had to specifically google the shepherds to the stable with point by point instructions. If I had a Sunday School teacher when I was young like you,I think I would have learned a lot more than I did. Thank you all and my prayers go up for all of you.

  23. afranz says:

    Just a note on that C.E., and B.C.E thing. I am lucky enough to have become a para at the high school in my “old age”. When we came upon a sentence in English class with C.E. in it, the kids were full of questions. The teacher surprised me by telling them it meant “Christ’s Existence”, and B.C.E. means “Before Christ’s Existence”. Ok, we could go into the whole eternal thing, but for a secular high school class I thought that was pretty good. They sure didn’t take Christ out of her classroom.

  24. BobbiLee says:

    Hi all,

    Very interesting comments and info. Someone mentioned that the number of Magi were not given. Very good observation. Tradition says three because there were three gifts. Most likely there were many of the Magi making that long trip in a caravan. Robbers were all about back then too, and numbers would thwart them. Hmmm, no three Magi, no star, no winter…. well, there goes my creche scene! :-)

  25. Mart De Haan says:

    Hey, good morning/evening. Am also enjoying the discussion.

    But am not feeling comfortable with my original post reference to the “nature” of the “star”. In raising the mystery surrounding the “Magi event”, I was trying to reflect what we don’t know about these “wisemen”. Was trying to call attention to what we don’t know about their number, exact nature etc. In the process I included in the “possibilities”… the star being “an alignment of the planets” (as programs on the History or Discovery channels like to speculate). But the text seems to make clear that the “star” was something “supernatural” since it eventually “came and stood over where the Child was.”

    Also, as to the time of the magis’ arrival, Matthew does say they came to the “house.” Since the word could mean “dwelling” or “occupied place” the meaning seems open to question… just as whether the “star” first appeared to the wisemen as Jesus was born, or before, or after, is not definite.

    What I resonate so much with the discussion is the way we are focusing in on the significance of “gentile” worship of a Jewish birth/child… and the implications for all of us.

  26. foreverblessed says:

    Well, Bobbilee, that comment gave me a smile, I am happy though that you did not lose your faith in Christ.
    Christmas came hundreds of years after Christ died into the christian tradition. I read on the internet, that it was the Franiciscane monks in 1200 somewhat year who started the tradition of the creche scene.
    It is not days and rituals, that are holy, it is Christ Himself.

    The wise men are a good example for us, the gold we give, what could that mean? that we give our hearts to Him, that we honour Christ as King of our hearts.
    The myrrh, that we died with Him, and live through Him in faith.
    And the incense: our prayers.
    In fact everyday we should start the day by honouring
    Christ in our hearts.

    Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
    Now in our hearts, but later all over the world.

  27. foreverblessed says:

    Mart, thank you very much for bringing in the Magi,
    I readt the story again everyday since you posted it.
    Matthew 2:9-11 The magi saw the star in the east (in the new international version it says: star when it rose, so nothing about the east)
    but when they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him, Then thy opend their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

    That we worship Him, and all these christmas carols with the songs of worshiping Christ are beautifull, we should sing them everyday.
    Everyday Christmasday!

  28. SFDBWV says:

    Many years ago I read a story from experts about the whole story of creation and the flood being a Babylonian based culture story. I believe it was Newsweek or Time magazine, I don’t recall.

    I was young and in that time in my life when I wanted to fill myself with intellectual knowledge. But when I read this article I was offended. The article went on to say that the Jew picked up on the story of creation from the Baylonians while living there.

    The whole story was so riddled with inacurate time lines as well as misinformation. That I realized that the publication either didn’t edit their own featured stories or, didn’t care about the subject being represented inacurately.

    This was one of thoes watershed moments for me. I never bought or read another Newsweek or Time magazine again.

    They were lying to us.

    Over the years as I gained more experiance in life and knew facts about some of the subject matter, we now see on “The History Channel”, “Discovery Channel”, or “National Geographic Channel”, I have learned that the same attitude exists as I learned from the print puplications I mentioned above.

    They lie to us.

    What is even more amazing, is that there seems to be a consentrated effort for all of acadamia and the news media to be…anti Jesus….

    So it is my opinion that there is a spirit behind it all. We are familiar with this spirit because he has been in the world since it’s beginning.

    It is the spirit of the …anti- christ.

    The only place to find the story that surrounds the birth of Jesus, in the whole of scripture. It begins in Genesis 3:14,15 and occurs in the writtings found in Matthew 2 and Luke 2. It is John who tells us plainly hat Jesus is the Word and that the Word become flesh.

    I quit listening to the worlds experts on Bible issues. I only now listen to the Holy Spirit or thoes with whom the Holy Spirit speaks through. I can recognize His voice, so can you.


  29. SFDBWV says:

    the Star & the Magi…Without the story of the Magi and their encounter with Herod, the basis behind why Herod had all the boy babies killed 2 years and younger (Mt 2:16) would not have told. Thus our seeing that the prophesy foretold about Rachel weeping for her children (Mt 2:17,18)(Jer 31:15) was fulfilled.

    The Magi already east of Israel saw the star rise in the east. This means that they observed a special sign in the heavens (Gen 1:14) pertaining to the birth of a king and savior.

    The same star the Magi had seen rise in the east now stood over where the child was (Mt 2:9) This star now directly overhead above where the baby Jesus lay.

    All of creation awaited this event, and as recorded in Job the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy (Job 38:7) and why? because the foundation and the corner stone had been laid by whom? (Job 38:6).

    Yes the heavens proclaimed the birth of Jesus, with His star. Identified in the hebrew as “a rolling, burning,shining,star or prince”.

    His light shown the way for the “Wise Men” His light still shows the way to the wise.

