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Price Check

What’s it worth to you? I’ve been asked that a couple of times when trying to figure out if I wanted to buy someone’s old stuff at a garage sale or flea market.

This time around, I’m far more uncomfortable with the question. Have been trying to work up the courage to write… “What would I be willing to pay for the services of an attorney to secure for me the legal results of what we call Holy Week?”

Guess if I was serious, the thought would be blasphemous. But have been wondering, on the other hand, what it would mean if I’m not willing to think about how much I value what Christ did for me? Would I honor the death of Christ more by assuming that there is no relationship between what I’d be willing to pay for the benefits of the Cross…and the services rendered for me…if I could?

Have often thought about the fact that I wouldn’t accept all of the money in the world for the life of someone I love. But haven’t thought about how much I’d be willing to pay for the services of Christ to suffer as he did… for my rescue and eternal happiness. Haven’t thought about that because I know that all of the money in the world… offered even as a downpayment would be an evil insult to the One who took our lashes… and far more… for us.

So what are the billable services behind this week worth to me? Right now the only thing that comes to mind is… far more than I could ever imagine…and I’m not sure that I can point to anything in my life that would show that I really get it…

On the other hand, maybe, for now that’s the way it’s supposed to be… so that the best thought we could ever have isn’t about what we’d be willing to pay… but instead, about the value of what our God was willing to give…

…And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”
Luke 22:19

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69 Responses to “Price Check”

  1. foreverblessed says:

    Thinking in how much money, is maybe not the right thought.
    More of like thinking: all of my heart, all of my mind all of my desire, and to come to the end, all of my will I want to give to Him.
    We can pray for one another to open our hearts to Him, as it is scaring to trust Someone so much that you give your all to Him. I would like to grow in trust in Him, and pray all of you who read this blog will do the same, and be blessed, trusting Him who gave His life for us.

  2. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Good Morning Mart, I knew you would be awake soon!

    Price Check, a good topic for this week.

    Well we can never pay for what Christ has done for us and salvation is a “free at point of sale” gift from God.
    But part of that gift is an “exchange” of Death for Life and Life for Death.
    He gave His life and boar our sins in exchange for us giving up our lives and taking up His.
    As we all well know that exchange happens at the cross and is the place where God and Man become one.
    There is no real price for us to pay as we exchange an old dieing warn out life for eternal life as a son of God.
    Like going to the “Car Boot(trunk)Sale” and giving your old tattered tramps coat for a brand new pure white carment of pure silk. That’s the price WE pay!


  3. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I meant Garment :-(

  4. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    What about Bob?

  5. SFDBWV says:

    It is interesting that from the beginning God called attention to what man deems valuable. In Genesis 2:11-12, God tells of Havilah, where there is gold…and the gold of that land is good:there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

    It is also interesting that God tells us of this, just after mentioning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    All throughout the scripture there is an economy and mention of wealth or the lack of it. How we are to oversee that wealth and help those who lack, through our wealth.

    Yet the poor widow’s mite had more value in heaven then any of the other tithes, that more wealthy people had given.

    Of course to attempt to attach an earthly monetary value on the Passion and sacrifice of Christ, is like counting the stars or imagining eternity.

    Some attempted to *buy* His power, and Peter told them that they should perish with their money…

    The *Free* gift of God…The sacrifice of Himself for His creation.

    He, God willing to do whatever it took to reunite we wayward children back to Him…at any cost.

    Had God just snapped His finger and said “Ok, all is forgiven” without a price for such a gift…would we have seen the value of His forgiveness?

    Love, the most free of all things. It can’t be demanded, it can’t be forced. Freely offered, freely recieved.

    He gives me eternal forgiveness, I can only give Him eternal gratitude, and submission, and love. *Freely*


  6. foreverblessed says:

    Maybe God wants us not to rely on money, and security in wealth on earth, reliance on our pension, hoarding up money to have a living in the future, for who knows what will happen, instead of learning to trust God who will not leave us nor forsake us.
    No, have just enough for ouselves, and everything else to give as God shows us to give to whom and what.
    I was in the caribean, and it struck me how poor people are, but how willing to share, their dinners, their houses. In many houses more people live. I do not that so much see that in the rich west. The willingness to share with others.
    Doesn’t God wants us to share what we have with the less forunate around us?

