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Was I Snoring?

Sometimes I feel like I’m about to wake up. Then I go back to sleep.

For instance, when I hear Jesus say to his troubled disciples, “He who has seen me has seen the Father…Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me… [the day is coming when you will see that] I am in my Father, and you in Me, and I in you…(John 14:9, 10, 20).

Why do I hear that… think about it for a couple of minutes, and then start snoring so loudly that people around me wonder why I can’t be more considerate of them?

Part of me says it’s all about Father issues. We’ve talked about it in the past. Even the best of human father’s leave us with issues that we have to try and sort out for the rest of our lives. Absent, aloof, or abusive fathers multiply those problems exponentially. We don’t even have to wake up to see how messed up we are.

Another part of me says it’s all about family politics. We’ve talked about that too. Way too many of us on the right, left, and in the middle, have Father issues that leave us fighting about whose in control of our Mother. It’s so natural that we do it in our sleep.

And yet sometimes… sometimes I dream about hearing news that is so good it almost makes me want to get up and face the day. Sometimes I hear the one we call Teacher say things that make it sound like, in our waking moments, Peter, John, and Mary had nothing over us. For a moment I even wonder whether their Teacher and Friend is closer to me/us than he was with them… while he was with them.

Sometimes I almost wake up to a Father whose Son said to those who had started to believe in him, “He who has seen me has seen the Father…Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me… [the day is coming when you will see that] I am in my Father, and you in Me, and I in you…”

If you have some time, wish you would talk me down the road a bit. Am having a hard time keeping my eyes open…

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91 Responses to “Was I Snoring?”

  1. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Mart, am I missing something here, are you on medication?
    Maybe it’s the language difference, but I haven’t a clue what you are on about.
    I will wait on others to awake and shed light on this.

  2. saled says:

    Colossians 1:26-29. I’m headed to work. I’ll be anxious to read everyone’s thoughts tonight.

  3. Puddleglum says:

    I think what Mart is saying is this. Our perception of God as our heavenly father is very much contingent on how we were brought up or trained to think by our own fathers. This is actually one of my biggest struggles in life.

  4. Mart De Haan says:

    Bob, No meds except coffee so far. Am talking in my sleep about a dream of good news that is so good that it would give perspective to everything else, if we could help one another keep awake.. and focused on it…

  5. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Thanks Ken. I just read Colossians 1:26-29 left by Saled and was just coming to a similar conclusion. I do like Marts language sometimes as it can leave one hanging in anticipation and in wonder:)
    I agree, I have lots of “hangups” relating to my family etc.
    I always thought my mother dominated until my dad died and left her devistated.
    Yes Jesus was just like His Father in every way and He strove to do His Fathers will and be every bit like Him.
    Too often we try to be the opposite of our fathers and hate to think we act or look like them.
    A very difficult barrier to overcome when we are to be like Jesus and ultimately like His Dad.

    Very deep subject as all our fears and hangups are tied to our early relationships.
    Thanks Mart and thanks Ken for opening my eyes.
    I was awake at 3:30 this morning and have been snoring since then, so appolagies for not getting the plot today.

  6. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    My best time of being at peace and talking with the Lord is in that dream time between sleep and awake. I sometimes wish I could stay there, but there is life to lead and work to be done.

  7. Lively says:

    A bit esoteric, I’d say. Allergy meds? They do that to me all the time :-)

    Many people sleep through life, there’s a comfort to being snuggled deep in the covers, warm and cradled, you reach over and smack the alarm clock to snooze a bit longer, and you smack it again and again and realizing you’re now seriously late. Do you swing your feet over and you’re standing on a cold floor to hit the floor running – or do you reach for the phone to call in “sick”?

    Not thinking, giving standard answers or just retreating into our comfort zone when faced with something unpleasant, or difficult. We fall back to our default blankie, zone out when other’s people share his opinion – my brother-in-law will actually snore – he never listens beyond his own “bed.”

  8. chfranke says:

    Mart,I’m surprised by your thoughts today, too.
    Let me walk with you for a little while.
    I so much admire the pictures you post on your blog.
    You see God at work everywhere you go and capture it in form, substance, color, and depth that I cannot see until you point it out to me.
    When you layout your thoughts and relate them through an image that ties into those thoughts, it is at a level I cannot approach, I am inspired and amazed.
    I look around me to see images like that and I see God at work, sure, but, until someone like you shows the richness and depth of His work, I’m clueless.
    The sleeping [snoring?] seal is a good example. We Christians are sealed with His Mark but even being alive and laying there, we are a visual [and spiritual] treat to others.
    That’s how you help keep me awake.

  9. Mart De Haan says:

    Hey all, thanks for beginning the day with me :-)…The thoughts that our Father is (in personality) like his Son… that the Son is in the Father… that the Father is in the Son… that together, by their Spirit, they are in us (who have believed in the Son)…so that we are in the One who loved us enough to die for us… so that he could live in and through us… to do for us in mercy and life what we could never do for ourselves… isn’t this worth waking to?

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, ole buddy, Many thoughts come to mind when reading your topical comments this morning.

    “Was I snoring?” Or rather were you listening? Did my utterings come out a just noise? Or was your own thoughts and words drowning out my speach?

    Sometimes, in thoes rare moments, it is as though I can see through the veil, as though I understand all things and everything makes sense and is in ballance….

    Then, as if it had been a dream, I awake with only the memory of that feeling, nothing else.

    Austin Powers did a take on “Daddy issues” in his last movie….