    But this light was a star or sign of His birth, like the fish that God made special to swallow Jonah, this Star was made special for this one special event.

    I hope I was able to shed some light on the subject…


  30. poohpity says:

    I think it is so neat that during this time of the year there are so many programs about the bible, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and other Mary’s. It seems that stations especially National Geographic Channel have almost all sides just plastered all over. The one thing that they seem to lack is the God/Man aspect of Jesus and try to fit it all into human reasoning but that should not surprise anyone. God has given the ability to recognize Jesus’s true identity to those who are truly seeking the truth. It is a shame that they make specific points to justify the story they are trying to get across. The other stations are telling Santa Claus stories and Jesus is getting lost but we know the end of the story so we have nothing to worry about.

    Well I take that back if we are also consumed with gifts to each other and Santa Claus then Houston there could be a problem. So this discussion about the Magi helps to put our discussion where it should be and I do not like to “should” on anyone. I do not know how good of an example those who know the true meaning of this celebration are being since we just go along with all the Santa Claus stuff with gift giving, getting into debt and Christmas trees. Makes you think about where our focus truly is.

  31. poohpity says:

    As in part of our reading for today Isaiah says, “Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
    Who created all these?
    He who brings out the starry host one by one,
    and calls them each by name.
    Because of his great power and mighty strength,
    not one of them is missing.”

    If God created then He can also make the stars do anything He would like even making a new one to lead the Magi to where the promised One would be.

  32. saled says:

    I like thinking about the contrast that Mart mentioned between the wise men and the shepherds. I’ve always loved the fact that the angels appeared to the lowly shepherds. I had never thought about the fact that some of the sheep were being raised to be sacrificed. That adds a lot of meaning to the story of the shepherds. And I love that, as has been mentioned a lot in this discussion, that the Magi were gentile, that the savior came for everyone. Christ in us, hope of glory.

  33. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Just been catching up on all the posts and a thought struck me!

    The Age of the Gentiles began with the Magi and their Gifts of Worship. God let us in on the act for the first time. Then you had the Etheopian Eunuch who was studying Hebrew scriptures and was saved and baptised in a miraculous way.
    Then the Holy Spirit was given to the Gentiles and the rest is history.
    Now history is drawing to it’s final conclusion, the age of the Gentiles is about to come to an end and temple worship will be reestablished in Jerusalem etc.
    Jesus will reveil Himself to His brethren (Like Joseph in Egypt)
    The Magi left and took another route to avoid Jerusalem.
    The Gentile Church will take another route home, The Rapture, and will only return to Jerusalem when Messiah Himself does.
    Any thoughts or Scriptues?

  34. poohpity says:

    Well it really does not say in Matthew what nationality the wise men were it just says they came from the east. We do know that many Israelite’s were scattered all over because of what happened when they turned away from God and were sent into captivity. They were in Babylon, Egypt and many places east, north and south of Israel. They could have been Jewish but I guess if it had been that important Matthew would have told us.

    There were many times in the OT that gentiles became believers like Ruth just to name one. Even Nebuchadnezzar while Daniel was in Babylon. I know that when Moses left Egypt there were those from Egypt that also choose to go. So so called gentiles were never not permitted to know the Lord, Israel was just set apart to lead folks to God but even being set apart they still lost focus. Gentiles have come to be accepted by God even in the Law there were provision for them. I guess I have never seen that much separation except when folks became legalistic and thought of themselves more highly then they ought.

  35. foreverblessed says:

    Wow Bob, you make big steps.

    About Santa Claus, now that we have internet, you can read the story behind it. It was a saint, called Saint Nicolas of Myra, Tutkey. He was a christian bishop in Turkey born in 280 AD. He was known for helping poor people, gave gifts anonymously. His nameday is on December 6. So in our country we have this Santa Claus festival, like a family evening, at the evening before dec 5. We used to have selfmade suprise gifts, but the last 30 years it had been changed to buying many gifts.
    But still a happy gathering. The english people have incorporated this saint into christmas,Sant Claus.

    But that just for extra information. Nothing about the magi, allthough maybe so, because they came with gifts for Jesus. I do not mind all these gifts giving, but for us christians, it is a time to think what does God ask from us? We discussed that the last topic. He wants our hearts. The gold, the incense, the myrrh, again I come at these gifts, it has brightened my week, usually stressfull because of the organising of dinners, going to services, and all. But what is in my heart, the joy for Jesus.

  36. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Yes, Ruth sprang to mind when I was typeing and she is also in Messiahs blood line, I believe.
    God always welcomed those from outside who truted in Him and even foreign servants had to be circumsised etc.

    As I was reading before and looking out my window at the Atlantic Ocean, I was just thinking about all the ways God puts together circumstances that seem to follow a pattern and reveal hidden truths to us about the end times.
    I expect they are just the rambling thoughts of a middle aged man. :-)

  37. Hisgirl4life says:

    Forever blessed, I agree that God is looking for the gift of our heart. What more precious gift could we give to him who has given all he could give each of us? Also, he desires that we use the gifts he’s given each of us to tell others about him and love a hurting world he left behind.

    When thinking about the Magi and the star in the East, I’m again reminded that God predestined all of the galaxies before He even formed the earth. Amazing! Since he is God…(John 1) “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was in God and the Word was God.” There are many scriptures referencing Jesus as the “Light” of the world.

    The star of Bethlehem that happen to rest over the spot where Jesus was born didn’t appear just magically, it was all predained. God knew the alignment of the stars when Christ was born and when he died. Both times, once with brilliant light that led the Magi, and the other with total darkness the hour Jesus died on the cross…God was there orchestrating his celestial wonder of creation.