  7. pegramsdell says:

    I suppose I could give Him my life. All of my money and things are His anyway. Praise God! Yes….I would give my life to Him, for Him giving His life to me. lol…He already owns the cattle on a thousand hills.

  8. Grace48 says:

    As a “working poor class” person for most of my adult life, I know what it’s like to not have the money to buy needed things and services. If there is a silver lining to this, it’s that it causes me to understand how utterly poor I am before God to save myself. Buy salvation? What could I possibly offer God that He doesn’t already have more of and perfect of, while I helplessly look around for something perfect and holy to offer Him in return. It’s like looking in the coin can for money to buy food when I know it’s already empty. But praise God for giving us Jesus, the Holy Lamb of God. In Him and thru Him are we saved and made rich. He bought my life back from sin and He has rights to say He owns me and I have the privilage to live for Him. Because of Jesus,even though I’m poor,I’m rich.

  9. Linda-in-Alma says:

    To comment on your first question…Cain already tried it….

    On the other hand, whatever you feel in your mind that salvation is worth monetarily…give that amount to our brothers and sisters in the mission field where they can, through the Holy Spirit’s help (God’s attorney), secure legal results for others….

  10. marma says:

    My life is my initial wholehearted response to all that Christ has done and has given to me–eternity with Him, blessings innumerable, promises unfathomable, exceedingly abundantly above what I ask or think.

    But then, in the moment by moment, day to day, I struggle with what it means to give my life. Like last weeks blog, that giving over of everything comes at a cost, and the Lord spoke about that–about taking up the cross daily. He spoke about sacrifice.

    So, my prayer is, Lord, whatever that means today, I submit to you, trusting in the power you give through your Holy Spirit to live that out in me step by step.

    It is a long road and a hard, and can only be taken one step at a time, not by might, nor power, but by His Spirit. What we have, what we will have in eternity is well worth it.

    Good things to remember when I am flat on my face on the gravel after stumbling, which I have done and will do, and thankfully by His Spirit get up and keep walking.

    I injured my foot last week and had to learn the hard way to take the doctor’s orders and keep off it and rest. That is the path of healing and I must do that if I want to walk uninjured again. It has been hard because there is a lot of pressure at work right now and my tendancy is to worry about my job.

    At first, I thought, I should just go to work, and rest my foot a little, but this didn’t work. It just got worse. It was hard to make the decision to stay home, but it came to, do I want complete healing or not? I wasn’t going to get it if I kept on going to work. By the end of last week I could barely walk.

    Maye there is a parallel there to trying to walk in my own strength rather than rest wholely in Jesus.

    I remember in Acts someone trying to buy what the apostles could do through the Holy Spirit. The apostles severely rebuked the person. There is no price for what God gives that we can pay.

    Yet, we still try with works, don’t we? It comes down to our thinking. If we think we can pay in anyway for what Christ has done, or to be somehow more favorable to God, then we totally don’t get the gospel.

    Even my life is just my “reasonable service” not payment. Rather than pay, I’ve been bought with a price.


  11. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    “The movie what about Bob was a psychotic Bob”?
    That sounds a bit like me lol.

    “He would analyse every comment like life itself hung in the balance.”

    Holy week is about “Life hanging in the balance” Jesus hung on the cross and gave His own life and our eternal life is hanging in the balance on how we respond to that.

    Mart’s topics are thought provoking and designed to make us think, hence the title for this web site.


  12. Lively says:

    Mart said “and I’m not sure that I can point to anything in my life that would show that I really get it… ”

    and, Praise God that you never will.

    Jorge – I understand (I think) the point Mart is making. Would you be willing to take up a cross for God? Knowing exactly what the cost would be? I’m not saying the same one that Jesus took – but I think it is a timely question as there are times in some people’s lives I think He will ask something of some that they will have a very hard time giving.

    I beleive He asked this of me, once. It took months for me to willingly to go His way, but in the end I did. The cost was more dear that I even imagined, but the reward was beyond compare.

  13. Lively says:

    umm, that first bit should have read, “Praise God that you haven’t and Pray you never will”

    Slightly distracted this morning.