    We all have “Daddy issues”

    Jesus told his disciples as well as we readers, who he is, both physicaly and spiritualy….Believe that I am in the father and the father is in me…Or just believe it for the works sake…

    His efforts seemed to confuse the Disciples, and I would imagine plenty of readers as well.

    God is the father of us all, and so God is in us all. We “know” it and so we spend our lives trying to reconnect to our roots, found in that heavenly realm in the heart of God.

    We also have a earthly father, who passed along to us traits from the fallen man in us all.

    It comes to which father is seen in us. Whose reflection do we present to the world around us?


  11. scout1 says:


    I was thinking about what Mart said, “For a moment I even wonder whether their Teacher and Friend is closer to me/us than he was with them… while he was with them.” I love that thought. However, where is our spiritual power that seems so strong in the disciples? What has changed that we love reading what they did in the New Testament and yet we look at that as a distant practice?

    Maybe ya’ll are doing all the same things that Jesus empowered them with. I must be the dud.

    As far as fathers go, in my lifetime, I haven’t seen very many righteous and good fathers. But, things do make a strong pattern and continue if there is no one to break that pattern. Prayer changes hearts, whether it is the heart of the father or the children they hurt.

  12. pegramsdell says:

    I believe that Jesus is God. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Three in one. And ALL Love. I am so glad that I am awake. Not snoring anymore. My father was not the best dads that’s for sure, but God broke through. He is the ultimate Father. Full of love and forgiveness. Compassionate and faithful and just. He won’t hurt me, only protect. me. All of the things my dad never did. I am fully awake now. Thanks Mart. :)

  13. poohpity says:

    If we are being re-parented by the Lord, what makes His voice be drowned out by our biological father. Does it have to do with how much time we spend with our adopted Father or the time we wallow in our human nature?

    Zechariah’s, John the baptist father, prophesied; to rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve him without fear 75in holiness and righteousness before him all our days. Also, 77to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, 78because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven 79to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.” So rather than showing mercy, peace and forgiveness which came to us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we show what may have been shown to us through our earthly father judgment, condemnation and fear.

    Are we sleeping through our new nature to allow the snoring to push people away from the same forgiveness we have been shown.

  14. rxman says:

    “Sometimes I hear the one we call Teacher say things that make it sound like, in our waking moments, Peter, John, and Mary had nothing over us. For a moment I even wonder whether their Teacher and Friend is closer to me/us than he was with them… while he was with them.”

    [32] And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, [33] who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, [34] quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. [35] Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. [36] Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. [37] They were stoned*; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— [38] the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.
    [39] These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. [40] God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.
    (Hebrews 11:32-40)

    yet none of them received what had been promised. This statement gives me so much hope. Just think of what we have been given this side of the cross that all those before us, even the disciples when they were physically with Jesus didn’t have. We have Him living INSIDE of us. If I could get my head around this concept, and really believe and live it, I think I might not be in that state somewhere between sleep and waking where I’m not sure if what I am dreaming is real or not.

  15. foreverblessed says:

    Was Jesus closer to the disciples?
    For one thing: Jesus wants to be just as close to us now.

    So it is time we look for God as our intimate Father. We can make it a goal this week, to go and look for Him, ask Him, beg Him: please God, let me know You are a loving Father to my soul. Despite the unlovingness of our human father and mother.
    Ask for faith in Him everyday. The faith that grows and grows, till we totally are secure in His care. He, our God, who cared for us.

    This is what I read while on holiday:
    “My children, I am here beside you. Draw near in spirit to Me. Shut out the distractions of the world. I am your Life, the very breath of your soul. Learn what it is to shut yourself in the secret place of your being, which is My secret place too.
    True it is, I wait in many a heart, but so few retire into that inner place of the being to commune with Me. Wherever the soul is, I am. Man has rarely understood this. I am actually at the center of every man’s being, but, distracted with the things of the sense-life, he finds Me not.”
    devotional “God calling” on march 16 (you can find it on internet: twolisteners.org)

    Truth is, while reading that in a little book during my holiday, it talked more to my heart then when I read it on internet, allthough they words are the same. The words out of the little book went right into my soul, and touched me. And motivated me to go and look for God more, and make sure every day that He is my Provider, the One who looks after me. The one who Loves me, leads me, holds me, is always near me. And who says to me: when you do not feel close to me, drop everything you do, and go look for Me, till you have found Me again, and then go on working.

    So if we do not feel our Father is realy a good Father to us, go, get that sure in your heart before doing anything else.

    rxman, just saw your post when I wanted to post mine, I first write them in word and then post. God bless you and your mother.

  16. Chicopee says:

    I consider myself very lucky to come from a family that believes in God, and though my father ruled the house, my mother took the lead in setting the example. I truly do see God my father in her, I wish I was more like her, however “not in sleep” but in the daydream stage when I am in my garden on my knees pulling out the weeds do I find God and I know he is with me. :)

  17. foreverblessed says:

    rxman, I confused you with Xrgarza, (his mother today has not eaten for 39 days) but your comment was about God inside us, and that while I was writing about that too!
    He is near us, and in us.

  18. rxman says:


    Thanks for the devotional. It helps a lot.

  19. xrgarza says:

    I love this topic, many of you have heard me say that when I don’t understand a spiritual principle I bring it to the natural, and vise a versa.

    As a result to the topic at hand I remember years ago I tried so hard to please my mother and no matter what I did right or wrong, good or bad, it was next to impossible to please her. As a result, I knew then (past tense) that if I couldn’t please mom, there was no way that I could possibly please God, His requirements had to be much stricter so I thought why, He was God.

