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Waking Up to Life

We can live and yet be dead. We can think we are awake and yet be asleep. Death can be like sleep. Sleep can be like death. (Eph 2:1; Rom 13:11).

But sometimes as our eyes slowly open and focus, we find ourselves taking a fresh breath of air that, as it turns out, was on the other side of what we regarded as “death”. The very thing that we had so resisted turned out to be more like life than our nightmarish fears had ever been.

Maybe this is some of what is wrong with our addiction to self-protection. Real life comes only on the other side of dying to our natural inclinations. We wake-up to the reason for which we were born only as we let our insanity die in our Lord’s invitation to rest in him…and in his faith, hope, and love.

That must be some of what Paul wanted us to see when he wrote things like, “Now, it is high time to wake up!” (Rom 13:11); and when he wrote, “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh” (2Cor 4:8-11).

My guess is that this is the story line we are all sleeping through and awakening to in so many similar and yet different ways…

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67 Responses to “Waking Up to Life”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Deep thoughts this morning. As I have read and re-read the topic, it struck me just how many of us *completely* die to Christ?

    It would seem for myself that I have *killed off* many of the bad things of my more human nature. In order to be more under the control of the Spirit of Christ.

    But there is always some part of *me* still there.

    When I think sometimes about some of my darker sinfull dead self, I am glad that that part of me is dead and no longer has any control of my thoughts nor actions, but also makes me wonder what do I still hold on to that I may be better off without?

    Will be thinking of this subject as I go about the human chores of my day….


  2. Lively says:

    And, sometimes it seems as if we’re wakefully dreaming.

    I’m remembering my personal struggle to commit myself to the Lord as an adult. Fully awake in a dream, unable to commit but unwilling to let go.

    As a child and even as an adult, the world often seemed like a dream to me – It hasn’t seemed that way since I “woke up”.

  3. phpatato says:

    Seems lately that I am walking about like a Zombie. Things come at me, good or bad, and I just “take it”. No inside emotion, just the conditioned outward response. It scares me because I have been guilty in the past of erecting huge walls around me, some of which I am thinking are still standing??

    Lifeless and at a time when things are bursting with life….pray for me.

  4. mjday says:

    Mart, I was reminded of the Oswald Chambers reading from March 22 from Luke 24 – the road to Emmaus story.

    On the very day that Jesus rose from the dead, two disciples were dejectedly returning to that town. A “stranger” joins them and they pour out their tale of woe to him. Jesus then rebukes them for their lack of belief and proceeds to enlighten their minds with the scriptural truth.

    After Jesus has gone, the two remark in amazement, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”

    Maybe that’s an example of the difference you are speaking about.

  5. SFDBWV says:

    When John the Baptist became of age to begin his ministry, I wonder if he knew the purpose of his calling? A voice in the wilderness, preparing the way for the coming Christ. Why the wilderness? So that people would have to come to him? Not he to the people?

    Because of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding his birth, I am sure his parents tried to prepare him for his purpose, if in fact they even knew completely what that might be.

    I do not know what God superimposed into his mind to help him understand what he was doing, but I do know that even after seeing the Spirit of God descending on Jesus, and proclaiming Him to be the Lamb of God, John still had doubts and had to by way of his own disciples ask Jesus if He was the one or should they still be looking for another. Awake, yet asleep?

    In the speach from Stephen before he was stoned to death, we learn a great deal about things not mentioned elsewhere in scripture, as he was dying God opened up his eyes to see clearly what lay on that other side. Fully and totaly awake.

    Paul tells us we will not see clearly, until that which is perfect comes…That which is perfect….Face to face….Then shall we know.

    Until then it is glimpses and shadows of things to come, bits and pieces. Enough for each of us to be encouraged along the pathway…home, fully awake and fully aware.

    So it has to be for most of us to be awake sometimes and asleep sometimes and brought slowly to the apex of ourselves to that place where we are there face to face.


  6. lynne8521 says:

    I read the My Utmost For His Highest devotionals every day. They are life altering and thought provoking. Yesteday at the bottom of the screen there was a link for the Disovery Series titled “When God Takes What Matters Most”. Watching these stories has changed my life. Currently going through a period of uncertainty and darkness maritally related. Keep asking God “WHY” when all I want to do is serve you and live and have a marriage that glorifies you. The second paragraph in “Waking Up to Life” are some of the exact words that one of the parents said in the “Discovery Series” video after the devasting loss of her children. When faced with the deepest adversity we tend to hold onto self preservation. The why me, the how comes, the why nows… We must “trust” Him. God is an all knowing and all consuming God. Allowing Him to free us from ourselves is truly the beginning of… “To live is Christ and to die is gain”… Peace and Blessings.

  7. poohpity says:

    I think we are taught much of our life how to do things the way our human nature dictates. Jesus gives us His way to handle life which is so contrary with how we would do things. So to die to our natural inclinations and live how Christ has given us to live by His example is to live in Christ.

