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What Was Satan Thinking?

I knew a man who had suffered one way or another over the whole course of his life. When he was old, I remember hearing him say that, by experience he’d learned that “The Devil always overplays his hand.”

Thought of his comment during this last week. Was wondering, “What was Satan thinking when he entered Judas?” (Luke 22:3)

A few weeks earlier, Jesus had started telling his disciples he was going to have to go to Jerusalem where would suffer at the hands of religious leaders, die, and rise again. Peter says, “Not you Lord” and Jesus says, “Get behind me Satan” (Matt 16:23). I’ve taken that to mean that by not wanting Jesus to die, Peter was unintentionally lining up with Satan who, for other reasons, also didn’t want Jesus to die.

In the past, I’d put that together with what happened about 3 years earlier. Satan had tempted a weakened Jesus in the wilderness. The Devil’s last offer was to give the Son of God the kingdoms of the world without a fight if Jesus would just bow to the Prince of Darkness (Matt 4). I’d assumed that Satan was offering to give Jesus the kingdoms of the world—without having to die. But now am wondering whether I’d been reading back into that conversation more than Satan knew at the time.

Now, Satan enters into Judas to betray Jesus.

What was the Evil One thinking? Is there a logic? Or is the point that even the shrewdest example of evil is irrational and self-defeating in self-love and hatred for others?

Whatever the answer, one thing was clear. Our Savior was on theme. He had come to die. Maybe he was even giving a rebel leader an unintentional hand in his own defeat.

As together we celebrate an empty tomb, and the proof of our own rescue, maybe we can also be comforted by the fact that God can use the worst mischief and darkest strategies of Satan—to beat the devil in his own game.

Maybe Satan does always overplay his hand. It was certainly so, on the day that Mary said to a man she did not yet recognize, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.” (John 20:13).

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44 Responses to “What Was Satan Thinking?”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, you have pulled me into a dilemma. Do I keep my thoughts to myself and thus escape the battle? Or do I step out into the fray and then expend energies in defence of my thoughts?

    In the last topic I ask the question, When Satan entered Judas, and Jesus says, ” That thou doest do quickly.” To whom was Jesus speaking?

    If I just take a look at verse 27…”And after the sop Satan entered him (Judas) Then said Jesus unto him (Satan or Judas)”….Jesus knew Satan had entered, Jesus knew to whom he was speaking.

    In spite of the fact that Satan gets a lot of the blame for our weaknesses. Satan is under the authority of God.He must obey when commanded by God to submit and obey.

    Satan was allowed to tempt Jesus. It was up to Jesus to accept the lie Satan put forth or reject it. As the man. Satan even teased Jesus and said if you are the Son of God jump off this high place, because it is written that the angels will protect you. Was Satan trying to get Jesus to die before the appointed time? Or just another test?

    God is in control of all events. Evrything happened in the story of the crucifiction exactly as God directed it to happen.

    The only two who really had a choice was Jesus of Nazareth the man, and God the Father.


  2. poohpity says:

    No battles here just my own thoughts.

    It seems that satan can tweek things just a bit to go against what God intends. But God in His infinite wisdom can use even those tweeks to turn them around for our good. I am so grateful and amazed at His grace. There must be a reason as to why God has not banished satan up to this point. It maybe to give us a choice of which we will listen to. Love or indifference.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    I agree Deb, We are the prize, you and I and all of mankind. God has a future place for all who choose to follow Him. The choice as to whether or not, God gives to us, the choice.

    All of Christ’s examples are a clear eye opener to any of us who want to be on the side of good over evil.

    Satan said to Jesus, It is given me to give these cities and glories of this world to give to whomever I want. This is temptation.

    We are told also that it is God who places kings and those in authority.

    So was Satan lying when he offered Jesus these things?

    Or was it because this was the time for Jesus to be tempted? Luke 4:2 “Being forty days tempted by the devil..”

    I think we can still learn from Job, that Satan can only do as God allows.

    Tweek? Yes and even twist, but God is always a step ahead and in control.

    At the end of the age there is war in heaven and at that time Satan is cast down to the earth Rev 12:7-10. But not until then.
    It is exciting that in verse 11 ” They over came him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death”. Who? Our brethern. Each of us.

    God wants doers of the word, and he gives us the power to do so, all we need do is choose to.

    And like you Deb, these are my thoughts.


