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So Be it… Un…resolved

Photo: mikemilton

On New Years Eve I watched a few hundred local runners brave frigid temperatures to take on a 4 mile course around our local Reeds Lake.

They called it their Resolution Run. As we watched them warming up I wondered what “Resolution Run” meant for them.

I say “them” because Di and I watched it all from inside our warm car that did the running for us.

Actually feel a bit uneasy raising the subject of resolutions. By now most of us have our own history and opinion about the value of New Year’s promises.

But there’s something about resolutions that may really make a difference for us in 2010.

Let’s imagine doing our own “resolution run” at a course marked out for us by the mile-markers of 1Corinthians 13. We begin by warming up together with the Apostle Paul who leads us in acknowledging that all of the faith, knowledge, and eloquence in the world is just a lot of noise without love.

We hear Paul tell us that our life can only reflect Christ in us if we show the kind of love that is marked by caring for others with “patience, and kindness (13:4). In addition, the Apostle urges us to realize that we will finish this course only by leaving behind love denying envy, boasting, pride, rudeness, self-seeking, and short-fused anger (4-5)…. (for openers)…,

Together we say…So be it resolved…

Only to feel the words stick in our throats. After all,

If Paul, himself, acknowledged in another letter that he had not been able to live up to his own goals (Philip 3:12):

  1. How much of that kind of caring for others can we reasonably hope for?
  2. Can we show the loving patience and kindness of Christ  in our own strength?
  3. If not, is it possible that the most meaningful thing we can do…

Is not to resolve… but to pray…

Lord please help us loving patience and kindness that reflects your ability to do in us—to the honor of your Son—what we could not do in our own strength,

And please, Father, as we consider asking you to love through us… please help us even to pray… for the ability to show the loving patience and kindness that gives honor to your Son and Spirit in us…

What do you think? Is this a place to start again? Or am I already missing something?

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76 Responses to “So Be it… Un…resolved”

  1. scout2 says:

    I think that you are right on the mark, Mart. It’s true, the older I get the less I know and the more I need/want to rely on the Lord. Without love no one will respond to us. But without the Lord’s love no one will respond to us where we can see spiritual change. What I like about “resolutions” for the New Year is that it gives everybody a reminder to reflect on all sorts of areas in their life. More prayer is on the top of the list for me. Thanks for your reflections.

  2. kingsdaughter says:

    I come to the New Year with a lot on my plate. To begin with any resolutions, for me, means certain failure on my part. My expectations for myself are many. I begin enthusiastically only to lag into forgetfulness and halfhearted attempts…no matter what it may be. I hope for this year more understanding of the Lord’s words..to use my sorrow for His gain. I am awaiting a revelation.

  3. poohpity says:

    My new years resolution is to write everything in pencil so that I can erase it easily if lead into a different direction or decide to change my mind. I guess that will be enough. LOL :-)

  4. daisymarygoldr says:

    Never really made any serious New Year resolutions… back in High School and College, to rise up at 4:00 am everyday and use those early morning hours to study and memorize… was one resolution I used to religiously make year after year only to break it right on New year’s Day… when I usually slept in till noon after having spent the previous night at church. So, with that awful history of mine, resolutions and my frail human nature are absolute parallel lines!

    Similarly, my natural human love is also imperfect… though “I may readily dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food or surrender my body to be burned”. It must be noted, the love which Paul refers to is not our natural human love. All of the faith, knowledge, and eloquence in the world is just a lot of noise without love i.e. without God’s love (1 Cor 13 Amp).

    Hence, I agree “the most meaningful thing we can do…is not to resolve… but to pray…for the ability to show loving patience and kindness” because “we could never do this in our own strength”.

    God’s love is so much different from our understanding of what love is. It is His divine Love that is patient and kind. According to Rom 5:5, God’s love has already been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

    And as we grow and mature, our part therefore is to pray: that our love may also abound yet more and more and extend to its fullest development in knowledge (Phil 1:9)… till God’s love in us is perfected.

    And in whom is God’s love perfected? In him “who keeps His Word [who bears in mind His precepts, who observes His message in its entirety], truly in him has the love of God been perfected (completed, reached maturity).” (1 Jn 2:5)

    Then and only then, God’s love in us will show the loving patience and kindness that gives honor to His Son and Spirit in us!

  5. daisymarygoldr says:

    BTW, in Phil 3:12, it is not that Paul had not been able to live up to his own goals… he says he has not yet been made perfect. And so, his resolve was to:

    – Forget the past-“those things which are behind”
    – Press on in the present toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ
    – Reach forward for the future—with hope.

    “So let those [of us] who are spiritually mature and full-grown have this mind and hold these convictions; and if in any respect you have a different attitude of mind, God will make that clear to you also.” (Phil 3:5)!

  6. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Let us remember the name of our God, **I AM** Jesus used that title on many occasions.
    Today is the acceptable year of the Lord.
    Today is the day of Salvation.
    Seek the Lord while He may be found.(Today)

    Yes resolutions are fine, whether at New Year or any other time. I have made many, especially not to drink alcohol, and they are always broken in a few days.
    If we are to change our circumstances we must, like Job in the previous topic, Repent and ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to change us.
    We have no strength in ourselves and must acknowledge that at all times.
    Jesus can heal the past and can change the future,(He is from everlasting to everlasting, the Alpha & Omega)but **Today** is the day to give it over to Him, whether it be New Years or Easter Sunday. Today and Now is where God is, and He Lives In us.


  7. xrgarza says:

    Happy New Years All, I just got home last night and have missed interacting with everyone on this Blog, I pray that all is well with everyone.

    Deb, I’ve been using pencil on checkbook register for over 30 years I just couldn’t get it right with pen. Now my register always looks so perfect when others see it they think I’m perfect. :)

    Daisy, Oh what memories you bring, I used to go to church on Sunday nights and sometimes service would not end until mid-night. I was forever being late to class. One day I was in my counselor’s office explaining why I was constantly late, while at the same time trying to make a good impression. I tried to “witness and share” that I was at church the night before, when she immediately responded “well then why don’t you ask your god wake you up early enough to get to class on time?” (Ouch that hurt.)

    The last real resolution that I made and have stuck with was when I heard an audible voice from the Holy Spirit say to me “Fear not, for I am with you always” I learned that day that no matter what I do right or wrong, good or bad the Lord still loves me, and that all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial.