    That gives us the freedom to be who we are created to be with the behaviors of our new life. The Lord told Joshua to not go after or follow the ways of those around them but yield their hearts to God and the things He taught. So to die to self that would be our sinful nature and be alive in Christ to do things the way He has taught us which is so contrary to the hate and abuse around us.

    God never told anyone not to be themselves for instance He never told Peter to stop being Peter or anyone else to stop being themselves. He asked for changed hearts to do things the way Jesus would do things. It is about waking up totally to a new life not to change who you are but to behave in a different way. A way that reflects what we truly believe and who we believe in.

  8. xrgarza says:

    Mart, you are absolutely correct, it is so easy to make excuses well especially for me.

    Example: I want to live and do God’s will but my job keeps me from it, or I don’t have enough money to go out and minister, I don’t have enough education to be a minister, and to make the time to go back to school, or become a gazillionaire.

    Sometimes it simply seems that time goes by so fast, I don’t think that I can catch up, so I do little or nothing.

    Then I have to ask myself what exactly is ministry? It is simply living and sharing the good news with every one that crosses my path.

    I’m so ashamed of myself, but the truth is that since I relocated back to Sacramento from Colorado Springs, I’ve made zero to no friends being an extravert I find that hard to believe, I try so hard to share God’s love but everyone seems so busy these days, so as a result maybe what I’m feeling is a little depressed and I end up staying in bed a little longer than I should.

    I need a jump start, I want to wake up, I want to have a sense of urgency, but I don’t have a clue where to even begin especially when my ears virtually go deaf when I get rhetoric instead of demonstration from those who seem to have all the answers.

    Love you all

  9. poohpity says:

    Rocky, I bet God will bring just one person to you today to minister to. I think we believe it has to be big when in reality it happens one person at a time to start with.

  10. xrgarza says:

    Hehehe, I just read our daily bread for the day, Praise God, He has a way of speaking to me and encouraging me perhaps He will soon send me a “Timothy” or an “Epaphroditus” Praise God!


  11. xrgarza says:


    True, I have to remind myself that ministry can be a bit draining, I think that this time that I am spending with my mother is a bit of what I may be experiencing, I don’t remember spending this much time caring for another person since my children were young, and yet I feel like I’m not doing enough.

    True and complete ministry requires to be inconvenienced a bit. Don’t get me wrong, As much as I know what I’m doing is not only the right thing to do, I really want to be here and I am so glad that I am here, I don’t think that I would spend this much time or energy on myself. I could be wrong, but I don’t want to find out though.


  12. marma says:

    Ordinary People (movie) was on about the couple who lost one of their teenage sons. The mother could not reach out in any meaningful way to her family. The father, who finally faced up to his feelings and questions, said to her, “you are afraid of life.”

    The mother kept holding back and holding back and would never engage. She was silly enough to think life could be lived that way.

    It made me think about my own “holding back” in the Christian life. Sometimes I want to go so far, but no further. CS Lewis talks about that, about we Christians being happy with being a cottage, when God intends a palace.

    We don’t get anywhere much is spiritual growth if we keep hold back.

    What if Christ had held back from the cross? A lot of people want to see him only as a good man, but that is not the good news. The good news is that he didn’t hold back, he went all the way to the cross for us.

    “Who for the joy that was set before him…” (Hebrews)

    Maybe we need to remind ourselves of that joy, and through the Spirit the fear and self protection will be eclipsed by that joy.

  13. Lively says:

    Talking about holding back in your walk. Funnily enough, I just found out today (10 minutes ago) that I’ve cast away the fear induced self protective attitude of this world. At least, in part. You never know until you’re put to the test.

    I found out that I really am convicted to hold to my moral value system, even risking at best being sued – at worst maybe charged with a “crime” – not sure what the crime actually is… it was an empty threat. lol I’m not silly enough to actually break the law – but I know the legal system isn’t actually a system based on truth and justice, I don’t discount anything like that happening.

    Funny thing about the truth setting you free… freedom isn’t what most people think it is.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    I just seen on the news that a van filled with Minonite’s were hit head on by a tractor trailer truck on Interstate 65 in Kentucky, 11 people killed including the truck driver.

    As bad as it is, the van filled with Christians going to a wedding in Iowa were prepared, I hope the truck driver was.

    Most all of us either have greater ambitions to be doing more for Christ, or have had so in the past.

    If your like me I always had my own *vision* as to how God could use me and how I could be a firebrand for the Lord…However…

    If you surrender your will to His, as I do every single day. He will use you exactly where He wants you just exactly as He wants.

    Many or even most of us never know the impact we have when we are just living quiet examples of Christ.

    Or how God may have us intercede with just one person, and how that one life can change the world.

    It is good to have ambition, and even better to desire the gifts God offers.

    I have had to learn (the hard way) that when God is in control of my actions it is His will that gets accomplished, not mine.

    Am saddened by the news of the news about the wreck, will be praying for all involved.


  15. Lively says:

    I heard about that too, Steve and thought similar things. We’ll be praying for the families.