  14. Mart De Haan says:

    Jorge, I understand why you would feel uncomfortable with the mention of “paying our Lord money for his services”. That makes me uncomfortable too since it is such an unworthy thought. Am just trying to find a way to move from material terms that we understand to matters of the heart that will deepen our sense of wonder and gratefulness…

  15. SFDBWV says:

    Funny thing about the Bob in the movie jorge has mentioned, is that he was totaly *innocent*. The doctor is seen as the bad guy, because he is petty and self consumed.

    Everyone in the doctors family falls in love with Bob including the doctors sister….

    The doctor it seem was too officious, and stiff to enjoy the simple luxury of accepting another into his life, not realizing that other had more to offer than to recieve.

    Off topic??? I don’t think so.


  16. poohpity says:

    I think relating money which is so important to most that it takes the place of Jesus in many hearts is a good example. How much is anyone willing to give for a relationship with Christ.

    Giving up money, time, our own desires, hate, anger, pride and the list goes on which is what we are asked to do. What are each of us willing to give up to follow Him. Would you go through the torture that He went through before the Cross. His flesh was unrecognizable as human flesh, oh the pain He must have felt. Would you give up anything to do what He asks of us to do? That is a very , very deep question. Most will not even give up 15 minutes of time to read the bible everyday or pray or just think about Him.

    So asking how much one would pay for the sacrifice of Christ is not a dumb question, it is very thought provoking. Half the time we are not willing to give up anything we really want for Christ. One really has to give that some thought carefully considering what your life really shows. Pay careful attention and think about this truly hard. What are you willing to give up?

  17. pegramsdell says:

    I remember one day our pastor’s wife (who had one child – a son) stood up and looked around at the congregation.
    Then she said she wondered if she would be able to give up her son to save us.

    It was very thought provoking anyway.

    Like Pooh says, what would we be willing to give up for Him? 10 percent? Of our money, time, body, heart, food????

  18. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    There is nothing we can give up as we do not own anything to give, all that we have, even our next breath, comes from Him.
    As Job said:

    “….., Naked (without possessions) came I [into this world] from my mother’s womb, and naked (without possessions) shall I depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed (praised and magnified in worship) be the name of the Lord!”

    Job 1:21(Amplified Bible)

  19. Ted M. Gossard says:

    What a wonderful post, and thought, Mart! You’re so right. And his poverty for our richness is more than words can tell. Amen.

  20. foreverblessed says:

    The cross Jesus was caring, noone of us can carry,
    but the cross Jesus said we have to pick up is the cross to put our own self on. Just as Bob said, our old self, which is a burden, a usesless wreck, anyway.
    The old self will be replaced by New Life, Life from above, much better, but we hang on to our own self,
    I pray that all of us who read this topic, will have the faith and the courage to crucify the self, because the Life that we will get is so much better.

  21. poohpity says:

    If we have something that is not so wonderful to begin with it is easy to give it away for something better but how about giving something away that is very important to us. Look at Abraham who waited 100 years for a son and then God asked him to sacrifice him and at the last moment provided the ram as a substitute.

    How about the family that has a home and good standing in the neighborhood, well liked. For the good of a family member has to give away all that good stuff to go to someplace that they can get help for them. To leave all that is good and sacrifice for the good of another. Also liked Abraham was called to do.

    To give up something that means the world to us for the Lord and the good of another. What about if a prayer never gets answered the way we want it answered will you walk away from the Lord? Isn’t it easy to give up something bad for good but how easy is it to give up something we think is good for persecution and rejection.

  22. Lively says:

    Has anyone here knowingly given up something to the Lord? Something or someone extremely dear where you know that to follow His way, to hold to Christian values it will surely be lost to you? Some people have given his earthly life because of it.

    Forever – don’t you find it interesting that Jesus didn’t carry his cross to the place called Skull? A man named Simon carried it behind him (according to Luke 23:26) Is it possible, that for a time and through God’s help, we can carry a cross that is beyond our endurance?

  23. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I agree with you Deb, that it is difficult to give up something or someone close to our hearts, but if we are unwilling to when asked, then it is an Idol!