    Don’t get me wrong I’m not at all saying to just keep living a life of sin and with bad or poor habits without any change, the Apostle Paul said where there is more sin more grace abounds, so should we continue to sin even more? So that we could have more grace? Absolutely not!

    But as a result I live my life day by day, and when I do screw up and blow it, I want to be like David was when he was finally confronted, recognize and repent my wrong on a daily basis so that the Lord can say about me “that I am a man after His own heart”

    Have a great day

  8. refump says:

    Resolutions, for me, always connotated trying harder with my own efforts & failure so I tend to avoid them. I do like what scout2 said “that it gives everybody a reminder to reflect on all sorts of areas in their life” so maybe they do have some redeeming value. Pooh, I also like your idea of writing them in pencil to be erased if need be! I definitely like the idea of praying instead of resolving, however, & I really appreciate the prayer Mart laid out. I have, in the past, “resolved” to pray more & have chided myself often for not doing so. I have been doing some soul searching to determine why I fail & flounder so much in this area. I know in my head from God’s Word how important prayer is but for some reason I cannot convince my heart of this (yes I have heart issues). I have invented many excuses & reasons for not spending more time in prayer. It seems God has to bring me to my knees with some trial or trauma before I sincerely come to Him- totally depending on Him. Recently I had one of these trials & through it, He not only pointed out that I lacked “loving patience and kindness” towards others but He truly changed my heart in this area because of the trial I was going through. I am thankful for God’s “loving patience and kindness” towards me.

  9. pegramsdell says:

    Our resolution in the office was that everyone quit smoking. (but…none of us smoke) lol…I used to and I struggled with quitting, it seemed to take me forever. I kept quitting for years. Finally, Thank You Jesus, it stuck, so we just thought our resolution should be something we could do this year.

    But really….I want a closer relationship with Jesus. To pray and communicate with Him everyday. And to love others…..:)

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Looked up resolve in the dictionary. It is one of thoes wonderful words that have multiple meanings.
    1 To break up into parts
    2 To change or transform
    3 To cause one to make up their mind
    4 To reach a decision or intention
    5 To find a solution to an answer
    6 To decide by vote
    There are also, Chemical, musical, medical, and optical explanations for the word *Resolve*

    In life we can use most of the explanations to the word or intent to *resolve*.

    In Psalms 51 after David had been told God knew all about Davids sins with Bathsheba; David made a declaration of sorts by bringing the whole matter to God in prayer, first.

    He (David) then resolved to be a better person, but acknowledged that he needed a clean heart, and a renewed spirit, before that was possible.

    So as Mart has rightly stated above, If we want to be better people, showing the nature of a supernatural love for others. It can only come from prayer. So that God, through His Son can renew our hearts and enable us to truly love others.

    Remembering always that what comes out of the mouth, is what is in ones heart. In reguards to this venue, it is what comes from ones finger tips to the screen.

    Too often people are blind to their own true nature, another reason for prayer, to recieve from Christ the recovering of sight.


  11. frnknbty says:

    I always tell myself that i am going to be more loving, more caring, more sensitive to others needs and i mean it at the time. I fall so short of meeting those goals however. Have a hard time turning around and going the other way. Loving the ,seemingly, unlovely is so hard to do. I’m probably not alone

  12. xrgarza says:

    refump, I too struggled with this years ago, I felt like an absolute hypocrite, I would either tell people that I would pray for them and then never would. I would tell myself on Sunday mornings at church that I would spend time in prayer and in the word every morning and wouldn’t.

    But then one day I asked the Lord Himself, “if prayer is really that important to you I’m going to need your help” Please wake me up early and rested so that I could spent quality time with you, otherwise I won’t worry about it because my life was just too busy.

    Well the next morning I’ll be darn if I am not woken up at 3:00AM fully rested and wide awake. The coolest thing was that before this I was struggling for three to five minutes of prayer time. But this was instantly one to two hours of uninterrupted time, wow! What a blessing. I was still able to continue my full time commitments as a single father and a full time employee.

    I would encourage you to just ask the Lord to help you, I know it sounds to simple, but I guarantee you I’m not simply giving you rhetoric.


  13. pegramsdell says:

    Good for you Xavier. It is not easy being a single parent. And a full time job and time to pray. Ask God for time to pray, genius. :)

  14. xrgarza says:

    pegramsdell, Thanks honestly I’m not as smart as I look or sound, I’m as ignorant as they come. But I really wanted to know, and not just ignore the fact that I was not able to do something that I believed I needed to do. Every night before you go to bed just ask Him.

    His word says ask and you shall receive, you have not cause you ask not, and when you do ask you ask with wrong motives. I thought what could possibly be wrong with asking to spend time with Him. And as I learned, absolutely nothing! :)


  15. xrgarza says:

    PS: the scary thing is that I later read a statistic that said that the average American Pastor spends less than five minutes of prayer a day.


  16. Mart De Haan says:

    cadencemom, hey congratulations!! on finishing the race… and thanks for logging your thoughts.

    Have not run around the lake, but my son and I have walked around it a couple of times recently. And from Spring to Fall in 2009 we kayaked from one end of Reeds Lake to the other several times a week.

  17. DEVOted1115 says:

    Rather than “not to resolve but to pray”, I would say we should resolve and undergird those resolutions with prayer. “Daniel resolved not to defile himself” (Daniel 1.8)

    This was my resolution/prayer a few years ago :
    Lord, on the eve of my 49th birthday, the start of my 50th year, may it truly be a Year of Jubliee, debts cancelled, slaves set free. May the deepest, darkest corners of my life be fully submitted to Your Spirit : keeping myself pure (1 Timothy 5.22); guarding a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Your sight (1 Peter 3.4); walking by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5.7); being joyful in hope (Romans 12.12);
    doing everything in love (1 Corinthians 16.14);
    and whatever happens, may I conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1.27).

  18. Rajnesh says:

    Lovely, timely topic awaits me today. Much needed, cuz I’ve been hurting (emotional distress) moreso than usual this past couple of days. It made me realize that I can be so loving and caring towards complete strangers and yet be cold and hurtful towards my very own.
    I pray the good Lord will help me change this trend.

  19. daisymarygoldr says:

    God will surely answer your prayer, Rajnesh!