    There is an interesting and Biblically sound research of the star at BethlehemStar.Net that outlines the significance of the star that led the Magi and the exact date it appeared…

    As Steve said earlier, we need to look to scripture before aligning our thoughts and minds with others. May God see the joy knowing Christ in each of our hearts…may that joy become the sparkle in our eyes that ignites curiosity and wonder in the hearts of those that don’t know him. Merry Christmas to all!

  38. afranz says:

    I was interested to read the Hebrew description of the “star” provided by SFDBWV, which was a “rolling, burning, shining star , or prince.” Sounds cometlike, or similar, to me. And that would definitely move at the LORD’s discretion as all the untold millions of heavenly bodies do. You gotta admit, if the thing had been parked above Mary and Joseph’s place for almost two years, it wouldn’t have been so hard for Herod to figure out that something was going on.
    I just reread the story again, does it say that the star moved in front of them as they traveled from the east? I only see that it moved in front of them after they left Herod and began their trek to Bethlehem. And it seems to mean that the star pointed out the very house, which ordinary stars do not do here in the Midwest. Not even a cometlike star.
    I haven’t wrapped my imagination around this one yet. In our day and age something like this would draw crowds, but none are mentioned. Just a group of wise men stopping by for a quick visit, and then the family leaving town.
    Can you imagine the coversation with Joseph and Mary? How these wise men must have encouraged them when they had spent so much time being talked about by friends and neighbors since the “early” birth of their first son. And the incredible gifts, just in time to fund an emergency trip planned by God from Genesis. Wow, it is just amazing how God opens my eyes when I think I am reading the same old story, only it becomes brand new. Thanks for all the great scriptures and Magi info on this. It has really been great.

  39. kingsdaughter says:

    Speaking of the science of things….couldn’t help but notice, as a professional land surveyor’s wife, that on the movie “The Nativity” the Magi were using ancient means of traversing their route… as a stellar observation…a staff with a V and a plumb bob, as a direction on the ground to follow the direction of the star! My husband said it is hard to follow a particular star from the ground without some way to keep yourself aligned with that star… since we now know there is a North star that we can know that general direction from its brightness….a natural compass so to speak.

    Amen! Steve,Pooh, Mart, about the secular media (mass media in general)portraying their own account of biblical events…I was posting here in a very Sponge Bob Square Pants atmosphere (my granddaughter was watching) it invaded my Bible blog…but in a timely fashion you might say…it was Sponge Bob’s Christmas…their own telling of everything but Christ. I immediately saw it as an opportunity to inform my grandchild that their message “forgot” Jesus. Of course, we know it was intentional. Those messages are subtle to those who are unaware of the anti Christ and Satan’s way of manipulating unsuspecting minds.

    Just recently our area received national attention on the news, a church nearby posted on their church marquee…”Santa is not coming but Jesus is!” WOW…what a stir that created…but is gave pause for thought..my response is if your child can read that sign as you pass it going 55 mph (the speed in front of that church)…then perhaps they are old enough to know the truth about Santa…to know the Truth.

    Saled, I also learned something new about the sheep being raised for sacrifice. I am learning quite a few interesting facts here. I guess my traditional self has never thought to question the things we have all seen portrayed at Christmas..the whole scene of the nativity. I have taken it for granted as I have our Lord.

  40. plumbape says:

    The Bible says my King is a seven way King. He’s the King of the Jews – that’s a racial King; He’s the King of Israel – that’s a national King; He’s the King of Righteousness, He’s the King of the ages, He’s the King of Heaven, He’s the King of Glory, He’s the King of Kings and He’s the Lord of Lords!

    He’s my King, I wonder – do you know Him?

    David said the Heaven’s declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork. My King is a sovereign King. No means of measure can define His limitless love, no far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shore-less supply, no barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings

    He’s enduringly strong, He’s entirely sincere, He’s eternally steadfast, He’s immortally graceful, He’s imperially powerful, He’s impartially merciful.

    Do you know Him?

    He’s the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world! He’s God’s son, He’s the sinners Savior, He’s the centerpiece of civilization, He stands in the solitude of Himself, He’s august and He’s unique! He’s unparalleled, He’s unprecedented, He’s the loftiest idea in literature, He’s the highest personality in philosophy,

    He’s the supreme problem in higher criticism, He’s the fundamental doctrine of true theology, He’s the miracle of the age, He is – yes He is, He is the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him, He’s the only one who qualified to be an all sufficient Savior;

    Do you know Him?

    He supplies strength for the weak, He’s available for the tempted and the tried, He sympathizes and He saves, He strengthens and sustains, He guards and He guides, He heals the sick, He cleansed the lepers, He forgives sinners, He discharges debtors, He delivers the captives, He defends the feeble, He blesses the young, He serves the unfortunate, He regards the aged, He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meek.

    Do you know Him?

    My King is the key to knowledge: The wellspring of wisdom; the doorway of deliverance; the pathway of peace; the roadway of righteousness; the highway of holiness, and the gateway of glory!

    His office is manifold: His promise is sure. His light is matchless. His goodness is limitless. His mercy is everlasting. His reign is Righteous. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

    I wish I could describe Him for you, but He’s indescribable! He’s Incomprehensible! He’s invincible! He’s Irresistible!

    You can’t get Him out of your mind or off your hands! You can’t out-live Him and you can’t live without Him! The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him. Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him. The witnesses couldn’t agree. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Death couldn’t handle Him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him!

    That’s my King, That’s my King, That’s my King, and He’s the kingdom and the power and the glory – Forever! AMEN!!!

    Do you know Him?

    – Dr S.M. Lockridge

  41. plumbape says:

    Always loved this…

  42. poohpity says:

    Gee, ape, I thought that was you saying that and was going to ask you to marry me, lol. I think I have heard Anne Graham Lots say this too! Profound isn’t it and really makes you think, do we really understand who God is and can we really wrap our minds around all that He is.