    Today I believe similarly, that how we view or how our relationship with our biological father could have a lot to do with how we relate to our heavenly father.

    Or how we view or how our relationship with our biological mother could have a lot to do with how we relate to the Holy Sprit. Because the Holy Spirit is our Comforter, that’s what mothers do.

    Or how we view or how our relationship with our brothers, sisters/friends could have a lot to do with how we relate to Jesus. You see the Bible says that He is a friend that is closer than a brother.

    Don’t get me wrong, if we have had a poor relationship with anyone of our biological family members does not mean we will have a poor relationship with our heavenly family, but it won’t be easy and at first it may not seem natural.


  20. marma says:

    My father died when I was eight. My best memory of him was sitting on his lap and telling him my deepest thoughts and desires, and him listening intently to me. I have other memories as well; memories of his being more distant, memories of his dying.

    When Christ came into my life as Savior, I realized the truth of “no man comes to the Father, but by me.” Suddenly, I had that connection I had longed for most of my life. Jesus brought me to the Father and the Father to me.

    However, I still didn’t have the security that He (the Father) would always be with me, and wanted a closer relationship than I could ever imagine.

    In recent days (months, too) I’ve been learning that He desires a relationship so intimate, so close, that it is like he is next to me, speaking in my ear, and even closer than that. Maybe that is a definition of walking with God.

    I’m really understanding the love of God even through the old testament more and more as I see that the expression of God in His Son is something that we badly needed. I think that Hebrews 1 is a great place to go to see the progression.

    Maybe we get it that Jesus is the Son of God, but forget that God was in Christ, reconciling the World to himself.

    In that way I am reminded how precious Jesus is to us. I think, too, reading in the gospels when he freely communicated with the Father and the Father with Him was an indication of the type of relationship that we can have with God through Christ. If God the Father always sees us through the Son, then how beloved we must be!

    When my own physical father died, I remember thinking the next day that I had woken up to a nightmare. When I accepted Christ as a teenager, the nightmare was over.


  21. poohpity says:

    Do we come to a point in our relationship with Christ that the basics get old to hear or is it just something we take for granted. To know and understand the true identity and the relationship we have with the God of everyone and everything one can be elated to wake up everyday knowing that he is present in us and His love always surrounds us. That alone would set anyone’s heart ablaze and fill it with joy.

    I know with the relationship with my earthly dad I have had to strive all my life to feel loved and accepted but God has gone to extreme measures to let me experience being loved and accepted. No more striving but now we can rest in Him and hopefully that knowledge will not put us to sleep but to live an abundant life. So abundant that people will ask about the glow of love that shines from us. I think snoring is all right as long as it speaks of the trust we have in God alone knowing we can find rest in Him but if it signifies we have become bored it may be a problem.

  22. saled says:

    Family politics. Who’s in control of our Mother? If God is our Father, and Jesus and the Father are one, and the Church is the bride of Christ, does that make the church our Mother? So hard to wake up and stop fighting.

    No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were. any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

    John Donne was on to something. We are all much more connected than we realize.

  23. bubbles says:

    Our Teacher/Friend is closer to us than He was with those when He was physically here. . . don’t you think we should remember that those early believers had to undergo a radical paradigm shift of expectations in order to believe Jesus said who He was? What a huge amount of faith they must have had to change what they had been taught in order to accept Him. Doesn’t Scripture allude/say that many of his disciples understood and recalled Jesus’ teachings after He ascended to heaven? The Holy Spirit helped them remember and understand. It is easy to Monday morning quarterback and say we would have believed. But, would it have been as easy back then as it was for us now? Did certain personality types have an easier time believing?

    How different it is for those of us now who have been taught about the Lord from a very early age. We have the whole council of God. And yet, there are many who have been taught/believed incorrectly, and they come to believe.

  24. bubbles says:

    As far as family goes, we can pray and pray for those who are constantly being unkind and destructive with words and other ways. But, if the one that is being prayed for sees themselves as “right” above all others, who is doing no wrong, will that prayer work? When one has exhibited this behavior for their entire lives, does it really do any good to pray for them in this area? Most people like this will not change. They tend to take any comment or criticism or help and turn it around and make it about everyone else BUT themselves.

    Why even try to help them, or talk to them when one is told that they are ‘stupid’ or they ‘don’t have to listen to anyone’? And if the prayer really did work, what would we do with all of the peace that would ensue? We wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves :)

    Maybe the prayer should not be for them, but for the one on the other end–to respond and react correctly and to have the strength that is needed to go about life in spite of what the other does.

  25. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Bubbles, I have a friend just like you describe, who thinks all things to do with religion is foolishness and will not even acknowledge my words.
    But I pray for him daily and you are right, the prayer I prsy for him usually talks to me and I find my behaviour is effected. All I can do is be there and offer help when needed and leave the rest to God.
    When I lost my job last year I wanted to just curl up and go to sleep, I even thought if I drank enough I would die and all my troubles would be over.
    I still have those thoughts and have to struggle hard within myself to “wake up” to the reality of life.
    I said to a friend on the phone only a couple of days ago that I believed every word of the bible to be true.
    Now if I really believed that then My life would be what you said…
    “No more striving but now we can rest in Him and hopefully that knowledge will not put us to sleep but to live an abundant life. So abundant that people will ask about the glow of love that shines from us.”

