More than a few times, I’ve been inspired by those who have learned the hard way to understand the meaning of sobriety.
But what if we said together… OK, some of us get the thing about misusing alcohol, street drugs, or even prescription meds. Maybe it’s time to take our story to the next step…
Am thinking about the kind of sobering up that might have happened when Jesus told his followers that, “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8). He said this after telling a story about the shrewdness of an unprincipled “fund manager” who misused what had been entrusted to him. According to Jesus, when the unethical “trustee” was found out, he sat down wrote off more of the debts that he was supposed to be collecting. The result was that when he lost his job, he had “friends” who owed him a favor.
What might have sobered up the disciples is Jesus’ suggestion that some of the people they would have called foolish, immoral, and unethical were actually wiser in many ways than they were.
Would like to see us take some time to compare notes about wisdom as we have seen it in those who don’t claim to be spiritual or religious… and how we ourselves are trying to learn what it means to be wise in the use of the material resources, life-experiences, and knowledge that have been entrusted to us.