    Xavier, sorry if I was not clear….all-night church was just on New Years Eve. And no, I never went late to class. It is just that I couldn’t wake up early for study time… though I was able to stay awake like a night owl, even until 3: 00 am to complete school work. For some reason, it always felt I’m miserably missing a big blessing which early birds enjoy… of rising up early and have quite time to seek the Lord. Hopefully, someday I’ll be able to achieve this goal in His strength… it is the sincere prayer of my heart!

    Regarding the statistic you mentioned… it is sad… very sad. The public prayers of a saint are an exact reflection of his private and intimate relationship with God. By his/her prayer a person’s priority can be easily inferred—whether it is God first or people first.

    At my old church where I fellowship now after having moved back, it is a blessing to see the Pastor kneel down to pray with much burden… and he also encourages the congregation to do the same!

  20. daisymarygoldr says:

    Since we are considering the importance of asking God to please help us even to pray… I’m thinking this is also a good place to start and ask the Lord to please teach us how to pray… because honestly, “Lord please help us” sounds like the infant prayer of Peter! Sorry, for being unkind :(

    It was in Matt 4, Peter was called out. Just after 10 chapters down the road as he took his first baby steps of faith he had cried out this prayer “Lord, save me!”… And this is not the case at least for most of us here. After 10-40 years of conversion, there is no excuse for a “goo goo gaa gaa” prayer.

    Rather our prayers should also be like the deep and mature prayer of Jesus who had prayed with understanding: “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be your name…”!

    Again, the prayer posted above has no indication of the name of Jesus. Let us not forget, we have the authority to directly approach God our Father only through the name of Jesus (Jn 16:23-27).

    Now, that does not mean to simply tag along the name of Jesus will guarantee the answer for our prayers…but as mature believers, if we don’t ask in Jesus’ name, then be assured our prayers will not be answered.

    Moreover, grown-up mature sons/daughters in whom God’s love is perfected will not seek their Father to merely ask, ask and ask. Their prayers will reflect the Spirit and “fancy prayer” of Jesus to:

    – first, honor and glorify His Heavenly Father
    – second, seek His forgiveness and to forgive others
    – third, present our petitions… with thanksgiving and
    – finally always—always to end with the note of the blessed hope… of His second coming.

    Just my thought on what I felt was missing…)

  21. kingsdaughter says:

    About prayer…I learned that this is a good acronym for prayer:

    A …adoration
    C …confession
    T …thanksgiving
    S …supplication

    I have been so emotionally overwrought that on occasion I have had no words at all…my heart spoke for itself.

    “So too the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weaknesses; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.” Romans 8:26

  22. poohpity says:

    Again, an Amen Mart on the prayer for love to show patience and kindness which is sorely lacking in the brotherhood/sisterhood of believers no matter how mature we think we are. Love is an area I believe we all could use some growth in. Especially the love displayed by Jesus as our role model. It would be a grand goal to achieve and it takes a lot of looking within to see how far off we really are from learning that when all else is gone Love is the highest goal of our relationship with God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

  23. daisymarygoldr says:

    kingsdaughter, that is good acronym! Agree about occasions when we find ourselves at a loss of words. Rom 8:26 is a beautiful promise. It assures us of the help of the Holy Spirit who prays on our behalf during our weak moments when the situation is so perplexing that we don’t even know what to pray or ask according to God’s will.

    You are in my daily prayers…

  24. foreverblessed says:

    About prayer, waking up in the early morning, mostly around 3, at first I was irritated by being awake, after a while the thought came to me: If I awake that early, lets make use of it, and then it came to me that in the early morning it is sooo quiet, such a good time for prayer.
    Just God and you, so from that time on, the early waking hours were used in prayer. Nothing else to do.nobody needs your help, all house members are asleep, no work, no cleaning, no going out of bed as it is too cold.
    What a useful prayertime, what seemed to be a trial turns out to be a blessing.
    The problem was thought that during the day I was not so energetic, but that was resolvd by having a rest during afternoon, and even that I use as prayertime.

    About pastors not praying, I know that CH Spurgeon did not have specific prayer time, but that his whole life was used in prayer, he always was in a prayer mode.

  25. foreverblessed says:

    About praying. While praying for my migraine I got the word that like Eliah I should keep on praying, and Eliah had to pray James 5:15-18.
    When he had to pray for the rain to come, he had to do that 7 times. 1 Kings 18:43-45
    7 times!
    Why would God not have listened the first time?
    Last sunday our pastor talked about Jushua and Jericho. The people had to march around Jericho 7 times.
    Again 7 times!

    So if we pray, let God lead you, and know it takes time.

  26. foreverblessed says:

    The resolution to do something, Pooh askes us to start reading the bible this year. I have not yet made that resolution, but instead am praying about it. Is this what God wants? Thanks Bob for the advice last topic to listen to the bible being read on mp3 files. My husband was all enthusiastic, is going to fix this mp3 downloading to my computer, and he has a mp3 player somewhere in a drawer.
    So there it is ready for me to listen and hear the word of God.

  27. Hephzibah610 says:

    Amen! It is with heavy heart I think about all the things I am not…then come to realize that what I am not…God is. He is the One who saved me…He is the One who keeps me…He is the One who lives through me. It is not I, but Christ in me the Hope of glory.

    God bless us…every one! :)

  28. xrgarza says:


    Praise God I no longer feel like the lone ranger spending time in prayer during the wee hours. I once heard I don’t really understand it, but Mart or Steve may know the Bible talks about the First, Second, and Third watch, anyway one of those happens to be at three AM and apparently that’s when the Lord walks the earth. I’m not doing the explanation justice.

    As far as the number seven, yes I find that interesting as well I have heard it said that, that is God’s favorite number. This last year I have been studying about how to be a better steward of my finances. One thing I learned is that when Joseph became governor of Egypt the first thing he did was he had every one put one fifth away (that’s twenty percent) during the seven good years so that when the years of famine arrived they would be OK. I’m wondering if we today should not have seven years of living expenses saved up for those bad times that are going to come? This is simply a thought but a goal that I am trying to achieve.

    Have a great day, I’ll be back in a couple of days I’ll be leaving for Riverside, Ca in a couple of hours.