    If only I could really grasp that fact.
    It is 3am. again here and I am awake, but all the time in my head the word grasp and cling to me are buzzing through my head.
    Jesus is closer than a brother and is alive in us through the Holy Spirit.
    AWAKE! AWAKE! O my Soul Jesus is alive in me!

  26. poohpity says:

    It has taken a lot of growth to get to that place and I still feel sometimes as you have read in my posts where I feel I am worthless but God will some how find a way to let me know how much He loves me. It is in knowing not feeling that finally gets those old tapes erased and new ones to replace them. It is a process and sometimes growth is hard as long as we do not start being bored but look for the spiritual or God in all things. There are days when I feel like I need a nudge to wake up. We never know if we snore if there is no one around to tell us. I love you Bob now rest in His love and have a good night.

  27. Lively says:

    Praise God, some prayers are answered so quickly.

  28. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I just read “our daily bread” for the 24th

    Cling to God. He has promised to work on our behalf, even in the worst possible scenario. — Dennis Fisher

    Isn’t God Good!

  29. bubbles says:

    Bob, unlike your friend the one being refered to is not an unbeliever. They really love the Lord. They read His Word daily. They love the Bible.

    Hope you were able to sleep last night.

  30. Mart De Haan says:

    When you said, “In recent days (months, too) I’ve been learning that He desires a relationship so intimate, so close, that it is like he is next to me, speaking in my ear, and even closer than that.” those words find an echo in my amazement.

    Once in a while I sense that closeness… but seems like so many of my prayers have been spoken into the air without the awareness of how close and understanding our Savior, Father, and Holy Spirit are…

    “Pooh,” As our Lord and his disciples walked the hills of Galilee, seems like we all are walking… up and sliding down… the hills of emotion, defeat, and moments of real victory…

  31. SFDBWV says:

    If there is any among your knowledge of people who are not saved, then never give up praying for them…never.

    Paul grieved over an entire people who had rejected their Christ, he may have turned his back on them at one point but his love for them never ended and so his concern continued, as well as prayers.

    Many of you I am sure have woken from your sleep with an urge to pray. Not knowing for whom or what to pray. But the spirit in you knows and with groanings which can-not be uttered, the Spirit intercedes (Romans 8:26).

    While God will put a burden upon us, he also shares our load, and in Him we can find rest.

    In old cemetery’s, you will find on tombstones the words, “Rest in Peace”

    While we still live on this earth while we still have whatever burden God has given us to carry, our work is never done.

    He said he will give us rest, not relieve us of our burden. Until the race is done.


  32. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Yes Bubbles, Watched some TV and then slept for about 3 hours and woke at 08:30am.
    I went through a real battle last night but my feelings are catching up today and I feel good.
    My friend is being released from hospital this afternoon so will have someone to chat to again, even though they don’t love Jesus.
    Mart/Marma, I too sense that closeness at times.
    I still can’t get over the “ODB” reading today it was like I could here a voice in my head saying “Cling to me” “Hold on” Like when someone is saving a drowning man, and then there it was in black and white.
    What an Amazing God we have!!

  33. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Steve, I am so glad your AWOL did not last too long.
    Welcome Home!

  34. pegramsdell says:

    When I am praising God, sometimes I feel that closeness. That all I have to do is put my hand on my heart and He is there. That close. Inside. All around. Everywhere all at once. It is awesome. Overwhelming sometimes. He lives in our praises.

  35. SFDBWV says:

    Mr. Freud thought and taught that our personalities and thus all of our actions were tied to the relationship we had or didn’t have with our earthly parents, father and mother.

    He also taught that we were doomed to repeat our mistakes and actions all of our lives.

    Praise God, because of Jesus of Nazareth and through Him we can all start over and be born anew (John 3:3-6).


  36. SFDBWV says:

    Peg, it is in those times of praise and worship that the epiphinies I have experianced have come.

    Also during praise and worship is when that sureal experiance I spoke of above occures, when as if awaking from a dream where I remembered being so close to it all.


  37. chfranke says:

    This is off topic, but Dennis Fisher left us up in the air this morning in “ODB” about his coffee experience. How did he handle facing his students with his carelessness and how did it go? Sounds like another devotional.

  38. xrgarza says:

    I learned a long time ago that I should never or should I say rarely rely on my feelings. Although, there was a time when I felt so close to God/the Holy Spirit that it scared me being that close. It was as if I was having conversations on a daily basis.

    It was during the time that I asked myself if prayer is so important but my schedule is so full that I would simply ask the Lord to help me in this area. I went to the Lord and prayed “If prayer is important to you please wake me up early and rested so that I can spend quality time with you” Wow! What happened next I did not expect, every time I prayed that prayer, at 3:00AM every single morning I would be woken up and fully rested, and to spend one or two uninterrupted hours with my Lord. It was not only amazing but the time went by so fast. He was not only in that room, and I not only felt Him, my spirit could hear His voice. That scared me, because who am I? I asked.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still pray on a daily basis, with my crazy schedule I have not made that request in a while, but “been thinking about” it now especially now since I’m home with my mother I need to draw closer to Him I think I will start tonight.

    Praise God thank you Mart once again for the opportunity that allows us to see ourselves in a way that evokes change.


  39. poohpity says:

    Chuck, I think God’s strength and comfort saw Mr. Fisher through just like He did for Job.

  40. foreverblessed says:

    This topic is about being close to God as our Father:
    The Utmost for his Highest of jauary 6 is also appropriate:

    “There are not three levels of spiritual life— worship, waiting, and work. Yet some of us seem to jump like spiritual frogs from worship to waiting, and from waiting to work. God’s idea is that the three should go together as one. They were always together in the life of our Lord and in perfect harmony. It is a discipline that must be developed; it will not happen overnight.”