  43. phpatato says:

    I never stopped to think about the magi before. It prompted me to go internet searching.

    The magi were, according to Wikipedia, popularly referred to as wise men and kings. The term magi refers to the priestly caste of Zoroastrianism; a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of the Persian prophet Zoroaster(circa 628-551 BC). They were religious priests, Chaldeans, physicians, philosophers, astronomers, astrologers, soothsayers.

    They were also known as those who could interpret dreams. They served in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court and had failed in their attempts of interpreting the king’s dream. Daniel though was the only man in the courts who could. Therefore, it is logical to think that Daniel and the magi rubbed shoulders quite often, and so, the magi would have known of Daniel’s prophecy concerning the Messiah’s birth.

    As astrologers, the magi would have been able to follow the star into Jerusalem. There they had to ask where the “young child” was. That meant that the star disappeared. Had the star been a supernova or comet, it would have been visible to many that night and as such should have been talked about and marveled upon. It wasn’t.

    It is likely that King Herod knew about the magi and their “claim to fame”, which is why he had a secret meeting with them. He had “diligently” (more on this word/thought later) asked them what time the star appeared. After leaving the king, the star appeared again to them and led them to “the house” where the “young child” was.

  44. phpatato says:

    No. Matthew 2:11 says (KJV) And when they were come into the “house”, they saw the “young child” with Mary his mother…..”. However, in Luke, it speaks of shepherds who were sore afraid of the angel of the Lord that said (verse 12) And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the “babe” wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in “a manger”. The shepherds saw the baby in the manger and it was them that spread what was known of the Saviour, Christ the Lord. This gave the people the magi questioned the answers as to the child’s whereabouts.

    The magi saw a young child, a toddler. When Herod realized that he was mocked by the wise men, he became violently angry and jealous. From him asking “diligently” what time the star appeared, he then did the math. He ordered the deaths of all the children from 2 years old and under.

    I have to agree with something that a read…..The great mystery of the first Christmas is not the origin of it’s special star. It is the question of why the magi were chosen to follow the light to the Messiah, and why we are given the same invitation today.

  45. phpatato says:

    Sorry, missed this as a start to the word NO……

    Mart you said: “Could “the star” have appeared to them 2 years prior to Jesus birth so that they could have arrived while Jesus was still “in the manger.”

  46. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I agree with you PHP

    It does seem correct that Jesus was a todler when the Magi came, but remember Moses was just a suckling baby in a basket when Pharoa ordered all the children to be killed under 2 years.
    I thought this was ment to be similar hence Joseph and Mary fleeing to Egypt etc. and the prophecies being forfilled and Jesus Messiah coming out of Egypt, like Israel did?
    very big subject when you delve into it, seems we hardly know anything when it comes to the reality of the day.

  47. foreverblessed says:

    With Christmas a King is born.
    Thanks plumbape for the adoration of our King! Yes He is our King.
    I was thinking that last night, we talk about a great King, and there I read this blog again, and here this song of our King.
    And I agree with hisgril4life, the King would like it that we be busy with His Kingdom.
    “You do not yet know enough about the Kingdom, go into the slumbs of India, and these people will teach you what the Kingdom is about.”
    Or in other words, go into your town, the lost, the lonely, the depressed they will tell you about the Kingdom
    With all the parables of Jesus about the Kingdom: sowing seeds of His love into their hearts. It is with small things His Kingdom starts.
    Some start with the seeds, and these are small things, just caring, being loving, scooping snow, or doing some shopping for those who cannot go through the snow right now.
    Anyway, that is the start of the Kingdom in hearts, the repentance comes later, (I was thinking about DMG who would talk about repentance that is the real start of a new life).
    But do we know about His Kingdom, read all the parables, and then go into your town, if your King is the real King of your heart.
    The mercifull King, the Lovely one, read on the above song about our King.

  48. daisymarygoldr says:

    Back home the church does not celebrate Christmas the way it is done here…and the reasoning is exactly what you said foreverblessed “Christmas is to honor Jesus everyday”!

    At church, they did observe Dec 25th but the celebrations do not include grown-ups… there is lots of singing and Bible-based fun activities and snacks for the kids. At home in addition to the special meal, my mother made goodies to be shared with all our neighbors and also non Christian friends who used to invariably drop in to wish us “merry Christmas”.

    Even though my parents frowned on Santa and the Christmas tree, because of my Catholic school background, I loved decorating the live Christmas tree that grew in front of the house in our garden…which at this time of the year is not snowy white but is usually brimming over with beautiful flowers in Christmassy colors… that bloom to make a bold statement even amidst the haze of the misty air… roses, dahlias, chrysanthemums, carnations, geraniums, phlox, petunias, poinsettias… all dotted with fresh dew drops that shimmer as they reflected the dancing rays of the rising sun… not to forget the lush vegetables… spinach, cauliflowers, carrots and cabbage heads…entangled in a spidery web of frost… and despite the beauty of our winter flora mingled with their heady fragrances… my all time favorite of the season was the huge lighted star that hanged on top of that tall evergreen tree!

    Sorry about those musings… just got carried away for a moment…. it was to explain that the “star of wonder” holds a very special meaning for me. Coming back to the topic I agree, “the wonder of the magi is really worth thinking about”…not the mystery or the “maybes” surrounding them but the details that have been spelled out so clearly in scriptures and solidly made known to us “for sure” in Matthew chapter 2.