  16. foreverblessed says:

    Someone asked, why was John the Baptist send to the wilderness.
    Spurgeons meditation of today says this
    Art thou, beloved one, with Christ Jesus? Does a vital union knit thee to him? Then thou art today with him in his shame; thou hast taken up his cross, and gone with him without the camp bearing his reproach;

    Am I out of topic now,
    The next thing he writes is this, well I’ll put all here, it is about the glory to come
    If thou start back from the black side of communion, thou shalt not understand its bright, its happy period, when the King shall come, and all his holy angels with him. What! are angels with him? And yet he took not up angels—he took up the seed of Abraham. Are the holy angels with him? Come, my soul, if thou art indeed his own beloved, thou canst not be far from him. If his friends and his neighbours are called together to see his glory, what thinkest thou if thou art married to him? Shalt thou be distant? Though it be a day of judgment, yet thou canst not be far from that heart which, having admitted angels into intimacy, has admitted thee into union. Has he not said to thee, O my soul, “I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness?” Have not his own lips said it, “I am married unto thee, and my delight is in thee?” If the angels, who are but friends and neighbours, shall be with him, it is abundantly certain that his own beloved Hephzibah, in whom is all his delight, shall be near to him, and sit at his right hand. Here is a morning star of hope for thee, of such exceeding brilliance, that it may well light up the darkest and most desolate experience.

  17. foreverblessed says:

    Xavier, why do you make it so difficult for yourself, I was amazed to read the above, because you are doing a great ministry right now, to your mother.
    Bless you for doing that, and take some rest, because the hardest part might still come.
    Sorry for being so direct, but I think that Pooh is right, one at a time, and yours is already there.

  18. xrgarza says:


    Thanks for the encouraging words. I will keep them in mind.

    As far as the accident I had no idea that they were Minonite’s going to a wedding and now like my mother they are all on their way to their own eternal wedding.

    Praise God!

  19. xrgarza says:


    Who knows my own human nature, and about being direct, that is my desire, I find it a bit difficult when people aren’t direct with me but simply beat around the bush.

    I’ll try my hardest and continue to pray that the Lord will give me the strength and courage that I will need to continue on this journey.

    Thank you

  20. pegramsdell says:

    This topic reminds me of a song:

    Arise, shine, for The Lord has come.
    Arise, shine, for The Lord has come.
    And the glory of The Lord has risen.
    The glory of The Lord has risen.
    The glory of the Lord has risen, upon us.

  21. marma says:

    The Word sure has plenty of examples of fear getting the best of God’s followers starting in Genesis, with Abraham. And Elijah–almost obnoxious with the priests of Baal–but then running from Jezebel. Still they followed.

    And then there’s Peter before, and even after the Cross–Paul reports Peter’s slip up with the Judaizers. I’m thinking, maybe fear was involved there, too.

    A friend told me recently that God always answers those prayers we have about deepening our relationship with Him. Part of that is seeing who I really am–that is often hard to face.

    Wonderfully, He shows me more of who He is, and that gives me courage. “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Eph 6:10.

  22. foreverblessed says:

    Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
    Isaiah 60:1

    No longer will they call you Deserted,
    or name your land Desolate.
    But you will be called Hephzibah, [a]
    and your land Beulah [b] ;
    for the LORD will take delight in you,
    and your land will be married.
    Isaiah 62:4

    Beulah, I’ll pray that your friend will also be Beulah, meaning: Married, that is married to Jesus.

  23. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I repeat what I said in the previously in “When I was Snoring”

    AWAKE! AWAKE! O my Soul Jesus is alive in me!

    O Boy, Do I need waking up!

  24. bubbles says:

    I was asked to pass along the news that Xavier/Rocky’s mother went to be with the Lord a few minutes ago.

    He is so thankful for your prayers and encouragement today.

    You can contact him personally through facebook.
    He’ll be back here in a few days.

    Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps. 116:15

  25. saled says:

    “The very thing that we had resisted turns out to be more like life than our nightmarish fears had ever been.” Becoming a mother has probably been the biggest example of this for me. Motherhood is a natural inclination for some, but it wasn’t for me. Being a child during the social upheaval of the 60’s and 70’s left me thinking that children would interfere with the life that I wanted to live. The other side of motherhood turned out to be more like life than the self-centered existence that I had planned.

    I’m afraid that I said no to another opportunity to experience this when my husband’s mother’s health started to fail and she needed help. No one else in the family (all Christians) thought it should be their job to help, and I totally resisted the thought that it should be my job. We put her in a nursing home and I still regret it. My own mother is 84 now and it is my sister who does the most for her by far. It is hard to lay your life down for someone else.

  26. Anna777 says:

    In the classic by Augustine “The City of God” he says something that I find very refreshing.

    He says “Among the daily chances of this life every man on earth is threatened in the same way by innumerable deaths, and it is uncertain which one of them will come to him. And so the question is whether it is better to suffer one in dying or to fear them all in living”.

    For me it’s just a reminder of the fact that when I trust the sovereignty of God, it releases me to live the life he has given me, in the way he wants me to live it. When I lived in fear, it paralyzed me. As I live in faith, it sets me free.