  4. Mike says:

    Does Satan really tweak or twist thing? Wow, what a thought-provoking idea. When is it Satan, and when is it us? Demons are real, evil is real, spiritual warfare is real, temptation and lust of the flesh is real.

    Jesus came to die for our sins, but he said, Mat 26:24 “The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” Doesn’t this definately imply a choice on Judas’s part?

  5. Regina says:

    Hello Fellow Bloggers,

    I hope all is well with you and your families.

    Your blog topics are coming too fast! :-) …didn’t get to say anything on the Jar of Water topic. Iv’e been a little busy lately though. I’ll definitely check in when I have more time.


  6. Puddleglum says:

    I agree with Deb and Steve. There is a wordly idea that Satan is God’s opposite.
    That of course is not true. Satan is a created being, he had a beginning and he will have an end. He has no original thoughts or ideas. He tries to thwart God’s plans by tempting us and twisting our thinking in order to cause us to be disobedient.He is also called the accuser of the bretheren. It does sound too simple but I think God allows him to remain in order to test our faith and that through faith we might overcome.
    A further thought. When God tests our faith it is not so that He will know how strong we are, He already knows that, but so we will know realise our own strength. I hope I’m not rambling to much, these too are just my thoughts on this Easter eve.

  7. poohpity says:

    Mike, you might look at Genesis 3 to see how satan twisted the truth and then the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness Matt. 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13. These temptations by satan were for quick fixes, power, pride, easy solutions, and testing God. God teaches the exact opposite.

    Ken do you think God tests our faith? I do not believe that he would put us in that position to possibly fail. I know that some believe that but I can not bring myself to think that. That is just me. Like you I do not believe that satan is the opposite of God. I also believe satan is a created entity who is opposed to God.

    All in all God has provided a way out for us, in which I am so grateful.

    Regina you can still post on the last topic, we can see at the bottom when you do so we can read it.

    Bob in England miss you. Hope you are enjoying your new job.

    Hope everyone has a blessed Resurrection Sunday!!!

  8. SFDBWV says:


    Happy Easter morning to all.


  9. rxman says:

    I’ve always wondered if Judas agonized over the thoughts that Satan was putting in his mind. Did he accept them with no thought of whether they were good or evil? Was he just a pawn in this story that is our life and relationship with God?

    I realize that free will is given to all of us, but what made Judas do what he did? Hadn’t he been with Jesus all this time. What keeps me from doing Satan’s bidding like Judas?

  10. Puddleglum says:

    When I say that God tests our faith it is in the same sense that He allowed Satin to test Job.
    When He allowed that He already knew what the outcome would be, Satan did not.
    Somewhere in Pauls writings,(I wish I had a memory for all the book and verse references) He talks about us having to suffer trials but that the Lord will not lay on us more than we can bear.
    He does this to stretch and strengthen our faith.
    I suffer daily pain from a back condition called Scolliosis. I have prayed to be released from the pain but that has not happened. I believe that He is saying to me as he did to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you.” This has not caused me to give up on Him but it has brought me closer to Him.
    He never promised us a rose garden in this world. He said, “In this world you will have trouble”, but He also said He would be
    with us.
    Without these trials in my life I know I would drift away from Him. The testing He allows keeps me clinging to Him.
    In the end I think I will find out that it was not Me that was clinging to Him, but He that was hanging on and keeping me.

  11. pegramsdell says:

    In Acts 1, we read:

    15 During this time, when about 120 believers[d] were together in one place, Peter stood up and addressed them. 16 “Brothers,” he said, “the Scriptures had to be fulfilled concerning Judas, who guided those who arrested Jesus. This was predicted long ago by the Holy Spirit, speaking through King David. 17 Judas was one of us and shared in the ministry with us.”

    18 (Judas had bought a field with the money he received for his treachery. Falling headfirst there, his body split open, spilling out all his intestines. 19 The news of his death spread to all the people of Jerusalem, and they gave the place the Aramaic name Akeldama, which means “Field of Blood.”)

    20 Peter continued, “This was written in the book of Psalms, where it says, ‘Let his home become desolate, with no one living in it.’

    Maybe God already knew how Judas would turn out? Seems kinda unfair, but Judas was always complaining about money, when he should have been enjoying just being a follower of Jesus. I think Judas loved money more than Jesus, and loving money is the root of all evil….