  49. daisymarygoldr says:

    “the wise men” are there to remind me once again that there is still so much to be thought about, wondered, and worshiped…”-MDH and these are the pondering of my heart:

    Firstly, the text implies that only the Magi saw the star. It is interesting that the star was not noticed or even visible to anyone but the wise men. Throughout the Bible, God has often used special supernatural features to guide his people, such as “the pillar of cloud” which was darkness to the Egyptians but a source of light to Israel. This is another example of “contrasts” of how God can be both light to one and yet seem dark to another.

    Secondly, the message of the star disturbed Herod and all Jerusalem with him but its appearance brought great joy to the wise men. The good news of Christ does not always bring joy to everyone. His name reminds evil people of their unrepentant sins and its judgment. The amazing thing here is that Herod responded with hatred and the priests and scribes with apathy and indifference even when they knew about the promised Messiah! This is a vivid picture of the good news of Christ is foolishness to those who perish.

    Thirdly, in their pursuit the wise men persevered through a long and difficult journey through the wilderness… of long dark nights, of hot scorching sun during the day, of going astray and getting lost by being lured by the royal palace of Herod… yet through all of this they never gave up! They did not doubt or waver in their faith about the object of their quest — the newborn King of the Jews! It speaks of a devoted commitment to seek and worship the King!

    Fourthly, their worship was not mere praise and adoration as lip service. The sincerity of their worship was expressed by the costliness of their gifts which they offered out of their treasures. Worship that is limited to singing praises of Jesus and adoration of His grace, love, mercy and compassion is false worship. To simply lift up our sin-stained hands and sing sentimental praises and hallelujahs is false love. True love will give back to the King… the test of our love is in our giving—of what we are willing to give and sacrifice out of the choicest treasures of our lives!

    Finally, the child Jesus did nothing for them and neither did He speak anything to reveal His royal presence… He did not do any powerful miracles for them to assert His divine person. There was no way a 2-yr old could have shown them any love, grace mercy and compassion. Yet the wise men believed and worshiped Him. Makes me think of how much more we know about the Messiah today than they did back then… at least that is my impression after reading all the posts on this page.

  50. daisymarygoldr says:

    So, my Q to us-the Church in which there is neither Jew nor Gentile is: How far will we travel in this journey of faith to worship the Messiah right here on earth? What hardships are we willing to endure to show our love for Him? Are we indeed worshiping Him with a joyful abandonment to give our all to Him? What are the most treasured things of our lives that we are sacrificing for everything He has done for us?

    I don’t know about you, but as for me the wonder of the wise men reminds me to worship Messiah the King with my gifts of:

    1. My faith of pure Gold tried several times through fire to result in a

    2. Consecrated life that has been crucified and buried to the sins of the flesh to produce

    3. A fragrant service of my steadfast love, which will be a pleasant and sweet smelling savor to both God and man.

    To conclude, the first coming of the Messiah was announced to the farthest ends of the earth by the appearance of a star. Similarly the second God coming of his Son will also be announced by shining stars of wonder. When we shine like stars in a dark world people from far and near our lives will faithfully witness to guide others to Jesus.

    Guess what is the wonder of these stars that shine the gospel of Christ in this world today? To serve the poor and oppressed…? To be good Samaritans…? Paul reminds us that the wonder lies in being “blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which we shine like “stars” in the universe” (Phil 2:14)!

    And Michael, that is so awesome…thanks for sharing! Now that we know so much about Jesus Christ our King, may we stop looking for His gifts and instead bring our gifts to worship the King with the offerings of our faithful love, our fragrant service and the consecration of our lives!

  51. daisymarygoldr says:

    Correction: To conclude, the first coming of the Messiah was announced to the farthest ends of the earth by the appearance of a star. Similarly the second coming of Jesus-the Messiah is being announced by us- the shining stars of wonder. When we shine like stars in a dark world, people from far and near will be drawn by the light our lives as we faithfully witness to guide others to Jesus.

  52. SFDBWV says:

    Daisy, I sometimes forget that you are in a forign land far from thoes you love and a life familiar to you.

    Here in my home we have a saying…”Every day is a hoilday and every meal a feast.”

    It isn’t an original, but I repeat it a lot.

    Another saying we often use here is that “Christmas comes here every day.”

    So from my house to yours Daisy, I hope Christmas comes to your house every day and that every day is a holiday and every meal a feast….


  53. SFDBWV says:

    When I looked up the Hebrew definition for star, and read it as a rolling burning shining,star. I was struck at the accuracy of the Hebrew word for star.

    No way a person could just look up into the night sky and get it that this object burns and rotates (rolls).

    I love the way the Word is always shown as accurate in all things.

    Imagine what we may learn next.


  54. SFDBWV says:

    In Isaiah 61:2 Isaiah said “To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God;”

    When Jesus read this scripture to the people of Nazareth, He only said “To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” “And He closed the book,” Luke 4:19,20

    This was because this was His first duty, to bring forgiveness and healing to the people. His second duty will occur, when He returns…The day of vengeance…

    The signs of His return are everywhere in His creation and the Word goes to great length to alert us to what thoes signs are. I could begin with Matthew 24 but the list is all over the scripture as are the signs of the “Terrible Day of the Lord”. The moon turning blood red, the sun giving no light, earth quakes in diverse places. The turning away of the faith, the acceptence of evil as normal living….It is an awful list of signs that hearld His second return….

    Pray that we, His Church are gone from this world when the worst of them appear…


  55. rokdude5 says:

    Good morning everyone.

    One thing that struck me is that the adjective that was used to describe these men…”wise”. They were not called “mystics” as I have seen written in the Bible in reference to other folks. Like others have said, these guys may have studied the Hebrew text and like a lot of us, were not satisfied by just the reading. They wanted to know more.

    To me its irrevelant how the “star” was formed. The wise men looked into the heavens for the “star” and lo and behold, there it was. Now it seems to me, God can make “appearances” quite audience selective. Some may plainly see while others dont.