    God is good.


  27. SFDBWV says:

    Anna777, You have passed along from Augustine one of the life truths I have learned and passed along to others most all of my adult life….In order to realy live, you have to learn how to die….

    Country singer Toby Keith has a song out “Cryin for Me” it is about his friend who died and how he had impacted Toby’s life…”You taught me how to live and you taught me how to die.” “I don’t feel sorry for you, I’m cryin for me.”

    Country music…songs about life.

    Thank you Bubbles for the information about Rocky’s mother….My sympathies for his pain and loss.

    Another burial in our little Cemetery Tuesday, Someone’s father, someone’s brother, someone’s friend…We can talk and discuss and probe the deeper thoughts held within us…But life and death go on.


  28. InHisHands says:

    Dear BTA friends;

    Rocky; I have you in my prayers. Your sharings have been inspiring to me and brought many memories of my mother’s homegoing. Praise the Lord for assurance of the PEACE and painfree life she is now sharing with HIM. You will remain in my prayers, as I know that loss is hard, even tho’ the head knows it is best – the heart is still in pain.

    Phpatato; your comment awakened an awareness in me, (No inside emotion, just the conditioned outward response.) I did not realize how hard I was taking my son’s arrest. But, I have a miracle to share – and I hope it isn’t too off topic. (The hard part will be keeping it short.)

    When they brought my son to court for his preliminary trail, we got to visit the night before. He again asked if there was any way we could come up with the bail- he seemed desparate to be out. I told him that with no collateral I didn’t see how it would be possible – then I prayed and asked the LORD if He wanted my son out if He would make a way – that if they would accept my signature and some money down, then I would have my answer and Josh would be out. I called a bond place and someone met us at his hearing. She started with the 10% of the bond with 1/2 down – when I said I couldn’t do that much (to shorten the story) – she gave a finally offer of $1000, less than the 10% – $500. down and monthly payments. (And she is a Christian, I found out later) God is so good and He answers our specific prayers and meets all of our needs.

    We will be able to win this case and he will be getting the medical treatment he needs for the seizures.

    I was in a fog during all of this- others saw the chains of oppression fall from me when I was joyfully sharing how our wonderful LORD met my request. It, so often, does not feel like I am doing anything for the LORD and I feel like I am living day after day with nothing to show that I was even “awake”, but God – leads someone to me to share how they were blessed by a word or dead – and I praise Him and realize I am where He wants me to be, doing what He wants me to do.

    Sorry so long – please keep praying for our situation – and know I pray for all of you.

  29. Anna777 says:

    So true Steve. It’s an amazing blessing – God has allowed me to really “get it” that the tighter my grip on life the less I can live it. It’s as if when I “let go” everything goes into balance and things become as they should be and I am free to live the new life I received in Christ nine years ago. It is so simple it almost seems hard in a way! If that makes sense! …..


  30. InHisHands says:

    PS Ok that would be ‘deed’, not dead =) thought I proof read thoroughly, but missed it.

  31. poohpity says:

    You know as I woke up this morning in self I was reminded that I needed a real wake up call which was in 1 John 4:4-12. If we truly love God then we will love others. It does not say we will to look at their sin that is God’s job. If we do not love then we do not have the spirit of God living in us. So for today I have to wake up and live the life of love not condemnation or judgment that is not a job I have been given. If we as Christians would show more love I wonder just how many people would come to the one who loves them so much He died for them.

  32. foreverblessed says:

    Pooh, just your message was brought home to me last week by this:

    Say often, “God bless . . . ,” of any whom you find in disharmony with you, or whom you desire to help. Say it, willing that showers of blessings and joy and success may fall upon them.

    Leave to Me that necessary correcting or training; you must only desire joy and blessing for them. At present your prayers are that they should be taught and corrected.

    Oh! If My children would leave My work to Me and occupy themselves with the task I give them. Love, love, love. Love will break down all your difficulties. Love will build up all your successes.

    God the destroyer of evil, God the creator of good — is Love. To Love one another is to use God in your life. To use God in your life is to bring into manifestation all harmony, beauty, joy, and happiness.

    “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you,
    do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which
    despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44
    (God calling by two listeners april 25)

    And to be honoust, I more easily see the wrong in others. So it means a shift in me to look for the good.
    A shift of love from God.

  33. foreverblessed says:

    InHisHands, thanks for telling about your son, many of us have been praying for him, and this is going the way up. I do not undrstand everything you write, but I am not familiar with your medical system.

    Anna, happy to see you are back again, thanks for the note of Augustine, did you see my note on too good to be true?

  34. Regina says:

    Good Evening, Fellow Bloggers,
    I hope all is well you and your families.

    Rocky/Xavier – I want to offer my condolences on the loss of your mother. Here’s a big (((((hug)))) for you. “For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens” (2 Cor. 5:1, NKJV).