    Being with God in working waiting and worship.
    I try to be on time when having an appointment, and on the way I am with God. Here in my country we cycle a lot. You are in the open air, you can see the clouds, the trees, the birds, they all tell Gods story to me too. And I am with Him, and He talks to me.
    But when I am in a hurry, that time is lost, no contact with my Maker. I have to regain it at night, but I could be more relaxed, and never be out of this touch with my Father. But that is, as Oswald Chambers says: a matter of discipline.

  41. foreverblessed says:

    And this is how God talked to me during my holiday, when you are working and you have lost contact with Me, drop everything and come back to Me. All work done without Me is lost work. Come to Me and find rest, and after that go back to your work.
    He also said to me to spreaad around more love and joy to the people He sends to me.
    You know what, after I came back, there was a person in my voicemail, and it was as if God said: This is the first person I send.
    Spread more love and joy. But it is Gods love and GOds joy. I was going to do it, but I said to GOd, I am not working it up, You show it too
    I went to her today, she is handicapped, and you know what, she had a funny remark, and I started laughing, and she laughed too, and we laughed together for a long time, and the cat enjoyed with us, she came crawling on my lap.
    And I praised God for His love and laughter.
    Our God takes care of me, I can trust Him.
    Praise our God.

  42. billystan864 says:

    Jesus also said in John 14:2 “in my Fathers house there many mansions…” Thats why I agree that Sometimes we fall asleep and snore so loudly we wake ourselves up then foolishly fall back to sleep again. Jesus wants us to be with Him and The Father forever that’s why God sent ue the Holy Spirit on the day of Penticost. If I
    want to be in His loving arms I know I must start working His will into my life, the idea of living in a mansion in heaven really sounds appealingto me.

  43. SFDBWV says:

    Rocky, I loved your story, God will change us in ways we never could have imagined and sometimes not would have thought we wanted.

    Prayed, many morning with the Holy Spirit, even unto trembling and tears…


  44. xrgarza says:

    Hmmm, I hear you Steve, loud and clear, Praise God,

    Lord I pray that you would draw us nearer to you so that we would be transformed into your image by the renewing of our minds and hearts.


  45. poohpity says:

    It seems sometimes that those who have a following as you do Mart that the adversary would have you fall a sleep because you may not feel as if you are making a difference or have you fall a sleep so you will not make a difference. I would like to let you know through your words on this blog I have been encouraged not only by your love of the Lord but just that a male can have such a gentle spirit. I have grown so much closer to the Lord through this ministry and you have prompted me to think about many things in a different light as well as challenging me to address issues within myself like the motives behind the things that I do. Snore if you need to for awhile but thank you for all of your tiring work for RBC ministries.

  46. saled says:

    Bubbles, my experience with people like the one you described in your post last night has led me to believe that their reaction to suggestions, help, or criticism is actually a defense mechanism. They don’t have the capability to entertain the thought that they might be wrong. Such a thought would devastate them. I had an uncle like this, and near the end of his life, it became apparent that his reactions were a defense mechanism. Yes, he was asleep to the truth, in the same way that an alcoholic is asleep to the truth. Many of us choose to deaden our thoughts and feelings instead of choosing to live. My mother, his little sister, loved him to the end, and I am glad she did. He loved the Bible and God, but didn’t even know how to show respect to his wife or son. It’s my hope to see a new uncle Alton in heaven, but it would have been wonderful to see him ‘wake up’ here on earth.

  47. bubbles says:

    sorry for being off-topic. Please delete if need be.

    Saled, the one that was spoken of last night is loved deeply. They are a good person, hard working, trustworthy, excellent work ethic, honest, etc. but, as you stated above, it would be wonderful to see a change. But, that is something that I cannot change. If allowed, this situation could and sometimes does bring heartache and tears daily. It doesn’t deal with trying to please this individual.(I do not always NEED to be right.) This is the way life is.

    Life would be much easier if emotions were not involved. Emotions can be irrational much of the time.

    It’s easy for another (not you or anyone here♥) to say don’t listen to what is being said, or don’t let it effect you. Easier said than done.

  48. poohpity says:

    Words always hurt especially when they come from someone we love and care about. I try and remember all the hurt that Jesus went through during this season we remember before going to the Cross and He treated them without contempt by not offering insult for the insults they spouted at Him. I often think how wrong I am in expecting anything more than what was shown to Him by others yet I return ugly for ugly in that I am snoring and a sleep in realizing that I often deserve ugly and He never did anything wrong yet did not with hold love in anyway and never veered away from the will of God.

  49. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I think it was Pooh/Deb who said she appreciates what you are doing in this ministry.
    I want to say similar.
    When I first read your post I did not understand what you were trying to say, but it is obvious from the comments and the revelation from peoples hearts, that you have a gift to encourage and stimulate thinking and help to open hearts.
    Thank You Mart!

  50. Mart De Haan says:

    Bob, all of you are such an encouragement to me.

    Chuck, I’ll check with Dennis today and see if I can get some of the rest of the story.

  51. Lively says:

    Bubbles and Pooh… and everyone else,too.

    I just finished reading a great book last night. Bubbles, your comment about emotion made me think to post about it. It is called “The Shack.” My oldest daughter read it first, she warned me not to read it if I had “things to do” lol She was right.