    Why was this story including only in Matthews? hmmm…Matthews was written for a Jewish reader. Right now Im reading through the book of Jeremiah where God complained how the Jewish nations were following “the imagination of their own hearts” instead of following Him. Perhaps this story was included in Matthews because a lot of Jews were missing the signs yet Gentiles who studied God’s Words saw it plainly.

    Steve, I well relate to the Appalachian folks being quite hardy. I married a Tennessee Appalachian decendent. Though she tries to hide the fact, at times it does come out quite readily.

    We got just a couple of inches yesterday but we are still “…freezing in the winter wonderland.”

    Merry Christmas every one. RJ

  56. Becky M says:

    poohpity, that’s the thought I had and was trying to finish reading the rest of the posts so I could comment. Remember reading in the OT that God gave orders to except strangers in their cities and let them be involved in the traditons that God wanted His people to obey, if the strangers wanted to. Then I thought mabe some of these strangers brought back God laws and traditions to their families and there was gentile worship even then. But, we wouldn’t read about them in the Bible. So, the Magi could very easily have been gentiles looking for the messiah also. God knows His own. This is to everyone as well as poohpity.

  57. kingsdaughter says:

    Rok…I, too, don’t really care about the star and all the hows of everything…I have not sat around and wondered if Jesus was really not a babe but 2 yrs. old when the Magi finally arrived…I take it as what it is; part of the biblical truths and those things preordained. The things that interest me more are about salvation and growing in wisdom….and the whys of it all. God can and does do what is impossible for us to understand. I think it is intentional so that we do seek Him out…a curiosity that draws us to Him. There are revelations that await us as a people and individually.

  58. Becky M says:

    sorry I meant accept not except,lol. Anyway who’s to say that the some of the people of the nations “gentiles” didn’t observe God’s laws and didn’t pay attention to the prophets when they told of a messiah?

  59. poohpity says:

    The Lord does not want our sacrifices because He was the final sacrifice. He wants us to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbor as we would our self. He wants to us show mercy just as we have been shown mercy, to love justice and to love Him. Hosea 6:6; Micah 6:8, 7:18; Zechariah 7:8-10; Matthew 5:7, 9:13, 12:7, 18:33, 23:23; Romans 9:16, 11:32, 12:1; Gal. 6:15,16 1 Tim 1:16; Titus 3:5; James 2:13. It will totally bless you to read these passages because then we will know the will of God and during this time of the remembrance of God taking human form we can offer our sacrifice of Praise of Thankfulness for the blessed mercy we have been shown.

  60. kdas says:


    May I direct you to “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes” by Kenneth Bailey, Part 1, Chapter 3, page 51ff.

    Space limits me to narrate all Ken Bailey says, but of significance are the following:

    1. While it is natural for those living in the west (Rome) to think of the east as being Persia or India, “Living on the West Bank in Israel/Palestine I observed that visitors arriving from Jordan were always referred to as having come ‘from the east’, which of course meant the east side of the Jordan river”

    2. In the 1920s a British scholar E.F.F. Bishop visited a bedouin tribe in Jordan … bore the Arabic name ‘al-Kokabani’ … those who study/follow the planets. … When asked why they called themselves by such a name, they replied “because their ancestors followed the planets and travelled west to Palestine to show honor to the great prophet Jesus when the was born” (Bailey footnotes: “This conversation between Bishop and the Sheikhs was reported to me orally in the summer of 1957 in Jerusalem by E.F.F. Bishop”)

    May I commend you to Bailey’s excellent book, and may each of you be blessed by a fresh, rich understanding of the work of our glorious and mighty God!


  61. poohpity says:

    I think the second coming is announced by the blast of a trumpet and Jesus returning the same way He left. Matthew 24:30,31

  62. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    I so enjoy all of your posts and the different insights. I don’t know of any wise thing to say but when I first came to know our Lord I was amazed at the simplicity of His revelations to me through scripture. My prayer at the time was always for God to keep me childlike and simple in my understanding so I would not get a proud heart. I don’t know if that is right but I believe God reveals to me what He wants me to know and the rest is by faith. I don’t know the time the magi came but I believe they came and for me that is enough. I believe Jesus died for my sins and I try to keep my relationship with Him simple. I know He revealed Himself to the woman at the well and I know He revealed Himself to me. He changes hearts and He changed mine which was filled with all kinds of sin and replaced it with love. I don’t know when He was born but I know He was and that is enough. He is my teacher and is growing me as I am able to understand. I feel our strongest bond is no matter how we view the magi and the star we all believe and in the end isn’t that all that matters?

    Pooh You are precious and I could never be upset with you.
    Steve a special hi to Matt and Glenna and I so enjoy your wonderful love filled post
    Pegramsdell Thank you for your prayers
    Daisy I simply love you

    May God be with each of us this day we have chosen to celebrate and honor His birth

    I miss all of you and will try to say a little once in a while but if I don’t please know I care and I do read the blog and it is a blessing.

  63. Becky M says:

    Thank you gr8grannyjacobs,looking forward to your posts whenever you post. When it comes right down to it we all have to settle until we learn more truth. We know that it happened and it happened for us and we’ll need to stick to that until God wants us to know for sure. All the information that is not in the scriptures and that can’t be calculated is to be taken in faith. Have a blessed Christmas all.

  64. SFDBWV says:

    01 degree here this morning, Clear sky but they are calling for a nightmare of sleet and freezing rain tonight and tomorrow. Not good we still have well over a foot of snow covering everything.

    Good to see you post again Charlotte (g8granny). Merry Christmas to you and Sam.

    I am sure Mart has a Christmas post prepared so I will await it in order to wish all a Merry Christmas.