    But in reality we make little choices everyday that are either in His will or in our will. One day all our choices will be His will, then we *will* truely be like Jesus.
    Abraham knew his God and, if you read the scripture carefully, you will see that Abraham said to his servant, *we* “will be back” because he knew His God would supply.
    That is when faith and trust, just as when Jesus said “not my will but your will be done”, gives us the strength to go on. Jesus had read the scriptures and had no doubt that His Father would bring Him through to the Resurrection and new life.

  24. marma says:

    Lively, when a new Christian, at age 17, I had to give up my boyfriend, who did not know the Lord. That was very tough and I struggled and went back and forth for over a year.

    I’ve known some young women in my life who were able to be witnesses to their boyfriends, and they came to know the Lord, others who stayed with their non-Christian boyfriends.

    For me, the relationship was a snare as it took me away from the Lord.


  25. bubbles says:

    We can be thankful that we KNOW the truth about our salvation–that we cannot ‘earn’ our way to Heaven. There are so very many groups that teach and teach that salvation is earned by what one does or doesn’t do. That is an albatross we don’t need to bear. Thank God for the peace of knowing our salvation is secure in the Lord Jesus. Thank God we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. All we have to do is place our trust in Him.
    As we conisder Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection this week, it should compel us to renew our thankfulness to Him for what He gave for us.

    If we consider how much physical pain Jesus endured on the cross, compare that to the spiritual pain. Maybe we cannot understand that as well. Somehow, the Father laid EVERY sin ever or ever will be committed on His Holy Son. Then, the Father separated Himself from Jesus. I have often wondered if that was a pain that far exceeded the physical pain.

    Mart, thank you for this blog and your thoughts. I really enjoy how you think and write!

  26. foreverblessed says:

    What Mart is saying, let us look upon Jesus what He did for us, and the gratitude will grow in us more and more, and it will grow so big in us, that we will want to give ourselves to Him.
    1 Peter 1:10-11
    Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, 11 trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.

    To intently search and with the greatest care what Christ did for us.
    2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

    knowledge about How much He loved us, and suffered for our sakes.

  27. saled says:

    The wonderful thing is this: we might think we are making a great sacrifice, but what God has planned for us is far better than whatever we were trying to hang onto.

    Like Mart, I’m not sure that I can point to anything in my life that would show that I really get it. Bob in England said that we make little choices everyday that are either in His will or in our will, and I know this is true. Will I give up my free time this Saturday to help out with the penny carnival for the children at my school? A little thing. But I’ve learned that whenever I try to grab things for myself, whether intangible like time, or material like money, it’s like trying to grab a handful of sand; it just slips away.

    The value of what God was willing to give, his Son. Peg Ramsdell’s story about her pastor’s wife is indeed thought provoking. And the story of Abrahan and Isaac is haunting. Who could sacrifice a son? I can’t wrap my mind around this, but I can rejoice because my hope for my own children is based on His sacrifice.

  28. foreverblessed says:

    Bubbles, that’s why I think that the cross Jesus was bearing, we can never bear: God separated Himself from Jesus on the cross because He saw our sins on Him, and He will never do that to us, because He did that to Jesus.
    How agonising that must have been to Jesus.
    Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani,
    meaning: My God, My God, why have you forsaken me.
    Mark 15:34 Psalm 22:1

  29. bubbles says:

    There was a study book that said Psalm 118 was a hallel psalm. (This could be incorrect. If it is, please forgive)

    Psalm 118: 24 This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

    The study said this psalm could have been sang by Jesus and his disciples after the passover and before they left for the garden. If this is true, just think about the words that Jesus was able to SING: this is THE day that the Lord has made–knowing what DAY that was for Him–the beginning of His suffering. The beginning of what He was sent to do for us. What obedience He showed. His love for us is amazing.

    Think about how it hurts our hearts when we give love to others, and they don’t appreciate or love back. Then,
    imagine how it grieves the heart of God that people reject His gift of his beloved Son. He is giving love–there are those who don’t want or appreciate it.

  30. bubbles says:

    grammar: could have been sung/not sang.—good grief.
    The hillbilly in me is coming out today.

  31. xrgarza says:


    How timely this topic this is exactly what I’ve been thinking about, are we simply too selfish? Or scared?