  29. xrgarza says:

    foreverblessed, I forgot to mention, that I recently purchased the Bible on CD and since I’m on the road ten hours a day I can listen to the word for more than just a few minutes at a time.

    Wow! I have never learned so much it’s like seeing bigger pieces of the puzzle come together it’s absolutely amazing.


  30. poohpity says:

    foreverblessed, I am confused about your prayer as to whether to read to bible or not? How does one learn about God and how he does things with out reading it? I did not advice anyway I challenged folks to join in. How does anyone know the truths that are in the bible without learning on your own what if someone teaches something that is not scriptural? How would anybody know the difference? Does one just trust anybody who says this is what the bible says if one does not know for themselves? There have been several cults started because folks had no understanding of God’s Word. Reading the bible as with prayer is a personal decision to draw closer to God and learn His ways.

    In the end times there will come many who claim to be Jesus how will you know who He really is?

  31. foreverblessed says:

    HI Pooh, yes afcourse I am reading the bible everyday, mostly in the New Testament. And ponder about what I read, and what it means to me.
    But I thought your request was to read the bible from cover to cover in one year. That is something different, in the sense that I am not sure wheather I have to do that. You start in Genesis 1 and you begin to read, everyday 3 chaptres it is I think. So that’s why the advice to listen to it with downloading the mp3 version of the bible is such a good idea. Listening to it. Bob, the verse is Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

    But how do you get to know Jesus? In fact I have been reading the bible since I was a child, everyday. I would wake up early, and start reading, and praying and then would get ready to go to school.
    But I was more like Job, reading the bible, and obeying the commands it has for us. And then ask the Holy Spirit to help you keep the commandments.

    How did I get to know Jesus? When I earnestly started to pray and ask Him directly, I do not know You, I would like to get to know you, and then Jesus started to talk to me, not by reading the bible, but in my ears, and in my head. But that’s maybe because so many of scripture was in my head, but He had to make it alive to me. Jesus had to reveal to me what He meant by all these scriptures. THis one verse: Revelation 19:10 For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
    We must have the gospel of the redemption through the blood of Christ in our hearts, and His life living in us in faith,(yes Hephzibah right on!) to understand what the bible means.

  32. Hisgirl4life says:

    When thinking about resolutions, prayer certainly is a necessary ingredient, however resolutions are never kept within our own strength, but God’s. There are other equally important factors that grant us the strength to make changes within our lives. Prayer, time spent in God’s word, an open heart attuned to hear from Him, His Holy Spirit’s strengthening and convicting and a willingness to walk in obedience to his call.

    Joyce Meyers gives a humorous description of what a Christian is not. She said you can attend all the Bible studies in the world, go to church every Sunday, drop something in the offering plate and it still doesn’t make you a Christian. No matter how long a car is parked in a garage, it still is never going to be a garage.

    Our own human efforts to keep our promises, change our bad habits, be more loving like the verses in 1 Cor. 13 and keep resolution plans can never be achieved within our own strength and compromise. Otherwise, we might get puffed up in ourself. God desires the glory in our lives. Any success, prayer answered, and resolution kept is for his glory.

    Thanks Mart for the great post and reminder to keep our focus on the one who perfects us in his timing, in his perfect and personalized way. May we all someday hear those wonderful words in Matt. “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

  33. poohpity says:

    I do not know how it is for others but 4 months after I started walking with the Lord there was a desire from deep within my soul that craved the Word and I just could not put it down. I went to every bible study I could go to and even took a 5 year course in the bible. I know when I put the bible down for 4 years I was overcome with old behaviors. Reading from cover to cover every year does not seem like such a big deal to me because that is part of my daily routine and then I also go to different bible studies as well. This is just how I have to do life to keep my mind focused on God and every year I read things I have never read before. I am in no way perfect nor will I ever be and I do not have all the answers and yes I learn new stuff all the time.

    It is now like having coffee with an ol’ friend every morning. Are there days when I do not feel like reading? Yes, but I feel like I am missing something if I do not and become a little like I have missed the best part of my day. I believe it is a whole book from cover to cover and love the OT as well as the NT. It is all applicable to everyday life even the things written so many years ago because people are the same they do the same things over and over. It feels like maybe I forgot to put on my pants before I leave the house. :-)

    That is my ministry to get the bible into the hands of people and for them to learn to know about God. I have magnetic signs on my car that say, “God wants you to know Him– Read the bible– Honk if you need one.” I have a couple of cases of them in the trunk of my car. This is what the Lord directed me to do and so I’m doing it. I have english and spanish versions. I give them the bible and God gives them the desire to read it.

  34. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Pooh & Foreverblessed, I never wanted to start a chrisis between you.
    To listen to God’s word is amazing.
    I download files to my MP3 player in a version of the Bible called “world English”, one assumes it lies somewhere between USA Speak & UK Speak, and it is a great blessing to me. You can also do free downloads of the King James Bible.
    We were instructed to Hear the Word of God, and Listen!
    Time is getting short here. As mentioned above God moves in 7’s, Jericho and Elijah praying etc. Not to mention the 7 days of creation and the 7 dispensations of time.
    We are about to enter the 7 years of tribulation, let’s use every means and every Technology to get us prepared for it and through it.(unless we are raptured first :-))

  35. poohpity says:

    I know this may be silly but the little Yorkie my mom left me jumped off the bed this morning and hurt her little leg. I do not have the money for the Vet so please pray that they will let me pay in payments or something. I know this maybe silly to some but she was left in my care and I fell so worthless to not be able to pay for her upkeep. Thank you.

  36. poohpity says:

    Bob you did not start anything like a crisis, sweetie. It makes no difference how you get the Word just that you do. When we type on here it would be better if we could relay emotions as well as words. I am one who types in fragmented thoughts so forgive my lack of being able to put the emotions in.

  37. poohpity says:

    I am on a whole a lighthearted person and hope my thoughts are taken in love. Usually if I have feelings of frustration or agitation I will usually say so.

  38. ByHisSpirit says:

    Thank you for this wonderful article!! My New Year’s “resolution” is found in 2 Cor. 12:9. I want to “know” this grace which is sufficient for everything I need to accomplish and have the “power of Christ” rest upon me. Praise the Lord!!