    Anna – …just want to comment on your comment:
    “For me it’s just a reminder of the fact that when I trust the sovereignty of God, it releases me to live the life he has given me, in the way he wants me to live it. When I lived in fear, it paralyzed me. As I live in faith, it sets me free.
    God is good.”

    My comment: Well said. :-)


  35. Anna777 says:

    Foreverblessed – I just now went back and read your note on “Too Good To Be True”. Thank you for sharing that! It brought to mind another quote from Casper Ten Boom (Corrie Ten Boom’s Father) He said “The highest potential of God’s love and power is available to us in the trivial things of everyday life”. He lived a life so truly devoted to God.

    Regina – It is amazing how we can experience such freedom in Christ when we just loosen our grip on life. God is so good in how he gently guides us as we walk in faith.

    Blessings to all!


  36. xrgarza says:

    My Dear Friends,

    It is a been a blessing knowing that you are holding me and my family up in prayer may God richly bless each one of you as He has me. Thank you for all of your kind words of encouragement they have been a blessing.

    I must share this weekend I experienced something that I have never experienced before.

    I had the privilege to walk my mother to the gates of heaven, Praise God! The experience itself felt real similar to when my children were born. But I was also reminded of the first time I took them to school, I walked them to their class holding their hands.

    I was holding my mother’s hand, and talking with her, then I began crying as if I was in mourning, then I stopped myself and asked why do I feel this way she is still breathing strong so I thought, it was loud and strong but only 1/2 or 1/4 breaths, I remembered answering an email from a dear friend sharing this with her and shortly after I pressed the send button is when I noticed that she had taken her last breath.

    My mother is not only free from pain or cancer; she is with her Lord and King, dancing with the angels, Praise God.

    The Bible says that when a sinner is saved the angels rejoice, similarly I believe that when a believer is absent from the body we should be rejoicing here on earth


  37. foreverblessed says:

    Where is the proverb, the day of death is better then the day of birth?

    Xrgarza, so you have honoured your mother!! THanks for sharing. And thanks for staying with her, thank you very very much. and thanks for sharing, I thought you would be far to busy to come here.
    Hope her funeral will also be like a wedding, the funeral of my mother-in-law 3 weeks ago was like that. We can indeed be thankful for her haaving been here on earth. I try to think of how good it was that she was here, and be thankful, but you go even further in saying joyful! And that is a good encouragement.

  38. scout1 says:

    I just wanted to add a note to Rocky/Xrgarza: I sorry about your loss but it is heavens’ gain. Thank you for sharing your experience with your Mom. My prayers are with you and your family.


  39. xrgarza says:


    Well since Im not staying all day with my mother, I get home and I can’t just fall asleep.

    It’s funny you say that, but that is exactly what I shared with my family, she is at her ultimate wedding, and at the service before I speak I will have them play “going to the chapel, going to be married” Praise God!

    Lynda, Thank you so much you are so right, I want to use those words “heavens gain”

    Keep praying for us we still have to come together and be in agreement on some things for the service, so we will all be stretched more than we already have, so pray for Wisdom, and Courage.


  40. SFDBWV says:

    Quoting from Mart’s comments above..” My guess is that this is the story line we are all sleeping through and awakening to in so many similar and yet different ways.”

    I would like to add *Time* to that concept.

    We are all arriving at conclusions and truths at different times in our walk. Which too often is mistakenly percieved as disagreeing.

    If we each describe a sunrise, the same sunrise, but seen minutes or moments apart, it will sound different, yet is the same…time being the only reason it sounds contradictory.

    I have been blessed by wiser older Christian’s who understood this and allowed for me to learn without being condemed for not already knowing. Informed yes, encouraged yes, but not browbeaten or scolded because I hadn’t yet awaken to some truth of scripture.

    Without saying I told you so, these same tolerant, patient, Christian’s there only with a smile and nod of approval, when I finaly was able to wake up and see the same things they had already seen.


  41. InHisHands says:

    Rocky: thank you for sharing your testimony with us. Caring for your mother till the Lord came for her, such an honoring act of love. Am continuing to pray for you and your family.

    Steve: thank you for your insight on “TIME”. I often find that is why I get so upset with my boys – Like the one who is in the trouble, right now – I forget they are in a different “TIME” of understanding and ‘wakefulness. He is aware that The LORD wants his attention, but not in the way that I think the LORD is trying to ‘awaken’ him. Our “time” perception is different. Thank you for that comment I can see that now – “I am awake” to this knew understanding. So now I am asking God for the wisdom to keep my mouth shut when I should and to speak only with HIS guidence.

    Thank you all ‘again’ for all of your prayers. God is so good!!!!!!

  42. poohpity says:

    Not all of us wake up at the same time and because it is so easy to look at others than within it is a breeding ground for pride. If we look at what others say we will always find a nugget of truth somewhere. Whether it was given in love or malice we can always glean from feedback if we are open to receive it. We are like children that have to have the same lesson repeated over and over until we finally accept it.