    I have thought as far as going to the point of trading places with Christ or this week in particular with my own mother. I don’t believe that anyone can actually say it, and even though if I were able to say that I would trade places would I really want to trade places?

    I think that I am a lot more like Adam than I am of Christ. Adam knowing what was right chose to go against God’s will and paid a big price for all of us. Christ on the other hand also had a much greater choice to make but he prayed that God’s will would be done.

    God will not give us more than we can handle, that is one more fact that proves that Jesus was fully man and fully God. Cause he was able to handle a whole lot more than anyone that I have ever met.

    What price would I pay? If I had all the riches this world has to offer, the poor people would call me poor.


  32. foreverblessed says:

    Did the news reach the US what terrible thing happened in Moscow? The terroristic attack on 2 places in the metro?
    The people in Russia are our brothers and sisters too. The iron curtain has barred connection for so long, how much do we know about them now? Or do we still view them as enemies?
    In the heart of how Jesus is: (Hebr 13:8)
    Lets stand beside them in prayer.

  33. pegramsdell says:

    I had never heard that about the song. I remember doing a play at Easter in our church, like 15 years ago. After Jesus broke the bread and did the wine, they said we should sing a song. So I started singing “Hallelujah”. It was the only song that came to me at the time. It was good though.

    Saled, I totally agree with you about what we are giving up. It does not compare with His plan for us. “Nothing compares to the promise I have in You”.

    Bubbles, I was thinking about what you said. That God tried so hard to get the Israelites to love Him back. He begged them. Pleading with them to let Him hold them like a mother hen holds her chicks. He wanted to wrap them up and protect them and take care of them. But, they rejected Him time and time again. It is so sad. And what’s worse is that we do it all the time too. Not on purpose, but we do it anyway. Reminds me of another scripture/song, “Come unto Me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest”.

  34. poohpity says:

    I used to boast years ago about what I was willing to sacrifice for the Lord but every time it was put to a test as to whether I really would. Pride being the one point that always stood in my way. Since then the Lord has asked me to do several things that some may regard as, “Oh my gosh she has really lost it now” but I did them anyway. Then our pastor would tell about the things that were asked of from many of his followers and my heart was at peace because I really felt like I had gone off the deep end.

    In 2007 the Lord put it on my heart to get people to read His Word because so many who sit in the pews of churches are bible illiterate. So I was directed to wear a sandwich sign that read “God wants you to know Him read the bible” at church on Sundays so I did. In mourning of people not reading the bible I shaved my head, my hair was down to the middle of my back. People at church then asked about my hair and I was able to share about why it was done. Now I have signs on my car that read “God wants you to know Him read the Bible, Honk if you need one”. I have cases of bibles in my truck. So there may be times that we are asked to step out of our comfort zone to look weird for the cause of Christ. Am I weird? Yes I would have to say I am. If it gets people to read the bible then I am OK with looking a fool for Christ.

    My hat is off to Steve who has given his life to care for His adult son rather than putting him in a group home for someone else to care for him. There aren’t many who would do that. That is a sacrifice worth mentioning. If one were to know the full circumstances you would even be more humbled at his love. You are amazing Steve.

  35. pegramsdell says:

    We are a peculiar people, hey, Pooh?

  36. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Radical is how I would put it!


  37. bubbles says:

    Please, please pray. I do not know how or what
    more to do.
    The more effort put forth, the more difficult it becomes.

    Thank you.

  38. saled says:

    Bubbles, I am praying for you, and will pray for you. I have just an inkling of the sadness and discouragement that you feel. Keep us posted.

  39. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I will be lifting you to the Lord as I walk to work this morning in about 10 minutes time.

    Take Courage!


  40. foreverblessed says:

    Wow Pooh!!

    Bubbles, you gave Psalm 118, thanks a lot for doing that, the thought of thinking this is what Jesus did sing (sang, sung) before He went His way to the cross,
    it makes Him closer to me.

    But I pray that this Psalm will be an inspiration for you:

    Pslam 118:5-
    In my anguish I cried to the LORD,
    and he answered by setting me free.

    6 The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid.
    What can man do to me?

    7 The LORD is with me; he is my helper.
    I will look in triumph on my enemies.

    8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
    than to trust in man.

    9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
    than to trust in princes.