  52. Regina says:

    Good Morning Fellow Bloggers,

    I know I’m off the subject, but today is my BIRTHDAY, and I’m so grateful to have lived to see another year!!! With all that’s going on in the world, I feel EXTREMELY blessed to be alive. As I look back over my life (43 years today :-)) and reflect on what could’ve/ should’ve/would’ve happened if the Lord had not been on my side, I’m humbled by His unfathomable love!

    To God be ALL the glory for His love, grace, mercy, protection, provision, comfort, understanding, compassion, kindness, chastisement, presence, friendship, peace (the kind that passes all understanding), and joy! In Him I live, move and have my being (Acts 17:28).

    I KNOW I’m very blessed to be born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit. I’ve dedicated my life to God, and I want Him to use it (everyday) for His glory & honor.


  53. SFDBWV says:

    Regina, Happy birthday….I pray many blessings for you in the coming year. You are certainly on the right track to recieve them, and be used of God.

    Thank you for sharing your affirmation of your faith.


  54. pegramsdell says:

    Happy Birthday Regina!…..and many more…

  55. poohpity says:

    Happy Birthday Regina!!! and many more. :-)

    Matt, Steve’s son, Birthday is this weekend, so Happy Birthday coming up for you Matt too!!! :-)

  56. xrgarza says:

    Happy Birthday Regina! I hope that as you begin your 44th year, it will be better than you could have ever imagined. It was one of my favorite years.

    Steve, and happy Birthday to your son.

    I recently realized that this year my birthday lands on Easter Sunday, Wow! will it really be 53 completed years? I can’t be that old! Praise God!

    Have a great day!


  57. Lively says:

    Regina – well we share at least two things in common… it’s my birthday, too! My 41st! Many, many happy returns to your day!


  58. poohpity says:

    Wow lively, Happy birthday to you also, old girl!!!:-) You guys are catching up to me.

  59. poohpity says:

    Wow such wisdom at such a young age, ladies. You go girls!! You are not snoring are you?

  60. Lively says:

    Truly, there have been days when I would have appreciated a snoreworthy day!

    That race btw – I wanna tie. ;-)

  61. xrgarza says:

    Stacy, Wow! you too, let’s all get together and have a party! Woo Hoo!

    Deb, I am in agreement with you when it comes to the wisdom at such a young age., they could have fooled me, well they did.


  62. poohpity says:

    I would like to ask for prayer for a friend of mine who is not only loosing her home she also has a brain tumor that is causing her to loose her sight in one eye. She is a believer and teaches school but has been on medical leave of absence. Please pray for help for her and her husband. Thank you!!

  63. SFDBWV says:

    Happy birthday also, Stacy……Thank you Pooh (Deb) for remembering Matt, He will be 32 on the 29th.

    Thanks also Rocky, April 4, I’ll try and remember…

    Will be lifting up Deb’s friend as well as the normal roll call this evening.


  64. pegramsdell says:

    Wow Rocky, that IS old! ….lol :)
    Happy Birthday!
    And Stacy too. Wow….a lot of birthday this month.
    And Deb I’ll be praying for your friend too.

  65. saled says:

    Lively, I just saw your mention of The Shack. I read the book about 18 months ago, and I know many read it before that. As you might suppose, it’s controversial. It might make a good subject for the discussion section on Been Thinking’s Facebook page.

  66. Regina says:

    Good Evening, Fellow Bloggers,

    THANK YOU to all who wished me a Happy Birthday! :-)

    Steve – You’re welcome (re: my affirmation of faith).

    Rocky – It’s my 43rd birthday, but I’m definitely looking forward to my 44th! :-) I think it’s such a blessing that you’re looking forward to your (53rd?) on Easter Sunday! Praise God, Indeed!

    Stacy – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Friend! :-)
    I think you would agree with me that Mar. 25th was a great day to be born! lol! We’re so blessed to be 40 somethings! I hope your 41st is one of the happiest you’ve ever had!

    Poohpity – Thank you for the compliment! No, I’m not snoring. …at least most of the time. :-)


  67. poohpity says:

    We have discussed “The Shack” on past topics. I can not remember how many years ago it was but that can be looked up in the archives.

  68. poohpity says:

    It was posted on August 20th 2008. That is about “The Shack”.

  69. Lively says:

    *laughing* I’m so behind…

    I’ll have to go look what you guys had to say about it :-)

    And, yes – it’s been a lovely day.

  70. scout1 says:

    Good Evening!

    Happy Birthday to all you 40-somethings! I hope it was good.

    Today was the 1st anniversary of my Mom’s death. She was a believer and I know she is with the Lord. She was killed by medical neglect. We didn’t figure it out until after the funeral. Sometimes I struggle with the mistake that killed her and God allowing things to happen. But I guess in the end the bottom line is that God is in Control -I really miss her. She was going to be my help in raising my son. I’m a single mom and my son’s dad in not really in the picture. I’m praying that the Lord will keep us close.

    God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher then our thoughts. Lean not upon your own understanding, in all your ways acknowlege Him and He will direct your paths.

    Thanks for listening!

  71. poohpity says:

    I understand your feelings about your mom, I miss mine too. The Lord will certainly help with your son He did with mine and they are doing fine with no other family to help. I will say that there will be tuff times when they happen just look to God and say help. We will be here if you need to talk. Love Deb

  72. xrgarza says:

    Peg, I may be old but I’m forever being told that I look like I’m in my 30’s.

    Regina, yes you just completed 43 years, meaning you started your 44th.

    I’ll try to explain. When you were first born at the end of your first year you celebrated your first birthday and then you started your 2nd year.