    Just one more thing about the Magi. This is where the word magic comes from. These magi of Persia were the original star gazers and such. Wanted to explain that before I said..

    Every time someone has come over this Christmas season to visit my son, Matthew, it has been “magical” and a blessing for us all. So I sort of see them as Matthew’s vistis from his Magi. Afterall, Christ is here with us.


  65. Mart De Haan says:

    So many good thoughts here. Plumbape, I also love that SML quote!

    Not working today. Supposed to have freezing rain and ice here. Not nearly as cold as where you are, Steve. Yet so much further north.

    Will try to post something later today for those of us who get a chance to check in on Christmas…

  66. SFDBWV says:

    I hope you get to enjoy your day off Mart. I also hope things don’t get too bad with the weather for you. Ice storms are far more dangerous than snow.

    This isn’t your first storm though and I am sure you are prepared for whatever may come.

    Still our prayers go out for you and your family today.


  67. poohpity says:

    Well in the Valley of the Sun it is now 39 degrees, so much for shorts today, LOL. There was ice on my car. Can you imagine that? Got to go get tamales for Christmas dinner, yea!!

    Enjoy Christmas eve service where ever you are. This will be my first without mom. I am glad she is at rest with the reason for the season.

    Remember “Jesus is the Gift”!!!

  68. pegramsdell says:

    You are very welcome Gr8granny. :)
    Also…I am joining in with all others praying for those in bad weather areas.

    Our Lord is in control of the weather, so I am asking Him to make sure you all have enough heat, food and supplies. And that you have a safe and wonderful Christmas.

    I’m from Florida and have only traveled through snow or blizzards a couple of times. I have never actually lived in it. So I don’t know what that’s like. But I can imagine. Brrrr! :)

    Have a great day off Mart. You deserve it.

  69. bubbles says:

    The gifts of the wise men are always a point of fascination. When what they could represent is considered, it says much about these men. Surely gold has always been associated with kingship and royalty. Frankincense (incense) could represent his Lordship, prayer, etc. Since the Hebrews burned it in the temple (possibly a symbol of prayer.) In one reference book, frankincense is referred to as a white substance. If this is so, the white would remind us of Jesus’ purity. Myrrh was a substance that was used to prepare bodies for burial.

    I could very well be wrong in these speculations. Don’t like to assume anything, but if this is so, these men somehow really understood who the Christ child was. .
    especially that He had come to die for them and us.
    Simeon in the temple said something along the line of “a light to the gentiles”, which I think refers back to Scripture in Isaiah. (Don’t have my Bible with me right now.)

    p.s. We had four inches of snow fall here in 2 hours and 20 minutes on Friday evening. A total of 19.5 inches. . Now freezing rain is on its way. The Lord has a way of slowing people down to a halt!

  70. rokdude5 says:

    mmmmmm…..tamales…Pooh, what time do you want us to drop by for dinner? lol RJ

  71. Becky M says:

    bubbles(RJ), yes in winter the Lord does slow us down a bit espeacially in half or almost half of the world. I think He wants us to use these lock up time to reflect.

    I’m also praying for those who are locked up because of freezing tempts. I’m in an area where it’s just very cold without a lot of snow. But icy. Love in Christ ya all.

  72. kingsdaughter says:

    Granny you said it best for me.. I agree wholeheartedly with your post.

    I am praying for a safe and warm Christmas for all who are in bad snowy and icy weather…Steve…Mart…

    Pooh, I pray you have a peaceful first Christmas without your mom…it is our first in 29 yrs. without our beloved son.. but it is they who are having the Merriest of Christmases with our Lord. I am blessed having been the mother of Michael Brandon Heath whose name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Thank You, Lord for my wonderful child…my wonderful children…my sweet husband.

    I am in north Florida where it is a dreary rainy day with cold weather coming tomorrow…fireplace is ready.

    God be with all my new found friends here at RBC….

    Bob, I am thinking of you dear one and hoping you are well in jolly old England…I loved my time there back in ’01.

    In Christ’s Love….

  73. afranz says:

    We had freezing rain and sleet this morning, and now the wind is howling and swirling a froth of snow across the roof. The ground isn’t quite covered yet, but it is still coming down hard. My daughter in Ca. is suffering because it is below 70 F. today and she is cold. Poor Baby.LOL. I think she said it was 66 F.
    My devotional calendar for today reads: “The family of God includes all born-again believers, regardless of name tags or denominations. Unity will come as tolerance, love and respect become the rule and not the exception.”
    The accompanying verse is Matthew 12-50,”For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
    I wish you all peace and joy in Christ this Christmas.
    The morning’s devotion made me think of the wise men and how they did the Lord’s will by seeking Him, accepting Him, and obeying Him.

  74. poohpity says:

    Yes RJ may doors are always open. The tamales are soooo very, very good and I got homemade tortillas too!!! I have always wanted to meet daisy cause she just lives about 45 minutes away but that has not happened yet. We should have a beenthinking get together some time that would be a hoot.

    This will be the first Christmas here that I have had to wear a coat. We had a huge sand storm a couple of days ago and there were 2 children who lost their lives 14 and 17 on their way to get Ice cream. I bet their parents are beside themselves. You just never know when it will be one’s last day here so we need to love everyone like it is their last.

    I am from Tampa originally so I just love Florida.

  75. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Just turned Midnight GMT (Universal time as it is now known)Beem me up Scotty. lol

    Just want to wish everyone a very merry and happy Christmas.
    Thank you Dale for thinking of me here, I am thinking of you to!
    Seems you lot over the other side of the Atlantic are having a cold time of it this winter, we are cold but even at midnight here it is still a balmy +5c (41f?)
    Though we had Ice a few days ago and -2c inland at night.
    Anyway Happy Christmas from Europe. May Jesus come back soon and bring peace to this troubled world.