  12. pegramsdell says:

    Ken, you will be in my prayers. :)

  13. saled says:

    Maybe Satan does overplay his hand. Did he know that Jesus’ death would result in his own defeat? If he did, then his entering into Judas must have been like me when playing chess and knowing that I’m going to lose: might just as well get it over with.

    I do take comfort in the fact that God can use the worst mischief and darkest strategies of Satan to defeat him at his own game. Three weeks ago today, he used one of his dark strategies in my sister’s life. Her 20 year old step-grandson took his own life. This step-grandson had been in my sister’s arms from the time he was born, and his pictures hang on her walls along with those of my daughters. So he was not her flesh and blood, but she loved him. I have a new empathy for kingsdaughter.

    As so often, it was about a girl and about alcohol.
    How could we be comforted if not for the hope that we have in Jesus’ resurrection, the hope that He will set all wrong things right. Yes, I am comforted by the fact that God can use Satan’s mischief and darkest strategies to defeat him at his own game.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    rxman, for the past two thousand years or so, many deep thinkers have tried to rationalize the story of Judas. I wish there were a concensus. There is not.

    He anguished over his actions to such a degree as to kill himself for his part in the story.

    In a way, that is what happens to any of us that give in to evil instead of love. We destroy our lives.

    It is written that God is no respector of man, so would God use Judas as the vessel for Satan to enter for the purpose of betraying Jesus? Did Judas really have a choice?

    I don’t fully know.

    What keeps you from doing Satan’s bidding? You do, with the aid of the Holy Spirit. But think not that the struggle is ever fully over. The conflict will continue, and every day you will have to choose whom to follow, by your own act of will. Put on the full armor of God each morning and be prepared for battle.

    Because of the sacrifice and the Victory at the cross, we have power that Judas did not.

    Just my thoughts.


  15. Puddleglum says:

    Thank you for your prayers.
    God is so good. Today I will witness the baptism of my 14 year old grandson.
    Praise God

  16. poohpity says:

    1 Corinthians 10:13, No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

    Matthew 27:3-10, 3When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. 4″I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.” 5So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.

    6The chief priests picked up the coins and said, “It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.” 7So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. 8That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day. 9Then what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: “They took the thirty silver coins, the price set on him by the people of Israel,10and they used them to buy the potter’s field, as the Lord commanded me.”

  17. xrgarza says:

    I have not read todays blog I simply wanted to wish my small group a very Happy Resurrection Day!


  18. pegramsdell says:

    Happy Resurrection Day to you too Rocky. Saw your facebook. :)

    Re: Judas….God also made some for honor and some for dishonor…..

    Also…Mart, I watched “Behind the Easter Story” today. Enjoyed it very much. Touring the area and seeing how the levels changed, and the info about the tomb, also about where Jesus was crucified. Very interesting. Thank you.

  19. poohpity says:

    Happy Birthday Rocky!

    Peg, I also watched this morning. It was very good and it was a joy to watch Mart doing what he does. A face to the words, both gentle.

  20. scout1 says:

    Happy Easter to All!!

    What a joyous Day! I also watched “Behind the Easter Story” -great program. Thank you Mart and DOD!! Please continue what you do -it is a big blessing!


  21. plumbape says:

    Christ knew all men, and had wise and holy ends in taking Judas to be a disciple. How he who knew Christ so well, came to betray him, we are here told; Satan entered into Judas. It is hard to say whether more mischief is done to Christ’s kingdom, by the power of its open enemies, or by the treachery of its pretended friends; but without the latter, its enemies could not do so much evil as they do. (Lu 22:7-18)

  22. plumbape says:

    from a commentary I found on Bible Gateway

  23. plumbape says:

    Another tidbit I read that made me think;

    Christ did not die for us because we are valuable; we are valuable because Christ died for us…!
    Thank You Jesus

  24. poohpity says:

    Amen, ape!!

  25. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Just want to say HAPPY EASTER to you all.

    Deb, the job is going well and the weather is good and lots of people hireing boats.
    I am knackered, you will have to get Stacy to tell you exactly what that means.

    Bob xxx


  26. pegramsdell says:

    Does that mean you wear knickers???? lol

  27. poohpity says:

    You do even what to know what I think it means, lol.

  28. poohpity says:

    I meant you “do not”.

  29. Rainbow says:

    God Blessed Easter!!