    I didn’t realized this principle until I was in my mid 40’s it was pretty cool cause I can tell you everything I did in my 50th year.

    Just a little mathamatical quirk that I have.


  73. scout1 says:

    Thank you Deb! Your words of encouragement were so kind. I’m glad to know that someone has gone through the same thing. God bless your kind words to me.


  74. xrgarza says:

    Stacy, hey I have but one question as I scroll down this page I notice that at the end of your post, your user name appears to be a hyperlink to perhaps an e-mail address or something.

    How’s that done? I would like to do that with my name.


  75. Regina says:

    Hello (Again), Fellow Bloggers,

    Rocky – You’re right. What you said makes sense. I have started my 44th year of life (doesn’t it actually start tomorrow though?).

    Scout (Lynda) – Thanks for the birthday wishes. I agree with Poohpity that the Lord will certainly help you with your son. I pray that you will remember to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord because He (deeply) cares about you both (1 Pet. 5:7). I want to share some more Bible verses with you:

    Psalm 46:1, NLT –
    God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

    Phil. 4:6-8, NLT –
    6) Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7) Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.


  76. scout1 says:

    Thank you Regina. Those verses are very calming to my spirit. My son is nine. I hope that he will do well as he starts to approach those between/teen years. Yes, I will pray about everything.

    Thank you again Regina for sharing with me.


  77. poohpity says:

    If you will look in the sky to the right of the moon you can see Mars with the naked eye. It is orange, how neat is this.

  78. BeulahMN says:

    Matt: A very good friend of mine who comes from a muslim family just called me tonight to ask about God. An ongoing personal crises and an encounter wih some Christians spurred her interest.
    She is not sure what she believes about God, but is concerned that her unbelief and doubts and general lack of knowledge of the Bible will mean that God will not listen to her. I spoke to her about grace, and how we can do nothing to derserve it. I told her of the infinite love of God, and how he welcomes our confessions of doubt. She told me the omnipotent and infinite nature of God, of his love and his grace, and the thought of him as her Father are hard for her to grasp. I told her I have the same problem too, and told her about my personal struggles to come to see myself through God’s eyes and to accept hs love. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is still hard for me to fathom.
    I know my conversation with my friend is just beginning and would appreciate the group’s thoughts on how I can help my friend. I am at the start of my journey too – even though I grew up as a christian, the past few years I have been distant from God and I am just finding my way back. I told my friend that I do not have the answers, but that I would walk with her to discover God together. I am more comfortable with the Bible than she is -she has never read it till tonight. God is nudging her very hard and she is a little spooked, and seems poised to run from it. How do I help my friend without scaring her away?

  79. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I have not seen you on this blog before so may I say Welcome!
    I will pray for you and your friend. I have no real words of advice other than to just be yourself and, as you said, walk with her and together find the answers.
    She is probably “spooked” because under muslim tradition it is considered very bad to read the bible and if you do become a christian your family can turn againts you and in some cases even put a death threat on you. So it is a very tough road for someone to follow.
    If she is really seeking God then He will work everything for good in her life.
    At our church service on Sunday a man stood up and said “If you take nothing else away with you today remember God is good and everything he does is for good”
    God loves us more than we can ever imagine and we are special to Him, so is your friend!

  80. Lively says:

    Scout – I didn’t know what to say last night. My heart and prayers were with you, none the less. Today, I still do not know what to say – except my prayers are with you. I lost my dad when I was preggers with my 2nd child, almost 13 years ago now. I still miss him.

    Rocky – I have the same mathmatical quirk! lol I learned it in 1999… As for the link thing, I didn’t know it worked. It’s a link to my blog. It’s a setting on the “Site Admin” under website you just type in the url for your blog. I’ve been rather lax about writing for it lately – but I don’t have a following so I suppose it’s no big deal lol

    Beulah – Good luck! I don’t envy the task God set at your door. The only advice I have for you is, listen to His voice and trust Him to guide you.

    Steve – they are saying this rain might turn to snow this afternoon! I thought it was spring!!! I know you don’t come on the blog much over the weekend – Happy Birthday to your son :-)


  81. poohpity says:

    Beulah, When Paul asked God for the words to say they were given to him. It is always best to be honest when you do not know something and then look in the bible and ask God for the words to say. Obviously God trusted you enough to bring this friend to you for this journey to the truth. :-)

  82. xrgarza says:

    Regina, Ooohhh Ahl-right, “tomorrow” Tirretically speaking, (theoretically), as my boss with a strong accent would say it begins the second after the hour you were born.

    Stacy, I’m not alone! I thought I was the only one that had those kinds of quirks. Cool!


  83. foreverblessed says:

    Beulah, take heart, I say amen to what Bob and Pooh advised you.
    Last week I learned this:
    Make Me real, and leave Me to do My own work. To lead a soul to Me is one thing, to seek to stay with it to interpret mars the first great act. So would it be with human intercourse. How much more then, when it is a question of the soul, and Me, its Maker, and only real Spirit that understands it.
    out of: God calling devotional of twolisteners, March 16.
    Which means that it is all God’s business. We do not have to do that much, but to stay very close to God, so as to know what Pooh advised to be able to hear what God says to you. And if He doesn’t say much the only thing you can do is to show love, and happiness so you have to go to God for asking this love and happiness.
    It sounds so simple, but I still struggle this through, to absolutely trust God, He is the Boss, we ar His secretaries. But it is good to realise that you are deeply loved by God, as His Bride.