  39. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I am glad I logged on again. I understand fully how you feel about your dog.
    When my little boy cat died a few years ago I grieved more intensely than I did for my parents.
    Also I bought my dad a cat in 1979 and my dad died in ’80.
    My mother died in 1990 and the cat lived ’till 1996. When that cat went, her name was “Solly”, it was like a great piece of our lives, my sisters and me, was taken away. So I fully understand how you feel about your Yorkie.
    I know how much you grieve for you mum and how much that dog means to you. I have no money either and still look after the sister cat of my little boy cat.
    I love her to death and one day I know she will depart, she is 14 now.
    Take care my friend, you are just being human and God loves humans!

  40. pegramsdell says:

    Pooh, I’m praying with you for your little dog’s leg. I hope they will take payments. That would be awesome. If God heals her leg that would be even better. :)

  41. kingsdaughter says:

    This may be some how off of the topic but we are talking about prayer. I have a question. On many nights I ask God to let me see my son in a dream….and on several occasions I have but last night after I prayed I had a horrible nightmare about my son. Is it wrong to ask this from God? Can Satan invade our dreams? I have asked God to guard my dreams…I couldn’t believe that I had such a horrible nightmare. I even took time to just sit and be still and tried not to think so that I might discern God’s voice…but I can’t always distinguish my own head voice from His voice…is it audible…a sound outside of myself? How do I know? I would appreciate all answers.


  42. foreverblessed says:

    Guess what, my husband is looking for a bible to download as an mp3 version, but it is not going as easy as he thought it would be.
    Pooh, you and I have a different backround, I was raised in church, with the bible, with an upright life, keeping aal the commandments,just as Job.
    ANd yet somewhere in the line you can be busy obeying and yet do not know Jesus Christ. That is what I try to explain to you. Reading the bible does not help in that case, because old patterns have misinterpreted many scriptures, just into obeying God’s commands, instead of being a child of God through faith in His Son.
    Jesus is the I AM, as someone already said here, and we are His children. We ARE His children, not because we obey, but because we through faith are His, and He lives in us, ans so we have fulfilled all commands.
    Romans 7,
    So maybe Pooh and I would be a good team, she would advocate the bible, and I would be sure they would read Jesus in it. Because you can do a lot of bible study and yet miss the point. I hope I do explain myself well, no misunderstanding.
    Bob how is your job seeking doing? I am praying for you, but am also rejoicing because of you, you found Christ again. He will not let you down. Pray that you will stay strong.

  43. foreverblessed says:

    About the 7 years of tribulation, does that come from Daniel 9:20-27. I thought that the first half was already fulfilled by Christ, He being cut of in the middle of the 7.
    But I am no expert. But as I read it again, I am bewildered, and when reading Daniel 12:4 “But you Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.”
    The meaning is probably still sealed.
    We better have our oil reserves filled for our oil lamps, BEING His child through the Holy Spirit.(the wise virgins Matthew 25:1-13) so every one whose name is written in the book will be delivered Daniel 12:1.

  44. foreverblessed says:

    Kingsdaughter, just saw your comment, what do you mean with a voice you hear outside yourself? DO you mean a voice which is not from yourself?
    If you have seen your son on several occaions in a dream, why would you still want to see him even more? Isn’t it better to let that question go? Maybe this is God’s way in saying: let it go.
    Leave your son in His hands.
    BE the child of God, go sit with Him, sit on His lap, come at rest in Him. Put all your burdens on Jesus.
    Start singing some songs: What a friend we have in Jesus.
    Love you Dale.

  45. saled says:

    Yes, let us pray for the ability to show the loving patience and kindness that gives honor to God’s Son and Spirit in us. How much more hopeful this is than the burden of trying to make ourselves good.

    To Dale,concerning your question about hearing God’s voice: I have not ever heard an audible voice, but I know that he has spoken to me outside of the Bible. The most memorable time was when my children were small and world events made me worry that I would not be able to support them. Again, I didn’t hear a voice, but God told me to hold on to love and everything would be alright. Holding on to love meant chosing love over anger or despair. When things go wrong, my natural self tends to either hit things or run away. By holding on to love, I do the best I can with what I have for those I love and leave the rest to God. This thought gave me so much peace immediately that I knew it was God speaking to me.

    Pooh, I love your desire to give the Bible to people. Although I had been given several Bibles in my life, it was J. Vernon McGee who truly gave the Bible to me. He helped me actually be engaged with God’s word as I read it. In his introduction to many of the books of the Bible he would say, “This is my favorite book.” And I would think it was going to be wonderful if it was Dr. McGee’s favorite. And it always would be wonderful.

  46. poohpity says:

    peg, They gave me the office visit for free and then found a coupon for her medication and then gave me another coupon for the follow up visit. Her hip may be broke but the lower leg is not there isn’t anything they really can do for the hip. All good news thank you for the prayers they were answered.

    foreverblessed, I grew up going to church on sunday and catechism but did not have a intimate personal relationship with the Lord. I thought that only the pastor could do that but I was so wrong. I now know the voice of God through reading His Word and spending time with Him.

    saled, the bibles I give out are Life Application Bibles from Tyndale House like the one my mom gave me twenty years ago. It has blessed my life so I would like to bless others with it. It is my love gift to others.

  47. kingsdaughter says:

    forever blessed…you do not understand a mother’s love and the constant of wanting that child, to see that child, to know that the child is near…when they are gone from sight…there is no way to explain to someone who thinks you can sing it away…I have given myself to God everyday over and over since the passing of my son. You just don’t forget the person you love. I will sing when it is time. I don’t think I can just “let it go.” So easy to say….

    I want to hear God’s voice …not my own. The question was how does one know that distinct voice of God’s when the only voice I hear is in my head…my thoughts….who is talking…me or Him? How do you know for yourself the voice of God?

    Thank you Saled for your explanation of God’s voice.

  48. Fisher says:

    I used to wonder about the voice of God, too. I have found that the words that enter your mind (or your heart) always match up with biblical doctrine or with specific scriptures.

    Once, when I was feeling particularly negative about my physical appearance, I thought, “I look awful and I am ashamed of how I look.” Instantly, the thought, “Why? God made you,” came to my mind. It was so completely contrary to my thinking at the time and it lined up with God’s truth. I remember crying and thanking the Lord for encouraging me.

  49. poohpity says:

    Amen, Fisher!