    No one could thwart God’s wonderful plan of salvation. Not even Pilate, who thought he had the authority to free or crucify Jesus. John 19:10-16

    10″Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” 11Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” 12From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jews kept shouting, “If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.” 13When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic is Gabbatha). 14It was the day of Preparation of Passover Week, about the sixth hour. “Here is your king,” Pilate said to the Jews. 15But they shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!” “Shall I crucify your king?” Pilate asked. “We have no king but Caesar,” the chief priests answered. 16Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified.

    We’re either on God’s side or we’re not. Judas had a choice to repent.. but he chose to end his life. One of the two thieves on the cross, beside Jesus knew he had sinned and… he asked Jesus to remember him.

    Let’s be grateful for God’s unfailing love… in worshipping and praising Him in our hearts always!

    May the Joy of His salvation be in each and every one of you all.. His children.

  30. poohpity says:

    I wonder if Judas did not repent when Matthew 27:4 says he understood he had sinned but he could not live with the fact that he had betrayed Jesus so he killed himself.

  31. difranci says:


    I was faced with this question to which I had no answer..God plans evrything..He has everything in control..so It was His plan that Jesus die..and again His plan Judas sin..so did Judas have a choice?..was it God’s will that he sin and die?

  32. SFDBWV says:

    difraci, the question was raised several times during this topic, and has no difinitive answer. Other than God is God and does as He pleases.

    Jesus told Judas, after Satan had entered him (Judas), to go and do it quickly..So either Judas was already planning on betraying Jesus or Satan knew already what to do.

    No other instruction was written for our understanding.

    If it were God’s will for Judas to betray Jesus, nothing would stop that not even Judas’s free will could twart God’d will.

    On the other hand, since the matter of the sacrifice hinged on all of the evil things done by men, the end result being the passion and sacrifice. All were carried out in accordence with God’s will.

    Jesus had ask God if it were possible to let this cup pass from Him, But the cup did not pass from Him because it was God’s will it be done.

    Maybe, just maybe, when we all get to sit down with Christ in that heavenly realm…Judas will also be there. Maybe by then Judas will have been able to forgive himself, as we already know Christ forgave him while hanging on the cross.

    Don’t dwell too long on the matter, dwell instead on the love Jesus’s sacrifice represents.


  33. SFDBWV says:

    Want to give thanks to God for the miracle of those 115 coal miners rescued after being traped for a week in China….Interesting the rescuers called it a miracle.

    Thank you Lord for those men.


  34. Grace48 says:

    Amen Steve.

    To dwell on this matter too long,it boggles my simple mind.

    Today’s Our Daily Bread seems a good way to get past the effects of what troubles and questions in faith that I can’t understand with my finite mind can do.

    Tried this and it works and I don’t understand that either but I praise God for this, too.

  35. poohpity says:

    Amen, Steve!!

  36. marma says:

    Here’s a thought: with Judas betraying Jesus, Satan still did not know what Jesus would do, how everything would come down. Maybe he thought that Jesus would defend himself, or buckle under the torture.

    I remember when reading CS Lewis’ Perelandra that the main character realized that Satan didn’t have a particular argument that he was in favor of, that he would do anything, try anything to try to get the “Eve” character to sin. I think Lewis had something there.

  37. pegramsdell says:

    Well said Steve, clears thing up a bit. Glad to hear about the miners also.

    Something to think about marma…..

  38. pegramsdell says:

    ….maybe satan can’t see the future. only knows what the scriptures say.

  39. poohpity says:

    It is so true, marma. There is so much in this day and age to get our eyes off of God so I imagine satan has a field day.

  40. marma says:

    Praise God for that miracle. Praying for the rest.

    Steve–Good advice to not dwell too much on the darkside. “Whatsoever things are honest, of good report…”

    Good to remember that the Enemy has his limits and that God is in control.

  41. marma says:

    pegramsdell: Interesting question; I don’t think I’ve thought about that before, just assumed. However, I don’t know of any indication that he knows anything except the present and scripture, from scripture. He doesn’t have any of the attributes of God.

  42. char says:

    the scripture in Rom. 8:28 applies here; it tells us that God uses all things for the good of those who love Him. i take that to mean everything, good, bad, or indifferent can be used by God for our good if only we love Him.

  43. difranci says:

    Thank u Steve…it’s so very true!

  44. dmetcalf777 says:

    I believe Satan thought he could “beat the system”. Being the “prince of lies”, he deluded himself to believe that, even with Christ’s death, he could still be victorious. Oops…

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