    Wonderful! Councilour! Almighty God! Everlasting Father! Prince of Peace!
    My Friend and King!
    Love, Bob :-)

  76. kaliko88 says:

    It is Christmas Eve and I’m stuck at home with the cats. Was supposed to be on the road to my mom’s but we’re right in the path of the blizzard. It’s snowing and blowing and there have been a lot of accidents. Seems every time I look at the weather warnings they keep increasing the amount of snow we’re expecting, now up to 10 inches, which is a lot here. It’s the blowing that’s the problem, making it hard to see and causing dangerous drifting. If it keeps up, I won’t be able to go anywhere for Christmas either. But the power is still on, so that is my Christmas present.

    Almost all the churches had to cancel Christmas Eve services, so I came here for a little bit of “church.” It’s funny but, I was just thinking of the wise men this morning. I too am impressed with their traveling so far and believing and worshipping.

    As for the Christmas-disconnect of the secular world, well, I try not to let it get in the way of my celebrating. Each year the “fight” about keeping the true meaning of Christmas seems to get bigger, but it just looks like yet another distraction of the devil to me. My family gives gifts to the kids, holds a gift exchange for the adults, and spends the rest of the time enjoying being together. A lot of us give donations as presents thanks to a tradition my grandfather started years ago. To be honest, the gift exchange was as much about being tired of simple gift-giving as it was because we’re such a large family. But I love giving gifts. I’m just so grateful for my family and I like to show it. The wind just picked up even more and one of the turbines on my roof is making an awful racket.

    Speaking of being grateful, thank you all for your prayers. I should have updated sooner about my friends, but all three are resolving so differently. The friend who miscarried is doing okay, surrounded by friends and family. The friend who’s husband nearly died, well, that’s not so good. He is still recovering, but he’s also started drinking again. She’s beside herself with worry and frustration. And the friend being treated for lymphoma and who will be losing her job and benefits tomorrow …. it looks like it’s still going to happen. We’ve heard nothing from anyone despite several attempts. The only good thing is, her treatments are going well, and she will recover.

    Well, I have enjoyed this discussion immensely. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. It’s my first Christmas alone since the separation and I’m determiend it will still be merry, even if all my travel plans are changed. I’m off to put on hot water for some mocha, dig into a bag of M&M’s, watch a Charlie Brown Christmas and Muppet Christmas Carol, and watch my cats play with their Christmas catnip mice.

  77. maxtheweb says:

    I pray everyday to Jesus… “Dear Jesus, please save me from your followers! And this is the truth.

  78. poohpity says:

    Gee, Max, sorry to hear you feel that way about us. We are not perfect just in process. I hope Jesus answers your prayers but if you keep looking us up how can He save you from us. That’s like saying save me from the pool as you dive in, LOL.

  79. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Amen, Mart! What a wonderful part of the Christmas Story, the Magi’s appearance.

    A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  80. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    ******** Happy Christmas ********

    I am praying for you kaliko88, some parts of Britain have travel restrictions due to snow and ice, but a bright sunny morning at +5c (41f) here in west Cornwall. Perhaps God is keeping you at home for a reason, I always think of those stories of people who were delayed for work at the Twin Towers that fateful morning, some just stopped to buy a paper or missed the train etc. If Our Lord is keeping you in it is for your good, so enjoy!
    I too have a cat and she looks after me.

    maxtheweb, I to know what you mean about “Christians” but we are a work in process, as Pooh said, and all of us have lots of faults. The trick is to look beyond the person and see Jesus, even when we come out with those little sound bights of scripture that roll of the toungue without thought and can hurt if taken the wrong way. Always look for the good intention.
    When I first came on this site I thought “what a pious, jumped up lot”, but when you here the agonising stories of peoples lives and struggles you begin to see why we all cling to Jesus so hard, there is no one else we can turn to. He became a baby, then a man, then He gave His life so that we could live with him forever.
    He Made everything that exist, yet loves us to death, litteraly!
    Yet He conquered death and rose up to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords forever. Amen!

    No church today as our little Barn Fellowship is small and many have farm work to do today as well as family gatherings.
    I am off to my friends house in the village for a champagne breakfast at 10:30 :-)
    I am so glad I have had the privellage of meeting you all here and glimsing into your lives.
    Happy Christmas Dale, Steve, Pooh and everyone xxx


  81. foreverblessed says:

    Happy Christmas everyone.
    I really enjoyed this topice, and realised that the worship of the Magi of Jesus, that is a very good example for me, this song was in my head this morning:
    I want me to want You,
    I need me to need You.

    That I would worship my King every morning when I awake.
    He is my thruth, my Shield, my Righteousness, my willingness to bring the gospel of peace, my Salvation.

  82. foreverblessed says:

    maxtheweb, tell about your experience that you pray this.

    I was thinking, a lot of people sho read this will think: “how can these people be so happy about Jesus, I cannot worship Him like that. Do they really mean it, or just fake it.”
    Bob, you said it nicely, we have nowhere else to go to when we are in real trouble, noboby can give you a hand like Jesus can. Just call on His name, and He will start to answer.

  83. tld says:

    hi everyone,

    There is a gentlemen who has a website entitled: bethlehemstar.net. He is doing a wonderful study on this topic.

    Good luck. It is a fasicinating way to think about the Coming of the Christ Child.

    He seems to follow and looks like he has found out that two planets came together, etc to form the Star the Magi were following. He talks about how the stars appear and disappear because they are all in motion. However some stars are fixed, while others move around them. He mentions that their are trillions of galaxies. And he also mentions that the galaxy of stars is a huge clock that is mathematical perfection.


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