  50. Hisgirl4life says:

    I’m reminded of a verse from “Amazing Grace” that is a constant reminder of my dependence on God for all things. Perhaps it will be a comfort and blessing to you too.

    “The LORD has promised GOOD to me. My HOPE in him SECURE. He will my STRENGTH and PORTION be as long as LIFE endures.”

  51. kingsdaughter says:

    When my son died I asked God why did He take him…and out of the blue, though I was blaming…my mind said..”I did not take your son, I have your son.” That is the one time I thought it was God speaking and not my wishful thinking. I am hoping I can recognize His words and not my own. Thank you for sharing that with me/us, Fisher.

  52. kingsdaughter says:

    Hisgirl4life, I like the verse you have posted….wonderful!

  53. Hisgirl4life says:

    We are made in God’s image Fisher. You are beautiful in his sight…

    Kingsdaughter, God does speak through whatever channel he wants. After all, he is God. He speaks through a thought, a song, a call from a friend, a hug from a child, or during a quiet time with him. He is always near. Always beside us. Always watching over us. He will never tear us down, something the evil kingdom desires. Instead he seeks to draw us to know “how wide and tall and deep his love is for us.” Loving a child is one of the greatest gifts he could give. He knows and understands our love for our children. He gave us his one and only child. Keep trusting and seeking him…

  54. SFDBWV says:

    My appologies for being away from the blog, but winter has intruded itself upon me.

    Foreverblessed, The 7 years of the tribulation is the reign of the anti-christ. It is detailed in Daniel and Revelation very well. There are also many propheseies in both the OT and the NT. RBC I am sure can answer your questions, there is a contact point where you can ask them any question you like and they will get back to you.

    The first 3 and one half years of the anti-christ, everything is great. He brings order out of chaos. (there is a world wide collapse of the monetary market) ( and a collapse of law and order). He also brokers a peace in the Mid East conflict. So he is a hero. But…

    The final 3 and one half years of the anti-christ, is detailed in the Book of Revelation beginning with Chapter 4. God will pour out justice upon the whole of the earth. Nothing like it seen since the beginning of time.

    The Church or Body of Christ is not present in the world during the 7 year Tribulation period. Though many will come to be saved as a result of this time.

    Dale, Be careful of trying to over analize dreams. Sometimes they are just a way of balancing out your inner thoughts.

    Sometimes though, God is very present in your dreams.

    God speaks to me in several ways, dreams is one way. The most direct is found in reading the scripture. Yet there is a *knowing*, when sometimes the answer to your question is a peace in you that overcomes you. You just *know*

    I have heard the voice of God on 3 seperate occations. Out loud, by surprise, on His own. Not by my asking to hear anything. Once during prayer, once during distress, and once during praise and worship.

    I know it was His voice, firstly because His sheep know His voice, secondly because of the nature of what was said, and lastly because the Holy Spirt bears witness of Himself. I just *know*. Not a long conversation. only a short comment.

    I am not telling you this so you think me special, no. But rather to let you know that sometimes He does speak to us one on one. I can witness to that. Just be prepared to drink in what He will have to say. It may be a slap on the wrist, or it may be encouragement.

    He promised us He would not leave us or abandon us. He hasn’t.


  55. jimgroberts says:

    Yearly resolutions? No way.
    Jesus put it so squarely…
    “Do not worry about tomorrow … each day has enough trouble of its own”!!
    I am reminded of the song “One day at a time Lord Jesus”
    My resolution begins each day before venturing out of bed …. “This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it”.
    Good or Bad let us rejoice in the fact “Once I was blind but now I see”

  56. kingsdaughter says:

    Thank you Steve for your word…both about the 7 years being divided and what will go on during that time.

    I do “know” more and more everyday of God’s presence. I did before this happened but now more than ever. At first, I did not. I did feel abandoned but now after some time, I have come to feel and know He has not left me or my husband…and that He did not abandon my son. I like to watch Joyce Meyer and today she had a message that seemed directed to me about not understanding tragedy..about trying to find answers when we have to be satisfied with knowing those answers will be on the “other side” in this eternal life. She used this verse:

    “For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection (of reality as in a riddle or enigma), but then I(when perfection comes) we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood (by God). 1 Cor. 13:12 Amplified Bible

    Joyce Meyer, who has had a very successful ministry for years, shared this about a tragedy that had happened to people she knew and she was questioning God..even as a mature Christian. That made me feel better as a 56 yr old woman who has been a Christian for most of my life. But never have I questioned so much as this. So, it verified to me that I am not less of a Christian for daring to ask…to seek…to try to understand. I thank God for His word about all of this. I thank God for the direction He gives me through all of the posts here. I come here everyday eager to know those who are His and what they say.

    I pray for patience in this coming year, as I know in my heart I will still have to conquer this need to understand the impossible.


  57. poohpity says:

    In Colossians 3:8-17 love is what binds the virtues of compassion, kindness, gentleness, humility and patience together. So does that mean that love is the verb and those other virtues are the adverbs? These all are a reflection of what happens when Christ lives in us, His Word renews us, and His wisdom challenges us to want to live by love.

  58. bubbles says:

    What serendipity. . .last night late, I also asked to Lord to help me be more kind and considerate. . .not a resolution, butjust for help with kidness in general life.

    I have a Daily Bread from February(?) 1997. Anyway, it has a red cardnial on the cover. Hope it is okay to share a summary of that devotional–if not, please take this down. That day was titled “The Gloves”.

    There is one day where the devotional spoke about the author on a train in Chicago–bitter cold. He observed an elderly lady with a thin coat and not gloves. He spoke of how cold she appeared to be, and how sorry he felt for her. Next stop, a young man hopped on the train. He appeared to be a wealthy professional. The author noted how when this young man left the train, and passed the elderly lady, he left his good leather gloves in her lap.

    How convicting. I have since asked the Lord many times to help me really SEE others. . . so they can be shown love in little wordless ways. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own little worlds and thoughts that we just don’t SEE others’ needs or hurts.

    In the past, I, too, have asked to Lord to wake me up early in the morning so I can pray. It’s amazing how He will answer that ,little prayer. :) It’s a blessing to be able to talk to Him any time, any place.

  59. Lively says:

    Dreams are funny things. I know He has visited me in mine. Once, He showed me the future and that dream gave me peace beyond measure. He let me know that my son would be born healthy, the docs had just told me it was likely he would die before his 1st birthday if he wasn’t stillborn.