    Isaiah 33:10; “Now will I arise,” says the LORD. “Now will I be exalted; now will I be lifted up.
    I think we have a bad habit of trying to lift ourselves above the one who is to be exalted. I know I have problems with that myself and usually when I do wake up I have to go through the painful process of admitting how wrong I am.

  43. poohpity says:

    In the Stephen Ministry we had to learn an important lesson and that was; It is God who is the cure giver and we are the caregivers. Sometimes we take our job as caregivers over to controlling and there is only One who is in control, that is God.

  44. pegramsdell says:

    I recently read 90 minutes in heaven. I recommend it. Really enlightening.

  45. Anna777 says:

    Steve – What a really helpful insight God has given you regarding “time”. So much wisdom wrapped up in those truths. Thank you so much for taking the time to share.

    I really do need to remember the importance of being gentle in love with my co-heirs in Christ. I have felt frustration before with family members who seemed so slow in “getting it” and I realize that it’s all in God’s time. They will “get it” when God deems they are ready to be able to “get it”. As believers we really do need to kind of be the “pit crew” for our fellow Christians who are running the race along with us.

    I appreciate your ability to always be focused on your relationship with Christ. By doing that you give forth fresh “fruit” in your comments you share with us.

    Thank you Steve. I pray that God continues to bless you with his presence and that he will keep you steady through the greatest sorrows as well as the greatest joys.

    We serve a Mighty God!


  46. foreverblessed says:

    We serve a Mighty God!
    Reading in the devotional, GOd calling, last week, I read that Jesus said to them: say to yourself that Godis Mighty, that Jesus is the Lord, that Our Lord is mighty. Tell it yourself often, not as a mantra, but really believing it. Ask for faith everyday. And our GOd is Mighty. Say that GOd is Mighty till your heart is singing with joy.

    I have tried to do that. And I am still trying. I want to believe that with all my heart.
    I do believe it, but I could believe it much much more.
    So my heart could sing more.

    THis is what Spurgeon writes for the night:
    “Take care that you never doubt your acceptance in Jesus. You cannot be accepted without Christ; but, when you have received his merit, you cannot be unaccepted. Notwithstanding all your doubts, and fears, and sins, Jehovah’s gracious eye never looks upon you in anger; though he sees sin in you, in yourself, yet when he looks at you through Christ, he sees no sin. You are always accepted in Christ, are always blessed and dear to the Father’s heart. Therefore lift up a song, and as you see the smoking incense of the merit of the Saviour coming up, this evening, before the sapphire throne, let the incense of your praise go up also.”

    (We are always blessed, and so my name is blessedforever.)

  47. foreverblessed says:

    We serve a Mighty God.
    Pregramsdell, on You tube I saw a film on this book, 90 minutes in heaven.
    Consider the baptist preacher who prayed for the man already dead, he stayed with him, sang a Hymnal, and after 90 minutes this dead man starts to sing the hymnal with him. How mighty is our God?
    Even if you would doubt the visions of the man, the part of the preacher who prayed for him, is a man who now knows how mighty is our God.

  48. plumbape says:

    Yes….! I recently read that book. Absolutely incredible!! Hundreds of people started praying for him and the Lord heard and delivered, Amen!

  49. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thanks for your comment about time Steve.

    I have just read a book about the life of a Lady called Heather Double, it is basically a tribute to her life by family and friends.
    As well as running a house and bring up children, she supported her husband all over the world as he runs the “Good News Crusade” events and helps train evangelists.
    They live in Cornwall and often come to our little church. Heather went to be with the Lord a couple of years ago.

    As a single man who has really had no real relationship commitments or children, I found it amazing what a full life Heather led.
    In comparison I have sat on my bum all my life and achieved absolutely nothing of value.

    But as you were talking about time etc. and the way we see and understand, I am beginning to realise that maybe I am only just beginning to “wakeup” to life.

    Also one of my daily readings today said this: (from “Word for Today” a UK publication)

    “God is jealous of anything that takes His place in your life, especially a ‘relationship idol’. You say, ‘What’s that?’ It’s the lie that convinces you your happiness depends on another person. When you look to somebody other than God for security, purpose, worth and contentment – all the things He willingly provides – He’s jealous. So tear down that idol! Yes, it’s hard to have nobody to share your life with, or come home to. But when God wants you to hear His voice, sometimes He silences all the rest. Has it occurred to you that you’re alone, not because nobody likes you, but because God is drawing you to a deeper place of intimacy with Him? ‘How can I know?’ you ask. Joshua was alone when God gave him the plan for conquering Jericho. John was alone on the island of Patmos when Heaven opened and he wrote the book of Revelation. The Bible says, ‘Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak’ (Genesis 32:24 NIV). That’s when God changed his name from Jacob, a deceiver, to Israel, a prince with God. When you don’t know who you are, you’ll allow yourself to be swallowed up in somebody else’s life in order to find worth and fulfilment. You’ll think you need them in order to enjoy being you. No, let God tell you who you are. After all, who knows you better? The only way you’ll discover your true identity, is by being alone with God!”

    I hope that was not too long, but it was also said at church yesterday that God may just have one task for us to do in our whole lives, that is why we were created.