  84. foreverblessed says:

    (This will be a long story, but since the topic has moved on, I will share it to show how close God is with us, How much He wants to take the lead.)

    Has someone been praying for me? Last Wednesday I was saying here in one of the above posts, that God can talk to us while on the way, when we keep focussing on Him. Wednesdaynight I cycled home with my husband, and right in front of the building where he works during the day, a man on his little electric mobile went of the road, righ into the ditch, (or a small canal, which we have lots in our low country). I had just written these things that afternoon, and immediately I said to God, now You are talking quite loud! And in amazement we helped the man, he was not injured, but it was hard to get him of this electric car. Only his legs were wet. Another girl came by to help us, and she was so caring, she would not leave the old man, till all was OK. (there are many angels around us, I mean humans who do good out of a caring heart). His car had to be towed out by the firemen. So some action. I was praying, is this another soul you send on my path? But God did not answer. What then was the message?
    Next Monday the company my husband works at, will announce the plans for reorganisation, the trade union will be there too. So real business. The sales have been low since the recession, and not enough money coming in, and too much for a long time has been going out. So ..
    At night I said to my husband, who is in the works council, you must assist the people who are going to be laid off, that they will be helped in finding a new job, that they will be able to cope finacially.

    Help people who fall in the ditch.

    Little did I know that today I want to a not yet to close christian friend, and she pours out her heart, today at 4 ‘clock, money has to be paid to the bailiff, or sheriff’s officer, or otherwise her son will be put out of his home.
    She said how much money it was, and that her son does have a job now, and will be able to keep on living there.
    So there was the message already in my head: Help those who fall into the ditch.
    I did have the money, and could miss it.
    God knew all of this. He leads us directs us. He is so good, are we willing to follow His lead, and do what He shows us we have to do?
    Together we went to the office, we were there at 3 a clock with the money.
    I have a very close christian friend now since this afternoon.
    She said: I will pray for your husband, that he will not lose his job. And she gave some delicious cake with me too.
    I came home and told everything to my husband, and said, you have been given a praying sister. And he was pleased with it.

    But I want to say that keeping close to God, trying to be calm in Him, trying to listen to what He says, and then do what He says, it is a real awakening.

    And when God does not say anything to you, just keep on coming close to Him, and realise How much He loves us.
    Because for years I didn’t hear much the only thing was to be loving to my husband and children,(which afcourse is much but I did not value it as such), and futher no big things. But being loving to your closest, is a big job, not something to think as if you are doing nothing. But you are doing a great job, the smallest gesture of love shown to another is just as big in Gods eyes as preaching a great sermon.

  85. Lively says:

    Forever – what a lovely story to share.

    I pray for everyone who post on this blog, so – yup I’m praying for you. You’ve all been added to my nightly prayer as I’m about to go to sleep. It’s a note I took out of Job’s book – I pray for my friends and family – and those that they love. That you all may walk close with Him and He would take care of each of you tomorrow and give you all strength. I pray for all the things that I know, and most of all for the things that I don’t know that is going on in everyone’s lives. ;-)

  86. Grace48 says:

    Watched Day of Discovery today and was thinking of this blog and of so much while watching. Jesus in the Garden of Gesthemene. One place stopped at and it made me think of this: the disciples were snoring away while Jesus agonized over what was to come for Him(and for us all who are saved thru Jesus),but Jesus still did what was God’s will for Him to do. Whether we are snoring or awake, God still continues on doing His will. All that has happened in this world this year and in my and my own family’s lives have set me into a state of shocked numb sleepiness,yet still clinging on in faith that God is still working out His will,and this not in my own strength because there is no strength left in me on my own. Much later on the disciples did wake up and look at all that they did later on. Am hoping in faith for that for us all who may be snoring now.

  87. Grace48 says:

    Sorry to be writing on this older blog,while there is a newer one going on, but for the sake of clarification of my last thoughts I’m writing here.

    Wasn’t part of Jesus’ ministry while He walked this earth and even in His death and resurrection, to show us a love that is far better and beyond any love that mankind can know except from Triune God?

    But with the father issues aside for a moment, what I was trying to say is that perhaps sometimes, we, like the dozing disciples, can get overwhelmed by things and can’t, for a period of time, understand with our finite minds, what God is doing. Like has been said before, we have the Bible written to read and we can know what Jesus was doing then, but the disciples didn’t have that then. How overwhelming and confusing that must have been for them.

    I don’t have a written story of what God is up to in my familys’ lives and my own, nor do any of us. Sometimes we get overwhelmed and confused. Yet, we know the ending and it’s a great one because of Jesus. But it ‘s this middle part that’s overwhelming me and causing me to “snore” while trying to understand. Yet, I also find hope in the fact that,as I wrote, the disciples did go on to do,with all of God’s help, such great things for Jesus and for all of us who read of them in the Bible.

    Yes, they were called to be apostles and that’s different in many ways. Yet we are to be followers of Jesus,and that’s important,too. I just don’t like this feeling of being so overwhelmed into the “snoring” state. But hopefully it will lead to “waking” again.

  88. foreverblessed says:

    Grace48, I am praying for you, that you keep looking for Jesus, even if everything seems silent and confusing.
    Tonights verse of Spurgeon (ccel.org) is Song of Solomon 5:6
    “I called him, but he gave me no answer.”
    Keep sending your petitions to Him!

  89. Grace48 says:

    Thank you Forever Blessed for hearing and understanding what I was trying to say and not condemning me for it,and the encouragement to keep on.

  90. Grace48 says:

    Thank you Forever Blessed

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