    If I doubted it then, and I didn’t, I wouldn’t now. I described what he’d grow up to look like to my husband and he is looking more and more like that every day. BTW, he was about 4 or 5 in my dream and he’s 2 1/2 now…

  60. afranz says:

    jimgroberts: Your comments square with my own thoughts. So many great posts on this subject.
    Dale, I too had many dreams after my father’s death. ONLY, I didn’t want to see him in those dreams. My prayer was for God to take them away and give me peace, which he did. But I think the dreams, good or bad, are just a normal part of the grieving process. (The OT guys got in so much trouble trying to commune with the departed. )
    Sometimes when something happens that I want so much to be able to share with a departed loved one, I just tell God how much that would mean, and pass it on to Him. Does He tell them? I don’t know, but as Peter said to Jesus “to who else would we go?” Jn 6:68. No one else is in Heaven and with you simultaneously. Only His Holy Spirit can give you the comfort that you need. It could come through scripture, prayer, song, that still small voice, or whatever means God uses that aligns with His Word and meets your need.
    I am another one of those “wee hour” prayers(noun). Every now and then I will come wide awake with a specific person on my heart to pray for. There have been several times when I found out that someone I prayed for then was in dire circumstances at the time. It’s great to know that there are others out there sharing the same “network.” LOL.
    Xavier, did you have a specific verse to refer to the times for the 3am watch and the Lord’s walking the earth at that time? I will look it up later. I like Ps. 121:4 “Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”
    I have a running commentary with the LORD all day long, although at times something comes up that requires time and specifics. But over the years the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 has just become a part of life for me, “pray without ceasing.”
    No school today, blowing snow and below zero temps. Makes a cup of coffee and the computer nice to the touch. I have a laptop, and the keys are warm now.
    Had 2 different furnace guys check things out, and of course it acted perfectly while they were here.
    Pooh, what an awesome story of how God took care of your pet and the vet! As I was just looking up 1 Pt.5-7 I realized it applies to furnaces as well as our canine companions. ALL our care! (Thank You Jesus, for your love and care for every part of our lives!)
    My husband and I will have our 39th wedding anniversary on Saturday. I remember it was snowing and blowing that evening also. We drove from the Pastor’s home to our apartment in Wichita and never thought a thing about it. Now I prepare for a short trip to the store as if I were heading out on a wilderness trek! Stay warm and safe all you cold climate bloggers! Lisa

  61. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry Dale, I meant to say, let the asking for the dream go.
    It takes years to let go. There was a woman pastor who had lost her daughter, after 7 years she was able to give her grieve to Jesus. And even Corrie ten Boom, who with her sister Evelyn lived in a nazi concentration camp where her sister died, it was after years and years that God started to talk to her about her sister, God said lovingly, Corrie, you have not given to me everything yet. Corrie asked God what it was she had not yet given to Him, He answered, your grieve about your sister. Then she was able to let go, and was comforted. So it takes time. And you are right, I have no idea what it is to lose a child. But I ask God to stand by your side, not leaving you.
    But I think God cannot answer all our questions, just like little children ask us things, my son asked us when he was 6, mom may I always live with you and dad?
    He did not yet know that there would be a time that he himself would not want to live with us anymore.
    I now pray that God will not let him go. My other son just left home this fall for his studies. I gave him my small bible, he said thank you and he meant it. Since a few weeks now he started to read it. In his own way, he says, very logical, because according to him, there is so much unlogical in the bible.
    Then I think of CS Lewis, who was an atheist, and God could call him too.
    With God anything is possible, and we pray. Our prayer is part of His Kingdom. Maching around the target 7 times, in faith.

  62. phpatato says:

    Jimgroberts – You hit the nail on the head for me too. I haven’t done resolutions for years now after having failed before with them. Huh, I almost typed revolutions instead…I don’t do them very well either. Too many of those makes the stomach feel not so good. :-) Wow, I just checked the definition of that word:

    Revolution – A drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.

    So, here’s my wish and prayer to all of us in 2010…that we may experience a Holy Spirit inspired revolution!


    PS..Pooh, I am thankful that your pet/vet ordeal has ended in your favour. Give it a hug for me will you and I’ll be praying for an uncomplicated speedy recovery for him/her.

  63. poohpity says:

    TY, Pat

    foreverblessed, there is more to the bible than meets the eye and it may seem that there is much “unlogical”. Truth being that each book is written at a specific time to a specific audience. Each book has a purpose. So when one reads there are questions to ask one’s self where, when and to whom was this written. The bible is not laid out in chronological order. All this is interesting to look into and then more things make sense. It would be nice if there more classes to teach about the bible and the mysteries that lie within those pages. It is all is told within the bible one has to look beyond the surface.

  64. poohpity says:

    I have a friend that used to march around anything that she wanted seven times then claim it in the name of Jesus. The difference being when Joshua marched around Jericho it was by direction from the Lord. It was to bring Glory to God. At times He does things supernaturally beyond what humanness might envision to overcome obstacles. So marching around things for 7 times is a little more involved. It seems the things God does involves to better the multitude rather than just one. That is the reason that sin is so bad because it always harms more than just one and evil separates us from God.

  65. kingsdaughter says:

    Lively, Afranz, Foreverblessed and Pooh ~ wonderful thoughts…I think the dreams are a subconscious fear or something left over from the day…maybe left over shock..but I have prayed and it has been done, having two good dreams in recent months. I thank God for them but I think I will quit since the unwanted one. After reconsidering Foreverblessed’s post…I don’t want to invite something that should not be. Forever, I think logic might get in the way of an analytical thinker but that doesn’t mean that the heart won’t figure in there somewhere. I am reading C. S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” again. That is a book I highly recommend to a new Christian especially if they are a logical thinker. You already mentioned him and for good reason..he was a convert whose intelligence was getting in the way of wisdom.

    Afranz, I am glad you mentioned the guys in the OT who were always getting into “trouble” with trying to speak to the dead. I knew it was in there but did not know the books or scriptures. I need to pass this on to the misguided moms at the site I belong to for moms who have lost a child. I warned some of them but for fear of alienating them, I have not continued. But there are even Christian moms there who are into contacting mediums.