    10 All the nations surrounded me,
    but in the name of the LORD I cut them off.

    11 They surrounded me on every side,
    but in the name of the LORD I cut them off.

    12 They swarmed around me like bees,
    but they died out as quickly as burning thorns;
    in the name of the LORD I cut them off.

    13 I was pushed back and about to fall,
    but the LORD helped me.

    14 The LORD is my strength and my song;
    he has become my salvation.

    15 Shouts of joy and victory
    resound in the tents of the righteous:
    “The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!

    16 The LORD’s right hand is lifted high;
    the LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!”

    17 I will not die but live,
    and will proclaim what the LORD has done.

    18 The LORD has chastened me severely,
    but he has not given me over to death.
    19 Open for me the gates of righteousness;
    I will enter and give thanks to the LORD.

    20 This is the gate of the LORD
    through which the righteous may enter.

    21 I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
    you have become my salvation.

    22 The stone the builders rejected
    has become the capstone;

    23 the LORD has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes.

    24 This is the day the LORD has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.

  41. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh, Thank you for your comments and sentiment, it is appreciated.

    Often I have thought about Abraham and Isaac. I have wondered at Abrahams obediance to God by going through the heart break and actions of obeying God and actualy being willing to sacrifice his son as directed by God.

    I don’t think I could pass the same test as did father Abraham…That makes me sad, to realize that.

    Then I remember that God witheld Abrahams hand and that no other father ever had to endure such pain, as our Heavenly Father, in giving His Son over to such brutal men and sacrifice Him for an unworthy group of creatures called man.

    As a father myself, I can only begin to appreciate such an offering.

    There at the same spot on the same hill, God provided a sacrifice, both for Abraham and then all of us…


  42. pegramsdell says:

    Bubbles, I will praying for you today. Be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome the world. Thank You Jesus! Bless Bubbles Lord, I ask in Your Precious Name.

  43. Grace48 says:

    Mart wrote that he didn’t know if he could point to anything in his life that would show that he really gets it. I can point to the ministry that he does thru RBC. I can’t get to church much because of caring for my special needs adult daughter as she has been getting more and more ill and things are breaking down in her health more and more. I watch Day of Discovery and read Our Daily Bread and read of the great faith of people who write here as they go thru suffering and hard things in life and still hang in there in faith. These are so very important to me and to my whole family and I’m grateful for them greatly,and to God. Sometimes I’m guessing that none of us can know sometimes what affect our actions in faith(as Bob wrote of them) affect others. But the small and the large actions have affects, probably more than any of us can know on “this side of Heaven”. Am still praying for all here.

  44. SFDBWV says:

    Of course We join in lifting up our friend Kathy (Bubbles) in prayer…

    I have read her comments over and over and I don’t know what the actual problem is, but she and God does, so that is enough…

    Where two or more agree as to touching anything it is done in Heaven as well as on Earth.

    Kathy’s Friends

    Steve, Glenna and Matthew

  45. SFDBWV says:

    Grace48, Thanks for reminding me how I too, came to the ministry of RBC; and what a comfort it has been for us these past 10 years.

    They need money to operate, but never ask for it….

    I am also praying for you and your daughter, as I know only too well the struggles and joys of care giving.


  46. Grace48 says:

    Thank you,Steve.

  47. InHisHands says:

    Dear BTA Friends;

    Mart, I may not understand what you have asked, but all through reading the comments here the theme seems to have become what am I willing to give, to ‘count the cost’. “Count the cost,” kept coming to mind and so I reread Luke 14:26- and Jesus said to the multitues with Him :
    26If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

    27And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

    28For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

    29Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,

    30Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

    31Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?

    32Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace.

    33So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

    34Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned?

    35It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

    I believe that our loving Savior expects us to ‘count the cost’ because if we are not willing to understand what our responsibility is, ‘in Christ’, He can not use us fully. It seems, too, that He was speaking to a group of people who truly had a lot to lose if aligning themselves to Him – if we look at the historical accounts of the first church the persecution was devastating, but that was what a convert had to chose – ^life everlasting with Jesus (by faith), facing possible capture and torture – or a false sense of security by not accepting Him.^

    I don’t know if I expressed this well, but those are my thoughts. – When I ‘count the cost’ of what my dear LORD paid, there is only one choice – to give my all to Him, even tho’ I fail at it – so often.