    I am beginning to “wakeup” and am beginning to see a purpose here and that God is bringing me to this place in time for a reason.


  50. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    My thoughts and prayers are with you mate!

    Thanks for sharing this special time with us.

  51. SFDBWV says:

    I would like to thank everyone for their kind words, I always feel awkward when people say nice things, and wonder if a response is nessessary.

    For me it is always the same, through Moses and Joshua , God offered us all, the choice of either blessings or curses.

    Blessings are always the better choice….Good things you give will always come back to you…multiplied.

    Today, I pray for God’s blessings to be poured out to all of you.


  52. foreverblessed says:

    Steve, thanks, your comment did not ring a bell in my heart, but in others and they in turn touched me.
    Thank you so much Bob for your comment! No it was not too long.
    I am so happy that you know that God wants us to be close to Him, more then anything else. I am still learning to go to God for Love.

  53. pegramsdell says:

    Steve, that was awesome about time. I choose blessing. Thanks.

  54. Bill B says:

    I know when I awake most mornings my thoughts are at first: “Oh no what is today going to bring me that I can’t handle” A little negative, ya think?
    I am so grateful that before I even set foot on the floor, I start talking to God.
    I ask Him things like: “What is it You wish for me to do today for you Lord? How can I be of service to you? What ever it is, how little it is…allow me to see it and do it because it is Your Will.
    Nothing is too small to do in the eyes of the Lord, if it is done in His name. I often assume He has BIG plans for me for this day when I awake. I forget that I am on a journey, and until such time as I am in His loving arms (Eternal Rest), I should remain humble and complete those works He wants me to do here on earth. And at the end of the day I know if I have done them because my heart tells me!

    Bill from Boston

  55. scout1 says:


    Bob and Steve, I really enjoy and am blessed by your thoughts and insights.

    Steve, where did you find these “older and wiser Christians”? What a wonderful blessing that must have been!! I hope that in this next generation or even us older folks -that we too will grow to “older and wiser” for others to learn. I grateful that you chose to learn from them so that you can now share and bless others. Thank-you.

    Bob, I also really loved what you wrote today. It was yet another example of how God shows us his love. It also reminds me of the times I fight that because I may be feeling lonely. But, as you talked about, there are times when God wants to take us aside -just for Him. Thank you for the reminder! It was warm to my heart.


  56. poohpity says:

    It is God who gives us insight if we are receptive and open to hearing from Him. It is God who gives us knowledge and wisdom about Him. It is God we need to thank on a daily basis because of the relationship he desires with us through Jesus Christ.

  57. scout1 says:

    Titus 2:2-8 and I Timothy 4:12

    Be good examples and have good testimony!! :)

  58. pegramsdell says:

    To God be the glory for sure. No doubt. We need to thank Him everyday for His insights and wisdom. And we also should lift up and encourage each other. Some water, some sow, but God gives the increase. :)

  59. poohpity says:

    Did what I said sound ugly? I did not mean it that way. Bob was talking about how God can use singleness and I was just going a step further by saying when we receive things from God it is more to how receptive we are to learning whether we are single or married or age or any other circumstance from life. Oh my gosh I do not know how we would ever make it without encouragement especially with our spiritual journey.

    If I would spend more time not just sending thoughts in a rush it might come across better. So in the future I will take time before I send things so they do not sound so short. Whoops!!!

  60. pegramsdell says:

    sorry deb, it was my fault. I very much appreciate your posts. you are a sweet sister in The Lord and a good friend. peg

  61. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    There is nothing ugly about you, in fact you are always here and ready to advise and council people and offer encouragement.

    Many a time I have hit the submit tab and then looked at the comments that follow and realise I have unknowingly said something that is a sensitive issue on your side of the Atlantic.
    Remember “Radical” to me that was a compliment and meant someone who is positive and sure of their facts and beliefs even if not thought “Main Stream”.

    This site is called “Been Thinking About” and is here to stimulate and sometimes provoke us into acting out our callings.

    Take today, I thought when I read that book about a devoted wife, mother, minister and friend, that it could not possibly relate to little old me, a single “gay” drinking slouch, but when I read Steve’s God given “insight” lol, and that daily devotional, it all fell into place and God was showing me the contrast.
    I moved to Cornwall because I thought I had found a partner, but I had no life of my own and was just a shadow of his existence. (I was used to living when and how *I* wanted to)
    I turned to drink and we quickly parted etc.
    God is very clearly showing me that drink is also a “relationship Idle” because I turn to it and not Him to deaden pain and anxiety and lift my spirit. (no pun intended)

    I have learned so much from you guys and the life experiences you all have had.
    The main thing is believing in Jesus and to know that every word and promise made by God is true and cannot be broken or dishonoured by Him.
    So if God says it and I believe it, it will happen as sure as dawn follows dusk.