    Pooh~ you are so right about the times and for whom the scriptures were written, without that history there can be misunderstanding. It is priceless to know what was being said to whom and when and for what reason. I wish I knew more than I do. Glad your dog is doing well.

    Have a warm and blessed evening….


  66. Lively says:

    Dale, take care on that site you’re talking about. For your sake, mainly – but also for others. I think one of the hardest things a Christian has to do is set aside friendships because of moral convictions. Dabbling in the occult is not a good thing. Please, take care.


  67. foreverblessed says:

    Marching around for 7 times is not what I want, it sounds so ….., I mean it more in a spiritual way, we have to pray for things God tells us to pray for, and then pray not once but more often. Not because I want it, but because God makes it clear to me that I have to do it.
    Marching around 7 times is also meant for the evil one. He becomes weaker on the target every time around. It is a spiritual warfare, Ben Ron talked about it too. But only on Gods direction. That’s why we should learn to listen to Him, and ask for His light.

    Kingsdaughter, it is in Deuteronomy 18:9-13 let noone be found among you who .. is a medium or spritist or who consults the dead.

    It is also in Deuteronomy 18 where it is promised that Christ would come, and that if He would come, people are to listen to Him, that is a vital key in the Torah, all these things are written, but they look forward to Jesus.
    v 15 The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to him. also v18
    And it is Jesus we are to consult, not the spirit world.

  68. poohpity says:

    1 Samuel 28 Saul consulted a medium to bring Samuel back from the dead because Saul was in deep trouble and wanted to talk to Samuel. This after Saul refused to follow instructions the Lord had given to him. Go Figure!!!

  69. poohpity says:

    The only time in scripture that the marching around 7 times happened was in Joshua 6.

  70. Rainbow says:

    I thank God for each of you, His children, and all the encouraging posts and for those who have been praying for God’s people all over the world. God is so gracious in giving us a new day everyday, without fail! When we know how much He loves us, by sacrificing His Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us, despite our inclination to do wrong, we cannot but ask for His forgiveness, embrace His love and presence in our lives and delight in Him. I pray each of us will delight in the Lord our God and keep in step with His Spirit, all the days of our lives… In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

    Gen8:21-22 The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though [ao] every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

    Lam 3:21-26 “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.”

  71. Lively says:

    The Lord is Good! He blessed my family mightily tonight. It’s not my story to tell, but I wanted to share my joy.

    Thanks be to God!

  72. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    After my Dad died and 10 years later my Mum, I dreamt almost every night about them.

    They were usualy strange reality type dreams and I was in a previous house we used to live in.
    On more than one occasion something evil would be trying to harm me and I had to force myself to wake up.
    I knew in my mind that my mum and dad were dead so knew I must be dreaming and would start shouting “it’s not real, Wake Up!” and I would wake in a state of shock.
    Even that far back I had to ask God to stop these dreams, and He did. Not instantly, but I no longer have nightmares like that.
    As was said earlier, we must take great care when dealing with the accult. Cornwall is famous for it’s wiches and accult meetings, not to mention the masons, so we have to pray constantly here and make sure we are protected by the blood of Christ.
    I am glad Steve was able to answer your question about the 7 years of tribulation. Part of me wants to be here to see all the prophsies fullfiled and part of me wants to be at the marraige feast of the Lamb. That is where the church is meant to be after the rapture as the bride of Christ and then returns with Him when He comes back to Jerusalem to restore peace and rule the nations.
    AS you say there is alot to know and one day we will see it clearly.
    I have been digging out snow this week, very unusual for here, only an inch or so but still below 0C.


    Mart, I can feel a topic change coming on :-)

  73. kingsdaughter says:

    “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”
    —C.S. Lewis

    “prayer is not a performance it is an attitude.” this came in an email this morning…since we are on the topic..thought I would share these.

    I am against all things occult but the people I try to minister to who are in this same grief …some are unbelievers and some are claim to be Christians but in their overwhelming sorrow are choosing any means to make “contact” with their dead child. I would never entertain this idea…I know my child is in heaven “preparing for the last battle”…I know he will arrive with Jesus on that day.

    “Praise God all the time.” My middle daughter had a dream of Brandon soon after he died …all he said was this phrase with a big smile on his face and that was the entire dream. This is my child who has been reluctant to go to church most of her adult life..she is 33. I was very much uplifted by that dream although it did not come to me and other people have had wonderful dreams they have shared with me…some from the most unlikely people.

  74. Becky M says:

    Hello everyone, I know this is a bit late but I’ve been doing catch up and finally I’ve finished this thread. I’m so sorry I was not able to contribute in the last 3 or 4 threads, I’m slow with everything in my life. I do a lot of reading as well as follow the Bible in a year with RBC’s ODB. I am doing it again this year with an extra study on a private blog that another friend(him & his wife have their doctorates and he is teaching the Bible from the begining thru to the end this year). And considering how slow I am I guess I’m hoping to be able to keep up with both and come here and at least read if not contribute. Of course I’ve brought this to the Lord in prayer and continue to do so. The hope being that I may continue with it all. He knows how I want to be a part of this blog even if I only read. I’ve been praying for all of you who contribute on here with not just spirtual thoughts but personal,emotional,and physical thoughts as well as happenings in your lives. I can identify with some and I’ve learned to love what I can’t identify with. I’ve taken everyone to the Lord in prayer. I know about the grieving period and I know about talking to God. Dreams well I also have had many of my loved ones gone and still here. When it comes to my cousins that I’ve not seen or heard from for years but grew up close to, I don’t know if they are sitll here or not. I dream of them as I last saw them,of course. I last saw them when I was in my early teens. I just wanted to tell you all I’m not frozen hearted because I haven’t posted all these last threads and to contribute something according to end times which has been brought up in this thread. I have read a great book on these end times that those who are disposed to doing may like to read. I think you’ll find a lot of your thoughts in it and may strenghen your ideas. Well, it’s worth a read to see if the author lines up to your thinking or not. The book is…What in the World is Going on? written by DR. David Jeremiah. Dr. David Jeremiah has a slot on the Christian radio station I listen to when I get a chance. I like listening to him on radio,too. I wish & pray that all here(contributing or not) have a healthy and blessed 2010. God bless you all.

  75. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Becky for your kindness, and for your prayers.
    God bless you too!

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