    Bubbles: Rms. 8:26 is how I pray when I don’t know how to pray, and so I am praying for intercession for you at this time. May the Lord bless you and surround you with His Peace and Love.

  48. poohpity says:

    InHisHands, sounds like you got it. It was hard for those in the day that Jesus walked the earth, to follow Him. I think it even goes further about how much of ourselves are we willing to give Him. How receptive are we to hearing from Him for His will to be done not ours.

    Grace48 sounds like you really understand Steve’s life. God bless you both in all you do.

    Today is a day to remember as this day the Lord had His final passover meal with the disciples and celebrated the first remembrance of the body which was given for us and the cup of the new covenant.

  49. poohpity says:

    Today is also the atheists holiday!!! ooooohh that was not kind.

  50. InHisHands says:

    Well Pooh, I don’t see it as unkind as our Lord has said, “The fool saith there is no God.” And facts often seem unkind. :-)

  51. poohpity says:

    lol :-)

  52. poohpity says:

    Actually it was Solomon who said that.

  53. bubbles says:

    Thank you for your love and prayers today.

  54. dust says:

    Hi all

    I just went to a mandy thursday service and we were asked to leave quietly. I know my head starts going all over the place when I try to be quiet and I thought about making someone laugh, ( that was not a thought from Jesus) so I kept quiet.

    After reading your comments I realize my head noise is a cross I have to carry.

    A new head would be wonderful. Guess I’ll have to wait.

    In the meantime thanks for all your wisdom.

  55. compendious says:

    Greetings, I’m new to the website, and I felt compelled to reply to some of the comments on “Price Check”. In my humble opinion, what Mart De Haan wrote made sense, and made an important point. At first as I read the commentary, I wasn’t sure what to think of it, but after I read the whole post, I had no problem with it. However, I find the comments of those who said Mart De Haan expressed the wrong thought, has weird thoughts, etc., as somewhat offensive. I think several people wrote comments in an, “I know better than you” way and in a selfish way. Please sisters and brothers in Christ, try to think about how Jesus would respond to Mart De Hann’s post, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your comments. In conclusion, if you don’t understand what Mart De Hann writes, please ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight rather than write insensitive remarks.

    May God bless you all! Enjoy Easter Services and shout HE IS RISEN!

    Compendious aka R. Renee

  56. Lively says:

    R. Renee – what I love about this blog is how *human* we all are. I see each “regular” poster on here reaching to grow and learn all the while knowing with each keystroke that we’ll all fail at some point in time, and we fail in a very visable manner sometimes.

    I enjoy growing with this bunch of odd thinking people, for me it is refreshing to *hear* God’s Word through other people. And, I think Mart is absolutely weird, his posts force me to think beyond the “normal”. Also, it is such a relief to know that I’m not the only one who thinks oddly.

    A follow up thought from my comment of Simon and the cross. I would happily carry the cross of my brother’s and sister’s should He ask me – or even better, if my brother asks and He says, “Ok.” I’m willing to bet that each person on this blog has said at one point in time in his/her life – “I would bear your pain, take it all for you, if only I could.” I think that is a gift that God probably values more than we can imagine.

    I spent the day in the garden today, spring is such a wonderful time. Steve, been thinking about how you must be loving the world turning green again, I know I am. This winter was tough – more so for you. Don’t we live in an amazing place?

  57. compendious says:

    Honestly and Humbly I must say that I don’t use weird and odd to describe thinking “outside of the box”. Why not say we each have a UNIQUE perspective and look at things in a slightly different personal way? Why not speak kindly the way Jesus taught us? *

    (((Sigh))) I’ll continue to read the pastor’s posts but I don’t know if I’ll ever read another comment on this site because I stay away from negativity when I can. I don’t want to have to sift through the trash to find the treasure. I see enough negativity in this cold, cruel world that satan roams to and fro in, and I see that he tries to steal us from God and Jesus every moment. NOTE: I didn’t say I’m perfect, only God is perfect and only God is good. I’d like to end my second and perhaps last comment here with: May God improve our spiritual, mental, and physical health, may we find strength in Jesus Christ, and may we learn from the Holy Spirit. May God bless you and keep you, Lively, and the rest of those who comment regularly or infrequently.