    I am going to be even more on my own soon, as from Easter I will be working every weekend ’till October and will have to miss church. I get that feeling something big is about to happen in my life as my main job will be hiring out boats on a lake and just sitting enjoying nature and spending time alone with the Lord. Just like it said this morning. How cool is that :-)


  62. SFDBWV says:

    Scout, Thank you for asking from where did those older wiser Christians in my life come from.

    When I was a little boy, growing up in this small town I now live in, my mother seen to it that I went to sunday school every week. So it started there with her.

    My Sunday school teachers were women who genuinely loved us, their students. Even after I was full grown, these wonderful dear old ladies were still living examples of how to live and how to die.

    Welington Kramer was the Sunday school superentendent, he worked as a trackman on the rail road line, and taught me the importance of being active in church as well as in our community. Kind, gentle, and always ready to teach some life lesson when I was ready to learn. He was killed one Sunday morning by a careless driver, on his way to get the church ready for Sunday service.

    Clayton Fulk, was a true southern gentleman who lived here and was my insurance agent, when I was a young man.
    If I was late on a policy payment he would go ahead and pay it for me, knowing I was good for it. He loved going to church and deeply enjoyed the company of other believers. After his wife died he moved back to North Carolina where he was from. Mt Airy. Until his death.

    H.R. Fulk (Pud), the Mayor, he taught me the importance of never giving up on people. That we owe to our community all that we can give to it. That good community leaders are also good Christians and should set the example for others to follow.

    Though I have buried all of these wonderful people, they will forever be alive in my heart and memory. The best tribute I can ever pay to these people is to try and be the person they saw in me…

    There are many more people who have crossed my path that I have learned from and loved, too many to name all here. But love, patient and forgiving, has been the lesson I have taken from them all.

    They all showed me the face of Christ in their lives, now it is my turn to somehow someway let Christ shine from any action I may present.

    I thank God for loving me enough to send His Son, I thank God for all the good people He sends to help me through lifes struggles.

    Christ lives in living people, and it is these living people who have the opportunity to bless, and in so doing, honor God.

    Good evening to all


  63. poohpity says:

    You can watch church on the internet. intouch.org has services from Charles Stanley. Very biblical based teaching. I am learning so much from you and am enjoying to no end the growth I see in you. But could you not call my friend a slouch, you are a beautiful child of God.

    Thanks peg I do not mind it all when anyone calls my attention to things I can change.

    I have learned more from my children than just about anyone else because they do not have a problem calling a lie, a lie and telling it like it is. Whether young or old we have room to grow and that keeps us awake. It is when we feel we have nothing to learn that we fall asleep.

  64. poohpity says:

    Steve, I sent Matt two birthday greetings through emails. Tell him happy birthday ol’ man.

  65. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thanks Deb,

    Maybe not “slouch”. When I re-read my last post this morning God made me laugh and showed me something.

    I said “Relationship Idle” instead of “Relationship Idol”.

    That just about somes me up, I am relationship idle, meaning I am idle about my relationships, including God.
    Relationships need to be fed and nurtured and have quality time spent on them, something I am learning.


  66. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Steve for telling, and now you are the person who encourages other people to follow Christ!

    Bob, I really do enjoy reading what you write! Last week, on monday morning, I flew over Lands End, and did send a prayer for you. Did you get it?
    While I was on holyday, I visited a friend, she was my praying partner, the devotional that had been on her table suddenly started to speak to me.
    And what I got from it, is that God gives us His Love, and Peace, and all we need in an instant, but that He also wants us to ask for it, with all of our heart, That we keep searching for Him, everyday, asking Him in the first placd for Faith every day, because without faith there is no line between Him and us. And that even if we do not hear, or see anything, we keep searching for Him.
    That we keep searching till we feel close to Him, and surrounded by Him, and secure in Him.
    That is what I do now, and it helps if I sing.

    But to be honoust, I was focused on my husband. And he would come home, put on the tv, or sit behind the computer screen, it would drive me lonely.
    You are so right that peoplearounbd us are Idles to us.

    Noone can fill our hearts with so much peace as Jesus can, and with so much Love as He can.
    But everyday is a new day, to ask for it again.

    And now, after 10 years, I am a slow learner, I focus more on Jesus, and you know what happens, my husband is more of a friend then ever.
    So it is true, he that loses his life will find it. He that focusses on Jesus will be filled, and will have friendships here on earth too.
    Is is like waking up to life! Real life.

    What Steve is saying, that we show the love of Christ. Loving people, regardless of how they behave. It is a real challenge.

  67. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    You have just blessed me so much, thank you!
    I see so many aeroplanes flying high overhead and wonder where they are going.
    I always assume they are from Heathrow, but Skipol is only just across the the water from London so must take the same flight paths.
    My friend was still in Truro hospital last Monday and I had a meeting so could not visit Him. He is now out and the meeting went well and I had a great walk through the local National Trust Estate, so yes I think I got your prayer!
    Maybe when I see an aircraft flying high I will offer up a little prayer for those on board.

    It is so nice to have someone on here from the same “time zones”, often it feels a bit lonely here this time of day as everyone else is asleep, Though Mart and Steve will be “Waking up” soon.


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