  58. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Just a quick little story as compendious said “I don’t want to have to sift through the trash to find the treasure.”

    My best friend Joyce and me went to a small town in Dorset, England called Lyme Regis. We were in a restaurant and looking out to the Cobb (Harbour) through a small slit like window at the end of the room. The Cobb was about half a mile distant, but in the for ground, near the window was an old dustbin (Trash Can) and joyce said it looked a bit unsitely. I said “Look beyond the Dustbin!”
    We often remember this when we are confronted with lifes little messes.
    We have to “Look beyond the Dustbin” in life to see the beauty that is beyond.


  59. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    “Foreground” ….. one day I will be perfect just as He is perfect,…. one day!

  60. foreverblessed says:

    Compendious, thanks for the blessing.
    Bob, look beyond the dustbin. Very nice, when I was looking for a new chuch last year, that is what I wanted to do. No perfect church. And this time I do not want to get irritated, this time I want to go immediately to Jesus with my burden, and leave it there. It helps to look at Jesus more then to others, especially brothers and sisters in Christ. Because all of us are still so short of being perfect.
    I like Marts last sentence:
    so that the best thought we could ever have isn’t about what we’d be willing to pay… but instead, about the value of what our God was willing to give…

    If we focus on Jesus our knowledge of Him will grow.
    But it is sooo hard to imagine what He did go through these last hours of His life.
    Sometimes, or often, it makes me even feel down.
    It is easier to focus on the Ressurrection.
    (I feel a bit humbled now, writing on the day we remember the Jesus’ death).

    This thought now is new to me:
    Jesus Spirit was during the trial in no way diminished. While His body was beaten and bleeding to death (for our delivery) His spirit was strong and undefeated.
    He did what He came for, and it was for Victory over sin and death.

    The disciples did not see that, only after He ressurrected could they see the Victory.
    And now He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
    over our hearts!

  61. foreverblessed says:

    Oeps, I should have written in my first comment:
    I agree, it is not the best thing to think in terms of how much money we are willing to pay..
    Allthough, after half a week thinking about it, it is a good question: How much am I willing to give to those in need, who come to our aid. This has happened to me twice now this last week.
    Am I growing to be like Jesus, and giving what is needed, without judging how unwise they were to let it come this way?
    How much am I attached to money.
    I did give a lot, it was because of the hint God had given me: Help those who fall in a ditch.
    And you know what: It gave me such joy. There is a happiness inside me, which is not my own.
    I do not want to hang on to my own money like I did. But to give where God shows me to give. Because He was willing to give His Son for me.

  62. Lively says:

    Not that I’d want you to point fingers – but I’m not sure what comments are negative. I see the problem, though. I don’t view the terms “weird” and “odd” as unkind. They are compliments in my vocab. Funnily enough, I find buzzwords like “outside the box” insulting, but I understand that they aren’t meant that way.

    All the same – I do hope you continue to read and post and most of all, I pray that you continue to grow and learn in the Lord.

  63. poohpity says:

    Sometimes people do not understand and if we “jump to conclusions” about anyone on here we are actually sitting on the judgment sit ourselves. We have to be kind and gentle while guiding to an understanding which sometimes is hard to do. Thanks for your thoughts compendious and welcome.

  64. poohpity says:

    We have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

  65. foreverblessed says:

    Change the question around:
    Does God want out money?
    Today I found this, and thought to share it here:
    (March 22 of God at eventide, by twolisteners)

    I desire the love of man’s heart in abundant measure.

    Not because God would be adored for Himself and for His own gratification, but because I know that only as the love of man flows out to Me does man attain to his purest and best.

    That rush of love, which follows the understanding and realization of My Love for man, sweetens and purifies his whole being.

    “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

    The love you give to your neighbor is the overflow of your love to me.”

    So looking at how much Jesus loved us gives a rush in our heart.

  66. foreverblessed says:

    The last sentence is my own, (which I made not very clear)

    in view of Mart’s: so that the best thought we could ever have isn’t about what we’d be willing to pay… but instead, about the value of what our God was willing to give…

    See how big a rush of love will well up in us, when we do that.

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